THE GAZETTE. IIEITNEU. THURSDAY, Not. 28, 'an. RAILROAD TIME TABU. I riur.a on tlie AVillnwCr'k Branch arrive nt anil leave tho clulerent matioiib daily Kunduys, oh follows: Un. 18 (Miioil :3 r. M. Ar. 6:1! WETl'WAH D. 5-1" ' 4:40 " 4:JI " 8:3(1 " 2:M " 8:10 " ' Lv. PM Ar Hpppiier. IjexiiiKlun. lone. JliiiiKliiHa. Willows Junction" 10::il) Arlini;hm. A r, 2:20 Portland Lv 7:4ri Lv. 1M a. h " 8:)" " " 8:51" " " :a (1:40 " " Kortliorn Vacitic trains east leave Arlington daily 2:20 l M.; Roinis went, 10:1S A. M. Union l'acillc trains east, 4:10 A. M.;oing Wdfct, 12:30 P. M. 1 J, C. HAltT, Aiient. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stnce lonves for Canyon City daily, except Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M. Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 5:00 p.m. There is a saving of 16 boors in time and 510 in cash by taking this route to Canyon. O. W. Lmnlar & Co., 429, Fifth St., Portland, Or., are authorized to make ' advertising contracts for the Gazette. They will also make collections for this paper. Here and There. Bring us in soino wood on subscription. Old papers at the Gazette oflioe at 75 oents per 100, or two bits a bnticu. tf. Mr. & Mis. E. Minor nre expected home from the East in a few days. Mr. Price, representing A. Sohilliug & Co., was in town last week. Walter Kichardson returned Monday from a trip to the Sound t ouutry. A. A. Roberts returned from a busi ness trip to Portlrnd last Saturday. W. A. Johnston was called below Tues day on account of dangerous illness of hiu wifo. Married At the City Hotel, Heppnor, Nov. 2ii. bv Hon. Wru. Mitchell, George M. Wright to MinsAddie Deut. The change of time on our Willow creek branch brings in the train at 5 p. m. However, the timo of lea'vina is the same, 7 :4" n. m. After diphtheria, scarlet fever or pneumonia. Hood's tiarsapnrillu will (liva strength to.tbo system and expel all poison from tho blood. When yon pans through Long Creek, stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har disty House. The table ie always sup plied with the best in the market. Ben Emriok is bade on the Heppner branch in the enpaoity of "Con," niuoh to the delight of his friends, Conductor Kolley having resigned his position. Mr. Williamson, the rustling agent of the New York Life, returned last Fri day, and is still with the Heppner colony doing good where the opportunity offers. Eememljer that all pnid up subscribers to the Gazette aro entitled to a brand cotioe, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than $2 to the stookman. tf. Spuds are spuds this year, briskly at VA cents per pound. Bunobgrass rare- iv fuiU in Hm tirodnotion o potatoes, but this year the crop fell short consid erably. Two prostitutes and a "pimp"' were waited on by our local oommittee eu "law and and ordor" last Monday night, and on Tuesday morning they all pulled , xiut for othor pastured. The Oresrou woather bureau will short- ay begin telegraphing weather matters to Observer Smith, at Heppner, who will announce them-to the pnblio by displaying signal flags. J. II. Allen, of Eight Mile, was m town yesterday and paid this office a plens l..fiuit Mr Allen nut in 90 aoies of wheat this fall in autioipation of a boun tif ul harvest next season. '' Taylor Podaon returned last Thursday f.m TtWhnvBi). on the Sound. This town is still booming and new residents are added daily. Frank. Mol lougall has his new store iu operation and is doing a rushing business. The Portland Journal says : Any or gauization of women or men must prac ?;. i,nni,af.v Mil instioe if it becomes i 'onniinninir nower for good in the world. Let the Women's Christian Temperance Union measure its work by tbis rule. CaDtain Waters, of Harney, stopped ;n nnt.nor lant Thursday night, L,'m TTriilnv mnrnine for Burns. He nwmn,l one renorter that be would shortly establish a paper at his place, republican in politics and radically anti Swamp King. One of our popular merchants had an mnplensant experiene yesterdtiy with an jriesponsible debtor, and is now of the opinion that to trust some poople is Bha- ky business, uacn oi bpuo ther comments. fjftProfessor Loisette's Memory system ft oreating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persons wishing to improve their memory should Bend for his prospectus free as adver tised in another column. 4S-M. Eli Keeney,1 of Arlington, purchased the Belvedere saloon property last week paying therefor 84,000. Jons. Davidson still superintends the dampening depart ment of this popular resort, but will like ly retire from the business next spring. Robert G. Morrow, representing B. L. Polk & Co., the publishers of the Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho Gazetteer and business direotory, was in Heppner yes terday do ivering tue new puuuua. No business man can aftord to be out this direotory. Cass Matlock and son, Dee, came -m ionfllton lust week with the ..j,.i, T!or,n Tnn. Lady Duffy, Jim Miller, Oregon Hose, Koly Boly and Alta. Tbey ore preparing winter qunr- 1 era for their horses on Tom Matiot'K s ,ranch on Hinton creek. Died-In Eight Mile on the2nth inst., ,of diphtheria, lone, wiie of Robert Kuighten, aged 1G years.. The young .couple were married about two montlia ago. The husband, and parents, Mr. and Jthe. L. J. .Shnner, have our sympathy. The first "Past Mail" train to Portland was ditched about two miles this side of Union, while passing through snow shed No. 2. Aside from damage to the track and snow shed and broken crook erv iu the dining car, the Iobs was slight. None of the pansengers were hurt. The Badijet mentions the return of Thomas Keaney and his sous Frank and John from Washington with most of their horses. John has returned to bring the balance. They say if deep snow - falls this winter there will bo heavy loss es on the big raises of Waslungton, which are overstocked aud the grass is short. The Pendleton Daily Tribune is a bright, newsy sheet, but it is the Ua zrtte's opiuion that it will make Pen dleton scratch to support two daily pa pers. However, both the new daily and the E. U. seem to have considerable bus iness, which speaks well for Pendleton Joe Williams exhibited to the Gazette force, last Thursday, a piece or ore irom one of Newt Williams' mines m the Greenhorn district, which shows free cold ns thick as raisons in a well-appointed frnit cake. If Greenhorn has mm.i with nrp like the sneoimen J us. it is not a bad locality in which in nn mininu property. ti, linrr Creek Eaaie and tie Hepp ner Gazette, $3.00 a year, strictly id ad vance. The regular subsciption price of both papers is Meppner peop e, von should know something abont the V Avn.l tr trot TheWullula Herald says that there is one railroad running through Pasco. The map.t published by the Headlight, showsev n. The Pilot says Hunt in tendf to In, Md a round house at Pasco. Tne HenM doubts ii because Hunt has riteveua branch road tunning there. except snob stuff is for the man who does uut go aud put his "eye on Pbsco." They have a beor war over at Baker City as we learn from the Blade. One Peer hall proprietor annouuead to sell at five cents per glass, another two for a nickel. Teams paraded the streets with oarriages decorated with Hags Jand ban ners, advertising the eventful news, and the beer drinkers were jubilant that the days of cheap beer had come. On last Thursday night, this region was visited by the first fuow of the sea son. On Fridny, oousiderable snow fell but it melted as fast as it struck terra firma. A chiuook wind completed the annihilation of what snow remained, and grass reoeived a good soaking there bymuch needed and appreciated by ranobers and stookmen. Col. Ingersol, claim agent of the O. E. & N. Co., went to the Umatilla Agonoy, Nov, 20, and paid about $2000 for losses by fire and injuries to property by In dians on the reservation. The Indians were much pleased at the exhibition of justice and liberality of tho company. Mr. F. M. Wilraorth and wife; nocom panied by sons J. H. and F. M., parents and brothers of Mrs. W. F. Huark, are over from Idaho with a view of locating in this section. They will remain m Heppner this winter, and then will de termine as to their future residence. Charles Cuuningham was brought be fore Justice Garrett, aud John S. Gulli ford before Justice Bishop yesterday, charged with violating the law, by driv ing scab stock through the oounly with out a permit from the stock inspector. Both were held to answer. Coyotes are becoming quite plenty, and and are bold enough to visit ben roosts right in Heppner town. Sheepmen re port many depredations by them. They attack hands in broad daylight, aud kill sheep despite the vigilance of herders. While butchering hogs out at Gid. Boyer's ranch last week, Geo. Luttlrel discovered that one of the porkers was provided with the oouvenieuce of two milts. In other words, it had an abundance of spleen. The Albany Herald reports that Mor mon missionaries are proselyting iu that section of Oregon and warns all immi grants to beware of them. The new col ony the Mormons are seeking settlers for is said to be in Mexico. The California Specialists took in Heppner this week on their way out to the main line. On account of the clos ing up of all public places, their per formances consisted of the "pass the hat" variety in our saloons. Over at Illwhacko, Wash., the sooiety bloods take a shot at the young ladies who refuse to danoc with them. One young man found himself in hand-cufTs a few days ago over a racket of this sort. Commercial Agent Smith, atMayeuce, Germany, reports to the de artment at Washington that high pnoos for meat prevail in that country. United States beef is iu demaud,butbriugs poor prices. Pendleton Tribune gives a cheerful description of the new Indian school building which will soon be erected near Pendleton on the reservation. The prob able cost is estimated at $50,000. E. G. Hirsch, of Baker City, Or., at present au examiner iu thepeusiouolfioe, has been made a traveling examiner, with headquarters in Califoruia. It is with pleasure that we announce to our readers a continuation of the adver tising business of the Koyal Baking Pow der Co., their ad. appearing on the first page of this issue. Mr. James Koyse came over from Idea with his son, Arthur, last Saturday. The young man will attend the tleppner school tins winter. Charley Williams, the supposed robber of the Canyon stage, who was arrested at Lone Bock, was released, he haviug proved an alibi. Thanksgiving is being observed to-day in the good old form. Even the "prints are tilling themselves with gastric disturbances. This office waR the recipiont of a call last Friday from Misses Lou Gilmore and Nira Minor, the former one of Ar lington's oharmiug daughters. T. G. Dundas. who formerly resided oi. Newton rauohe, returned last week from Novia Scotia, and will probably lo cate here again. No new cases of diphtheria are report- Hay Fob Sale. Ransom Lienallen has about tiO ton of good bay for sale at his ranch near Wells Springs. 48 9. A Neat Stock - The Cazetth job de partment has in stock a tine assortment of wedding goods, invitation and visiting cards, ball programmes, aud in all, the most oomplete job stock ever brought to the city. We do not have to send for goods when you order work. Call in and get prices before wasting money on outside concerns. tf. , Was Innocent. Aaron Brassfield, of Umatilla county, who was arrested and taken to Fosoil on a charge of crooked ness in selling to Geo. Zaobery two horses which were olainied by Mr. Snel ling, of Uardmau, Morrow county, was honorably discharged. He established his innocence of evil intent by produc ing his receipt of purchase of the horseB from J. L. Rand, and other evidenoes which were pouvincing, that he acted in good faith in the transaction. The SiiNatohial Boom. The Ga zette's short locnl lust week, noticing the talk among the people of Morrow, Grant and Harney counties of making our Heppner townsman, Henry Black mail, their next joint senator, hasoreated quite a boom for our worthy mayor. The idea has become quite popular and the hardy ranchers who are coming into Heppuer every day from all parts of Morrow and away dowu in Grant, are delighted, and Bay they are determined to place the interest of their district in the senate in the care of Henry Blaok- man. Tliey know nun to De nouest. trusty aud true. To Conscoiptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, nftor suffering for several years with a severe lung attections ana that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known tu his fellow suffor- rs the means of care. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of harge) a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure oure for oon- nmptinn, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, aud all throat and lung maladies. He hopos all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiriug the prescription, which will oost them noth ing, aud may prove a blessing, will please address! Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, King's couutv. New lork. ed, and it is hoped that the epidemio at an end. Senators Dolph and Mitchell have re ceived their commissions as delegntes to attend the silver convention at bt. Louis, Dan Hornor and Abe Wells left last week with a oar load of horses for the Sound market. Mat Musgrove. representing Murphy Grant & Co., visited Heppuer last week, O. Flemming was over from happy Haystack the first of the week. The capture of white owls is announced in various parts ot tins county. Phil Heppner, of Arlington, spent last Sunday with relatives in neppuer. Hon. T. E, Fell returned Tuesday from Portland. J. L. Smith, of Walla Walla, is town. with- Gold Quartz on Bdncugrass. The report oomes to Heppner, and is verified, to some extent, by some of our citizens, that quartz has been disoovered in pay ing quantities on the ranch of Ben Math ews. neBr Alpine. Twenty years ago, a miner was passing through this section, presumably on the old emigrant road, and while in the vicinity of the present find, discovered float gold in sufficient quantities to insure the presence of gold bearing quartz in the vicinity. He wan dered to Eastern soenes, and only re cently returned to the Alpine region to investigate the prospect, which he found to be good enough on whioh to locate rights. Two olaims have already been looated and recorded. ment bfore he entered the m.mntains. It may be that after jonrneying in the mountains the horses strayed and the yonng man perished in the oanyons, or that he reached the settlement, disposed of his auimals and was then murdered fey; the money in his possession. Salem Statesman. EAGLETS. Effervescing Bita Plncked from the ricrenniiiii Eagle, Long ("reek'B Strong Keprf mut ative. Dr. B. F. Vaughan, Heppner's dentist, arrived in our section last Monday. fl. F. Goff went over to Canyon last week as a witness in the "necktie party'' given in honor of. Peter Sullivan. He returned ou Saturday reporting it a suc-ess. Heppner is enjoying a gentle boom ac cording to recent reports from that place. The hotels and restaurants are crowded eaoh day and every business firm is disposing of more goods this fall than ever before. PostniaBler Goff is in receipt of the proper papers from the department at Washington authorizing him to receive bids for the carrying of a semi-weekly mail from Long Creek to Susnuville from January to June when aperinanent route will be established. Mr. William Gilohrist, of Warm Springs, informs this office that he has his residence completed, and that be ex pects to erect immediately suoh other houses ns are neoessary for making the springs a comfortable pnblio resort. He expeots to open np next season with everything oomplete, so that persons de siring to visit there oan be properly onred for. Last Wednesday the suit of Rosie Johnson vs. Milt Hamilton, a suit to re cover a horse, came up in our Justice's court. The oase seemed to be one of in-' terest nnd throughout the entire day the justice's temple was orowded. The jury after being out threo hours gave in a ver dict in favor of the plaintiff, as the horse had once been given her for ccrtaiu services. The Great California Specialty Com pany made their appearance in Long Creek last week and instead ot being a company of merit they proved to be a very common set of "hoodlums," travelling through the country professing to be something. They gave their entertain ment at the ball on Thursday and Fri day nights, being composed of olog danoes and stale rhetorical exeroises that had been worn out by the publio years ago. Those who saw the com pany, pronounce them a natural curios ity, being an immovable nothing as long as without free access to sheepherder's delight and other poisonous drugs. Such a mob ought to be hooted out of the country, aud the intelligent citizens of our ueiirbboriniz towns would do well to exercise plenty of toe music, and not let the "vans" rest until they seek some other employment for a livelihood. THE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor Uuited W. O. MINOR, -Successor to Minor, Dodson A Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS,, CLOTHING, Oents' lt i r ia 1 1 i 1 ts Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, sa Shoes, WOOD WTITvTOWr WARE, aqricultur a i mplements, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything nsually kept in a first-class store, oall on W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET. HEPPNER, OREGON. Brethren Chnroh, -Blue says: "I feel it my duty No Failure This Time. On last Thursday eve, the town council of Hepp ner met in special session to oonssder the matter of contracting with the Em pire Well Augur Co., of Ithaca, New York, to bore an artesian well in Hepp- '. The terms of the contraot met with the universal approbation of the oonncil, who instructed Mayor Blackmnn and Eecorder Eea to. sign said instrument and return immediately, whioh was done. This company proposed to bore a well of 500 feet at the rate ot 35 per foot. furnishing fuel for their engine and pay ing freight on machinery from their works in the East. They also agree to bore any additional number of feet at the same rate. As mentioned in our last issue, our people are now dealing with reliable meu, nnd not with wind-bags. A telegram was sent to the well company last Friday morning notifying them of the aooeptance of the contraot, and work will no doubt commence in the near future. Mound, Kan., to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Disoovery has done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased, and my parishoners thought I could live onlv a few weeks. I took five hotl es of Dr. Knur's JNew JLMscovery aim am sound aud well, gaiuiug 26 pounds in weirrht." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After thorough trial and convincing evidenoe, T am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, beats 'cm aU. andoures when everything else fails. The great est kindness I can do my mauv thou sand friends is to urge them to try it.' Free trial bottlesat A.D.Johnson & Co.'s Drug Store. Eegnlar sizes 50 oents and 81.00. " GRANT COUNT V. UMATILLA COUNTY. Werton Leader. Nov! 11). Over seventy shares of stock has been subscribed to Weston's Loan nnd Build ing association. John Morehouse and T. J. Anderson took over last Thursday to the Govern ment inspector at Walla Walla, a large and of horses. E. It. Ingersol, claim agent for the O. B. & N. came in last night. He is set tling up claims for stock killed along the line of his road. Pendleton Tribune: Hugh Fields, the "sheep king" of Oregon was in the city yesterday. Mr. Fields ownes 28,000 sheep and is looking over his ilocks. John Morehouse informs us that he oontemplates setting aside a certain ni ark ftfLhis oronertv for park purposes, nlauting the same in shade trees, laying off walks, drives, etc. Messrs. Ault & Halm, are engaged in boring for water on Mr. Win, Whit man's place east of town. They have reached n depth of 105 feet aud report the very best indications for water. THE LATEST OUT. A Daily Throngh Car service has been established by the Chicago, Union Pa cific A Northwestern Line between Port land nnd Chicago via Council Blufw, thus offering to the public facilities not given bv any other line. "The Limited Fast Mail" which runs daily between the above points, carries the Overland Fast Mail, a limited number of first-olass without extra charge, and is composed of Pullman Vestibuled Sleep ers and Pullman Dining Cars, Portland to Chicago via Council Bluffs. This is another indication that the Union Paeitio is desirous of meeting the requirements of the people. For in formation in regard to this line, apply to J. C. Hart, Agent O R. k N. Co.. Hepp ner. Or., or to A. L. Maxwell, G. P. & T. A., Portland, Or., Jl-90- AN URGENT CALL. A Congressional Favorite. The press in several parts of the state are presenting names of prominent candi. datos for the state offloes who are favor ites of their localities. A few weeks sinoe the Gazette referred to Hon. W. R. Ellis as being a favorite of his friends of Morrow county for oongress. In no ticing which, the Salem Statesman says: "Hon. W. R. Ellis, of Morrow, is mentioned as well as C O. Beek man, of Jaokson. These are both good and true republicans and would do honor to the position, but there is no positive irdioation that they are candidates, any more than there is in the oase of Mr. Hermann." We have seen no authorized announcement on the part of Mr. Ellis, but he has a large following in Eastern Oregon who will probably present his name for consideration. At least, that is the indication of the drift of sentiment in these parts. Guide Boards. Persons unacquaint ed with the publio roads of tho oonntry are greatly annoyed by not finding guide boards ereoted at all of the intersections of main roads. The maintaining of guide boards is made incumbent on the county rond supervisor and his failure to do so is punishable by an admonitory fine. The law regulating these guide boards is as follows: 8ec. 4094, "Every supervisor shall erect Bnd keep up at the forks of every highway and every crossing of public roads within bis road distriot a guide or finger board, contain ing an inscription in legible letters di. reoting the way and specifying the dis tance to the next town or public place sitnated on ench road respectively." We expect every road supervisor in Morrow oounty to rnsb around to the Gazette's home to thank its boss for this informa tion. We shall expeot in vain. This law in Morrow is like Heppner's oow ordinance. From the Grant County News. Bill Sbumau started on the 15th with a band of horses for Iowa or Illinois. Haystack aud Dayville folks aro de termined to build a good wagon road to Heppnor, their nearest railroad point, It is to be hoped Grant county will not be called upon to execute any more very soon; two within seven months doinir nrettv well for a oounty where murderers have generally been acquitted notwithstanding the enormity of their crimes. We did not learn of the sad calamity which befel ex-County Clerk Mael, last week until too late for publication. His house and all its contents burned, th lire originating, it is thought, from defective stove pipe, BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chih Mains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfeel satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by A. D, Johnson & Co. Heppner Feed Yard! Is the place for Teamsters to stop. II HAT ID FREE-STALL ROOM PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT ! 7TTr77r7IY& Tf) mm TrPrTTTlT The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandiser To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called ccB1o.c1ilxxxo.xi.9s Best" Is unsurpassed for durrbility, Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. ;j In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade.' Free Camping Houset n Whole Bailey and Chop for Sale. KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Mam St., Heppner, Or. Buy Your Millinery OF Mrs. S. P Garrigues. She has All the Lntost Styles in FALL AND WINTER HATS, DRESS GOODS, Etc. CALL AND SEE MKS. GARRIGUES' Large Stock of LADIES' FURNISHINGS Before Purchasing Elsewhere. SOUTH SIDE MAY STREET, Special Inducements in Sheep Sip Tobacco, mm r, Lime, lire, HEPPNER, OREGON. SPERRY'S TCOTfTr TDTTrTrSU Machinery, Bto. A personal inspection of our Mammoth btook will oonviuce the publio that we oarry the goods required whioh will be sold at Bedrock Prioes for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else- where. We gunrentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget The Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Maiu Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marvelonsly low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. MANUFACTURE THE Bakers' Patent Flour, Better and cheaper than grades shipoed into this market. A. D. Johnson & Co. TIIK: CITY DRUG STORE, HEPPNER, OREGON. $15.00 a Ton. 18.00 a Ton. Having added steam pewer and having all tho facilities of the best mills, the supply will at all times equal the demand. Bran . Mill Feed Flour $3.75 per barrel in 5 barrel lots; single barrel $4.00, When you coino in for your full 'supplies, call for Sperry's Flour. -Sole Agents tor Morrow County lor- little's FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZER. P. O. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON An old man named Louis Mar was killed near his home four miles below the Cascades on the Washington side some time ago, bis body heinx found in atield last week It is supposed timt he was murdered for hiH money. When found, an old shotgun was lyiug aoross bis body put there for the purpose of conveyine the idea that bo had suicided. The house was rnnflacked and every, tiling torn up, showing conclusively tbut it was not suicide. A couple of men who had been camping near by were missed at the same time, aud it is probable thoy are the guilty parties. Wasco Sun. Messrs. I) D. Dennis and Paul BouIod bad the pleasure of dining with Henry Rasmus and family on last Friday week. On Sunday following they enjoyed the hospitable board of J. B. Kimons and wif. On lust Sunday thev broke bread with the Gazbtth man nnd family, and afterward spent the evening pleusnntly with Henry liiackman nndfnruily Missing. About two months ago a young man named Gordon, of Wasco, left his mother's farm driving a band of horses to the Willamette valley over the Casoade mountains, the proceeds of All those owing acoountJ to the under- call ami settle, lntormr hnsmess r T fumed are requested to ut eZt Take toe representative either by cash or note, by Dec. 15, 18S9. V&pf'r of that section, at kast. and be na7e accommodated you. gentlemen, poted on matters over there. The F.a- tQrn do ug B faTor gn(1 jt wii ue gle and Gazette, both for Si .W a Roberts & KimoKS. lur one year's subscription. tf. appr.mieu. These gentlemen left Tuesday morning for Walla Walla, ni.d expressed tnemseives well pleased with Heppuer and her hospitality. An Itulian outfit nmnsed Heppner's people last Saturday with the antics of a taine bear, whieh showed but little less Intelligence than its owners. Both the bear and Italians understood how to col lect "ze mooney in a damaged tambour ine, and after picking up all the loose cbnuge the bystanders felt like throwing away, the procefsion of novelties struck out f'.ir Lexington. ITS EXCKLLENT QUALITIES Commend to pnblio approval the Cali- which he intended to devote to s course J fruit remedy Syrup ot Figs, of study at the Business oollege in Port- j jt ; piea9in(! to the eye, and to the taste land. His mother packed his trunk and j an(, by gentIy on thg kidneys, sent it to bis address in Portland. ,jTer Bn,j r)OWeis. t oleausos the system Nothing has been heard from him and ; efferXnayi thereby promoting the health the trunkhas not been called for. The su(, oolnfrt of all wuo uw jt. mother if wild with grief, and cannot ' conjecture what has become of her dar ling boy, whether he has been murdered or perished in the mountains. All in quiries made, elicit no reply. Every ef fort has been made to know whether he has arrived at his destination, but the late9t information the mother bat is ! when yonng Gordon left the last settle- Ir. B. F.VAUOHAN. 13 K is" T T H T. DLATEWORK A SPECIALTY. Extracting and Filling by the Latest and Most Improved Mi-thuds. All Work Guaranteed. Office Leezer & Thompson's building Muin St., over E. 3 Hloc-nrii's drug store. i J. B. HEPPNER, V SI l SPERRY, Proprietor OREGON. T ine , $4 Calf Shoes, But ton, Lace or Con gress. EV E HYPAIIIWAH 1 1 ANTE I ) ! Also nn Extensive Line of the Celebrntod Puckinglmra ifc Heclit Boots Always on Hand. THE LARGEST STOCK IN EASTERN OREGON. Special Attention Paid to Kine Custom Work. Opposite City Hnfol, Main Street.- HEPPNER, - - - 0KEOON- rniinumiiAKi' ir wan I UUL5 A Specially!!! PUMPS And Piping always on Hani -DEALERS IN nv rt nn mwnim i.inn tow llllHUltj Wood and Willow Ware, 13ml Ciiges, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and n complete Hdb of Groceries ami Confectionery MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OR EGO. AT IU. J. SLOOUM'S- You will find a Complete Supply of JDl'U-s, Patent Medicines, Paints Oil.s, Glass, Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars' A Oomplete Line of School Books nnd Stationery. Free t exelniiiKe on Nutioual Headers. Tlie Finest aucl Most Complete fcftools. t Oolcl Feua lzx Eatorn Ore(t'. . Prescriptions Filled Leezer & Thompson oorner, ! : : Main Street, HEPPNER, OilEGO W. A. KIBK. J. a HATl IB5 PIES -DEALEK8 IS Saddles, HarnesWhips, Spurs, and every Coi ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. ReiJcilrlrig: ti Speolnlty Kept Constatly ob hand tlie Celebrated Heppner Go to tUeir store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted i five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their maobines and get oash prioes. MAIN STREET, - HEPrNER, OREGON.