rfM a -jf- ,h.. t,f. vi b-;ifhlun 1 i i "C9 z&Br,!L&W- 'MOT . The mot. Tbe ftuowlag out si err- - 1 ' 1 11111 it rtJ ViT.l iT-i. km ! '"7 lo r.trr W. will . 1. .h.,w r.,o How you from S3 " 1 'U"' ' SilT,H BALLSTT CO.. B BOO, fol!li.M.. M.i HOW'S YOUR FENCE? -i -. ,u t;h rt of !U bulk U d-.-atjl We have the CHEAPEST and Best WOVEN WIRE FENCING k Wire Rope Selvage. ' AO INCKd HIGH AT 90 CENTS Pitt &0D. . nnritan Pmiltnr nnil Stof ii FfnrfnH. all m.ze and width. Gates tomatcb. J'riwulow. tiold by dtlrs- Frelcht Paid, Sprid f'.rcirrulars. MeMiJ-LKM WOVtS WIKKFKSrmil., tHH 4tiO, ILL. S.-Ali-U.-1 I.AW uU CKAlKTfcU V Irene. IP YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVER Stt?B SMITH & WESSON'S FlnMt small nan u fart urod & and the first choli;o l uil rxpnrta. in canurwi ic, SH aurl 44-111. Hlnirle or inerUiB and target model. fe quality wrougni iphI. (tjircfijllv iiiKin'ctcd for workmanship and stock. Unrivaled fori liot be dec-elvetj by cheap malleable iron imitationa offcm twlil lor th Rttiuiiift article. Th-y are unre liable and dangerous. The Smith ft Wkksom Ke volvehs are 8Uumel upou the barrels wllb firm's name, aMrma and dates of patents, and aro guar miteed prfect. Inslt upon having Ihcm, aud If yur dealer cannot Hupply you, an order Hunt toad drew below v 111 rncelve prompt atrootlou. Ikoorip tlve catalogue and prices upon application. b.UXTU Ac WESSON, hpriuafleld. Slams flnlnh. ilnpuhilil v n nil nr-mmfv. iiiiisMli! "TUB TTHELK8S TOILER FOR TKaMBP Yom-3, B-csioas to pleaso, ii. I. Huntley. Aflk ynsr doalor for Ed. L. Huntloy A Co. '8 .OTHING If otir pooon aro nrt In tbe handB of eoro b'VOHl,ki'.V l:ii in your noction, you can PKO DUKK TiU-M from the liKKT KNOWN and tortfoHt Ma iL-Oaui.it V Loloaalu Clothing Housh (11 tbe wm'ict, nt prices tlmt will MAKE YOUR syos Hiiuound uKKl YOU guenHiiig how we can. ilford T6 )H IT. If your DKALEK does not it'i'p our gooilK. twnil to ua and we WILL) fur oinli you a Suit or t)vercoat, exproBB or mail paid, ou r twdptif price. We will win and hold your pittruungo If you ry ua with an order 1 W tiave built up thin iinmcuae buuinofia by our PAINSTAKING niothoda. and by doing by otlj jra aa we wonftl bo dono by. Ed. 1i. Huntlkt & Co., Stylo Originators. In ordering Suits or Overcoats observe strictlv followiuff rules for measure ment : Breast measure, over voht-, ciose np un ior arms. WaiBt measure, over pontu. Inside leg xntiasure, from crotch to heel. References FirBt National Bonk of Chi? aRO capital $3,000,000; Continental National Bonk of Chicago, capital $2,000,000. ED. L HUNTLEY & CO., Manufact urers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing wr man, Boys and children, 122 and 124 Market St , tiucago, III. p. 0. Box 667. TIllv PIONEER Jewelry EstaMi Still Contiuties to Sell WATCHES, : ' CIiOCKS, J33WEUH.Y, ETC. At the Lowest Possible Prices. . A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame ' thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always on Hand A Full Line of musioIj iktsthtt- MEWTS, ' Has been added to his lnrge and rell eeleoted stoct. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worli Guarantoecl. 8T0HE opposite Minor, Dodeon & Co's May St.. IIopiier, ... oreeoa -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route." TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United States. Canada and Europe. ELEGINT NEW DINING CARfes I'ullman Palace Sleepers, FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS ; Rim Throogh on all Express Trains to sOMAHA, Council I51uf fj AND SA.NSAS CITY Il'ttioiit Change. '; . - Close Connection at Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound Points. . ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) davs, making the trip in 60 hours. Ctobt'n, fl6- Steerage, $S.OO Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00t For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, C. S. 3IELLIX. G. P. fc T. A. General Traffic Manaqer. vea th Mnce ofil rMuri-ti to 4o ll to ih wl e2 , ZJW--.l . TV if - A ' the w.rt-ld. Perfect l-jr 30LID fiOLD btuitiDK rte. 'I i .... ONE FEKsOSin and valunblr lineof II Ollholl tt-fV. forfthrr with our lanre Snmilv. Tht-M aanies, a well r mid yen to those ho call your irith:! about v.u that nlwayi riolta ,-liicli hiilrte lur'vi-ars when once aUrted, W- pay all fcaprrs. lreiht, etc. After :itii like (o Ur work for oa. you ran Ut ,.,-r ui-k and 111. wards. Addrftt. you knownil, if nm from Mt0 Mt-imoii fc Co., are tno?c up Dy D. US. FEE?.? & CG. Who ar the J-arest Seedsmen in the world. SEED" BAIAL tor IBqo will lie i.:ii!ie l riie, to all applicants, a.; J to !;tst eaii.jii's cus- I . ... 1, ;c , ,h , r Ku- I cry person using Garden, Flower ! yr Field bbbUarlioulU sendtont. D. M. FE R3Y & CO. ?ct LOST or FAIUKO MAMKOOTjj ieenerlndHJiaV0C3 DEBXI.I1Y; ulof Zrrorsor Excesses in Old or Y 0125. 8tr.lti.nKAK, LSUTKUFEDO(,ABi PARTS ill ftOItr. 2bMlul.lT nnr.1lln HOHL TKEATJIE.ST BMllt. In dar. ,i Latlfy from 60 Btit.s .nd l-vrelg. (oaatrl.fc Writ, theau Aotaai ER1B MECICAL CO., BUFFALO, H. V. Its weari or qu?il i t i.v i ( r Outlast. oer two bux-jf; of . affectod by heat. t-iTt- A'.'l FOKBALK BY PEA iJ-.fr MONUMENT . . AND 1 Canyon City STGJU I j I NT1, Ciias. II. Lee, IVoprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY EX CEl'T SUNDAY. FAKE: Canyon City to Rlonunient : : S5.00 " " ' Long Creek : : 3 00 This is the qniokest and cheapest ronte to Portland from all yoints in this viciuty. From Terminal or interior Points the Pacifi BAILBOAB! Is the line to take To'all Points East and South. It is the DINING CAR EOTJT E. It runs Throitfih VESTIBULE!) TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR :TO :AND: (No Change of Cars) Composed of LINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS . Of Latest Equipment, Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are both FREE and furnished for holders of First or Second-Class Tickets, and Elegant Day Coaches A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct aad Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. TIIROUGUI TICKETS To and from all points in America, Eng land ana jnrope can De pnreuasea at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, PORTLAND OREGON. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, BT WAT OP THE Southern Pacific Company's Line THE PIT. SHHSTH BOIITE. Qnieker in Time than Any Other Route Between Portlands San Franeiseo. Leave Portland at 4 P. 31., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from f'ortland to Sacramento and San Fran cisco: rnlfmiicd Limited First-Class " " JSecoud-Class, .f5 .. -JO .. !5 Through Tickets to all Points South and East, VIA CAWPOHXIA. TICKET OFFICES: Citr Office. No. 134. Comer Firtt 4 Alder Streets Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OliEGON. B. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst. G. F. and Paaa.Afft. ttioskeppj-r W urajitifQ heavy. ruin. P TRADE MARK a. .sSi-.-.-pAii- c It liEO Y p-PAi P A CERTAIN CURE FOR TQQTEAOHS. 417 W. Lombard St., Balto., Md June 9, 1888. ii-tbbedof bitrep by tmtimclie ; sweilinggreut in face, ruut'd with bt. Jacobs Oil ; lirst appli cation relieved; went to sleep: morning; pain all gone, JOHN' HOHEXBJCRCtKR. In Every Bottle There is a Care. TRADE iiL , MARK!3 XL" CCHCtJERS IAIIJ. Kelieves nd cures NEURALGIA, Sciatica, tunbgs. HEADACHE. Toothache, Sprains, EKTJISES, Burns and Scalds. At rli:G';:sT-i and Ueat.krs. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER C9.. Saltimtn, Mi. ARTHUR SMITH, l-'-fiACJT.LOAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNEK, Wotches. Clocks, OREGON. .A. Optical Goods . V tii,piu's Cleaned, M;uiiFuriiie Fitted tt.60. $1.50. All loork guaranteed for one year. ESS lllp FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deraasgres tUe wtiole sys tem, auiS produces Sicli Headache, Dyspepsia, Csstiveness, Rheu matism, S&Wqw Skin and Files. Tiiere is do 3eei' resneriy fortfSiesa eoinmoii ttsee.s t!?n 'JTu?t' fl.iver California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. B. K eney, Supt. Daily staj:e (o and from Monument. fcjtH't? lenveB Heppner at C:30 A, JI. Arrivee, 5:Si P. Jit. Pendleton Sttie leavcH Heppner 6:H0 A. M. " arrives " 4:.)0 P. M. Fare to Monument, - - $5 00. Fare to Pendleton, ..- - SiOO. E. J. SLOCUM & CO., Agbkts. Freight 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ogn 8. P. FLOKKKCE. i-LOKESCr1 FLORENCE BROTHERS. STOCKRAISERS! HEPPNfilt OHEG05i. Cattle branded and "mr-marked ?is shown uliove. Horses F on right uliuuidor. Our cattle mnpein Mc-tow, Gilliam. Onritilla and Whkuo ctmuties. will pay 1(K).00 rtt warr! for tho arrest and conviction of any person stealing our Block. T- .-Sr . -', Wi. $ SAFETY REPEATING fe N ng theI,3S,and 14 Winchester Jt MODHL 0i ; solid Top receiver, l rromthcsUlt... a-vfrom ;0J ' i.U;V 1 nAJiuTGui g o fiii-e of li.c stijoter. .. SlllCriG p greater jr:?:f sill'. r;n.;i!t;s tiie hest : B AfiOIIIAOY hoot!ns rlfie in tho i? ACCUSAGY than any W w'"'u- p ihnjr natti X'9 Blf'"'' f- i SAFETY JS,i, worknUM.bl!..tll.:l1 a-d unnfl fSjfioiiracy ol moottos; oc-B NiJUtL, ffg; I tononc. S g 1 889. tefLr WRITE U3 g ics auswerod pronirK'.y. Pi X'' 'o show yon our riiles. i.r a irf. f. complete dfH'ripi.icnci th host M f write fur illustrated Catalogue D, 3 Sauud Hiit .uaa y'J., m NEW HAVEN, CCMN., U. S. A. ,.- LYMAH'S PAT. RIFLE SIS0T3 Are Unequalled both for Hiintinsand Target S.hootinx Pend for Tatalogne A, showing Sights ana Rifiey of latest design- Acdeess, W3T- LYMAN, Klddlefield, Ct. IDSAl RElSADltia T3G5.sO FOB ALI, ty! RIFLES, Pistols liJJi sadShotCuns. Vfes. Bept rs" the "Wosld. Send! irvJ for lllnstrdtcd Iiescriptive 2 e Circular. Jtyjil IDEAL. MF'G CO., $8 Box 1064 C Kcw Haven, Conn. 6. !J ESI . ! feosL 5 now TO ATTAIN HAPPlSEif?. ; Id a work recently issued by Car-1 dinal tribbous, there is a chanter ! on ta (tiyuity it layor, m y. :lll,nr 1 lays down live rule; i or hey the nltaiutueiit of happint.s. are as tollows: 1. Cultivate a spirit of industrv, without which all the appliances of organized labor are unavailing. A life of patient industry is sura to be blessed with a competence, it is not crowned with an abundant remuneration. Tbe majority of our leading men of wealth are in debted for their fortunes to their own industry. Take an active per sonal, conscientious interest in the business of your employer, and the more you contribute to his success the better he can afford to compen sate you for your sevvic33. He will be impelled to requite you with a generous hand. 2. Foster habits of economy and selt-denial. No matter how modest vour income mav be. r.l- waya live under it. You will thus ' protect your liberty and business j integrity aud guard yourself! against the slavery of deot. j 3. While honestly striving to! better your condition be content with your station in life, and do not yield to an inordinate desire of abandoning your present occu pation for what is regarded as a more attractive vocation. A fever ish ambition to accumulate fortune, which may be called our national distemper, is incompatible witiTj peace of mmd. 4. Sobriety will ba an angel of tranquility and comfort to yourself and family. 