Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, December 19, 1889, Image 3

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HEPPNER. THCliSDAY. lec. 19, W.
J'rniua od t Willow Crsek Branch arrive at
and leave tne diiiereM elations daily, exoeirt
Sundays, as follows: .
No. 17 ( Jiized)
So. IS (Mixed)
Ba) r. M. Ar.
5:1a ' "
rit ' "
Lt. 7:45 A. M.
" k.m" "
" (ha)" "
:40" "
.1:1 ' vj;ll,. T.,.....: -o...!. .
iiiio" ' Lv. Arlington. Ar, 2:211"
8:40"PMAr Portland Lv 7:45
IVorthem I'acilic trains east leave Arlington
daily 2:20 l. 51.; Koin west. 10:15 A. M. Union
J'aeine trams ciHt, 4:1(1 A. M.-.eoinu wjst, 12:30
1. ai.
J, 0. 11AKT, Aeent.
Statro leaves for Canyon City daily,
except Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except SnmUy, at
j :00 p. M.
There is a saving of 16 honrs in time
and 810 in casU by taking this route to
C. W. Lomlar & Co., 429, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., are authorized to make
advertising contracts for tbe Gazette.
They will also make collections for this
Here and There.
Bring us in some wood on subscription.
Wm. Stewart returned from Haystack
last Saturday.
Felix Johnson was over from Butter
creek last Friday.
Tbe Portland Morning Journal passed
over the river last week.
Johnny Nealon, of Monument, was in
town last week on business.
"Sandy" Olds has been granted a new
trial, and he gathem fresh hope.
Ligo Hendrix and Andrew Neal were
over from Lone Rock lust week.
Look out for ''The Poor of New York''
to-morrow niuht. Don't fail to see it.
Old papers at tbe Gazette office at 75
cents per 1U0, or two bits a bunch, tf.
Salem is awakening to her interests,
and is laboring for a railroad from the
Capital city to the sea.
If the party who borrowed Co. E.'s
wood pile would replace it before Xmas,
it may save trouble.
Cosh Kychard is visiting in Eugene.
We hear strange- stories regarding this
visit. Orange bios
The Arlington Times sr.ya: W. It. El
lis, of Morrow, is favorably spoken of as
a candidate for congressman.
Tne TJ. S. land oflice at Burns took in
$13,000 the first three months toot tbe
otlloe was in miming ordor.
A now p.o.,Homer, has been established
in the western part of Bear valley, Grant
county. Mr. W. W. Stone postmaster.
... ntwnt. Uilln
neutralizes, and thus cures rheumatism.
Miss Guseie Colin, who has been vis
iting her relatives iu Heppner for some
weeks, left Tuesday morning for her
Read Coffin & McFarland's new Xnias
1. Thev ntVrtr hiiy bargains in Cloaks
and Clothing and also children's toys,
etc., etc.
A grand ball will be given at the new
K. cf P. hall on New Year's eve. The
Arlington orchestra will furnish the mu
sic. Tickets $1.50.
European iufluenza has reached New
York, and the good people are sneezing
their "heads oil." The health offioers
say that it is not dangerous.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Mr. C. A. Minor and Miss May
C. Soott at the M. E. church in Heppner
on Dec. 25, at 7 o'clook, p. m.
The house of G. W. Thomas, below
Lexington, was destroyed by fire on Oct.
7. Mr. Thomas was absent from home
at the time, and lost everything.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har
disty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
Remember that all paid up subscribers
to tbe Gazette are entitled to a brand
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf.
The O. R. & N. has been absorbed in
to the Union Pacific, and all branches
and lines between Portland and Omaha
will hereafter be known as the Union
The business men of Prineville are
talking of incorporating a company for
the purpose of advertising the resources
of Crook county, with a view of inducing
Subscribe for the Times, Nat Baker's
paper, published at Portland, Oregon.
Whether you are a democrat or republi
can, you will like it. S2 per year. SI
for six months.
Commissioner J. B. Ely was up from
Saddle Tuesday to assist in county court
matters. Tbe Cochran bringe was re
ceived at that time, and it is said to be a
very superior structure.
The rnyallnp Indians, near where
Johnny Rediugton holds out, have re
fused to grant the right of way through
their reservation to the Puyallup Valley
R. It, by a vote of 35 to 73.
Gihbs was given a life sentence in the
Oregon penitentiary last Friday morning.
No application was made for a new trial,
Gibbs appearing satisfied that a new
hearing would not benefit him.
George Stevenson was pretty badly
bruised while ridingdown Heppner's west
hill on a plank, one day this week.
Most people would say that it should lie
atopped, but boys are boys anyhow.
