Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, November 21, 1889, Image 3

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f-IEPPNEK. TIICJEKDAT, Nov. '21, 'Hi).
'i'mins nn the Willow (Vr-ek Tirntirh hi
Hml h'av the clitlVrttnt siiitiuiiH dnily,
bundiiys, an follows:
NoTfa (Miiwir
B:20 p. M. Ar.
1W0 ' " ','
Lv. 7:M K. M.
.. ..
" 8:511" "
" :'il" "
9:10 " "
8:W " " Willows rinnctiim
2:5(1" " Lv. Arlinnton. Ar, 2:0
B:4U"PMAr Portland Lr 715
Nofttmrn Pacific trains east leave Arlington
daily 2:20 P. M.; gomx west, 10:15 A. M. Union
Pacific trains east, 4:10 A. M.; going wist, 12:30
P. M.
J, C. IlAltT, Asent.
Stage leaves for Canyon City daily,
except Sunday, at 6:30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
5 :00 p. m.
There is a saving of 16 hours in time
and $10 in cash by taking this route to
is eum-f'.iy reported that Heppner once
hul u t'- T urdinnnoe, L'('0d aud etont,
I 'i!;a ILa prohibiting the guuoling of
: iiie-crackurs within (ho lawn's limits
Ub i-9 tl.a fcuBio ono iiioi caught tt-.o of our iit-
iieLs. rroin the nuniher oE cows seen
both day and nijrht on our streets and
invading yards, we should judge Hepp
uerhad uo cow ordinance, or at least
not one stout enough to keep town oat
tle from dining on our young orchards.
The musty record of town laws should
be dug up, and the people thoroughly
informed as to whether we have an or
dinance or not; and if we have one why
should it be a dead letter without, at
least, being repealed.? It ia a bad prece
dent to render laws inoperative through
common consent of a town council. If
the "cow ordinauce" is not needed, re
peal it.
C. W. Lnmlar & Co., 429, Fifth St.,
Portlnnd, Or., are authorized to make
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
They will also make collections for this
Peter Sullivan Dies on the
lows-fur liie Murder
of John Bron-kee.
Here and There.
Bring us in some woodon subscription.
J. O. Warmoth was up from Ella. Tues
day. Ed. Cluff, of lone City, was in town
Sam Donaldson was over frbui Fossil
last week.
Tom "Williams was over from the Long
Creek country last week.
Green Mathews, weli-knqwn here, was
married in Portland last week.
Jimmie Wyhuid was down from his
uiniiutain ranch early this week,
Dr. B. F. Vaughan, the dentist, is in
the Long Creek country this week.
Born To the wife of K. W. Turner, in
Sana Hollow, .Nov. lb, a 1UID boy
Bom On Butter Creek on the 7th
mst., to the site of A. J. Cook, a sou.
Born Near Hardmnn on the lGth
inst., to the wife of Ben Poppen, a girl.
Will Saliug is teaching a very success
ful term of t:cbeol t Eight Mile Center.
Fred Sherman, the Butter creek sheep
man, has been in Heppner for the past
Towns Mathews, of Alpine, visited
hospitable Heppuer the first of the
Uncle Tom Scott was up from Alpine
last Monday, and paid this office a pleas
ant visit.
Miss Minnie Matlock, daughter of Mr.
aDd Mrs. E. L. Mullock, is ou the sick list
this week.
Ransom Licualien. the Lexington
blacksmith, haa been in Heppncr for the
past week.
B. T. Tippett, of Lena, has the honor
of being the first subscriber of the Ga
zette paid up to 181)1.
C. L. Andrews returned from tho Sound
section last Monday highly pleased with
what he saw over that way.
Married Ou Big Butter creek, Nov.
8, Frank Vincent to Viola Hottel, Kcv.
Hoskins performing tho ceremony.
Lew Tillard is now handling the strings
between Heppner and Monument of this
branch of the C. O. & I. stage route.
Henry Welch, oneof our soiid citizens,
took in the pushing metropolis of Port
land last week, reaching home Saturday.
It would bo weil to note the new pro
fessional card of Br. B. F. Vaughan.
lie is a reliable dentist in every respect.