5. Above all, let religion be queen of your household. , When the evening of your life has come and your earthly labors are draw ing to a close, it will cheer you with bright prospects of an eterna sabbath. j A I'KDHLS'S HAPPY. J A poor woman called on tiie mayor this morning to inquire into the expense of securing a peddler's license for her husband who is un able, she said, fo do hard labor. Mayor Wheelright looked up the city ordinance on the subject and informed the womau that the city required a license of So a quarter. "That is very high," she said "I fear we cannot pay it." "I will advance the money," said Mayor Wheelwright, "and he can pay me SI a month until he pays it off." "I thank you very much, sir, but am almost afraid to undertake it. IFe might not be able to pay you," she said. "The money is yours If you de sire to try." The womau modestly replied: "We will try it, and thanks. The mayor thrust his hand down into a pocket and from a palm full of silver and gold picked out a 85 gold piece and gave it to' her. The woman dropped her eyes, which were swimming in tears, murmured another "Thank you sir," and passed out the door, which the mayor stepped forward and held open for her. Tacoma Af'H.'S. WASHINGTON. At Voncouver Feb. 20, Lieut. E. H. Clarke, of Co. 11., W. K G., fell across a large circular saw, which almost cut him in twain. He bled to death in a short time. The citizens of Lewiston, Idaho, have proposed to raise a subsidy of !?100,000, to a company that will build a railroad from that city to bpokane Falls. Iu the suit against the Lake Snore and Seattle Rail Company tor au injunction and the apnoint- meut of a receiver, a chanee of I venue irom Spokane Falls to Seat tle has been granted by Judge Piake. S. E. Cramer will be appointed postmaster at Cheney, Wash. The term of the present incumbent es- pires on account of the office be., coming presidential. The funeral of Miss Eessie Long, daughter of Hon. A. J. Long, liv ing six miles east of Goldendale, Wash, took place "Tuesday. She w as 16 years old and weighed 300 pounds. - Melting snow caused a washout on the side of the Columbia hills, twenty miles south of Goldendale, (I'ash., on Sunday last, exposing the tusk of a mammoth. It was live feet in diameter at the large end and seven or eight feet long. A handsome brick building will replace the "White house, recently burned at JFalla II alia. OEEGOX. Damon Smith, a Harrisburg, Lane county, druggist, was called out of his bed one night last week to fill a prescription, and when he reached the store was bound, gag ged and robbed of S900 and a watch. During a short absence from the room, a 2-year-old child of Wilson Scott living ten mites west of Cor vallis was burned to death Feb. 27. William King attempted suicide at Echo, Peb. 25. Despondence over his losses was the cause. His purpose was prevented by his friends. L. S. TJ "alker was arrested Feb 21 at Coryallis for the robbery of Damon Smith, the druggist at Harrisburg. If alker made a con fession implicating Ollie Briggs of Harrisburg, and that $800 was con cealed in a wood shed at that place. Work has been commenced on a ll' i A In Climate, the Italy of America. In Jlaaafacturiug, the coining Pittsburg of the Smth. In Elevation, the pikesPeak of the Piedmont Bang IX IJEALTIIFULM'JSS, THE SAXITARIUM The present Mecca for Northern Investors and wo pionift's leoorc Mini Hftssni Oct. 15, 1889, contract signed for completing Iron Furnace. Oct. 23, 1880. contract signed for Cotton Mill and Bieachery Nov. 1, 1889, contract signed for Edison Klectric Light Plant Xov.15, 188'.), contract signed for Jeans and Overall Factory .. Nov.25, 1889, contract signed for Foundry and Machine Works Dec. 1, 1881), contract signed for Soap Manufactory Works Dec. 9, 1889, contract signed for Cotton Hosiery mills Dec. 12, 1889, contract signed for pressed brick works Dec.25, 18S9, contract signed for Tallapoosa Distillery Dec.31, 1889, contract signed for starting Glass Works Jan. 10, 1890, contract signed for Jan.17, 1S90, contract signed for Ja.ii,-29, 189(1, contract signed for Till Tal! Total Arid an Aai'ur Factory, K;Itn Mill, Most of thfi above contracts are now industries now building; completed. which, on itie nsuid basis of computation Tjerons, while the pro5eut population oj "HE For a Northern settlor are: Slild pleasant Winters, cooler snmniers than iu the North, pefcet healthfulness, wonderful mineral springs that have cured hundreds