Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, January 23, 1890, Image 3

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    fc I
- -
r.FFNKK. THURSDAY. Jan. 23, ISiiO. I
.'. SI. wr-Bt. Iives Hf-ijpner 7:45 a, m., urriv-H
l Portland, 4:U p. m.
."n,;i7, wirti. Itavw Hortlitui 7 h. in arrives at
Uf-inttwT. ' u in., daily cx- ppt Hunfia;..
. Ktnjre leaves for Cftnyon City daily,
exec 1 1 Siiutifiy, at 6:30 a. m.
Arrives -daily, except Sunday, at
:l; p. m.
Tlire iF: Bavin? of lf hours in time
and .$ if chhIi tty taking this route to
O. W. Loudar & Cr., 42!, Fifth St.,
1' t!aid. Or., are notorized to make
-tip'titf 'contract, for the Gazette.
They will uisr make collections for this
Here and There.
jid Hover is on the sick list.
Joe Hayes, of Eight Mile, is in town.
Mr. J. R. Simons is again on the sick
Mr. D. C. Ely, of North Morrow is in
the city.
J.'ike Johnson was over f roin Gooseber
ry this week.
Born Jan. 17, to the wife of Jeff
Jones, n son.
Hon. Y. R. Ellis is slowly improving
from pneumonia.
?T;hal returned from a trip to
.. alia Tuesday.
j Miss Laura Mnir left for Walla Walla
laHt week to attend school.
Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Hughes are both
quite ill, the latter seriously.
Mrs. R. A. Fold is qnite ill, haying
suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Stephen Lalande made the Gazette
ishop a pleasant call this week.
Fred Snow is reported seriously ill
:3rom complications of the grippe.
Old papers at the Gazette ollioe at 75
oceutti per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf.
Boro To the wife of Jake Johnson,
-near Gooseberry, Jan. 15, IK'.IO, a boy.
Born In Blaok Horse canyon, Jan. 17,
i-to the wife of Amos Misseldine, a son.
Geo. Harris and I fenry 1'adbnrg, of Lex
Jngton, visited Heppner on last Monday.
For sale cheap a good cook stove.
.Apply nt rcsideuoe of Dr. A. L. Fox. 3t.
Born In Sand Hollow, ou the 5th
iiust., to the wife of S. N. Morgan, a hoy.
Bob Wills, of lone, visited Heppner
Monday night, returning Tuesday morn
ing. . Born In Black Horse canyon, Jan.
17, to .the wife of James Buchaunau,
a son.
Our Chiuese inhabitants are making
Romo howl, it being their New Year
Ben Hnusakor, formerly of Heppner,
5but now of Hay Stark, visited Heppner
last week.
Considerable correspondence has
reaond us this week which is unavoid
ably crowded out.
H. B. A. Hales, an old and well-to-do
resident of Umatilla oounty, died at Ad
;anis last Monday.
Major Ormsby, cousin of L. L. Orms-
Vbv arrived in Heppner at 4 o'clock
Wednesday morniDg.
Phil Cohn has purchased a new sled,
which he is willing to back with all his
10 nee capital ou its speed.
Tl ron Fell went to Lons; Creek this
week to' look after some sheep reported
to be dviuJ" ia tuat locality.
Jim Tolbei .- f Six Dollar, called on
the Gazktte anday and reported his
family all down w. Xl'V-
D. W. Kinnaird an J1 L. Thompson
now receive their Gazki-'' ?' l"""".
where they are. located for " resent.
Sammv Teed "held down" n in
this ntlif-e nnrt nt tlm I.nt 1 -St BOW
accepted a position with James J. f'6
It is expected that a lodge of Knikts
r.f Pvthias will he installed here o."1
week from to-night. Hood River Gla
cier. ' J. A. Marston, of PencTton, has re
oeived a duplicate on a homestead after
having made sixty-four filings. Trib
une. A correspondent from Little Butter
creek reports the illness of the wife of
the Lena postmaster, as well as Mrs. Kit
A correspondent from Hamilton says:
""The snow here-is about eight feet deep
in drifts and about one foot on the plat
eau." Emil Marx, representing Mnrx & Jorg
enson, and Mr. Warren, representing
Shilling & Co., visited Heppner this
Billy Saling is spending a few days
with friends in Heppner, having com
pleted his school term in Eight Mile
Do you suffer with catarrh? Yon can
be cured if yon take Hood's Kursaparilla,
the great blood purifier. Sold by all
Henry Oay, who has been in the East
for gome tinie with a band of horses, re
turned home to the Heppner hills a few
weeks ago.
The countv clerk ia busy running over
the old tax rolls, trying to ascertain the
number of delinquents and that part
which might be eolloctible.
Coasting is daily growing in populiir-
itv Our young folks are not alone in
the sport, and of late the old folks figure
very conspicuously on the slide.
We neglected to mention that Frank
Bucknnm formerly of this place but now
of Portland, made a business trip to
1- jrppr a couple of weeks ago.
fj When jon pass through Long Creek,
VBtc.p with Frank Waterbury at the Har
disty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
Remember that all paid up subscribers
to the Gazette are entitled to a brand
notioe, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stookman. tt.
. One of the Scharff brothers, sheep
f,nxi from Chicago Wednes-
j.... .r.ii,cr havinir disposed ot
'. 1 1 f Vi.atem Oreuon sheep at
. m mi . . "
Mr M S. Maxwell, of Gooseberry.
. made" tbe Gazette office a pleassnt call
. on last Friday. He states tuat
that section are dnin;
ell so far this
wioter. r 1
Mitchell visited Heppner Monday,
.returning home Tuesday. He reports
'tote of oold weather down the creek.
.necessitatiuB the constant feeding of his
3 The family of W. A. Baird, of Six
TJollar are down with jrrippe.
Sow is drifted in that locality from 4 to
15 feet and the wagon roads are almost
- This country was treated 10
of a Dakota wind storm yesterday, when
The saow drifted hiKh. It was t he fore
runner, however, of a chinook.-Grant
Countv Xetrs.
Mr. Frank Soofield. fee only man who
is said to have been strmis by .Mount.
Hood and lived over it, is enjoying the
Sgnt in our town, and takes his whiskey
straight, as usual.
An Idaho town boasts of having a city
and county jail both without npant'u
Heppner can beat that. Our city jail has
fn occupant, but it is by his own request
that he resides there.
Henrv Scherzinger visited the ci'y the
fore part of the week. He report stock
in his locality doing as well as miffh be
. expected, himself being prepared to feed
for another fortnight.
This shop was visited Monday evening
bv a number of Heppner's belles but
owing to the-unusual amount ot tp--lice,
did not remain lone. We are sorry,
but we cannot jfet ml pf them the lice.
Mr. Kine, forlur-rly ni M.:rro county,
but now a resident o!' Ellensburi.', visit
ed i I.-ppner this week.
An nll miner, known as "I'orty-uirie
Jimrnie," who iias re:Ji'led nt i ;':!nsoa
viil, diM at that place rerentlv.
V m. jiuwil, of W, ;ir. Walla, who
kiii'-l Daniel Canty at Colfax, has ben
coi;vif;ted of murder in the second de
gree and Kcn.euced t- tw nty years
in the peiiilentiary.
Born Iri Danville. Hendricks county.
India:, a, Jan. JH!h to the wife of J.
P. Darnell, a son. Mrs. Darnell was
forrn-'-riy Mi--s Cora Patterson, sister of
the. Gazette man.
The Long Creel: Eagle last week said
their people had no grippe ami hoped
they would not have any. This week
thir local columns have about as grippy
an appearance as those of the Gazette.
The blockade on the Union Pacific is
at last broken, anij five passenger trains
blockaded at Pendleton reached Port
land Tuesday. Nine Kacks of Eastern
mail reached Heppner at 3 a. m. yester
day. Mike J. Hunt, a commercial traveller
says the E. O., in attempting to walk
from Athena to Weston became exhaust
ed and would have frozen to death had
he not been found and cared for by some
The enterprising grocery firm of J. W.
Matlock & Co., have purchased a new
computing scale. This machine weighs
out. the groceries, calculates the price,
and, ii. fact, does everything but collect
the cash.
Misses Belle Elder and Lizzie Matlock
and Messrs. Frank Jones, Frank Elder
and James Matlock have all returned
below to attend school, having spent a
pleasant holiday vacation with friends
and relatives here.
From a private letter from Hay Stack,
we learn that stock are suffering in that
locality. Mr. O. Flemming has lost
about 1,0(10 bead of sheep, and running
out of feed, turned 3,000 head loose to
rustle for themselves.
In our rush last week, the editor be
ing out of the city, wo forgot to mention
the birth to Mrs. Fred Snow of a girl.
It is a bard task to edit and set type at
the same time, and one is very apt to
overlook some of tbe news.
Nelse Jones, aceonrpanied by Harry
Phillips, left for Junction Bar yesterday
to attend to about 4,00;) of his sheep, of
which 300 or 4410 are reported dead. He
intends bringing them in uuless there is
a break-up before he reaches them.-
Our Eastern Oregon exchanges Bre all
singing the same soug of "hard winter.''
In our immediate vicinity -though the
weather remains qnite cold; stock are
not suffering, and stockmen nre, as a
rule, prepared to feed for some time yet.
Wardner. Idaho, was alraopt blotted
out by tiro last Saturday. Tbe loss is es
timated at $100,000. Owing to the water
being frozen up, the fire had to be fought
with snow. The towTn is situated in a
deep gulch with hut one street, a mile
and a half long and an alley.
Ranchers, f-tock-men and mill-men,
why not have your stationery printed,
when you can get it done for less money
than you pay for blank material? With
printed letter heads and envelop, your
letters will never miscarry, if addressed
at all. Leave your order at the Gazette's
30b omeo.
E. Wells runs a restaurant at Arling
ton, and now bewails the loss of four
roirulHr boarders. Mr. Wells does not
seem to comprehend that a restrurant
a public hash -house, and recently refus
ed a party of friends the privelige of
(Irinking a little claret with their lunch.
Hence the trouble.
They are telling of a Salem man who
asked two boys to carry half a cord of
wood from the sidewalk up a flight of
stairs to his ollioe, and when they had
finished the task handed one of the lads
a nickle. with instructions to "divide it"
between them. Grant county A'eics.-
It is a fact. We know the man.
Vi'hile trying to keep the crowd back
troin the fire at fhe toboggan slide iast
(Saturday, Marshal Hitter was run into'
by a sled and sustained a good many
scratches and bruises. Also, during the
nast. week Sliss Belle Griffin, Tom Mat
lock, W, II. Conard, and Isa Brown were
Tn into bv sleds and all were more or
le 3 bruised, tuougu noi senousiy.
The West Shore has improved steadi
ly sine the first copy of the weekly was
issued" U"! is now tlm handsomest
illustrated w?kly in the United States
Its piotim-s of western scenes are of
special interest, its general contents are
interesting and valuable, h very house
on tbe Pacific coast should recieye the
MYst Shore regularly, L. hamuei, pub
lisher, Portland, Oregon. 400 a year.
Hugh Fields, a wealthy and influen
tial gentleman, formerly a resident, of
this county, was married in Heppner re
cently to the nineteen-year-old daughter
of au'attornev at that place. The brioe
groora settled $30,000 on his bride after
the ceremony. Kant Oregonian. No,
Mr. K. U., this is just a little too previ
ous. It is believed here that such an
announcement will be proper when the
time arrives, but that is not made
public as yet.
A Gazette reporter w as invited this
week to participate in the exercises of
the Chinese inhabitants in driving off
the influences of the devil for the com
ing year. Their "ceremonies" consist
ehv'tiv in burning powder, and paper
and drinking China gin. This China
year will embrace twelve months, w hile
last year contained thirteen. Their New
Year commences alternately on the 20Ml
of January and 20th of February of each
year and there is no particular eveut
celebrated more than that of the Caucas
sian people.
The east-bound passenger was detain
ed by snow at Oueonta last Sunday and
the two west-bound passengers were held
here all day, and until the snow plow
could make the run from the Blue moun
tains. The passengers, or some of them
amused themselves by taking a ride
down the bill on a hand sled but the
weather was gloomy and cold and after
a load or two of them were dumped in a
big snow drift, they gave up the sport
and went back to the cars, where they
sat and growled until they just got tired
of it. Hood Eiver Gl-'.eier.
Commend to public approval the Cali
fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs.
I It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste
and by gently acting on the kidneys,
j liver and bowels, it cleanses the system
I effectually, thereby promoting the health
and comfort of all who use it.
Will some attorney settle this question:
The judge of an Eastern court sentenced
a burglar to rive years in the pen. The
i 1,,,. iiAcmoe eurnrred" and threw an
iuk-staud at the juoge, wnicu uo uuuacu,
: the ink-staud passing turougn a wmuow
; nod spill!!! on; u", yr;- T : ' .',
' chnL-lllIT It Oil Bllf llltinvutu
which ran completely mrougu o mug
store, demolishing eyerytlime in us way
and at lust pinuRea iuio mc n.c. u
was drowned. Can the owner of the
team and the drnpu-ist collect damages
of the judge for dodging tbe ink-stand.
Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor-
A il . -i. t-Woa ,lwn
withabcess of lungs, and friends and
physicians pronounced me an mcurable
i.-insmnntive Becan taking Dr. Kings
S im for Consumption, am
r on mv third bottle and am able to
oversee the work on my farm. It is the
It is the
Tno.ii.;n ever made.
Uu5 , i-... own UV
: Jesse .MWOiewari, ...v,-.
"Had it not been for LT. lvinjr s .o -
' Discovery for consumption I would have
' died ot luug troubles. Was given up
bv doctors. Am now in best ot bealto.
!t if s-impie bottles free nt A. V.
i.lJLsoni c,'sdmS store.
C Juiuiissi'iner;
of the ooivt bein
court met Jan. H
present The to
ing misceli :ne
ins bills yere ni!ov?e
eiekt day.
i hi bluir. . . . : .
C M MaUorv....
Kiam Wo
W H Robinson. .
R A Ford
C S Van Day n . .
(iW Rea
A J Shobe
Mm Mitchell
W G Boyer
I N Basey
J H Stanley....
E V Voruz
Josio M.iies
Dr A L Fox. . . .
6 K-,
. :j 10
.4-! 0(1
. 2 SO
.1:-! OU
. 3 0.)
. 3 (HI
100 Oil
200 00
. 0 ;:
.90 75
. 9 00
. 0 0:1
. S 8 ")
. 4 5
G W Ilea
G W Rea
Roatl No. 85 ordered opened and
following cost bills allowed:
Julius Keithlev
7 70
2 DO
V. 40
.' 40
Andrew Rood. .
John F Rnyse. .
Walter Brouson
WraE Rovse..
The Monument wagon road wan sc
cepted and that part which lies m Mor
row county ordered platled.
Miscellaneous hills allowed
. . 5 50
. .5 ) 1:0
. .20 00
115 50
. .10 (H
..'! 00
..17 00
..10 (,-t
. . 3 05
II Blackmail & Co
Geo Noble . . . .
Jo i 1 n so n x Rogers
T R Hiward
Perry Osbnru
Gunn te Ruarl:
Perry Osburn
T R Howard
A D Johnson
.Commissioners Ely and Tho:
ih accordance with the act of t je
lature of Feb. 7, '87, drew lots it
r the
"long term," four years, the latter be
ing successful.
The following road supervisors were
:1 to serve during ti:
District No.
4. . .
J HTi ranis
....Sylvester White
" G 8 Crane
Is.a Brown
L L Gay
Geo Vincent
J F Allyn
James Leaoh
Geo Mair
J H Edwards
Felix Johnson
'. . . A Young
J H Hamblet
Theodore Cork
Frank G'-utry
Geo YiiiHon
A J Cook
..August Carleston
J J Adkius
Pat Quail
W G Scott
. . .lineman Caldwell
Frank Fairhurt
Clins Miller
. . .Luther Hamilton
AE Pedigo
W R Casey
HF Knhler
HO Moore
L M Ovintt
H Wade
.Marcellus Williams
7. . .
8 ..
. . .
10. . .
14. . .
16. ..
' 18..
' 10 . .
1 20...
' 22...
' 27
' 28.'.'.
! 2!)
31. . .
' 32...
' 33..
' 3i. .
' 35..
The following road supervisors' bills
were allowed :
Kob't Sayer $ 5 00
Li Li ti,JV 1U til)
T.I Me'rill : 88 uO
WGSoott 20 31
J H Allen 1G 00
Geo Bleakman 40 00
On this day the names ot 200 of Mor
rows residents were chosen as jurors to
serve the ensuing year.
Miscellaneous bills ailovred:
C L Andrews $
John B Ely
John A Thompson
W G Boyer
K Lieualleu -
C C Boon
Wm Blair
2 00
17 40
12 0,1
(i 00
1 50
1 50
3 00
2 00
200 HO
T R Howard
C L Andrews ,
This remedy is becoming sa well known
and popular as to need no special men
tion. AH who have used Electric Bit
ters sing the same 'song of praise. A
purer medicine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric bitters will cure all diseases ot
the liver and kidneys, will remove pim
ples, boils, salt reum and other affections
caused by impure blood. W ill drive
malaria from the system and prevent, as
well as cure ail iiialarial fevers. For
cure of headache, constipation and in
digestion try Electric Bitters, Entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund
ed. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at A
I, Johnson's & Co. drug store.
Walla Walla, Jan. 19, !S!r3.
Walla WTalla is now snow-bound, with
little or no communication with the out
side world. Its good people are wrest,
ling with snow which covers its streets
and buildings to a depth of two feet and
drifts which reach a height of eight feet.
One of the hitter is to be found on Dr.
Newall street which has drifted on the
sidewalk of Mr. Mulkey, woo, for the
amusement of the neighboring children,
out a tunnel through the drift ten feet
long, six feet high and four feet wide,
which makes a nice runaway, to the
amusement of the children.
A man giving the name of Olsen Miller
died here Thursday evening from ex
posure. He was found Dear Waliula in
a badly frozen condition and brought to
this city. He had got lost and wandered
for two days and nights.
The grippe, if not popular, is most
persistent in forcing itself unwonted up
on our citizens, and but few escape its
unpleasant acquaintance.
Walla Walla has had its sensatiori3 of
scandal. First, that of Douglas, which
though sleeping is not dead and later
that of the Ilev. Banghn, late minister of
the M. E. church at Dixie, who suddenly j Sl-RPKISB l'AI;TY.MiS3 Marv Sloan
left to escape the vengence of an injured ; was the recim-ent of a vory pleasant snr
husband from Kansas, who is on bis : nr:p artv ; Tt,m.,aaY evening it
The city council has determined upon
a system of sewerage, which every popu
lated city mnch needs. The important
question arises, w ueiuer witn tne aiready
i high taxation, tax payers are prepared
! to bear the cost of the work at the
present time.
In consequence of the blockade busi
ness is very dull.
Wm. Knssell, who murdered Dauiel
Canty, was convicted at Colfax last Fri
day of marder in the second decree.
A very pleasing incident cam9 off at
the recent installation of officers of the
T .n.llns' T?alif rn-r,. anvi'lia,,- f, A
j Lincoln Post G. A. E. Mrs. May Kvans,
unanimously elected for the
. , , . , , ,
third term president, was presented by
, the Po3t with au eleffant G.
A. It. charm
; t jn diamonds. It was a deserved
compliment to Mrs. Evans, for her Iiboia
, , , . Hl n . n ifa
. vu . rl
; wa9 thus duly acknowledged. The Tost
an(j t!le QOTp3 are flourishtn,? becausa
, h and lluitv p!-evail within their
i r
! orgamzat-ion. Oce.vsioxAt..
there .:.
; reiai-iI-:'
' :
, rnf a :
then :
i;:en it
The Ei-ht '
got and tii'
40. Fred K11
He slwt more
13 being his 1
; Cen-er
.bl.it hunt,
oi :ier com'
One company
jy ft. a0UV
abbks loan a:i one in..u,
"un'oer. The hunt i anted
but two d;:y3 nud the losinj; p-
l '-j
;;n oyster supper waicii was enj
all piir--vLcr
eJ by
! ri;
and scvii.
il'.-'.i uer ti
pr. :
is the eh:
A leti-e.
amour.'. .
qutes ti:
tiie 1st
pe ; uv.-..v- Kit 1
: to ii.-ve n:.i r-spe
f pero-.i--',
ii escape. Ail
nt. iieard v.ho
f.-o .a
':r,3:!.1 ti'iSs of the Vast
raised t!) 're and then
r-'ir. 12 to 15 centa per
n i) :en no snow since
uiber in northwestern
I. G. I.
i-BP.i.r Cured. To the
I hav
inform your reauers tht
.e remedy for Ihe above
named diH-ase.
S:lP.il3 of kopek
yy it; timely use tuou
n eeg liave been per-
meaently cured. I shall be gi.ui to-i,end
tvt-o botil.'S of my remedy fuf.e to any
of your readers who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
of:i.-a "ad.!rw:s. T. A. S LOCUM, At. C.
181 p,,irl S;., i-.'ew York, N. Y
From The iijinl.-.
Iijuiienz i cnniiit;r.
- JTay u.'ir.fiiid.s a gnocl pn'cB
and will he vt n premium if
at present
ie Chinook
fails to arrive on tinio.
G. A. SiniMi, con-tact;r on Lp 31;(u
Craek ainf" XVudletnu wr.ou road luis
dispoJ of bid grading to-.ils nml entire
outfit. Pro spec t-s t not appear very
fayonible thzt bo " i:! ever complete his
We r.rrt ia:.;rn3r.l tiit t:ere is q'lifco a
numba;' of hordes near tbe head of Smftb
creek w!i.');se ooriUiii-in is souiewbftfe criii-
c:ti, and st;:rv
unieys they ai
The severe
on the stages
iMnuuraent sti
irfij, beinjr
ttioii being no
provided for.
!u;rm proved a"doadener'
of la,t Wednesday. Tbe
e arrived lutein the eveu-
?vnl hiVB bite, white the
from CiUiyou City" failed t'
ipearaiice until Tliurfi la
put in
, beiai-
its ;
over ono da1
Arlington is deader than the skin on
the heel of a barefoot boy. As scattered
strav.' to show v.'i.-ich way the breezes
have be-n blowing here, I will cite a
little 4-xG incident thai' occurred in v:hat
was once a popular li:itl here. It was
8 o'cinck in the morning, and I was
rudely aw:'.!i?ned by a hammering,
poii.Lidiiig, jerking and dragging sort of a
r icket proceeding from the ro-'in next to
mine. I got into my collar a?id necktie
as quick as I conld and hurried into the
other room, firmly believing I would find
some p ior unfortunate trying, to w aft
his soiii over the river into Klickafat
county by suspending himself to tne
bed-springs with a pair of suspenders.
But I was fooled. The only unfortun
ate connected with the ailair .was down (
in the bar-room playing billiards 5 or
no count. The raclsetees were a rude
sheriff and a vulgar drayman, and they
made the noise while trying to get a
bedstead in shape for transportation to
the '"court house door in said county
and state." T have wondered ever since
who would have bid me in if I bad slept
long enough to have been attached as
part of the personal property of the de
fendant. There was a funeral here to-dav, the
deceased being the
0-year-ohi daughter
!0 is vveit known in
Y. F.
of U. A. Corniuh,
He lit-rt Home on "oitdav ami
His Mr.t'acr
Dipt! on Tuesday.
Sunday Mercury, Jan IS: Harry Dur
ban had been employed as waiter at the
Merchants- hotel up to about ten days
ago. He then left, saying that he was
going home to take care of his aged
mother, who was sick. He went home,
and, it appears, foncd a sum of money
beloogiLg to tbe old lady. It is said
that he'spent this money in saloons and
when "broke", borrowed five dollars
of a saioon keeper, saying that he want
ed to take the money home. It is now
believed that he left the city on Monday,
hut his whereabouts is not known.
His mother, Mm. McGmtithie, was
found dead in her room on North First
street on Tuesday, and was buried yes
terday. His stepfather is veiy sick at
St. Vincent's hosr.ifa!, and is not expect
ed to live.
Council met in n3:ular ses.-pn Mon
day niht. All present except connoil
men Morrow and Matlock. Bilin al
lowed : A. O. Bitter, $2.23; Coffin &
SIcFtsrlanO, 10.50; E. J. SWm, S2.85;
Hepi-nrr Gazette, 10.12.
Jadjst anu t-ierka of election iippointol
as follows: Judges, Win. Warren, Newt
Whetstone anil James Depny; clerks, J
.p. Locknane ui J. P. Williams.
Council ailjour.jeJ.
Now, citizens, it is high time to trot
out your caiKiitiaiep.
! being the occasion of her nineteenth
birthday. The party, gathered at the
hense of Mr. .1. B. Fp?rry, and marched
to Mr. Sloan's en WHr.'.-y, and to say that
Miss. Mary was surprised does not ex
press it. The evening was spent in so
cial parlor games, including an excel
lent lunch, prepared bv the young ladies
present. Ail joined in wishing Miss
Mary many happy years and the gW re
turn of this pleasant occasion. The fol
lowing were those, present : Misses Cora
Spencer, EiHe Warren, Katie Morgan,
Lulu McAtee a:id MaLTio Hornor, and
Messrs. Y. Crnvford, Gene Vaughan
Jay Shipley, Gena Noble and FranK
A ISsat Stock. Tbe Gazcttj: Job Hp
partinent has in stock a 'due as.sortmeut
of weddiMg gocJs, invitation and visiting I
j cards, ball proyrajr.me, and m all, tbe i
most coiripl-tc- job stoak ever brought to :
the city. We do not nave to tend for:
goo 3s v, ben you order wrk. Cull ia .
and (et p; ices boiure wasting moioy on i
outside concerns. tf. !
Piisp; l Accidz::t. Last Friday, while
Henry Welch, Jr., and another boy were
scr.'Jiing on the school bous.e steps he
hist h:s balance and fell to the ground, a
distance of twelve feet, striking on his
head and r-lioulders. Ke w:is picked up
for dead and taken home, but soon re
covered consciousness and by careful
treatment is low again on the streets.
It is a great wonder that his neck was
I , ..,, ,; ; m, ,.
Who Was Your Cheat Grandfather
T'r.o Detroit Journal desires to receive
by po3tal card the address of all living
male and female descendants of Revo'u-
! tionary officers and soldiers of 1776, and
I when possible, the name and state of the
I ancestor. Wonder if W. II. Brearley,
i proprietorof the Detroit Journal, is
! contemplating a raid- on the national
i treasury? ,
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a city election held on Tuesday,
Feb. 4tb, 1S)0, for tbe election of '
A Hiiyor, to Rerve one year.
A Recorder, " "
A TreMUrer, " 4t "
Three Councilmen, to serve two years.
The polis will he at the Recorder's
oifice. By order of tbe council,
Kenrt Blaoman, JMayor.
Attest: Q. W. Kea, Kecorder.
Come anil see the finest line of two-year-old,
pure bred, Clydesdale stal
lions ever brought to the United States.
Every horse guaranteed sound and a
I foai-got'er, and will be found eligible to
register in the American Clydesdale
stud-book. Weight, from 1000 to 1700
pounds. T will trade them for horses
and will receive Hie horses when in con
dition for shipment. They can be seen
at the MoHaley stable, Arlington,' Or.
( JonuL-OKD, Salesman,
The Long Creek Eagle and the Hepp
ner Gazette, $3.00 a year, strictly in ad
vance. The regular subsciption price of
both papers is, S4-50. Heppner people,
you should know something about the
interior country. You expect to' get
business from that section for your in
dividual benefit, bat it will not come
without effort. Take the representative
paper of thr.t section, at least, and be
posted on matters over there. ' The Ea
gle and ' Gazette, both for S3.00
for one year's subscription. tf.
Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.
If You Want
Ooiits' 1 1 1 r'm I I i 1 1 1 Li; Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
agricultural implements,
Groceries,- .Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,. ,-
Or anvthing usually kept in a first-class store, oall on
heppner Feed YardJ
Is the-place for
ff W WAV $M
Ij'o ti Of it airing House.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale,
KEEFES & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
General Warehouse and For
warding Agents.
The Company hak recently constructed a, two-story
warelioiise 80 x 100 feet, with wool press and all con
vert ien ces for handling wool. -
The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will he the same
as those- at Jlrlington, less cartages. .
Freight it-pori baled wool front, Heppner, same as
from Arlington-. '
Cash, advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in
special attention paid to fine
The importance of purifying the blood can
not be overestimated, for without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's
Prllliar Ssapariha- It strengthens
rcDUIIdr tunas np the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood s Sarsaparilla pecul- Trt If coff
iar curative powers. No ' " I15CII
othermedicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If yon have made np your mind to
buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your confidence.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
lOO Doses One Dollar
For Week Ending Wednesday, Jan. 22. 1890.
Mean .Mean Itain Char
Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, Fall, acter.
Jan 11) WW 1 44 50 23.(10 2!l.ti40 0.1K) faiT"
- 17 23.50 31.00 16.00 211.810 0.(10 do
IS 20 50 28.00 13.(11 29.970 0.00 do
19 15.CO :C00 12.50 30.1115 0JK) cloud
20 15.50 1 25.00 14.00 30.815 I 0,00 do
21 14.50 24 110 12.00 81 UK 10 I 0.00 do
22 22.00 311.00 10.00 29.750 0.00 fair
A. Smith.
"XTotice is hereby ffiven that the nndersisrned
have been, by the County Court of Morrow Co.,
Oregon, duly appointed administrators of the
estaie of Charles Lind. deceased, and all persons
havinn claims against said estate are hereby no
tified to present, the same duly verified to said
administrators at the law olhce of Frank Krdiogg
in lieopnci, Oregon, within six months from
date of this notice.
Dated January 18, 1S99. Stephen Lalaxdk.
Fbank Kellooo, Johh Huohks.
Atty. for Admin's. . r7-ft0) AdmVs.
. XtV'ttA'i'JC SiityjrsSJ MACillSR
11,13 n
v equal is delivered free cvery
Flcase send full Post Office ad-.-iiuling
County, and also your
address, including railroad sta
t! :e.-s.
tion most convenient to you. One cent
postal- expen.-ie will bring to yon some
thing new and important for every fam
ily. For full particulars please send to
Vn. 457 West 20th Street, New York
City. .
Teamsters to stop.
E. K. BISHOP, Treas.
yyyun ma mm uu
Buckingham d Wit's
Button. Lace or Congress. Every
Warranted. Also an extensive line
the celebrated Buckingham &
Ilecht boots always on hand.
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon,
custom work. Opposite City Hotel,
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackmail & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandised .
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Lais' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc.
Their Celebrated Boot called
:OlQ,clx.B3o.Ea,xi.s3 Best"
Is unsurpassed for durrbility.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
First-Class and Staple Goods in every
.variety to suit all classes of trade.
Special Inducements in
ieep Sip Tobacco, Eulphur, Ik, Wire,
Machinery, Ejto.
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the
public that we oarry the goods required whioh will be
sold at Bedrock Prices fpr Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery.; The Celebrated .
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Hides and Pelts Bought for Cashil Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant" and Harney Connties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We gnarentee Courteous Treatment,
and' will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
A. D. Johnson & Co.
-: '
Sole Agents'for Morrow Connty for
And Piping always
on Hand.
A Specialty ! !
K, J. slocum:
G-enera.1 33a. iL3."g5ris5"tc
DrugSi Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Toilet
ti iclei, l'i,inlw, Oils. G-lass 1 1
Wttll I'uper.
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon,
"Vj't: for- IPortlaixcl Oregonian.
Leezer & Thompson's Comer, : : : Mnin Street,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
elass Harness Shop.
Repairing o Specialty I
Kept Constantly od hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted foi
five years. Don't bny elsewhere till you examine their machines and
get cash prices.
Tf?E LED !
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and "Willow "Ware,
Bh.l Cages, XEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Groceries and" (jonfectionery !