1 . "i g ; . . f ' . I (iF.NERVL 1 F.K. HKACH, - President. Pacific Fire 9 Portland, : : Capitol Stock, Sf;;300,000. Otis Patterson, Agent, Heppncr Oregon. LUMBER! -AT- " W. G. SCOTT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mi 11 ? Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of USDUESSKD LUMBKU; also PICKETS LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES, ETC., ETC. -'Mill LooaWl 'at the-Head ot Willow Creek. 1G miles above Heipnr..g;3 NELSON JONES, Pres't. III MORROW 00 (Incorporated.) Warehouse General warding Agents. t'Tlui Company has reeenUij conatrucled a frn-sfnn warehouse 80x100 feet, teiJh wool press and all coa veriieners for linndUng wind. The Warehouse Chafes at 1epmer null, be the same as those a,t Arlington, less ea Hays. Freight upon baled wool from, llemaer, same as from Arlington. ' . , , . Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or iron, in sf'01"(.f $0 ' TIIERON K. FELL, MANAGER, -$2.00 SAVED- j by buying your Shoes of the Manufacturer, Kfe OiXlLY 2.50 M ti: X ' "tw, "i,a JMW'tk BUTTOET. 1ACI3. COKSBirSS. On raneipt of .SO an-1 t-voniy-flvn cctitn to pny cxwuwaw v will con.l on pair of our Fine Onir HIi.mk. Bwniloi" Vnmiw, oUhor I'utton, l-i-.o or OonKromi. Wa Use only sulaotort monk nnd tl.n twnt, Kr,rkin:mus. i.veiy i.n.t Warranted. Try our Shoes ouco uud you will buy no otilora, kWMonUon ami WIJIU uiU-1. Rfi:.l iw.i inl noli' or K. Y. .Wt, Wtlto your adilntn plainly, Towu, County ami .Slulo. ' CUSTOril BOOT & SHOE CO., ?AHT WHYSIOCTir, MAHW. TO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. HY WAY OF Til IE Southern Pacific Company's Cine TEE PIT. SHR3TR ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any OHinr Koiitc Between . Portia nd --- -San Francisco. Leave Vwtland at 4 P. -If., Dtiihj. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN RUrTLTSLLLPliKS TOURISTS SI.LIT'ING CARS, For Aniionimmlntion nf Srooucl-Clano riisaengera Attnoliml tn Kxprenu Trains. Kuru tnm T'orll.'itul to Hiiommciito anil yn l' mn uihuo: I'nlimllpil r' l.iiuiiiMi Kirst-ciiiKs an " ' WcilOltlli'laM, I' 'i'linmKh Ticili(ln to h11 roiutn Sunlh mill Knat, VIA CAWIDHNIA. Tlt'KKT OFKICKH: Cily Olllim, Ni. 1H4. t'omer Kirv t Jt Alitor filrt n!e Dupot Olliof, ('(irnnr 1'' im.J J-Vont Hlrci'lji, l'OUri.ANI), OIIWION. It. KCKIlI.Kll, V.. V. ItOIIF.IW. Mauaor. 'A,t. U. I1'- Hiul I irtM, A irl . N(rici'r Tiiii Drug, G I'ouoiy asd SALOON TRADE Morrow County YilU CAN HAVK T1MH ASI) MdNKY 11Y lillllltllISM CLIMAX BITTERS Dinner OF II. C. W 1 LLS, lONU, Oregon. THKT ABB TUB KISI1 OF AIjIj lUTrnllH l'iH Br.niin, i.ivmi, hthmaimi and BuWKL THurill.Ki TeAVITU. &' VAN A LATIN IS, NO. 953 1-S, ll(VAItl STHKnr, Man Prcnioloii Cfi1. you can suusciaiiK you ANY NEWSPAPER OrMuetixlue Wi nt AT THE GAZETTE SHOP. IF YOU WISH A COOO REVOLVER p.Si"VSE SMITH & WESSON'S Finest maHjQrn fciid the itnittiliiiI:vor all ejfperu. Mi otuiiirvs It, h nut 44-li a SliiKe or duublc aciktn. Kufuiv Ha itierleM &od flaunt utodelM. i hkhmI. c.art-tnUv liiKix-i-o-it Blt auitlllv wriiiiirtit Jor wurkraauKlifpaiidBtock. thiriuled forl sdiiiii auraonitr and aivut-ney. Vf nut b deceived by etivup malleable turn imiUUionM vtu-n sold for Ui tcenuiitP artlc,'. ThfV arts unro- iini'irj aim uanKeroilB. Tlio billTH K KhwiH JlK VutVEita are Uini.tKt upon the ham -I with flrni'n a amp, addnwH auddaltwof putetita, and an- iiimr Mule4 Wtiitsct. Iiinlut uiMtn having them, and If yi.ur dUr cannot nuiiply yuii, an order sunt toitd flrii blow wiUrewlvfproitint atteniln. iJwwrlj iiv iogije and prireiiixu appM'-riliou. fiMITtt 46 WKHKON, M, fcjprliigttvtil, itltH wm. jicfaIjTj w.r. iiimKi. i rirAntfl vi Lnnnm ni .'VicerresiM. K'Kii S rlillliilll Sllll Insurance Co. SEEEET, : : Oreuon. LUMBElt! E. it. 1USHOI', Troiis. Ul and For- Th CoIo'Srated French Cure, In euro "Arnrsuuirmc rufitinluif. IS Kot.I) ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cu i ts any fmmnf iiorvoiiH dixciise. or an v Vkl'VY. di.Moidt'i' af tho . BEFORE Ki'nendlvi! or- AFTER gane of t'illh'i' hcx whether inisliiK from the mccshlvo use ol atinnilimis, 'Jutimco nr Opium, or through youthful Indiscretion, ovitr iiidul. eiict', Ac, Hiicli as I.ons of Hniiii Tower, Wnkoful iiCKB, lU'Uiliipf down 1'hiiih lit tho lim it, Seminal WerduicHs, Hysteria, Nervous rroritrallou Norhmi r! Endxriiuii: , lMieorrlia'a, Diz.inuis, Wen it Mem ory, 1-osn of Power and ImiiU'iu'y, wlileh If ne glected often lead to premuhirooMiitrenud iiisnn lty. Prlco $1.00 a box, 6 boxen lor f..00 Sent by mall on receipt of price A W It ITT KN (iUAItANTKI1: for every ?,r)00 ordtr, to refund tlio money if a Permanent onto Is not effected. Tl) outturn! 