r i 0 23 THE GAZETTE. ivFPNKIl. THOItS VAY, Jan. 30, 1 RAILROAD TIKE TABLE. -'. "1. vepf, l.avH Ii' ii.nr 7:." it i'.-niriiid, p. m. N". ,-Hst. I. :.-,( t'orOuid 7 ;t l".'l;ni r. .. t 11.., (Lilly -!! a. in., ar CANYON AND ' INTERMEDIATE POINTS. r-tiit'e leaves for Ciinvon Citv iluilv, exci'i t Sunday, at 6 :3U a" m. Arrives dnily, cxcf.yt K'iniUy. at i:U0p. m. Thr ip savins of 16 hours in tirao and 310 u chh!i by takia tins ronto to Canyon. C. W. Li imlar & Co, 42!), Fifth St., i' rtlan.i, Or., are fin- ,oii,i;.i to miik v. tiB i:; contract for tiio Gazette Tbey will icnk- collect ions for this paper. Here and There. Wind: Winder!! Windest!!! La Grippu io gone. Are you n candidate? Two three-story hotely. Mrs. Johnny Elder is on the nick list. Don't fail to be at t lie polis next Tuea day. E. P. Jenkins, of Arlington ia iu the city. John F. Koyse, of Hardman, visile. 1 IleppLer this week. Everybody lookr for au exi-iiin city election ueitTues lay. Smoke '"Twins" riyais. For s'.i'a at - the Belvedere saloon. Kli Keeney returned from a visit to Arlington Monday uiht. Uncle Charley Cis hran. of Cochran bridge visited Heppuer this nieek. Water is now running in ilinton Cr.'.ek for the first time since last -June. Born To the wife of Win. J?. Wal bridge, of Balm Fork, Jan. 'Id. a son. ' For sale cheap a good cook stove. Apply at residence of Dr. A. L. Fox. 3t. Old papers at the Gazette olliee at 75 cents per 101), or two hits a bunch, ti. There will be a social hop at the opera bouse to-inorrow, Friday night. Tickets S1.U0. Ben Leland has received notice of his father's death in Philadelphia, Jan. '2:1, '!)D, aged 78. The Chinook winds of this wock have played havoc with numerous fences in North tleppuer. Pat Qnaid's sheep near llio Willows are feeding on a fmeen-ton btio:k of h,iy t $18 per ton. Sloan P. Shutt, of the Fossil Journal, will quit the newspaper business soon, on acoount of ill heatHj. Water has raised in Willow erck suf. ficiently to enable Air. Sperry to ran Ins roller mills by water power. Homer AleFarland was up from Lex ington last Saturday, tie will move to Heppuer permanently some time next mouth. Died At the residence ol' Wia Hughes, near Heppuer, Jan. 30, Miss Jielle (hlliam, daughter of Win. Gilliam, Aged 111. Fred Wilmarth, formerly one of the Gazette l'oroe but now oq the Arlington Timett, spent u few days in Heppner this week. Editor Biirnhnm, of the Arlington Timen, was in town this w eek, for the first time, taking iu the beauties of Heppner. Jim Hager went to Porthmd last Monday on a business trip, lie will probably visit tiie Sound seetiuu before returning. Hood's Sarsaparilia is a purely vegeta ble preparation, being free from injuri ous iugredients. t is peculiar in its curative power. Since our last issue the snow iu this immediate vicinity has all disappeared, though in some places a few miles from here enow is driited badly. While drinking from the oreek iu the. old-fashioned way, Sammy Teed was treated to a cold water bath one day last week, the ice breaking under him. Remember that all paid up subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notioe, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than 2 to the stockmau. tf. When on pass through Lon Creek, atop with Frank v aterbury at the lar disty House. The table is always sup lied with the best in the market. Fifteen members of the Wheeler fam ily, of Waitsburg the Times outlH- are down witu hi grippe. The balanoe ol the family are iu comparatively good health. W. B. Parsons aud wife, who have lieen spending the fall and winter in the city, will leave for their home near Eila nest Tuesday to attend to their farm duties. Dan Stalter returned Monday from Illinois whero he lias been for some luunths past with a band of Morrow county horses, which he disposed of at a fair figure. Heppuer is undoubtedly the best wool market in West. On last Tuesday Koshland Bros, bought Ed. Day's clip, held over from last Heason, paving there for 14 oeuts per pound, cash down. Ike Basey has lately opened up the Mountain House, upper Main street, and is prepared to attend to the wants of toe traveling public iu a substantial manner. See ad. elsewhere in these columns. Wood is a very scarce article iu our market at present, and finds ready sale at $8 per cord, but we are iu hopes the break-up will start some teams from the timber soon und ease np things a iitl-e. Correspondents w ill please rememb ;r that it is Decessary to sign their true auie as well as their nam tie pontic hen writing to the Gazette, otherwise their communications will not he pub lished. Fred Nelson, was down from Price Florence's ranch Tuesday where he is engaged in feeding cattle. They have alwut 500 up now and are hunting more. Their loss will not be heavy, having a good supply ol" hay. Frank Beal left for Saiem lat evening to visit his brother, Jed, who is ver.v low with consumption. A petitiou asking that the prisoner be pardoned wiii he presented lo ttie governor. It was quite largely signed by pendletou peopie. East Oregon tan. The Model cigar store has removed to the Smith building, next door to the Ilea restaurant, where they w ill he prepared to dish up domestic and imported ciiMis, candies, nuts and other confeetioney iu endless variety. See their new ad. else where in this issue. The Heppner Telegraph Company is dome a rushing busiuess. Some ot tue operators have attained tue highest round of the telegraphic- ladder and in contests have been known to transmit three words a niiuiite. The hue has two offices, Slocum's drug store aud Hi Jlallory's kitchen. During the past week the road up Cemeterv hill has been turned into a toboggan slide. After the first thaw te road was a glare of ice and made a good track. The run from the top ot tu-3 hid to George Swnggarfs dwelling was made several times in 45 seconds, the- distance being neariv a mile. The most'graphic aud artistic engrav ings published by any illustrated weekly in the United States are the large colored plates in the UVsf Shore. lu i!s con tents and general nature this is the best illustrated paper a resident of the Pai-.f-io coast can take. It deals with suo;ects he is interested in, and daring the year be is sure to lind something iu it taut he deems alone worth the year's suhserip tion. Everyone should t ike it. iue' price is but $1.0d n year for tUty-tv.-o numbers, making a splendid volume oi engravings. L. Samuel, Publisher, Portland, Or. ! The Cattle Ai:e Dnxa. 'Sever. Jones, j who ia -iding the rnnee for Piice Flor ence, -turued from a tiio to Lower I Rutin- creek and Cinatilla river last ;""!.'. He found cattle in that lo-,f-:.iity ia a deplorable condition. In one j.l we on the Umatilla r:vr w here, there i v. a-i a ;iui- f-helh-r for s'ork, over forty head ol crdtie had huddled together and jdu.-d. H" suci-;('ded in getting about I.! for Mr. Florence, which he j distribute, along Batter creek nbere- ever he could -et them n il. Hay in that ; locality is very scarce and finds ready .sale at .?!: per ton. Newt says there is ; no occasion for stock to suffer if they j would go to the edge of the sand, as ! there is plenty of high bunch-grass; but j as Koon a.; nu w commences they make ;ti;(-ir way to the bottoms along the ! xtrv:m v. fc.:re iue ground ia as bare as the floor, and there perish. Consumption Si iiely Ccred. To the e-hfor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless cases have been per lumientiy cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkee to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their exp-eSfJ nnd post oi'iet a.hl.-ess. T. A. SbOCUM, M. (!. IU Pearl St., Ne.v York, N. Y A Ducm and Fla fob $35. Oilicer I:tvo Porter came up from Lexington last Friday night and arrested Tib. Mills on a charge of having entered the O. X. (!. imr.ory at that plae? aod de molished tho Hag mid drum. He was' taken lo Le:iu;.;tou Saturday, where a compromise was made, Mills paying S3o for the broken articles and costs of ar- V uwtNii iiEGDN. E l Holloway was I in Heppner yesterday and made the Ga j zKi i E office a call. He reports plowing in progress in uis locality ana the ground wet better rbun it has been since '85. Mr. Holloway Ins 1200 acres under cult ivation and wiii start three gang plows to-day to put in 00j acres more. FOK MAYOR. Our esteemed fellow-townsman, Heu ry Blackmail, has beon elected mayor for three cons -cutive terms, and has receiv ed all the honor which our city can con fer upon him. Ho is now up for re-election. This should not bs. We propose to reserve him for higher honors to to which his a'dlit.y aud integrity enti tles him. As a suit.ablo candidate for mayor we would suggest the name of our honored oitizan, j. II. Simons. Mr. Simons came into our midst with but little wealth a friendless stranger. By his interKy, energy, industry aud per severance, he has acquired a competence. By his honesty aul uprightness he now commands the respect, esteem and friendship of all. We bespeak for him an almost unanimous vote. Mant Citizens. THE YANKTON ARTESIAN WELL. Gray Bros. Sc Co., artesian well borers of Milwaukee, have just completed a well at Yankton, Dak. It is a six inch well, 1,5N) feet deep. It throws a solid stream of water '.) feet straight up be fore it is broken. The discharge of wa ter amounts to 4,0!10 gallons per minute. There are now about twenty-five artesi an wells already in Dakota, aud more are being drilled. The wells vary in depth from 1)00 to 8,000 feet. The firm has thirteen gangs of meu constantly employed in different states. Two ar tesian wells are being sunk for the city of Kaukauna, Wis., and one in Milwau kee, at the plant of the Milwauk. e Car Wheel Company, at North Avenue. Sclenl ijlc. AmerU-un. WESTON CAPITALISTS ASLEEP. Nothing retards tiie frowth of Weston as much as the imliiTereuce manifested by some of our property holders aud who are looked upou as the solid men of the town, financially. We wish we could impress upou the minds of these individ uals the uocssity of taking a deeper in terest iu the welfare of their city, and co-operate with other citizens who are enterprising aud are always to be found ready to do their part towards building up the interests of the city of Weston. W'rstoii Li'ttiler. We are proud to say that we huvo no such citizens in our tow n as mentioned above. Every one in Heppner seem to be working for the same eud that of pushing Heppner to the front. GALLOWAY NOTES. John Campbell is smiling since the snow went off. He had a hard time this i winter. Tie fed his sheep alone most of th, time, and lost about 200 head. Mr. Miuard lias lost quite a number of shep this winter. La grippe h is had its grip on very nea-iy every body in the country, Powell Bros, sold thirty tons of hay to Johnny Avers and Frank Fitch ami still have a quantity left. Citize.w In another column will be seen the , names of tho several parties who are : candidates for the city oiiices fo be voted for next Tuesday. We are proud to sav, for the bendtit of the outside public, : that uehudnot an objectionable name i on the whoie list. (You see our name is i on tiie list.) Ail we can say is, take your ! choice, and whatever that may be "you i wiii never be sorry yon voted as you did i The elegant new- brick store building down Maiu street- will soon he complet ' ed. Collin A AleFarland iuteud moving ! their immense stock of general merehau disc into the new store the middle of next week. The National Bank of Heppner will also take possesion of the ' corner for bunking purposes. New side ! walks are. to be built soon, which will ! add greatly to tho appearance of the ! block. li.VNCH.MKN. Cams ami s the fiuest line' ot two-yenr-oiil, l'"re breu, Clydesdale stal ii.ms eror brought to the United States. Every horse guaranteed sound and a foiil f-etter, and will be found eliaible to re sprier in the American Clydesdale "tad-b.x.k. Weiitht. from 1500 to 1TU0 "pin s I will trade them for horses uni wiii receive the horses when in cou liitioti f..r shipment. They can be seen at the Jicilal'oy stable, Arlington, Or. Jons Lord, t-aiesuian. Tiie Lour Creek Eagle and the Hepp ner Gazette, S3.00 a year, strictly in ad vance. The regular subseipiiun price of both paperj is Sl.oO. Heppner people, you should know soniethins about the interior conntrv. You expect to Ret bu;i.ess from that section for your m il.viduai beuPilt, but it will not come witiio.tr i-liort. Tak tba represeulative p-.-v" ,.f tij-.t section. t least, sad be p,",'u-d on matters over there. The Ea l,le .in.l tSAZETTE, botu for &-1.00 for one year's subscription. f- LONG CHEEK. Fr..!n ;:.et :sle. Feed for sir el: is In -c scanty and im: ss the r in;; somewhat peralure soon changes, u.finy ;if o'r i ain't. frs will be losers ot cotisidt rable ,-,t tcl:. The recent blizzard has rendered trav el well-nigh impossible. The roads are drifted some almost and others entirelv ftt!!. We hear of the storm of hist week Jo in,; considerable damage to the sheep rnen of this sectiou. Many lost from 75 to llX), which were smothered by being bunched, all of which could not be avoided owing to the intense force of the wind. Oa li st 'Monday e raring the oldest son of John Carey, of Fox valley, met with a painful accident, resulting iu the breaking of his fore-arm and the dislo cating of his wrist. Just how the accident happened our informant did not learn, only that he fell from a horse. lVstmaster Golf informs us that all the mail that was stat ted towards Hepp uer on last Friday's stage, by some cause nuknown returned Saturday's stage. This, we are told, has occurred several tirues recently, delaying all the mail over the route one day, and incon veniencing this entire section thereby The postmaster that makes such grand mistakes should remember th'at it makes a vast amount of differ ence to this section when tiie nuiil is thus oarelesely handled. If you want to make yourself con spicious iu the eyes of the prints when you enter their saectum, make it iu your line to rend all th-i copy that might be lyk.g ar;iund, and if such cannot he ioiind hint tor the editor to ru, tie it up that you may get the news, otherwise have grounds to condemn your home paper, declaring it u. g., as yoa know all the news it contains. This is a class of caUers.we feel as though it was our duty to devote much valuable time to make their call a pleasant one. THE NEW DISCOVERY. - 1-iu have heard your friends aud neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch frieuds, be cause the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever holds a place in the house. If yon have never used it aud should be aiilicted with a cough, cold or any Throat Lun:.r, or Chest trouble, se cure a bottle al once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at A. D. Johnson i: Go's Drugstore. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, I'ENDLK TON STANDING OF PUPILS. The ctld weather did not iuterfre very much with the attendance, which may be seen by the result ot the writ ten examination held at the termination of the second scholastic term. The following yonuf? ladies were tho recipients of medals of honor: The highest average in graduating class, Jlisa Nellie Ramsey. Second class academic, Mis3 Clara Keith. Preparatory department. Miss Edith Ilemiok. Primary department, Miss Mary Keith- For grood conduct, awarded to Miss Siddie Gagen. Application in music, Miss liegina Bettenbender Neatness and polite deportment, Miss Annie Hageu. The following young ladies distinguish- j ed themselves by an average of above SO ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. JTisa Nellie Kamsey 01, Viola Million 00, Annie Hagan 90, Siddie Gagen 84, Tillie Daniel S3, Clara Keith 91, Versa Camp 90, OHie Romick85, LeonieThiban 83, Ida Robinson 81, Ada Kiicnp 81. rKKPAKATOItr DSPABT1I3INT. Miss Edivh Remiok 90, Retina 3etten bender 88, Edna Isaac 88, lailie Whet stone S3, Laura Vviilingham 87, Dora Tribhle 85, Mamie Smith 84, Lena Isaac 83, Dura Hill 82, Dura Willingham 82, Gertrude McBee 82, Limi Sharon 82 Annie Curran 82, May Robinson 82. The third scholastic term began Wed nesday Jan. 22. THE FIRST .STEP. Perhaps yon are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do any thin?? to your satisfaction, and you won der what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step in to Kervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic aud in Elect rio Bitters you will lind the exact remedy for restoring vonr system to its normal he.-iUhy con dition. Surprising results follow the ush of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera tive. Your iippetite returns, good di;re;-!-tion is restored, and the Ijiver and Kid neys resume healthy action. Try :i bot tle. Price 50c. at A. D. Johnsou & Co's Iru5atoTe. joiiM VINSON ARKESTEO. John S. Ti:i:;on, of Noliu, has b.'ien ar rested aud brought to Pendleton, on complaint oC Ilerui.'in Schulz, charging him wilh "astiasiit v.-ih a daoeions weapon." S::h:i'z had been uying of fensive ian;:ae, and Vinson threw b;m from a porch, iutlietinjj; serious injuries The man was brought to Ptndlotoa and cared for here at Vinson's expense, but has seen lit to swear out ft complaint j against his rjssailant. Vinson was arraigned in Justice Bish- 1 op's court to-dayt and placed under i bonds to appear before the grand jury ! now in session. Eaxi Orayoukiu . Johnny Vinson is well-known ia the ! Heppner country as having been a can j didate on the republican ticket for rep resentative when Morrow was a part of Umatilla. LA GKIPFE. Yon have waked and called me early, j brother dear, I thought dead sure I"d j die last niht, aud yet yon see me here, j Not siuco the blessed New Tear have I j had a bite to eat I'lease put some mas-! i tr.rd to my back and a hot brick to my j feet. I've sneezed until too itcss to ! si;es;',e, I've wished that I was dent!; put hot clothes to my heaving- chest and cold ones to my head. I feel like some one held mo and was takins np the slack ; won't you trc-rdiy slip a pillow 'neath the middle of my back ? I "ish you'd c.i'ii a doctor. Ah-w-o-osh ! It harts to sneeze, won't yon kindly rab some arnica upou n y acinus inets . ! Vlease lay a little chunk of ice upou my fevered lips; thou wander forth and slay ! the fiend who laughs at Russian srips. Siini!a) Mercury. THE "PACIFIC." Idle I;. (;rts (vi v-i-,ri!ir.iE Ills Stability They Aiv rnionnu-.'U. Idle rumors have been set afloat that the Pacific lusnraoce Company, of Portiend, was on the verge of bankrupt cy, and the Gazetie mae, being a stock holder in that company, has taken pains to find out the truth of such state ments, lu answer to a letter to the compauy of a receut date the following telegram was received: Poktlasd, Jan. 24, '90. To Otis Patterson Heppner, Or. We deny emphatically rumors of such nature. They are false. Pacific Fiee Insurance Co. Iu the meantime several partieF, who are also stockholders iu that company, have received circulars from the Real Estate Exchange, at Portland, offering to trade lots in the "Third Electric Ad dition fur Pacific Insurance stock, al lowing 15 per share for the same. ! Immediately following the telegram we received a statement of the company's finances wdiich we print verbatim: "Statement o: the Pacific Fire Insur ance Co., No. 0 Washington St., Port land, Or. For the year 1SSS). C A PI T A L STO 1 K $.YK1.0nn.on l iipiral Paid up in t'ii.-ti, Uti.&iS.UO Capital StuuK biitiscriiKl, 45y.MUllu haarnlmiuyr'a Ijianihti' on Stuck iSuiiecrined SU.Vi-'.oo ASSETS. First Mortgage Ijormn on Xteal Es t;i tt) wuil n loubiu tiie amount loanotl tltaivoii,. ("ic.lt ortU. llHUl-ltoL OUe lilj ilJLLM'ltiilL'Ha 2,391.8:5 3,l-(l.()u 2,50.1.98 i,0o4.:v S 7,01:2.76 lVeiuiiiinri in courad oJ: collection, not UiC-hidiua; NotM,... Olhoe h urutim o and Kllets and upi'lies Bills renui s-ablo, takt-n for 1'ii-e itisks Ait Ulher Aactn Total Assets LIABILITIKB. Losst'H in courts ot beulemfciit Ue-iuMinmee Keserve i.forty per cent ot (irons Pi-eaiiiiins on all unexpir ed iiro Kiksj Ail Other Liabilities, Total Li abilities Suil-kia us ri'anii: Policy HoMot-s... i.'i;KSlL,.T. (SECRETARY. K K bEACH. CiKO. VINCENT." These statements are all sworn to and show conclusively to all that the reports which Lmva been circulated are Kitmudlesg. It is a aeheme of land sharks, working in collusion with mo rjopoiioU w ith a view to freeze out the sai-ili fry, aud get possession of the stock of a couijem which they kaovp ia a auecesa aud a paying investment. We sincerely hope that that none of the 'suk'.H iry," is we are, will allow them selves to be frightened into disposing of their etQijk at a saeriSce, for we firm ly believe it 13 worth a lare premiunm above the ct trice. ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES Commend to public approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. GRANT COUNTY. Fnm tht- ('an yon City Ners. Trowbridge is hauling out two tons of h;iy per day for his stock. A man can find ready sale in this mar ket for a whole lot of eggs. Hens are doing nothing this weather. Mail on the Heppner route lias been very irregular, but our Portland mail all comes that wavj some four or five days in making the trip. Ilnraes which started to winter on up per Canyon creek are dying, and are be ing driven out when they can be fonDd. Owing to deep snow they cannot find any feed. Stockmen iu Bear and Silvies valleys are experiencing a fearful loss, owing to the sLort h iv crop last year and the late cold weather. Those who oan are buying hay elsewhere and driving to it, but hay is scarce all over the country. Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar saparilia superior to all other medicines. Peculiar m combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, f Hood's Sarsaparilia possesse. the full curnrivR vnlno nf th -V best known remedies of tiie vegetable king- dom. .Feculiar In its strength and economy' Hood's Sar- saparula cine of the onlymedi- which can truly- be saidjj O One Hundred Doses une L Dollar." Medicines in r larger ana smaller bottles reauire lnrp-fr rloAQ nrtAAnnnt- produce as eood results as Hood's. Peculiar iu its medicinal inprUa Hood's Sarsaparilia accomplishes cures hith erto unKnown, and has won for itself tne title ol " The greatest blood punlier ever discovered.' Pecuharinits"goodnamo .5 , u i i 4? is - uumi, i.iere is now Vuorc of Hood's Sarsaparilia f sold in Lowell, where JT 0it is made, than of all .other blood puritiers. Peculiar in its phenome- nal record of sales luroaar- fV"0 other preparation iiii nvpr ntlninert such nonn- and retained Jts popularity and confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilia Soldbyandrnggists. gl; sir forgo. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD &, CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. SOD Doses One DcHar SIGNAL. SEHVICH RECORD. For Wfek Ending; Wednesday, Jan 27. !SfO. D:ite Tump. !is. Min. liar. Full, acter. jTuTiS" T.(i)ToHKi i:J.(K) j -j'.t.TMt j u.U) j cl:ud i." :sj (Hi 29.";.:i (Mil I ftfir lii, aT.rrt) j 44 5 -.u 0.(Kl do 27 u.ti) :;.r() vo.W4 ! O.ui I cloud :S 44.- ( 4 .50 4'i.t-t) I .40 I (i.l HJ do 4..')i) j S3.u j 2t.(i5 q:M fair a wt, iv a Mi ;Ja:j3I : is ! is delivered free cverv- !ln- ie. Tieae send fail Post Cfice au i:i: h:. lir County, and also your ipine: a'nlit ss, i!ie':iulinr railroad sta i in. s e convenient to you. One cent ,::i eypeiue wiK brin'j; to you soinc ;:r tiow nod import;iut for every fani i'or full V'Oi Ticuiavs please send to 1.'i"eso I'.ith biroet, New York GEO. V. LORD, CONTRACTOR and. I3UILT3ER Estimates for all kinds oE build ings, towa or country. Moving Buildings a Specialty. Whsre can you get the Most Candies, Nuts, Notions. Cipix Tobaccos, Etc. FOR THE LEAST MONEY ? Where did you Say '? 3Viiyat "THE MODEL," Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Eea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE Choicest -Suceesnor to Minor, Dodson Si Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If Yoa Want DRY GQODS,-,CLOTH I NG, Gents' IT'is.r'siLijailii.ilg: Ooods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOX WILLOW WStl, agricultural implements, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usnallv kept in a nrst-class store, call on W. O. MINOR. MAT STREET. - - - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. STOP AT THE t I I 1 n?o(i UPPER MAIN STREET, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS The Best Meals in the City I. eppner f Is the place for W hole Barley KEEFEE &. BULLOCK, Props. NELSON JONES, Pres't. I GIF II 11 Fill SUII 101 ! (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For-vardiim- Aarents. The Company has recently constructed a, tivo-stonj warehouse, 80 x 10O feet, irith, ivool Tress and all con venieiices for handling wool. The I) 'archwise Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upou baled wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced, upon consignments of irool or wool in storage. TIIERON E. FELL. MANAGER. M. $4 ..The Special attention paid to fine MAIN STREET,' MODEL'" for th Goods. m s i 1 Nb I I I N. BASEY, Proprietor. eecl Yard ! Teamsters to stop. aud Chop for Sale. Lower Maiu St., Heppner, Or. E. K. BISHOP, Treas. Ml I III li LICHTENTHAL, SOLE AGENT FOB , 0 TT 1 J? ir.re ifr.i 5T Inn i i r t i i I cllil o CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair Warranted. Also an extensive line of the celebrated Buckingham & Ilecht boots always on hand. Largesi Stock in East ern Oregon. custom work. Opposite City Hotel, HEPPNER, ORECiON. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackmail & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandiser To be Found Eastof Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Their Celebrated Boot called clacis.ma.zi's Best" Is unsurpassed for durability. Genta Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Jn our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Sheep I ip Soke, Machinery, Btc. A personal inspection of onr Mammoth Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required which will be eold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides aid Pelts Boaght for Cash and Trade. Parties Irom Long Creek, Grant and Harney Counties will . do well to price our Goods before purchasing else wliere. We guarentee Courteous Treatment and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. A. D. Johnson & Co. THE CITY l RUO STOKE, HEPPNER, - -- -- -- - OREGON Sole Agents for Morrow County for FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZEK. LEEZER & TOOLS CI. II 0 ruMPS And Piping always on Hand. Groceries and C I MAIN STREET, E. J. SLOCUM, . cT'Deaier Inl ,. nrugs. Ch emloais, Patent Medllolixes, Toilet ArtioleSf taints. Oils. Grlaas 1 Wtill laoper. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. A. for IFortlaiatl O i"c? i iiiini Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : : : Main Street, HEPPNER, - OREGON. W. A. KIRK. DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. roijf lis'lnfi" a iiioo i filter ; i i 1 11 siaritiy on Ha t An llnnr! TtlA Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted fo? five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get oash prices. MAIN STREET,. - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. pimrr I Ell III I llll , A 1 11 Sulphur, lias, tiro, P. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Graiiiteware, Wood, and Willow Ware, Biid Cages, s'eV HOME Sewing Ma chines and r complete line of iij.j: i nnppv I HEPPNER, OREGON J. C. HAVES, mi i l ii I A A innTn LlATirinri-n V'.wlll