7 7 NfcljHON JONES, Proa't. morrow cum (Iiieoxporateel.) General Warehouse and For- warding Agents. The f'omvanii lists recently constructed a two-story warehouse 'Zo M WO feet, with wool press and all coi CAmppder tl same f'castiatlvand upon consignments of ivool or wool in Storage- THE HON E. FELL. MANAGER. by buying your Shoes BUTTON. M ONLY $2.50 r".-.;:Jf 'Jirj. fi Shoes that usually retail s ?fiyr- at $.oo Ud $5.00. tv. T .... Jl - , ,r- , 1 I;ACE. On receipt of f3.r50 oud twenty-firo cents to Day erpressago trs will sen.t one pair oi' our Fine Oalf Kliw, Searnlerts Vtimiia, either liufcton, i,ac-j '. r CongreMa. Wo Use only selected Ktock and the best workmansmp. i.veiy xxf "Warranted. Try our bhoes once and you will buy no others. HlMention Size and Width wanted. Send postal note or N. Y. dralt. Write your c.l-trc's plainly, Town, County and State. CUSTOEwl BOOT & S Prof. Loisette's DIECOVERYO TBASMSMQ METHOD In spit of ad'tlifrnlM iniitjitions whicih miH the theory. Jino ita results it the Ontcinal, in Hpitp itf tte Kt:-tint niin iirn.Mint.ntionn by ttnvious wu Id-ire fji.m1i iitint, mid ih;:tetit "b.inttttnpts to nb" him of the fruit til h:? lji"Tn,i,ill of wlm-h doiimnfitratB the Onilinii.1f-.i s'lp. Hority .Mid pupu arity of i.is tfacliintr). Frt. I.i'iK'.ti'a - -if Nvr Fukti-U injj is re.nriiizoa t"-dfiy ;n bctii Hf'W: ji'if-reH ph iutrl:in;T nn !',Mi;h in lloiiior' "iiHiiro. i 'nidjHLct us ?!!: t frtiriv opintotiftol' i'- iipii: tr, t:irttt of Hit. lutrt v.hii liuvoact Dt'ly Ktiidi- 'i b'.-t :'v: ' -:u; hy crr-!ip'il.dniiL-, rihtuving th.t hip S.-;.!H1 i.r;t t.r.l; fhi,t- ;('i'i),7 ((( VOt ur'tencanit.; lK.i. i. an l.;u-n- 'i iniinoU r. :('''', 1 :i tn - .,(, ",'., . t.rPror.ptrctuJL ; t i : tuu Avenue. N. x TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, dt way of ram Southern Pacific Company's Line THE HI SHASTA BOBTE. Quicker in Time than Any Otfier Eoate Between Portland - San Francisco. Leave Portland at 4 P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 89 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS " TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS. For Accommodation of Seoond-Claes Passengers Attaohed to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran- ITnllmited 25 Limited Fint-Cliuw 20 " ' Secmid-ClasH,. !1 Through Tickets to ell Points South and Eaat, VIA CALIPORNIA. TICKET OFFICES: City Office. No. 134. Comer First & Aider Streets Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OllEOON. H. KOEHLEH, K. P. ROOKK8. Alanaoer. Asst. ft. F. and Pasa.Aot. HOW'S YOUR FENCE? We have tho CHEAPEST and Besi WOVEN WIRE FENCING n wire Rope selvage. 60 LN0KK8 HIGH AT 60 CENTS FR &0D. awd, Garden. Poultry and Stock rencing, aii 6.ioaiidwiiltha.(iftteBtOToatch. 1-TSceslow. hold ydpalora. Freittht Pulrt. Send for ctrcuiars. VHE Me.1t LI.FN Wm KS mKK KKNCECO., CtUCAOO, ILL. 8. AU-Stcul LArt. ad UlvHETKUV Keoo- "HOI W 'ilOUiJQ in 01 tiv.j ponria an in. o5ataoi i aAtdLios3(i pDttaimi AiinjtinBsa ! '03?Aiil3J'ra . Aq All lli.l JSt)il1 -.lB IP YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER ISSVi? SMITH & WESSON'S Finest small nanufttctured GS and the lint choieeoC all xDerta. la calibrws Si, 38 and 44-UO. SuiicLe or double action. Safety Ham- nrLa anil Taraet models. Beat qnnlity wrought fnp w.wkmiiii(ihin anil utru-k. TTnrlvall for KnUli. durnhililr anil nppnrnrv. Do 1 not be deceived by chenu malleable i'nm imitations often sold for the genuine article. They are unre liable and dangerous. The Smith ft M Bsoit Re tolvkrs are ntamped upon the liar rein with flrm'i name, address and dates of patents, and are g a ar--mnteel perfect. InsUt upon ha"inR them, and if Sour dealer cannot supply yon, an order sent to ad resa below will receive prompt attention. Duscrlp tlva catalogue and prices upon application. 31 ITU & WESSON, bpriuaficldi Mow MITlSflOlttBli FREE md2 -BESTTri I U pen or pood we will sendrBKB Lfc utboTi. Only thoM who write V 5,'L Ht return. to oow or iroM- to I the chance. Alt yoo hare to do in AYlMnRHrfca ""rmniaie of thtt advert. enenl Rl JnLGr ibowt the nnall end of the tele- pCepe. TM WnOWHtf cat rT " appearance " '-y abot the flfr!thpart oflteboTk. It t a grand, doable nte acooe ulanreas iseaav torarrr. We will alioehow yoahowyoa iom.ke from 3 U t a day ai la, from the Mart.wth oat experience Better write at once We pay all exprcM charree. Addmea, H. HALLtTT 4 t).. Boa S roTLAo. Maim. E3 V? Baa3PV. E. K. BISHOP, Treas. LIS 1 11 CO of the Manufacturer. COETGBESB. Ha' Way EAST. WI3Y5IOUTII, 31 .'. mm Mh "THE TTBEI.ESS TOILEII FOB TBADEl" "f'WJ. Tours, anxioas to plcaso, tD. L. ntTKTLET. ABk your dealer for Ed. L. Huntley & Co. 'a HONEST CLOTHING If our poods are not in the hands of some STOREKEEPER In your section, you can PRO CURE THEM from the BEST KNOWN and largest Mail-Oiider Wholesale CixrrmNa House In the world, at prices that will MAKE YOUR eves snap and KEEP YOU guessing how we can afford TO 0 IT. If your DEALER does not keep our goods;, send to us and we WILL fur nieh you a Suit or Overcoat, express or mail paid, on receipt of price. We will win and hold your patronage if you try us with an order I We nave built up this immense business by our PAINSTAKING methods, and bv doing bvoth- erB as we would be done by. .ED. ju. n untxjE v dt uo., btyie originators. In ordering Suits or Overcoats observe Btrictlv following rules for measure. nient : Breast measure, over vest, close np un der arms. Waist measure, over panta. . Inside leg measure, uom crown vo ueei. References First National Bank of Chi cago, capital 3,000,0); Continental National van ox unicago, capital z,uuu,uuu. ED. L HUNTLEY & CO., Manufact urers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, 122 and 124 market bt , uncago, m. r. u. box do. MONUMENT AND Canyon City Chas. II. Lee, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MGXE1IEXT DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY. FARE: Canvon City to Monument : : $5.00 " " " Long Creek : : 3 00 This is the quickest and cheapest route to Portland from all points in this vicioty. THE GREAT Transcontinental Route RAILROAD! Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dvninff Car Line. TheDirect Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low- -eat Rates toOhicago and all points East. Ticets sold to all Promi nent Points tbroii'Thont the East and Southeast. Tliroo;h Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Roservationa can be secured in advance. To East Bound Pasen;ers Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that yonr ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length of line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of the Company, No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington St., Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Heppner City Brewery! HAS A" SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It is manufactured with the latest brewing apparatus and can't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And the best brands of Cigars. i Empty kegs must be returned or $6 apiece will be charged. T 33. 3NTvttor, Prop. ALWAYS SlFEU.SUSELt, CURED. goffered 22 Tear. Newton, 111., May 23, 188. I iuffered with sei atio rheumatism of the hip from 1563 to ls5, 21 years, but was finally cured by the Bedridden 2 Month. Beaver lJ-r.a, Wis., May 19, ISf I was taken with rheumatism in Ue thigh in ;u,dd-2 months. Tried several doctors; alo other nee of St. Jacobs uu, t7C.Dodd. Hip mud Ijetf- Lange'8 Store, Mo., Sept. 15, 1888. I had suflered with Sciatic pains in my les and hip for weeks. I suffered greatly and tnlH to try St. remedies w i i. "... relief, St. Jacobs Oil cured me, have had no return. JiSNETTE WEBBEB. Suffered lO Day. Red Cloud, Neb Sept. 24, 1SW. I .offered greatly for 10 days w"n oc atica in my nglit leg and could get about only with a cane. fat. Jacobs Oil cured me. John Rvkeb. j j Jacobs Oil; did so; it cured me perman ently. JOHN jAilES. Cured iv fg'fc ' Tticffune.fi.Vnm TP. ii !1 SAi.TDK13 " " NOTICE OF INTENTION. t em a T.i.fintnfi.'. Or.. 3. 1 Notice in' Jieifhy. given that the t 1; n,?ed .Ptaer Hhb fih "SS lnfl.- nr in Jiirt ab.-f-nco bf-fore county (;krk. of Morrow county jit iieppnyr, ur., -u ' William Hintt, as r.;sitlt.-iico uuoii ittid :d.iwll of. siiia l.