THE GAZETTE. BEPrNER. THURSDAY, Feb. 27, 1800 TIIE NEW RVLE3 ADOPTED A REFORM MUCH NEEDED. The contest for the control of the house in the interest of prompt and efficient legislation in the house of representatives in congress, has been settled by the adoption of the rules presented by the committee with some amendrannts. The code was thoroughly and ably discussed by its friends and opponents, and the debate closed in accordance with the resolution in troduced by Mr. Sprage'r, democrat. The new code provides long needed reforms in the manner of conducting business in the house. It prevents obstruction to the regu lar business of the country, checks unnecessary delays and, if political party interests are not advanced, the public good will be subserved and benefitted. The public measures will receive more prompt action, ana determined without the long ueiays wmcti has hitherto attached to measures of importance, which the country has long demanded The people have tired of seeing measures, of vital interest to them, which have been discussed session after session without being nearer the end than at its beffinnin I through the the fiction of a rule which declares a person not present wiien in fact he is m his seat, look ing on, pleased with his efforts to prevent prompt action upon public measures beneficial to the country satisfied with the pay he pockets for sitting in his seat, denying that he is present and stubbornly refus ing to do his duty to his country and his constituents. As the majority is responsible to the people for the success or fail- n V-V m -ic U1 mo measures or congress, they should make such rules as em powered by the constitution that will hasten legislation on the pub lic business. If a minority, through rules made by the house, have enabled members to hinder and delay leg islation by a refusal or neglect to vote wnen present, and thus prevent the progress of legislation on the business of the country, it is none too soon that reform has been in augurated to change such rules in the interest of the people. String ent measures should be adopted to prevent the breaking of a quorum by willful absence for the express purpose of retarding or preventing action upon the business before the house. It is a physical impossibility to compel a person to declare hio vote if he chooses to be silent and when any number of members present should so determine, such inaction should not prevent action by a less number than a quorum, and the American doctrine that the major ity of the vote cast is sufficient, should be the standard in congress as well as out. ' ALASKA COMMERCIAL rn BIDS FOR THE FISHERY LEASE. The bids for the lease privileges of the Alaska seal fisheries were opened at the Treasury department last Thursday. Ten bids were re ceived for consideration. Two were rejected for non compliance with the proposal. It is believed that the offers made by the old Alaska Commer cial Company are the best for the interest of the government, and will be accepted. The Company offer to pay $50,000 rental, $6.75 for each skin, also to provide 100 comfortable dwellings for the in habitants of the Llands and make ample provisions for their mainten ance and support, and establish a regular mail service fiom San Francisco to Alaska without cost to the government; also to provide schools, churches and a hospital for the inhabitants; provide wharf facilities at Ounalaska and dis tribute supplies gratuitously to various points in Alaska; also in the event that any other responsi ble party shall offer in good faith a greater amount for said privilege to pay the full amount offered by such party. They say their offer contemplates an annual revenue of $875,000 to the United States. The Alaska Commercial Com pany are now possessed of many of the proposed facilities and there- lore are enabled to outbid their most formidable competitors. The Treasurer however will care fully consider the offers of the sev eral companies, and award the lease to the pirty whose offer will be best for the government and I FROM THE EAGLE. Stock Notes and Items of General Interest From the Interior. ",illiaQ9- the present owoer of Jordan, the race horse, passed through vZTi V""- msi -tuesuay en-route for Mhatisobeek. gall, etc.? To Bteal articles from other local sheets of your own community and reprint the same as your own manufacture. With much more snowy weather as was prevalent this week, a "skinning knife will be an appropriate tool for all the sheepmen. Squire Everts and sought the Middle Fork section Tues day, where they expounded a little of Ulackstonian pnncinles lrr,r .T,i,.o Hunt. Word was received in this section that Ed. Abbott, who was shot and thought to have been killed at Payette, Idaho, failed to expire as he expected and that he has denied the confession that he im parted to the officer at Payette. Lime Swiok brought his cattle down from the meadows last week, snfferino- considerable loss in the short time he re mained in that section. Having now se cured plenty of feed, he is confident of running through till sprine with little or i no loss, Coffin Si McFarland , , Hr 3E ;r r j W- 1 i ... . litiiB pleasure in mtorming our custompr rlmr., u. ...