Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, November 21, 1889, Image 2

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FFPPNER. THURSDAY. Nov. 21, '80.
That the purposes for which the
combination known and called
trusts were created have always
been held by the courts to be op
posed to public policy, as oppres
sive in their nature and therefore
illegal. Neither has there been a
doubt in the minds of well-read,
honest lawyers, that the so-called
trusts which have been and are be
ing formed for the purpose of mo
nopolizing and controlling the mar
kets and prices, as also the manu
facture of Droducts which enter
into demand and consumption by
the people, so as to prevent or de
stroy competition from any person
who chooses to engage in any law
ful occupation, are and always have
been held unlawful. There can be
no doubt that the people, through
their representatives, can virtually
and effectually check such danger
ous monopolies by stringent laws.
The people should demand of their
legislative bodies an early action
on this question, which will be in
its fullest sense, radical. There is
no check to the greedy grasp of the
moneyed corporations that would
serve so well, and be so effectual
as proper limitation of the capi
tal which corporations should be
permitted to employ. The people
have been too liberal in the grant
ing of powers to create "persons
without souls." They have grant
ed everything and retained nothing;
so that their malingers laugh at
justice and disregard the laws. ,
The people have become so used
to corporations growing up around
them, and read of new ones being
formed witli enormous capitals,
' that it dues not appear to alarm
them when it is announced iliac a
great corporation is being formed
with a capital of ten, twenty or a
hundred millions. The greatness
of our country and its necessities
may, and without a doubt does, re
quire such combinations of im
mense capital; but, in no case,
should a corporation of such mag
nitude be permitted, only by special
laws made upon application by the
legislature, and then only with
proper safe guards looking to the
protection of the people, and at
the samo time, limitations of the
powors of the corporation granted,
Our present laws have not thus far
been found effectual to keep within
proper bounds, any of our largor
corporations. They disregard the
law under which they are permit
ted to exist, and the rights of t'no
public. Many are simply a inedi
urn through which thoir managers
may-bo enriched by frauds, which
thev perpetrate alike ppoii their
co-stockholdors and the people.
Jt has bocomo a lamentable fact
" and the evil is increasing, that in
too many of the corporations of
our country, the bonded indebted.
noss represents the cost of the
plant, and the stock represents pro
ceeds of the bonds and the small
percentage necessary to initiate the
undertaking, eo that to the public,
the stock and bonds together, are
made to represent the cost .of the
plant, twice the value of the assets
of the corporation, and thus is
founded the system of extortion,
which is now oppressing the iinlus
tries of tho country.
Honest corporations nro benefi
cial and useful, but monopolies
aud dishonest corporations are a
curse, because they are tyranical
and oppressive
Tho news of tho revolution in
Brazil, which was wired over the
couutry last Friday night, has been
confirmed by later reports received
from the seat of disturbance.
The overthrow and banishment
of the emperor, Dom Pedro, has
beeu complete. Dom Pedro was
placed on a vessel which Bailed for
Portugal. Tho purpose of the
revolution to establish a republi
can government has been accom
plished. The president is Dodero
da Fougeca, and tho Minister of
i.War, Benjamin Constant, are sol
diers. Dr, Barbosn, Minister of
Finance, announces that all con
tracts' of the Imperial government
will be maintained.
The particulars of the progress
and success of the revolution have
not yet reached us, but it appears
to have been well planned, the
preparations complete and tho se
crecy so will maintained is re
markable in the history of revolu
tions, the rising being so sudden
that it was a complete surprise to
the officials in power.
The reports do not intimate that
much blood was shed in gaining
possession of the government.
Secretary Blaine says, that tele
grams have been received at tho
Department of State, from Ivio
Janeiro, which simply confirms ! the convention adjourned, Nov. 15.
the lirnt roportu aud stntod tluitj It waa docidtnl Unit the new po
tbe army and nary were on theiliticul organization should l
side of the insurgent). If the ar-' known nu tho "National lkfoiw
my and navy have joined in sup
port of the new government it is
highly probable tbat another state
hns lwn added to the number of
South American republics.
The first announcement came so
unexpected, that the commercial
world in Europe, as well as in our
country, were amazed and lined
with consternation, not knowing
the extent of the rebellion, or its
power against the government, aud
the probable issue.
Brazil furnishes nearly three
fourths of the coffee supply of the
world, and a disturbance of the
trade by blockade, or otherwise,
would produce a great commercial
crisis which would affect business
throughout the world, to an extent
that can scarcely be realized.
The founding of a republic upon
the ruins of n monarchy will also
bring about many changes which
may affect foreign intercourse and
trade. The probable effect has
thus early been a subject of dis
cussion. And so serious is the
future problem, that the Cologne
fBerlinl Gazelle says: "Mr.
Blaine will hardly resist the temp
tation to bring American influence
to bear upon the destinies of the
It is another step toward a free
and United Continent, and a fore
runner of tho destiny of monarch
al governments.