-ind, viz: J. W. Saiisharv, H. A. Saliribttry. J. ,Iuliitly and J. E. l'Veeahiu, of Iien.i, Oreon. Any perf-ort wlio dfriiri's to protest Halnnl the allowance ot much proof, or who knows ot imy siibritantial reason, innh-r the l;iw u;id t!io rs'fruln tions of the Inttilr Oc-;artiiieiit, why nuch proor shonlu not, be liliowsi. v. ii! hfjivt-fi nn op portunity at the above ni'-ntionefl time ami place to erofH-f'xaiiune the wii ncsst-s or wuJ cbiin.UTit. anil to offf-reviclencs in rebuttai of Lhut stibniit ted by claimant. r.1-6 IIenuy liiNKitAitT 1 leister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. JLand Office at Th? DjuIhr. Or.. Dec. 5. '80. Notice is hereby yiven that th1 f 'rilo-winic nnuifd settler hiss iilcHi m.tife of hi iiitiM.umi V m-iki' final proof inHupporJ of l.i.s i-iab.n. an.Wi:'1 tsnid proof will be l.Ki-U1 b"to:v liw. oiiiUy o Morrow cour.iy, at lit p:. it, Or., on Jan. is. Ibili), viz: William Kua'i'ie.r'.ond. Hd2r,r.l fr thp'i SW'.i HEli MV!4 & SWi NK iisecaiTpafiiJ U. lie uamos ihe folbrA'hif; w:t.:itf)f es in prove biri continnoas rpsi donee r.poi,un(i ciTitivation of. s;tid iiii-d, viz: Dcnin Hp'ilnne. ). JJ. I);iy, Alex. A. Vv'run and ooioman Jlayneltl, ot li'.imrr, Ouon, 51-6 r. mm i TO SELL AN Wanfe The most wondf-rft:l coUec'ion of oractica!, re al value and evpry-day use fur t'10 ptMij.ii; eviT published on the globe. A marvel of muiitw pav ing end money making for evry ine owiib.g it. Tliour4inl3 of beau ti fnl. helpful ePf:ra iiis, showing just how 10 do evcrjiitiiitr. Nu cn; pe tition: nothing like it in tlm iLviverse. Vvh-'-n yoa rielect that vJ:iuh in of ir'io va!;it. sales are rare. All siuviiiy dt-siring pajinjr t-nir.'toym.'Mit and looking for something ihorivStly ilr-t clans at an esti'aordii:ariIy low price, shoidd write tor description and terms on the most remarkable achievement in b:ok-m:ikii:g sine!' the "orld be gan. SfAMi lib &':. . i!ox ;k;i. BT. LOU IB or PlilLADKLFIIIA. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Ennk, HEPPNEK, OREGON. Watches, A Clocks, ) Optical Goods . Watciies Cleaned, - - l.r,0. ?,Iair,Dprings Fitted . - . Sl.'iO. All work guaranteed for one year. JeW8lIilEM!lll! Still Continues to Sell OXjQCJSXES , SWEltR.-S', ETC., At the Lowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of MUSIOAIj IJJSTH.'CT ME3iTTS Has been added to hi3 largo and well selected stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL "KTorls. Crtiaraiitoctl. STOUrippo3ite Minor, Doilaon & Co'6 May St. - Orerron California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. .T. B. lw eney, Supt. Daily erase to and from Honninent. Statu1 loiveB Hepimer at 6&i A, M. Arrives, 5:3t P. l. Pendietoa Stnye leaves Heprmer 6:30 A. M. 4:S0 P. SI. Fare to Monument, - - $5 00. Fare to Pendleton, - - Si.00. ' E. J. SLOCUM & CO., Agents. Freight 2 cents per pound. Eeppner, Ogn 8. P. FLORESCE. FLORENCE BROTHERS, STOCKRAISERS! HEPPNEK OitEGON. Cattle branded and oar-marked as shown above. Horses F on r.srlvt shonkler. Mm ..-sc" and Wasco counties. V, e will p;iy S1O0.OO re- 1 U11H, uea. OU a Cliarge OL lorg jtotont and conviction of any person j ery cf three DOteS OU EH Rose, a Unroamorrti:gein .,i("n,w, muiam, uniHtiiiai GESEIUL NEWS. 1 (he Uiirtlt'r -Ho d tnk- !.?!!!. eu t( Galveston from I- of I under indictment for em: against the negroes, have h. leased on bond, except i. charged with murder. i re three While returning from a mas '.lance, Mies Mamie C. Christ inirAell Love-!, ar d her escort, Jei:jamiu of Wilkensburg, ln., were struck by an express on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Pittsburg, Pa. Both were fatally injured. Tits Delev.are, Lackawanna & Western and Pennsylvania Coal Companies have shut down their mines until tlio weather a11 ' comes cold enougii to raise present stagnation in the trade. Nearly, (5000 men thrown cut of employment. jfllL,es Cji.vter, cijhten years of j away wife and child, exhibiting a ajrft, v.ab killed at a Chnshiin par- photograph of the man who ran ty, Ch.ristinas eve at lianlt ISmuch, away with his wife. It was soon Mo., by a man nanu'rt Jerjiings. discovered that the photograph Tho artv was uiver. at the aouse'wos that of a methodist min.ister, of John Barnes and James Cnrter ! nnd R number of other bog at- ! tended uninvited. Ipau ensuing iuarrel Carter was killed. George Jones stubboil his n-otli-er-in-law, Jr.raes Tracy, teven times, inflicting flevcn fatal wrinncls. Chribtisias, at Onaiia, was btayin;r at her brother's Souse. Tnicy called and in n quirret which followed attempted to itrike Jones with a chair, when thejitter stabbed hiir. to death with at colt er Jones was arres At Memphis, Tenu., ue ofeerv- auce or V-iuihimas uay was ttcinii panied by two horrible tuuilws. This Morniiig ('is dead body if a uegro named Hawkins was land with a Ualiut hole iu his ietd. Tliere is no cla: as to'tlie mirder er. To-iiiuht Eraiat't Perkst.;, a. street enr th Ivt;i. wns st;'.L-!,e!-. and itir'.tautiy kilk-d by a it unii nero i,i a ilitpate over the bC of fate. The negro eacai'.ed. A dispatch fiom Aihuore, !ndi in temtony, i)ec. 23, s.-ys: Ves. b rday afternoon, Deputy lilted states larslitil '1 ucker and moth er deputy attempted to arrest Lie Bradhnm and Joe Men-it, for iitro- ducmg 1:1 toxica tin iqnors auto j t ho Inuian territoi-. tne onjitws t resisted and a lively battle en te tl e com tint tan t smg then re- i voivers. wounded. Neither of the others i vere injtued. td. Meiritt was .'-.np.-.t- A dirijiatch of Dec. 25th sivs: Art'inr Craig, of Indinnrtp-jiis, came to Newman last nvxiA to w,jd Miss Hattie Sultoti. Jier fatlicr, John Sutton opposed the match and confronted Craig, with a re volver. On Craig refusing to leave he pulled the trigger, .ihe weapon missed fire. Crai then shot him dead. The coroner's in- ry exonerated him, and he has re turned to Indianapolis, fearing trouble from Sutton's frierds. much excitement was created. , Last week the jury returned a verdict of cuilty, with rjonaltv.- five years in state's prison and pay ment of $1000 fine against James 1. West, ex-editor of the Chiaigo Tir.itat, in Judge Orinnell's court, in Chicago, 111. There was little delay in reaching a verdict, only two ballots being taken. The crime of which West was coisriot ed was the fraudulent over-issae of stock of the Times company to the extent of 1250 shares, or equivalent to over vT'-W,000 m mouev. mien the verdict was announced the de fendant betrayed not the slightest emotion. His attorney, on the contrary, seemed painfrjiy affect ed, and could scarcely be heard when entering the usual moticn for another trial. f Word comes from Concordia. Kan., Dec. 25, that outrages of i-t i . , i - - - ' v nite iaps in tins vicinity en Mime, notwithstanding the feet that vigorous efforts are being made to break tin the organizatbn. party of seven men are now ion trill tor an outrage coirmitted a week ago, and James Measure i who has been employed by a phr; ic-iau of this city and was paid off yesterdy, on his way home itas held up and robbed. Last uiglit a party of men, their faces coveted with white masks, visited the boose of John MeKee, dragged him eut of doors and administered on his bars back a severe beating with switches. He recognized three white caps, and swore out warrants for them to-day. The names of the persons implicated i nave not been made public, put one is known to be that of a prom inent physicisn. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27, Theodore Helms, living uinen miles- rrom Uayton was killed by a falling tree. Loyd & Co., the leading mercan tile firm of Elleusbur'g have fa.i'sd with liabilities exceeding !?:150- 000. On Dec. 2G, Harry, son of A. Ii Buford, of Walla Walla, whs thrown from a coit and serious!--' injured. C. C. Hodges and Garret Poe, of Tacoma, who went duck hunting Christmas, are supposed to have been drowned. John Turner, while intoxicated, fell from the balcony of a hotel in Waitsburg, on Dec. 27, and will probably die from the injuries received. In a quarrel at Ellensburg, on Christmas, Maxy Evans, colored, shot and killed James Henderson, janitor in the Nash block. Evans surrendered and is now in jail. Heavy snows are reported as having fallen in the Big Bend country with everything on run ners, and the farmers are jubilant at the prospect of next season's crops. Henry Clark, a resident of Waitsburg, was arrested in Walla lv ,, T-. ni. , . pp armer near ating 8005. as sent to y. ::.mir. diet! the For latter ward in; I'S. He V!:? the fi; ',t white c ton, then hild bom iu Wa;-:hh:g-Oi'egon Territory. ; I lie was oorn near v. una r, aiui, ' moved to British Columbia, and I o i ! sell'ea id i.ev. is county in io. Col. i.bert I. Stevens United olaiey consul at v icioriii,t.iieu &uti denly of appoplexy at the residnce of liis sou-in-law, Capt. I. A. Hat field, in Seattle Dec. 25, where he had come to spend Christmas. He was married iu 1810 to Caroliue, the second daughter of Col. Baker, prominent city, Kggro. ct hail lie Mareil I tv. Newaui le-1 who