o THE GAZETTE. .AGXER NEWo. HI'PNhK. THCKSDAT. Feb. 13, 1 s: 0. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. , rn., ar:iv -s No. 31. wt, lrtvps H-p:m-r At IVmlHn'l. p. m. N... :!:,. -n-r. l-at.- IWIawli lfcij,.'i.r. r. c in., i;iiij (?xi.-i-ii! : CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. At last the long-prayed-for cMtio-.k i li'w arrived, and not tun suou, as f.'ed in 1 tins neiuhhnrunod was gftrws scarce. l'w-t-h, as iicir as can be estimated, I will be aij.,ut 2..K) bead of sheep; but fw c it i ie and a f,.r rati -re huises. i On.T.icn3r.vi6 the house of Henry r;h!; -i':, n;i the pi:;ce I'jrai-riy iwned , by L. iik-kar 1, and at the time occupied j by l-'raiik Tempieton, cantrbt tire and GRANT COUNTY. THE MARKET. htatra leaves for Canyon City Jail cxee t Sunday. Ht 6:30 a' m. Arrives daily, except Sunday. 5 :tJtJ P. M. There if a saving of lfi boars in time nd 810 ir canh by taking this route to Canvoo. j was burned to tile ground. The b ; w as iii.sure'i. and TeQirileton loses about i SiiuO north of stuff. a- ; The miicii taiked-o' si.-heme of build- in:.' a road up the river to Dayville id the topic of conversation now, and as some of your readers may lie interested in it, J will try and inake a lew statements C. W. Lomlar & Cr ., iti'K Fifth .St., H-tlai-d. Or., are au',orized to make -tiRit'S; coiitra.-r-, for the Gazette. They will aisr. mak coliectious for this paper. Here and There. From The i.t.-!e. E-t. C. A'len is the aspirins senator from Northern Grant forth? Seventeenth ; senatorial district. i We understand that -T. V. Ambros, a resident and sheep man of Bitter, lias j suffered heavy loss with his sheep. ! Wm. Gi'hs, of Middle fork, has sriven ins enrire attention to the needs of (us baud of sheep, and thus far has disposed of nearly Hi) tons of hay. But what the most of sheep men cannot say, he has had no loss whatever. John .Murphy, a resident of For valley, suilered a painful accident a few days since, which totally disabled the use of one of his hands. While hiradlinir a ross-cut saw, bv some misfortune the came in contact with the saw teetii, effecting R severe wound and severing one or more tendons used in operating bis hand. j M r. C. l- Goli met v. ith an accident and allow the same 1 wllll returning from Monument last will be. altogether, i oatnruay morniujj, wmeh slightly d ivhich will Give them an idea of what has ! r ha left hand j !n dime anil is yet to be done, to make j it a success. The srettiiiir up of petitions ami posting oi nonces alor. tne route has been d'.ue. and the county court will uuaoniitedJy accep .uarcn. Ihere undergoing repairs Look out for a comic valentine. Bob. Shaw, of Galloway, was in town last Friday. The Gem saloon and renovations. Hon. Joe Thomas, of Arlington, visited j Heppner last Thursday. I The Heppuer country is experiencing j regular Mi.rch weather. Dr. Geoghan, of Lexington, visited j Heppuer the first of the week. Ex-.Sheriff J. A. Biakely, of Giliiam i county, visited Heppuer Tuesday. Born tn Heppuer, Feb. 10, to the wife of G. W. Harrington, a son. Green Mathews, of Pendleton, wa3 over iu the Heppuer country last week. Air. George V. Stewart arrived home from Greeley, Colorado, last Saturday. Julius Freedland, representing The A. P. Hotaling Co., visited Heppuer this week. Wru. Kudio, of Monument, was seen on Heppner's streets the lirst of the week. oam flianstieu), or Athena, visited ns last week and left his measure for the Gazette. J. W. Morrow and Henry Blacktuan went to Portland Tuesday morning on a business trip. Lane Matlock is lying very ill with in flammatory rheumatism at his father's residence, in town. Uncle Clark Adkins, of Hardman, vis ited Heppuer this week and treated our people to some old-time music. The National Bunk and Cuiliu & Mc Farland have moved into their new aud leKant quarters in the lower brick. Fine Supper,. Jack Gray, of the popu lar May street restaurant, will tjive an oyster supper on the evening of Feb. 14. Jas. McHailey, over from the John Day last week, reports small lossofsheep as compared with reports from else where. S. P. Haney and family, formerly a a resident of Heppner, but more recently of Lower Kbbtt creek, visited Heppuer this week. Mr. Niles, of the firm of