Hood's Sarhaporilla cures oalarrh by
expelling impurity from the blood, which
is tho cause of the complaint. Give it a
Lige Hendrix was over from Morrow's
Camas prairie last Friday and Saturday.
He reports that vulo in a prosperous
A week ago last Saturday, O. T. Dong
lass, of Douglass station, started lor
Central Citv, Neb., with three car-loads
of horses, all well broken.
When jon pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbnry at the II ar
disty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
Jay Shipley closed a successful term
of school in the Maylield district last
Friday. He will attend the ' Heppner
High school the remainder of the winter.
Married At the residence of the groom
on Hiutou creek last Sunday, John H.
Williams to Mrs. Anna Crump; Judge
Wm. Mitchell pretonuiug the ceremony.
Remember that all paidup subscribers
to the Gazette are entitled to a brand
notice, free of oharge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stookman. tf.
The stock books of the Palace Hotel
Co. have been opened, and subscriptions
are"coming in rapidly. There remains
no doubt of the success of the enterprise.
Bolle Daugherty was over from Leua
Tuesday aud reports range as very short.
In fact, no part of the bunchgrass sec
tion shows any super-abundauc3 of feed.
B. A. Huiisaker aud family left last
Friday for their new home in Haystack.
Chris'Reninger accompanied thorn, ami
will work for Warren Carsner lliis win
ter. Mr. W. J. Brown, for the last few
years a resident of Malheur, was at the
Gazette Make last Thursday. Mr.
Brown is now loca ted in the Lena coun
try. Teacher's Institute, which was to
be helcalt.r6 the 28th, 29th and 3jth inst.,
has been L-mtnoned ou account of sick
ness. See e"j-.(lWl,ere or county Supt.'s
A week ago last Saturday, S. T. Tip
pett and Albert Avers had a little bout
with their horses over on Little Butter
creek for a small purse. Ves'3 horse
won the race liy 8 feet.
Our town council has tlone good work
in closing up the schools and churches
and prohibiting all public gatherings for
a time. The general health of the town
demands such a precaution.
Fred E. Wiimarth hr.s given up ruc-t-ling
on the rarge, and will return to the
"care." He leaves for Vortland this
week. Fred is a genial and talented
young man, aud tlii3 shop wishes him
Phil Cohu left last Monday for Tort
land where he will spend a few days with
friends. Phil has worked hard at the
accountant's desk in U..Blaokman & Co.'s
establishment the past season and he
will undoubtedly enjoy his vacation.
Pat McMalion got bsek to Ueppner
last Thursday, after an absence of several
mouths in the Diewsey country, where
he has been working for Whiitier Bros.
He will likely spend the winter in Shu
Special meeting of the eonncil has
been called by the mayor to meet tiiis
evening for the purpose of considering
the contract and specifications of the
Empire Well Anger Co., which were
received to-day.
Died In Heppner, oa the 19th inst.,
of diphtheria, Blaine, beloved son of Mr.
and Mrs. O. E. Farnsworth, aged 5 years.
The remains were interred in the Mason
ic cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Farnsworth and family have
onr sympathy in the dark hour of trou
ble. A newspaper is a good index to the
lnipinesa enterririse of any t wn. This
All Coming. Since the blowhardf
Beokwith, failed to como up to bis agree
ment in the matter of boring Heppuer's
artesian well, many may have the idea
that the project is dead forever. But it
is not so. At the present, negotiations
are being had with an Eastern well 00m-
pauy who have something more in stock
than a pile of blast and a capacity for
taking up all the loose drinks. These
people mean business, and our town will
have a well before spring unless the Ga
zette is much mistaken. It is a part of
this paper's business to keep posted
on these matters; besides this ar
tesian well project is a pet scheme of
ours. At tho meeting of our oonn
oil it is likely that something definite
will he done in this direction; if not 'by
that lime, at a very early date at farthest,
Water, a $40,000 hotel, electrio lights,
etc., are all ooming.
The Slickest Thhg Out. An
other of those nice blotters of which
we have already made mention allows
winged cherub carrying a Dictionary
Holder under one arm aud saying: "I
am making a flying trip in the interest
of education. The basis of education is
tho dictionary, and the base of the dic
tionary should be a Noyes Holder. The
valued uuabridged is of little value un
less it is getatable (look this word up;.
A book held edge up gets full of dust,
soiled aud spoiled unless hugged togeth
er with strong springs. Only the Hold
ers manufactured by La Verne W. Noyes,
the originator and iuventor of Book
Holders, have such springs." Send to
him, at Chicago, a two-cent stamp to pay
postage and receive in return this series
of blotters.
A Good Ordinance. At the last ses-
eiou of Heppner's council, an ordinance
passed first reading liich requires all
oity prisoners, who have not the cash to
pay their fines, to uork the same out on
the streets at the rate of $2 per day. This
will not be quite such a picnic as hereto
fore. It has been mere fun for the boys
to jump stiff-logged in our corporate
limits while under the influence of valley
tan, money or no money, but that glori
ous sport is rapidly uearing those of the
past. There will soon be no more loiter
ing out fines in the city jail, because we
believe the council will pass this ordinance.
To Consumptives. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after HuMoriusr for eovcrul
years with n severejnng airootious aud
that dread disease, consumption, is anx
ious to make known tu his fellow suffer
ers the means of care. To those who
doaire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a oopy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure cure for con
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please
address, Bev. Edward A. Wilson, Wil
liamsburg, Jung s county, JNew lork.
The Bight Man. We hear the name
of Henry Blackman, of this town, men
tioned by parties trom Grant ana Har
ney oouuties, as good material for joiut
seuator for the seventeenth senatorial
district, which includes Morrow county.
Mr. Blackman is a reliable businessman,
and the interests of our district would
be safe in his huuds. He fully appreci
ates the demands of onr section, and his
extensive acquaintance througuont the
state places him in a position to do us
valuable service.
Make No Mistake. If you havemade
up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparil
la do not be induced to take any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a very peculiar
modioiue, possessing, by virtue of its pe
ouliar combination, proportion aud prep
aration, curative power snperijr to any
other article of the kind before the peo
ple. For all affections arising from im
pure blood or low state of the sysle n itis
unequalled. Be sure to get Hood's.
Hon Thief Caught. Ono Brady,
who, with a companion, got away with
some horses for Nate Cecil last spring,
was recently apprehended in Oregon City,
and it is presumed will noon be safe in
the Morrow oonnty jail. Too many
horses in Morrow and adjoining oountirs
find owners iu people who "neither toil
nor spin," so far as the stock business is
concerned, and very little at anything
A Neat Stock The Gazette job de
portment has iu stock a fine assortment
cards, ball programmes, and in all, the
most complete job stock over brought to
the city. We do not have to send for
goods when you order work. Call in
and get prices before wafting money on
outside concerns. tf..
Hay Foil Sale. Hansom Liouaileu
has about 0 ton of good hav for sale at
his ranch near Wells Springs. 48-9.
Wanted. A situation for man and
wife. Can give good references as to re
spectability and worth. Address Hepp
ner Gazette, t.
A eayuse-gnon from Missouri, informs
this office that Walter McAfee has been
getting married hack there. In the fran
tic rush to get the facts through to this
office, our informant forgot to mention
the place of marriage and the name of
the fortunate bride. Walter ia highly
esteemed by all his acquaintances here,
and they no doubt join this office in congratulation.
The Teachers' institute, which was to
have been held on Nov. 2'i, 2!) and 3f
has be"U indefinitely 'postponed. The
same program will be rendered later in
the season, and all teachers will be no
tified. J. H. Stanley, Co. Snpt,
is a fact hilly appreciated by mat Lien- A1) tto,6 owing ac0ounU to the under-
rrl,Tirw: .iS"edr.mSWto call and settle,
public his' choicest goods in a new and j either by cash or note, by Dec. 15, 1883.
larger ad. Mat is one of our merchants j ye have accommodated yon. geutlemen,
who is not afraid to let loose a lew lol- j tnnJ ,j0 (lg favnr aD( it
Jars in legitimate cenepaper r.dvert.sing, Roberts & Hkohh.
ucc&use it pays. i
Does Not Complain or Mourn at his Fate.
Special Eilitioa Grant Co., News. '
This afternoon Peter Sullivan was ex
ecuted as per sentence passed upon him
"last September by the judge of the oir-
cuit court of Grant oounty.
The crime for whioh Peter Sullivau
was tried and convicted, was that of
murder, committed in the early moru
ing of the first day of last April. John
Bi-oukee was killed in his cabin on Pine
creek a few miles east of hero, the cabin
being owned only by Bronkee and Sulli
van, the latter being much the stronger
man. Sullivan, nfter having committed'
the deed, repaired to a neighbor's houso
and stated that there was a "dead Dutoh
uinn up tho creek," and that he had
killed him. He stated that the deceas
ed had made an assault upon him, and
that for self preservation he nad shot
him. "Sullivan then oame to town and
surrendered himself to the authorities.
A coroner's inquest established the fact
that the viotim had been shot once in
the center of the back with a Winchester,
and had two other wouuds about the
breast and side. Evidence went to show
that he had been lyiug on his bod on
his side with his face toward the wall,
aud was evidently asleep when shot iu
the spiuo. Therefore, at the conclusion
of the preliminary examination before
Justice of the Peace, N. Rulisoo, Sullivau
was held without bail to appear before
the next grand jury, which, according to
the evidence in their hands, indicted
him for murder in the first degree. The
case was tried at the September term of
cirouit court for Grant county, District
Attorney Rand aud M. D. Clifford prose
cuting. S. S. Denning was appointed by
the court to defend the prisoner. Insan
ity was the extenuating effort made by
the accused, and the only plea for lenity
which could have tempered the degree
of justice. This failed, however, to bear
the test, and the jury's verdict was that
of "guilty as charged iu the indictment."
Judge Isou pronounced the sentence
that he be hanged Nov. 15. Prior to
passing the sentence Sullivau was asked
if he had anything to say, and replied
that "his life was a misery to him," and
that he "preferred to have it over with
as early as possible."
Shortly before two o'clock this after-
noou (Friday, Nov. 15.) the prisoner, as
sisted by Sheriff Gray and deputy Eads,
mounted the scaffold. When asked if
he desired to make any statement his
only reply was to "show respect to his
body." his limbs were pinioned and the
black cap adjusted, and at precisely 2 :01
the drop was sprung. The knot slipped
around under the victim's ohin, aud the
horrible contortions of the body were
discernable for eight minutes. At the
end of nineteen minutes Drs. Orr aud
Pruden pronounced life extinct, aud af
ter hanging twenty-eight minutes the
rope was out and Mia botAj- lowoirdl aul
placed iu aooffin, and conveyed to its
last place of repose ou the bill without a
friend to shed a teat over his departure.
So ended the earthly career of the second
murderer executed by the sheriff of
Grant county within a period of Beven
From the time of his sentence till a
few days prior to his execution, Sullivan
appeared in good spirits, the least of
his troubles being bis approaching doom
But his deportment during the last two
or three days of his life, eviden led a
troubled and restless spirit. Feeling
the dread hour of death approaching
with eternity and all its uncertainty
about to dawn upon his guilty soul, bis
rest at night was broken and his food
often remained untasted. Rev. Mr.
Eads and other religious men were then
called to his side for religious counsel
and all the bravado whioh had marked
his career had vanished. A short time
before the hour of his execution he in
formed a News reporter that he bad re
pented of his evil deeds aud felt himself
forgiven; that for the past three years
life had been a misery to him, and he
had no rest, lie was satisfied with the
resr.lt of his late trial, and preferred
hanging to life imprisonment. No men
tion was made of the man whose soul he
had hurled into eternity.
Kamhmi itt-marku Ki-littrve to flint Bit.-- Center.
Eight Mile Center is needing rain bad
ly. Our Sunday school was reorganized
on the 10th with small attendance.
We see much improvement in onr
busy center during the summer and fall
Considering the repeated failure in crops
for the past three years, we are sur
prised at the number of new barus.hons-
es aud out-buildings erected in this vi
cinity, denoting thrift and diligence
among our citizens.
Our school house is one of tho best, if
uot the best, country school house in
Morrow county, another fact worthy of
notice. Our school though not a large
oue, is prospering under the tuition of
Will Saling and a larger attendance is
expected soon.
Iu social life we are not deficient
There will be a grand ball at the sohooi
house on Thanksgiving evening. Sokib.
-Successor to Miner, Dodson Sc Co.-
Tho Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions,
a ,d positively cure3 Piles, or uo pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. .11,
Johnson & Co.
Ou last Tuesday tho legislature of
Washington elected for her first U. S.
senators, John B. Allen and Watson C
Squire. The action of this body is uo
surprise, resulting as everv one expect
Old papers at the Gazette office at 75
cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf.
Chas. Straus, representing the well
known boot and shoe firm of Bucking
ham & Hccht, oalled on Heppner's
merchants last week and disposed of a
large amount of their celebrated goods.
Mr. Vawter Crawford, our foreman,
left yesterday morn iug for a short visit
to his home in Waitsburg, Wash. Vaw
ter has done faithful work since be took
charge of this office, and needs a vaca
Professor Loisette's Memory system
is oreatiug greater interest than ever
in all parts of the country, and persons
wishiug to improve their memory should
send for his prospectus free as adver
tised iu another column. 4t. 18 51.
The report that James Jones lost 300
head of sheep nn the Middle Fork through
settlers in that section, is without foun
dation. The Gazette, copied tho same
from the Long Creek EwjIk, but their
reporter in this instance was riot a very
reliable one.
Will Scrivner, onr Upper Main street
wagon-maker, visited Arlington last Fri
day. He does not report a very thriving
condition of matters down there, yet the
main business houses of the town seem
to be thriving, particularly the pioneer
house of J. W. Smith.
Heppner'B public school, churches aud
all places of publio gatherings are closed
by order of the City council, on account
of the contagious sickness which is now
quite prevalent in Heppner, to be opened
at such time ag the council shall
deem it best for the public health.
The Long Creek Eayle and the Hepp- i
ner Gazette, $3.00 a year, strictly in ad-1
vance. The regular snbsciption price of 1
bntti papers is $4.50. Heppner people, j
vou should know something about the i
interior country. You expect to gel j
business from that section for yonr in- j
dividual beuefit, bat it will Dot come !
without effort. Take the repiesentstite !
pajH-r of th-jt section, at least, and be :
posted on matters over there. The tin- I
nk and Gazette, both for 8-1.00 !
for one year's subscript iou. tf. j
Commend to publio approval the Cali
fornia liquid fruit, remedy Syrup of Figs.
It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste
and by gently acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, it cleanses the system
effectually, thereby promoting the health
and comfort of all who use it.
Some people iu Heppner are quite ac
commodating iu milking others' cows for
them, but this is a kindness not altogeth
er appreciated, and the more mention of
the fact may save some oue from getting
into serious trouble.
On Thursday of last week, Messrs.
Gilmore & Wrigh t shipped to Portland
markets, 78 bead of cattle. Two of their
ohoioest steers pulled down the scales to
the amount of 4,3'J0 pounds.
A double barrelled, choke-bore shot;
gun. Made by the best English maker
Bnd from the latest design. Quite new.
Also 400 all brass ,. patent cartridges,
which will hear an indefinite amount of
reloading, with 5000 caps, felt aud card
waddiugs for same. The gnu is iu a case
fitted with everything necessary. Price
$0. Apply in writing to G. C. East at
B. B. Mann's ranch, Butter creek.
If You Want
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Hats, ,Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
. Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or anything usually kept ia a first-class store, call on
Heppner Feed Yard!
Is the place for Teamsters to stop.
mil ROOM!
Free Camping House,
Whole Barley find Chop for Sale.
KEE FEE & BULLOCK, Props. ' Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
Buy Your Millinery
Irs. S. P Garrigues.
She has Al! the Latest Styles in
Before Purchasing Elsewhere
south side may street,
HEPPNER, ...... . . ' OREGON.
