THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY. Mch.6, 1S!)0. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. 31, mixed, leaves Hepnner 7:1; except Sunday. a. m. 5:tju p. m., daily CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Canyon City daily, excei t Sunday, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives daily, except. Sunday, at 5 :U(J p. M. There is a saving of 16 bonrB in time and 81(1 ip casli by taking tins route to Canyon. C. W. Lnmlar. & Cc, 429, Fifth St., Ptland, Or., are auH.orized to make tivt -Using contracts for the Gazette. Tbey will also make oolleetions for this paper. Here and There. C. M. MjJlory is in Portland. W. R. Ellis is in Portland this week. Bill Tuurburn is back from the Sound section. Phill Cohn is visiting friends and rela tives in Boise. Old papers at the Gazette office at 75 cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf. Wra. Penland reports a small loss out '20,000 head of sheep in Morrow county. G. Lt Thompson, formerly O. R. & N agent at this place, came up on Mon day's train. C. S. VanDuyn went below Tuesday to purchase a new and elegant line of spring goods. Ij. J. lavis has accepted the manage ment of the E. O. Republican, publish ed at Union. Comes WjslIi Recommexded.--y R. Creelman and R. A. Grimes, roreieut ing the Washington National liilding, Loan aud Investment Associate, of .Se attle, as special agent and assi.sint gen eral manager, respectively, were 1 Hepp ner this week and succeeded in organiz ing a local board, which mean a sub scription of not less tiiau a juxlred shares. This Loan Association tomes well recommended, and we hut every reason to hope tor help in buiktg our city through this medium, yet Ieppner ites have not forgotten their Jnsun by dabbling with the American Buikiing Association, of Minneapolis, ltbough Messrs. Creelman and Grims assure stockholders here that all williome out right, regardless of flagrant rramanfitre- riieut in tne past. FROM THE FOSSIL JOURNAL. . idle iale. Outside exchages are now engaged in writing editoiis on the "Improvidence of Stockmen" f our in terior country. Stockmen o! Eastern Oregon were generally better prepared with feed this year than any previous winter. However, there wld have been much more feed in th. country bad last year escaped thedroiiit which aHected range as well as ops. Yet stockmen were able to put up in abun dance of hay, it was thodit. Had Eastern Oregon escaped witbjven the severest of our winters, as sompared with the past, the loss would ive been nominal, but the February stmi follow ing that of January, found stjkmen ill prepared to meet it. Free adce to the stockraisers of Eastern Oregoregarding their "improvidence" is eutirf out of place. i of Dayville, Or., register of The as a hope Capt. J. W. Lewis, baa been appointed as uaiies land oinoe. Bob Wills is highly spoken of candidate for mayor of lone. We Bob will get there. G. W. Thompson, accompanied by his brothers, James and F. M., arrived from Missouri last Friday. B. B. Mann has purchased the Rider property near Dock Swinburne's place on Swinburne avenue. The unusual amount of snow and rain whiob has fallen this winter renders a sure crop for Morrow county. It is impossible as yet to give any es timates of stook losses in Morrow coun ty, but it is bad enough at best. Frank Lyons is reported to have lost 10,000 sheep out of 15.000, which be was wintering across tbe Columbia. John W. Doak is back to the Heppner country again, having returned from the Willamette section last Friday. L. L. Ormsb7 returned from Prine ville last Saturday. He reports a large loss of sheep and cattle in Crook county. Hood!s Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by expelling impurity from the blood, which is the cause of the complaint. Give it a trial. Tbis office was the recipient of a pleas ant call this morning from Mrs. Andy Tillard, Misses Annie Avers and Faunie Hinton. From the Milton JZagle it appears that the town ot JNew Walla Walla is making rapid strides in the direction of snbstantial growth. An artistic printer can catch the eye wim a neat aa. in tms connection we refer to tbe new announcement of W. O. Minor on this page. "When you pass through Long Creek, stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har iisty House. The table is always su p lied with the best in the market. Hunt has made a proposition to ex tend his lines to Portland, provided the rich men of Portland will subscribe for 32,000,000 worth of mortgage