Niles & Vin son, marble workers of Walla Walla, is looking after the interests of his lirm in this section. Arth. Hamilton passed through Hepp ner last Thursday eurouce for .Hamilton, having been for some time on a business trip to Portland. Sam Palmer, the Nebraska sheepman, is in the Heppner region ai?aiu on ihe lookout for mutton sheep. Mr. Palmer arrived on last Saturday's train. Phil Joseph, representing W. Cohen & Co., of San Francisco, and M. J. Davis, representing Herter, May .fe Co., were wallers at the Gazkttk uitice last evening. Dave Herren visited Heppner Tuesday and reported the loss of sx sheep out of a baud of over lttH, oue of them dying from the efluofcs of an overdose of burlap Backs. This office hears encouraging reports from every part of the country relative . to stock interests. Cattle seem to have suffered more than any other kind of stock. The roads in the Sand Hollow country are iu very bad condition. Plowing iu that section is progressing rapidly, say those wdio have traveled through that section. C. S. Van Duyn, the popular May street merchant, is moving his stock of l?oods to the stand formerly occupied bv "The Model'' in the First National bank building. Win. Thurluirn, who has been visiting his old time friends in Heppner for some months pust, left on Tuesday for Koote nai Lake, 15. C, where the Gazette will reach him. Combinations and trusts have reached Heppner, and as a result commodities which have heretofore retailed at a nom inal figure are forced beyond the reach of the average denizen. Heppner is more free from sickness than it has been for some time past. The grippe has entirely disappeared and Dearly all of those who have been on the sick list are again on the streets. I am pressed for money to meet obli gations that must be paid, and those in debted to me will confer a special favor if they will help me out a little, right JlOW. C. M. M VIiLOKV. Ed. Day, a Butter creek sheepman, feports a loss of seven head out of o,tXK) sheep, which he wintered near his pos sessions over there. Plenty of feed proves to be the sliat p man's friend through the winter season. Geo. Bleakman passed from the pre jiaratory state of citizenship yestead ay to tbe condition of a full-Ueded .Yan kee. Ha took out his papers in 74 aud has found "Uncle Sam's" plan of doing business to be quite satisfactory. Messrs. Coffin & McFarland are now comfortably located in the new bank building and are now, as heretofore, pre pared to supply the public with anything in the shape of general merchandise at their usual low figures. See new ad. elsewhere in these columns. The local tdiior of the Arlngton Times incidentally mentions tneir uusy j bout 25 miles of road to make, of which i figured his features as well as being to there are about live miles, iu stretches of : s"ne extent painful. While coming from a quarter of a mile to a mile, aloug ! through a deep snowdrift beyond Hamil the route that will have to be blasted, I t"n ue was thrown from the sleigh while and rather hard grading; but the bal- i at t!3!it moment theanimals were leaping ante will not be much worse than is j to 'ree themselves from the drift. He g.-'iier"!ly found in a rough country. dragged some distance and being '1 here is'already considerable work done i uu!1',ie to protect, himself from injury, along the route in places, which will on- ! a9 hs ff!et 8t'!1 remained in the sleigh, ly need widening out. it will take two ! The 'earn not being frightened, after biidges, one with a UO-foot and one with ! orossiiK the great bank of snow, stop- an M'.Moot span. Taking it in all, Ih; road is not near so hard to build as was generally supposed. Kegarding funds I am assured that about ifiOtjOcun be raised j aiisut Dayvilie and from there to Canyon : along the river, all settlers being willing in m;i in wnpL- Tl.a lT..L-lnnl. I will contribute their mite in work and money as soon as the road is surveyed and the work commenced. If the work is attended to, and the Heppner business men get in, all the wool aud trallic from eight miles this side of Dayville can be brought to Heppuer next spring; and the sooner the road is opened the better it will be for Heppner, as there are pros pects for a line of railroad through Har ney aud