- .""u puouc generally - .... uv0juM iBuioveu our stock ot General Merchandise into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street where we shall be pleased to welcome all. We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods in this section. NOTICE. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Jan. 30 'flo I oniplamt having been entered at. thia ..i k- OarGidslsirliiiiilfilOiiti! -rj" 111 Morrow t ounty, Oregon, with a SrH ! snoellatum of saii' entry; the said ; w: ; r piioneu to appear at thii P M t i ?f yATch W. at 1 o'clock inlaid allied lieopner. Or., is authorized to take testi K5n yf" ft" HPPer, Or., on March 15, ltyM), at 10 o clock, a. m (RIMJ3). F. A. McDonald, Keeister. T- w- SiosuER. Receiver, Gilliam & orrey s NOTICE. In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing We are TheLeaders. Examining our Assortment. To all whom this may concern: 1 ?,"? '? her.eiy B'ven that on January 30, 1890, vor n? w h"; " dur?8' "Promissory note in fal tdntl (J2.0O0) Dollars.and dne in four months from date thereof, and that I will not pa? Said Ta"i,Itarthrm'fiC"M Parties notto ur ""fl" "I "Mcount said note. Hugh Fields .Dated at Heppner, this ad day of Feb., 1690. 6t. -Exclusive ffartee ilue, Is the Place to Get Your FINE, STYLISH HA TS IN ALL SHAPES. LADIES' Bob Wilohum. who is now eamp-tendr er for Wm. Eudio, was up from the riv er last Tuesday, and reported stock as doing well in that section. He says there is little or no snow on the riveri and such as the range is the stock can get some strengthening material from it. AND MISSES' : FINE : RFTOWS 4ijr Gents' Footw-fiar in -ill f ! ..... I , . . SLIPPERS NOTICE OF EXECDTKIX. Notice is hoitliff i.t . M E Downing, has teen duly appointed biut CW tUvem,?doby th" ConntySo? Sorrow of Sw,en i ri '0sn-eclltI?xof the estate hnvlSnK Dnwn'ns, deceased, and all persons j . "kiiuol. nam esia.e are hereby no tified to present the same duly verified to Mid executrix at the office of Brown A Hamilton in date of this notice M. E. Dowwiira. Kxecutrix. Dated Jan n. Si0 rown- r Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal, Wood and Willow W ars, Oucensware, Apoltoral Implements, Wagons, Etc., Etc. A SCRAP OF the inhabitants of Alaska. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world tnr r.nta Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, n-iu poeiuveiy cures flies, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. D. Johnson & Co. THE SETTLERS PROTECTED. THE BEHRING SEA CONTROVER SYSATISFACTORY IF TRUE. the If the statement made by Chicago Daily News' special cor respondent is true, that an amicable agreement has been reached by Secretary Blaine and British Min ister Pauncefort in the Behring Sea dispute, and the terms are cor rectly given, it cannot fail to be gratifying to every citizen of the United States. The high estima tion of Mr. Blaiue's ability as a diplomat and statesman held by his immediate friends, will also be accorded him by the whole country. A peaceful settlement of the diffi cult and vexed question of the rights to control the seal fisheries of Behring sea, in which great doubts existed as to the claims of the government, was desirable. But the admission that the right of the United States to protect the unlawful killing of seals, and the exclusive right to control them, was one of great doubt, and the settling of the question one of great delica cy. Every American may look with pride upon a result so satis factory, and obtained in a period so short, that it will be noted as a wonder unlocked for in diplomacy- WHY THE Y CAN T REST. Several hundred citizens of Washington have signed petitions requesting the national legislature to pss a Sunday rest law, which have been presented to the senate Dy senator Alien. As mere is no known law which prevents citizens from taking all the rest they can possibly want, it is hard to conceive what the necessity can be to pro vide a law for such purpose. All who want to rest on Sunday