bonds. Ely Keeney has added an eating de partment to tbe Belvedere where tbe employes of that place do their .feeding. "Sister" Johnny Hinton is ohief oook. Fred Sherman was over from Butter creek Tuesday and reports a loss ot 50 sheep out of 5,000 bead. This is far better than tbe average of Eastern Ore gon in the late storm. "Signal Officer Pague predicts high wa ter in the Willamette section next June. The unusual amount st snow which has fallen there this winter gives Mr. Pague Bufhcient grounds for such a conclusion. Hon. L. T. Barin, chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, bas issued a call for a meeting of the committe on tbe 5th day of March, to be held in the parlor of the St. Charles ho tel, Portland. Tbe first scoident on Portland's cable car line at Portland Heights last weak turned ont luokily, as no one was severe ly injured. Had it occurred earlier in the day, it would have resulted in tbe death of many people. Heppner's wood piles are universally in a dilapidated condition, the Gazette shop included, notwithstanding our ef forts to secure wood last fall, and the numerous promises to bring in a load r bo before winter began in earnest. Late dispatches in tbe Oregonian place the loss of sheep in Morrow at 65 per cent. Although the Gazette is not able to give a correct estimate, the above is entirely too high. When full reports are in, then it is time to begin figuring. Mayor Blackman, of Heppner, Oregon, will no doubt be nominated by the dem ocrats for state senator. Blackman is a bright, progressive man, and a staunch demooart. His Boise friends would like fes see him get there. Idaho Democrat. Hon. A. Bush, chairman of the Dem ooratio State Central Committee, bas issued a call for a meeting at the Che meketa parlors, Salem, at 2 p. m. of Mar. 19. J. W. Morrow and Wm. Mitchell are the Morrow county members of that a immittee. Reports from the Colfax country, savs the Gazette, place the loss of cattle, ahepD and horses as high as nfty pel- cent in many bands. Soaroity ia resnonsible for it. Like conntv, where there was an of feed little loss prevails. On account of the washouts caused by the flood, the annual G. A. R. encamp ment at Eugene has been postponed un ! S4MArinl orders to this ef- t coriAi? Satnrdav bv Command- I, (; i "v i, , . . . . , . . . u j - - r E. B. MoElroy. The G. A. R. posts of th state have been notified of the post ponement. t : An oaoorted that ciant powder will not explode by burning, yet it has been pracucany ucun. ---- --- is not the case. At Spokane Falls last Saturday 150 pounds exploded by catch ing on tire while being dried. No lives mxa lost, but the very center of the city was shaken by the explosion. E G Sperry was up from lone Mon day and made the office a pleasant visit, fn company with D. W. K.nna.rd. He has lost no cattle or horses down near hie lone ranch. He recently received a letter from Ira Sperry who lives near Waterville, Wash., stating that he had lost 110 head of oattle out of loO. Ella Higginson, who ranks among the leading writers of verse and fiction in America, and stands ahead among the literary women of the Paciho ooast, now resides at Sehome, Washington. Her Doetry has given ber a national reputa tion. Mrs. Higginson has taken charge of a Woman's Department rathe nest Shore, aud the wives and mothers can depend upon finding something fresh and interesting in the pages that will be nnder her control. To ConsuSiptivss. The jdersigned having been restored to heal) by sim ple means, after suffering r several years with a severe lung aiStion, and that dread disease Consumpn, is anx ious to' make known to his fuow suffer ers tbe means of cure. To:hose who desire it, he will cheerfully ind (free of charge) a copy of tbe prescption used, which they will find a sure Jrefor Con sumption, Asthma, Catarrl Bronchitis and all throat and lung Madies. He hopes all sufferers will try f) Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those esiring the prescription, which will cojthem noth ing, and may prove a baaing, will please address, Rev. Edt(bi A. Wil son, Williamsburg, Kings punty, New ions. Recorder's Court. J,j Young, fa miliarly known as "Freny," was ar rested last Saturday eve C using abus ive and threatening laonage towards parties at the City Hotel,bat on exami nation the case was disissed. How ever, he was held to nswer to the charge of "disorderly cojuot," but we are informed that the jtisecuting wit ness, W. H. Conard, fled to appear against him upon cenin conditions. Tbe costs were assessed I the prosecut ing witness. 