Tlie (Portland) World, Nov. 14,
says: "There is no greater illu
sion than the talk of a home mar
ket for the American farmer."
The term, home market, as used,
has two significations; one local,
th other national. One refers to
tho immediate locality of the pro
ducer and the other to the extent
of our national limits. As t ho lo
cal is of tho greater value to the
produce, so tho want of it increas
es the importauce to him, of the
national market. And in view of
these facts, the following questions
are pertinent to tho assumption of
the World.
Is it a delusion of tho people of
Oregon to believe that to sell thoif
products directly to the consum
ers, would be better for the pro
ducers? Is it a delusion to believe that
tho nearer the greater number of
consumers are to the m irket, the
more the producer in its vicinity
will realize for his produce in that
m arket?
Is it a delusion to believe that if
the farmer or the grazier can find
at his home, where lie produces his
grain and live stock, a market com
posed wholly of consumer.! that he
would ii''t bo subject to the extor
tion of transportation companies,
of which he now complains, and
thosii charges which absorb so
much of his grain and produce in
getting it to market?
Is it a delusion which impelii tho
American farmer to spend his hard
earned money to make roads from
his homo to points where ho can
find his bent home market, that
will bring him priens only less the
cost of charges, as can bo had in
tho far distant market where the
consumer is to be found for his sur
plus? Is it a delusion of the farmer to
believe that the nearer his farm
lies to a large consuming popula
tion, in town or city, that it is
worth more from that fact, than one
lying one hundred, or more miles
farther from tho home market?
Is it a delusion that as the farm
er can only get fifty ccntsper bush
el for his.whoat at lleppuer, 1'2
cents in Portland, 82 cents in Chi
cago, 85 cents in New York, and
1.07 in Liverpool, that ho be
lieves the difference in price be
tween these points represent
charges for handling mid transpor
tation? Is it a delusion to believe that the
farmer who livas noar either of tho
above mnrket.i, will get ni no to
exteul of the tram -poi Ution charges
than the farmer who can only sell
in lleppuer, or his fur-off market!
and to lleit extent only !,nd no
Certainly the people of North
west tire not laboring under any de
lusion, while laboi iin; to increase
the populations of their towns and
neighborhoods by encouragiiig im
migration and settlement, hop
ing to build up home markets.
A convention was hold in Chica
go last week composed of a fusion
of all sorts of political idea and
isms, under tho name of reform.
At one time it came near split
ting up in n row, tho greenbackeic;
claiming the resolutions ignored
their particular ideas; but as it was
a general hotch-potch of disgrunt
led politicians, h compromise was
made aud a multitude of supposed
needed reforms wero discussed, and
l'aity." A committee was appoint
ed to prepare the necessary ad
dress, and start the newreform ball
on its way to crush the old parties
with its overwhelming weight of
Oh, lleforx! Reform! To what
base purpose hast thy auarae not
been used? It has been the war
cry emblazoned on every banner,
in resolutions or platforms, of every
political party, great or small, since
the foundation of our government.
The numbers of the slain and those
who have fallen by the way-side,
are only known in history or re
tained in the memory of man.
The lesson that the thinking and
experienced man has learned is,
that reforms have always been
made by and through great par
ties, upon great occasions, support
ed by the great body of the people.
What may be done through excit
ing and fanatical crusades are not
lasting. Their acts die with their
own effervescence.
The Jluideiei'iii tho JlulinmniiU County Jail
Awaitinx Trial.
About 10:20 o'clock Sunday morniuK,
the ofiicers biivitiR in charge Horace E.
Gibbs, the murderer uf young McDovittt
arrived nt Portland by the California
Express, and Boon after, was aufely lodg
ed in the county jail.
Aa Oreijnniun reporter shortly lifter,
entered the prisoner's cell and "had an
interview with him, which is given in
full in Monday's Oreyonian. Its length
will not permit ilfi publication in to-day's
Gibbs Have hia account of the killing
with apparent frankness, but with much
shrewdness; claiming great fear of dan
ger to his person, and that he done tho
shooting in self defense.
The nocounj: which be gives of bis
travels, after the fatal deed bears the
impreiwofa truthful narrative of the
wanderings of the criminal in bis efforts
to CKCiipe tho scene of his crime, and is
interesting ns another example of the
fear, apprehension and suffering wliioh
tlie conscious-stricken murderer is com
pelled to undergo to escape tho vengence
of bis terrible oriine -ever fearing the
avenging Nemesis, who is sure to follow
his track, and, sooner or later, will
bring him to a just punishment.
On Monday, Oibb.i was arraigred be
fore the orhuirml court to plead to mi
indictment which the grand jury had
presented shortly after the commission
of tho deed. Uil'.hs, having no attorney,
further time was given him to plead on
the next day, Tuesday. Tho case will
probably1 ba set for tidal at m) early date.
