ALV1NE OR. THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY. Jan. 2, 1890. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. No. 31. wefit, leaves Heppner 7:45 a. m., arrives at Portland, 6:40 p. m. No. 32, eHst, leave Portland 7 a.m., arrives at Heppner, 5 p. m., daily except Sundays. - CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POIN TS. City daily, at well Staee leaves for Canyon excent Sunday, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, i :00 p. M. There is a saving of 16 hoars in time and 810 in cash by taking this route to Canyon. C. W. Lnmlar & Co.. 429. Fifth St. Portland, Or., are authorized to make advertising contracts for the Gazette. They will also make collections for this paper. Here and There. Bring us in some vfood on subscription. L. li. Ormsbv, the mutton buyer, is in from Nebraska. J. W. Gilmore is looking after his in terests in Heppner this week. Old papers at the Gazette office at si cents per 100, or two bits a founcn. tl. Billy Harrison, now of The Dalles, visited his Heppner friends last week. Born In Heppner, on the 28th ult., to the wife of S. P. i lorence, a daughter. Willie Spencer has completed his commercial education and returned home. Miss Alice Tillard is over from Pendle ton visiting her relatives and friends here. Miss Lillie Whetstone is home from Pendelton's Catholic school, visiting her parents. The fiirht between Prof. Corbett and Campbell, at Portland hist Saturday suited in a draw. Charlev Cunnincham was over from "Vinson fast week. .Stock are doing in his neighborhood. There will no doubt be a greater de mon A fur all kinds of sheep the year of '90 than any previous season. Henry Blackwell is over from Fox Val ley where he reports about 8 in. of snow, and at Long Creek about 5 in. Mr. Clias. Kinzie left yesterday morn ing for his home at Helix where he is en gaged in the naruware uusiueBs. Afarrinrl In HeDDuer. Dec. 29th lilt, by Rev. Henry Rasmus, Mr. A. Ayers, of Butter Creek, to Mrs. Corbin of Heppner. The trial of Ward Douglas, at Walla Will,, .-huriTpa with raoe. is in progress. It looks verv muoh like a case of black mail. TIT ni;irlr PntlHin of OUT M. D. Clarke, was in Heppner this week, and left this morning for the Eastern coun try. M;af!(irA Knenner returned to 'her Heppner home yesterday after several mouths to relatives nountv. Jarve Wallace writes the Gazette that i, nnm lociite.l at Soragne, and that he will likely remain in that section HEirinif. Sick headache is readily cured by H,V Sarsanarilla. which tones and regulates the digestion, and creates nniietite mi.- rwi;n' smnnial New Year's .i;t;r. oonmatinif of.3'2 pages, is one of the best ever gotten out on the coast by nnv naner. iu nifiMrs. Wm. Rasmus returned to their Walla Wulla home yesterday Mi. Mnnmnn is engaged iu business Hull, rduee. G W Parker was over from Rock Creek last Saturday At that time there was i ,.. in that se.ition than in the Hnnniior region. The denizens of Black Horse enjoyed a Christmas tree on Christmas eve. it was well-filled with presents, and every one went home happy. Thos. J. Matlook left Thursday for En terprise, Wallowa county in response to a telegram announcing the death of bis ;Diar Mra. Leet Greenwood. Wh.n lion Dass throncn uong i visit of Lane till The second annual institute of Mor ro.v county met at the M. E. church, on Thursday evening last, at 7 p. m. Ow ing to diphtheria the institute did not meet, as at first arranged, in November. aud on that aocouut State Superintend ent McElroy, Prof. D. T. Stanley and other prominent teachers of this state were unable to be present. Superintendent Stanley, of Morrow county, called the meeting to order and after a well-rendered piece by the choir the Rev. Mr. Prank led in prayer. Hon. H. Blackman not being present the opening address was delivered by Prof. Aubrey. It was a short, but very interesting speech. The choir then treated the audience to some more music, alter wmcn iur. u C. Ely addressed the audience. Mr. Ely teacher of bygone days, and tne good, sound ideas he gave the teacbers was interspersed with amusing aneeaote8 of frontier school days 80 or 40 years ago. PKIDAT MOKNING SESSION. The institute was called to order oy SuDt. Stanley at 9 :30 a. m., and a perma- nciif sirannizatinn