fell in the disastrous battle of the J Ball's Bluff. ottl I A few days ago a stranger hail a!e iiig from Minnesota appeared here claiming to be on a hunt tor a rnn- going by the name tioned on the Dixie :l Bond, s ta re nit. Rome- how the minister obtained word, and with the derelict wife immedi ately vanished. Bond had charge of the circuit named since Septem ber and had been in every v. ay exemplary and successful. t ipooxul. tolagra.ua to t.lrfi Pol t- land Urcijoniuii says: This after noon on complaint of Dr. J. XI. Turner a warrant was served on Ward Douglass, aa insurance agent of Walla Walla, charging him with criminal assault with in tention to commit rape on Miss Fannie Turner, on December 8. Defendant came into court and said he was prepared for trial, which, however was postponed till Monday. This is the beginning o legal investigations of the scandal case before mentioned, about which there has been much sur mise and talk in this community. OREGON. Or Blade says that liberie, of a very maliguaut tvpe 'is reported to have made its ap- pearauce in Eagle valley. Mrs. Marv M. Turemun died at linker Citv.'Dec. 22. aired 71 veals. gle was e pioneer in Eastern Ore- ;on, and highly respected. The City of Portland has pur hnsed St. Helens hail, near the co.a.yt. h?nse' for gl00,000, upon which site the city will build a i?200,000 court house. I The Orcgonian says that N. G. I Robinson, a eitizeu of Michigan, I who was arrested and held ia pris i on one day for scattering dodgers on the street, but discharged by Tiidge Tanner, has brought suit iu the United States circuit court against the eitv of Portland for 1000 damages for raise lmprisou- meiit. CALIFOKNIA. The late storms ia the orange belt have caused great destruction of property by overflows of rivers and other streams... The floods have cut off the meat supply in San Francisco causing an advance on meat, stock of all kinds of 1 to 2 cents per pound. For refusing him ten cents, Fred Gray, employed near Twelfth street bridge, Sacramento, was shot and seriously injured by a tramp who made his escape. . Edward W. Pierce, postmaster and a prominent business man of Turlock, was arrested Dec. 20, by the United States marshal to an swer a charge of embezzling 2500 of postoffice funds. It is thought the navigation of the Sacramento river is endanger ed by the late rains. It has been decided to incorporate a company with a capital of 8200,000 at Sac- 11 ii ramento. call a convention from all the counties of Northern Califor nia and petition for aid from the government. California's traveling exhibit is at New Orleans. The exhibit showed at El Paso on December 18, and was visited by 2000 people. At ban Antonio eOOO people visit ed the cars in two days. The United States cruiser Char leston went into commission at, Mare Island navy yard Dec. 2(5. The American jack and stars and stripes were hoisted, and the cap tain's pennant raised to the mast head. On Deo. 22, by a sudden giving away of the supports of a drift of the 400 feet level iu the Lane mine, owned by Hay ward & Hob art, sixteen were buried by the fallen debris. All hope of rescu ing the unfortunate men alive has been abandoned. A disastrous fire broke out iu the oil Ignatius church building on Market street, San Francisco on the night of Dec. 27. Three women, Mrs. Crowell, Miss Cope land, and Ida, a washerwoman, perished in the flames. Jack Mc Auliffe, a fireman, fell to the ground, the ladder breaking. His injuries are probably fatal. On the night of Dec. 22, at Tar entum, three men broke into the jewelry store of Paul Buttet, and was in the act of carrying all the valuable goods off when sur prised by Mrs. Buttet, who plucki ly grappled with one of the rob bers, she was getting the best ot him when one of the other men drew a revolver and blew the top of her head off, and escaped with the booty. C. F. Montgomery and J. A. Hicks, deputy internal revenue collectors, have seized the winery, distillery, wines, brandies cooper age and personal property of Fres no Vinyard Company, amounting to 8500,000. This is said to be the largest seizure ever made in California. L. P. Drexler, ot San Francisco, is president of the company. It is claimed that the amount of brandy made and dis posed of is in excess of that ac counted for. D'OKUIGN' K3WS. Emin Pa;, ha. has had and