7 ::n -v r" d f r I ' f IM.HFACH. ? f President. V"t'c President. ' THE 1 (Pacific Fire - . . 'PortlancC : ' Cnpitnl Stock, $,"500,000. Otis: Patterson, Agent, heppner Oregon; LUMBER! LUMBER! AT W. G. SCOTT'S ; Willow Greek , Saw-Mill! Keops constantly on hand nil kinds of UNDUESSED LUMUKIt; nlso PICKETS LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES, ETC., ETC. MiUtoodtod at the lleud of Willow 8reek. 16 ruiloe above Heipnor.j83 NfcLSON JONES, Pros' t III III 11 1 II! CO. : (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents. '"'The 'Company 'has recently' constricted it two-story J warehouse 80x100- feet, with aval press and all con veniences for hand line' wool. The Warehouse Charges at If corner wid be Ike same as those at Arlington, less carta ies. Freight, upon baled wool from, Jleppiier, same as from Arlington. . . , ,. Cash advanced upon consign,! ne it Is oj wool or woouvn storage, TnER0N ? mUjt MANAGER., by buying your Shoes itijtio;V for Shoes Hint nt $4.00 BUTTON. ' LACE. CONGRESS. On receipt of W3.50 rind twenty-five contn to pay oxprousiiRO we will Henri one pair of our Pino CUill" Hlmm Btrnnlcus Viiinpn, eithor jmtton, J.noo or CongreHB. Wo Use only Holootod stock and llio bout workmanship, ilvory pair Warranted. Try our Shooa ouoe and you will buy no others. t-Mentlon Slzp mid Width wuiiti-d. Send noEttil nute or N. Y. draft. WIto your nddrcsn flainly, Town, County and Htale. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., 1M8T Wr.VMOlTTII, S;,V.-irl. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, HIT WAY OK TIJK- Southern Pacific Company's Line THE PIT. SHHSTfl ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Olluir ltouto isotwoeu Portland AND -San F'raneiseo. Leave Portland at i P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFliTSLl-m'ERS TOURISTS SLliUl'ING CARS, For Acoominndiition of Hooond CIubb VnaaengorB Attnoliod to Kxproiui : Trains'. Fure from Port laud to HacraiiKito unl Han Fran- Unlimited, '. 'K I.lant.-d Kli't-Ma 20 ' S(mhi4-('1hwm !a Throit(U Tiokota to all l'oinls South and En.it, , VIA.CAUPOKN1A. TICKKT OKI'K'KB: . City Olliot. No. 1B4. Cortny Kirt A Alder Sln otit Depot OIHe.o, Cornur V and Knatt HlreelH, H)HTIiAMI, UUltOON. ' U.KOKIII.KU, B. P. IMK1KIW, Mtuifiirtir, , Aait. ti. V. and I'aMM.Atft, NOTlCB'l'O 'VlllC Drug, Grocery . . . AND ' SALOON - TRADE 01? Morrow County YOU CAN HAVB T1MK AND MuNl'.Y BY OHl)l!ltlNll CLIMAX BITTERS BIKHOT OF n. o. v i i.i.s. IO.V1C, Orouon, TIIKY AltB TIIB KINU OF Al.Ii 11ITT:1IH Pull BLOOD, LIVRIt, STOMACH AND BOWEL TltoUlll.KS. LEAVITT & IVAN ALSTINE, NO. 55 HOWARD S'litKKT, tti I'runol.oo, Ool. rot; can sujiscnwK yvn ANY NEWSPAPER 1 UrMnunzlnoYoii Want . AT TllK . GhAZKTTK B1IOI?. IF VOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER "oSi'SA?8 SMITH & WESSON'S Finest tmall bnuufRTtured BifTlt. mml the Hrntciu.icuor nil experts in cailtirtw i and 44-1UL Hlnvle liter Uu ui(t I'aivttt nitHleht. Beat UKlliy wrought at eel. corvfullr ltntMn.-ti'd tttr WurktuaiiHlilp auuitock. tTnrhuletl fori Sutak. durability and apfurar. lum tH b aeHlvwl by vhtrap mailcuble on imitation ftn aold for the K"uuiufi ariteln. Tltev are uuro llahla and daiKfrou. The Bhith ft knson Itu irouvana are ftiamiNKt upon the Iwrrcll with tlrm'l same, nd-inwi amldatuHuf imtenw, ami are iiiir an teed perfect. liMut having them, ami If your dearer cannot Htiiijtly you, an order wnt toad dreaa below will receive irompt al lenl i n. iMmitiu (tv uaiakue and prleemptm appllculluu. HM1TU 6c WKKHON, r ' bpriuBUtildt Slats. W. F. BItOWNTON. 1 , .Secretary Insurance Go. : : . : Oi-uon. E. K. BISHOP, Treas. of the Manufacturer. Gcjau isrF !- $2.50 op usually retail and ft.'i.O!). The ColciSrated French Sure, ;r"APHRODlTINE" H 18 So!.!) ON K P03ITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any lorai til nervous disease, or any diflorder of the- aeneralive or- AFTER (am ol eilliersei whellier nrlsluir irom til. xcchhIvc use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opiuin, ortluougli youthful iiullmtion, over lndulB onec, Ac, sutdi as Loss ol Drain Power; Wakeful ness, llearlnn down I'aius In the llai'k, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous l'rost ration Nocturn al KmlsBlon; , Ixnuwrhrra, lllzzluesa, Weak Mem. ory.Lossof Power and Impotein-y, wlileli If nc-glucte-d often lead to prctuaturu old aitc and Insan ity, l'rlcu 1.00 a box, 0 boxes for 15.00 Bout by mall uu receipt ol price. A W It ITT KN U U A 11 A NTI1 V, for every 15.00 order, to refund tlio money It a l'l'niinnmit euro Is not elTocteil. Tliotisands of testimonials fnmi olrl and youns, of both sexes, permanently i mred by Arn itoniriNK. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WIfitfTKHN IltUNCIL l)OX 27 POltTI.ANl), OR Hold by A. ). .Tolmiion Co., Di uk (jixts, lli'piiior, On'Kon. nwit Nrtw roiiii FREE. iUUI WlUrlll VViillHKM.4H. liciu gij tinn'Kei pf r iVuriRlitn.t htvy. m'LK tini.n ni i it 1 1 ii h cnui. till uiirki Hinl t'tiin'i ul quit) vlm. Onh 1-KlisoNin ti utriiiv cnn fiuin tm I', loin tlii'T villi iir Inrr luiltlr Mm' r II miae hold tiPcd tin t ili'nv Imt i " uinl )mi to I'kih who canyour feliniili mill n.'inliln.ii. iii1 (luxti kIkiiiI. vmi Hint iilyiuynrfiulll In VRlunll ti-iuki lr tii, v hi, Li holiU l-.ry.nri wliin oiico lnrlril, ml iIiuh 9 im re int. I V y nil I'vi'i' "", IVflu-hl, ctu, Allor ytu kimw nil, II vm i -ul.l likl' in H -1 k for tu. yru van am tnim WJO' M i .Utlt in r r.K uml hiimiikIi. A'MtKia, Mtlniuii fc t o., kUt. Dili, I'urtliHitl, Mnliie. j Mi. ur. ft ee. All (ho m.rk vm I lll'lll ifl I II I ('. Ill Willi a voice; nirlmlt of Mr. I lord - n Ohio. Ilr li mllo writoi. "Witi Ht w.ik .in i r Kalt'iit, Ohio. PW'JO a intuHli ; 1 now Iiiiiv an aftn'f VUi'it A (o iiiimiin nun jjiiiih. ul oil ill innknl'JO a 'lit." (Hip-nPflt W. H. I i A II HI HON, -. 1 I'D ilolnir nimn ax m flit o iuu lu aivo c- llol.lol tlllHL" nli't Holll lln-ii' h'tti'M. t'.M-vy A liuliita imI.'k iiKuiiuiil rrotiu. M111II wii Nlitrt Oli in tiis Imsiin-sH, Tvcr I Willi' tout anil U'ntn all atmut it lor yoni .flf. U an- Kiartinic nmity ; no will .init you It oii ton i ik'lny unnl anolUi-i ik alu ail uf vou In vimi putt ol (In' roimm It vou taku liultl vou mil be mIiIk to tt k iii k"I1 li Uj" ll end tin aiinuiit of h ft.tvrrt iimniLlHi'tiiU'i'ii iilo I li.t,(MMI letl tlullur lhoIiuriiih AIImiiiik aroto lf."il lotlm ix'oiili' t'01 tttt ,. ! It. .mi. I iu lioml l lilntoll SilkVvlx l l'luih. I'liniimiih Jot't'ttili'tl tni.l , HiiiiilRonirit alhtuiiHln tha ioild lstifint rtlr. V'tli-.i I'HOinim rr knou. Attiint wanti'il l.ilii ral trim. 11 in iiioii.'t loi mki iiIi. Anv ontMiiit i't 1iii a in'vnriil 'iu'iil St'U. Ilt- lf on nj; lit-Ullli' ni no laUiUK iif.r.tmy, V Ihtpti-i tliotvu, rvi iy oni1 vtmiln to iur-tlinm- At' iita take 1litiniiU ol oiilt'i hiiIi mi.lny u. tir lirioro kiuiMii. iiit'ut iulli anail i vmy w .it. Am'iiU aia iiotkliit toitiiiifli. I.nill'uiaki nt imi.'li W ii You, ii ii.kr, (iii.luat wall a an void'. liifntn.aiu.aai.flli-uiK free, 1o I h.i who mi tin i'oi iiii-, w itli (nHU iiiuv. ami tornmtui our Kami It HlliUa, It.xika ami IVrloiliiHla. Alter you know tl. kwull vou I'nin IuJb tu yono tin Out, wlij no liann t tlotitv AUJreM K C. ALLbN 4 CO., AlWtsiA, UAi.ft COLD bFAMB I fi It" v ii r 'WlXvo,:". Ely's Or53.m Balm Cloansea the ITuaJ VtssatcoB. Al- lnys Iiiilamtnntton. iioala tho Soi-os. I EoHtoros tho Boiwcs of 'X'utfto, Kmoll and Uoariiig. j A pnrlU-lnl. apiillrd luto.nrl11111.rrll .A t. .Mrri'iililc. rrleoOc. ul llrnifiii.l. wr by : .!!. K I V II ItOTHKltNM Wimn bL ,N w lark, i ' 'A 4 BEFORE hit! 5 MIX PV WiHIiim Klinr, llunl-lunir, IV, P&'Mvjk IV C' VTk aiivthlitK in ''lBik" vour nltiuml "F'jS- :" 1 lt'tlfiiluv I look onh-to'iumnh l f !;wf.stJL' 1 ihiv mo ;rrtv" w. .1. k- m v VV"''S ''" S UntiKor, ll., wiilr; "I 1 1' .. mraMffil lltlMI irTTfrTI iT TO SELL AX mm Tlxmot wnndprf.il collection of omctical, re al value hiilI every-day une for tho jwopi ever juliliriiw! on t ho glob. A mnrvel o.f money bhv inif Hint money umkiiif? for every one uwninjt it. 'f IhmimjunIh of tieHtitifuJ, heluful enKruviriKK, iht)whn: jnut huw to do every t hint.'. No cmipe lilimr, nottiiiiir likn it in the u inverts. Wbt-n yuh Kfleet that wttk'h is of trim vnlne, mU are wire. Atl sinrereJy desirinK pitiiiK eniyloyment m.d IwukiiQ.' for Homfrthinc iiorouichly ir-t elnrtf at an extntoniiriHritylow jirir-t, ehoulil write for deseription and terms on the mont- remarliahle achr-venl in b.k-makine? wnc the world be gun. ' MAMMKL ACO., Hox.MKM. BT. IX) Lib or PHILADELPHIA. ARTHUR SMITH, I' H ACTIO AT j WATCHMAKER ! Next to First 'National Hank, HEJTNER, ' : : OHECiON. Watches,,. Optical Clock U Goods . WateheH Cleimed, 1.5(1. MainspriPKB Fitted All wort; (piaranlced fur one, year. Jewell j-MiislHuiit si-oF-rj Ktiil Continues to Soil WATOII33S, At tlie liowest. Tofisilile Pricf e. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always -zi7--on Hand : i t A Full Line of J tTHSXCjfi-Xj IHTSTriTJ- 'W bfi'ii uiU?mI to .Ih'b nrgn mid well '' ' soleotfitl Htoot. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worli. G-xia.f.i.atootaL. BTOKI'i oinioailo Minor. Dndnou It V.ii'b May Ht. IK'lipnel'i , - Oreijoii California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. .f. 1. K onoy, Hupt. Daily statn. to and from MimiinuMir,, ilt:ii:e leavea llepimer Idli:) A. M. Arrivm, IU. I'ldidlutun Btaitu leuvea Hemmm- tl:'J0 A. M, " ' - arrives , " : 4:30 H. M. Fiiro to Monument, - - S5U0. Fare to Ptiudl.-.ton, . . 8100. E. J. SEOOCM A 00,, Aoents. Froi(;lit 2 conts por pomid. - Heppner, Oga H. 1'. Ki,01ll5N()K. K FLOUENtlP F.L011EN0E UllOTUEKS, STOCKRAISEKS! 1 'utile linunleilniut onr-mnrked iih shown above. Hot-He I1' on nulil Hlioithhu'. OnrtMitlle rmitto in Miiikhv. (litlintn, Uniatilln uml WiiHein'ouiilien. Wo will pay VI 00.00 ro wiiiil for (lin iiri'HHt imd oonvictuin of tiny pwmm OF PIH1ECQ3 Live GIL , and HYPOPHOSFHiTES Almost as Palatable as P!llk. Ro dlsruliiil thftt It Qn b. taken. dlguNvril, p.til wi,llnl?ii bv 'bo iiiohc senilllv. a!oim-.it:, v. Iiiso tt ptnln oil mtiniit b tolflvntl f niitl !y tlio mm. Mnnlloll uf tlio oil wt?n H.e ll)':ioiilio. pl&ito. 1. umc-fc mortf titUc-luuB. Btinariii'l us a fir.lv j-i'-'fiB-fr. rciions piila nullify Ti::lic Uklng it. riiysicintiK to to '.ha i'i: est niul liut prop. mtion in tlt wi.il j tor t'-tpi-jll nud ut ot c c k s u .v r ' 7 v , oo v v t a. CFNKMt.l, DKrs5..VY, WASTING cc-LiS us...! tfjii-i;-.:u eoi.it.sHS. Van ;' '".'V '-"".iA'.i.; tian, and Wasting in !'.' .''! ! i' c!l' D.vggkts -ANIl - 'Canyon City ST A C K LIiVT, i Ciias. II. Ijtsu, Vropriotor. ST.lliKS I.EAYR MOXDIKST DAILY IX mi Sl'NDAT, FAltH:- Cbuvoh City to Momunont : : $5.00 " ' Lulls Creek : : 3 (XI This in the qitiokost mid rlirnpr nt ronlo loi ortlnuil tromnll iitiitsin tlna vti intv. Otif of the HFREE it the l'l. Our l ilidriK HiiritviKinl, an.t tu mirmltir out U rioi KiHtl wawlll ifn.liKtl IpM I'kKMiJ" tn Mrh loralitr, alKta I'nli iboi ntoxrin t ail maka 1 tHtia lO till IB of rviiim la tu h. W our r-lt lliose who ll r,m n.-itiilmit an.l ih anuiU .' lbe bo. ftimlua; t Una a'ttrni.mfM ah..w t tlir cnall ii.l nf tkc tr1. the aHiriK f li rmluml i boot th (IftiHh part f tu huik It is a a-1 an.t. doulili M t. atop,aUrfai i.m-hii H t will aUu ah w yM hw y ran wakr ftiit lellO Uy at tt'iN thaatait.wtili- Ml itM4tTm- brllr n ritr al uiii- Y(- ihi all ipnra-harra). AOikvaU U ALU. 11 HuK 0. iVkilami, Mai Ml. senii EUfi k oJ fail mm j "X. Vftspfcil.- EYKrVfe COp. Till followlnp t9 irlvv TRADE I REMeeTyAIN IT COWQUEH8 PAIN. Rellere. and euros EHEUHATISK, NECKALGIA, Sclatloa, Lumbago. ' HEADACHE, ToctkitriA, Sprains, BRVISKS, Burnt and Solid HORSI AND CATTLE DISEASES. Cel. J. D. Fkmusok, -m Seerntary Titrr- k '""1 Jookef OUb, flalMnore, M.rylano: iiys: "I oonourmthe glowing tributes fiald bj turfmen to he unsurpassed mer lUof Bt.JacobfsOii." Jos. Cairn SistPsoM, mq.. oaliiana, t;an- fom a. bec'v Pacinc tociatUn and Author iMi' nf '-Unr. PrtflTiitt- t0 familiar with the re lira" wOrta. "Ufntr 's HiuiHRUit; eun;t;j '- cheerfully indoriie . thia 01. unuwiia vji, a uitFrriuuy lliuu valuable Bj)ecitic for paiufui ailmenU, AT DRIOIfTS ANT DKAT.KRA. THE CHARLES A. V0QELEH 0., BaHImora, Mi. I! ifw lei'ijHDr WUPVr 1.1 SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It is miiunfiiotiirod with the latest brewing nppitrutus imd anu't ha bent. Lunches of all Kinds, And the be&tlirnnils of Cigars. Empty kegs mint be returned or 80 apiece will be. charged. iT. X3. IJ" attor, 3E"i-x- sms) Oiiii Fow3er, la tiie Cheapest, Safest and Best ! Cure ibr Scab. This celebrated Dip lias been in coiiHtnnt and inoreusmu; one for over hn!C c ijntury, diiriui; which time Tt has been applied to more sheep than oxint on the earth at the present moment. Our Sales in i?S8 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is clionper tlinn lime and sul phur, and is not one tithe of the trouble. Lime und sulphur injure tlio wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its qual ity and inereases its growth. General Agents : SNELIii HElT-iMU & WOODAKI), Wholenale ilruggists, I'ot'lland, Oregon. THE WASCO WAHEIIO USE CO., 'L'ho Dulles, Oregon. -THIS- Raiiwsi & Matt DO. "COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TICJvILTS To all Frinciiml l'oints in the United IStateH, Cauatla and Europe. 23 LLIiliAXT NEW DINING CARS Pullman 1 'a lace Sleepers, FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Kim Through on all Express Trains to OMAHA.ee- Counoil lilwffs AXD IKl-ISTfSSyVfi CITY Without Vlmuije. Close Connection at l'ortland for San Francisco and l'uget Sound l'oints. ATVIj IRON 8TKAM EES Leave l'orlland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making tlio trip in t0 hours. Cuhin $16. Steerage, SfS.tW Hound Trip Unlimited, $,W,00. KLEGANT NEW DINING CARS will run d.iity commenciiitf Ann. i, ovor th Ort'Kon Kit i I way & iNiivifiudon ('o., Ort'Kon Hlmrt Lino it iid Union l'tmitin liailwuy, Jtetwoen I'orthtiid mill Minsonrt rivnrt Tho cmniuo end norvitM- tiro nm-xcelleil. For furlhor partii-ulurs inquire of uny ncnt of tho company. A. U MAXWELL, C. J. SMITH, G. l& T.A. General Mantun'r, , THE GREAT I Transcontinental Route NorlliPin Pacific KA 1 L.UOAD! VIA T11H Cascade liraneh, jioip Completed, male imj it tlie Shortest, lies! and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route fit) Delays. Fastest Trains. Low cut Kates to Chicago and all points Fast. Tiecls sold to all Promi nent Points throughlmt the Ktist and Sontiieast. Through Pullman Prav. in llacni Slwfiiig Car KweiVHtious can be aevtiied in advance. To ';st 1 JouiK.l I'asen'iers Uo careful and do not make a mistake, but lie sure to ti;ke the NOKTUEKN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid ehnnges and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains tull length of hue. Hertlis free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General 0(?ict of (7ii PoMifiuny, No. 1V1 t ir.it St., Cor. Wanhittghm St., Portland.Oreijon A. D. CHARLTON, Assishiut (ienerRl Passenger Ajent Prof. Loisette's DISCCVfRY A'DTSAIXIMQMETHOB l' tils t.f mtiiti-.'it'vi imttnthms wbn-h tn'-n. the th..r. -kI iH.t. n'-(tl r. -;.i,n taf Oiim.Al, ii si.it.'i.'' tlW ICr-IOHril 1lllsVHMM1i;jt1,M)B (,v fIVI.H Wt ltt-)l Ci.-iii' t.t.'f., an.t :'tsntm.t "1mi.-ai(. nisi. .n.li"lnm of 1 lm trust ot he ljlm tliiili'Ul IM miix l,"iMtl'H ? tat ,(:: It ul tthu-U Jiii.i.fivini i.Im Uiilllnt'.'i(it IWH'j'i'.' ni ;ili (Hlt ( ,i( uit ti .J L. v( Su m' u t ually MtialuHl ln.'.'vt. m hv cm tv .hK-ih,- j."'i..wium llt hiBSystoiu iika.I ,t?y irA.-.. ft.-(. ....... . i rtif c.It.t;. M.H '( M, w intr .nl Ot atne ' I "Vl" " 'lr1'TiJ,it)'tluSj rfiiitttttr, tu .'".i-tf .it.;, i I'rul'. A. l-otsl. 1' I K, Hi Fink Avvnc, N.y GENERAL NEWS. Kiinas, in a f.-w years, will aap- j ply r11 the salt needed west of tho j Mississippi Judge Hilton, beneficiary of the Stewart estate, has subscribed $50 000 to the World's fair. llolzlmy, tho Michigan stage robber, and murderer has been sentenced to the state's prison 'for life. The state in the Crouin :cnrder is now at rest All of the evidence of tlie prosecution being in except some rebuttal. Snow fell at Columbia, S. C, Nov. 20, and the weather was so cold that a farmer was found froz en by the roadside. Among the bequests of John Crerar to the city of Chicago was the sum of 100,000 for a statue of Abraham Lincoln. Mrs. Charles Crocker, who died a few days ago in Sau Francisco, left $'200,000 for the home for aged women in that city. A dispatch from IUo Janeiro Nov. 20, states that universal suff rage has been established through out the now republic. The terrible scourge of spotted fever which raged in Webster Co., Ivy., last winter, has again broken out there iu its most malignant form. An independent oil deal in the Ohio field has been completed by reorganization of the Geyser Oil Company, with n capital stock of $800,000, and a tract of 3000 acres of valuable oil land. A violent epidemic of diphtheria prevails in the villages o Middle town and Georgetown, Minn. There are 05 cases now, and a num ber of deaths are reported, both towns are quarantined. A plain qnestion to the esteem ed Springfield (Mass.) lirpublican which is crying out for free wool: If your manufacturers are to have free wool why should notour con sumers have free woolens? Gen. Raum, the commissioner on pensions, though severely wounded in the war, has never ap plied for a pension. Ho doubt less lias held to the patriotic view that no one should be a pensioner who could support himself. The Tan America congress is now fully organized, and in'session at AVashington, with Socretary Blaine as president. The changed condition of their government pre vented the lJrazilian delegates from presenting themselves, but Nov. '20th they nppeared and an nounced tlieir ability to represent the new republic. The president appointed Thom as Clay McDowell, of Kentucky, collector of internal revenue for the Seventh district of Kentucky, in place of Col. "NV. C. Goodloe, de ceased. McDowell was the, sou-iu-law of the late Col. Goodloe, who was fatally wounded in a street affVay with Col. Swope a few weeks ago. At Mosherville, Michigan, Nov. 21, Mrs. Nathan Strong, who has bean mildly demented for some time, Inst night forced her 18-year old daughter to drink a glass of poison, and then took a dose her self. When her husband returned. she told him what she had done. Doctors were called, but all efforts to save the unfortunate women were unavailing, and both died. OREGON. The citizens of Lebanon have subscribed !5000 as a subsidy for tho erection of a paper mill in that town. The fast trains just put on make the run from Portland to Council Bluffs in fifty-seven hours and thirty minutes. The 0. It. & N. Co. aro prepar ing to commence work on a branch liue from La Grande to Elgin, in Wallowa county. A band of 2300 sheep recently arrived in Lane county from East ern Oregon. They nre distributed in tlie Willamette valley. The matter of providing a hand some public park for Salem is get ting started off on the tight foot, says the Salem Slittrsnuin. Robert Forsythe was instantly killed Nov. 20, by the falling of a pistol from the pocket of Frank -.ester, and which exploded. Some things are hard to bear. To think that a California deputy sheriff, who doesn't even pose as a piofessionnl "detective" should have quietly pocketed that SRIOO! Ort'iimiiH. llobert Hoffinau has sued llo setta Sherlock, of Portland, for $1000 damages for being bitten by a dog belonging to the defendant. Owners sometimes find it very ex pensive to keep vicious dogs. It is reported in St. Ileleus, on good authority, that a timber "lo cator" from Portland is exhibiting to his victims lauds that have been tiled on iu the vicinity of Clatsca nie, and giving them numbers of land situated iu Clatsop county. Deputy United States Marshal Kmil Schutz came down from The Dalles Nov. 2'2 with two men, oue of whom, Charles Attains, was charged with the violation of sec tion 2139 of the revised statues, which prohibits the silling of liq uor U Indians, while the other man, Clareuee Williams, was brought along as a witness ami was committed to- the county jail in default of $'200 bail, to appear before tho United States court ns a witness. Portland Journal, WASHINGTON. Judge Lnugford will become a permanent resident of Spokane Falls. The fire department of Walla Walla will attend a ball at Waits burg Thanksgiving day. U. Cameron, of Walla Walla, tihot at his wife during h quarrel,. and her life was only f.ave-l ly the bullet striking a eorsut steel. The Tiicoma Lr' , claims that not less than 500 emigrant come! over tlie Northern Pacir.c road each day. They spread out over! Washington and Oregon. ' A free-light oecunvd in. rt sal.i .n 1 ill EUVrixburgh, which pv nluiiliy "painted the town ' red." Men! were stabbed, some had their ears bitten off, and others were badly ; bruised. j Dr. C. E. Casaj of Taeoma, was , arrested nt Eugsne .City, Or., for, causing the , death of Josephine ' Ilarter by criminal practice .it the' former city, and ti;l:eu l.i;tckto answer the charge. J. Yamo, an elderly, deaf, crip- plod expressman, h::d his tetiu) run ! into by the electric motor car mi' Second street, Sent tie. His wagon ' was broken up and ho was thrown 1 into the mud and seriously injured. ! It is understood that the Union ! Pacific will nest wpriiifj Krnmmca j the construction of a line from. Wallnla up Snake river t lliparin, : in order to compete with her lines extending iat the l';Jou,se country. A Miss Jennie Wilson was fined 8!J0 and .costs at AValla- 'Walla last week for amusing hovaolf with ij re arms, which she paid like n little man, so the W. W. Journal says. She didn't have to sue any body to vindicate woman's rij.'lttf. Ed. Gazette. ! Sherman Springier, nged 27, ww kicked in the head by a colt and instantly killed on the 20 inet., at Mavysvi'le, near tho mouth, ol the Snohomish river. II.; wasendeiiv-'. orliig to enptnre the cole in tne , field, and had driven liim in aj corner.. Ho then approached cm-j tiously and placed his bund on the j colt's hip. The colt suddenly j jumped to om side am! kicked j Mpaugler on tho head, bretikinp; 1 his skull. Senator John 1. Alien arrived at The Tneoutm last evening from Olympia, and this morning let'., for Wnlia Walla. He will leave home for Washington next Sunday. Senator Allen said he would try and get a large appropriation for the Taeoina postoiiico; favored gov ernment buildings at Taeoimi, Se attle and Spokane Fulls; woaid urge river and ilarlior improve ments for Washington; that tho Northwest, should have a navy yard and that it should be located on Paget Sound. lie expressed regret that he did not receive the iuvitation to a reception inTacoiua in time to accept it. In tlio per formance of his duty he said ho would try to bo as broad ns the new state.- -Tacoma Nciiu, Nov. 20. IDAHO The president James 1 1. Deatty, justice of Idaho. has appointed of Idaho, chief Democrat, Nov, 20. Scarlet fever has .recently ap peared among the children of Cald well and Hue Ii foot. Frank Turner, the packer, re ported to the Bulletin that eighteen incites of snow was on tlie summit between Rocky Bar and Atlanta, anil the Bulletin says the sleigh ing is good. There are in Idaho, according to Governor Shoup's report, CSJ.22 horses, 187,082 cattle, ami 1,021, 58(5 sheep. The Oovorner se.ys, however, that these figures do not represent more than lifty. per cent, of tlie actual number. A burning dwelling was extin guished at Pocatello a few days since, but not until an invalid old lady and member sif tho family, named Elizabeth Harris, was fa tally burned 'and' who died one hour after. The branch store, of Ed. Bur goyne, at Montpelier, was robbed of three hundred dollars worth of goods on the. night of the 9th, Two men, arrested iu Wyoming with some of the stolen articles in their possession, escaped from jn.il. Nampa Progress: 25,000 pounds of ore from Oyhoa have just been received at Fulk & Bros, ware house. The Hideiibangh canal is coming right along and will soon reach Nnmpa. Workmen are re pairing railroad . bridges on live and ten-mile creeks. An immense business is dona on the Oregon Short Line-, freight trains passing almost every hour. OALIFOKMA. Ching Sing, tho Ohiiminau, who was to have been hanged at San Jose, Nov. 10. for the murder of a countryman, died that morning from the effects of opium taken to commit suicide. At San Francisco, Nov. 10, the bar was breaking badlv when the whaling bark Helen Mar, fi'.imj Fox islands ntte'iij tod to cross, i The use of iifU-en gallons of whale j oil made it very smooth and she j came in easily. The Areata hotel at Eureka was burned Nov. 10. Tobias Barnhill, of Areata, and Geo. A. ; Knight, a commercial traveler, per- i ished iu the flames. Other build-; incs adjoining were destroyed, j Twenty-three horses were erer.iat-1 ed. j At San Francisco tho firm ofl which Pun Garp, who was found murdered on Monday was a mem- j ber, has offered 2000 reward forj the detection of the murderer. j At Los Angeles, Nov. 21, the ju-! ry in the case of San Jose Pi ha, I on trial for the murder of Aranq-j hillo Martinez, at Sau Monies, a! few weeks ng. returned a verdict ; of manslaughter. j A SIMPLE ASSAY. i How to Stake One By an Kay Method. ! This simple method f r a.-eor-1 tniniug the amount of gold obtain-! ed from quartz is from the Sun ; rranciucoVmVij AVnVir: 'First' weigh the quartz dry. Then weigh i in water sut pending the quartz by a tlueid. Next divide the dry weight bv the difference betweeu wet and dry (adding decimals if necessary). Subtract from this result the weight of quartz (usual ly 2o0 or 2(11 for free gold, but 2"ii to 270 if filled with sulphu-rr-tes.) Multiply this result by the v. eiglit of gold, viz: 128. Then multiply this amount by the re sult of subtraction of wet from dry. The result will lie, after pointing off all decimals that have beer? ad ded, the exact weight in gold. Getrim: tor Street Curs. A jt. Louis physician asks if men are nat urally wiser than women, or if they learn more readily from exparieuoe and observation. He watched one Sunday evening at a certain street corner the paa.jerigers who alighted there for three hours, and j,-ives the following as the re sult of his observation: Twenty-two la dies 'ft off the cars, sixteen with their fa.:es to the rear, three got straight off the car, and three with their faoes front ing the sanii) way the our was going. During the same time, nt. tho same place, forty-live men" got off. Thirty of these had their faces tho way the oar was go ing, eleven got off straight, and none with their faces - turned backward. There m only one proper way to got off cny veliialo, that is, with the face turned toward the direction in which it is goitiit or would go if it was in motion right foot first it getting off on the right aide, left foot first if on the left side. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard OfflttK The Pallos. Or., Oct. 2(1, 1RMI1. Now:j is iKMcby ttivon Unit flut f'lllnwillft r.iillil n -et .i(!v hits till!,! llnticH of llie intHlltioil to r. iiUc i'.:t:i! prool' in Hnpiim-f of his nl.iim, anil Hi'1: -:iiil jnunf will by nmild hyfnre tlie county jii.if of Morrow county, ut ilcnpnor, Or., on ihm. SI, vte: Ifeinnu Caldwell let. 1.11, fr ti.o .NK'.i See 11. Tp 4 S, It M E, W. 'A. '. i.;iin.i t!i" Toilnwiiiff vilm sHPH to prove hlH f .iitoiiH.ns r'-.iJdi!(;M upon, uiui uuluvntiuu ot. Mill 1:mL via: .vii iji'w !nod, OhlT E. ,Tmiea, Jamea H. Jones, j-r.-. Aeiith.Krtit, or uukIH Mile. or. ;;l5-:) 1'. A. McDonald. Kcuiutor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. l.nnil t.Ex-f lit Ln(immlo.Or.,Oot. 17. '611 No! it-;- is !;-.;-i.!i; von t lint, tin following-named Hi'tiU r til.'Q noiicv of his intention to ninke ii mil uroof m saimnrtof mai'tuim. una that mud Iiiool witi lie muilo hefitro the county clerk of iiioirow county, lit lleppiier, Oregon, ou Nov. l, 1M5I, ra; Albert 11, Stamp, BjS. No. Willi, fiirtlm W'iSWiidfc S'i NWSi tier. III. 'I i, -JS.i;. 27 K. lie mo. tlio following wiliiesKos to prove corn .nuous ri.'snlenco upon, anil cultivation oi, wio.'i .unii, viz: Uonry V fntle, .1. Deviu, Foster Ad nns ami S. N. Moi.'.m. a,i of llominer. Or. An1 rs.ip. Vt'lio ii'.'sirt's to protest nainst the nlli'Wi'n.io o, itr.cii piotir, tir vlio knows ot any sithsutie inl ivnsor,. Muter tlie law mid the reimln I ioun of the interior department, why such proof h .(! il noi mi nljowei . wi 1 he I'tven an oimortu. :uty ut, l tie nh.ive mentioned lime and plneo to ero-i-i-eM'.Miiie tee wilne.-eee ot said claimant. und I o oiler evidence in rehuttiil of that Hubruit- teit t.,y elniuiaiit. ;J11-1'. Husky liiN&HAUT. ltoister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Oitl.-e tit The Dalles. Or..'" Oct. lii. 'Kit. ut iee is le'rehy f,'iven Lliai the roflnwillir-named Ke. i ler lias iiitd nel.iee of his intention to m;:'.' iteat proof in support of his itlaiin. imd tliat said proof wiii be made before fie eonmy jut; ;e of Atorrov county, tit llepyner, lie, on Dec. li-sH viz: Jjercnd Pniieiiia. I'd. 17 V,, to t:,e lot I ft HV! NWU Sec. 5. and lol 1 A i r.Kl, Sec. II. In. US. K. '. K. W. M. j 1.' tiimii-s t he i'ollowin j wiliiesses ro prove his con; tenons residence upon, and cultivatrbn of, 1 U riiianu M lson. (Jeo. Hioakinan, John T. Dickens and Dan nice, all of Unrdiruin. Or. 3il-:ii'.i. 1''. A. McDonald, iteKister NOTICE OF INTENTION. Eand. O'Uce at The Dulles Or.. Oct. 211, Net ice is hereliy iriven that the fnllowinK- rnm, ,t seitit.r lias hied notice ot lus intention to make iiiiitl proof in support of his claim, and ttinc i-.iid prooi will be made hetore the county clerk of fjorniv,' comity, ut Heppner, Or., on Dee. -Jl, 1SKII, vis: (,'liarles L. Peed. D.S. (i.!7t. fortho WSSK'iSeo SH, Tp 5 8, H 25 E and lot-:; and 1. Seed. J'p (IS, It 20 E W.M. lie names the following witnesses In prove his eoiKtnnous resilience u()on, auu cultivation ol, Sletl Inlet. viz: : lj. W. I oleiretn. G. W.rhnpin, W. Kobinson, Levi i!..n.-ltrd. of llardman. (Jr. I -r.o E. A. .IIcIJonald. Hkoistkb A. H. TYSUN. Tyson & Boyed, Contractors, Builders and Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, desigus and estimates for all kinds of buildings. OFFICE, UPPER MAIN ST., HEPPXER, - OREGON, t mm THE GAZETTE j.s me. jjcm yy ccicui taper m Has'crn Oregon, yet many residents of our counly 'i.nd 'lho immense coun try tributary to U, do not take. HE GAZETTE Or any other Lira Xewspttper. THEY MUST HAVE TK GAZETTE Al least, mid in order to beneJU our friends irho secure vew :u:!iscri.)fie,ns, we have pre pared a Mammoth List of l'rcmnims. UEUE A HE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppner Gazelle nt S2.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wngon (iH inch axle), worth $100. The getter-upof n club has the choie of any make in the market. 100 subscribers secures a good lot in the Loouey additon. Will sell for S250 in one year. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth 890. 170 subscribers, 885 worth of provisions from Heppner's stores. ItiO subscribers, uu 880 organ plain finish. A good instrument 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 1 10 subscribers, . a good road cart, harness ond genuine whale bone whip, worth 8S0. 130 subscribers, one fine Sau Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand made Mexican spurs aud a pair of "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price 8to. 120 subscribers, S00 worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, - eeren drawers. . Attachments go with machines. Worth 55. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A fine high-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth SoO. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit. Price $50. 00 subscribers, a good $45 sad dle and a quirt a set of 'double buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth $37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth $35.00. 65 'subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-C0 cal., and f ullre loading outfit, worth SS32.50. 60 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver huntint? case watch, worth. $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 48 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassimere two dress pat terns, worth $24. 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts' revolver, 45 cal., blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth $21. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddlea Winchester rifle or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a Bplendid sofa. 38 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith. & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 4570 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4i inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 26 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13. 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap nt $12. 16 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. 13subscribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner .flour or a pair of boots, either worth $6. ' 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or .mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" flour; worth $4.50. ' . 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men s or Indies' shoes. 6 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plate sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette, 3 subscribers will take any arti cle in the market worth $1.50 2 subscribers, $1 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc.,.etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will got a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to, the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HEPPNER GAZETTE You represent o Live Paper one that is well established and which never fails to Give News in fact, it is what itpu rports to be a NE WS PAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any oue can secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort. If you do not want those offered, you have the privilege of taking something else. If you have Cash Subscriben enowgli, you will have no trouble to load yourself down with wares from Ileppner's stores. . this is no "fake." we must Have more subscrib ers FOR TIIE GAZETTE, MOltE READERS OF NE 1VS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE for Sumple Copies and go to work at (nice. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till Jan. i, 1890. When I tj Cmtl I do not mean mertlft top Uii'tn for a Ume, tod then have ttiem rt turn (raln. I MBaX A RADICAL &;&. i bvu made Um diMM of FITS, EPILEPSY or rAT.T.TTSTO SICKNESS, A lito-lons; study. I war -trr oy randy Up C'CH St the worst csfl. jUrcnuse other, bavs) f loled is no reason lor not now receiring a rare, fcend as once for a trcauc tad a 1 ukb BorrLa ot my Infallible UEX'or. Gire txpresa nd rost OSce. it costa too noeimg lor m trial, aiid It tnii coo jon. A udrey H. C. ROOT, M .C, I S3 Puci St, Mra Yau 5(" fitS r;