was perfected. The number enrolled was 28, and thereupon the usual business of appointing com- niHM ctn was nroceeded with, the fol lowing beiug the appointees: Secretary ,Prof.;Aubrey ; Corresponding secretary Prof. Voruz; Reporter for the Lexington Budget, 3. C. Hodson; its- porter for the Heppner Gazette, w. Hoseason. The subject of narcotics was introduc ed by Prof. Saling.followed by Miss Fan nie Hinton. A general discussion iohow ed every subject. Prof. W. Russell then mtroauoea mo subject of history, followed Dy varies Reed. Prof. C. Royse then spoke on o oal music and quite a lively and spirited discussion took place. Prof. C. B. Craue then proposed to hold a "literary as the evening session would not take piaoe on aocount of the Masonic installation and Kiinner which was announced for Friday night. A committee was formed and a programme arranged. j AFTEBNOON SESSION Opened with singing, Miss Lizzie Mat lock kindly presiding, at the organ. Moved by J. C. Hodson, seconded Dy W. C. Hoseason, that no speakers, except the one introducing tne suDjeoi, ape. more than once on the same subject, without permission from the chair and then not more than twice. The motion was adopted. Prof. O. B. Crane spoke on the best methods of teaching arun- metio in the publio sohools. recess. Miss Ella Thomas being absent, Prof J. C. Hodson introduced tne suoject ui primary work followed by others. Miss Thomas having tnen arrived spone ju the subject. Her ideas were good ana showed experience in tue worn. Jrroi. Hoakins' remarks, as critic, were gooa and delivered in a very pleasant manner. Miss Estella Webb also acted as critic and showed herself capable of filling the office. FRIDAY EVENING The following programme was well rendered: Chorus by a volunteer choir. Seleot reading, Miss Ella Thomas. Impromptu talk, Emil Voruz. Select reading, C. B. Crane. Deolaination, Miss Estella Webb. Solo, W. 0. Hoseason, accompanied by Mrs, Hoseason on the guitar. Declamation, B . nosaiuu. Seleot reading, T. C. Aubrey. Novelties and Knowledge. A new i book of attractive reading, brimful of good things worth knowing and illus trated, is just issued. It contains a large collection of valuable autographs, excel lent receipts for phiin dishes, humor in rhyme and prose, montbly calendars, and can be had of all druggists and dealers, or, by sending a two cent stamp to the publishers. An important feature of the work is its offer of Free Music, which offer is set forth therein, and by procuring the book, at once, any one can be supplied with a choice selection. The little volume is the St. J acobs Oil Cal endar for 1889-90, published by The Charles A. Vogeler Company, Baltimore, Md. It is fully the equal of any of its nredecessors iu the interest of the Great w for Pin. at. Jacobs Oil. whose virtues never abate, and whose popularity never wanes. The demand for both book and medicine is very great. Whit tier MOUNTAIN VA LLEY ITEMS. All kinds of stock are lookiuit well in this section, considering short pastur age last season. Beal Bros., butchers of Pendleton, have purchased recently quite a number of beef cattle from Mr. Barton, of this section. t ; Curah Hint have iust re turned from a visit to their father, Wm. E. Hiatt. Rob. Alexander is down from Wash ington to gather up the remainder of his horses in Mountain Valley. He reports grass good up iu the new state. There is enough snow here for sleigh riding, and the young people are taking advantage of it. Scroddy. The the and at From Malheor. Ed. A. writes us from Malheur that his section has an average of about six inches ot snow, but no cold weather yet. There is more moisture in the ground at present than at any time within the past two years, and sheep and cattlemen expect an abundance of grass next season. Sheep are in good condition, and there is not a scabby sheep m Malheur count. Cattle are in poor condition for winter caused by lack of water last season Pacific Live Stock Company are v,on;.at, rattle firm of that section, will lose thousands if th o on n few weeks longer. Horses are in good condition. Malheur's county scrip is worth 95 cents. The excitement next ul,on will be the selection of a perma nent county seat Nearly a Bad Accident. While the A R. folks, their families and Inenas to the number ot 200 were enjoying them selves in the banqueting hall at naru man last Saturday eve., the noor gave ,, nd f.,r a moment threatened to nrecioiUte the crowd down into the ., i... 1.1 However, an exam ination nroved that the sinking of c-nised bv the joist turning, . ... . -i.i h . , . 1 mo urtmr. mi. hiilhu" ana tne iceioi quite a number sought the outside as 1 .... - J 1 tu. t It was fortunate, im. the floor did not. give way entirely, hot stoves in the hall and store below i,i havBixnited the structure, chang- .1..-. ...,;,., ,.t pninv merit to one of intr mis yunai"" - - . horror. To Consumptives The undersigned i,..,-;.,,, tun restored to nealtu oy sim- .1., a after suffering lor several pic tli,. !. u Inn.r affect ;ons and years wim nu.w - Hint. ,1r;vd disease! consumption, is anx- ions to make known U his fellow snfler a the means of care. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of ...,.i - nonv of the prescription used. tliev will find a sure cure for con- .,...t;,.n" aflthma. catarrh, bronchitis, ...! all throat aud lung midadies. H i,..,.B all sufferers will try his remeuy, na it ia invaluable. Those desiring the raeriotion. which will cost tbem noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will please -j.j d i?.rann A. Wilson, vvii- UUUIKDD, Aiu-i. liamsburg, King's county. New lore. 9 -Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.- BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, SaltKbenm, iever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil li.; n,.o ,md 1 Skill JU lliuiio. uiama, v.. i'-, a positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money retunded. Pnoe 25 cents per box. For sale by A. u. Johnsou & Go. the CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS CLOTHING, Gents' Furnisliiiig Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD AivE. WrITvIOW VVVlI, AG-liICULTTJliAT, IMPLEMENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Gurts, I Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, "s Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, call on i W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET HEPPNER, OEEGOX. t n..m,v Piwv. A number ot friends of Eugene Noble assemoieu i ti.-i . v.i. nunwbi. Mr. ana mra. sue oomc -ji in t . George Noble, North Main street, last Monday afternoon, it Deiug iun uane hi, lfttli birthday. At 2 :30 the guests PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandised To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are nartook of an elegant qiuuer- prwHiiri T , A IarV rflOftU. t Qi.nlv MaiiriCH 3all and Mi'- ana There Warren, Frank Heppner Feed Yard Is the nlaoo. c;,iov freorire Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rush Mrs. Prank. t, i fii.,1.1, Tfirk returned from n visit to the valley last Monday, and was Iccompanied by h . daughter Miss Mill e, wno nas Deeu -,Vrni sec-tion for some months past. While much 13 .orl,oi- VI p SftVB AiO Refers our Eastern Oregon climate to that of the Webfoot" section. EE m ROOM ! WUl IllVlllM liuuiinaiuj Their Celebrated Boot called Is unsurpassed for durrbility. In lree Camping House. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. EEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, our Grocery" Department "every uung First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in 19 Sheep Dip Tota Sulpk Lis, wire, , that snp- .;n v-milr Wnterburv at the Har- disty House. The table is always ..Hi,! with the best in the market. Eemember that all paid up subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand i -.ion-lie This of itself IS worth'more thau S2 to the stockman, tf. iif..Dri Avers took in Spokane Falls du M, r.hriHt'mas festivities, returning m...i.,'c t.-ain He brines baok ports of progress from that Washington town. n n.. ,nrt whiuli aDDears in xne weumci iirp".., .y - - . k. the Gazette every issue, will prove interesting to our the outside who have large interests Dr Ed. Molitor, of Somonauk, Ills., a class mate of Dr. Bacon, of Arlington, Same upwith the folks to attend, the ball Tuesday evening. The Doctor is on "The Coast" for his health. Last Sunday was one of the most disa greeable days experienced this winter, ft was a conglomeration of snow storm ohiuook winds and an occasional icy 1ontri from the north-west. n,...n.,.nffrof oremiums for "'.k. hut been extended in- uehnUeTy: As an additional inducement UL.. ".,,-., n clubs, cash will be L.M 4 lien of Premiums, it so desired. Engineer Patterson returned from a nguiei. Saturday, and vl?.. 1 .7 V7.i,r T,i old nosition on the IS,1.'