Hiixiefv fur Iris n '';t- Italian anarchists 1.: relapse -very is , ;or-teu plac.irds in Lugana c.':';in Xtulians to follow the example or .ijri tUt! overthrow the uioii- archy. A plan has been agreed upon by the native Congress at Bombey for a political organization for India, to be presented to the British Par liament. Count Aloys Karolyi, former ambassador to Great Britain and Germany, died suddenly while hunting on his estate at Presburg, Hungary. Private telegrams from Monte video confirm the news of receut disorders and riots in Brazil. They state that the situation of the pres ent Brazilian government is critic al. Christmas was celebrated by the Indians of the Indian Territory the same as white people with a number of shooting affrays, in which some were killed and others seriously wounded. Three Frnnciscinn nuns at Da chau, near Munich, have been sen tenced to imprisonment for short terms for practicing upon the cre dulity of a girl pupil and deceiv ing her by various illusions of a pretended supernatural character. Charles W. Pierce, superintend ent of lamps of the British Elec tric Light Co, of New York, has been indicted by the grand jury for manslaughter, in causing the death of Henry Harris by an elec tric shock from an electric lamp, Nov. 7. Mrs. Delia Parnell, mother of Charles Stewart Parrel!, states that she has received only one quarter of the S5000 reported to have been presented to her, and are that when all her obligations met, there will be but a small margin left for future necessities. Surgeon-General Hamilton has prepared a set of regulations to prevent the landing of tmy person afflicted with leprosy iu the Unit ed States. Customs and other United States officials on duty at ports of entry are expressly direct ed not to allow the lauding of any such persons. At Pteiuviile, Ind., George Eas ton, son of a hotel keeper, autl John Douglass, a barber, indulged in a Christmas drunk. After be ing ordered out of a saloon and the door locked, they attempted to re-enter bj' kicking in the door, when George liuskirk, the proprietor fired both barrels of a shotgun fatally wounding both. A cave occurred at Plaines, a suburb of Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Dec. 27. Without warning the surface of the earth settled and I great holes presented themselves some of them thirty feet deep. St. Leo's Catholic church, the par sonage and several other buildings were badly "damaged. Several acres were affected. A dispatch from London, Dec. 30, says the epidemic of inriuenza continues in Paris, and there is no sign of improvement. In Munich the disease is increasing. In Ber lin it is accompanied bv dencue fever, attended by rheumatism and arise in temuerature. Many of the officers of the Berlin garrison are affected. About one-third of the military workmen at Spandeau are ill with the disease. llOKESTKAD 110I!T OF Gl'AHDIAS. I!h:ortaut Milling By Secretary Noble in a Taeoina J.artd Contest. Secretary Noble made an inter esting decision in a homestead case from the state of Washington. It was the somewhat celebrated case of Swansou against Anderson. Anderson had entered the laud un der the homestead lav and was fulfilling the law and its require ments when he became insane. He wandered away from home and has not since been seen. Of course the requirements of the homestead law have been neglect ed. Mathilda Olsen got a decree of the court of Pierce county de claring Anderson insane and nam ing herself as guardian. A nitui named Swauson tiled on the land, but his claim was rejected by tho hind office. He appealed to the general office, holding that tho law had not been complied with and that it had never been proven that Anderson was insane, as ho could not be produced in court. Secretary Noble denies his mo tion for a review of the, case, and says that the land may bo held by the guardian.. The decree- of the court appointing the gitni'diau could only be attacked oollut lol ly, and the burden of proof would bo with Swainson. Mo must prove that Anderson was not insane. The case was regarded as import ant, as ruling on tho rights (if guardians in perfecting title. INSECT PESTS DESTROYED. The Gazette has been request ed to publish the following results for a trial of a remedy for that de structive fruit pest, the Codlin moth. It is but the experience