have a legal right to enjoy it as may seem best to each, ' provided they do not interfere with the rights of others to do likewise. lne government nas more im portant matters on its hands, with out being saddled with the care of bunday laws which are rather local than national. The reason so many think they cannot rest on Sunday is because they spend too much of the day in bothering about matters concerning their neighbors. The United States court has sus tained, by a recent decision, the rights of settlors to lands purchas ed in good faith from the Military W agon Road Company. Many of the settlers have made valuable im provements on their lands believing the title to the grant Was lawfully invested in the comoanv. The government should follow the lands held by the company sold or un sold for a fraudulent purpose, and hold the parties to the grant i sponsible fory the fraud upon th government, and not upon bonafide purcnasers. .. , PAPER SAVES HER It w!i just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, hut saved her life. She was in (he last stages of consumption, told by physicans that she was incurable and ooul.l live only a short time; she weigh ed Ipps than seventv luum.lo r .. piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr Kiuk's New Disoovery, and got a sample bottle: it helped her. and nho hnnut large bottle, it helped her more bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strone, healthv, rosy plump, weighing 140 pounds. For ful ler particulars send stamp to W. H Cole, Druggist. Fort ties of this wonderful discovery free at A. D. J ohnson & Co.'s Drug Store. 4 A BAR ROOM ROW. Th 4INESTT LIF COOKIG STOVES AND BADGES IN THE CITY AMSrttr- J liDf ? aHes, Hardware Harness. MITCHELL W n Spurs. Heavy Team Windows. PaiutsrOiU and Glass cZnt? Wi'?WS- Ds and tommerieino Slonil.iv Mm-ninn i?ttitt , ti present toeril "Jt Rth- 1890' intend ; """8ur or dry goods. illCT. boots, show. I.nfa ,.Z7 , ' 8S, cloth- amount of Twenty-live Dollars (S25.00) A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME Worth $i each. Our prices on all coota or. . J. r,m iha. ' 1" 7 Y lUH '"west, v J.I.. I 1 l I I .... - uie oooks irom tne publishers east i lo.. hi. xiiiiiii'MrrmTir t- ,r- to.l Tl, u i. , r Please ttuuu n,uvc uuer noias good until UVlnor are eabled bnff-r thom ; ,i".rt""fies, we . 0 luuuuemeni to 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 19, 1800. Notice is herebF Riven that the followin'a- S"81 "TSot." support of his claim and (hat said proof will he moHa kf. ri'.11. indite of SI., " April, 18, lb!., viz: " "'P"r- -., on , Genr9e W. Stewart co?nnoZ8ro'llawinS witle?M,tp Prpye his said land viz: ' Ken LueHi,,e, Win. Luelling and George Hen- r- F- A. MoDonald, Hesister. Harrows of three different patterns. The Square Deal Gang Plow. 'Witli Ifciclis Attaoliment. FielitlnA Long Creek Saloon With Probably Fatal Kesnlts. A row which resulted quite seriously took place in the saloon of S. W.Keeney at Long Creek a few days ago. From what can be learned it seems that Sam uel Clark, a blacksmith, and Albert Bal ance, a cowboy, went into Keeney's sa loon for a drink. They stood at the bar talking when Balance drew a knife and plunged it four times into Clark's body who fell to the floor. The crowd ,... eDt interfered and Balance was arrested. Dr. Tuell was called and dressed the wounds which are quite deep. It is stat ed that Clark askd Balance to pay for the whiskey and on his refusing to do so struck at him, and followed it up so that Balance was forced tn dmr bia t;c ... defend himself. It is feared that Clart'o wounds will prove fatal. Pendleton Tribune. JITTiY 1 WQl) Do not miss this chance, but start in afc once buvincr frr)m ,1D , . present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DO LLARS Topth n?f 3 DRY GOODS Purchased between the above d5TH F Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest r-aia lor feheep Pelts price Agents for Christy & Wise. Rapid Beating of the Heart. Whenever you feel an uneasiness in the region of the heart, a slight pain in the shoulder, arm, or under the shoulder blade, or when you find youlself short of bieath when exercising, or your heart has periods of beating fast, you have heart disease,, and should take Dr- Flint's Remedy. Disoriptive treatise with each bottle; or, abdress Mack Drug Co. N. Y THE PAN-AMERICAN ENCE. CONFER- There can be no longer doubt if any exists, that the pan-American confer ence will result in binding together all the independent American states in a common interest for the advancement of commercial relations between the sev eral