of cases of rheumatism, kidney and urinary troubt, dyspepsia, consumption and kindred diseases; pare freestone water, hisb elevation, Northern society; (the largest. G. A. R.iljre in the South, in propor tion to poijuintiou, t'-nd first Women's Relief Corps orjnnized in the state), free schools and !o' taxation, EXEMPTION Free site an i other inducementi offered to taiinuEactttring and other inditatri ton. iron coal and timbor in abundance. NOW IS Before the n lvnnoe in p ices tlmt will surelv follow th- (Treat, inllui of mni.ulV.cturine establi ctents now looatit:" LUxUHNG LOXd AKK ADVANCING KAt'lULY mi.l will dr.p.lile in valne before the end of U first rear. Send for prospectus of the city, terms na.t )triee list ot butldiuj.; lots, copy of Tallnponsu J'ncd. and fall ii.forn or come and see for yourself ih truth of the stntwueots we ink;. If not found as represented, (1ir expenses will be Iu. ihia rraimstiv. besides IiDeral compeustittoti '.or onr nm- ivnoe.-s i -J 17 1 E O W new bridge across the J plliaraette river at the foot ol Madison street, Portland. The bridge will be 165-1 feet in length between approaches. Ed. McReynards, charged with seduction was held by justice Bishop, of Pendleton, in 1,000 bail to await the action ot the grand jury. Hail was promptly furnished. The SlaU'sniaii says; Salem's new woolen mill will be iu lull op eration within a and on Saturday, be given a pubiii verv snort tune March 8th, will opening. GENERAL SEWS. ' Two thousand men on the North Liverpool docks have struck for higher wages. . The United States steamer En terprise has arrived at New York, bringing the body of George H. Pendleton, late United States min ister to Berlin. The statement that Mexican del egates to the Pan-American Con gress are endeavoring to create the impression that the United States covets a portion of the Mexican territory is officially denied. W. P. Fursniau, the Poutlac, 111., defaulter and forger, was ar rested at Naw Orleans Thursday. He skipped from Pontiac last No- vember, having defaulted xxuuson, Burr & Co., of Bloomingtou, 111., and Eastern loan agents out of $200,000 by forged mortgages. Thos. O'Brien was hanged at Lexington, Ky., Thursday, for the murder of his wife and her unborn babe. The marriage was clandes tine, the girl retaining her maiden name, Bettie Shea. At the same time O'Brien was engaged to mar ry another girl, and was inti mate with a disreputable woman. The fire in the Cameron colliery at Shamokin, Pa., is burning with increased activity, the slope being full of smoke and gas, making the work of fighting the tire extremely perilous. General Superintendent 1! illinins and Mme Foreman JJreunan were prostrated by the gas, and were taken out unconsci ous. Two men imprisoned in the colliery escaped through an old d!:" i- l noi oto ,.h-a ii... Drs. T. Blackburn and AY. E. Grant prominent physicians in Louisville, Ky., were arrested Feb. 25, for grace robbing. A negro was also captured and the negro driver in attempting to escape was killed. John Jacob Astor died at his residence, in New York, Feb. 23. Destructive rain and wind storms passed orer Kentucky and Tennessee Feb. 25, doing much damage. Alexander Coquillard, the mil lionaire wagon maufacturer, died at Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 25. David H illoughby a member of the council at New London, O., has been arrested on a charge of com plicity in a plot to blow open a hotel safe. Ex-President TFallack, of the Sixth National bank, New York, has been indicted for perjury. Mrs. Lovel Greeley, sister of the late Horace Greeley, died last week at Spring Creek, Pa. At the home of Frank Washa, four miles from Montgomery, Minn., Thomas Yindra shot and instantly killed Miss Lizzie Washa. He then fatally shot Frank WTeaver and ended the tragedy by blowing out his own brains. Jealousy. Ewahl Osterman, aged 26, claiming to be an Englishman, was committed