8 of tcstiinontala Ironi old and youiif?, ol tmtlj sexes, pennanently i! ired by Ai'Iikoditink. Cireutw free. Addresa THE APHRO MEDICINE CQf WK8TKUN ItEtANCH HOX 27 POKTLAN D, Olt HoUl l.y A. J). Johnson Sr. Vo , Dnij; yiHtfl, lIcpinuT, Oregon. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only fJcnnfno Mtmiimh of Meniory Triilnluc J-onr Jtoli 1,1'iti'neil in one l-eudtutf, Ollud wuiitliM'intf eiireil. JSverr Hi i lil iind nilnU urciilly tienr Hlf ed. (Inmt imluooiiinni'! to 1 5i'rvuHpoinli.-uot tSluwuo. Pr-itiec''is, h'lth Opini'iiH .f fi'. W'nt, , limn. Itiotnl, lini wHil-l'i'ii.'i Si"i-t!ilii., in Mind Oih-'.'ishm, It ii nld ( ri'-'ilcn I Tlwimrt-oiH, t 'mynro, l,Vi-lin uftist, ,1. HI. II-m IJ m . .i.,f.litm-iit'tliit t'firl-t,ih Ait'"'nt A'. J , It.iduii'if I'fi-r-lo-, S-i IlttriH. V. W. A-t in' .1 nd -re l-i!iMi, .1 iiilali t?, II t" t I t it mi I tl-'r--. M-'iii (m I iv i'roi". A. J.Ol.SL'l'Ti:, 2M7 J .w i Ai-e., N. V 'i f& VOICE rHH's I V'J' " .'....mi ; 1 nn ..'iii-y t ' ' A "' lWI. I? If9 """"" ""J """" ","""- " j&h K""' " FvuW'fii 'VXiih" .ininkr fm i..ut Mlliuinal 'llm.il I."....' Ivl.i. II. iviVf' ''.,'SOinlirr..ii,il"ni iii'lid i'lii Ntitill f start OV in tins Imiiiu-s-., rrlor' W rite tuui itml I curt, ill limit 11 lur y.mvn If. M'ftMrlhtR M.H1.V; wt- will itml )u il vu itn t il' lK)' ""'il n.'iliiriilr) nhiail r v.'U hi itui .til '( rl n.iml i v. li.U Ukt' In-III vuu mil b' tiif tn I'i' k iii K..I.I frt-1 UiT' ICfilll -Ol Hi'i-i.uiil of a l. i. ill iiirt.Hin.i'tulri'i nli I .,04M r lultui lhotOUIll(ll Allium MO' lo l' mitl ) On l,.'..,,U. I'r ri-...l, It, .nil. I lit ii"Wll tllllit.-ll Silk-n.l I'Ui-li. L hNliiKiinU a.-O.-ltUi'.l iii.l.l,-.. llnllitri rol Hi 'l"li hui lit l.mft mm-, t.fisiii"! iMriiHiiu 1'ii't ktiiinn. Atr.iiU wMtilxil Lit., ml l. iitn. Ui tiimi.'j l.ir nyi-iiln. Anv kiu- In ii nn1 tiu I'mlu I ii " i'ii I fi'll ilxvir mi milil- litllii in lid talkiim m n i-mh , " liurvrr vlinivn, n iu nuun In mr- taki'i tuil. I .il tliii irmml tinnku i. t U hiil-ih Inhe lli"U-aiuU ul null'" rii'ilnv in-.T r kli. l Ml 1 1' makiiiK ti I, I il..llii-u tf.ni.iiiiU' lu Kim.. iXitihor, wliy im hnim !n AJJrc I; I'. AI.U.N fc L'O, AIulxia, MaisS AYrEVER P M t-.iu. n..S.?v--j vv-sso Ifl..t lfl-fltt' flU 1 1 17 iiiu vui v .yt' aV,, Elv'sCrmBalnV Cloiuiaos UieiVu-a' "ssneoB. Al-j Inya Iiritiumimtion. iuirils tho Soros, j Eoutoron tbe Suiisca of 'Itusto, Kuioil j and lloiuilig. i A liardcln 1.1 lpllrd hilornrlilinatrll and la aurr.-nblc. rrlrawOr. at llruaiilaia ur b. mm nn u c iMOi mi. r CATARRHi iHiUMU lilies! Thnmni-t wimHerf.t collivtinn of orHCticflL. re- n) vitlii-H-iil every-dny uho for the p'pte p-ihhslM-i or, thptfloV. A nmrvel of money wi?" iniiHinl uionfv ni.kint'f(rovfry ono ownmtrit. Thoiwwid of beautiful, helpful p-itcraviiiKH. Hhowintf jiiht how to 1 everything. .No wniw titinn: i.ntl.ii it like it in the uimvitmp. W Iimi ymi "ir-H th.it which i of Huh v1ii wtliw art Hu'. AM Hir;tr'iy lr-Hinin; ia ffn;:o hh-jii i (.ml loukinr for w.mi'll.inn iliorot.-l.l hr-t rhwi j at tui fxln'oplimirily low prirt. hIiouhI writ for ill M-ri lotion and tynimni 1 1" ni-t romai fcalih- j :Hlhii'vc:iiiMit in h ok-mnkitif tin;f( the world le- ; HT. I.Ol iSorPHILADKLPHIA. NOTICE OF INTENTION linHKicnut IjHlirnmROr.. Oct. 1ti. 'M. Noti:" in tKTohy utven that the following naiiu .i rett!er hit tiled notico of Lis lrtention to make liniil proof in mppor or run olaiiTi. mill that nu proof will rn? nii'dft Itefore titi county jiitic, or in hi ttbsencH before tho county clerk of Morrow county. Or., lit H ppn. Or., on Dec. 13, l-'. viz: Patrick t'uint IM. No. ."fcrtfi, for the H!i HKVi & K'i Hcc. asrp. is. .... (;. llcUHini-h the. foilnwine witne-tw-n to prove his coat iniious re.sidtiifc upon, mui cultivntiou of, h.'iitl land viz: J'Vhx .lohiiHon, Joha Aynrw. Jidm "Iiir-li.ill Andy Tillanl, 11 f Heppnor, Or. Ary neiHoii wh'j denin-rt to pntet luwinttlie , tdlowiine' of midi proof, or who known of imy i fiihstaiil reimon, under tin Inw urid the nvii ! hitionw of Jnli'i ior Dpiti tment, why nuch i pnmf K)ion)il not bo iiUowimI, will I tfiven an ! oppoi'lunity at the. ultovc-iimitioneii time ami ; pluca lo croHH-exuiTiirie the witneHH.'H of wild j cluinumt and to oiler evidence in rebuliul of tliut : Hiilmiil led 1 1 v rliMiiiimt. ARTHUR SMITH, IMiAOTlOA-Li WATCHMAKER! Noxt to First National Bank, tlElTNEK, OUEGON, Watches, A.. Clocks, WnttilioH Oleanpil, . MaiiiHurinKB fitted Optical Goods . 