The Heppner dramatic people, assist
ed bv Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rasmus and Mr.
Cbas. Kinzie, will likely put on the ' Con
federate spy" for the holidays. It is a
strong piece, and will meet with popular
The Heppner country, as well as ad
jacent scotions. is enjoying a little cold
weather as- present, oiouiviiieu win
hardly be oompelled to feed much, un
less more snow comes, which is quite
The jury in the Croniu case fiud Beggs
. not guilty, Kuuze guilty of manslaugh
ter and place his sentence at three years
in the penitentiary. P. O. Snlhvan,
Daniel Coughlin and Martin Burke, each
got a life sentenoe for murder.
Our county court is doing all in its
power to assist, the people iu building
roads. The people should and are help
ing themselves, and with proper encour
agement from tbe public funds, good
roads will sood bo leading in all direc
tions, While Geo. Bleakmnn was corning
down the Cunningbame hill lust Friday
with a loaded wagon, the brake broke,
and the whole outfit rushed pell-mell
to the bottom. The road was very slick,
and although they came out m good
condition, it was a close shave.
A Kansas weather prophet is warning
the people that December will be a oold
month. So far he is correct This man
in the weather busiuess also states that
the entire winter will be a oold one, and
that the summer of 1S90 will be one of
extremes in temperature and rainfall.
Ranchers, stock-men and mill-men,
why not have vour stationery printed,
when vou can get it done for less money
than yon pay for blank material? Y ith
printed letter heads and envelops, your
letters will never miscarry, if addressed
at all. Leave you r order at the Gazette s
job office.
Iu purchasing holiday presents, don't
forget that CM. Mallory, at the furni
ture store, has on hand the finest lot of
doll baggies, doll cradles, children s fur
niture, wall pockets, brackets, hat racks,
towel racks, cabinets, pictures and pic
ture frames in Morrow county.
Hkppsbo Gets the Tuade. One of
Mid.llo Fork's residents in conversing
with an E. O. reporter, said: "Finishing
the road to Grant county will not add,
materially, to Pendleton's trade, as those
waomit benefits are already her custom
ers. iiesidenta in my section on tbe
south side of the Middle Fork the
Long Creek conntry proper will be com
pelled to trade with Heppner notwith
standing the road, as that city is much
easier to access. They would all come
to Pendleton, however, if equal facilities
were offered, as they are able to buy
here to a Detter advantage." Heppner
seJ Is goods at the lowest prices. Why
should we not? Cash buys goods at the
lowest iiguers, and Heppner's merchants
are as well prepared in that line as those
of any town in Eastern Oregon. Hepp
ner has sold goods this season in compe
tition with Baker and Pendleton.
Caught at Last. The very smooth
young man who sailed into Heppner re
cently under the name of Harry A.
Royce, and who took a number of cash
subscriptions for the Inter Ocean, pre
tending to be their Western agsnt, is at
last in jail, having been caught at Port
land last week. His latest dodge is the
manipulation of fraudulent checks, which
he passed on parties in Portland and
Salem. If these people cannot put tbe
young fraud behind the bars for a term
of years, they will find several towns in
Eastern Oregon that can "do up" this
gentleman, Heppner being one of them.
Heppner people are less $45 on tbe ras
cal. Plblio Installation. A public in
stallation will be held at Hardman, on
December 28, under the auspices of the
Rawlins post, G. A. R. Extensive prep
arations have beeu mado to give their
visiting comrades a hearty reception and
entertainment. The exercises at the in
stallation will include music, declama
tions, essays and addresses by W. R.
Ellis and others. An excellent supper
i8 also to be one of the features of the
evening. A good time may be expected.
Tbe officers to be installed are, J. S.
Boothby, Commander ; C. C. Stanley, S.
V. C; H. H. Glassford, J. V. C; lea
Brown, Adj't; Walter Branson, S ; . R.
Beach, C. Ic is requested that members
from this vicinity leave for Hardman on
The Boss Papeh. In this issue wiil
be found an ad. commending to our peo
ple tbe Oregon Times, published at
Portland, Oregon, by Nat Baker. It is
the leading democratic paper of Oregon.
On all matters of public interest it speaks
out on the right side of the question.
Whether your politics are democratic or
republican, you will appreciate the Ore
gon Times. Subscribe for it. It is only
82 per year; SI for six months. You
will miss it all if you don't take the
Make No Mistake. If you have made
up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparil-
la do not be induced to take any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a very peculiar
medicine, possessing, by virtue of its pe
culiar combination, proportion aud prep
aration, curative power superi3r to any
other article of the kind before the peo
ple. For all affections arising from im
pure blood or low state of the system itis
unequalled. Be sure to get Hood's.
A Neat Stock The Gazette job de
partment has in stock a fine assortment
of wedding goods, invitatiou and visiting
cards, ball programmes, and in all, the
most complete job stook ever brought to
the city. We do not have to send for
goods when you order work. Call in
and get prices before wasting money on
oniside concerns. tf.
Christmas Goods. Kiam & Wo have
an elegant line of Christmas goods, in
cluding Japanese toys, fans, etc. Call
and see them before purchasing your
presents for friends and relatives.
Yon have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. You may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how good
a thing it is. It you have ever tried it,
you are one of its staunch friends, be
cause the wonderful thing about it is,
that when once given a trial, Dr. King's
New Discovery ever holds a place in the
house. If you have never used it and
should be afflicted with a cough, cold or
any Throat Lung, or Chest trouble, se
oure a bottle at once and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at
A. D. Johnson & Co's Drugstore.
A Preliminary Blast. They have it
over in Harney that A. A. Roberts and
Jons. Davidson are candidates for sena
torial honors on the republican and
democratic tickets, respectively. This
is something decidedly new. Henry
Blackrnan Is the only Morrow county
candidate of which the Gazette knows
anything. Messrs. Roberts and David
son are A 1 fellows, but tbe Items must
be trying to "josh" Blackrnan oat of the
race. This is no doubt a preliminary
blast under the district's political pot,
but when they get ready for the beans,
the Blackrnan variety will be found to
be the choice of the people.
PerhaDS vou" are run down, can't eat,
oau't sleep, can't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you won
der what ails you. You should heed the
warning, you are taking tne nrst step in
to Nervous Prostration. You need a
Nerve Tonic aud in Eleotric Bitters you
will fiud the exact remedy for restoring
your system to its normal healthy con
dition. Surprising results follow the
use of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera
tive. Your appetite returns, good diges
tion is restored, and the Liver and Kid
neys resume healthy action. Try a bot
tle. Price 50c. at A. D. Johnson & Co's
A Good Show. No five people in tbe
minstrel line have ever given a better
show in Heppner than Prof. McKanlass,
assisten by his little daughter and son,
Mrs. McKanlass and Mr. Sayles. The
professor is a musician an artist. The
little folksare intelligent, and do all
their parts well. Mrs. McKanlass sings
fine contralto and Sayles is every inch a
minstrel. Everyone was pleased with
the Mcjvanlass troupe.
Commend to public approval the Cali
fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs.
It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste
and by gently acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, it cleanses the system
effectually, thereby promoting the health
and comfort of all who use it.
See E. J. Sloeum'8 change of ad. Christ
mas nnvpltiefi need advertising, and Slo-
cum is the business man to see.
Messrs. Coffin & McFarland have in
this issue a verv creditable holiday ad
vertisement. Read it they have some
bing special to tell yon.
The Minneapolis Tribune Evidently Well Paid
fur their Attack on the American Bonding
and Loan Association.
Many papers of Oregon, th" Vlton
Eagle in particular, has seen fit to copy
remarks from the Minneapolis Tribune
or purporting to be from that paper, ad-
dirg matter not very complimentary to
said association. '
Recently the following letter was re
ceived from the association relative to
the attack of the Minneapolis Tribune,
and the comments of the Milton Eagle.
It is as follows:
MiNNEAPOLrs, Minn, No. 14, '89.
Otis Patterson, Esq., Heppner, Or.
Dear Sir: In reply to your esteemed
favor of the 7th inst., would say that
this being, the origin and home of the
great Minneapolis Tribune, which has
taken it upon itself to regulate and dis
cipline this association, we are well post
ed upon their publications. The clip
pings, however, are not true in any par
ticular. The Minneapolis Tribune has
been very careful not to use suoh lan
guage as is quoted by the Milton Eagle
or they would have had a suit for libel
on hand long ere this. It would be use
less for us to attempt to suppress the
number of small sheets throughout the
conntry which copy and distort the ar
ticles printed here. We should not be
able to do any other business for the
uext3rear, and could in that way use the
total receipts of the association, and then
not accomplish our end. There are
hundreds of small sheets that have no
financial responsibility, and to whom a
suit would be a godsend, as it would in
crease the circulation of their paper a few
hundreds and bring a few dollars into
their pockets, which they need very bad
ly, and we should not be able to get any
of these dollars out of t heir pockets as
they probably would go to the grocer or
butoher with whom they were in arrears,
before we could reach them. I thank
you for your individual expressions of
confidence in the association, aud assure
you that they are nut misplaced. It is
pleasant to receive such a letter, as we
are at the present receiving so many of
the other kind. As n newspaper man
you probably oau thoroughly understand
the position of the Tribune in this mat
ter as none of the other papers have
seen fit to attack the American, and you
may be sure that our other papers are
wide awake and are looking for items of
general news as thoroughly as the Trib
une. Therefore yon may be sure that
the Tribune is well paid for its part in
this transaction. Yours truly,
J. W. II. Bishop, Pres't.
The Gazette is of the opinion that the
American Building and Loan Associ
ation is an . honest and fair concern.