Prineville which would come within 50 miles of Dayville, but a road to that line would be impracticable and hard to make on account of mountains. The settlers are more in favor of this road if we only get in and build it. Wariier, Or., Feb.2,'M. A. HEM AIIS ABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She continued its use and after taking ton bottles, found herself sound and weli, now does her own housework aud is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles this Great .Discovery at A. D. Johnson l'rug btore; large bottles 50a. 2 ped, but not until the left side of Mr. Golf's head was slightly defaced. From Canyon City News. The loss of stock in Giant county this year will be less than in any county east of the Cascades, and therefore we have cause to rejoice. Frogs and blackbirds announce that King Winter has had his spinal column fractured, folded his tent and silently gone north. Thu absence ot snow and the green grass on the hills, with gentle spring showers falling, confirms their announcement. The stage driver between here aud Long Creek lost one os his horses Mon day idg!:t while coming this way. In Fox valley the road crossed a creek over which the snow had drifted, and the water undrn'atb having worn away and softened the dritt the team broke through. ano one horse was clulleii to death be fore he could be extricated. Prices reduced. Every family note can have the f.vt Automatic hewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is v.'orth sending for even if you harp r. Machine. Kru.;e A- Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and -157 West 2 ah r., N. Y. City. & Co. and 31.00 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. THURSDAY, FEE. 6, 'no. Council called to order by Mayor Blacknian. On roll being called, all were fouud present except Councilman Nels. Jones. The Mayor stated the object of the meeting that of considering on whom depended the responsibility of certifying to the result of the election. On motion Mr. J. N. Brown was called to give information on the point raised through oversight of council to provide election law. By motion Portland counsel was or dered to give opinion ou the suhject. Coxsuiiptiox St'KELY Cohed. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their exoress and post office address. T. A. SLOCUVI, M. C. 181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. SnKPRiSED. Johnny Spencer was pleasantly surprised on Tuesday even ing by his young friends, who gathered at Mr. Sloan's residence and came in up on him viithnnt warning, reminding him that they had not forgotten that it was his 15th birthday. A nice time was had by all the young folks, and an excellent lunch was served. The following were the surprisers: Minnie Matlock, Belle Griffin, Elsie Jones, Jennie Noble, Ma mie Stott, Bert Banner, Claud Sloan, Frury Leezer, Dee Conser, Benny Pat terson and Robbv Stott. SiiSSATtoxAL TIeppner. For the past year this little city has furnished food for more than oue gossiping tongue, and still there is no lack of sensational nov elties. Thus far the parties concerned in the various little indiscretions have kept themselves out of court aud from the public gaze, but icaunot last long. The Gazette publishes no idle rumors, nor does it delve down into private mat ters, but no power'of man can keep this sheet from talking facts when the good of the public demands it. RAXH0JS It SHARKS Job printing at Dend!oton prices at the Gazette oilice. A tine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at E. J, Sioenm's drug store. Yon will do weil to see cloaks at W.O. Minor's before purchasing elsewhere. Rasmus, the dentist, will till teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. The Siding, Morgan and Russell but ter at W". O. Minor's. None better in the market. Guun & Ruark. horse shoers; round NEW REPUBLIC IN THE FIFTIES. One of the most striking incidents to a person newly arrived in the city of Rio de Janeiro, about So years ago, was the manner in which a Portugue, with whip in band, could accelerate the movements of a gang of slaves employed iu carrying heavy sacks of green cerlve on their biire shoulders, to be shipped off to dis tant countries. Among the slaves au occasional one could be see wearing