IE GAZETT THUKSiWY, Jan. 9, !). RAILROAD TIME TABLE. W. T. D:ittou is jniteill with t!. it I', i:-:. u;r 7:15 a. m., arrives A 7 a. jr. ., arrives at ;: riiiiiijiiyd. ij6'.;j anu intermediate points. City daily, Sr.ijjo leaven for Ciinynn eirm t SuuiIhv. fat 6:30 a. m Arrives d;uly, except Sunday, nt i :W' P. M. 'iln-re ip : living of IB hours in time n;I $10 ct'.s!: by taking this route to CHII'-'tHi. 'J'iiey - pupr. i-n'itilar . . are ! ftiiitrii i Or., 429, Fifth St., atr '-lOrized to make for tht: Gazette. - collections for this Here and There. Grip! "Iver-chcv.-! Kfr-chew!" Brin t; uh m some irooiiwi subscription. Ira Nelson c.ouvalest'iug from la grijtpe. The Columbia is frozen over at Van- D J. .Shiiebiey. of Elns)mrg, is jiortoj on his death bed. J :i3 Davidson and Bill Th Qriiurn on the. sick iist. I.a gripjie. The Gazhttu office turns out more eh jep herders thau any office io the state. Old papers at the Gazette office nt 75 cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf. Chas. Nelson is just recovering frrmi a severe rip oftlie nmv-f;uiglod epidemic. Waidrou ilhea left last Monday morn ing for Corvaliis where he will attend school. The family i Aui'iit ). V. Hart, as well s Mr. Hart himself, me afflicted with the new epidemic. Born Near Eibt Mile Center, to the wh'e of C. E. Jones, Doc. 31st, 1881), a son. Weight 10 pounds. Frank Fitch, or G.illoway, was in town last iS itiird iy. He is prepared to feed his sheep 20 days. G. W. Kea, accompanied by his daugh ter, Miss Lillie, left on this morning's train for Portland. Ike Basev has pnrchased the armory hall above Natter's and will fit the same up for a Induing house. Hon. Joe Thomas, of Arlinnton, came up on llie n lat j'l train last .Sunday, xe turning early this week. KV.n r,.ovi.s over the country is as little a:ii.v m the Heppner in nnv part of Orenon. Everyone has the new-fan?ll epi demic, but nothing serious has (.-suited from the complaint bo far. .... Dr B F. Vaii(.'ban accompanied his little daughter, Kdoth to . Josephs Academy, Pendleton, las K- nrm-mocs rept " - fc"" wr von have a mini to rue u Will Morrow and lwt there hills as what- Whetstone have taken ndvanta-e o' I.nrvnsted eousideroie eteniaui in me jaliacaas been bound 4 thrown out of s bad- vere bro- over to await the ae Ves. Tippets y and reeeiveJ Bleisb last lutm DO b(mfc8 w jy oruiseu ay ke"; the source of health. J. he hire by taking Hood's Sarsapa Keep ieh is peculiar in its curative rill" P'!- Gazette editor is completely laid Ihis week with the new complaint. tie Gazette is euterprisiug and will yiaot bo left. - f Through lack of appropriation the daily Telegraph Sicual Code oan not be extended to Heppner nt present, as was the intention. "Pole" Thompson's team ran awav yesterday on Main street, colliding in their career, with the awning in front of the skating rink. l, J. H. Stine now appears as the editor and proprietor of the Willamette Valley Trilmne. a very neat paper published at Independence, Polk Co. Mails are very irregular at present. About one Oregonian in two days is a fair average, and it generally gets in from one to two days old. Heppuer's big hottl will be built m the spring, and it is quite likely that oth er Main street property owners will eee tho point and build bricks. When yon pass through Long Creek, utop with Frank Waterbury at the Har disty House. The table is always sup plied with the best in the market. Bemember that all paid up subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notice, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf. Last Friday night the Heppner train ran several of Wm. Penland's horses into a bridge this side of Lexiugton. Of the eight head caught, ouly one was badly hurt. In a recent issue of the East Oregoni an appears a letter from Heppner by their traveling correspondent. It is a good, "straight" letter, and every resi dent ought to appreciate it. L. M. LaPoiute, owner of LaPointe's addition to Ellensburg, has got hiin aelf into a very bad scrape with a young girl, and now lies iu the Ellensburg jail awaiting iuveatjgatiou of sundry oapers. The Gazette's offer of premiums for new subscribers has been extended lu deiiuitely. As an additional inducement to those getting up clubs, cash will be paid iu liea of premiums, if so desired. A peouliar accident happened over at v,,nr,n n theO. & W. T., five miles from Pendleton last Saturday night. A well eiguty teei ueep Mrs. grippe. ood, coid and feed are in demand in tiie Heitpner region. Heury lilackinan was quite ill lust woelc, but is now able to Iks about. Mrs. S. P. Florence has been danger ously ill since our last issue, but is im proving. Mr. and Mrs. (,'. W. Bvchard have rented and will soon move into the Sum mers dweiling on north Gale street. Wa.ier McAtee is now solo proprietor ot ine liberty Al eat Market, having pur chased Will McAfee's interest in the bus iness last week. The body of G. Morris Haller, who was drowned on the Sound recently, was found last week and received in termeut at Seattle. C. A. Minor and wife returned home Tuesday night from a trip to the valley. They will go to housekeeping at once at their residence on Gale street. The "river was derailed at Hood river last Saturday, resulting in the smashing of the engine, and the fa tal scalding of Fireman Cross. Quite a number of Heppnor's residents are laid out with the grippe. It has its fist in ou the Gazrtte force along with the remainder of the uniortuuates. L:ing Creek is grumbling over the irregularity of the mails. We have the same trouble at Henpner, and it will continue as long as bad weathor lasts, Three wrecks occurred on the O. B. &N. last Saturday, resulting iu the de struction of thousands of dollars worth of property and the loss of two lives. The state executive board met at Salem Monday and fixed the tax levy for lS'JO as follows: for general expenses 5 2ll-o5 mills; nuiversitv tax 1-7 of a mill; nulitary tax 1-5 mill, making the total tax six mills. On last Saturday night the thermome ter dropped down to ) degrees below zero in Heppner, but towards morning tite weather grew warmer, going up to 2 degrees above, and at. ilviiuiifc miicu as is uegi eea above. Heppy Blackman was struck by a coasting sled last Tuesday while staud ing ou the sidewjdk near the school house, and quite severely injured about the head. Boys whoare coasting should not interfere with those who are pass ing along the sidewalks. The following land contests have been decided for the La Grande and The Dalles districts, respectively. The Dame of the enccessf ill parties are in capital letters: S. C. Stanton vs. JANE HOW ELL; JOSEPH EEYBTJRN vs. Andrew J. I'atton. Heppner, Oregon, has aken steps to provide good aceommodaions, says the . LLVa .vit,i'e. The citizem have incorpo rated the Palace Hotel Cj, with a capi tal stock of 810,001), and. will build a strnotiire that will be an o-nament to the city and supply much-neeted entertain ment for visitors. It i a test of a town's vitality to thus puvide for its growth, and Heppner has exhibited a spirit of progress in advance of many other towns iu the stato. DOES EXPERIENCE COUNT? It does, in every line of bisiness, and especially iu compounding and prepar ing medicines. This is illustrated in the great superiority of Hood's Sarsaparilla over other preparations, as shown by the remarkable cures it has ccomplish- ed. The head of the firm of C L Hood & Co. is a thoroughly competent and ex perienced pharmacist, having devoted his whole life to the study and actual preparation of mediciues. He is also a member of the Massachusetts and Amer ican Pharmaceutical Associations, and continues actively devoted to supervis ing the preparation of aud managing the business connected with Hood's Sarsa parilla. Hence the superiority and peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is built up- WA tile lUIMl 0U1IM.Mm1 f1-1li( liHMi ,! i T its preparation there is represented all the knowledge'whieh modern research in medical science has developed, com biued with long experience, brainwork aud experiment. It is only necessary to give this medicine a fair trial to realize its great .rarative value. InvEitMSts Bchned. On last Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock a lire was dis covered in the loft of George Swaggart's farm dwelling iu Black Horse, four miles north of this place, by the occupant, Mr. John Barton. The ceiling being quite high, before Mr. Barton got a man-hole cut through, the whole upper part was ablaz-i and the building was soon com pletely destroyed. The occupants find ing it useless to fight the flames, by hard work succeded in carrying out all the househould goods jnstin time to see the building go down. It was an extraordi narily good farm house and was not in sured. The -fire is supposed to have originated by the stove-pipe coming in contact with wood between the ceiling and roof. THE MICKOiiE KILLEK. the GAZETTE'S MERCANTILE UEPABTMENT. A Journalistic Wonuek. The Ore goniarCs New Year edition is one of the wonders of modern journalism. It is an exhibition of the enterprise which be lougs to and makes the great journals of the present day. Its sketches and re visions of the past aud present condi tion of the agricultural, commercial and industrial interests of the Northwest, and its capacity for continued growth in the future, have been gathered at the cost of much time and labor. Its value for reference deserves it to be placed in more convenient form. Pkogbehs. Heppuer's well augur, oc cupying an entire flat car, has arrived from Ithaca, New York. The Well Au gur Company state that their man will be here in a short time, ready to com mence operations. Heppner made a mistake when they "took to" the Baker Citv man. Beokwiili. it Hna delayed the work several months, yet at the time it seemed to be the best plan. Now that the town is dealing with a reliable com pany, and the machinery is here it looks very much as if it meant business. No Board op Traoe. No amount of agitation ou the part of the Gazette ap pears to hasten the organization of a board of trade. Yet we have hopes that our desires in this direction will be re alized. The progressive portion of the community cannot afford to neglect this important matter. The bury-the-dollar-in-the-oyster-can. individuals do nothing for themselves or anyone else, and there fore will get uothiiif- They have about as much us9 for an 'Injun" commission er as a board of trade. Masonic IrrsTAnitATroN. The Gazette forgot to mention in its last issue the installation of Heppner Lodge No. 69 A. F. & A. M., and the very fiue snpper en joyed by the members, on the 27th nit., which is known to Masons as St. John's Bay. The following oilicers were in stalled on that occasion : D. W. Hornor, W. M.; P. O, Borg, S. W.; George Noble, J. W.; J. W. Morrow, Secretary; E. G. Sloan, Treasurer; B. Hart, Tyler. The W. M. appointed Chis. Koyse, S. D. and E. E. Sperry, J. D. AT LAST! AT LAST! Murder will out is an old war-Gry, and ncain it has Droven too true. Many of the older subscribers to this ohurnal will well remember the excitement caus ed by the severe striking of Billie Pat terson a long while ago, a deplorable af fair which was properly commented on bv this Daner at the time of its occur rence. At the Blue knek campmeetiug, near Walla Walla last week, a young man named George Bond was deeply moved, and while struggling with a wealth of woe he openly confessed having years nrro deDrived of life a fellow mortal. He would not divulge his victim's name, but this paper had good reason to sus- oent the state of affairs, and sent one of its oavuse commissioners to interview the case. Bond was corralled, ana in et- feet tacitly admitted that he was the same man who struck Billy Patterson, from the effects bf which, combind with consumption, the latter gentleman died 30 years later, leaving an orphaned son Otis Patterson, who now runs the Hepp- ntr Gazct. Thus do catfish come home to roost and the wilds of the west give up their dead. Puyallup Commerce. It is with much gratitude that we i ..n ;..i.. c. Alulae leu tutu " --o -j . . ; . . , oud was drawn to tho suriace uniujur- j thank "lied' lor searouiug uui, mc d. sought assnulter of our sire. The red- The Hnri.ev Item things me u.k-i it , i,,,,wi,.,l villain onr-ht to k ""3'-'' t0 P6- 'the ioiut-seuiitor. xuauKs to me items we fearlhero aie not enough voters of that opinion. Besides we are not a can didate. . Morton D. Clifford, of Canyon City, lias been appointed by the governor to succeed the late Judge B. Isou. Clif ford is quite a young man, being ouly twenty-seven years of age, but is well qualified for the position. Doric Lodge No. 20, did not instail her newlv elected officers on" last Tuesday eve, "on account of sickness among mem bers. On next Tuesday eve the instal lation will take place ami it is hoped ai good attendance can be bad. The Detroit Free rress Souvenir, as nnnnlement t that oaoer Dec. 10, has reached the Gazette office. It rerlec credit on the publishers of the fress. This nauer has in iis employ more mouths. THE EAGLE'S TALK. The great depth of snow alon g the route necessitated the drivers of the Monument aud Canyon City stages to lav aside their Tehicles aud make sever al trips on horseback. The invoicing at the Emporium took place this week and Wm. Budio was in itiated as a future partner in the estab lishment. Another such a stock wiil be added in the spring, making theirs the ins "king" merchandising honse ot urant -ts ! .,.,,,!,. TUr T?ndio will nermaneutlv lo- La Gsippe. The new epidemic takes hold of its victim very much the same as a bad cold, producing a considerable amount of sneezing, and affecting ue bronchial tubes. It is attended by ohilu- ness resembling ague, fever, headache and great depression of spirits. This is experience of the Gazette man with Heppner's epidemic, which is without doubt the same thing which is effecting the whole oonntrv. ' To Give Awat. A dog of tender years and a stout appetite. The lucky man who accepts this liberal offer will have good material for a sheep dog. Has as sociated with the Gazette force ever since birth and his morals can be vouch ed for in red ink. Prefers roller composi tion as a diet, but does not refuse cast off over-shoes or beef shin-bones. A bonanza. Itlen VMl!i:,tlw till. 1 Plil.-IOUOaS (.'lini- P'Hiaa Accer.Sina: to a .Stf.ii(inrd Medical .iiinraal. From the E. ( 1. The readers of the LTtisf Oregonian wiil remember the vi.sit to Pendleton of an agent for the great "microbe killer," the quack mediciue of the day. The pseudo doctor stopped here several days, talked early and often of the virtues of his medicine, and sold not a little at the "exceedingly low price" of $3.50 per gal lon, with a stone jug thrown in. Considering that almost every disease nowadays is alleged tj be due to the preseuce of microbes, a successful ''mi crobe killer" takes well with the credu lous public, aud ihe originator of the medicine in question, a Mr. Eadmau, has made an enormous profit out of his in vention. But the medical journals are ou his track and a four-column article in the Druggist' Circular and Chemical Gazette; a standard publication, make an exhaustive expose of the compound. According to this article, the stuff is composed as follows: Oil of vitriol (impure) i drtuna. Muriatic acid (impure) I dram. Bed wine about 1 ounce. Well or spring water, one gallon. It is stated that the "microbe killer" which is sold for S3 a gallon, costs just 3J j oents for a like amount, not counting the stou3 jug; that it is the most villain ous compound ever devised by quackery for the deception of a gullible public and owing to the presence of oil of vit riol, or sulphuric acid, is positively pois onous in its effects aud will kill the strongest man alive if its use is persist-" ed in. Thus the microbes will be effect ually disposed of, but likewise the pa tient, which result is hardly satisfactory. While the East Oregonian does not wish to mix up with anything outside of its legitimate field as a newspaper, still it believes if a humbug is being success fully practiced upon the public, as stat ed in the medical publication mention ed, the wool should be removed from the dear people's eyes by every public spirited journal in the land. No one seems to answer our ad. rela tive to finding aladies' gaiter shoe above town. It is a good shoe of the kind, but we have no one-legged people connected with the ranch, and unless the same is called for by the owner, the shop will be left on this work. We have on hand a good pair of herders' Sunday shoes, number lVs. Good as new. Can be had at a bargain. Plenty of Hunga rian nails furnished to purchaser to ren der them effective in climbing the rim rocked regions. AITOSIATIC SEWING MACJilNIi Has no equal is delivered free every where. Please send full Post