1.W. . fl.50. Alt work Quarunli'ed for one year. THIS 1'ICI151SI -oy- 8till OnutiuncN to Sell ; . - ::. w oijOCKS, At the Lowest Possible I'rin'n. A large stock of Gold Pens. Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of run licnii nildi'il tip )is liu-j'o unil well ijnliMiteil utoek, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL "Wor 1- 3riT iir a, n t c o cl . .aui.L..4 it. u:.... ii.j,,. t. i-.J.. 1.. U. I o - - OreitDii Californit'-t, Oeec;on and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. .1. H. U eii.ny, r)itj.t. llllil.V Hll'li III Hllll I'l'lllll lloi)IMll(if. Stlf.:!1 l.'JtVI'H lli'..ii'.- at ll;,:)i A, M, ArrivcH, 5;:H' l'. :M. riii;ilhlutl Ml.iiri' IraVdH 1 lt'ini;ll' I)::10 A. M. ' nrrivin " 4::l I1. M. l''urn In Alnnumi'iit, - . 85(X). Kuril to IVmll.'tnif; . . J.0l). K .1. SI.oeUM A CO., Am-HTH, Frm'lit 2 renin per pmilul. Jlepinier, Opi 8. 1'. 1'I.OItr.NeK. K FUlllKNtlir FLO 1 i IINCU HKOTUKUH, STOCKRAISlRS! (Ut!'"(10N. i'?ifti( lirtuided :u il 'nr ni:iilied nn hhown tibovu. Hoii'-o l' t.u rijld rilnmldei', (bir eiittU' riinuo In ilmi'mv. fJiUiitni. (;niafi!!a and Vji-fomiili"H. Wu wil .,' ll.O,()0 re ward for tin1 ttni'l iti.ti tiotivotiiuti ul an iviL-on Mh'ahm: our rloi-k, OF FtRt CGC LIVER Oil Aliv. jtit jr. A'iiltfe.'j:9 as Klik. Ro illjui.eit (Iwt ii can r3 4c!ifn. dlK(,,l. 4v;l-l K""iifin.li a l.y Uto im. at.n.lflvc ni.ii.'iil'i, ivli.ii. llie Ililn oil riirtn.it lie to'.f ..I'..', t ' Hi, mill. I.liiuf Inn r f ih, ...1 iv It x lite liyjiopJlO'J? ihi:.-i i, iii.'K I.-.. nil ai io,t,. iif :aai k::blr m a ti li (iroJurrr. Vttm i;-'!.i J-v;;'y w!i! iVl"s It, seorrsr.'' u'lk'ox wRcimpi(!eiiby riivsii'i:.' 8 to 1 1' t!ui V.- ui-t unit ISest pn. rutioniu thdv.o.iii thii ilii f and cure ot CONSUMf H'-nJ, SCROFULA, CESCn!. ttASlMTY, WASTIMO IMKr-: CU.-, St.lACIATION, COLD3 an-J v-:!S'OMIO COSJCH8. V'ia jviivj? r.-.'-':y-r i lf7iu;ii"ian, and R'-lNlin. .' tui.' i''"i. ."-''.''i 1 1 c inii,'i)(s(i -AND Carnon Citv C.i.vu. II. Lrr, rn.priel.ir. IKiVt: iment daily ex. tu I Ol.MUt. . A1'' ' : Ciinynn City tn Monument : : $5.tX) l.unj! tW 1 : SW j to I'nrdatiil rntiu nil iwiiuts m tint vicinity t'--' ; I M 0 , aAnaV 7 .W J3T. .. DMmYANDTERMJVfENTLY STRAINS, SPRAINS. Sprained Back for three Months. Cox's Mill, Ind., Aug. 2. 1KA8. My bark wa hurt by a hoi; mifferedS months; 8 bottles.of St. Jacobs Oil cured me permanently; no other remedy did me any jood. O.S. HAWKINS. Sprained from Lifting. Belle Rive, III., August, 1888. I suffered 8 years ago with attained back from lifting; cured by St Jacob Oil com pletely. Ho return of pain. GEORGE McCLURE. Suffered 4 Years On Cane. Caldwell, Kans., Aug. 9. 1888. I suffered A years with strained back ; used eane ; one bottle Bt. Jacobs Oil cured me. No return In 6 mouths. J NO. W.N YCE. Cashier Stock Exchange Bank. On Crutches 4 Years. Rush Center, Kans., Aug., 1888. I went on crutches 4 years, with sprained lei;; used several bottlea of St. Jacobs Oil, which permanently cured me. KKANK JOHNSON. lleper City" Brewery ! SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It i.-; uiannffintnred with the latest brewing apparatus and oan'tbe beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And the beat brands of Cigars, Empty ke.23 must be returned or ( Hpiece will tie charged. J. 13. 3ST.tto3-, Pi oj j. coop Kirs WM iiii Powsler, la tne Cheapest, Safest and Best ! Cure for Scab. This celebrated Dip 1ms been in onnstiiut mid inereiimni; tine for over half u - .ntiieir .1 ii ri in, uhinli I lino ft bus been npi.lieil tn more sheep tlnin exint on tne earin an tne prcHent moment. Our Sales in 18S8 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is cheaper than lime and sal phar, and is tiot one tithe of the trouble. Lime mid sulphur injure tho wool, but the Cooper Dip improvos its qual ity and increases its growth. General Agents : SNELL, IIEITSHTJ & WOODAKD, Wholesale ilriiRltiNtH, furl liiml, Oresfon, THJO WAHCDWAHHHOU.su (ID., Tliu Dulles, Ori'Kon, -THE- BaHweu I Havipion li UVLUmvi.l ti:,vcrs nuurc- TIOKI0rlS To all Vrlnulf.nl Joints in the Unilod Ktaten, Cnuuiln anil I'lunipe, -hUHIANT NEW DINING CA11Sb Pullman l'nlaue Sleepers?, FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Kim Tlironyl) on all Kxpresa Trains to -, -OMAHA,, Couuoll ISitiff Williiivf l!liai(je. Cliwe Conneelion at Portland for ian I'Vaneini'i) and I'litjut Koiind Points. A r,I , IKON STKAM KRS Leave Portland for San Krani iseo every four (1) days, making the trip in til) hours. Cabin Steerage, .V.