taking the place of local associations in
the establishment of its branches. A
home concern of that nature may be bet
ter for a town than a local branch of
a foreign association, bat it does not fol
low that such an association is a swind
ling concern. Anyone who will take the
pains to look into the matter will find
the American Building and Loan As
sociation to be legitimate and fair, and
doing business as an incorporated con
cern under the laws of Minnesota.
Persons who suffer from occasional
palpitation of tbe heart -are often un
aware that they are the Victims of heart
disease, and are liable 'to die without
warning. They should banish this
alarming symptom, aud cure the disease
by using Dr. Flint s Remedy. Mack
Drug Co., N. Y.
To Given at the Opera House on Christmas
Music by the band. :
Song by glee club.
Short address by Henry Rasmus.
Song by glee club.
Music by the Band.
.Arrival of Santa Claus,8:45 p. m.
Job printing at Pendleton prices at
the Gazette offioe.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Slocum's drug store.
Yon will do well to see cloaks at W.O.
Minor's before purchasing elsewhere.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
J. B. Sperry has second-hand grain
sacks for sale good as new. Call at
Keep your eye not on Pasco, but on
Van Duyn's holiday windows.
The Saling, Morgan and Russell bat
ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in
the market. .
When you are dry, go to Swaggart's
for a glass of the celebrated Weinhard
beer. By the quart or glass.
- Christmas is coming and so are the
people to Van Duyn's to see their im
mense display of holiday goods.
Gunn & Ruark, horse shoers;
horses shod with new shoes all round
after date for 81.50 per head.
Mat. Lichtenthal will open your eyes
in ptices of his boots aud shoes. Yon
can buy them no cheaper in Portland.
Go to Van Duyn's for prioes on cloth
ing for men and boys. New goods aud
new prioes.
Van Duyn is the leader in prioes, lead
er in fashions in clothing, gent's fur
nishings, hats, caps, boots and shoes.
Oh, for holiday presents for the young,
middle aged and the old, tbe great and
the small, come one, come all, to tbe fes
tive ball at Van Duyn's.
The Square Deal sulky plow gives en
tire satisfaction. A fair and impartial
test will fully establish its merits. For
sale by Gilliam & Coffeyt
Don't fail to call and inspect the new
stock of of prize baking powder ware at
Leezer & Thompson's. The prettiest in
the city.
The 84 Buckingham & Heoht, men's
shoe will not rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy them at M. Licnten
thal's. Plenty of mill feed and flour on hand
at Sperry's Roller Mills. Flour in five
barrel lots, $3.75; single barrel, $4.00.
Do you want some dried venison? Go
to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store
for it, and everything else in their lines.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Heppner. v
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
We predict rather cold weather about
the 25th of December, and slightly warm
er about July 4th next, but wall paper
and carpets will be reducea front ten
to twenty per cent for the next thirty
days at W. O. Minor's.
But look! The 'morn in russet mantle
Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward
But a brilliant lamp adds more cheer
fulness to the home circle. Examine
Gilliam & Coffey's new fall stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
Ihe importance of purifying the "blood can
not be overestimated, for without pure blood
you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and vre ask you to try Hood's
D fMiIiot" Sarsaparilla. It strengthens
rebuild.! and fcuijdg up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -r-"tcoif
iar curative powers. No " ItScil.
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have made up your mind to
buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not he induced to
take any other instead. It is a Peculiar
Medicine, and is worthy your couiidence.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One DoHar
From the Cauvon Citv News we learn
that Joseph Barker, the vouns deaf nrnl
dumb fellow who used to tie around here,
nas Deen arrested ana jaiiea at Canyon
(or obliterating and changing branda on
horses on the ranee for the purpose of
appropriating them to his own use and
purposes. Young Barker is the boh of
Barker who was killed in Heppner sever
al years ago.
The only medicines sold by drufrg-ist. under
a positive guarantee from tbeir manufact
urers, that they will do just what ia claimed
for them that is, benefit or cure in all cases
of diseases for which they are recommended,
or the money paid for them will be promptly
refunded are Dr. Pierce's world-famed spe
cifics, manufactured bv World's " Dispensary
Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery euros
all diseases arising1 from a torpid or deranged
liver, or from impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or
Indigestion, Pimples, Biotches, Eruptions,
Salt-rheum, Tettar, Erysipelas, and Scrofu
lous Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or
Lunr-sorofula, is also cured by this won
derful remedy, if taken in time.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the
world-famed remedy for all those chronic
weaknesses and distressing1 derangements so
ooiftmon to American women. It is a most
potent, invigorating1, restorative tonic, or
strength giver, imparting- tone and vigor to
the whole system, Ab a soothing" nervine it
is unequalea. Bee guarantee printed on the
bottle - wrapper and faithfully carried out
for many years.
Copyright, 1868, by Wobld-s Di3. Med. Ass's.
lor an lnouraoie case or
Iroprietors of Br. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Ey
ta mild, soothing and healingr properties, it
cures the worst cases, no matter cf how long
Standing. Iy druggists, 60 cents.
A Daily Through Car service haa been
established by the Chicago, Union Pa
cific & Northwestern Line between Port
land and Chicago via Council Bluffs,
thus offering to the public facilities not
given bv any other line. "The Limited
Fast Mail" which runs daily between
the above points, carries- the Overland
Fast Mail, a limited numberof first-class
passengers without extra charge, and is
composed of Pullman Vestibuled Sleep
ers and Pullman Dining Cars, Portland
to Chicago via Council Bluffs.
This is another indication that the
Union Pacific is desirous of meeting the
requirements of the people. For in
formation in regard to this line, apply to
J. C. Hart. Agent O. B. & N. Co.. Hepp
ner. Or., or to A. L. Maxwell, G. P. & T.
A., Portland, Or., Jl-90.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
g San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville, Ky. New Yokic. K. Y
Tyson & Boyed,
Contractors, Builders aud Archi
Special attention given to plans,
designs and estimates for all kinds
of buildings.
"FvtT-QffiTio nnr! "FilKncbv tllR Latest
and Most Improved Methods.
All "W orit (iiKirtmt 1 .
Office Leezer & Thompson's build
ding. Main St., over E. J. Slocum's drug
I store.
ttf rftgi 3 w "ss ESfra
-Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.-
V ; If You Want
4 Gents' 1 1 1 vs i i 1 1 1 tzx Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
wooi wiivivOW wli:e,
gr ricultural implements,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, call on
. W. O. MINOR.
eppner Feed Yard !
Is the place for
ie Eigigg i ess aaea weans r ft abb i
mm mi m m u iw
1ijo Camping House.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
Buy Your
She haa All the Latest Styles in
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
HEPPNER, - - - -
Bakers Patent Flour,
Better and cheaper
into this
Having added steam power and
mills, the supply will at
Bran - -
Mill Feed - -
Flour $3.75 per barrel
barrel $4.00,
When you come in for your fall supplies, call
for Sperry's Flour.
J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor,
HEPPNER, - - - - - OREGON.
SM So -n
Teamsters to stop.
- -
than grades shipoed
having all the facilities of the best
all times equal the demand.
- $15.00 a Ton.
18.00 a Ton,
in 5 barrel lots; single
UITEITiL,. Sole Ipt
Fine, $4 Calf Shoes, But
ton, Lace or Con
Also an Extensive Line of the Celebrated
Buckingham & Hecht Boots
Always on Hand.
Special Attention Paid to
Fine Custom
-Opposite City Hotel, Main Streot.
J - V- J Jk. -J. M (y
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackrnan & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandiser
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc
Their Celebrated Boot called
"lOlEfcCJliLaraeias Best"
Is unsurpassed for durrbility.
. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
First-Class and Staple Goods in every
variety to suit all classes of trade.
Special Inducements in
iesp Sip Toba:c3. Sulphur. Lime. Wire,
Machinery, Etc.
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will oonvioce tbe
public that we carry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon -always on Hand.
Hides and Pelts Boilit for Cash and Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Counties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place:
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
A. D. Johnson & Co.
HEPPNER, - - - ' - - - " - - OREGON.
Sole Agents for Morrow County for
And Piping always
on Hand.
I i-i Cli emloals, 1 itent Medlolne8 Tollo
Artloles. I i Oils. Orlass aii&cl
Wall I i3jr.
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon.
Ag't for Portland Oregoniau.
Leezer & Thompson's Corner : : : Main Street,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Repairing a Speclaltjr I
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't bny elsewhere till you eiamine their machines and
get cash prices.
"-( -- M A J -MJ
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Biui Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Groceries and Confectionery !