states. The members of the con ference have labored earnestly to eluci date plans which would facilitate per manent and rapid communication be tween the North and South American states. A Portland Oreaonian special from San Fiancisoo, says: M. M. Estee, a member of the conference, who is on a short business visit makes the follow ing interesting statement: He saya there wre seventeen commit tees, whose reports will all be readv for consideration in about one week. One committee, that on weights and meas ures, has completed its work. One of the reports which is of the most import ance to the people here is that of the committee on commeroe of the Pacific. Estee is a member of this committee, and made a report as a member of a sub-committee, having been appointed by tne chairman for that purpose. No Americans are chairmen of committees. Estee says he is certain every one of the committeemen on commerce will rec ommend their respective governments to subsidize lines of steamers plying be tween ports of the United States. Mexi co and Central and South America. Es tee regards the members of the Pan American congress as probably the most distinguished body of men who ever as sembled in Washington. Of the vaiious foreign nations represented twelve are now or have been ministers to the Unit ed States or England. Two foreign na tions are represented by ex-presidents like General Camcno, who was three times president of Ecuador and who is recognized as a very able man. All but three of the thirty-eight foreign rep resentatives speak English. He thinks the reports will be considered and dis posed of in four weeks. OIBCRED WITH IBIBILM TO THE SEA; Trudjred all the war on foot, over mountain and ttarougn morals, carrying- knapeauk and i-un, aiepi on Druan heapa to keep out of tba mud, oauffht cold, from the effects of which his friends thoug-ht he would never recover. wini mow consumption ror many veara, he saw Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis coverr advertiaed in a munfnr nA.. and he determined to try it. A few bottle worked a change; six months' continued use cured him. Always too independent to ask nia country for a pension, he now says ba needs none. Ha helped save his country, ha saved himself ! Consumption is Lumj-acrof-For crofula, in all its myriad forms, th. lllSOOVerv " i an nu,i,.lul .... t- cleanses the system of afl blood-taints from whatever cause arising-, and cures all Skin and Scalp Diseases. Salt-rheum, Tetter, Ecze ma, and kindred ailments. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. Sold by drumrists. Copyright. 1888, by World's dis. Mid. ass'k. DR. SICE'X R1T1BBU DaraiE-nu o-ires the worst rases, no matter of how loni a cents, by druasuta. aCtnalng. GUARANTEES TO CUKE. OLYMPIA S. MUBBAT, M. D., Fe male Specialist. Has praoticed on the Paoifio Coast for the past twenty-five years. A life time devoted to the study of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have thousands of testimo nials of permanent cures from the 3-at people on this coast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any case of female weakness, no matter how long standing or what the stage may be. Charges reasonable and within the reaoh of all. For the benefit of the very poor of my sex who are suffering from any of the great multitudes of ailments that follow in the train of that terrible dis ease known as female weakness, and who are unable to pay for treatment, I will treat free of charge. Consultation by mail, free. All correspondence strict ly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed and sent by express with charges pre-paid for "home" treatment, with specific directions for use. If you are suffering from any fe male trouble, periodically or constantly, Address, 0L5TMPIA S. MURRAY, M. D., East Portland, Oregon. RANDOM REMARKS. Job printing at endleton prices at the Gazette office. A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.. at E. J, Slocum's drug store. Ton will do well to see cloaks at W. O. Minor's before purchasing elsewhere. itasmus, tne dentist, win nil teetu, or extract the same in a scientific manner. The Saling, Morgan and Russell but ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in the market. Gunn & Ruark, horse shoers; horses shod with new shoes all round after date for $1.50 per head. Mat. Lichtenthai will open your eyes in prices of his boots aud shoes. You can buy them no cheaper in Portland. Don't fail to call and inspect the new stock of of prize baking powder ware at Leezer & Thompson's. The prettiest in the city. The 4 Buckingham & Hecht, men's shoe will not rip. Best in the market for the prioe. Buy them at M. liichten thal's. Go to Mat. Liohtenthal's for the Lud low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted. Also "Fargo" S2.50 ladies' kid shoe. The best shoe for the money in the mar ket. Do you want some dried venison ? Go to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. The most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Coffim & McFarland have made a lib eral offer in presenting customers with a beatiful bound volume for every $25 worth of goods purohased in the line of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in the blacksmithing line that they are not able to do. But look! The morn in russet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hills. But a brilliant lamp adds more cheer fulness to the home circle. Examine Gilliam & Coffey's new fall stock before purchasing elsewhere. Remember that all paid up subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notice, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf. S3 O n in H so J 1 g 0 0 V o CO m on m r on 22 D CD m en i CO o H DC W NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 19 '90 J5? if 18 ?rSby fnyen that the f oUowing-named sett er has hied notice of his intention w Sake S31 r,P""'f nrL"' .M? d that p - "nujauo uwi rerne coanty mdee 17,iwwrv72?OUnty' He"PnOT- Oregon, on Ap? hifnf nSS tbe Rowing witnesses to prove K. F. lieininfier and Chas. E. Miller of Hnrrl man Or, and David W. Bowman aid fee?. Noble of Heppner, Ur. 62- 7F. A. MoDokald. Setter. COMPLETE WE OF STOf ES FOU TBE A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. Tixi & IronRoofing : Specialty NOTICE OF INTENTION. GILLIAM & COFFEY, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. : SUMMONS. ttheciremtc.mrtforthesK'o id thiiconnty of Morrow Oregon, for 'lie 0. 1. Case Ihrtwhina; Machine 1 Smittd and exieiiiif,' uiiowr "tne ( laps of the state of Wisconsin, y r-iaintiit, I J I il i Ckrlea Kyts Defendant, T Ohei'les Kyte above named. i the namft if t Iia nt-ofA nf required to appear and answer the com- paim, meu agaxnnt you iu the above entitled ac tiai within ten days from the date of the service of this sum tnona upon yoi, if served within this county; or if served within any other county of this state, thii within twii:y days from the date of the aer--T -Wttoa summons upon you: and if you fi ! so o answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you. And if you fail to appear and answer the complaint within six weeks from the date of this notice, piainutt wiil take judgment a?ainst you for Twelve hundred sevonty-eeven and ."iil-im ifi)V77 nnnnin.i ri ptertSfest, for the sum of one hundred "and fifty uunrtio ii.m.iM) auorney's lees herein, and tor the costs and disbursements of this suit. And tiie defendant will take notice that if he faiis to appear and answer the r.omrifjiir.r, fiUH heroin within six weeks from the date of the firwt pub- iiiiiuu oi bum Biunmons, juagmfait will be tak en against him for the sale of the premises men tioned m the complaint, to-wit: The west half of the south-weetquarter of section twenty-eight VL-iX township one ( 1 ) con h, range twenty-six eabt- YV. (., in Morrow county, state of Oregon, oiiuinui tnr- proceeuu 01 sucn sale D3 applied pojim-ut ,r me sums ot money herein men- novieu, ttiin tne costs and disburseinenta of tlui ' i Jioii. Jjlulished in pursuance of an Oregon, fur tWj4de f the circuti ei-bo "'Attiys ftif PT'ff. ' ' c-' f ''ed, Feb. ; lano. Tin. .( : A Neat Stock. The Gazette job de- partment has in stock b fine assortment of wedding goods, invitation and visiting i1 cards, ball programmes, and in all, the j most complete job stock ever Brought to j the city. We do not have to send for I goods when you order work. Call ', and get prices before wasting money u-, ontside concerns. tf. f Banchers, stock- men and mill-men , why not have your stationery print ed '' when you can get it done for less money than you pay for blank material? With printed letter beads and envelops, yonr j letters will Dever miscarry, if addre."o:t ' at all. Leave your order tit the G .zr ? " job office. " TAll-OKINO. I have opened a well-appi UittJ tar ing establishment in my uew b' ' ing on Jlay st.-eet, aiid amnnwrefjulariy receiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants from $7 to 15 bst goods in the m..rket. A. Abeahamsick. SUMMONS. t j the circait conrtf the State of Oregon, for I '.fnty of Morrow. ' ? Morrow & Son, Prfl, 1 ! 