?, .,t l,. h. DurinB his visit East, bis family have been sojourning in "1-Wt.lnnti. Parties from the Hardmau country re portsullicientsnow for sle, ghmg , and the temperature from 10 to M degrees colder Uian iu Heppner. In the moun tain section the fail of snow is from 10 to 15 inches deep. N V Aver & Son's Newspaper Anun oon .a TO,.,.hi) this othoe. It is iu Swrwta, superior to any former of theTr publications, aud .s quite mdis pensible to the newspaper publisher and the large advertiser. Mr Wm. A. DeWitt, representing the Et Oregoniun, the leading democrat o of Oregon, is in Heppner in the Fnterest of his sheet. Our people will interest ui m n,n,nh rns- fiud Mr. .uett hi w " tier and a gentleman. To Kekt.-A large pasture, near .A:' irni eres mod buncb- UlarK s ui J ,-t,,,ri including water of J. W. gons of straw. Plenty of Xn ranch. For terms inquire Jjeualleu, Clark's canyon. by Mr. aud Mrs. Fred hnow. J . . ..- dinintv are , and agents """-A miil. eVZ ck-menandmiihmen C fhovA vour stauouerj r job omoe. . We8ton, teach- . ami ing at present in the ."","7 visit last Thursday. this omra j attendance on These gent emen were ,n institute. the teacher a purchasing holiday presents don inre frames in Morrowcounty. Trials of pedagogues closed the even- l. .. , . van. ma's exeraises. opeuuu u, x i.. winkle. The experience of some otme teachers produced peals ot laughter. SATURDAY MORNING S SESSION. After the oaliing of the roll, number work was introduced by Miss Estella Webb. Many valuable suggestions were given by ber and others on this subject. Prof. J. C. Hodson introduced the subject of reading. His method of teach ing it in BChools is an exoellent one. Part of the afternoon's worn, was men taken up and a masterly aaaress ou graded sohools was given by Prof. E. Voruz. APTERNOOK SESSION. Prof C. B. Crane opened the meeting. Report ot committee as to time and place of holding the next meeting ot Morrow county teachers, was adopted. Lexing ton was chosen as the place by a unani mous vote, the meeting to be held on the 2d Saturday in February, 1890. Prof. Martin made a good critic. Sohool management was ably treated 1 by Prof. T. C. Aubrey. He handled the subject with speoial reference to the best methods of obtaining order. W. O. Hoseason followed speaking on classifi cation of soholars and the methods of indncinir them to slndy. The query box was opened and the questions an swered, some being very difficult ones and others ot a ludicrous nature. The following resolutions were unani mously adopted: 1st. Resolved, that it is the sense of this institute that the county court no all in its power to recover the $4,100 a Hia n.ihlic school fund of Morrow oonnty, from the Umatilla county settle ment, and that the county school super intendent draw a petition to that effeot and that all the teachers sign it. 2nd. That a committee oi two oh ap pointed to aid the superintendent in bringing the matter forward. Messrs. F W and Aubrey were appointed. 3d. Tnat tne inuiuuio " tendent for the able, ac- WOIl-uj 1' ' i-i. : ,i imnartial manner in" which has presided over the institute and our thanks be extended to all have assisted us. EVENING SESSION. ..v.j mh never die." by the 1UUU ... Choir. Prayer by the Kev. H. Kasmus. Address by Hon. H. Blackman. Duet, "Larboard WatcV'tMessrs An KroD an rl McFarland. Addresses by Messrs. J . n. rrowu a. T. C. Aubrey. Serenade by Mrs. T. E. a en. Addresses by Messrs. Easmus, Stanley and others. Quartet, "Minnie Dell," by Mrs T. E. Fell, Mrs. W. P. Dutton and sinnlev and McFarland. Speeches by Rev. Prank, D. C.Ely and "doling speech by C. B. Crane. -n. 1 1,.. nil JJOIOIOKJ V " . JiWIlv The Confederate Spy. A fair house . -. x, j;t: rtf Brin-flOraic creeled tots reuuiuuu B . - 1 l,n play, "Confederate apy, given uy ... amateurs last MSnday night. F. J. Hallock. as "Sockery Schneidlebeoser, took the house and relieved, to some ex tent, many imperfections caused Dy iaca , familiarity with lines. More time