Prof. Loisette's
Tn snitfi of tuln Iterated imitations which mi as 4Au
theory, and practical nsBiilts of the Original, ia ajiitflof
the (frosaeBt inisrepreaentatioim by envious would-be
competitors, and in spiteof "bane attempts to rob" him
of the fruit of his labors, (all of which demonstrate the
undoubted superiority and popularity of hie teaching).
Prof. Loiaette'B Art of Never FurjifettiiiR IB ruci utilized
to-day in both Hemispheres as marking an Epoch in
Memory Culture. His Prospectus (sent post, fruo) (fives
opinions of people in all parts of the glohu who have act
ually studied bis System by correspondence, tihowiug
that his Svstem is vtsed only while bring titudind,not
afterwarda; that any book mn be learned in a tinoie
readiii0,iitind-wanderiv( cured, d-c. For Prospectul,
Terms and Testimonials address
Prof. A. LOISETTE, a7 Fifth Avenue, N.Y
iiwM is
A strictly flrst-clans machine. Fully war
ranted. Made from very bwst material, by skilled
workmen, and with the best tools that have ever
oeen devised for the purpose. Warranted to do
all that can be reasonably expected of the very
best typewriter extant. Capable of writing IfiO
words per minute or more according to the
ability of the operator.
Trice - $100.00.
If there is no agent in your town, ad
dress tho manufacturers,
Agents Wanted. PARISH, 2f. T.
rflCCa ING FREE, l-'iratclassfacililiesand
best of teachers. Atldropfi, with fitamp for rotura
postage, THIS PARISH MKO. CO.,
l'AIUSH, 5. T.
Bakers' Patent Flour,
Better and cheaper than grades shipoed
into this market.
Having lidded stinim power and liavijig all tho facilities of the best
mills, the supply will at all times equal the domnud.
Bran - - $15.00 a
Mill Feed - 18.
Flour $3.75 per barrel in 5 barrel lots;
barrel $4.00,
When youcoine in for your fall supplies, call
for Sperry's Flour.
B. SPERRY, Proprietor
Combines ihc juice of the Blue Firs of
California, to laxative Bnd nutritious
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to ths
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYKUP OK FIGS. Mono
factured only by the
Lock villi!, Kv. Kpw Yoje, N. V
D I; N T I S T.
F.jttrsu tiue r.J Filling by the Latest
ami Mont Improved Mctijixio.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office LefZf-r & ThoopKjti'e building
Muin St., ovir K. I Klwtu.Vn drug store.
Fine, $4 Calf
ton, Lace
or Con
KV 1 : 1 1 Y PA I R W A K 1 1 ANT 10 1 ) !
AIho an KxloiiHive Lino of the Culubrated
Buckingham & Ilccht Boots
Always on Hand.
Attention Paid
Eine Custom
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandiser
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, 1.
Their Celebrated Boot called
Is unsurpassed for durrbility.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaooos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Deprtment everything is
First-Class and Staple Goods in every
variety to suit all classes of trade.
Speoial Inducements in
ieep Sip Tobacco, Sik Ik Ik
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will oonvince the
public that we oarry the goods required whioh will be
sold at Bedrock Prioes for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Hides and Pelts Bight for Cash and Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Counties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
whore. We gnarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all ,
feel at home.
Do Not Forget The Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Maiu Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. ...
Everything in our line will be sold at marvelouslv low Drices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en.
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. ;
A. D. Johnson & Co.
Bole Agents for Morrow County for
ZSLsittlo's; Patent
A Specialty!!
And Piping always
on Hand.
ardwarc, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and "Willow "Ware,
gIiA.JhM$ WIRE),1
itiid Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Yim will find a Complete Supply of
Di'iio-s, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Glass,
sift Key West and Imported Cigars !
A Oomplote Ijine of School Books nnd Stationery. Free
eichmiKc on National lk'iniurt).
TXlo U'liiosit nixcl Mowt Complete tsitrtolx. of
G-olcl Fount in JJntttvrxx OregKi.,
Prescriptions Filled
Liwzer & ThoimiB'in oorner, ; : ; Muin Street.
W. A. KI1!K.
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
oiistaiiy on
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWINO MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maohines and
get oaah prices.