an iron baud around his neck, which was placed there as a mode of punishment and a warning to ail to let him have no "Cashasa," a fiery liquor distilled from the sugar cane. Some others again who were deemed incorrigibies, had their heads and faces adorned with a mask like iron contrivance, padlocked, which precluded all chance of of getting intox icated. What a grievous change for the festive son of Ham to be forced away from his happy hunting grounds in the wilds of Africa, where he could chase the baboon and but tertiy and have an occasional man for breakfast! If gratitude has an abiding place in the Negro's breast, the colored man of Bra zil owes a deep debt of it to Doui Pedro, that enlightened and progressive mon arch who was instrumental in liberating him. AsosF.iv Martin. BUTTER CREEK NEWS. Mr. W. B. Danghterty has lost his old dog Tailor, and was oa track of him this morning. Mr. Harrier's mud-clerk has beaun plowing. Born To the wife of Wm. E. Hiatt, of Mountain valley, a 7-pound girl. Mr. A. B. Kiatt came down the canyon waving his hat and rejoicing over being grand father for the 12th time. J. A. Pearson and family have just le tnrned from visiting J. E. Freeman and family, of Vicki. Jacob H. Pearson and wife, of Little Butter creek, have just returned from visiting his father-in-law, A. B. Hiatt, of Big Butter creek. The Ivid. FRAZIER S BODY FOUND. i.-l...un :il:e i.e.mie in their last is-i horses suod with new slices an sue, in comparison with the "sleepy" after date for $1.60 per head, denizens ot Heppner. That scribe has a I Mat. Licbtenthal will open your eyes monumental imagination, and is ont ( p,.,, 0f his boots and shoes. You afraid to draw ou the fund at a moment's j can ymv them no cheaper in Porrland. warning. Go to Van Duyu's for prices on cloth- Phil. Colin returned from a brief visit ing for men and boys. New goods and i . nr,.,..la r.iM,t. While on I new nriees. his wav east he verv" unexpectedly met Van Duyn is the leader in prices, lead hn.Vhar Jerrv w ho had been delayed ; er in fashions in clothing, at Hmitinuton bv a blocKade. 1 ml. says that notwithstanding the hard winter the stock in that locality fared as well as ordinarily. Frank S. CarUrigbt weil known in this section committed suicide at Helena, Mont Feb. 7, bv shooting himself in tue head. He leavers a wife, to whom be had but recently been married. The cause was financial trouble. He came there -about rive months ago and entered the law firm of Dubose & Henry. It was developed at the inquest that Cartwri-ht u mother, four sisters ami brother, all of whom are in Oregon father, who is deau, was r .tor Cartwright of Oregon. His Sena- cut s fur nishings, hats, caps. Hoots ana suoes. The Square Deal sulky plow gives en tire satistaction. A fair and impartial test will fullv establish its merits. For sale bv Gilliam & Cotl'ev. iW't tail to call and inspect the new j stock of of prize baking powder ware at j Leezer .t Thompson's. The piettiest in; the city. ' The SI Buckingham & Heoht.mens: shoe will not rip. Best in the market ! for the price. Buy them at M. Lichteu- j thal's. ; Do von want some dried veuison? Go to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store . for it, and everything else in their lines. ; The most complete stock of groceries in , A Wilbur special to the East Gregoni an of Feb. 7 says: The dead body of N. K. Frazier was fouud about 9 o'olock this nioruing by Nels. Nelson, one of the men who originally went out on the fatal hunting expedition a week ago hist Tuesday, the day Fraxier was last seen alive. From the location of the body and its nppearanoe, he was evidently on his way hoirte, and met with some accident, pos sibly a slide down the hillside. When found he was lying on his back, with both hands tightly clasnyd across the l.reast. He had a jdove on one hand. The o-her glove was found about 200 i'eet farther up the canyon, from which it miyht be inferred that at this point he had tried to gra sp something. The hand from which the giove had been pulled uif was partly black, indi cating that it had been bruised. The right ear w.is also bruised, and the head was bruised au-.t scratched some ; the neck wr.fi very much swollen, and had oeihans been broken. It. was a sorrowful sight to see his aged father, when he arrived at the spot, kneel down beside the remains, as if in silent prayer, anil then weep, but he soon dried Ids eyes manfully. It is thought he was out till after dark and was trying to return along the rnl-e to camp or to the river, when he ap proaehe'I tor near the edge anil slid down the .9t cp hillside, receiving injuries too severe to permit him to travel farther. .j The bouy will be b:'oui:ht to towu on the first train, ti lieu the funeral will fie arranged. . I UCARASfrJes TO CUBE. j OLYMPH male SiicCi-'i! I Henpncr. H APPY HOOSIERS. I Roberts & Simons are prepared to re- I ...jii- ViT-ofcen agricultural lnac "Wm. Timmous, Postmaster of iJavine, - ther(J js nttniu8 lad., writes: "Electric Bitters has done ; tUf. i,iaoksmithing line that they are than all other meuicines . not ai,le to uo. more for me combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of same place, says: -Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man. J- . Gardner, hardware nierchaut. same town, savs : Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run dowu and .ion t care whether he lives or dies; he i"-na ... ...! anruHt and felt just ike he had a new lease ou tue. Johns m & Oulv Ve predict rather cold weather anout the ''5'ii of December, and slightly warm er about Juiv 4th uext, but wall paper and carpets will bs reduced from ten to twenty per cent for the next thirty davs at W. O. Minor's. But look! The morn iu russet mantle clad, , . , , Walks o'er the dew of yon nigh eastward hills. , , But a brilliant lump adds more cheer fi0 to the home circle. Examine . S. MURRAY, M. D., Fe ist. Has practiced on the Pacific C-wst for the past twenty-five years. A iiie time devoted to the study of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have thousands of testimo nials of permanent cures from the best people on this coast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any case of female weakness, uo uiE'.tter how long standing or what the stage inay be. Charges reasonable and within the reach of ail. For the benefit of the very poor of my sex who are sutiering from any of the great multitudes of ailments that follow in the train ot that terrible dis ease known as female weakness, and w ho are unable to pay for treatment, I of charge. Consultation All correspondence strict ly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed anil sent by express with charges pre-paid for ihome" j treatment, with specific directions for j use. If yon are Siiii'ering from any fe 1 male trouble, periodically or eonstauMy, ! Address. ! OLYMPIA S. .MURRAY, M. D., East Portland, Oregon. The following market reports we cup from the Orejonian of the latest date: SAN FRA-VCISCO. Wheat The spot market continues dull and inactive. Offerings are moder ate hut buyers hold off. No. 1 shipping quoted nominally at 1.257 1.26 j ; option trading, slow; morning call, 400 tons bnver year at !rl.34;4; buyer season, CHICAGO. Wheat Easier; opened, 7S!e May; closed, 75c, March. 7S,'8c May. Wool Business only of a jobbing character. Verv light movement East ward. Quote California at ll('22c; Ore gon, valiev, l8i2-3c; Eeastern Oregon, HwlSJic." CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago, Feb. It). Cattle Receipts 12.500; steady and 10c higher; choice to extra beeves, $400?; 3 20; steers, pifdi 50; stockers aud feeders, .2 40x3 50; Texas corn fed cattle Soig5 50. Hogs Receipts 32,20X1; steady and 10 cents higher; mixed, ?3S0't(4 10; heavy, $3 9tH4 10; Sight, 3 ejuc l 15. Sheep Receipts, SoUO; steady; na'ives $o 5;j 80; Western coru fed, p(5 60; Texaus, $3 70( 5. t PORTLAND. Eggs The market has declined great ly ou account o liberal supplies of Cali fornia product. Large receipts of East ern stock are expected to-morrow. Quo tatius. 25c ; Oregon, 40c. Potatoes The market is firmer with liberal supplies. Quotations, $1 65(il 75 per cental. Onions The market is weaker. Sup plies coming in treely. Quotations, 2 26 2 50. . .: Oats The market is firmer with light receipts. Quotations 3rtr.40e. Poultry All kinds are scarce and prices rule high. Millfeed The market is entirely bare, on account of interrupted tridlie. the mills being shut off from shipping. Other commodities ia the produce market, show no change, nor is it likely they will until the avenues of supply are again opened up. HEPPNER MARKET. Butter Fresh G005c per2Ei roil. Eggs Very lew iu the market. Find ready sale at 25g30c per.doz. Potatoes Few iu market. V anted at 2c per lb. Ouions 2?2'3c per pound. Beef hides 75c!