should have been spent m perfecting tee lnv vet the majority of those present were, apparently, well satisfied frith the performance. It is a fact that amateurs never went before a more sympathetic audience than the theatre-goers of Hepp ner, who kindly pass errors and give due credit for anything meritorious. yspeps Makes the lives of many people miserable, " . - , , l: Ti otroo and often leads to seu-aesirucuuu. after eating, sour stomach, sick headache. heartburn, loss of appetite, a rami,, -b""" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu larity of the bowels, are CiStreSS some of the more common &Ar symptoms. Dyspepsia does AtteF not get well of itself. It Eating requires careful, persistent attention and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa pS which acts gently, yet surely jmd efficiently- It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digesnon, cr -good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp-u j j.tjQ toms removes the sympa-"W' Setic effects ol the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. "I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat , . . distressed me, or did me Heart- utUe good. In an. hour bum after eating I would expe rience a f alntness, or tired, all-gone if eehng, Sough Ihad noteaten anything. My trou bte?! tWnk, was aggravated by my bustacss wSch is that of a painter, and from bang more or less shut up In a SOUT roomwlthfreshpaint. last gtomacn t v TTnnd's Sarsa- slJ,,,a rSTItook three bottles. It did me an . i. ,t mn. It eave me an unmense ttuiuuuu . " a tho cravmg J. naa prc.iuj r George A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Mnori's Sarsaoarilla toC.LHOOD & CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, m. IOO Doses One uouar Buy Your Millinery rs. S. P Garrig ues, i She has All the Latest Styles iu FALL AND WINTER HATS, DRESS GOODS, Etc. CALL AND SEE MRS. GAERIGTJES' Stock of LADIES' FURNISHINGS Before Purchasing Elsewhere. SOUTH SIDE MAY STREET, Large Me HEPPNER, OREGON. New Tkab's Bali.. The New Year's danoe, given by the young men of Hepp ner at the new brick Tuesday eve., was a grand success in every particular. A large number of Heppuer's people were present, iu addition to quite a sprinkling of Arlington's elite sooiety. Among those from the latter town our "reporter tintined the presence of Mr. and Mrs, ti, Afni-mnn Mr. and Mrs. Delk, Mes- a v.,i, and Blakelv. Dra. Bacon and Ed Molitor, Messrs H. Putnam ana Cal Ardrey. The musio furnished by the Arlington orchestra was excellent and greatly appreciated. Heppnbb Postoffick Barely Misses the Prize. A dispatch to the Oregonian from Washington, dated Dec. 31, says that Representative Hermann succeeded in having the postoffice at Marshiield advanoed to the presidential class, but that Heppner, lacking a few dollars of tl,a manired showing, failed to secure the prize, whioh he thinks will come by the next quarter. ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES nio,.I to nnblic aputoval the Cali fornia lionid fruit remedy Syrup of t igs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on tne Kiunevb, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. A Neat Stock. The Gazette job de partment has in stock ft fine assortment of wedding goods, invitation and visiting cards, ball programmes, and in all, the most complete job stock ever brought to fho nitv. We do not have to send loi goods when you order work. Call and get prices before wasting money outside concerns. THE LATEST OUT. A Daily Through Car service has been ootaWished bv the Chicago, TJn.on Pa- oiflc & Northwestern Line between Port land and Chicago via Council Ulutts, thus offering to the public faculties not given bv any other line. "The Limited Fast Mail" which runs daily between the above points, carries the Overland Fast Mail, a limited number of first-olass passengers SPER Machniery, Eto. A personal inspection of our Mammoth public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Boiwlit for Casli and Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties 01 do 'well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarantee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor m iiiub-o feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet, d Willow bts., Heppner, wgn. .. u will Vm Knld at marvelously low prices each of all an( May Everything m our e ;w " u -- to -Cash within the reach of an. aPSZth Northwest, which en- grLTOn Merchants of Morrow Co. T MANUFACTURE THE- without extra charge, and is composed of Pullman Vestibuled Sleep ers and Pullman Dining Cars, Portland to Chicago via Council Bluffs. This is another indication that the Union Pacific is desirous of meeting the requirements of the people. For t formation in regard to this line, apply to J. C. Oar. Agent O.K. & N. Co.. Hepp. ner. Or., or to A. L. Maxwell, Q. V. & I. V.,.ll.n fr.. Jl-90. Bakers' Patent Flour, Better and cheaper than grades into this market. shipDed A. D. Johnson & Co. ClTV DRUG S'l OKU, OREGON HEi'i'iSJliit, - -Sole Agents for Morrow County for Having added steam power and having all the facilities of the mills, the supply will at all fames equal tne aeinauu. $15.00 a 18.00 a best FLUID SHEEP DIP. Bran Mill Feed Flour $3.75 per barrel in 5 barrel lots; Ton. Ton. le W. 3. IiEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON sins; barrel $4.00, LEEZER TTTMl)!7D!UrC LUMDHiMiin 0 When you come in for your fall supplies, call forSperry's Flour. be that who tf. MAKKIED. At the residence of Wm. Loyd, on u.., Rntter Creek. Dec. 22. '89 Mr. Sidney Stanfield to Miss Emma Board mnn. Kev. F. L. Hoskins officiating. A larce number of friends of the con tracting parties were present and enjoy ed the bounteous repast spread on this occasion. The yountt couple left imme diately for the vallev on a wedding tour. Combines the juice of the Blue ripo. California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOIELS AND TO ' Cleanse fte System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it "nd all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, t SAK HANC1SCO, LODISVlLLK, KV New Yokic, N. V A. H. TYSON. li. D. BOYD. Tyson &Boyed, Contractors, DISTUBBANCE OF THE HEAET. Heart disease is like an assassin, which roon noon vou in the dark, and strikes you when unaware. Therefore, do not overlook any uneasiness in the region of the heart or disturbance in its action, but at once take Db Flint's Remedy. Desoriptive treatise with each bottle, or, address Maok Drug Co.. N. Y. STRAYED. -,!..!,- -.rwl n.'S Mrs. Jeu s ad encored. iue speeoue jj !..,. i!nrmt,,;m ladini to her recov Hon. Henry iiacitm" - wu iU1 A brown mare, two years old past, landed S on loft shoulder. I will pay Builders end Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, designs and estimates for all kinds of buildings. OFFICE, UPPER MAIN bl., HEPPNER. - OBEGON, The whole all who ' -mai-mlv aoDlauded. oa,ta nredit On participated an"d especially to those who arranged the programme. ery, or 5iu ior uer lonuii. w ter's ranch on Balm Fork. ggg A. J. Stevunsos. 13r. B. F. VAUGrllAN: DENTIST. PLATE WOPvK A SPECIALTY. Extracting and Filling by the Latest ,i M.t Tmrroved Methods. AH Worn t i 1 1 1 1- 1 1 " t? 1 Office-'-Leezer & Thompson's baud ding, Main St., over E. J. Sloum sjdrug store. J. B. t -HEPPNEK, 1 4 CI "WW, - - 1 I SPERRY, Propriefor, OREGON. A TOOLS ,14 ill 1! PIBT LWJPL SOlS PUMPS And Piping alwy s on nana. MAIN STREW, & THOMPSON DEALERS IN Tinware, Gramteware, Wood and Willow Ware, PBARB WIRE,S Biid Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and n complete line of ft. HEPPNER, OREGON Fine, $4 O ton, Lace Shoes, or Con gress. EVEK Y PAIR "WARBENTED! Also an Extensive Line of the Celebrated Buckingham & Hecht Boots Always on Hand. THE LARGEST STOCK IN EASTERN OREGON. -OCUM, . mi hi mill ii v liijviiA kj ,- "B tttt 9 -a !"jri a... Toilet . . . . ionls. l.rUKW, -;-;-oSi Deaier In Oils Grltiss ana A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. Iori:loricl Oregonian. Leezer & Thompson's Corner, HEPPNER, - Main Street, OREGON. W. A. KIBK. 3. O. HAYES Special Attention Paid Fine Custom Work. to Opposite City Hotel, Main Street- xtxtut . - - OREGON- J3. X i J-ixu, DEALERS IS- Saddles, Harness, Whips Spurs and every con- eeivabie arucie m uc t-"- - class Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty I Kftflt Constantly on add! Warranted lot . ., t A WTTTTTi' SUWTUO MACHINE, (to to men uiwio i .... , a five years. Don't buy elsewhere till von examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OBEGON.