1 t A company of railroad surveyors are at work between Fossil and Heppner. The winter is still "on once more." Tbe loss of stock is becoming severe. We were informed Monday that no less than 25,000 sheep lay dead in the winter range between Parish creek and the South fork of the John Day river in Grant county. Aside from the Harvey band, owned principally by French & McFarland. of Tbe Dalles, (which is al most a total loss) the loss of sheep in Southern Gilliam county is not severe yet, neither is the loss of cattle and horses, except range cattle, whose own ers never gathered or fed them. The ranchers of Butte creek with 10 to 100 bead, who bad pasture and some feed, have lost from 2 to 15 per cent of cattle and fewer horses. North of us in Ferry Canyon, Condon, Trail Fork, Lost Val ley and Lone Rock country we hear re ports of heavy losses of all kinds of stock, but no reliance can be placed up on these reports. Feed is becoming very scarce here and elsewhere, and the only hope for many a poor animal is i immediate thaw. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the best Automatic Sewing Ma chine in tbe market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you Imre a Machine. Kmse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and 4o7 West 2.ith bt., N. Y. City. 24, DIED. Nina E. Woodward, Feb. 15. aged 3 years, i months. Darius Gillson Woodward, Feb. aged 5 years, 2 months and 3 days. James Woodward, Feb, 26, aged 6 II months aud 5 days, tbe children of Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward, who live nesr Heppner. These little ones were victims of that dread disease diphthe ria. The community sympathizes deep ly with Mr. and Mrs. Woodward in their bereavement. An Accident. The laaeuger coach on the Heppner branch a pretty badly suaaen up at Arlington Hit r nuay by being run into by thi .own freight. The coach and baggas Jar was left standing on the main raa while side tracking the freight cars, ind the engin eer and fireman on tbj frght were un able to see them on afcouit of the curve just above Arlington. ;unil too late to prevent a slight smashp.. No one w injured. J IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abcess of luugs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an incurable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle and am able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middleware, Decatur, Ohio, says: 'Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption I would have died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at A. D. Johnson & Co.'s drug store. THE MARKETS. The following market reports we clip from the Oregonian of the latest date SAX FItAKCtsCO. Wheat The spot market holds steady under slow demand. Ulienngs are niou erate No. 1 shipping quoted nominally at 1.2 '.,nl.L'r; option tradinn. slow: morning call, 400 tons buyer year at $1.35;3; buyer season, 81.30'. CHICAGO. Wheat Easier; opened, 774'c May; closed, 7o?4C, March. n;'4c May. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago, Feb. 26. Cattle Receipts 12,500; strong and 10c higher; choice to extra beeves. S3fa5: steers. $3(34 50: stockers and feeders. $'i 40(u3 65; Texas corn fed cattle S2 9o&i.o 00. Hogs Receipts 7.000; fair and 10 cents higher; mixed, fed bo(4 Oo; heavy, $3 9U( 4 10; light, S3 0(u4 12. Sheep Receipts, MAJO; steady; na'ives, H 50(f;5 60; Western corn fed, $4 75! 5 50; Texaus, 3 50(4 80. PORTLAND. Eggs The market has declined great ly ou account of liberal supplies of Cali fornia product. Large receipts of East ern stock are expected to-morrow. Quo tatins. 25o ; Oregon, 4Uc. Potatoes The market is firmer with liberal supplies. Quotations, $1 65 1 75 per cental. Onions The market is weaker. Sup plies coming in freely. Quotations, S2 25 fe2 50. Oats The market is firmer with light receipts. Quotations 3840c Poultry All kinds are scarce and prices rule high. Millfeed The market is entirely bare, on account of interrupted traffic, the mills being shut off from shipping. Other commodities in the produce market, Bhow no change, nor is it likely they will until tbe avenues of supply are again opened up. HEPPNER MARKET. Butter Fresh 60.T65c per2ib roll. Eggs Very few ia the market. Find ready sale at 25(g30c per doz. Potatoes Few in market. Wanted at 2c per lb. - Onions 2?3c per pound. Beef hides 75e(2,1.50, according to quality and size. Sheep pelts 4075c. Flour Heppner, $i per barrel ; in 5 barrel