yesterday at Jersey City for three months as a vagrant. II- 'hen stripped at prison, a money belt was found ou him containing 500 iu Bank of England notes, aad diamonds worth at least $1800. At Springfield, La., Feb. 10, J- g j 5 POOSA, GEORGIA ipoosa Cabinet V Ol'ilS ,'oosa jieclitiiiig cuair Company IV Fact C:ir Works and other l::rge iur.nuf:'.ctories under construction, and ".ii to 1 running OVER ii- Ol'Lu Ail Vila be employed in tuuifactnrini (one en tor every eve ot pupuiurioni tiie city ia 2-5u0. (?.t:jo:iiy -Northern people.) j ADVANTAGES - OF TALLAPC0SA Fill TAXATION FOR THE TD1E TO LOCATE 01 EST IS TALLAPOOSA, GA, TALLAPOOSA LAXD, MIKING C. II hite, deputy snenff was killed by assassins. Harmon Kin c!ii was dangerously wounded. Lueieu Morgan and a man named Hale were arrested. The entire property of the (Jrse liiie convent tit Pittsburg, Pa., will bo offered at public sale in spite of the pope. The sale is the out come of a quarrel between Mother superior Alp-house and Bishop Phelan who deposed iuotner ai- phonse aud placed another in charge. The property is valued at $400,000. The committe on territories has decided to report favorably a bill for the admission ot Idaho. A tornado swept through the southern portion of Hot Sritigs, Ark., Feb. 26, doing considerable damage. There was fearful de struction of property between that place and the Wichita river. The president has made the fol lowing nominations: Register of land offices: Ed. I)'. Cross at JJ'alla ji'alla; James E. liussel at Couer d'Aiene, Idaho. The damage done by the cyclone at Brownsville Teun., Feb. 25, was fifty thousand dollars. One wo man was killed, and two children severely hurt. George Clark, one of the mur derers of Win. McCauslaud, an Allegheny City drover, in Septem ber, 1877, was hanged at Waynes burg Feb. 26. l-itile A!)5 Liu(;o!n Milcit Better. London, Feb. 2S. Lincoln's son wai cheery daring the day, and took nonr isliin.'' food. He is restinsr traiiqttilly to- n.'b'ht. lie is not yd oitt of danger. STOCK BliASllS. - Wl'.iie you keop our snh-icriptioi! paid up yon can k-cp your lrui:.l m free ot ch:irt:e. (.' it Af'.ktu. Uorsos. X on rix'r.l shoiili'or: frit tie, C 11 on right hip ilunsrs in G'ruut nitd Mor row emtnti'-s. Aiikir.s. J J Horses. JA connected on let! flai.k: cno:e. sa.'iie IT left Nip. Il!i-.'ikir.i.n. (ieo.. riardi-D:in Hor.-tv;, a flag on I.'fr houidpr; c-i'tle, :::no ,-,n riiist sl-oulrier. jieimett, t y 'ors-s, ri ou left shoulder, lirowfi, .1 C Hort.es. circle U with dot in .cri teron left iiip; cattle, himie. Hoyer, W t. Lena Hors-. hos brand or T h hi!) cattle, same, v.-itli split in each ear. .. P. O. Hnpsfo, P li on left shoulder; oat- t r. s:eea on le-tt tir. Krieti. T. r'.. Lono Hook. Horses o with tar under Ra-; ooi on riitlit shoom!-. Harhin.V-7!-- -Viorse, .1 ii - hi r:-tht rhi th ; cattle, same on riitiit iiip; eplit in each ear. V:n. tin ii", ii"i;n)!ienr.--lln!mis horses !! on !.t shoulder, ltano. dram and .-un-row cotin- tie i;!si-r Gentry. F.oi . Or. --Horses branded H. vie ovr it. on 1-dt stir!. K-iii Mn row aed Liinatiilueoniitii-s. iiis-.n. O. D. C;,t!ie hn.--d. O O o-ri left hip !,ors.-- same brand on riiit shonider. Kanse, id -iiee. J., I.r-r.a Horses, 1)0 on riht shoulder: -:M". same ou r:t;et lop: ear mark square cro -it h-it aii-i split in r'wtM. Comii. ltY- ltorrw.oQ on left stifle. ( un-nivi-ao e, w ij, .-Ne-.vtr-n liaru-h !!ore nh ii: J undi- h:n-.Me h-fl p and -Ii , lei eat n?;il-:.. tlar liaan Ua'.tl3; ft 1U.. (V.pntT, i A Horses H O 071 I-ft honlder; catue il t" on left sl-ie, sv.:viiow fork on ristiit ear. It. E. Cochran. M-imenrnt. (rraat Co , Or. Hoi-mm bi.ind.ci circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cal ;!e r-.-uno b.and on both hips, mark under ejopo botii ears and dewiap. '.V-n. Do-!!;;in. horv. -i branded OO with bar hver them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left oil). ljororlass, W I'd Cattle. R L' on rlht side, steal lov-i'ork in eaeli ear: horst K 1) on left hip. J. K.l-ily.x Sons, horses b.