Oflice ail dress, including County, and also your shipping address, including railroad sta tion most convenient to you. One cent postal expense will bring to you some thing new and important for every fam ily. For full particulars please send to No. 457 West 20th Street, New York City. ETfll VM Without Health can. 4 B tt,i IB not be enjoyed. B W THEREFORE USE It is trie hesi helper to Health and the quickest cure on Earth. - Use it in time for all diseases of the Stom:ich,' Liver, Kidneys and Skin. It cures PJieumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Headnche, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out of the Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business men buy it, the Workingmen use it, the Ladies take it, tho-Childrcn cry lor it and the Farmers say it is their best health preserver. - Sold everywhere, $ a bottle; six for $5.00. Newspaper A boote of 100 pages. The best book for an advertiser to con sult, be he experi enced or ot.hprwi.DA. It Contains lists ot newnaners and estimates of the cost of advertising. '1 he advertiser who -wants to spend one dollar, finds in it the in formation he requires, while forhiin who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising, a scheme ia indicated which will meet his every requirement, or tan be made to doso by slight changes easily arrived at by cor respondence. 149 editions have been issued. Bent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. liOWELL & CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU, (lOSpruceSUPruiting House Sq.), New York. 9 -Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS)S CLOTHING, Gents' Furnisliing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD ano WILLOW InMv, ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES Comraeud to public approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of figs. It 13 pleasiug to the eye, and to tbe taste and by gently acting on tbe kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system egeetnaliy, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. EIGHT MILE. Coi'iJciL Meeting. Council met this morning in culled session to select a lo cation for the artesian well. After some discussion it was agreed to allow the well company's man to select the loca tion. An order was drawn in favor of the U. P. for $503.24 in payment of freight on machinery from the East. Council adjourned. A Universal Wedding Present. The publisher of The Household evidently believes in encouragiug matrimony, as will be seen in his offer in another col umn to send a wedding present to every bride who may apply for the same. See his offer headed "To Young Housekeepers." I would say something aliout the snow and the sleighing, but it has been jotted down to the editors of the country pa pers often enough since the snow fell. The people will have to look out of the windows and judge for themselves. C. E. Jones is the happy father of a 101b boy. Happy! That don't express it. Proud is tbe word. The mother and boy are doing well, and are under the care of Mrs. M. I. Saling, an intelli gent, experienced nurse. we see oy one 01 tue nuagel s corre spondents that Will Hailey will seon be sufficiently recovered to stand all the hogging tue girls would give him while out sleighriding. This is a new plan to me, but as is is an age of improvement, it may be thai the latest imnrovemenf Jji society -j9"-fT a lady- to " fake that plan iu showing a young man that she has a decided preference for him. Now no doubt all the young gentlemen will want to go sleighing on the ''latest im proved method." New Year's evening was hailed by the young people of Eight Mile with an oyster supper. They report an enjoy able time. The young folks celebrated West Brannan's birthday a few days ago. Those who were present speak highly of the supper West, gave them. West thinks his little daughter is a very nice baby and he is right in thinking so, for it is. Mrs. Case Fuqua and Mrs. Shaner are sick. T. G. I. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, call ou W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET. HEPPNER, OPtEGON. Heppner Feed Yard! Is the place for Teamsters to stop. B W I 111 s ID FREE Ml ROOM ! lrc?3 Camping House. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. KEEPER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Buy Your Millinery rs. S. P PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! 7iIi('(YS II) TP WD ! The l lonecr has constantly th Firm of H. Blackman & Co. arriving in Car Load lots 1 .1.1- e largest assorted stock 01 General Merchandised To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are , Garments, Trimrainffs, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called "lOl&cls.m&.xL'5 Best" Is unsurpassed for durrbility. Gents' Underwear, Ties Bnd Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Eats, Caps, Tobacoos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Sheep Dip Tobacco, Sulp ior, Lie, Wire, -OF- Garrigiies She has All the Latest Styles in FALL AND WINTER HATS, DRESS GOODS, Etc. CA"LL and SEE MES. GARRIGTJES' Large Stock of LADIES' "FURNISHINGS Before Purchasing Elsewhere. SOUTH SIDE MAY STREET, 21 noli iery, IJtc. A persoual inspection of our Mammoth btook will convince the public that we catry the goods required whiob will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Bought for Casli and Trade. Parties froth Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, . . and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. HEPPNER, NELSON JONES, Pres't. OREGON. Treaa. ure AN ACCIDENT TO OUB TBAIN. BRANCH Fireman Jack Hayes Fatally Hcahled and Crushed---Ue laves only an Honr After the Accident. The Heppner mixed train left Arling ton last Saturday night on time, and had only proceeded on its way about three miles when the down freight was sighted bearing down on it at a lively rate. The trains were ooming 'rou nd a curve and were as olose as 300 feet before ine engineers 1 ! cate in Long Creek as soon as comfort uu" j . . i j raorous writers of note than any paper auie quarters cau uC in the Union. I Mr. E. D. Scott, a partner wilb Jas. Ranchers, stock men and mill-men, Stevenson and others in the mines at why not have your stationery printed, gnsanville came down last Saturday, when you can get it done for less money t mining interests thriving in tKUavXpl yot that section aitbough they have con letters will never miscarry, if addressed siderable snow to contend with at pree nt all. Leave your order at the Gazette's 1 en( Xhey are slow ly at work on their The denizens of Heppner awakene quartz lodges, and though the prospect this moruinu; to find the snow disap-1 future is merely a matter of con- pearing with a chmook The bacUxmei & ot wiu ter seems to be broken. IjAteh. .jeciuic, Since writing the above the ehinook has j iirge amount of qnartz whose value will frozen up and it is snowing like sheol. j ranKe from $5 to 880 per ton. i DISTURBANCE OF THE HEART The soinal column of vertebra short. oi. tt .. tj J-Tatirmpr (tA- iue xiarney iitjua tint -t'i , .... i i zkttb are kinder quarreling about tbe; Heart disease is like an assassin, which next joint state senator. hile Morrow ; creeps upon you in the d.irk. and strikes aud Hurnev are in a controversy Grant j you when unaware. Theretore, do not countvmiy'otepin aud walk off with overlook any nneastness m the region of the pi-.z-Grant County Sews. The tue heart or disturbance m us i action, iVeir. hopes that this is the case, but , but at once i( will hope in vain, newspapers u iescnpnvc un to each other without quarreling. ' address Mack Drug Co.. N. Y. "uiocoverea TaS trouTSie; Air brakes were immediately applied,the engineer, fireman and head breakman nf the dow n train seeking terra firma and our Engineer Patterson following suit, at the same time warning his firoman. Jack Hayes, to do the same thing. Af ter the collision, be was found crawling out of the wreck. He received no bro ken bones, but was somewhat bruised about the head. He complained of be- iu; scalded internally, which was no doubt the oase. He lived about an hour after the accident. Deceased had been on the Heppner branch ever since its completion and was universally liked. His remains were taken to Portland and interred in the Catholic cemetery at that place. He was a brother of Engineer Larry Hayes, formerly of the Heppner brenoh, but now of the main line. We are informed that tbe train dis patcher at The Dalles is to blame for the accident, iu not holding tbe Hepp ner train till the arrival of the down freight. If yon have made up your mind to Iray flood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by "virtue of its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A. Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience below: To Get " In one store where I went to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy their own instead of Hood's; he told me their's would last longer; that 1 might take it on ten days' trial; that if I did not like it I need not pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any ether. Hood's "When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I was feeling real miserable, Buffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it." Mks. T.t.i.a A. Goff, 61 Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, jfl; six for $5. Prepared onlj Vy C. L HOOD CO, Apothecaries, Lowell. UaM IOO Doses One Dollar The Long Creek Eagle and the Hepp ner Gazette, 33.00 a year, strictly in ad vance. The regular subsciption price of both papers is 4.50. Heppner people, you should know something about the interior country. Yon expect to tret busiuess from that section for vour in dividual beuefit, hut it will not come without effort. Take the representative paper of thut section, at least, and be posted ou matters over there. The Ea gle and Gazette, both for 83.00 for one year s subscription. tr. THE LATEST OUT. A Daily Through Car service has been established by the Chicago, Union Pa cific & Northwestern Line between Port land and Chicago via Council Bluffs, thus offering to the public facilities not given bv any other line. "The Limited Fast Mail" which runs daily between the above points, carries the Overland Fast Mail, a limited number of first-class passengers without extra charge, and is composed of Pullman Vestibnled Sleep ers and Pullman Dining Cars, Portland to Chicago via Council Bluffs. This is another indication that the Union Pacific is desirous of meeting the requirements of the people. For in formation in regard to this line, apply to J. C. Hart, Agent O. E. & N. Co.. Hepp ner, Or., or to A. L. Maxwell, G. P. & T. A., Portland, Or., Jl-90. E. R. BISHOP. MORROW COUHTY LAND I TRUST CO A. D. Johnson & Co. THE CITY 1 Iv-1 ; ; STORE, HEPPNEE, OREGON -Sole Agents for Morrow County for- ULalttls Patent FLUID SHEEP DIP. General (Incorporated.) Warehouse and For Avar ding Agents. W. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON The Company has recently constructed a tiro-story warehouse SO x 100 feet, with wool press and all con veniences for handling wool. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will he the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight njion baled wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of ivool or wool in storage. THERON E. FELL, MANAGER. at Lichientha SOLE AGENT FOR Buckingham & Hecht's Fine $4 calf shoes;13uttoD. Lace or Congress. Every pnir Warrant ed. Also an extensive line of the celebrrted Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. THE LARGEST STOCK IN EASTERN OR. Special attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel, MAIN STEEET, HEPPNEK, OKEGON. HIBEIIAN'S TOOLS A Specialty ! ! PUMPS And Piping always on Hand. -DEALERS IN- MAIN STREET, Hardware, Tinware, Graoifeware, Wood and Willow Ware, Biid Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and n complete line of - HEPPNER, OREGON E. J. SLOCUM, . jjDeaier In THE EAGLE -AND- The Heppner Gazette OlSTE YEAE FOE 3. GAZETTE $2.00 Per Year. " EAGLE Pen Year $2.50, Xx-U:s Cliemionis, I i t t Medlolnes, Toilet Anioles, Points, Otis. O luxs and Wall Paper. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oreprn. Ag't for IPor-tlaiacl Leezsr & Thompson's Corner, : HEPPNEE, - Oregonian. : MaiD Street, OREGON. W. A. KIKK. J. C. HAYI -DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty ; tantly oa hand the Celebrated e ppner Sadd Oo to tueir store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE W five years. Don't bny elsewhere till yon examine their mthi get cash prices. - - HEPPNER, OREOON. li 111 MAIN STREET,