5tJnd U.Barclay, Deft. ) lion at Inw for the recovery of money, p.ic-hmond C. Barclay, defendant. S tiie unrne of the State of Oregon, yon are ' TWired to appear and answer the com Hied against yon in the above entitled ac fcmnten days from the date of the service f siTmnions uuon you if served within thie or if served in any other county of this then within twenty days of the date of the ju of this summons upon you, or if served .u by publication, then you are required t'.ver said complainton the iirst day of the ,5-rn of said court after six weeks pnblica jf of tins summons, to wit: On Monday, the , ,n oay of March, 190, and if you fail so to an - tr, tor want thereof the plaintiff will take ;jt n:gnt auainBt you as prayed for in the com JE'it. namely, for the sum of One Hundred and (?ly-tnree dollars and costs of this action, i is ordered that by Hon. Jas. A. I a lUdlTR nf tha f.Ii'ttnit n-.-- ,.-.-:alii jauiciai aistrict ot Oregon, that ser. liiummons bo made upon yen by publica- , i't Xtiv Mejpner (jAZETTE. a newspaper of 1 'u-iiLiou in saia counry, tor six con- - weeks. Frank Kellooo, pted Feb. 12, 1890. 81-66 Att'y for fl'ff. Land Office at LaGrande. Or.. Feb. 12 twin that said nrf "in i v,Z,tilM,L,Dls . taim, and clerk of Mormw .TriTt " , e tj Mar. 9, 1S90 viz: t,1?.?. No. !716fortheWHSE1i ISE" SFW A-kp H sec H, Tp 4 8 R zj E WMV bE r.Zi; w " ronowmg witnesses to prove his VV, V. iienner JJavid Jacooson, Andrew J. Stevenson and Samuel Hall, of Keppner, Or, Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such oroof. or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an op portunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to olfer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. til-o Henky Binehabt Register. 9 VO-J3.23-d3T:Xf NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaGrande, Or., Feb, 12, '90. Nofcitrp is lirphv criven that the followine- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, OrM On Mar. ay, ltsyu, viz: David Jacobson. D S No. 9533 for the SV4 8WJ4 Sec 35 To 3 S. Lot 4 sec 2 and lot 1 sec 3 Td 4 S R 27 W M. He names tiie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation or, said land, viz: John Zollinger, Samuel Hall, Charles Johnson and W. h tJeuner. of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the laws and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such prwf should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said MiBajn, ftixi-- 04r e v meii ce rfrnTTiHi o w l ruumiLU-a 1IJ Clulmmil. StJl-tiS Henki Rinbhabi, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 12, '90. Notice is hereby eiven that the following. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on mar. ai,ioyu, viz: John Kenny. DS No. 8(68. for the SEJi & S!4 N EH see oiipiijnii I. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Harry Powell, of Alpins, Joseph A. McKenzie, Bernard Doherty and Jlichaei Kenny, of HeoD- ner. Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, whysnch proof should not be allowed, will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of tint Riibmittori hv claimant. 3bl-3bo Henbt Kinehabt, Register SUMMONS. SUMMONS. - i"he Circiut Court for the County of Morrow, ! jl tate of Oregon. ! iu. K. bwinbnrne, Pit ff 1 t vs W MJ. Cunninghame, rfitimona (.,. liarclay and Ih the Circnit rmnrf of the. RtAt f Orom fr i. -Cunningliame Def 'tsj the County of Morrow. " - j P V.B Cuuninghame. Richmond C Barclay .Nelson Jones "1 Plaintiff, l , ' 4 vs. I ' ! ' tir John A. Ayles, William Hughes, j t Ane wewron ttanca iand, Sfoc SaTUJi.ns. .'m & Agricultural Co., W. R. Ellin. G. VV. Rhea, ( : iJefecriants. J - ' Suit in eauitr to foreclose a morteaire or- tT. & property. t j.o John A, ayles, one of the above named dt fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby summoned and reouiifd tn nn5 pear in said court on or bufore tin firtl- ilsv if the next regular term thereof to be begun and 5 "ciu ai nejipner, .uorrow coumy. cregon. ci t:ie h fourth Monday in March ISti). and annwAr thf M com piaint of plaintitt tiled therein or judgmt-ut j-. .11 be taken against you for want 1 s'' J.w r- . Cunninehame. Def'ts In the namp nf tha and ana aocree will be taken against you thereof for the rli-f nravwl fnr iti the path. plaint namely, a decree for the foreclosure of the mortgage executed by yon to the defendant Wil liam Hughes, apen the following described real property, to-wit: The west one-half of the north west quarter and the west one-half of the south west quarter of section 1J in township 3 south, of range zdk. w. iu., ftlorrow county Oregon, an order of sale to satisfy tiie dumam! tn" tit? in i tie sum ot four nunarea ana seventy-toix dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of ten nr cent per annum fronirthe 3lst day of Jan. Ib7, for the sum of thirty dollars as attorney's fees and for costs and disbursements of this suit, and ror sucn other and further relief as to the nnnrt may seem equitable and just. at, is oraere-.i ny me non. Jas. A. ee, judge of th- Sixth judicial district of the state of Orecron. that service of summons be made upon you by punucation in tne ueppner Itazette tor six con secutive weeks. Keixouo & Bennete, Dated 'eb. 17, 1990. 