-itmied ELY on left shoulder, cattle same ou left hip. hole in ritdi ear. r'leok. Jarhson. Horses. 717 connected on rii-t shoulder: cattle same on riiott hip. E;o- mark, hoje in rmht and crop otf left. Li-naliei:, Joim W. Horses brandi-tl half-circle JJ. connected ou loft shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip. Ih-.ne. near ijsinijlon. l"!orei:ee, L- A Cat'.ie. LI-' on ria:ht hip; horses. F with bar under on ri-ht shoulder. Floo-nee, S ir1 li'orst-s, F on ri-ht shoulder catTie. 1-' cn ri-r'tt hip or thi-rh. Ar-.nsfronK. J . C., Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of horses: cattie same on left hip. fray, Henry GAi' on left shoulder. Ciohie, Frank Horses, 7 i on left stifle; cattle, gr-me on riitht hip. cjatmure. A. L. Horses. 31 oa riitht shoulder, Munsakfir, TJ A Horses, 9 on ielt sisouliler; cat tie, 9 on left hip Jlnmphreys, J til. Uardman Horses, H on left flank. 1 Hiait, Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross on left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes. J AI Horses, wineglass on left ehoulder catl te. same on rilit id p. Junkin, S, il. Horses, horseshoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sania. ilango on tight Mile. Johnson, Felix Horses, circie T on left stiff. cat I !e, satne on rittiit hip, under half crop in rig; and split in left ear. Kirk. J T liocses Oil cn left shoulder: catt Gl! on left. hip. Kirk, .1 C Horses, 17 on either flank; cattle on riitht side. La-sen, Rasmus Horses, R Ii on left hip. L--v.-is, J It. Lenp. Horses, P with oyer it on left shoulder. J. W. Ijeahe7, horses branded L N on the left shoulder: cattie branded the same on left hip; wattle over riht eye, three stits m riKht ear. iiinor, Oscar. l 'attle, il i on riyht hip; horse3 M ou left shoulder. Mort-aj), S Is H'irses, SI ) on left shoulder cat t;- same on left hip. c 'limber, Jas A, Atwoo-1 Horses, 31 with bar over -a; riirhf sli-'ii'-.h-r. Morit-in, Tii;-s Hors.-.-, circle T or, Irft shoul ditr and let-, ih'-nh: eaoie, on riiriit tiii,-ti. ytitelieii, t.'scar. p.-iusville Hoises, U on ri;tht hip; '-attle. 77 on riKtit sido. ilcCiareu, Ii G 1 1 orses, i'igore 5 on each shoul der: cattle. 512 on hip. OFyilE WORLD. Sstcrs. in'aiiap cose. .150 hands .150 hands .. 10 hands 50 hands .. 50 hands .. 50 hands 150 hands .. 25 hands 25 hands ...100 hands .. 50 hands 75 hands ... 25 hands .910 hands are un V negotiation. within tlee months from date. With in liiuapoosa, tin., wxu sumrt a population ot over 5000 TEN i.' in s "locating her where we have cheap cot- ation paid AND M'FG CC TAXLATOOSA, GA. 4LIFORNIA. The San iancisco board of ed ucation estoate the expenses of; t-ue scs,)i vpartment m 1800-91 at $l,CG',pOl. Juan Iioi who killed Francisco Estreda itha knife, has been con victed atlFcsno, Cal., of man slaughter, oonu J.X.OLVQ1, a , horse-trailer, com mi Tuesday nprnng by , JoLin irxiStrer, a Ran Francisco ltted suicide hanrinf him self in a stibk He was despon dent over ace reverses.- W. McLang?in has been con victed at Sau Andreas, Cal, of murder in thelirst degree, for killing an Indiaf at Murphey's in Sei)tember, 1889. The penalty was fixed at life imprisnment, H. G. lUiison, f ColtoD, Cal., who disappear mysteriously about a week a:i, proves to be defaulter fo the tfunmt of $20,000, his wife and motlnr-in-law being the largest loosersj To euro BOi-Bsneafc Sick Headache, Consti pation, M.tria.ivcr Complaints, take the s aufl certain remedy, w Tse the S3 All Siate (40ittlc Beans to tho bottle). THiV iiiE THE MOST CONVKNIENT. S-K&itA-tde or- All Agen. Price of sitter size, 25c. per Bottle. ! "7 17 ?fl"PHOTOQRAVURE AT W PANEL SIZE. e Mailed for cts. (coppers or stamps). J.F.SMiTH&Q.ersof"BLLEBAKS,"ST.L(IUtS MO. iii.-.