of a siugle trial by Ml'. Rice. The remedy has been used before with varied success. It is cheap, easily applied arid worthy of experiment by the fruit grower of Eastern Oregon: M. L. Bice informs us of an ex periment and its results that may prove of vast value to the fruit in terests of the state. He has an apple tree that has for some years been infested with Codlin moth, almost every applediaving a worm in it, and finally it " was attacked by wooly aphis and the tree itself began to give signs of decay. It was some six inches in diameter, and Mr. Bice bored a hole in the tree to about the center, and filled it with sulphur, sealing it with wax. In order that it might be perfectly air tight he not only sealed it with wax. but bound a ISO subscribers, one walnut bed waseti cloth over the orifice. This . room set and sofa, worth SylH). ! he did -.t Arril when the sap' ;oing up. It lail-d every and ve.ta' of the aohis and I i there is not a worm in ibis ye.ir's j !,.rw,f .,,,lpS wldift t!in tree 1ms i grown more vigorously man eei before. This is Mr. Bice's esper- j i.-uaj with one tree. It is worth the experimenting of others. Vi e can vouch for Mr. Bice. Colnsci Sun. THK1H ItKQClJST WILL GRANTED. Special Tril.-nnal to Wei; !i Kvidenrc in Coll Xo Piu iile Coast Xiii lhi). gi'essionnl Contests Aonointiiients Washington-, Dec. 25. Orcgoaian special It is believed iii.it the report of the Sioux commission, which will be out iu a few dr-ys. will recommend important changes iu the system of education of the Indians. The industrial training schools for Indians in tbe E-istera sttites and elsewhere away from the reserva tions may not be altoi-ottier like what the Sioux comiiiiesion ni.-.y have to say of ed ucation in its reports, according - to tlie summary of it mda. public. Probably they wiil consider, to begiu with, that the members of tho commission have wandered out of their province in dis cussing this subject, inasmuch da they were appointed to purchase Sioux lands, but as a fact ifc turned out that .a good deal of the dehttte on this purchase turned on the obligations of the overu ment to provide sehool-t. The commis sioners are understood to hold that . the reservations are the proper sites fur ed ucational institution, ttud the mouey now expended on the Carlisle and other famous Eastern schools would be more productive of go.-.-d if these institutions were established near the tribes. The eight schools at Carlisle. Pa., Lawrence, Kan., Genoa, Neb , Cbiilocso, Iudian Territory, Chiarewa, Or., liauiptoa, Ta., I Philadelphia, and at the FL.tbead reset'- vatioa in lUotjta'.ut ua a capacity roi a little m-iro than '2,o;tU pupils. The an nua! cost to the government is about The Indians who have been here asijed that sohools be built on the reservations., saying that the expense of takiug their children to school away irom tho reser vation is so great that the aggregate sura would soon build hour-es ,,n their reservations- The report of the commission discusses the situation as regards the Indians in Miiinesotit, the Dakot.'ts, Tilon- I tana, Washington, California, ;md the j Indian reservations. Eioniii CiiiiKuaan t'.-o-s;Iit. New Yotk, Dec. 27 Chu Foug, a youug school teacher and iuferproter who eloped with a white girl a v-eek ago, ailer having obtained from Chinese mer chants and others some has been caught. Mr. U-ariie H. Tiioin-is D,-r.,;. Washington, Doc. J) The widow of General George H. Thomas dieu sudden ly last night at her rj:;idecee here. She passed atvay as quietly aj did her distin guished husband nineteen years ago at f?an Francisco. I '017 CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER O" JVtciEiSKxra- YouWant AT TrHE GAZETTE SIIOi -THE- j -r t-t T (vN.! UlMUiN PACIFIC RAILWAY. 1 1 Ov land Route." TICIODTS To all Principal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT NEW Di.MMI CA!1S Pulhnan lalace Sleepei-s, FREE COLONIST SLEEPIU3 CARS Run Through on uli Exprcus Trams to .OMAHA,-r Council Kluffs Without Chit:! Olust' Counsel inn Fram-i.-eo ami P. a in. IRON ,t Portland fir t?;m u' t Sound Points. s-p Kami; us aa l'Yrtiwiseo every Leave Vorttfiiii! for S:: four (4) ihiy-i. liiukii iioiir Cabin, S JittUHii V';-M 'lit ; nie inn ii- OH tvrajc '.mitctl. : SS.tW ?',;;). Kor further paitii-nt-: tir'.vnt of the of T. If. T.FE, N. Jthl.LI.X. V. P. - i". A. oitoaer. i'flC look at m mm TH1C GAZETTE .: the He! Vtrlly Paper in A'rfcseeii Orcyon, ijel ninny ."