(W Houmi Trip Unlimited, $:i(),0(). KLE.UAKTNKW PI NINO CARS will run daily rummorts'itirf Aiitf. 22, over the Un'uuii luuhvay A !Nav inttuti t n,, iii'CK'Hi nhun I .tlio ami Uninu t'acilic ltailway, Hctwi'tMl 1'tM't liniti nml Miftttmri riei', Xhu caniui unU (HTyici urc'uiit'xcvilfit. Fur f urtliffc piirlit'n'iirs (uijijiro of any agent of tiie. eoinjmny. A, M. x 'vi:il V. J. SJ77, 0, P. cfif T. A, (jtencral Mtivtujcv " THE OltEAT Transcontinental Route Norton Fiicific . 11 a 1 i.iioa d: VIA THR . Ciim'iki Brunch, vow Completed, mak ing it Hie Shorten!, Vent and V.'le.Ai.' The Dining Car Dine. Tlip Direct Kmite No Delays. Fast, .it Tn ins. Ijow. et liatt.s to Chieiifro iphI all points y.tut. Tiiiels solil to all l'nr.ni uont Points tbroiiu'iailit tbe East nml Sontbeitt. 'fhrouyli l'tiliiiian DiM'ny lit out Sli'0ii;i Curs. Hciii'niitions can be secured in ndvauce. To JOitst JJotiml 1 'at'ii'jcj'SJ He careful au.l du not make a mistake, but be mire to take the NOimiKltN PACIFIC KAII.KOAD And see that your ticket Mauls via this line, tit Paul or Minneapolis to avoid ebaiiK'cs and serious delays oeuusioued by other routcM. Through Einit-'i-nnt Sleeping Cars run on regular expresn trains full length ot line, ltoiths tree. Ijowest ratei. Qniok est time. (7i'in'rn Ojflce of the Com inn n, A'o. 11 first St., Cor. Wonliington St., i'01 thmd, Oregon A. D. CHAuLtON, Assistant (leneral rasseiiutir Aaentf ty For busiii pursuits nt the I' ul."d Humiun. ColU)t.. I'vtrUdiKl, Oit'von. or ul Hi - pi ::. 1 im-. inc. CotU-nf , Salfin. On. i.i, y ., im- ls nt under the UKlMHiji-meuli t A l .'.-.i.i'Uor.v. hi'.vi siime ewtr.M of iudies and stum; v.itvs ol umn-n II 11 i 11 e m h o ! i h a n t , T twritiiii?, reniii.otsiiiv reul loiwli-f IViiad m, ul-.. liv an,l cvtti.u s. -.Ir.s. simU ..l,i,il muled at anv nice, toi mint c .t..l ittur l.Ucivi Nrllrni, lilMH.sx 1'ml.L'f, All Wpil.l HuMn.Mi f.. nt. IVillaud, ori-iui. wll Sa'.eni, llu-x' a (iF.NERVL NEWS. Sullivan is willing to tiLr!:t Mc- Cftffey. Brant, D.mi.li cuiisul at Amator-: dam. committPil siiicidrt, Nov. 11,: at Cologne. Mrs. Lfihuid Stanford h;is sub- j scr;b?a towani purcnasiiig and restoring Sutter's fort. A large vein of silver ore has been discovered near Ran-1 dolph N. V., assaying 40 per cent ' silver. ' j The Contract has been let and jto tllfl cf " tlie lacea couii Pennsvlvania will furnish llkjOtous r5 and ftl'n0Ht eattiaS tlie couty of pig iron for exportation to Eng land. Jim All Long was arrested fit San Francisco while trying to not as a substitute for a remanded Chinaman. The jail in diner d'Aleno (,'ily was consumed by fire Nov. 12. P. S. Breen, a prospector, was burned to death. Eeports from Berlin say then is no chance for the rescue of twen ty miners who were buried by a cav'-in in tne cul mine at Kitalor. The Pan American congiess have finished thoir tour, visiting the important points of industrial interests, have returned to Wash ington. Tho president has appointed Charles P. Lincoln, of Michigan, second deputy commissioner of pensions, vice Joseph H. Barnett, resigned. Floods in ami around Ning-po, China, have rendered 10,000 people homeless and destitute. A village near Wen-chow was washed away and .TOO families drowned. The second train load of hops ever made from tho Pncitlc coast to Europe, via the .Atlantic sea board, arrived in London Nov. 9; just thirty days from Puyallup. The general assembly of Knights of Labor met Nov. 12 at Atlanta, Gii. Delegates were pres ent from all parts of the United States, from Canada, England and Belgium. . At San Francisco, Nov. 13, in the United States district court Daie Fool;, a Chinaman, was held to answer in S'JOOO bonds on the charge of selling his wife for 1500 for immoral purposes. Collector Phelps, of Sun Fran cisco, las confiscated another in voice of nine cases of imported Japanese toys, consigned to a Chi uesn merchant. They having ob scene pictures in them. Governor Gordeu has just par doned from the Georgia penitenti ary Charles Collins, who was sen tenced for life in 1875 for a mur der which is now conclusively shown he never committed. Colored leaders in Georgia have the subject under consideration, to urge the negroes -of the South to prevent names from being taken in tho next census, thus decreas ing the basis of congressional rep resentation, Fifteen miles east of Butte, Mout.. on the Northern Pacific