lots, $3.75 ; Peerless, (WTaitsburg) 1-4.20 per barrel in any quantity. Where can you get the Most life, Nuts, Notions, fa, Tobaccos, Etc, FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT -Where did you Say ? "THE MODEL," Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's and next door to the Rea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. OTIS PATTEESOX, Proprietor. EAGLE TJtUCJt. SCHOOL MEETING. Consumption SurIy Cored. To tbe editor: Please infom your readers that I have a positive rauedy for the above named disease, (y its timely use thou sands of hopelesSases have been per manently cured, t shall be glad to send two bottles of my femedy free to any of your readers wli have consumption if tbey will send Joir express and post office address, t A.. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Ptrl St.. New York, N. T Fbom RiTzvmm. Jas. Farrier writes the Gazettb that lat the loss of stook in the Ritzville secton is Dot far from 40 per cent, and woi still dying Feb. 25. Over in the Badger mountain distriot, nearly all the stock s dead, and the people are occupying as tw bouses as possible, using those vithmt tenants for fuel. It is quite likelj thi the storm is broken by this time, aa thi latest dis patches indicate a general toaw all over Eastern Oregon and Washington. The Stobm Is Over. Siice Mouday Morrow county has been snjiying a gen eral thaw yes, relishing it. A warm rain bas fallen most of tbi tine, helping tbe matter along quite viiblv At pres ent very little snow remans to cover up range from the needy shep, horses and cattle. ' Tbe storm of 1881-90 will long be remembered as the sererest experi enced in Morrow oounty. j Hunt's Lines. A repoier of the Ga zette met Mr. Hunt, of rilroad fame, on the Portland train a- tey days ago, and set about securing somiinformation relative to the proposed line in Morrow oounty, but Mr. Hunt evadd all ques tions and left ye reporter a 5ight more in the dark than ever. Frocc all indica tions, however, Mr, Hunt wilmake num erous extensions in iaata uregon within the next two years, bt whether Heppner is one of the points j be reach ed the Gazette is unable to sy. of feed Morrow abundauoe cine. BLESSING OF SLEEP. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY, for the man or woman who finds himself or herself 1.1 . ir, io an invulnerable niedi- HUHOIC W oirtK 1M , ,1-,, which will not oniy piou... bless;ng of sleep, but will prevent breaking down 01 ioe Hrrtiva treatise with each bottle; or, addrw. Mack Drng Co., N. Y. EVERY BODY KNOTS That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the accumlation of months of confinement in pooly venti lated stores, workshops and tnements. All these impurities and exery trace of scrofula, salt rheum or othe disease may be expelled by taking HoU's sarsa parilla, the best blood purifier iver pro duced. It is the only medioineif which "100 doses one dollar" is true. A Swedish Colony. The advance agent of a Swedish colony wheh will emigrate to this country from Kansas, was in Heppner last Mouday pucbasing wagons and an outfit. There will be about twenty familes here in Mir. The representatives of the oolony ae con sidering the purchase of the Gnning hame ranoh, and adjacent poperty. Andrew Anderson, of White Cit Kan sas, is also on tbe lookout for a location for a party from his section. i More Interest Manifested than at Anv Previous Meeting. At the school meeting held last Mon day W. R. Ellis was elected to serve the term of three years, aud Ellis Minor to serve one year, vioe J. M. Hager, resign ed. A. M. Gtinn was re-elected school clerk. A tax of 7 mills was voted after some discussion, several favoring a smaller tax. It is the intention of the directors to run the school eight or nine mouths this year, which will leave sufficient funds for a full term of nine months next year. New seats and new apparatus will be purchased placing Heppner's public school eqnal to any in Eastern Oregon. The present teachers had already pur chased some $75 worth of necessary ap paratus, and the district showed its ap preciation of their work by making good the expenditure. .Necessary improve ments of the school premises will be made tbe coming summer. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pim ples, boils, salt reuni and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive1 malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and in digestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at A. D, Johnson's & Co. drug store. GALLOWAY NOTES. Del yed Correspondence. The hearts of the people were gladden ed by tbe chmook yesterday morning, but it has changed and is now snowing from the north. Jlay is worth 20 per ton here. There are a great many cattle and horses dying in this vicinity. John Barker lost 1700 sheep out of one band. He had just dipped before the storm. Henry Thomas will start his fruit wagon as soon as the storm is over. E. A. Morgan has been very sick dur ing the last week with the ''grippe." F. Sloan started to town with him Sat urday. Born to the wife of John Shaw, a girl. Weight 10 lbs. George Yinoeut is now erecting a mansion on the old Shaw place. To be married, Sunday, March 9, at the reideuce of the bride's parents on little Butter Creek; John McCalister to Lilly Long. J. H. k 3. S. Tbe only illustrated weekly vest of Chicago is tbe Wkst Shoee, which has not a superior in any respect in the United States. Its large colored ilnstra tions are works.ot art, and are ol home scenes in whioh our people are all inter ested. Its editorials are crisp and pithy. Its humorous sketches aud paragraphs rival those of the papers which bake a speeialtv of them. Its illust rated poems are one of its most attractive features. In every respect it is just the paper our people want for themselves, their wives and their ohildren. $4.00 a year. L. SvarEL. Publisher, Portland, Oregon. Stbats. The Gazette knows of the whereabouts of two stray geldings, a sorrel and bay, branded 73 or 7a also two 2 year-old colts, a brown and a black. The owner of these animals can learn of their whereabouts by calling at this office and paving for local. It. A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says: Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gentle men : I have been in the general prac tice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice and experience have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much con fidence of success as I oan Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effeot is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that 1 have yet to hna a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it aocording to dirctions. Yours Truly, L. L. GORSTJCH, M. D. Office, 215 Summit St. We will give $100 for any case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J- Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. ;"Sold by druggists, 75r. Items of General Interest ("nlled From the La test Issue ot That r.iitcrpi'iMiig Sheet or The Kepnlilie. C. F. Goff will be one of the candi dates from Northern Grant for clerk of this county. The thermometers in the Hamilton section proved themselves to be far too inferior to register tne weather last Wednesday morning, all freezing up aud bursting with exception of J. H. Hamil ton's, which registered the mercury at 38 degrees below zero. Reliable word is being circulated re garding the marriage of Miss Katie Mur phy aLd John Welch, both respected res idents of Hamilton,- which took place last Friday eve. The Jungle extends congratulations and wishes them n n limited pleasure and happiness as a gift to their future. Circuit court convenes next Monday with Judge Clifford 011 the bench, owing to the failure to secure J ndge Fee in his stead. The many cases in which Judge Clillord is interested will be lett over lor a special session or until the next terfa, when it is intended for Judge Fee to be ou hands. It was reported in the East Oregoui an that Mr. Dorman, who is postmaster at Dormn station, was under arrest for refusing to forward letters to some private parties, but since, we learn that the report is untrue and that it is gener ally believed that no action will be tak en in the matter. Mr.Smith,' a partner of Jas. Stevenson and others in the mines at Susanville, came down last Tuesday to Long Creek. He experienced a rough trip and owingto the blowing snow, missed his road but , as luck was his, he succeeded in finding it again after considerable traveling. He displayed several fine gold nuggets which they bad obtained from thftir mine. LETTER LIST. Clark E H Clifford Dick C Egert L Hansell Wm C Little Mrs Ross James Whitmore W L In calling for the above sav "advertised. A. Mallorv, P. M. Compton Ed 2 Emrick B C Ellerick Samuel Hudson J T Myers C H Reed R S. Mrs J W Petre 3 letters please SIGNAL, SERVICE RECORD. For Week Ending Wednesday, March a, 1890 Moan .Mean I're- t 'bar Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. actor. FebU7 17.25 -it.Oii -sou ao.ifia oTiio cl'd 28 fi.-'TO '-,:l.l'"l 30.JKO 0.00 fair Mar 1 lti.Ot) :j:.(0 it.,) 30.440 0-lKi el'r 2 21.511 33.50 19.51)") trace fair 3 27.KI 3S.1K) IS. T.I) 3M.07I1 I 0.31 cl'd 4 31.01) 45.00 30.110 30.000 I O.iS cl'r 5 37 00 511.1)1 32.0) 3M.lfj5 0.20 do ecu liar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion. and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses tbe full curative value of the best known remedies the vegetable king- Peculiar m its and economy saparuia (Inn nf esaid,0 uom. strength Hood's Sar i onlymedi- which can truly One Hundred Doses Dollar." Medicines in larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for itself the title of " The greatest blood rft purifier ever discovered." Peculiar in its "good name r Jt3'Slt home," there is now ";more of Hood's Sarsaparilla r&o. in Lowell, where jT tQr it is made, than of all Xother blood purifiers. WvPecuUar in its phenomc- uol record of sales abroad, no other preparation never attained such popu- - ft (1.11 U ICldUJCU I'V """I'J Vand confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldrnggists. JJ1; strforgs. Prepared only by C. J. HOOD & CO-.ApothecarieSjLoweU, Haas. IOO Doses One DoSlar Fabsfs Goldsi? Fsmals Fills., For Female Irrpgnlar 1 ties; nothing like them on the market. Aei'cr fail. Sufcesst'ully used bv prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAINl Don't be humbuerered. Save Time, Health, and moiiey;talft no oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mail on re ceipt of price, ?2.00. Address, THE AFHP.O SSEDiCirSE CDBPSHY, Western Eraacll, J!ux27, fOEILAXD, OK' Sold by A. D. Johnson & Oo., Sole Agents for llrppuer. W. O. MINOR, HJ HEPPNBR, Calls Attention to bis Immense Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SEEflT BKBERIUS BUB CHeiCE UIES! Look out for Arrival of Spring Stock in the Near Future. His Prices Cannot be Beaten. DON'T FORGET . W. O. MINOR, May St. HI STOP AT THE 1 i i i t t i i """" njoiIDSTIII f0USE UPPER MAIN STREET, NEWLY FURNISH ED ROOMS. The Best Meals in the City. I. N. BASEY, Proprietor. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandised To be Found East of Portland. Among tbe Latest Novelties are Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called cc 99 Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Sheep ip Tobacco. Sulphur. Lime, Ire, Machinery, Etc. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. ioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Wjllow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiouslv low price within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. eppner Feed Yard! Is the place for Teamsters to stop. STALL ROOM ! I-ree Camping House. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. NKLSON JONES, Pres't. E. B. BISHOP, Treas. Ill COIIY LAND MSI CO General (Incorporated.) Warehouse A. D. Johnson & Co. THB CITY JreXTG STORB, HEPPNEB, - - OREGON Sole Agents for Morrow County for FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON and For warding Agents. The Company has recently constructed a two-story warehouse 80 x 100 feet, with wool press and all con veniences for Jiandliiig wool. Tlie arehouse Clmres at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from fleppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of xvofl or wool in storage. TTIERON E. FELL, MANAGER, C2 4 SVC' M. LICHTENTHAL, -SOLE AGENT FOB- Buckiiieham & Heclit's CALF SHOES Button. Lace or Congress. Every "Warranted. Also an extensive line the celebrated Buckingham & Ilecht boots always on hand. pair of JtIiq I o m-oc Qr'i' in Fact. ern Oregon. Special attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel, MAIN STKEET, HEPPNER, OREGON. TOOLS A ! I PUMPS And Piping always on Hani -DEALERS IN- MAIN STREET, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Wood and Willow Ware, BARB WIRE, Bird Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of Groceries and Confectionery ! HEPPNER, OREGON E. J. SLOCUM, Dealer Inf ., Cti emionia, Patent MedlioitieSf irollet Artlolest Peft.i.nrs Oils 3r&.m cuia wall Jt-.e:K A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. A.g't for JPoirtlondL Leezer'4 Thompson's Corner, : HEPPNER. Oregonian. : Main Street, OREGON. W. A. Knus. J. O. HAYES, -DEALERS IN- Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty Kept Constantly on handthe Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't bay elsewhere till you examine their maohines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER, OREGON.