62-7 Atty's for Plff. e of Oregon, you.are hereby required to ap I and answer the complaint filed against you above entitled action within ten days from att-e or uie service ot tins summons upon you, ,;rved within this county; or if served in any W county of this state, then within twenty mi me uaie oi tne service oi this summons -ou: or if served upon you by publication. u are required to answer said complaint ? first day o the next term of said court af- week's publication of this summons, to n Monday, the Z4tu day of March. 1890: you fail so to answer, for want thereof Iff will take judgement Rgainst you for the : Eleven Hundred and Forty-One and 50- au one hundred dollars as attorney s fees, iterest, costs and disbursements. You are ? notified that the summons in this action edlionn von hv niihlifrntinri nrHor -f Ho- i, A. Fee. Judffe of the Circuit, Court, of th bis Judicial District of Oregon, ll-.Aj.rl Wth 19 'CHI 60-65 1 W. E. ELLIS. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. for In the circuit court of the State c.l OrAc-on uie L-uuuij ui .uurruw. JNelsoa Jones, Plaintill, ' vs. I Thomas J. Smith, William Hughes, - inn a.. Ayies, r . iv. jtuiis ana i . W, Kea, Defendant. j Suit in equity to foreclose a morttraae on real property. ao i nomas j. ormth and John A, mylea, de fendant. In the name of the state of Oregon. You are hereby summoned and reqmired to ap pear in said court on or before the first day of the next regular term thereof to be begun and hsld at Httppner, Morrow county, Oregon, on the Fourth Monday in March, 1690, and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed therein, or judg ment and decree will be taken against you for want thereof, for the relief DJavwd tvr in tha complaint namely; a decree for the foreclose re of the mortgage executed by you to the defend -ant, Wm. Hughes, upon the following described real property, to-wit: l he w. one-half of the N. W. quarter and the W- one-half of the S. W quarter of section 24 in township 3 south, of range 2ti K. W. M-, Morrow county, Oregon, and an order of sale to satisfy the demand of plaiu- iiii. in me sum or rour nunarea aia twenty dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of in cent, per annum from the Sltk day of Nov. 188b and for the sum of fifty dollars as attorney's fees ana ror costs ana aisDurse'jifnts or this suit and for such otiier aod further relief as to the court may seem equitable and just. It. is ordered by the Hon. Jas. A. Fee, a judge of the circuit court of the sixth judicial district of the state of Oregon, that service of summons be made upon you by publication in the Hep oner Gazette for six consecutiv e weeks Dated Feb. 17, 1SWO. fr.z&Looo & Bennett, CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coanty of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of ) .Charles Linde, Citation. Deceased. ) To any and all persons interested in the sale of the real property belonging to the above named estate, greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and requi red to appear in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Morrow, at t.'ifl Wllirt. mnm tlinrpof. nt Hnnnnar it i iie County of Morrow, on Friday, the 7th day ofOiarch, Ib90, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of tfet day, then and there to show cause if any exicita why an order of Bale should not be made to sell the following described real property to it: TheStf of theNWH and NH of the SW& Sea, 20, Tp. 2 S. of B. 2tf. E. W. M. Witness, the Hon. William MitcheU. Judge of tHCounty Court of the State of Oregon, for the rCwunty of Morrow, with the seal of said court affixed, this 12th day of February, A. D., 1890. ' Attest: C. L. ANDREWS, Clerk. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles Or.. Fob. 14, 90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in Bupport of his claim, and that said proot will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on Apr. 12, lfc'.tO, viz: George Bleakman, Hd 120O. for the SWU NW A- N WW RW 3, and NE& SE& & NE& sec 4 Tp 5 S ft 25 He names the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Virgil A. Stephens, Wm. Kahler, Thomas Hos- tviiib Hiiu uereiiu jroppenga, or naraman, ur. F. A. McDonald. 