road, Con. Sullivan, Foreman John Pell, A. V. Larson, T. O. Leary and Hall Boss were killed and two men had their eyes blown out by a blast, Nov. 14. William Kobinson, the high wayman, who attempted to rob Charley A. White, a few days ago, and was knocked down and made a prisoner by White, was sentenc ed, Nov. 1-1, to four years imprison ment, from Los Angeles, Cal. Tlio funeral of Colonel Goodloe, which took place at Lexington, Ey., Nov. 12, was attended by 20, 000 people. The procession was two miles long, It was the larg est since the burial of Henry Clay in 1852, and Gen. John C. Breck epridge, in 1875. At Cincinnati! ()., Nov. 11, three theatre managers, together with their companies, were fined in the police court for giving Sunday per fornances. The managers were fined $15 each, and tho performers discharged on payment of costs. A. 0. Ross, a preacher living near Lockeford, Cal., shot and kill ed his wifjj, his, Sj-yenr-ohl son and himself ut ijis honia. Hci vits a Methodist preacher for several years, but lately an itinerant Con gregntionalist, traveling about sel ling hooka, Work on tho Nicaragua oanul has had it formal beginning. The first sod was turned at half past 0 o' clock on the morning of October 22d, amid the booming of cannon and the cheering of thousands spectators, and in the presence tl;;; st.iifo ojljeials cif Njcanigua. James Jeeves, a i'en.ll not week, by penitentiary ,iJ:,n. I,, r cton tough, was ss'.lteiiciil Ins Judge Deady, to tho one year for selling whiskey to In limns. (lovernor Pennoyer has appoint. ed twenty gentlemen to represent ; Oregon in tjio Nauqi)al Sjlyisr con vention, to lie held ill Ut, I.ouin Nov. 4. A vein of coal, of good quality, cropping out within eight feet of the Mirfuiio, and from five to six feet thick, lying two or three miles j farm on IVa mlge yesterday to J. southwest of Eugene has just been! M. OTlarra; consideration, 5000, opened, j -j';,,, lmM, arrested below for AV. H. Gray, a pioneer and an-! stealing L. S. Kearney's lun-.-es thor (if tho history of Oregon, died were discharged to-day by Justice at Astoria, Nov. ltth. 1 1 a cametoUjarrul, having satisfactoiily piov Oregon with Whitman and Spauld- en their iuuocenca iug iu 1S74. The postal authorities, on learn ing of the robbery of the stage near Koseburg, Or., 011 Nov. 13th, have offered a reward of $1000 for the capture of the highwayman. The Orcjionian says the Port land exposition was a success tin- mu'.ially. 1 he receipts amounted t 47,000, and, after paying alljtunity for a mash an eicelletit one, charges and espouses, there is a i walked rapid v behind and was lianilsome sum left for divideuds. soon at her side. He spoke and 1 made At .-stean spurs ami a p.iir of On the 13th inst, the stage car- J as lie did so his articulation was I "chaps", worth at the lowest mar rying the mail between Koseberg ; cut short by a smart tap on the ket price sri.). and Summer, Coos county, was i mouth. The girl had struck him; 120 aliscribers 00 woit'u of robbod by a highwayman. ' There ; a swinging, back-handed blow of 1 meicliandise. were no passengers. ' The robber which Johu L. Sullivan might! 110 subscribers, n New Home cut open the mail sacks, poured j be proud, aud was now speeding ;sewiug machine, walnut finish, out the contents, took what he ; thought valuable, put the rest j hack, s.::irched the stitgc and told I the driver to niuvu on uud not look t hack. t!v o,nr fniper nrrriiveinent i of Yiimhill!. tho boumkrv Hue comity was extended moVOfJ weat until it includes a strip ot territory about three- miles wide went of the Grande Rondo Indian reservation, thus leaving Tillamook county only a liUie over six miles wide, from the eastern boundary in two. WASHINGTON. A canal between tho Walla Wal la and Columbia rivers, is much talked of at Walluhv ' Ou Nov. l'2th, two and one-third miles of track were laid on the locomo- Hunt road, and the first tive arrived d at Wnitsburg that j evening. i A t Tnei ir-nfi Vnv Defer ChristiaiiHon, wife mid child were at broakfa-jt, p. coal oil lamp ex- JMW.Hl-l IUIU11 111- IIJU IJI . lJlll . l,Mlll .,1,,1.1,1 i, ...;.,.. ii, n ki.,.,;,, fl;,i over mem, ourning tne iiusonuu and wife severely, the child dying in a few minutes after. S. Bi-ssings, engineer at Pay Bros, mill, near Snohomish Junc tion, King comity, Wash., was caught by the driving bait and in stantly killed. lie left a wife and sis children, in destitute circum stances. A handsome sum was immediately collected by the big hearted woodsmen for the widow. Ht'UIKl) emus OF AJIFimU. ltecent lixiilomtbiis Which Prove till Kxist-rill-e or H Civilizi'll Iture in Allu'rira in Aneii'iit Tiliips. Recent explorations in Central America and Southern Mexico go far to confirm the belief held by many archaeologists th.it America is extremely old. In the State of Chiapas a fine, broad paved road, built by pro-historic inhabitant.