THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY, Feb. 6, 1S00. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. - M T't, l'! Hepimnr 7:45 a, m.. arrives H?.":?' T' leav,7' .''rtlanil 7 n. m., arrives at 1 - ' "any exoepT rjuiiaays. CyVK(k AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Htiize leaves for Canyon City daily. n-rnves aaiiy, except Sunday, at p. M. lUere is savins of 1G hours in time and 810 ir cash by taking this route to C. V. Lnmlar & Co., 429, Fifth St., P "Hand, Or., are ant'.orized to make v, -tis!ii( contractu for the Gazettb. They will aiSr. make collections for this paper. Here and There. Fat stock. Snow all gone. Read onr local market report. Who receives the election returns? What has become of the "cow ordi nance"? Long Creek is having a hard time with the grippe. Os. Mitchell, of lone, is visiting in Heppner this week., The Atheiuean Press says their devil pied a whole form this week. ' Geo. Harris, of Lexington visited Heppner the first of the week. Fred Sherman, of Upper Butter creek, is visiting in the city this week. Jerry Brosuian was over from Lena Monday and paid this shop a visit. Hod. W. R. Ellis is again on the street, having recovered from his illness. TTnele W. C. Reiuinger, of Spring Hollow, is visiting the city this week. Phill and Jerry Cohn are visiting friends and relatives in Boise city. The weather has turned off bright and warm and grass is starting nicely. Fred Suow, who has been quite ill ior some weeks is again on our streets. The little daughter of Johnny Hager has been quite ill during the past week. Old pnpprs at the Gazette office at 75 cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf. The Heppner hills are putting on a ;oat of green, and the weather is as spring time. Nye Rambo was up from Ella Tues day. He reports sheep in that locality in good condition. Normau Kelley reports everything tip the creek lovely and the goose is on the topmcst branch. Notwithstanding the vigilance of a number of parties at the polls, Tuesday, numerous illegal votes were polled. Will Thnrburn will start for British Columbia in a few weeks where he is jengaged in the mining business. A fine lot of fruits and vegetables will noon arrive at the Model cigar store. Don't fail to sample them. All of our Eastern Oregon exchanges report much damage having been done by the chmook winds of the past fort night. A. C. Pettys, of Pettysville. is in the city. The snow in his locality has all : disappeared and- the new grass is loom ibg up. W. E. Hiatt., of Mountain Valley, is in town. Everyone in that section have been down with grippe, but all are con valescing. Charlie Jones has added a new artist to his tonsorial parlors in the shape, of Muurioe Ball, who will make a good barber with practice. The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous tendency to consumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by purifying the blood. When you pass through Long Creek, top with Frank Waterbury at the Har diHty House. The table is always sup lied with the best in the market. Remember that all paid up subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notioe, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than 82 to the stockman, tf. Rev. Mr. Prunk, who has presided as pastor of the Baptist elm rob of this place for a year or more will leave next week with his family to reside iu Mc Minnville. Jack Gray has pnrohased the Rea restaurant ou May street and is now prepared to didi up a fine meal at any hour. Notioe his new ad. elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Beck, of Monument, was over to Heppner early this week. He says the Josses of stock in that locality this win ter are not nearly so large us has been reported. Heppner is, always has been and ai rways will be the favored spot. Stook meD have suffered severe losses ail .around us but those in this vicinity nre till on the tip top. Jim Hart was in town from Clark's Canyon Tuesday. He reports that ninoh damage was done by the Chinook winds during the past week, several farmers losing the roofs of their houses. Deeds are being recorded in Multno mah county at the rate of GO per day and at an average price of $'2$00 per deed. Most of the transfers being for East Portland and Albina property. There are so many sociab es taking jjlaoi" overv week that we cauiiot keep track of them, and in trying to write up Be we got il mixed with two or three .others and so had to give it up. Correspondents will please remember that it is neoessarv to sign their true nsme as well as their nam tie plume -when writing to the Gazktte, otherwise beiruminunicatious will not be pub dished. The vounsr oeoole. "Heppner's best." met nt the opera hoiist 'apt Friday night o "shake a leg." The dance was an en joyable affair and a decided success. The miwic was furnished by Keeney's orchestra. A B. Maokev, of Alpine, visited this city last Th'nrsdar. He reports having lost onlv 03 out of his band of 2000 sheep, having "sufficient hav to feed 35 days. He says no one in that vicinity lost many sheep. The new brick is nearly completed. The painters are putting on the finish ing touohes and Coffiin & McFarland and the National Bank will be located there by another week, part of the goods having already been moved. At the meeting of the stock holders of the Palace Hotel Company, on Tuesday, the following officers were eleoted: President, J. L. Morrow; Vice president, Hetrv Blackman: Secretary, J. VV. Mor row, treasurer, Geo. Conser. Heppner has been without Portland mail since last Friday, occasioned by washouts and accidents along the line of the Union Pacific between Portland aud The Dalles. Boats have been started on the river and we expect through mail to night None of the sheepmen of this section, so far, have lost many sheep, exoepting "old pelters" which would probably ,bave died anyway during the late storm ; wbile reports from over the Blues say -that sheep owners have lost all the way from 300 to 800 out of their bands. The only illustrated weekly west of ; Chieago is the West Shore, which has ! not a superior in any respect in the United States. Its large colored lllnstra- -itions are works of art, and are of home scenes in wtucn our people wo ested. Its editorials are crisp and pithy. "Its humorous sketches and paragraphs rival those of the papers which make a specialty of them. Its illustrated poems are one of its most attractive features. In everv respect it is just the paper our -people want for themselves, their wives and their children. $4.00 a year- L-Sami-el. Publisher, Portland, Oregon. New Buickvard. Messrs. Tyson & Boyotl have perfaeted arrangements for opening a brickyard near town early this coming spring. They will put in a first class machine, have secured the ser vices of an experienced man and expect to turn out good, large brick at therateof 17,000 per day. We hope they may have success in the venture and that they may be kept busy to supply the demand which we anticipate during the coming season. HEPPNER CITY ELECTION. No One Is LosiNG.-The fact that large uumliers of cattle and hoses are dying cannot be denied, but who they belong to is apparently a question. Whenever a stockman is asked how his cattle are getting along, he replies that he is doing all right and that his loss will not amount to anything, but that his neighbor will lose about 50 per cent. There is no use of trying to conceal the fact that the loss will be very heavy. Oregon Blade. Tub New Hotel. Work is progress ing on the new brick hotel. Rogers and Nordyke have finished moving the postoffice from the old location on May street to Main street and are pre paring to move the Warren millinery store alongside. The work of excavat ing will soon commence, and it will be only a matter of a very short time till Heppner can boast of a fine three-story brick hotel. Those who think Hepp ner is not coming to the front with both feet aie much mistaken. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can bu from onr ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every ease, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs Bronchitis, Asth ma, VV hooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc It is pleasant and agreeabe to taste, per fectly safe, and can always be depended npon. Trial bottles free at A. D. John- sou & Co's Drugstore. 1. FROM BUTTER CREEK. There is a great deal of snow here and it is drifted very bad, so that travel is almost impossible. Most of the people in this vicinity are ill with the grip, and whiskey and aloed is the principal dose. Hay is selling for $15 per ton on Big Butter creek. The stock of this neighborhood is looking very bad. I Mr. Hamer, Mr. Tippett and Mr. Hayes are all gone on a trip to Pendle ton. The Kid. HAIL RIDGE ITEMS. plenty Six weeks of oold weather, with of snow and frequent winds. Terrific and cold winds for three days and nights, succeeded by a "chinook" on the 28th iiist. Welcomed by all, for wood piles are getting low and snow drifts render roads impassable. Mr. Beach Haines, of Denver, Col., is visiting friends aud relatives in this vi cinity. Miss Belle Hooker speut last week at her home on Hail Ridge. Mr. Perry Snyder, of Gooseberry, paid us a visit on last Thursday. Why does Mr. Ingram smile so bland ly? It's a fine daughter. Mrs. J. Young, who has been very ill, is now convalescent. At this writing Misses Ida aud Eva Hooker are on the sick list, but their speedy recovery is anticipated. Mrs. A, M. Sloe run closed a successful ierm of school in this district on the 24th mst. Notwitstanding the inclemency of the weather, several visitors of the dis trict were present. The afternoon was pleasantly spent listening to recitations, songs, etc., by the pupils, after which, A. H. Hooker, chairman of the board, addressed a few appropriate remarks to the sohool in favor of education. ' Mrs. Slocnm is an efficient and thorough teacher, and we, one and all, recommend her as No. 1 in teaching "young ideas to shoot." Our Lvcaura, held at the school house every Thursday evening is in a nourish ing condition. Question for this week "Resolved that a clean cross woman will make a better wife than a good natured, dirty one." Young and old are invited to take part iu tois debate. 'Be of good cheer," is onr mottoe. "Contentment is better than wealth." Reporteb. Never before since the town of Hepp ner has been incorporated has tiiere been so much enthusiasm shown as was shown at the annual electien which took plaoe lasi Tuesday. The principal fight was for recorder, though considerable work was done for mayor. The following is the vote as given by one of the judges. For Mayor Henry Blackman, 150; J. R. Simons, 47. For Recorder G. W. Rea, 76; A. J. Shobe, 41, A. A. Roberts, 87. For Treasurer W. J. Leezer, 200. For Councilmen O. E. Farnsworth, 150; Wm. J. McAtee, 155; C. M. Mallory, 97; Otis Patterson, 67 ; N. S. Whetstone, 94. By the above it will be seen that the Gazette shop got left, but we can say with a clear conscience that we don't care, and more than that we have no "kick coming" concerning any who have been more snccessful than oui selves. ''Those who have must lose." We had the gall to run, but we lost the election See? The question has now arisen as to tne proper party to whom the re turns should be turned over. There is no one in town who feel as though they have a right to receive them. It is true that the legislature, in passing the city oharter, has failed to provide for any election except the first one and the city dads have also failed to provide for it. The question is, who will give the elect ed parties their certificates of election, and by what authority will they claim their seats? Heretofore the successful candidates have qualified merely upon the strength of a supposition that they were entitled thereto, the official vote never having beeu announced by any canvassing board. ; What will be done now remains to be seen, but the question will probably not be settled till it brought before the court. - GUARANTEES TO CURE. OLYMPIA S. MURRAY, M. D., Fe male Specialist. Has practiced on the Pacific Coast for the past twenty-hve years. A life time devoted to the study of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have thousands of testimo nials of permanent cures from the best people on this coast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any case of female weakness, no matter how long standing or what the stage may be. Charges reasonable and within the reach of all. For the benefit of the very poor of my sex who are suffering from any of the great multitudes of ailments that follow in the train of that terrible dis ease known as female weakness, and who are unable to pay for treatment, I will treat free of charge. Consultation by mail, free. All correspondence strict ly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed and sent by express with charges pre-paid for "home" treatment, with specific directions for use. If you are' suffering from any fe male trouble, periodically or constantly, Address, OLYMPIA S. MURRAY, M. D., East Portland, Oregon. Where cart you get the Most RANCHMEN. RANDOM REMARKS. Pendleton prices at etc., Job printing at the Gazette office. A fine line of gold pens, pencils. at E. J. Slocum s drug Btore. You will do well to see cloaks at W.O. Minor's before purchasing elsewhere. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. The Saling, Morgan aud Russell but ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in the market. When you are dry, go to Swaggart's for a glass of the celebrated Weinhard beer. By the quart or glass. - Gunn & Ruark, horse shoers: horses shod with new shoes all round after date for S1.50 per head. Mat. Lichteuthal will open your eyes in prices of his boots aud shoes. Yon can buy them no cheaper in Portland. Go to Van Duyn's for prioes on cloth ing for mea and boys. New goods and new prioes. Van Duyn is the leader in prices, lead er in fashions iu clothing, gent's fur nishings, hats, caps, boots and shoes. The Square Deal sulky plow gives en tire satisfaction. A fair and impartial test will fully establish its merits. For sale by Gilliam & Coffey. Dou't fail to call and iuspeot the new stock of of prize baking powder ware at Leezer & Thompson's. The prettiest in the city. The Si Buckingham & Heoht,mens shoe will not rip. Best in the market for the price. Buy them at M. Liohten thal's. ' Do von waut some dried venison? Go to J. W. Matlock & Co. 's grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. The most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, aud in fact there is nothing in the blacksmithiog line that they are not able to do. We predict rather oold weather about the 25tb of December, and slightly warm er about July 4th next, but wall paper and carpets will be reduoed from ten to twenty per cent for the next thirty days at W. O. Minor's. But look ! The morn in russet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hills. But a brilliant lamp adds more cheer fulness to the home circle. Examine Gilliam & Coffey's new fall stock before purchasing elsewhere. TAILORING. I hsva opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from 7 to $15 besi goods in the market. A. Abrahamsick. Consumption Surely Cured. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post office address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Pearl St., Nev York, N. Y PROGRAMME TEACHERS' TUTE. INSTI- During the institute held in Heppner the last week of December, '89, the teach ers of Morrow county arranged for a permanent organization. This body will be known as "The Teachers' Association of Morrow Co.," and their first meeting will be held at Lexington, Saturday, Feb. 8, '90. All teachers educators aud patrons of schools are invited to attend and participate in the work. This is the first association of th kind that has been formed in this county, and it is to be hoped that it will prove a success and beneficial to educational work of the county. MORNING SESSION. Assooiational work, JulinsIIodsou, of Lexington, and W. C. Hoseason, of Heppner. Orthography T. C. Aubrey and Wm. Saling, of Heppner. Grammar Mrs. E. R. Beach, of Lex ington, and Jay Shipley, of Heppner. Geography C. B. Crane, of Ella, and Chas. Royse, of Heppner. AFTERNOON SESSION. Physiology Introduced by Miss Josie Miles, of Hardman," and followed by Miss Estella Webb, of Heppner, The outlook of the schools of Morrow oounty. Opening the query box. General business of the Association. EVENING SESSION. Opening Address Supt. J. H. Stan ley, of Heppner. Music. Recitation. Address Emil Voruz, of Heppner. Music. : Select reading. General talk by Messrs. T. C. Aubrey, Julius Hodson, W. C. Hoseason, F. L. Hoskins, Frank Van Winkle, John Royse and C. B. Crane. Emil Vobuz, Sec of Association. HARDMAN TO THE FRONT. Come and see the finest line of two- year-old, pure bred, Clydesdale stal lions ever brought to the Unite'd States. Every horse guaranteed sound and a foal-getter, and will be found eligible to register in the American Clydesdale stud-book. Weight, from 1500 to 1700 pounds. I will trade them for horses and will receive the horses when in con dition for shipment. They can be seen at the McHaley stable, Arlington, Or. John Lord, Salesman, FORGER ARRESTED. Zo Houser, sheriff of Umatilla county, was in the city on Thursday lookiog for a man named John Ferguson, who was charged with having uttered a forged order for school money on the Umatilla county treasurer at Pandleton several Lweeks ago. During the day Sheriff McFarland learned that Ferguson was staying at Chris Maier's plaie, near town, and going there, arrested him, and bringing him to town, turned the prisoner ovet to Sheriff Houser, who left about midnight with Ferguson for Pen dleton. Ferguson had been engag ed by the schol directors to teach the school near Maier's place, and was expected to commence on Monday next. Nuts, Notions, fas, 1 ol)iiccos, Eft FOR THE LEAST MONEY? Where did you Say ? 7IIY AT "THE MODEL," Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Rea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All in the Best Style. H ours anc Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. OTIS PATTEESON, Proprietor. -Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS,. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the best Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and 457 West 26th St., N. T. City. LETTER' LIST. List of letters remaining in the Hepp ner postoffice, Feb. 1, '89. , Beckworth Mr Baird W L Coffey Miss Belle Davidson John Eggerth May Gates Wm Hale George Jones E M Larkins S Myers O H 2 Rank John Sweek F Snell F S M D Warterburg& Dus ton Walden Thos Wilkinson Wm Compton E Davison John EhlerJ Herdle Miss M Heckart & Son Kramer Mrs S A 2 Mikesell H D Munkers Miss Lena Richardson T R Smith L L S weenie H Walden Bud Ward P O Young Chas In calling for the above letters please say advertised. A. JVIallobv, P. M. People who think that Eastern Ore gon is going "fluey" should read the leading papers of this section and be undeceived. Almost every day we hear of inducements being offered by some town or another for some industry to lo cate amongst them. Hardman comes to the front this time and wants a first-class mill man to locate with them. The in ducements offered are very fine, especi ally as Hardman is on the line between a fine producing and consuming section. Parties wishing farther particulars con? cerning this matter will do well by ad dressing Cox & English, Hardman, Or. LONG CREEK. From The Eagle. . C. S. Dustin reports that he ' has lo9t about 300 bead of sheep so far this win ter. P. S. WTilson a resident of the Monu ment seotion imforms us, that so far out of his band of 6000 sheep he has no loss at all, as compared with that of other stockmen. A Chinook in his seotion has cleared the south hills and B large part of the flat of all its snow, and although picking is rather olose, it is much better for the stock, than' were it otherwise C. W. Blackwell, who lives nearRitter, states that for some cause he has lost at least 600 head of sheep out of his band of 2000. He has had plenty of feed, and still has sufficient to run him some time yet, but unless the severe weather ceas es, the prospects for saving the remain der of his herd are not at all favorable. Lime Swick started with a band of near 200 head of cattle for the meadows the first of the week, where has seoured several tons of hay, and will continue feeding. His cattle are looking fair, and with the attention he is giving " them he may not lose many head. . Newt Jones has returned from a trip over to Nelse Jones' sheep camp and re ports the outlook very bad. They ' have lost abort 700 head and their sheep are still dying. The snow is two feet deep with no signs of a break. Nelse staid in with the sheep to do what he can; they are out of hay and are browsing' them. Newt was four days in going from here to the Penland prairie. Dyspepsia Hakes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu . . larity of the bowels, are lv I SwCSS gome pf the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get well of itself. It taxing requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, aud by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- - , Jj u toms removes the sympa- Ha.daCrl0 thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. "I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat j a distressed me, or did me f arx little good. In an hour DLirn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a Sour room with fresh paint. Last , spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCn rilla took three bottles. It did me an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." Georqe A, Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists. 1 sijt or 8& Prepared only by C.I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Poses One Dollar CLOTHING, Gents' Jiirnislirxig: Goods, Hats, Caps, h Boots, Shoes, WOOD and riixow AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Groceries, 'Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything nsnallv kept in a first-class store, oall on W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET. - . - - . HEPPNER, OREGON. STOP AT THE i i i i i i i i . njoti wig 5oush UPPER MAIN STREET, NEWLY FURNISH ED ROOMS The Best Meals in the City. I. N. BASE Y, Proprietor, T PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of -General Merchandiser To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lafa' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, ... ; ..Hats, Caps, Tobacoos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything ' First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to' suit all classes of trade. is Special Inducements in Sheep Dip Tobacco, Sulphur, Lime. Wire, Machinery, Etc. A personal inspection of onr Mammoth Stock will oonvince the public that we carry the goods required which will be 1 sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. His anil Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade. . Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. . May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiouslv low Drices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles ua to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. SIGNAL SERVICE KECORD. For Week Ending Wednesday, Feb. S, IMenn I j.VIean j Temp. Xax. Min. j Bar, j JanSO 31 Feb 1 itt.oo . 41 .On 47. (JO 152.0TJ 4.S.U0 I r.4 IX 50.00 I 30.00 42.r0 4;; ou ii.VO I50.0U SI.50 M.OO 40(10 88.00 40.00 40.00 ay.00 Rain F1U. 30.070 ay.wio 2y.two 20.610 2!IJi7S 30.140 I 0.1 I 0.00 trace 0.02 trace 0 11 0.08 Character. Heppner Feed Yard ! Is the place for Teamsters to stop. CHEAP M AND FREE STALL ROOM! Free Camping House,'' Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.. . 1 Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. KEEPEK & BULLOCK, Props. NELSON JONES, Pres't. E. B. BISHOP, Treaa. MORROW COUNTY LAND S TRUST CO. General (Incorporated.) Warehouse A. D. Johnson & Co. THE CITY DRUG STORED, HEPPNER, OREGON Sole Agents for Morrow Oonntv for FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZER. P. O. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON and For- fair cloud di do cloud fair do A Pleasing Stnse of Hcalt .. : .and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Symp of Figs, as it ivU gently on the Kidneys, Liver Bowels ESec'.. Cleansing th? System when ; . Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers &nd prnsauenti;,-curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without Weakening or irritating the or gans oil wliicli it acta, l or Sale in 50c and Pl.oo Bottles b' all Leading 5rugists. 3IAS"TTTACTEntEP OLY BT TUB OALiroasiA na syrup co Sa-t FnAS'jiaco, C, warding Agents. The Company has recently constructed a tivo-storu warehouse 80 x 100. feet, with wool press and all con veniences for handling wool. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight i upon baled wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. . - Cash advanced storage wvVVi wuc " ": THERON E. FELL, MANAGER. TOOLS A 1 1 PUMPS And Piping always on Hand. -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Granifeware, Wood and "Willow Ware, . BARB WIRES Bin! Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of Groceries and Confectionery ! MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON HSE- g M. LICHTENTHAL; -SOLE AGENT FOB- Buckingham & Hecht's $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. , Every Warranted. Also an extensive line the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always op hand. pair of The Largest Stock in East ern Oregon. Special attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OEEGOX. EJ. SLOCUM, Dealer InE - oiIoiilM, Iatont Mediolnea. Toilet Wl All Jt-. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. -Vfs't for Portland Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : HEPPNER, .. . . ; - Oregonian. Main Street, OREGON. W. A. KIRK. J. 0. HATES, -DEALEB8 IN- Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing a SiJeoieilty ; tantly on le Go to their Btore for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted tot five years. Don't bny elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prioes. MATS STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON.