Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, December 26, 1889, Image 3

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'l'min (n the Wiilow Crk Branch arrive at
arid ieav the different stations daily, except
feundajH, as follows:
Ji. 17 (Mixed)
6:211 P. M. Ar.
S KI ' " '
1:10 " " "
3:3) " " "
2:50 " " Lv.
B:40 "PM Ar
; IIoiikIhss.
I.r. 7:4f, J
' 8:3)'
" SSI'
" 8:31 "
MJ "
Willows Junction " 10:30'
Arlington. Ar, 2:3)
- "ruaUU- fcf-TTfi
ine trains eat leave Arlington
Paretic trains east, 4:10 A
Kouiir west, iu:i: a. m. union
M.; jfoiiig wjst, 12:30
J, C. HAKT, Agont.
8ta;e loaves for Canyon City daily,
except Sunday, at 6:30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
There is a saving of 1(5 hours in time
and 810 in cash by taking this route to
C. W. Lomlar & Co., 429, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., are authorized to make
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
They will also make collections for this
Here and There.
Geo. Aluir took in Heppner Tuesday.
Bring us in some wood on subscription.
Harry Wright is spending Christmas
with friends in Heppner.
Teachers' Institute" begins this eve.
Every teacher should be present.
Old papers at the Gazette office at 75
cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf.
iJoMinnville now has electric lights
1 water works in successful operation.
Lexington has been well represented
the past week in Morrow's metropolis.
Charley Barnott anil Emery Hodson
were up from Lexington Monday, taking
in the metropolis.
J. B. Natter and son, Frank, returned
last Friday from a three week's visit to
tho valley.
Don't miss '"The Confederate Spy," at
Garriiiues & Rogers' opera house next
Monday evening.
Uncle Jack Morrow got back Monday
of last week from a pleasant visit to
friends in the metropolis.
Malietoa haH at last been recognized
by the United States, Great Britain and
Germany as King of Samoa.
Dan Summers was np from Lexington
last Saturday, and while here made the
Oazkttb office a pleasant visit.
From the Fossil Journal we learn that
Prof. Keen, the horsetrainer, is taking in
that section. The Prof, is a rustler.
Born In Heppner on the 25th inst.,
to the wife of J. YV. Morrow, a girl. Who
can beat Billy's Christmas present?
The coldest weather so far this season,
was experienced on the 14th inst., the
thermometer registering 10 degrees
- above.
"Fred Nelson got back Monday from a
week's "Vxperienoe at Charley Elder's
winter oauips down in the YVells Spring
At the turkey shooting held at Lex
ington last Saturday, Frank McFarland,
of Heppner, succeeded in taking away
Ave birds.
The county court has authorized a
bountv of 6-bit per scalp on ooyotes.
A liki measure should be taken with
On "Wednesday afternoon of last week
J. W. Fields, of Fields' Galon, near
Waitsburg was gored to death by an in
furiated bull.
Miss Lnla McAfee returned last Mon
day from The Dulles where Bhe is at
tending school, to enjoy Christinas with
the home folks.
Little Edeih Vaughan is over from the
8 i ptjo" uhool in Pendleton to visit her
iirflh. Or. B. F. Vaughan, and friends
i,. ,l:.l.,, -a
uti.i"B ......
A grand ball will be given at the new
K.cfP. hall on New Year's eve. The
Arlington orchestra will furnish the mu
Bio. Tickets $1.50.
Dr. J. E. Adkins, of Hillsboro, writes
this office to continue sending tne rlepp
uer paper to his address. The doctor is
prospering in the valley town.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frauk Waterbury at the Har
disty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
Geo. Collins started for Fort Collins
last Monday with his fine stallion,
'Duke," which cost originally $3,000.
He has a buyer for him at that place.
Rememiier that all paid up subscribers
to the Gazette are entitled to a braud
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf.
Conductor Glendeuuing has been re
moved from the Heppner branch. The
railroad people seem to have something
"laid up against our Willow oreek cons.
Jack Hayes is baok on the Willow
oreek branch again. He says that Clar
enoeTirowu has a good position on one
of the up-couutry lines, and is prosper
ing. Martin Milton assaulted George Cut
ler, engineer of the electric light plant,
at Pendleton last Thursday, dangerously
wounding hira. The weapon used was a
hammer. The victim will likely reoover.
To Kent. A large pasture, near
Clark's canyon, 150 acres good bunch
grass and 'JO acres of stubble, including
50 or 60 tons of straw. Plenty of water
on ranch. For terms inquire of J. W.
Lienallen, Clark's canyon.
Died At her home south of Monmouth
on Tuesdav, Doe. 17, 1SS0, Mrs. Mary
YValler, wife of Rev. H. M. Waller, aged
50 years. Mrs. YVallf r was a sister of
Jons. Davidson, of Heppner, and was
beloved by all who knew her.
Misses Belle Elder and Lizzie Matlook,
of St. Helen's I all, Messrs. Frank Elder
and Jaa. Matlock, of Bishop Scott's Ac
ademy, and Frank Jones, of the Man
mouth Normal college, are home taking
Christmas with their relatives aud many
The teachers of our Heppner school
have expended mors of their private
funds to make the school a success, than
any former corps of teachers the Ga
zette man's administration not except
ed. They are worthy of more encourage
ment than they are receiving.
A business man of Walla Walla is
charged with an nttempt to rape a well
known young lady of that plaoe. The
story, as given in the dispatcbas from
the "Empire city, mentions no names, but
Btates that mutters are sultry for the
Ranohers, stock-meu and mill-men.
Sfhv Hot have your stationery printed,
when you can get it done for less money
than you pay for blank material i With,
printed letter heads and envelops, your
letters will uever miscarry, if addressed
. at all. Leave your order at the Gazette's
tjob office. tf.
T. F. Oakes, president of the N. P. B,
R., was in Washington recently and
urged the western members of the sen
ate and house to assist in getting through
a plan to cultivate the arid lauds of the
West. Oakes proposes that the govern
ment give to each state the arid land
within its borders, and, in that
event bis company will lend its aid to
irrigation companies to be formed under
authority of the individual states for
the improvement of these lands.
The onlv illustrated weekly west of
Chicago is the West Shore, which has
not a superior in any respect in the
United States. Its large colored illustra
tions are works of art, and are of home
scenes in which our people are all inter
ested. Its editorials are crisp and pithy.
Its humorous sketches and paragrap hs
rival those of the papers which make a
specialty of them. Its illustrated poems
are one" of its most attractive features.
iu every respect it is just tiie paper nnr
people want for themeelvea, their wives
! "nd their children. $4.00 a Tear. L
Samuel. Publisher, Portland, Oregon.
In purchasing holiday presents, don't
r'-rgei iL;-t u. jVl. iVlallorv, at the furni-
litre Btore, has on baud the finest lot of
d.)ll baggies, doll cradles, children's fur
uiture, wall pockets, brackets, hat racks
towel racks, cabinets, pictures and pic
ture frames in Mnrrowcoumy.
Commend to public approval tlieCali
fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs.
is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste
and by gently acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, it cleanses the system
effectually, thereby promoting the health
and comfort of all who use it.
"Tue Confederate Spy." On next
Monday evening the Heppner Dramatic
Club, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Win
rtasmus ana Mr. cnas. 'Hinzie will pre
sent '"The Confederate Spy." Lookout
for rich comedy, rare sentiment and in
teresting scenes. Reserved seats, 75
cents; general admission 50 cents.
Christmas FEsTrvrriES. The tree
Christmas eve was largely attended and
well loaded with presents. Trie exer
cises consisted of appropriate singing
by the choir, aud a recitation by Henry
Rasmus. In addition there are the usu
al number of Christmas gatherings, din
ners, reunions, turkey shootings, etc.
Heppner seems to be enjoying a happy
"Poor op Ntw York." According to
previous arrangement, the "Poor of New
York" was presented to Heppner people
at the opera house of Garrigues & Rog
ere last Friday eve, a large crowd wit
nessing the rendition of this well-known
play. It is one not often tackled by am
ateurs, but those present on this occa
sion give proper credit to the various
parties who assisted in presenting the
play. The fire and street scenes were
quite successful in every detail. In a fi
nancial sense, it was, perhaps, equal to
the average of such performances not a
bonanza. However, the same eompany
will present for the consideration of our
theatre goers on the 30th inst., "The
Confederate Spy."
To Consumptives. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after suffering for several
years with a severe lung affections and
that dread disease, consumption, is anx
ious to make known t his fellow suffer
ers the means of care. To those who
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a copy of the prescription used.
which they will find a sure cure for con
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please
address, Rev. Euwabd A. Wilson, Wil
liamsburg, King's county. New York.
WelIi Machinery Shipped. Mayor
Henry Blnokman received a telegram
from the Empire Well Augur Co., last
Monday stating that the contract to bore
a well at Heppner had been accepted,
and that the machinery was shipped the
14th inst. From this we infer that
the work will begin soon not later
than Jan. 15, '90, It is pleasing to the
many friends of good water and fire pro
tection, that Heppner's council have at
last Bucoeeded in making meaning
moves in that direction. Fire protection
will prove to be a great help to growing
Heppner, and as one influential resident
puts it, "When that augur arrives at
Heppner, property in every quarter will
have advanced 25 per cent. Let the
good work go on."
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
failure a return of purohase price. On
this safe plan you can bu from our ad
vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It
is guaranteed to bring relief in every ease,
when used for any affection of Throat,
Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption,
Inflammation of Lungs Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc.,. etc.
It is pleasant and agreeabe to taste, per
fectly safe, and can always be depended
upon. Trial bottles free at A. D. John
son & Co's Drugstore. 1.
Married, at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Holloway, in Eugene, Ore
gon, Dec. 17, 1889, by Rev. T. J. Alley,
Mr. C W. Rychard, of Heppner, and
Miss Leathe Kceney, of Eugene. The
happy couple left for their future home
in Heppner last Tuesday morning.
They have the best wishes of the Guard
for a long and happy life. Eugene
Mr. Rychard has long been a resident
of Morrow, and the brida is quite well
known here. Their friends in this sec
tion join in congratulations and well
Persons who suffer from occasional
palpitation of the heart are often un
aware that they are the victims of heart
disease, and are liable to die without
warning. They Bhould banish this
alarming symptom, aud cure the disease
by using Dr. Flint's Remkdy. Mack
Drug Co, N. Y.
Last evening occurred the marriage of
two well-known young people of Hepp
ner, at the Methodist Episcopal church
Mr. C. A. Minor to Miss May C. Scott.
At prectcely o'clock tue young
couple, atteuded by Mr. M. D... Clarke
and Miss Ida Ayers, marched ' up the
aisle to the pulpit platform, where Rev.
Henry Rasmus in the beautiful ceremony
of the M. E. church, made them man and
wife. A number of friends and relatives
were present. A reception was tendered
the young couple after their manage by
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rush, the bride's
parents, only a few relatives and friends
of the contracting parties being present.
The happy couple left this morning
for Portland and Salem. The Gazette
joins their many friends in congratula
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. D.
Johnson & Co.
The East Orejioiiiau's iVutland Correspondent
Evidently Misinformed
The Portland corresp mdont has been
informed by a gentleman from Heppner
that business ia exceptionally good here
and that the place is rilling up with men
of money an 1 brains, which is quite
true. This gentleman also makes the
following statement:
"The g-owth of the city it greatly re
tarded by petty jealousies and qua rels
between two factions that have formed,
each faction constantly struggling for
supremacy for possession of the scep
ter. "The officers and friends of our two
National banks seem pitted against each
other, and that whatever is suggested
or proposed by one will be objected to
by the other, is a perfectly safe proposi
tion. This applies to city government.
anything in the way of public work, of
ficials, etc.
"The latest quarrel is over the post
office. The np-town bank and the down
town bank both wanted it near their re
spective places of business. The post"
master accepted quarters offered him
free of rent at the upper end of town
and the result is the down town bank
people are after his Bcalp. In fact one
of the bosses said he must go. The re
sult is anxiously awaited; and when this
pending unpleasantness has subsided,
you may rest assured some other bone
of contention will be dug up. It has al
ways been so in Heppner, and has cer
tainly been a great drawback to the
This statement is entirely misleading.
There is a business rivalry existing be
tween our two National banks, but not
to any farther extent than between mer
cantile establishments of this, or any
other town. This rivalry does not ex
tend beyond the direct interests of the
banks, and has not the least influence on
the city government, public improve
ments or he selection of city officials.
The postoffioe quarrel is all a myth.
The postmaster has quarters
street and pays rent the same
business men. In fact at the
on May
as other
time he
moved into his present location
it was
the only available plaoe in the
part of town.
In the matter of public improvements,
Heppner is as one. The town is makiog
rapid progross, and all encourage that
which will most benefit the plaoe. A
visit to our town will convince anyone
that great unanimity exists, and that the
people have faith m the future of Hepp
ner, founded on exceptional advantages.
f Delayed Correspondence. I
Snow, snow, quality, not quantity.
Those who like oan now indulge to
their hearts content in sleigh-riding.
Now and then you can hear the jingle of
the sleigh bell and the cheerful laugh of
the merry couple bs they glide o'er "the
beautiful snow."
The latest novelty in Eigt Mile is
corn fed pork, which can be sampled at
any time by oalling on Mr. J. C. Spray,
who thinks it is the finest meat he ever
ate in any country.
Sunday school every Sunday at the
Eight Mile Center school bouse. Every
body is oordially invited.
Mr. Wm. Saline, of Sand Hollow, is
eonducting the Eight Mile Center 3!s-
trrict school, which is progressing finely.
There was a surprise party at Mr. and
Irs. A. H. Hooker's on last Saturday
eve., given by the young folks, which
was enjoyed by oi l and young until a
late hour.
Mr. E. B. Stanton, our postmaster, is
building a new barn; also Messrs. Knigh
ten, Swearengin and Right Saling are
erecting like structures. Notwithstand
ing the light crop this year, improve
ments are still going on.
Everyone has been busy seeding this
fall and would be rolling the dirt high
if this cold snap hadn't have stopped
their progress for their spring seeding.
Eight Mile's debating society meets
every Saturday night at the Eight Mile
CeDter school house. They will make it
iuterestiog for all those who attend.
Joe Hayes is the crack Bhot of Eight
Mile, or at least you would think so if
you should pass around his house and
see the turkeys he has for the holidays.
Will Halley was kicked some time ago
by a horse and had several ribs broken,
but is able to be around again.
Stock looks well and grass is better
this fall thau it has been for several
years before in this section.
Joe Hayes has two bands of Bheep
nipping Eight Mile's grass, and sixty
tons or more of hay to feed from in the
event there should be deep snow this
W. McKimmey butchered his band of
pigs last week. Kumtux.
Eight Mile, Or., Deo. 8, '89.
A Neat Stock. The Gazette job de
partment has in stock a fine assortment
of wedding goods, invitation and visiting
cards, ball programmes, and in all, the
most oomplete job stock ever brought to
tbe city. We do not have to send for
goods when you order work. Call in
aud get prices before wasting money on
outside concerns. tf.
Pleasant Dance. Last night Messrs.
Garrigues & Rogers gave a ball at their
opera house on Main street, u large
number attending. Supper was served
at Rea's restaurant at 12 o'clock, after
v. hich dancing was continued till 3
o'clock this morning. It was a most en
joyable affair throughout.
A brown mare, two years old past,
branded S on left shoulder. I will pay
$5 for information leading to her recov
ery, or 5510 for her return to Dan Stal
ter's ranch on Balm Fork.
53-6 A. J. Stevenson.
Remember that you will do the Ga
zette a favor to square up all accounts
by Jan. 1st, 1890. Paper, hired help and
job stock still take oash, and a person
can't keep the cold out, clad mainly with
a last year's chest proteotor. These are
very important incidentals in the paper
business, and must not be forgotten. Be
sides our books must be closed by the
above date.
AxKiK Sprained. While returning
from Eight Mile last Saturday, SHpt. J.
H. Stanley had the misfortune to have
his horse fall down on him from which
he sustained a sprained ankle, neeessi-
tating the aid of a cane to get around.
Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar
saparilla superior to all other mediciaes.
Peculiar in combination, proportion,
and preparation of ingredients,(J
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses VvV
the full curative value of the s
best known remedies s-t
the vegetable klng-jQuom.
Peculiar in f-Q strength
and economy rCHood's Sar
saparilla Is 9 otily medi
cine ofy JwMch can tTClj"
-bcwMTJ " One Hundred Doses
One fJO Dollar." Medicines in
rvO larger and smaller bottles
"Jrequire larger doses, and do not
produce as good results as Hood's.
S Peculiar in its medicinal merits,
Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith
erto unknown, and has won for itself
the title of " The greatest blood
purifier ever discovered."
home," there is now
of Hood's Sarsaparilla
Lowell, where X?
sold In
it is made,
than of all
other blood
p u r 1 1 1 o r s . jQrS Ieculiar In its
phenome-Onal record of sales
abroad f&r no other preparation
hasL QjJgTfer attained such popu
? larity in so short a time,
jand retained Hs popularity
V3and confidence among all classes
S people so steadfastly.
Bo not be induced to buy other preparations,
but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbyalldraggists. 81;sixforg5. Preparedonly
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Life and Bnsiness Long Creek Not SnrH
Bad Place in Which to Locate. Tbe
New School House.
Born On the 13th inst. to the wife of
S. S. Denning, a girl.
Several heavy-loaded freight wagons ar
rived from Heppner this week with
goods for our merchants.
Persons investsing in Loug Creek soil
need not be afraid of losing a red cent.
Real estate will advance 50 percent dur
ing the next year.
Long Creek is the place for enterpris
ing business nrms to locate, every
thing bids fair to place our town on an
equal basis with any town in Grant
oonnty. Many dwellings will be added
toour circle next year, a new schoolhouse
several new business establishments
prboably a new hotel and a flouring mill.
Having tho best race track in the county
a county fair next fall with the races is
a feasable project. Keep your eye on
Long Creek.
The idea that a large school building
erected here in our town would not ben
efit only a few of our residents is to some
extent absurd. If such should be built
during the coming season which we ver
itably believe it will, we are willing to
wager anything that the opening of school
next year will find many in attendance
who have been out of school for many a
year, and who would never enter school
again had not snch an institution been
erected. Again, should such a project
be perfected, Long Creek would be the
recipient of several families who would
loacte permanently here in our town that
their children may receive a good educa
tion at much less expense and exposure.
Let us keep agitating this school build
ing project until definite actions are tak
en. ... Keep your blood pure and you willjuot
have rheumatism. Hood's Saisapariua-t
purifies the blood, and tones the whole
A Daily Through Car service has been
established by the Chicago, Uiuon Pa
cific & Northwestern Line between Port
land and Chicago via Council Bluffs,
thus offering to the public facilities hot
given by any other line. "The Limited
Fast Mail" which runs daily between
the above points, carries the Overland
Fast Mail, a limited number of first-class
Dasseneers without extra charge, and is
oomposed of Pullman Vestibuled Sleep-!
ers ana Jruiimun jliuiiik xciio, a menu
to Chicago via Council Bluffs.
This is another indication that the
Union Pacific is desirous of meeting the
requirements of the people. For in
formation in regard to this line, apply to
,T. C. Hart, Agent O. R. & N. Co.. Hepp
ner, Or., or to A. L. Maxwell, G. P. & T.
A., Portland, Or., Jl-90.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on me
Cleanse the System Effeotu
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Francisco, Cal.
Locisvillk, Kv "i"v Yokic, N. y
Tyson & Boyecl,
Contractors, Builders and Archi
tects. Special attention given to plans,
designs and estimates for all kinds
of buildings.
13 r. B. F. VAUGHAN,
Extracting and Filling by the Latest
and Most Improved Methods.
All 'VS.' orlt ;i i irt mtt't-d.
Office Leezer & Thompson's build
ding. Main St., over E. J. Slocum'sjdrug
-Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.-
If You
i Oents ritriiliiiii" Goods,
m" Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
wood and wiiivOw vwrei,
gricultural implements,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, call on
Heppner Feed Yard!
Is the place for
lree Camping House.
- 4. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KjEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
Buy Your
Mrs. S. P
She has All the Latest Styles in
' GOODS, Etc.
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Bakers' Patent Flour,
Better and cheaper
into this
Ell 11
Having added steam pewer and
mills, the supply will at
Bran -
Mill Feed - .
Flour $3.75 per barrel in 5 barrel lots; single
barrel $4.00,
When you come in for your fall supplies, call
for Sperry's Flour.
J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor,
J Also an
Teamsters to stop.
than grades shipoed
having all the facilities of the best
all times equal the demand.
$15.00 a Ton.
.. 18.00 a Ton.
UCETEXTiL. Sole fipl
Fine, $4 Calf Shoes, But
ton, Lace or Con
Extensive Line of the Celebrated
Uuckingham & Hecht .boots
Always on Hand.
Special Attention Paid to
Fine Custom
Opposite City Hotel, Main Street.
ThePioneer Firm of
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandiser
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Their Celebrated Boot
21si,c2x.:i3a.a.xiL95 Best"
Is unsurpassed for durrbitiry.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Eats, Caps, Tobacoos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
First-Ulass and btaple uoods in every
variety to suit all classes of trade.
Special Inducements in
bop Dip Tobacco, Sulphur, Lime, Wire,
Maohniery, Bto.
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will eonvince the
public that we oarry the goods required whioh will be
sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Bite anil Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
' May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyersand our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
A. D. Johnson & Co.
HEPPNER, - -- -- -- - OREGON
Sole Agents for Morrow County for
Xi-t-tle's Patent
And Piping always
on Hani
CTDeaier Inf r
Drues. Chemionis, I t itc"t Medlolnesi Toilet
Ariioles. Paints, Oils. Grlass iml
Wall "
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon.
As't for Portland Oregoniaii.
Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : : : Main Street,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Repairing a Specialty 2
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and
get oash prices.
H. Blackman & Co.
ill 111 111 1 1 j,J7 - U V I
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood. and. Willow Ware,
j: :I 5 V1M5 WIRE ,1111
Bhd Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma-
chines and a complete line of
is and Confectionery !