-, has been traced from Tonala down into Guatemala, and thence in a curve up again in to Mexico, terminating at Palan tpie. All along this road are still to be seen the remains of mined cit ies, and a careful estimate of the one time population of these plac es is about thirty millions. On tho part of the road near IV.lenque the ruins are of great magnitude. Houses four and of ten five, stories high have been found in the depths of the forest. Many of these houses are pyra midal in form, and bo covered are some of them with vegetable mold that large trees are growing from the roofs. In some of the houses employ ment has been made of stone beams of tremendous weight, and the architecture indicates a high de gree of science. In scme'of tlio houses visited bron,0 lamps have been discover ed, and the interior and exterior ilnii-o alb oio r the more iinportnjit houses consists of panelings, filled with elaborately carved figures al most life fliae, two types of men and women being represented, some plainly Egyptions and others genuine Ethiopians u front of one of the houses the explorers found fourteen sculp tures of gods with folded arms. Another discovery was that of an enormous paved road which ox tends from Palenque across Yuca tan to the island of Cozumel, and is continued on the island. Palenque explorers assert that they have discovei ed in tho edifi ces before mentioned, exairjnjes pf a : erfi.ct arch. One explorer is a scientifically trained man, who has recently arrived from India, and by his account the region from Chiapas to Yuen tail must have been the seat of a densely populous nation. Posnibly it may never be known who these strange people were, as they have apparently left no litera ture behind them. Rut in tho light of the discoveries in Egypt, de duced from hieroglyphics, and- the history of Babylon, and Nineveh, lie )i,'ii.e gleaned from the cunei form bricks, it is not beyond prob ability that wo may some day know tho history of tins extinct race, It will be very interesting reading, beyond a doiibr,.- -Gnhlai Ihiijti. l!KVAI!K OK ('lU'NTKKKIT COIN. The Yakima lleyuhl says: Pro secuting Attorney Snively reports that counte;-fit five, ten and twenty dollar gold pieces are in circulation in Flleufdjiirgli and oyer a ' thou sand dollars of this coin has been passed th"ve and a large amount ct ' l nullum e I'iiI'm. i'u'it-icr are "f ""'k1 "ll'P"'"'!'ulfp nn.l tho right I Hng, but are l.v. light .v. woigltt I The coins are u-mnly passed iln- ring the rush of business or at times when the nltention of the; parly on whom they are to be pass-1 ed is pre -occupied. Yakima busi-' ness men would do well to be on: tin iv guard and ulosoiy seau all gold tendered by strangers. 'rem the H. 0 Nov. .!. J.ihn Kidennni, Sr., sold his fine On account of Portland and the Souud markets being overstocked with beef, there is no sale for beef cattle in those markets at present. A ludicrous scene was enacted on the streets of Pendleton the other eveuing. It was dark nud he was trips ring alone; he did not know her. but thiukinsl the opuor- away in the gWuiins. Tho young man retired, ilic nulited; iin ivi! doubtless never .'iuin iu-mpt t" "mush" n t-i 1 1 straeger. A "oi.n jo Tin: i,n:i.s. 1 ;L;ii!ii i.ovcm .uay rroin-i-'j iMHt-'iii1- George w:;s a bai.fui luivr. Ilefci'iiree ly dared In touch bis h,u! V; h..;i,r I'ej loved her well and !! v-t n-nitby of his nffections, tor she wns in idi ot, intcl- licent, sweet ami lnveablc; but like all i tfond miir, she yearned for the respect- j fill caresses that are the evidences of j pure affection. She, however, yearned in vain, says the Boston Corn ier. Geo. I worshipped her. lie miijlit kids the hem of her garment, but to kis-i her lips or cheek the very audacity ,if tho thought made him tremble. They sat together by the out on the track of tho which whito-wiii:;.j.l yacht ing now and tin n. 1-' wiih a w:t:-hiiih' liimr. a : F.n- loVHunil c;.Ln il.1 li,';ht. Suddenly sh-j moved t from him. sea lo.ikiiii; i;i ina'a liiibt i were cross- !i;:hty aivay 'Tlease, Gc.u-j'flj don't do tl said. ske.l iu L'c-nu;r.e sur prise. "Oh, yen needn't toll inc." she replied, "You wore just noma to put your arm nrounu my w,o.-t :ui 1--and v. ere gniiit to try and kis me.f' "Dear Arabella " "Oh! you needn't tell me dill'ereul; yon were fjoie!; to do ii. Well, after all, I suppose you are not to blame. It is just what a lover would do lo his reveet heart, and I suppose t must not be of fended if you do do it." And George grasped the situati on and did exactly wluit Arabella supp .sed ho would do, and the moon Ki'inned and the si.'irs wiuke.l and I he wavelets l ia;.;hed, inul a mosquito that waa about, to li;ht on the maiden's check, flu away and sealed on the n-is.i of a riis.i ivioow who was sitting by th.ebr.ii 1 id ind. Dan Uilroy, at .S:Ui J,o, Cal, coavict ed of an niiooions as, 'in't nn.l outrage on Mis. Le&vfuly, a i.l(m nearly 70 jeijr of iifje, was sentenced to forfy yeara imprisonment, A. cable dispatch indie it' y a c.elhipse of Ihe force,;!; eoppi r market, in London, a decline of nearlv & nas mu le. NOTIC13 0? INTeiNTtON: LiiiaK Noiiiic i leuucil si-! arflu.p . 511. I ,-.k0. fiiiteHMlltf i; ri tltimi Sli'd tu m:ik t! mi I J.M e , f I , : Ml!!';.' IllMl said plo')!' will hr; I'll. in.ls ut M..r.-.w c .ir.t.v, Uec. 'ii, lS.il, vis: !ein:ut e'i Hi!. I'll, for tlie .'.IJ'.i !.','.: ; SI. It" IHUIl.'S til" fell.e.'.'i.'K ' l!lliltinUIHlH r,'lsi(i,'!IOII I'.il.'.l sitid himl, viz: Andrew ltml. Clili' K. J.. Fred Ashbiinnii, ul V.n- ,t e 3i".-.'0 i'. A. Mi ill. Ui:iiir..;i, Oi., nn hdcrlt I, 1';. 4 o, It 'A E. v. 's, .Tainns II. -l(i:D': i. i i', M:NAt.l, Hotjistor. rJO'i'ICK OF INTENTION, J.art? Cirrf-l-.l UiitumV. Notit'D its ticr.'lr ;;ivoD tli'ir ' !: W'Uli.r hiis fiim U'rlico oi' iiis i iinal iiinuf in H.up)irrt ol' liisc! (intdf will !)( HDt'lo llffiMi' ! ;! Morrow coiiuly, at; ltcp;i:r-f, 3(1, lSJtl, viit Albt'rt Jf. Siti T). H. No. ri'.Mtj, fm- lit.: VvVj H io naitD'.'?', tin? hiM.'fwin wif Iiiu cimliiinoiirt r";.i.iitju;B npi t) , I", V! i'Mi !o nuil- o and lii:it saiii on, on Nov. hid! cuUi;;:tioii ol. fttitl li'Jn!. VI: loiiry 1 ado, .J, Jl,it'ih, i'ii. lor .ill. Moduli, li Any I'd', aUowaiice nf i Or. ll.-t or won knows oi' jui y ' Hdi !-.v u::il (in ri;;ilt:i vi'vvi t, why hiicli proof ill ! k'ivi'ii ;nt oiiporlu- ll"il tlDlO J'.'iri .;u;h to subni.utiti'ti i'!-a:;n;i. int. I. tioiirf c? 1 iiiforior (lei rjlituiNi not In- (liJowcd, mty at, t)o; ;iin)d nioiiti ero-.j-cxiiiiiiiifi w;t: ftnl !i oti'o.' cvi'i''ti't' tu i.'il by ulriiituuit, ll I'Ul Of TI. ii.r.lit- VAvr, KOTICJi OX'1 IN'TfiN 1 1 ON I.,UHl OiltCf 11 .:t;l . Or., i- 11. s:i. itofifO I.t Itoi'i'tiy trivi'D tDuiD.'ti MHttiler La.- tiled no! m.ike liiiiii t-o-of in su;toov : foliowilT ;. itilciititci rn I fl?i. ill .iMil i li;tt t:iinl prooi will Ii-' KDttIo Iji'i.i.'o il,i' rmi'iiy t i-'ck Of AlotTOvV CM. !llV, Ul-., .it ii.'p.ruiT, V)m.o!i, on Nov. ifsji, v.z: 1). H. Nu.y;.. F ;r ?iV'.i. li' . 10, r!(l 'VA. H.27J-:. ' Hi'ii'iiuftH tho :;iilrw.'l wlt.K'tw-'s l r-rove his font ii. uoi; rc'iulo'.icf! up'ni, fii;d ciiltiv-lUim of. rttdd land vr'.: J a inert ;will", sM. lit-'.'in, W. tl. Hoit ;;i:d V. M. ii;;lt;.-, :.!t )' : ji.mm-, r. Any peri-on wiio d '-'ifeH (u oi-t-in.sl n.iinHt. tlm lll!ov;ir c nf u-jIi jinii'l, or w'm K'divh if tmy MiitslitDtia! ri;iM.)n, u id. t the lav ii:.i iho ivrilii' tions of the Iiitei'ioi' i).'j):irl(iifiii, whyst'ch prioi' shoilitl i:of. tx uliowed, v.'iil l. ;;ivr.n nn ..;i,ir tuniti 'it liin hm.' liDMiii-mci tii;;" U'td pDn-o lo CK;-s.fS;iiniliD ill;; W it H:--!;s ' .l i t-J :ti in:.ti , arid tn o'fi-r I'videiD'n in i'hIhiU il of th :t fat'iniiiU'd by cUiinutni, 3l:i-'J I1i:niiv 'Iinkhaut, iilsii-r Iiii AT Oil OTOi! Till-; GAZlil'i'lL Is ihe, Bi-sl M ",;) Pit pry in E'trli'VH Oiyioii, vet innny irr.ii Ira Is of our count! nml the immniF.c coun try tributary lo it, do not liu'co THE GAZETTE Or (i'ti other L'ni THEY .MUST :-slai:rr. HAVE iivirr; A ' least, and our Jriioiili pn ret I 0. . ii order t ic'io retire benefit new - vr hiire ')) !oei::!o!h J,i of I' nineis. BE A KW OF.TIlf.M. l-'i.r 200 new snb.-.f Henpt'.cr (iiizi ile it ers to tlie .00 apiece. we will pivea :;eo,l t vo-i. .i-.-e ii,ria wngoii (',', inch xi.:l, worth 100. Ti'.e gi tt-'i-ep uf a club has 'j he. choie of anv make in tlie market. 100 8uli.vriber? secures a good lot in the Loi.uey ."idditon. Will sell for s2.")0 in one year. 180 subscribers, 01:0 walnut bed room set and sofa, worth irOO. 170 subscribers, i'So worth of provisions from lleppn. r's stores. 1(50 subscriber.-, an fr -0 ly-gnu plain finish. A good iiu-trument. loO subscribers, a gang plow best make. , 140 subscriber, a good road cart, harness ami genuine v. hale bone whip, worth Ss0. 130 su'ose.il'ei's, one line Ban Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand- peven drawers. Attachments go with machines. Worth.55. 1"0 sub.vcribeis,. nn American rn:on sewing machine with at-t.i-'umeiits. A fine high-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth 50. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit, Price $")). '.'!) subscriber;;, a good $45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double bi-,i.;;;y harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth o7.50. ' 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth S35.00. (io subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40--GO cal, and fullre londing outfit, worth S32.50. 00 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, t-li). - 55 subscribers", u fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 4.S subscribers, 20 vards of k cassimere two dress pat- f terns, worth 2-1. 45 subscribers takes a New Mtd el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 41 subscribers, a- Marian rifle, worth 22. 4:1 subscribers, a colts revolver, , 45 cal, blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth m. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester rifle or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. Uti subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4J inch barrel. A beauty. Worth S1G.50. . 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for 20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subKcribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 2(5 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worm 5.io 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise, 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas cluck, worth-?10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet. set. Cheap at $12, 10 subscribers, a cowboy's hat. Stetson's make, and two pounds of tho best chewing tobacco. 11 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. losubsciibers takes 0 sacks oE Hoppner Hour or a pair of boots, either worth SG, 10 subscribers is good for 3 . worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. ' 0 subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" ilonr; worth. S'4.50. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hopp ner Hour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or ladies' shoes. 0 subscribers, a set oE silver, pbued tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth ( subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plate sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscrilx rs, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the 1 feppner (iAaKTTE, 3 suhsynLers will take any arti cle in the market worth $1.50 2 subscribers, SI worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber w ho brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. 77eT tn no end to the List of'pre m in his. We have on ly named a ,'' ' the many hundred Premi ums Kiikh can be secured by a little vork in your respective neighbor flood In working for the 7 1 1 v I ! I'N E R G A Z E TTE You represent H Live Paper ptu Uud 'Uf veil IdoJiUstieil and whhth never fails to CHre News in fact , it is what it purports to be a NE WSPAPER. fee family must have a newspaper and any one eau secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort. If you do not want those offered, you have the privilege of takings' . something elsCy If ynil I1UV9S Cash Sittwribtii enomjh,on tfiW Aatw tttt trovble to. !-jad tntrself down with ifiires' from Heppner's stores. I THIS IS A'O "FAKE." H'E MUST ! It AVE itORK SVPSCHJB - ' t, kx run - - TIIE GxVZETTE, MORE READS US OE XEWS. Ji Yi'fc to the ! 0 A Z K T T 15 O V P 1 0 h 1 Jor Sample Copies and go to work at once. ! - This Proposition t i Remains in Full Force Jan. I, I 890. 1- 1. 1 e'-J i b i TThcn I F-r Ctke 1 not mean merely t9 ' F?op tii 'i'-li.r a t.in j, ami tiioa h.ive them w ! tain jim' 1. I i:t;a A KAlUCAi S 1 h-v j tao uiseactt ol Lia.'.u.-.- 'SYop T t -r t ;-. A l-'c-t r 'n t. I ivst my remcdT t 1 1.; :: l'.c iro,.s ef1:. J-- ...IPC oilier, hava. J ,i!t, is no re 11011 1 .r in' n--rrt-..!!ini!;acnr'i -e-.).(;il-i-i, 0 1 ir illr .'iil.-c r,e: l: :lf-i. llonL J el i.-v 1 n .' v.! iilt. I::..:: ;. K: ?.a.a iM 1-,-t I.--,!. 1: -3 r.-v; j.-ior a tn-1, ti. t i! r. :3 .i 1) H.o. rcoT, W.C 1 s: P;r.st KriYati