Gibbs' account of his whereabouts
dming the first two weeks lifter the
murder, has ciiused no little stir among
tho police force of Portland Gibba
says that immediately after the shooting
lie escaped to Ihe ducks, and was under
lliein when lli.i polioo claim they search
ed them so thoroughly. "Before day
light," he says, "I worked my way along
the docks to Weidler's mill, where I,
cros.ied a bridge mid made my way
across tho northern end of town to tho
foot-hills. I remained around outskirts
of town for one week." Then he worked
south on his travels. Tho police claim
that (libbs was not under the docks, ns
he says, !ut his evidence is certainly
reasonable and there ie no came to be
lieve) his stnleinents untrue. He has
tho best means of knowing bis own ac
tions, yiul tha police have given the
best of evidence that they knew very lit
tle or nothing of them. The people of
Portland rwilizo that tho police depart
ment has ahown grout want of skill as
vigilant detectives.
TjATisu.- Oibbs was arraigned before
Judge Steams lust Tuesday, and plniui
ed not guilty. Uis trial was set for Je.
Valllilbhi Making I'mi'dor TeMs Jlado by the
UoviTiitueiit Chemists,
Dr. Kdward G, Love, the Analytical
Chemist for the Government, has made
some interesting experiments as to the
comparative value of baking powders.
Dr. Love's tests were made to determine
what brands are most economical to use,
and hs their capacity lies in their leaven
ing power, tests were directed solely to
ascertain Ihe available gas of each pow
der. Dr. Love's report gives the follow
ing: Btiw.gtlu
Niitm. of tlio t'uhie ineheii tl.ts
ltnliiiit; Vow.Lms p T each ounco of I'owili'r.
'itujul" (iihml,Uiii.,- pure)
''i'atui'Heu" udinu powdnr)
"Itiiilifoi'd's" uilioseliatn) frt.sli
"Itumfnnt V (liliortplmtu) old ...
"Uanford'w Nono Huoli," fivt li
"ilaid'ord'a None Hueh," eld
'Tii.n'iu" Oiluiu powder)..., .... .... ,
"Anm'on" latum powder)
' ( 'li'Vi'latid V ttiosilHtii.s limn)
"Sta Foam"
"Dr. PneoV (o.mtuioH time)
"rinow Pinko" ((Iroll's, IS(. Paul)....
"Iji'wld V Condoiued
Ud Jt
ft!. IS
St. 'J
( JVHst . , .
ilrows A ('(
1 (I'.uuuins alum) .
"'In his report the Government Chenr
is4, says:
"I regard all idum powders us very
unwhoK soii'.e. Phosphate and Tartaric
Acid powders liberate their gas too fioe
ly in process of baking, or under vul vitis
elinuilic changes sutler deterioration."
lr, II. A. Molt, the former Govern
went Chemist, utter tl oart ful and t l.ibo
ralc examination of the various Baking
Powdi re of commerce, reported to the
Government in favor of the Royal brand.
Prof. MoMiutie, late chief chemist for
Ihe U. S, lvpiirtment of Agriculture, at
Washington, says: "The chemical tests
to which I have submitted the Koyal
Baking Powdir, prove it perfectly health
ful, and t'reo from every deleterious sub
stance." NOTICE 'IX) TEACllEliS.
Public es imiuatiou for teachers' oer-
til'icaten will be held in tlie court house
at Heppner, Oregon, beginning nt uomi,
Nov.'-'S, 1SSD.
Abut at ahovo titua nnd phie examin
ation will be held for Stale- and State
Lift- Diplomas, under subdivision i, sec
tion "", Oregon Heboid laws, ns now
amended. No Rpplieants will lie ad
mitted utter the examination begins.
J. It. Stanley,
Srrjit, Morrow Co., Ogn.
Sa a constitutional ru-.d 3ot a local dlse&Mt
and therefore it e-.unU I cured by local ap
plications. It i'tv,::i'3 n, constitutional rem
edy like Hooif.; H 'r-a.:rt.l3. which, working
through l13 tlM, uicntoa tho impurity
which cause zv rcutes ihe disease, and
effects a pcrmancrt cure. Thousands d
people testify to the fsuccess'of Hood's Sarsa
parllla as a rcrnrdy ft.r catarrh when other
preparations v (.1 f.ill j.l. llr.cd's Sarsaparilla
also builds up tha v.liolo sy; u-.;, and makes
you feel renewed :;i li:aHh uml strength.
"I used Hood's S.Jsa.an'IU for catarrh,
and received grn ;t relief ami benefit from It.
The catarrh vas very disagreeable, especially
In the winter, causing et.nslaiit discharge from
rny nose, ringing noises in n:y ears, and paln
In the back o( wy head. The effect to clear
my head in the mr.rnimr by hawking and spit
ting was patiiM. INoil'i (faraaparllla gavo
me relief inimediateiy, white In time I was
entirely cured. I am never without Hood'8
Sarsaparilla in my house as 1 think it is worth
Its weight in gold." Mns. a. B. Gibb, 1029
Eighth Street, N. W., Washington, D. 0.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
BoldbyalldrogKlsts. Jl;alxforg5. Freparedonly
ky C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Hus,
100 Doses One Dollar1
Council met in regular session. All
present except Councilman Jones.
Minutes read and approved.
Bills allowed: Otis Patterson, 81.10;
S. P. Garrigues. 814.85: 0. W. Rea,!f3.:0;
T. W. Ayers, $35.50.
An ordinance regulating tho business
of rotail drummers, was read for tlie first
time by sections.
An ordinance proriding that all per
sons serving' fines in the city jail shalThe
caused to work out the same on the.
streets nt $2 00 per day.
The matter of exoessive assessment io
the oase of T. J. Matlock taken up, and
the Recorder requested to take a new
T. J. Mntlook allowed 10 cents per
yard for dirt to be hauled on the streets.
By motion of the council, J. B. Sperry
was allowed to take out his indebtedness
in town assessment.
Mayor Blackmail culled Councilman
Matlock to the chair aud addressed the
council on the subject of the contagious
sickness now prevalent in its town.
Motion to olose the school and prohibit
all public gatherings during the preva
lence in the town was carried, and the
committee on health au.1 police, ordered
to take the btf course for the health of
the town.
Council adjourned.
Consumption Huiuidy Cdhud. - To the
editor: Please inform your readers that
I have positive remedy for the above
nnmed disease. By its timely uno thou
sands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shail be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy PiticK to miy
of your readers who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
oflice address, T. A. N LOCUM, M. 0.
1W Pearl st,, New York. N. Y.
NO I' 015 OF DfinLdJl'fOM
Notice is hereby given tlujt the part
nership heretofore existing between A.
L. Johnson and if. P. Johnson tfe (i.t
under tlie firm name of A. I), Johneon &
Co., doing a. general drug btisineiui in
Heppner. Or,, is tiiis day dissolved by
mutual consent, A. 1). Johnson assuming
all obligations of suid firm and collect
ing accounts due same.
A. I). Johnson.
II. F. Johnson a Co.
Heppner, Or., Oct. U '89. (It.
All parties indebted at the "Gem" sa
loon arc requested to settle by money or
note, by the bit day of December. All
accounts not settled by that data will be
placed in tho Jiuuds of n collector. 47-9
male Specialist. Has practiced on the
Paeifio Coast for tho past twenty-five
years. A life time devoted to the study
of female troubles, their causes and
cures. 1 have thousands of testimo
nials of permanent cures from the best
people ou this ooast. A positive guar
antee to permanently cure any case of
female weakness, no matter how long
standing or what the stage may bo.
Charges icasouiihlo and within tlie reach
of all. Por t ho benefit of the very poor
of my sex who are sull'ering from any of
the great multitudes of ailments "that
follow in the train of that terrible dis
ease known as female weakness, and
who are unable to pity for treatment, I
will treat free of charge. Consultation
by mail, free. All correspondence strict
ly ooiitidontiul. Medicines packed,
boxed and sent tiy express
with cbaiges pro-paid - for "home"
treatment, witli specific directions for
use. If you are sutlering from any fe
male trouble, periodically or constantly,
East Portland, Oregon.
th roault U a collision, whrthrr 'comiiif
thro' the ry," or cot. Life la full of colttt
ionn. We mo oonstHiuij txllk1iiifr with sume
bity or ft.imtliiinr. If it lm't with our
utMfihbora it is with mm dreil dlMttfies that
" knock a us otT tti tim-lt " mul Hrh dt
Mos us fr lire. Womm wicially it stni.
have to K'fftr the brunt uf more evilimiotis ami
mliiotidiia timn im.uklnd. In ull cuei of
norvouui'w. Ik'annjr-down SPnRttlonSt tfn
diTiitw, iori(MU'al pains, tick bt-adHcha , coo
ffoMion, intlaiiinuition, or ukvration and all
r' foumlo ivivuhtritii" aud " weaktitMa,'
Dr. rU'iv s ravoiMte Preaortption oouiea to
the nvoiio of women aa no other mrdK-in
dota. It la tho only medicine for women, aold
ly dntRiri-ita, under a ponUiTo ajKamuieet
fiMin the unumfaoturert, that it will givm
atitlnrnotion in every rate, or iuony paid for
It wtll Ih ivfunUiHl, Po puoratUe ou botU
Copyrifi wWt T Would' Dis, Ma Aw.
rvullt tnd elconM the livor, atomeh nnJ
rxwtilB. They are imrly TeprtRM tnd par
tartly haruilcM. One Ooao. Sold b
trvuguut. K cent ft viftL
Newly Furnished Throughout. ' Sample
Room for Commercial Tourists
Next Door.
j Chinook winds are bringing occasional
I showers this week and are. no doubt, do
ling muchgood for range w'hieh -will be
scanty at the best. !
Vi'm. Timiuous, Postmaster of Idaville,
In J., writes: "Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combined, for that batl feeling arising
from Kidney nnd Liver trouble." John
Leslie, fanner and stockman, of same
place, says: "Find Electrio Bitters to
be tho best Kidney and Liver medicine,
made me feel like a new man." 4. VI.
Garduer, hardware merchant, same town,
says: Electric Bitters is just the thing
for a man who is all run down aud don't
care whether he live3 or dies; he found
new strength, good appetite and felt just
like he had a new lease on life. Only
50c. n bottle at A. I). Johnson & Co.'s
Drug Store. 2
Term Ufport of St. Joseph's Academy, at
l'endli-uou, Oregon.
Tlie first scholastic term of St. Jo
seph's Academy terminated last week
with the usual written examination,
Teschers and pupils are more than satis
fied with the result. The following
young Indies obtained an average above
go) ;u tM A0i1Uemjo department: Miss
Relic Murphy, 89; Miss Nellie
Ramsey, 88; Miss Versa Camp, 85; Miss
Minnie Murphy, Hi; MissCl.ira Reitli, 81;
Miss Leonie Tliiban, 81.
In the preparatory department: Miss
Regina Bettenbender, 90; Miss Edith
Reniok, 89; Miss Edna Isaac, 80; Miss
umj0 Smith, 82; Miss Lena Isaac 82;
m;B,, i,,,,,,.,, Willingbam, 82.
Medals of honor were conferred on
Miss Bell Murphy for highest average
in Academic department,; Mies Regina
Bettenbender, for highest average in
Preparatory department; Miss Agnes
Curran iu the Piimary department.
The medal for application in musio ivus
conferred on Miss Viob Million; for
neatness, Miss Clara Reith; for Christian
Doctrine, MissTillie McCouuell.
There are 80 pupils in attendance, 26
boarders and 54 day pupils. None of
Pendleton's neighboring places are as
well represented at St. Joseph's Acade
my ns Heppner; which olainis 10 very
promising inmates of the institution,
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plakifield, 111.,
makes tho statement that alio oaiight
Cold, which sett ed on her lungs; she
was treatod for u month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
stie was a 7tojeoij.s victim of conxuitip
il'n and that no medicine could cure
her. Her druggist suggested Dr. Kino's
New Discovery for Consumption ; she
liuugbt n bottle mid to her delight found
h'lself benefitted from the first dose.
She continued its me and lifter takiug
ten bottles, found herself sound and well,
now dots her own housework and is as
well ns she ever was. Free trial bottles
of this Great Discovery at A. D. Johnson
& Co., s Drug Store; large bottles 50a.
and $1.00. 2
Strayed. A thrce-yeur old mine, white
face, sorrel. Pranded swing it en left
shoulder unit a quarter eircie V on etiile.
$o reward will be paid tor information
concerning tlie whereabouts ot this ani
mal, or a suitable reward for her delivery
to me at Hoopner, Or.,or to Dr. J. 11. Lord,
Klla. Geo. W. Loud.
I have opened a well-uppoiuted tuilor
intf eatauliebment in my new build
ing ou Maystreet, and am now regularly
roooiviiiK new goods and will make oua
tom made pants from 7 to ftlS best
goiaU in the uiaiket.
A. AllUllliAMalCK.
Job printing at Pendleton piieea at
the (jAiiUTTis ollioe.
A fine liuo of gold noun, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Blocnm's drug store.
You will do well to see cloakB at W. 0.
Minor's before purchasing elsewhere.
ItaBinufl, the dentist, will till teeth, or
extract the same in a scioutitio manner.
J. B. Sperry has second-hand Kfum
Backs for sale good us new. Call at
The Siding, Morgan and Kusaell but
ter nt W. O. Minor's. None better in
the market.
When you are dry, go to Swageart's
for II glass of the celebrated SVeiuhard
beer. By the quart or glass.
The Heppner gallery is the place to
have your photo takeu. Don't forget it.
Theodore J'auuer, proprietor.
Gunu & Iiuark, horse sheers;
horses sliod with new shoes all rouu.i
after date for SI. 50 per bend.
Mat. J.ielitentliiil w ill open yonr even
iu prices of hie boots and shoes. You
can buy tbem no cheaper in Ponland.
A fresh lot of oraekers, cake, candy,
Gliddeu barb wire and other confeotiou
iary constantly received at Leezer &
The 81 Buckingham & Ilecht.men's
shoe will uot rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy thorn at M. LicUteu
thal's. Qucensware nnd glassware, at greatly
reduced prices, forcasb at GillianuH Cof
fey's new huedwure store, (let tbeir
prices before you buy.
Plenty of mill feed and tiour on hand
at Sperry '8 Koller Mills. llur iu five
barrel lots, $3.75; single barrel, 1.00.
Soou to arrive.. A completo line of
wonieu a and children a woolen hosiery
Wilkins Kuitting mills. Vun Duyu has
the exclusive right to bundle them.
lo yon want some dried venison? (.io
to J. W. MatliK'k A Co.'s grtK'ery store
for it, and everything else iu their lines.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your norst huu iu ines mere is nottung
in the bhieksmitbing line that they are
uot able to do.
V preilict rather Ctdd weather about
the '25tb of Dwiember, and slightly warm
er abont July 4th next, but wall paper
mil carpets will le reduced from ten
to twenty per cent ftr the next thirty
days at n. U. Minor s.
It is a fact that Var.Duyu has tl p larg
est line of meu's and boy's furnishing
HOahIx in town, consisting of Leuvy Hun
nel underwear and over t-hirls. It would
take, too much space to mention the dill
t retl lines. CaB and see for yourself.
For Week Ending Wednesday, Nov. 21),
LwidOfUoa at Tin. DaRts Or.. Oct, is, '39.
N'olkoiw ht.nbv tiivna that tiio fntlowint?-
oanir-d Hotlkjr tin lild notio of liin intention U
maKo ftiiul proof io hupeoit of bin elcini. and
Unit Miid proof will iio mado beforfi llio county
el,'!'i or .v.ori'ow county, ul lleppnor, jr.,
on Hoc. '3wlu, viz:
Charles L. Heed,
II.S. O074. for the WKKKlitfee 3, Tp 5 8, K 25
1. and loin 3 ami I. Hen (i. 'I'll ti i': Ulli K W. M.
lie naim'B (lie following wiliiesson to prove ids
continuous rosiueuoe upon, una cultivation or,
said lend. viz:
L. W. Coluiiiiin. fl. W . Ciiapin, V. Robinson,
Levi lianhford, of Hantmun, Or.
315-."i(l A. MoUoNAM), Kkuister
f.awl OIHceatThe DailBS. Or.. Oct. e, 'B9.
Notice in hereby tjiven that, the f"l!owing named
settlor IntB tiled notice of hiH intention to make
final proof in support of law claim, and that auid
proof will be made bi-fore the county jude of
itloiTow county, at Heppner, Or., on tNov.
1H.-.!I, viz:
Hd. !K'l, for tlie H'i KB and W'-j mi So.:, f?
).i. 4 B. It, tti, H.
lie names tlio following witiiOMeos to prove
Hid coiuiuuou resilience upon.anti cultivation
of. Biliil fluid, viz:
.iuao WiihiuuH, J. H. Allen ami Herman Neil
son, of Kii.;ht .Mile, Or., and J. B. Youns; of
tjooseoerry, nr.
43-4S ' F . A. McDonalp, ltotjiMter.
Land OSioe at Th'r, Dalles. Or.,.; Oct. Ill 'Stl.
Notice is hereby tfiven that tlie following lamed
yettlor has tiled notice of ids intention to
make Jinitl proof in support of ids
eiiiini, and tlt.'it said proof wilt he made before
1 he county juuite ot morrow county, at iieppaor,
Or., on Dec. II, IMS'.) vie:
Berend Pomwnqa,
11.1. lTO'i. Io, tne lot 4 & tiWk NW Sec 5. and
lot 1 BK'4 N BU Sec. tl. To. S d. It. . K. W. Al
Ho nau'li'S the foiloivuu; witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, una cultivation ot,
said Sand, v':r.
Hermann fods.-m. Geo. Dleaknuui, John T.
Dickens ;ti:d I'-au hire, ail of Harihnan, Or.
;..1-J10. , V. A. McDonald, itntrister
(.MBEIt CIJIrtlHK, KIN'Ar, PROOi'...
United Stales Lund Olfico, )
T'HK lUi.l.lts dr.. Oct. a). Sll. f
KTalico is hereby itiven that AMiKKT V, USOHT
i' has filed notice of ins mton'iou to neiKe fin
al proof before county jud-e ef iiorrow county,
nt ids oflice in Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, ttie
iillttlduyot Pecenitler, ISSII, o:l tim her cuil ui-i up
piiealion No. 82,1, for tho S!'s NV & H'i SNV'-i
of Roc. No. 21, in Township No. 1 a. Kangu No.
25 1... lie riilnes as witness, s: K: O. i.'arns-
worlh nad H, a. tlurisukor, of llepiiner, Or.; and
V. t'. Keieijurer uud licry Sehir2inc;er, of
liarihurin. Or.
( -to-rid Y. A. Me Donlb, tteister.
United f.tatoa Laml Office, (
Lh'.Ihamim:. 0!'e..:o:i. Oct. -A. 'Ml. )
Vfo'lce , h.Tohy siven that .JOHN Mlll.ljAbY
1N has tii.:d notice uf ids intention to make ttnal
pi-iini before ( !oimty Clerk of Morrow county, at
ids iitiicein Hep;iuer, Or., on Friday ttie (itti day
of ileccmh.'!', IS.-'!!, on timber ciiilure applica
tion No. SM, tor ihe NW!,i of section No. 14, in
township No. 2 S., tcuivte No. ii'.i, K. Hf names
as wil iics: -: Jenies .Nelson, .loseoh Freeman
and -loliii lleys, of been, Or., and !. I.. Matlock,
o! Heppner, Or.
i-u.-fcot ItllNttY lUNKUAltT. HoRis.ter,
Lmi-.t OIHeeat l.a riran.le, dr., Oct. 1,1. '81).
Kotiee is i.ordiy t-'iveti tear tie) foliowiui;
named sellier Las tiled notice of ins intention to
luiilte tinsl proot in support of les (ili.u.i, and
Miiitsnid ineof wil tie mm,.. I .el ore tlie countv
ju.k'o, or iu iii- ahseoee belon, tlie county clerk
ot Lllorrow countv. at, lleyimer, Ur.,
Nov. 2!l. 111, viz.
tienr'i G. Taylor,
ti.t. No. :mh, for tin- W,i Sliii A E".i BW!4
H.'C. . . ' 'i,. H 'iS I1..
lie uaoieH t lie foi iovitot witnej'w-n to prove his
onlinuoun r.Miuence ui.ou and eultivuuou ot.
sntil hied- vim
.lolin 1,. Ayeir, Alfred L. Ayers, Frank Filch
am W in. . on.'H. a 1 ot l;l-na. or.
Anyii- rson who ilesiroH to protest, aitaint ttie
aJli.w.uiee ol Hiu-li pt'eot. or woo u.iowh ot any
iiiil'suudini reanon. under tiieb- ned liie rernta-
tt.tn-'. of tic. Interior Defiari iiiimt. why eucti proof
iiliould not be allowed, wiii l.e trtven aa opp-utu-
nttv nt the nbnve nieetioned lime and place
croi-H-exnnline ttie wiluor.He of Kii'i eiuitnaet,
antt le oiler evidence ill relmltiii oi Hint, Buhiatt.
ted i.y etuiinalit.
311-411 Hknuv lliSElI.urr, ltetieler.
Land Oillcn nt Tlve D;ilIo, Or., Oct . 2'.i, mi
Notice ia lu'ivbv iivm Ui.it t!iu fnllowintr
iiiunt'd Hi'tUcr h;in notice of liit; inttimimt to
rnakt finui j roof in support of hie Huim, hih
tlmi Hniii proof will bn imufe before tlie county
clerk ftf Morrow cuanty, nt llopi'iier Or., on
Don, U, lib1., viz;
Milton II. Drixkellt
D 8 N. 545, for tho SW, HfcV, $i SW?4 uud
NW H WU iUT. !1 S. U. V
J! nnutus tin' followii) witri(-Mow to prove Mk
LioutiiuiouH rcHitleiH'O upon tuni cultivation of.
said land, viz:
Thomas Smith, Barnael h, Leilii-r, Eliiis Frioi.d
and rmu', Birjey, of Ht'plpr, Or.
:M(i-51 . Q l A. MoDoxALp. lU'PjHtPr.
Under and hy virtu1 rf an order issued out
of tlw Coti'ityOmrr of Or-rou for Morrow
county, on Urn Mit day of November ltM. tlie un
dirrdmii'd fiiiiirdian of tltu eir-tea of 1'lifirlen K.
1'itlter, Ai tlntr T. Kuller m.d J;unen U. Fidl. r,
minor lurii'h uf .Ihmich L. Fuller dc-cericd, will,
on Saturday Deei'iulif' 14th. lS.S!),nt 10 o'clock,
in tho forenoon of wild day, in front of tha Conn
Hoime in Ht'ppr.er, Morrow County Oivjfon;
to llu' lii'iut bitld-T for ctiyli, all the right,
tiMeiuid inlert of tii said w;irds in and to tlio
following described re:il iropcrly, to wit: The
SKL4 -f fc;:uon H. Tp.S eolith of miiKt. -7 caft,
tb i N'i of th'1 I-'KU. NKL of ihu SWU. and the
SK'.i of tim NK',of see. '.ion :t'-. Tp. t tscu:tli of
ran-e east, mid S:t4of NVM4, N'J of 8W
artd NVV4 of SKk of Hcottnu 3.1, Tp. 2 nmtli of
range 27 wist M ., Oregon; known k the J. L.
Kuiler much cm Willow tnv-'k. Morrow county,
Ort'Kon. Dated November 11th, lJtl.
5t. V. 1!. J'.i.us, (Tuardian.
In the Circuit I'oart, for tlie County if -Morrow,
f-iatfi of Oretr"ii
W. O. Mintrr, inniutiil. )
lolui Kat.k. l)e ei.d.;j,t.
rn.Iolm Hank. IVf.'idimi: An c.vder Ivivi.'fr
been issued out of the :i!tove niuned CwU;t nnd
Jiled the 'ih day of (eoi.'r. K , t r the service
of I his uuunoiis by p!iht:c:i!it):i.
in the iii.nie of the Siatu of Ore n, you are
litM-i-bv rniniir'd to mmear S'ld anW' i" th COin-
obiiiit iibd aiaiii'l you in the above entitled ac
tion within t i' day from th unto cf ti.e fvtvico
of this fumttioris upou you. it' ftervetl in tins
county; or. if yrvd in any other coiiuty in I hi
:italP. then wi'hin twen-y da.itt from the dete of
iltK'n icc of tltif r.unnnonri noon yon; aud if you
fail Hoto m-.s.'r. f r r;aii thrroi the phtintltf
will taki judnie!it a;'am-t ytn f''T tho siun of
sixty-tnre dollars und vci.'y-four certs
V(i.t 71) i:d for coii.'s a:vi dil'Uih. :r.etitn of this
action. ,1. N. HuV A.
M-,Vi Attorney for t'laiutilT
9 have tho Exclusive Conirofof
A, tout kin to etftr a frllt to M tM
00041, for if BEST IA0. tMrf Cut kotM
" Noun' Mean
Date Xouip. Utx. Mia. liar, Wind.
rfeviTxT5o M oi) st.iio :u2tin W.
" is, si. r) w.oo ;:',.is soil:) v.
" IB. Him M.Oil 23.00 9I.IMI KW.
" n a.i.M ti.i.iKi .uii 3js BW.
" K 41.50 r,!l.(() 2S.HI SI.77U H.
"111. 44.IH) r.5 111 MS.'t I tfl.l.liiJ BW.
4t Ml 4S.nl ai.OO 3jB IV.
2 I
tarlltl rar"?
iwj oiuuiv ur
Next Door to
i't Rtl011fl
. 11 U V IHtl IUIIUI
Business uis Frigii Oiases;
la a very familiar Bfiyiug, yet in the ordinary business
trniiSRotioiis of everyday lite this ia not
wholly tnif. However, it is indeed
a fact thiit people will always
Imy goods where they
Can Get Them Teh Cheapest,
And tli fit place, is at
-jNl.-iy Street Store.
Groceries and Supplies. Gents Furnishing
Goods Etc., Etc.
T. is is it broad aswortiou yet if you will call at Mr Van Duye'a
Shuid von will Hind it
jNT O ID E Ii 13 O A. S rI I IsT a.
Don't forijo.t
- - . -
You Will I'ind tlmt Y..u Can (lot tiio
the Least
K, &1 E is
Pt rh " I ,f
New Gregory Store, next door to s' ui 1 ria'c
WI.ej. Thoy Say thev KKa c-imploto Ptock Tl.9y Mean It. See for Yoarardf.
lbe Most CompMe Lintof H,.lpn am, FllU0y Grooerief!i 0ned Goods,
Meats, bait, Glat.8W:lre.ntt qneme, Anything and Everytbiujj.
Haw waTa
ifxseass 6,-23 vi
Front, First and Vina Streets, ::::::: Portland, Orbtnilt
Sola Agents for Orogcn and Washington 'or
"Wwe - .j--,." jo
Single, Double, or Triple Furrow. They arn so sliupk- ami come so near absolute perfection, that those whj
have used them ur seen thent work can not (.ay enouph in their ptaise. Weuruish tlieui
with or without seut aUachhient. Kent attachments are extra.
Buckeye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Bucl.cyo Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrows.
The latest improved implement for sowing summer fallow. Tlie most complete and successful too) for this
purpose in use.
We also Jiave a full line of Bujreien. Cnrriiigcs, Fhnrtons, mountain fVasoatt
r - riatform uud otlii r Spring Vehicles.
Lawrence & Chapin's Si.rinR-Tooth Harroivs,
HAlaB BAKd WIKt, tlu., hlU.
will t iavol well when shod hf-
General -Olaeksmiths eSb Faviers.
..-.-v . ,
iiteiits S4.C0 w
I ltoi-tiiSri WAGOJ5
i -.,W..-'53
Co s sGy s
mil mn m mw
mi llllll(F.
the pbice
- - - . - - OREGON
?,I,,f.t Goods ot Mie Same Clxsa for
Money nt
f jr
1J 11 1 1 1 1 lllllVllllCL . -
OD & CO.
.S. '
Is, Paeifio Fuming Mills, -
Deere IJarrows, Scientific Feed Mills,
sevd for special ciBrri.ARs ato PBirt Liars
m efter is 1st 1089.