-:;vy e' J.v;;-i u ON SALE - 2- -3 X NOR7H and SOUTH AT- IIe-i3r.;i Oregon. J. CHART, - Agent. LOOKfAT OUR OFFER! THE GAZETTE I Is ihelBest Weekly Paper in Easiirn Oregon, yet many reqderds of our county Out the immense, coun try tributary to it, do not lake THE GAZETTE Or aiin other Live, Keicspaper. THEY MUST HAVE ! GAZETTE At leasf, and in order to benefit our friends who secure new subscriptions, we have pre pired a Mammoth List j of Premiums. HEPv2 ABE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppier Gazette nt $2.00 apiece, we wilj give a good two-horse farm wagon: (3i inch axle), worth $100. The i gfiter-up of a club has the choie, cf any make iu the market. I'.iQ subscribers secures a good lot in the Looney additon. Will fell for $250 in one year. Bj.M XiC JlgL IR0 subscribers, one walnut bed looiii set and sofa, worth !?00. 170 subscribers, 885 worth of provisions from Ileppner's stores. 1G0 subscribers, an 80 organ plain finish. A good instrument 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 1-10 subscribers, a good road cart, harness aud genuine whale bone whip, worth 80. 130 subscribers, one fine San Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand made Mexican spurs and a pair of "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price !?C5. 120 subscribers, SCO worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. Worth !?55. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A fine high-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth 50. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit. Price $50. 90 subscribers, a good 45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth 837.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth $35.00. 65 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-60 cal., and fullre loading outfit, worth $32.50. 60 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. , 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 48 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassimere two dress pat terns, worth $24. 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver 45 cal., blued or uickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. -t'l subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester rifle or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa, 33 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 41 inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 26 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13. 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at $12. 16 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. losubscribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of boots, either worth $6. 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or mer- chandisa. 9 subscribers, a barrel of the "Pe'erless" flour; worth $450. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or ladies shoes. 6 subscribers, a set of siber plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plate sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti cl in tho market worth $1.50, , 2 subscribers, $1 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few oj the many hundred Premi ums u-hich can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HEPPNER GAZETTE You represent a Live Paper one that is well establislted and which never fails to Give News in fact, it is what it purports to be a NE WSPAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort. If you do not leant those offered, you have the privilege of taking something else. If-you have Cash Subscribers enough, you will have no trouble to load yourself down with wares from Ileppner's stores. this is no "fake." we must have more subscrib ers FOR THE GAZETTE, MOPE READERS OF NEWS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE jor Sample Copies and go to work a t once. EST THIS REMAINS IN OFFEK STILL FULL FOKCE ! Those getting up Clubs Can have Cash in lieu of Pre miums, if so desired. a