..oii'j.o of oar count t nntl the ii'ia'cnsc ctnai trif liiL.tntrt; to it, ' do not lake i IE Oi any oilier Lice Neusimver. THEY MUST HATE THE GAZETTE Ai least, and in order to benefit our friends who secure uew subscriptions, we have pre- . pared a Mammoth List of Premiums.' HEBE ABE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 now subscribers to the Heppner Gazelle at 82.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wagon (o1-inch axle), worth 8100. The getter-up of a club has the choie of any make in the market. 190 subscribers secures a good lot in the Looney additou. Will sell for 8250 in one year. . lc suUierioers, ixfo wortli ot provisions irom Heppner s stores, 100 subscriber?, an SSO organ plain finish. A good instrument. 150 subscribers, a gans; plow best make. 110 subscribers, a good road cart, harness and genuine whale bone whip, worth &S0. liJO subscribers, one fine San Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand made Mexican spurs and a pair of "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price 865. 120 subscribers, $00 worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. Worth 55. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A hue nign-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth $50. The same num ber or subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit. Price 850. 00 subscribers, a good S45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth 837.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth S35.00. 65 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-60 cab, and fullre loading outfit, worth i?o2.50. 60 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. -18 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassimere two dress pat terns, worth 821. 4o subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, n Marian riiie, worth 822. 4.3 subscribers, a colts revolver, 45 cal., blued or nickla plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth i'21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth 821. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester ritle or a solid coin silver watch. f'8 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 36 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. ! SI subscribers, a 45 70 Win ! Chester rifle, model "73." 817. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4i inch barrel. A bfauty. Worth 816.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for 820. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead vorth 815. 26 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth 813. 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth 810. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at 812. 10 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. 13subscribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of boots, either wortli 86. 10 subscribers is good for 85 worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of iba "Peerless" flour; worth 84.50. 5 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or ladies shoes. 6 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth 83. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plate sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti ci - in the market worth 81.50 2 subscribers, 81 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to the List of Pre- miiims. We have only named a few Of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HE P PN ER GAZETTE You represent a Live Paper one that is tcetl established and which never fails to Give News in fact, it is irhat it purports to be a NF WS PAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums v-ith a little eyort. If you do not want tiiose offered, you have the privilege of takiug something cl;-:c. If you have (,'ii.i.t Suls-ribas enough, .,. will have no Trouble to ioad your.xtf tloivii wilii wares from Heppnir'a ;;t,.rcs. TIIIS IS JVO "FAKE." HAVE MORE SU! EPS FOR WE MUST SCP.IB- THE GAZETTE, MORE READERS OF NEWS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE for Sample Copies and go to work at once. THIS OFFEB STILL REMAINS IN FULL FOBCE ! Those getting- up Clubs Can have Cash in lieu of Pre miums, if so desired. o o a , ,..,.,aLr