'HE GAZETTE. !"Ni-:K. THUKSI'Af. Jan.'!, lH'K). RAILROAD TIME TABLE. , ', w-- t. t-avfr. H'il'Hr 7:45 a. ra., arrives rti'.n'l. i:i' v. in. , ,i; If-iivt- 'ortI?nd 7 n. arrives at r. ' ti hi., :i:ti!y ox'tp; Sundays. VAVYON AN J INTERMEDIATE POINTS. s for Canyon City daily, y, ht 6:30 a. m. ily, except Sunday, at .ivin of 16 bonrs in time fth ry taking this route to tift t Hniiii:i Arrives- u;i j V. M. 'i H ip ;. H and ' c; Can von. C. W. LMinhtr k Of ., 429, Fifth St., i' -l'ip-i. Or., are an'.orized to make -. tix i-t contnu.'is for the Gazette. They wiii mzr malic- collections for this P P'T. Here and There. Frank Rogers is ou the sick list. Brin us in fcome zroofonsuhscription. Mrs. Taylor DuJson is on the grip list. Sperry is down with the Kn,t. ifOV. i. t,iii8 19 very in witu pnen n in-Msis visiting iu Heppner tins Wets. Mrri. O. S. ViinDuyn is quite ill with la grippe. Ed. Miitlock is another victim of In grippe. liorn To the wife of Jumes Yeajjer, Jan. l'iHj, a huh. Mayor Iliu:kman inade a brief visit to Portland thin week. Sammy Teed has been quite ill with grip for the pant fortnight. The editor of Hip (Jazrtt"r wpnt In Hon. J. U Kppotr"an on '"s F riday. j'r'"i vy. JlnrHhal departed for Walla "yVitlhi Tuesday ou a visit. Dinhtheria is prevalent nmoutr the childreu of upper liutter Creek. Old papers at the Gazette oftioe at 75 cents per 10U, or two bits a bunch, tf. For Eaie oheap a good cook Btove. Apply at residence of Dr. A. L. Fox. 3t. Grant county circuit court oonveues :at Canyon City the first Monday in iVlarch. lieoorder lion nud daughter, Lillie. re 'tnrniid Monday iii(,'ht from their visit to Portland. ' Wiu. Thnrhurii is again on the streets, liavin recovered from a severe attack of Ja grippe. it is dangerous to be safe on the streets now tliat the snow packs suffi ciently for snowballing. lied On Butter Creek, on the 12th inat., Clara Uelle Vinson, daughter of Geo. Vinson, aged 10 years. At the raflle for the picture tt EJ. Matlock's Tuesday night, Ira Nelson walked away witii the prize. Eli Keeney is making great improve ment in the Belvedere saloon and is making it look very metropolitan. The Long Creek Eagle wants -D cords -of wood en subscription. So do we, but for some reason we fail to oonnect. The Great Western Bargain House, I. Mlawsou, prnprii-tor, of Peudleton, has dieen closed by attachment. .Liabilities JdO.OOO. The deadly cigarette found an entrance into the Girls IJigli Soliool, in San Fran cisoo, and caused its destruction by fire, Jan. 12. Co. E., O. N. G., have rented Mat lock's hail as an armory. The band will also use the same as their place of meeting. Do you have dyt-peplic troubles? Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has relieved thoiiHtin.lM imd will cure von. Sold bv .druggists. MiBS Phaue Couard, while coasting Monday, was thrown from a toboggan .and was badly bruised, though no bones were broker. Fears of a hay i:mine is expressed in La Grande should tbo present weather c'ontinue. Hay is now worth $15 per ton with but little to be had. To Senator John H. Mitchell the Gazrtik is indebted for valuable public documents recently received, for which he has the thanks of this ollioe. When you pasR through Long Creek, stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har disty House. The table ia always sup plied with the best in the market. Coasting is the popular sport at pres eut. Everythiug on runners is being turned into a tobogfau and West May street presents a lively scene nightly. Sammy Mcliee. the guitarist, who has been in Montana for the past six years returned ou Tuesday's train and will remain iu this region during the winter. llememher that all paid up subscribers to the Ga21kttk are entitled to a brand notice, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf. At theqnnrterly inspection of Co. E. rSaturday night just a dozen sogers were inspected. The interest seems to have somewhat cooled down since two years ;ago. Died Of diptheria, Jan. 15th, Hugh Lee, youngest and dearly beloved son of William and Kathleen Hughes, aged eleven moths. "Of such is the kingdom of ileuveu," Notwithstanding the snow and cold weather our high school is having a jfcod ntti ndauce and shows that pro gress which is natural under the present management. It is nuthoratively aunonnoed that John L. Sullivan has agreed to accept the proposition of the California Athletic club to niei t Peter Jat kiou. The Btake to be SI.) ,000. The weather this week is not so cold U3 last week, though there is just as nil":l) snow now as u week ago. There has b "S!!J enough snow-fall every day to make'up r " lmt 1"e,t, The Vitii nnl i5,luli building is Vory rapidly Hearing Il''.t. Bm.M an ount of work tu 1do"e ,OU the , mide. ItisabeHutitJi7ctre 8mi 18 a (jreat ornuuient to oui lt,w0 Tt,; -ki.: Weather nud od iSuudnvs mitnerous bnurera re eon One roimiiner the hi. Us in quest of the. or tue ltazktte torce euooeerted in giajj a few of them ou last Sunday. Chris. Reminder came over from the Haystack region this week. He reports plenty of snow and cold weather in that section and stock sutVering to a consid erable extent, only few having suffi cient hay to tide them over. The United State a court at Omaba, has Jist rendered a decision th.it the North ern lacinc road ninst accept the passeng er traffic of the Uuiou Pacific whose des tiniition may be at points ou the North ern Pacific north of Portland- There is strong suspicion that Martin Kane, who was recently fouud in the streets of Alba in a dyiug condition, was a case of murder and not death from ex posure. A call is made for the investi gation of the cause of death. The appointment of Morton D. Clif ford as jndtft of the sixth judicial dis trict meets with the sauction of every one. He is well known in this section as having been district attorney when our county boloued to that district. Johnny Keeney rat timed Monday from a visit to the Mayville and Foesil district. Ou New "Voars day, while on the road between Fossil and Condon he was thrown from a slei-'h and pretty badly bruised about the head and face. The Union Pacific has announced by i circular that first class tickets f nm j Portland, Pnirrt sound points and Vic- t tori;. B. C. to Chicago tor the low rate j of and second class for 42. From j Spokane. Umatilla and Walhila the rate! is 4rS)b.GU lor nrst class and fc-tj tor see- on d class By this the second class rate ia about S3ti. G. B. Tdrowe, of tbc Gem, has Added a new piece to his menagerie io the shape a horned owl. This is the only live thing lie has ever bad that makes the white rats bunt their cage. H wiii accept sealed bids to furnish a coyote, monkey and parrot. Southeast Missouri was visited List Sunday by a terrific cyclone, Striking it its pathway the southwestern section of the city of St. Lonis, it swept through its northern limits, leaving in its track, a quarter mile wide, a fearful destruction of property, and killing numbers of per sons. This is rough weather for stock. Quite a number of cattle have died in this vicinity within the past two weeks. The thermometer has registered all the way from zero down to seventeen degrees below and still there's no sign of a Chin ook. Milton Eagle. Old man Parr, who died near Athena last Tuesday, was an old Hudson Bay employe. Having spent more than fifty years among the Indians of this coast. He was aged eighty-five years, and leaves numerous descendents, mixed bloods on the reserve. Pendleton Trib une. Ranchers, stock-men and mill-men, why not have your stationery printei, when you can get it done for less money than you pay for blank material? With printed letter heads and envelops, your letters will never miscarry, if addressed at all. Leave yourorder at the Gazette's job office. In response to a telegram from our city authorities, the Empire Well Au gur Company teJegraphed an ordfr to have the machinery unloaded and stated the man would arrive here soon. Busi ness will commence right awav without doubt, and soon Heppner will have a water supply. Judge GroiT, commissioner of the general land office has recently made a ruling of great importance in relation to entries of public lands. He holds that homesteader who has perfected a title under the general homestead aot cannot transmnte bis filings, that the law pro hibits more than one pre-emption. The Oreaon Blade (Baker City) says: It would probably be a good scheme for Eastern Oregon towns to keep an eye on Messrs. Aldrich & Grant, who represent a building and loan association of Wash ington. While the company tbey repre sent is doubtless all right, the habits of the agents are not such as will commend them to the business or respectable part of a community. Last Sunday the people of Kansas. Missouri and Nebraska experienced another of those terrible blizzards, so common in those States during the win ter months. It was less severe in Missouri, but in Kansas and Nebraska, it is reported to haye been as terrible and destructive as that which occurred jnst two years ago, when so many per sons perished from tne cold. A. C. McClelland, the newly appointed Receiver of the Land office, has received notice from Washington that his bonds are approved. He thereupon entered upon his duties and now it can be said the office is open for business, after a pratctical suspension for nearly two months. This will doubtless be appoin ted by many hundreds who have had a desire to prove up La Grande Journal. If any of our readers are not taking the weekly illustrated West Shore they ought to do so. Tt combines the desirable featuers of all the eastern weeklies and is superior to any one of them. Especi ally in its graphic pictures of western scenes is it of great interest. Aside from the local paper it is the best publication that can be taken, and should be in every house. Published by L. Samuel, Port land, at $4.00 a year. The losses to railroads iu the last few weeks have been very great and will seriously diminish their usual incomes. The Union Pacific particularly has suf fered heavy losses from the ill-fated col- I lisions whioh have recently occurred, by which several of their locomotives have been rendered unfit for use. The probability is that accidents will con tinue throughout the winter, or until the road bed can be brought up to a safe : condition. ! The Chinese Consul General has issu ed a proclamation to suppress the high binders, in which he says: "From this time on should there be a renewal of the recent disturbances and acts of violence we will unite with the officers of the six associations in a petition to the officials in China, askinsr them to hold your fam ilies in China responsible for your unlaw ful acts and keep them as hostage for your conduct," It is expected tnia will have great effect in suppressing Chinese murders, as the hostages are held nntil the murderer surrenders or is captured. General Porter, Superintendent of the Census Bureau, has if? sued a bulletin, which divides Oregon into two districts. The counties of Benton, Clackamas, Clat sop, Columbia, Coos, Curry Douglas, Jaokson, Josephine, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook, Washing ton and Yamhill compose the first district in charge of Hon. I. H. Shupe of Ash land. The second division comprises the counties of Baker, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Wasco counties, of which Dr. I. W Strange of La Grande will have the supervision. From a telegram to the Portland Oregonian, it i learned tbat the Oregon and Washington Railroad Company has filed a mortgage in the office at Pendleton, iu favor of the Farmer's Loan and Trust Company of New York, given to secure bonds issued for construction purposes. One stipulation contained in the mort gage is, tbat the road shall be built from Pendleton, in a southwesterly directiou, to a point at or near Heppner, Morrow County. It is supposed that this indi cates a scheme to oonnect with the Ore gon & Nevada in Southern Oregon, and thus with the Central Pacific or Yaquina Bay. ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES Commend to pnblio approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of t igs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, it oleauses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and oomfort of all who use it. Badly Bruised. One day last week while. Peroie Garrigaes and Georgie Dodson were coasting on Cemetery bill, the latter being ahead, fell from his sled and before be could get ont of the way the sled folio injr struck him, badly -atting the right and severely bruising the iercy St u"n on n's 8'61 aud ha. tied rum noine wnere ne is sun bis bed. confined t DISTUEBANC "13 OF THE HEART Heart disease is lit. i an assassin, which i H.a dark, and strikes urwus upuu jwi " - Tho -efore, do not you wuou ""o "'". y, resion of overlook any uneasiness in . "fj6,0,? r the heart or disturbance in i"vf""' butatonoe take Db. Fust's ?m; Descriptive treatise with each botti?, or address Mack Drug Co.. S. Y. Dksebtes Encouragement. About four years ago the Heppner Cornet Baud was organized, an instrnctor em ployed aLd instruments bought at a cost aggregating nearly $1!KX). Ever since that time it has been in good run ning order and has always responded to any call from the citizens, and never asking a dollar for their services. It is now i better shape than ever before and it would seem but fit that the .citi zens should show their appreciation by erecting a band Btand for use next sum mer. It wilt be remembered that ttie band gave free public concerts during the past summer and fall gratis, and if Bacu 18 worth anything to the to vn, let it reciprocate in some manner. DEATH OF A PIOXEER. Oti Monday afternoon word was re ceived here tbat th-j de;:d bn-ly of Chas. Linde bad i een found at Ms residence two miles below this place. Coroner Shobe immediately suuiuioued a jury and proceeded thither, th;.1 jury consist ing of the following named gentlemen: T. J. Matlock, J. R. Simons, C. W. Rycbard, E. G. Sloan, Chas. Nelson and Samuel, Kinsman. The body of the un fortunate man was found lying on the floor beside the table which was set for dinner, the feet drawn up and the riht arm lying across the breast. A tablespoon was lying on his body, and his month was full of bread. A chair stood by the table half turned, indicat ing that he had fallen from it. There were no marks or bruises on the "body and it is supposed that be died from heart disease. The jury's verdict was that he came to his death from borne unknowrn cause. For the past week deceased had been ailing and thenoar neighbors had been in the habit of helping him feed and take care of his stock. Monday morning about 8 o'clock, Mr Stepheu Lalande rode to his place with the intention of assisting him, and on arriving found him at work with his stock, remarking, 'I am all right now." Between 3 and 4 p. m., Young Mr. Lydo went to the house and rapped on the door. Receiving no acswer he looked in at the window rnd saw the form ou the tiuor. He opened the. door and .called to bim. Discovering tiuit he was dead he notified Mr. Lalande, who notified the coroner. Mr. Liude, aged about CO, was one of the oldest residents of the Heppner re gion, having resided here upwards of twenty years. He was a batcheilor and possessed considerable property. His friends were a host. The interrment took place Tuesday at 4 p. m., in tbo cemetery ut this place. The following is tba verdict of the coroner's jury: Ve fie j iiry iu the Ciie of C:iis. Linde, deceased, 13nd a verdict that do-, ceased came to his death it- iu causes unknown. K. (x. Sloan, Thos. Matlock, E. C. Nelson, J. K. Siui jus, Samuel Kinsman C. W. Ityemr-:. EUPiSPSY. This is what you ought to nave,' iu fact, you must have i to u3ly tMjjoy hie. Thousands ai -e.ireuiisr lor t dai ly, and mourning bfe.-inse tUey find it not. ThoiiriHTids noon thous-iiidn of dol lars arc spent anuu illy by our ve pif in the hope that they ra;iy afiaia th3 boon. And yefc it may be hrul by ail. We g.mr anteo that Eieotrki Uitrs.ii" Tissed accord ing to directions :ii;d the use. persisted in, w it bring yon good digestion vnti onst the demon. Dyspepsia, and install instesid Euptfpsy. We recommend Ele-e-tric Bitters for Dyspepsia and ail dis eases of Liver, Stomach and jCidnevs. Sold at 5:to..n:id $1.00 per : bot.tie by A. I). Johnson tfe Co.. druict ?. SUICIDE OF ANDREW C&RTSTIE. Last Monday afternoon rss f lie passen ger train was coming up a ?:ian nmupon the track near Biair's, just below Eugene, and turning his back t the engine and spreading his legs apart so the cowcatch er would not throw him ofT, awaited the approach of the engine. It could not be stopped and he was badly man gled and died almost instantly. No money or papers were found on the body, which was identified as that of Andrew Christie, a light-complexioned rmn per haps under 33 years of age, probably a Swede, who had been stopping a few days at the Minnesota house, where he paid his bill before he left. Th coroner did not deem an inquest necessary, his suicidal death being established without the formality of an inquest Walter Davis informs us that he saw this man walking back nud forth on the 2:1 of Jan uary at ; the same place whore he after wards jumped iu front of the train. He had no doubt then selected the place and manner of ending hi3 lif Oregon State Journal. Consumption Surely Cured. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a nusitive remedy for the tiboTe named disease. By iis timely use thou sands of hopeless eases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to si;nd two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post office address. T. A. SLOCDM, M. C 181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. ALMOST A FIRE. From the Walla Walla Union vo learn that ah attempt was made on. Inst Thursday to burn the Johnson brick at the corner of Main and Fourth streets During Dr. H. T. Turner's absence some one eutered his office and placed a shovel of burning coals from the stove on the floor in front leaving the doors partly open to give the impression if disotivered , that they had fallen from the stove. Fortunately D Turner returned aud finding Bnioke coming from the baek room, entered and discovering the cause called a witness to view the soene so threatening. It wa-3 evident that some of the coal could not have fallen through the partially closed doors, as portion were too large to pass the narrow spae. The coals had gone out without doiug other damage than burning a hole in the carpet about two feet square. Olficers are endeavoring to find who is the would be incendiary. A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVES . EER LIFE. . It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicans that she was incurable and, could live only a short time; she weigh ed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's Nw Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, and she bought a large bottle, it helped her m: re, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For ful ler particulars send" stamp to W. ' II. CohN Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial Ket tles of this wonderful discovery free at A. !) Johnson & Co.'s Drug Store. i It takes a'whole lot of matter to make a news-paper. If you know of a dlr, a birth, a marriage, anyone killed, kicked by a mule or anything o geueral iuter est it always makes the heart of the ed-. itor gladlo have you drop a line and let it be known. A Neat Stock. The Gazette job de partment has in stock a fine assortment of wedding goods, invitation and visiting cards, ball programmes, and in all, the most complete job stock ever bronght to the city. We do not have to send for goods when yon order work. Call in and get prices before wasting money on ontside concerns. tf. MILE CENT .-.T7;tit.,T5 TLe.Mi.iv.- is Mill Iwriug, but tU8 chinook has wad" his j'upearttlice aDd bar! tlw sai;i.y Mdo ot the bald hills. ' Eobt. Veatch, who received a broken leg by a runaway team on Kock creek some time ago, is able- to be around again. Brno. Haines came neurgettiu'i hi3 leg broken last week by his rijr upsetting. Ed Rood received a kick on his lep last Thursday from a horse while-Jeading another past - it in the barn. T kick came uear o; making his leg. Right Suliirg 1ms jmt received bis new set of blacksmith's tools aud is pr. oarioc for the spriiig run of work. He is now at tht old stand formerly occupied by 3Ir Downing. Eight. iiile Center sports gave a h Unt ing match last Monday and Tuesilay, which resulted iu the capture of one hundred and thirty-three rabbits. A fi ne EIG supper wan .vauered, to he given hy ti is j losing party, ia the Eight Mile Center i The Long Creek Eagle and the Hepp sehool house, free to all that might conw j nor Gazette, 83.00 a year, strictly in ad aud participate. The supper was served jsraace. The regular subsciption price of last Thursday evening, aud an nnexpect- baik papers is $4.50. Heppner people, ea large ciowd was in attendance, not- j Too should know something about the withstanding the sickness and bad 1 interim country. You expect to get weather. After supper the tables were cleared away and all those that chose ena.ced in the merry dance until . the smaii hours of the morning. The supper was all that, could be winbed for, and ou the whole the affair was the most enjoy able of the season. Kumtcs . KlUHT JilLK I'KNTKll, Jail. 11, li-O. LOX(i CREEK ITEMS. From the Kugle; Born. To Jlr. and Mrs. Win. Crabtree, ou the 5th inat., a bouncing girl. John Carey reports snow three and one-half feet deep at the head of Fox ereek. The Long Creek republic is free from la grippe. Lot us hope it may remain so. C. L. Williams reports that the ther mometer registered twenty degrees be low zero at his place at 11 o'clock last Monday night. Jack Gray arrived from Eeppner last Friday with freight. Hi; reports the condition of the roads such that good time can be made over them. He will not return again uutii the weather mod erates. Sam. Miller, ouoe a well-kuown resi dent of this section, from whence he moved to Idaho, was reported not long siuce to have been killed at Glen's Fer ry. Nothing was known to the contrary by his ftiends ia this section, until le cently a letter was received from him, clearly showing the report to be false and without foundation, and as to bow the newspapers received the intelligence is a mystery.. He is now iu Custer, Idaho, where he has beou located some time. A HEROIC WOMAN. On Tuesday of this week a painter of this city uamed Kessler induced two boys residing near the mouth of More ereek, to accompany him on a hunt on Kiug hill, w here the day before he had killed a deer. The names of the boys were Silas Sandiin and Jimmy Percy, the latter but ' fourteen years otni?e. During the hunt Kessler selected a point where he desired the boys to re maiu uutil he came for them agaiu, but not making his appearance, the boys started for home taking with them a pony that Kessler had left with them belonging to Jake Myers. Young Percy gave out when within two miles of Oli ver Call's house, while Sanrllin proceed ed on and told what had transpired to Mrs. Call. She forthwith mounted the horse, then 10 o'clock at night, came to whero the boy was lying in the snow, and placing him on the horse packed him to her house where she used all the remedies in her power to restore him. Mr. Call was away from home. The boy's feet and hands were badly frozen and his back was blistered. Amputa tion of some of his toes aud perhaps portions of both feet may be necessary. He will be brought to town to-morrow on a slid so ', that medical attendance may be promptly rendered. Idaho Democrat. -. WTl'AT X s It is that impurity in the blood, which, ac cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to humors:" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption aud death. Being the most ancient, it is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. Kow Can It Ce By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, lias proven itself to he a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from, scrofula be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore ncckfrom the time sliewas22months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, necame a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Carltle, Kauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyaJl druggists. gl;sixforS5. Prepasdonly by C. L-HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, LowaU, Mass. SCO Doses Ono Dollar THE LATEST OUT. . A Daily Through Car service has been established, by the Chicago, Ut.on Pa cific: Northwestern Line between Port land, and Chicago via Council Bluffs, thus' offering tu the public facilities not given bV'any other line. "The Limited Fast Mail" which runs daily betwiwo th6 above points, carries the Overhand J Fast Mail, a limited number of Srst-alass L nasseniers without extra char-re. ond is' composed of Pullman Vestibuled, Sleep ers and Pull man Dining Cars, rsrtlau-d to Chicago via Council Bluffs. This is another indication that Uniou Pacific is desirous of meeting the the requirements of the people. For in- J. C. Hart. Agent O. K. & X. Co.. Hei.p- . . u.:,rt. Agent v. x.. x i. iu., nepp- r r. Or., or to A. L. Maxwell, G. P. & T. f , Portland, Or., .Tl-90. no A . QUEER PATE8TS. There is a claim in the patent office for a patent on the Lord's prayer, the speci fications being that the repetition of the same "rapidly and iu a loud voice will cure stammering." Among the odd inventions are "chick en hopples" which walk the hen right out of the garden when she tries to scratch; "the bee moth excluder," which automatically shut up the bee hive when the bees go to roost; the "tape worm hook," which speaks for itself; the "edu cational balloon," a toy balloon, with the map of the world on its surface; "side-hill auniuilators," stilts to fit on to the down-hill legs of a horse when plow ing on hillsides (a most handy invention for Western ranches which stand on edge); and the ''ben surpriser," a device which drops the newly laid egg through to the bottom of fhe nest, with intent to beguile the hen into at once laying another. businos from that section for your in dividual benefit, but it will not come without effort. Take the representative paper of th;rt section, at least, and be posted on matters over there. The Ea gle and Gazesise, both for S3.00 for one year's subscription. tf. Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co. CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES IfYouWanJ DRY .GOODS, CLOTHING, Gents' JTctr-Miisliiny: Goods, Hats, e Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD and wiLIvOW WARI0, AGrliXCULTTJIiAIj IMPLEMENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usuallv kept in a first-class store, call on W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET. HEPPNER, OEEGON. eppner Feed Yard! Is the place for m w m free Free Oamping House. Whole OBerley and Chop for Sale. KEEPER & BULLOCK, Props,. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Buy Your rs. S. P She has All the Latest Styles iji FALL AND WINTER HATS, DRESS GOODS, Etc. CALL AND SEE MES. GA1IRIGUES' Large Stock of LADIES' FURNISHINGS Before Purchasing Elsewhere. SOUTH SIDE HEPPNER, KfcLSON JONES, Pres't. ill! COUNTY ill 1 1 (Incorporated.) General Warehouse, and For warding Agents. The Company 1u$ recently constructed a two-story -wareJwuse 80 x 100 feet, with wool press and ail con veniences for handling wool. The- Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as th ose at Arlington,, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from Eeppner, same as tromo Arlington. , 7 . Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. THEKON E. FELL. MANAGER. at Lichtenthal, SOLE AGENT FOR Buckingham o i t ! T.ine Si calf shoes; Button. Lace ed. Also an extensive line & Hecht boots I Special .attention paid to fine MAIN STREET, THE LARGEST STOCK IN EASTERN OR. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Morrow county, Oregon, that I or my deputy will be at the usual vot'ng places of the varions precincts for the purpose of collecting taxes as follows: Matteson precinct, Monday, Feb. 3 '89. 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 " 10 " 11 " 12 " 13 " 14 " 15 " Dairy Tueadav, Eight ?Jile " Dry Fork " lone " Cecil " Castle Rook " Wells Springs" Alpine Pine City " Lena Lexington " Wednesday," Thursday, " Friday, " Saturday, " Monday, " Tuesday, ' Wednesday," Thursday, " Friday, " Saturday, " Heppner Monday. 17 " The hours of meeting will be from 10 a. m., until 3 p. m. T. E. Howard, Sheriff of Morrow County Oregon. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE Has no equal is delivered free every where. Please send full Post Office ad dress, including County, and also your shipping address, including railroad sta tion most convenient to you. One cent postal expense will bring to you some thing new and important for every fam ily. For full particulars please send to No. 457 West 26th Street, New York City. SIGNAL SERVICE KECOKD. For Week Ending Wednesday, Jan 15, 180. Char acter. Date iMer.n I I (Mean Inain Temp. Max. Min. Bar, Fall, JanU 38.50 S7 00 7.00 29.S2S 0.13 cluud 10 20.50 3.1.50 B.50 30.040 01)7 cloud 11 21.00 28.00 4.00 30.130 0.00 do 12 27.50 3B.50 15.00 30.005 0.!0 do 13 31.00 39.00 15.00 3015 0.00 do U 81.50 87.00 21.00 3U.005 0.03 do 15 32 50 41-00 21.00 29.51)0 0.OU fair Teamsters to stop. STALL ROOM ! Millinery -OF- Garrjgues. MAY STREET, OREGON. E. E. BISHOP, Treas. RUST CO. & Hecht's or Congress. Every pair Warrant- of the celebrrted Buckingham always on hand. 1 custom work. Opposite City Hotel, HEPPISER, OEEGON. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! inrmHYZ TD The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co, has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandised To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lais' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called ''Blaokman's BestV Is unsurpassed for durrbility. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in b Dip TobaccOp Sulphur. Lime, Wire, Maoliinery, Btc. A personal inspection ot onr Mammoth (Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell- & Co.'s A' ncuitural Machinery. 1 he telebratered o a new ;Bain Wagon always on Hand 8 PEN. His id Pelts Mt u '-' to the Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Conntiea wjl do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We gaarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place, Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. A. D. Johnson & Co. THE CITY DRUG STOIiEj, HEPPNEE, OREGON Sole Agenls for FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZEK. LEEZER & 0 ! I Hardware, Tinware, TOOLS A PUMPS And Piping always ,on Hand. MAIN STftflET; E. J, SLOCUM, cznpeaier InC nx-uirs. Chemicnis, ro.e Medlolnesi Artioies, paints, iih, waas t. x ca V V 1 1 1 I' f 3X7. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. Ac't for Portlana Oregoniau, Leezer & Thompson's Corner, HEPPNER, - - - - W. A. KIRK. -DEALERS IN- Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing: a Speoialty l Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get nash prices. MAIN STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. JTITYFr TrttTinT lor lash a Dying Rapid- Morrow County for P. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON -DEALERS IN- Wood. and. Willow Ware, Bi-.d Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and n complete line of Groceries ami Confectionery ! HEPPNER, OREGON Toilet Main Street, OREGON. J. 0. HAYES,