&1.50, accoruiug quality and size. Sheep pelts 4G575e. Flour Heppner, 5?4 per barrel ; in 5 barrel lots, $3.75; Peerless, (Waitsbnrg) S4-25 per barrel iu uuy quantity. Vher can you get the Most Candles, M, Notions, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT -Where did you Say ? "THE MODEL," PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite V. O. Minor's, and next door to the Ilea Restaurant. to Eemoiiiber that ail paid up subscribers to tbe Gazetti; are entitled to a brand notico, freo of charge. This of itself is wor-lh more thaa 2 to th-3 stockman, tf- Correspoudi-uta will please remember thnt it is liect-ssary to sin their true name as well as their nom deplume when writing to the Gazetts; otherwise their emmunioations will not be pub lished. . If any'of our readers are not taking the weekly illustrated West Shore they outfht to do so. It combines too desir able features of all the eastern weeklies and is superior to any one of them. Es pecially in its graphic pictures of west ern scenes it is of great interest. Aside from the local paper it ia the best pub lication bat can be takeu, and should be in every house. Published by L. Sam-! uki, Portland, Oreou, at 84.00 a yeur. : The Long Creek Ea'jle and the Ilepp-: ner Gazette, $3,00 a year, strictly inad-j vance. Tbe regular sub3ciption price of both papers ia 4.50. Heppner people, j you shonl know something about the j interior country. You expect to get' ousiuess from tuat section for your m-4 dividual benefit, but it will not come without effort. Take the representative paper of that section, at least, and be posted on matters over there. The Ea gle and Gazette, both for $3.00 for one year's subscript ion. tf. Oysters and Lunch served at All in the Best Style. H ours anc Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the .Choicest Goods. OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. 9 -Successor to Miuor, Dodson & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES IfYouWant DRY GOODS,. CLOTHING, Oerits' Furnislmig Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, wood Ars riiior ."Viei, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Gu: iLASSWARE, mmunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, call on W. O. MINOR. NS, The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandiser To be Found East of Portland. AmoDg the Latest Novelties are Ladies Dress Good s, Garments, Trimminos, Etc. 6U Their Celebrated Boot called Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both iu prices and quality, A Large Aseortment of Clothing, Boots, . Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in p h mm fire, MAY STREET. HEPPNER, OREGON. STOP AT THE 0UOTII 120CISE UPPER MAIN STREET, The Harney county seat question is now agitatia tho public mind, and the excitement between the contesting par ties appears to be on tbe increase, as the E. O. Herald has proCEered notice: We would like the people who live in the country, and are fdends cf tbe two towns now contesting for the location of the county seat, to know, beyond ques tion, that every resiJent citizen of Burns and Karney is directly opposed to inci ting, upnoiLiiup or narooriug uny man or men. who will wantoDly destroy the property of another. INEWLY FURNISH! :d ROOMS The Best Meals in the City. I. N. BASEY, Proprietor. Macliinery, IJto. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will oonvince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts felt for CasI and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side-of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements 1 be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Jvorthwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co A. D. Johnson & Co. TUB CITY DRUG STORB, HEPPXEE, - -" - - - OREGO X -Sole Agents for Morrow County for- eppner Feed Yard! SIGN A !j MORVILE KiXOKD. For Week Enriiijs WeihiAsday, Feb I"!, yiaa J ifnn j Hain t'har- Date i Temp.! .tiax. 3Iin. iiur, iFall. - ' .ncier. i j i Feb ti SS.50 I f;l.')si tr.) :n.3'i: o.oi ci'r 7 W.Otl jfio.-,.j 2d.J r-in.lOi) 0.H fair H 84.50 I iU.. H2..V .MU40 trace cl r U Hii.ixt I IT ;V 32.1 U :WAH Ou.) fHir 10 31.00 ."if.iKi 2.VOH ;) i.TMi 1 0. ci'r 11 8M.Su ! iT ID ; k.5 50 1.550 j 0.m do 12 37 00 ; .'tr, I as.tiu j 3ti (ism fair lire If you have made tip your mind to buy jlood's Sarsaparilla (io not be induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by Yirtue of its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A. Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience nelow: el '" In one store where I went to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla the cleric tried to induce me buy their own instead of Hood's; he told me thetr's would last longer; that I might take it on ten days' trial; that if I did not like it I need not pay anything, etc Tut he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. "When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con sumption. Hood'a Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it." Kiss. Ella A. Goff, ei Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Eoldby all druggists. 1; six for $5. Prepared onlj by C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Has IOO Doses One Dollar hinery, shoe i will treat free bv mail, tree. Ol-t pikers at the G vzErrv: ntnee at to oeuts per 100, or two bits a br.oeb. tf. When joa pass through Long Creek, gtop witli 1'rauk Waterbury at the Har- . . ii i. I r..A i rtictv Hnrap I i!H tanm in im nH Nun Co.- GiUiam & Coney . . new lau j ith the best in the market. " 2 i purchasing elnewbere. I Fr o Gold3 Fcmak Pills. ForFPTTift'e TrrccTiTar i UeM no! .hinir like them on thy market. Never fail. Mnt-eessitilly used by prominent ladies monthly. G'iarantet"l to relieve suppressed meiiatruaiion. SU11E! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbueaed. Save Time, Healtti, ami mousy ;take no oth er. Sunt frt nnv nrlflrpss. .'TTn,. BtM'ure by mail on re- THE bFKRB ifiED-CWE COMPfiffY, Western Brancii, Eqs27, tOKILASD.. OR Sold by A. D. John son & Co., Sole Airenta for Heppuer. Is the place for Teamsters to stop. CMP HAY AND FREE STALL ROOM! li'sj-o Camping House. Yv hole Barley and Chop for Sale. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. mi E. K. KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. NELSON JONES, Pres't. mm if (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and warding Agents. BISHOP. Treaa. Si For The Company Iras recently constructed a two-story warehouse 60 x 100 feet, a-iih wool press and all con veniences for handhno- wool. Ihe Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less carta ces. Freight upon baled wool froni Heppner, same as from Arlington. L ash advanced, upon consignments of wool or wool in mrt fin Storage FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZER. P. O. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON UJIil EUAN'S TOOLS A Specialty ! ! PUMPS And Piping always on Hand. -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Wood and. "Willow Ware, ; ISB-iMi WIRB,1 Bin! Oages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and p. complete line o 1'V 1 1 Groceries and MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON E. J, SL0CUM; "Deaier Inf ,3.s' Drugs, Toilet THE RON E. FELL, MANAGER. ru- ' wa ,-, -fi rs iiL,, i M. LICHTENTHAL. -SOLE AGENT FOR- iickinoJiam & HecMs $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. Every Warranted. Also an extensive line tbe celebrated Buckingham & Hecbt boots always on hand. pair of Largest Stock in East ern Oregon, Oli o A- ion 1 Patent Afecllolnes ArfielO l'tirit.S, ClilS, Crl!4! title! xv 1 1 1 WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort- ment ot uulij ruiNi Eastern Oregon. m .dVg't; for- Portland Leezer & Thompson's Corn-jr, : HEPPNER, - - - - : - Oregoniaii. : : Main Street, ' - - OREGON. W. A. KIEK. J. C. HAYES, -DEALERS IN- Special attention paid to fine custom work. MAIN STREET, Op;josite City Hotel, HEPPXER, OREGON. Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing fi Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand tbe Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. Oo. a bottle at A. D. Drag Store.