61-tf Register. First National Bank Building, Main Street, Formerly Occupied by "Tbe Model." SEE NEW AD. NEXT WEEK. FOB THE SPOT CASH You Will Find that Tou Can Get tbe Must Goods tbe Least Money at of the Same Class for atSock & Co.'s New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink MAIN STrajJT. WherST1ify S the7 KeeD a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Cned g Meats, Salt, Glassware and Qaeensware, Anything and Everything ttttN'T FOEGET THE NEW STOKE, MAIN STREET, HJjFJSM' " - OREGON. ROBERTS m NOTIOE OF INTENTION. (Commuted Homestead) Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 18, 90. Notice is hereby giveu that the following named Bettler has filed notice of his intention to com mute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on April 19. 1890, viz: Uriah P. Midgeway Fd 3355 for the SEii sec 35 Tp 4 8 R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Enoch Cavo, Milton E. Brown, J. W. Brown and James H. Hayes, of Heppner, O. 61-36 F. A. McDonald, Register, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. t liotice is hereby priyen that the undersigned. istinistrator of the estate of Peter Bchmitz, de ceased, by the county court of Morrow, State of Oregon, and all persons havinK claims against the estate are hereby notified to present their claims duly verified to said administrator at the 'law office of Frank Kellogtr, in Heppner, Ore eoa. within six months from the date of this no- htice. John B. Natteb. Administrator. Fbank Kellogg, Att'y for Adm'r. Dated, Feb. 15, 1S90. 61-64 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Joan- T. Dickens has this day been duly appoint ed administrator of the estate of L. W. Dickens, deceased, by the county court of Morrow county, state of Oregon, and all persons having claims air-st the estate are horeby notified to present the Fame, duly verified, to said administrator at Hardman. Morrow countv, Or., or at the oiiiee of brown A ; Hamiltnn Jr. llnLmr V nrmnr rrinntr Oregon, within six months from the date of tliis Attys for Plff Dated Feb. 25. j." N. Bbow's, Att'y for Adm'r NOTICE OF INTENTION. luand Office at The Dalles. Or., Jan. 27, '90. Notice is hereby siven that the followine- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said .F m;n 1 U . Iorrow county, at HeuDner. Or., on March 22. lbiKf, viz: David vv . Boivman. Hd 1761. for the WM NK. A SRU NRVi of See. 33 and SWJ4 NWH of Sec. 34. Xp. 3S. R. 25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or, saiu lanu, viz: Wiley McBee. of Eitrht Mile, Or-, and Levi Shan. er, HenryOayand William Graham of Heppner, 58-63 F. A. McDonald, Register. liBiA HORSE gill will travel" well when shod by SIMONS, Grenex-al Blacksmitlis & Fariers. o REPAIRING MOWERS A SPF.Htattv mrseslslog Sieolsrlsaii after Flag 1st, 1889. VWA FIEST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDJ MatlockCorner, main J3t-- -r?r t J ?t, or NOTICE OF INTENTION. LandOfHce at The Dalles. Or.. Jan. 21. 1S90. Notice is hereby given that the foilowing- nameu settler nas niea notice ot nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow coanty, at Heppner, Or., on March 22, 160, viz: Charles A. Repass, Hd. 2475, for the NWM Sec. 8, Tp.48. R.24 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A. H. Hooker, of Eight Mile, Or., and Wm. In gruin, Jacob Young and Jacob Johnson of Goose berry, Or. 58-63 F. A. McDonald. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles Or.. . Jan. 28, '80. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make nnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, jn March 25, 18S0. Cyrus N. Shinn, Hd. 1572, for the SEM Sec. 18. Tp. S S. R. 28 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: John Hughes, Solomon Mayfield and Stephen Lalande, of Heppner, and J, T. Yount, of Lex ington, Or. - 358-S3 jr. A. McDonald, Register RACIME.WIS. ' T Ladies Chaise. ' IL' LATENT CHAISE E RAKE S WAGSN es- RACINE,WIS. DR, B. F. V A UGH AH. DENTIST. TLATE WOEK A SPECIALTY. -- Extracting and FilliDgby the Latest and Most Improved Methods. Office over Slocum's Drugstore. GEO. W. LORD, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. Moving; Buildings a Specialty. HEPPNER, OREGON. Be have the Exclusive Con fro of o Artu don't havt to offer a prfza to tell tht Goods, for its the BEST MADE. uery Can hold ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. BLAGKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON.