F.E. HEACH. President. VM. McFALL, Vice Presiilent. TE Pacific Fire Insurance Co. Port lni id. Cfipltfil SSt'OOlc, .-500,000. Otis Patterson, Agent, Heppncr Oregon. LUMBER! LUMBER! W. G, SCOTT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mill ! Keeps cimshiutly on luuul nil kinls of UNDRESSED LUMBER; also PICKETS LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES, ETC., ETC jrg Mill Located at the Hoad of Willow Creek, 1G miles iibovo HeppiH'r.3 NELSON JONES, IWt. M9HR0W 0811 (IiK'oi'poi'alod.) General Warehouse and. For warding Agents. The Com) kiii t j has recently const meted a two-story warehouse 80x100 feet, witli wool, press and (ill con veniences for handling wool. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will he the same as those at Arlington,, less curl ages. Freight a ion, baled wool from Heppner, same as from jlrlington. . , , . Cash advanced upon, consignments of wool, or wool in storage. THEUON E. FELL. MANAGER. by buying your Shoes crLY k4VSV for f:.t..K lhat I.AC11 -On rocolpt offtS.RO o1 lro-ilv-llo pmiia 1" iwjr uifrrn'i:iKn v. o v.r.l rm ' one puir of our nc I r KIi.m-m, Ko-k.iom Vemps, oil her Jitili'-n, 1 ; OonKreMI. Wo Umo oiiiv i:ol(.l'.t.;d Kloek HOtf I ho 1 - vcvkiralilill.:;). i vt.-y J..f WRrrauled. U'ry uiu1 li;io:.i ouco and yon vull huy no olhcni. t 5",Meiillcm Klxe im.l Wldlli vnl d. FVnri p rr.lr or T. Y. (hT.fl. Vi lli ! plainly, iown, County inut :ti!le. CUSTOM BOOT TOSAXrKA.NCISC0.CAL -)(V WAY OF TIIK Southern 1'acifif Company's Line THE HIT. SHSSTB" ROUTE Quicker in TimiUlnm Any Oilier liemte lietween Portland---"- Leave Purtlnml til I V. lhiilij. THROUGH TIME, afl HOURS. raiMAN !!UiriiTsi.i;i:ri;.Ks TOURISTS SI.ITTTNG CARS, For Aemmimoddtinn of Seooml-Cltiss l'lisst'tiKerH Attiifilird to KxiresH TniiuH. Fare from I'ortland toH'icrHmelitoanilSan Kritn eisco: t'lillmlliMl, Limited I'll-st-Class 20 ' " SenMiil-l'liiHS, ! Through TieketH tn lilt Toints Smith ami Kn.it, VIAOAMI'OU'XIA. TllivKI orr'ICI'.M: City OfTiee, No. 131. Comer First .V A liter Streets Depot Olliee, Corlinr F and Front Hlreets, I'Olll'I.AND, OIIMHIN. ll.KOKIIl.l'.U, K. IKMIFllS. MiuuiKof. Asst. (1. V. iiikI 1'iiHn.Aut. NO'l'lt'U 'l't 'VIi22. 1 5 1 m i -, G vovi'vy VNIP SALOON TRADE of Morrow County Villi CAN HAVR TIMI! A N 11 MllNEV 1IY ulllll'.lllNll CLIMAX BITTERS lliltlilT nK II. C. V 1 LI lONii, r.-ir TIIBY AliB THE KIXII nl' ALL lllTl'IMIM Kolt HLOIllI, LIVKIt, KrilMACM AMI IIMWHL TltMl'HIXa. I.EAYITT A- VAN ALSTINK, NO. t55 1-2. HOWAItl) Slitl'.KT, Hun I'rmiolMOo, Of. VOl' VAX sriiscniiiK l-VIt ANY NEWSPAPER Or.Mnuiiliii' Yoti Wi ml at Tin: GAZETTJ'l SIIOl.'. IP YOU WI6H A COOD REVOLVER SEW SMITH & WESSON'S Finest ifnaU niaimfflrturcd Si and the Brut clio 'XiiTt. lu calllirwtt &i. in ftiid 44-n 0. Siiikfte or UUUUIOW1IUI1. OfUIT.J llOMl incrleM and Target mod, -Is. ltnnt qunltty wrouiftil CMJ-ffllllV IllftlH't'tltl for workit.aiiHhfn una tM'k. UiuivnliHl fori flntah. dui'Hbtlliv ind nrrurncv. Ihi riot Ins deceived tty eti'-np nuiUrat'le ii n imtttiiiont often sold fur the Keumne artlele, TIh-v nrt- unn - liable and daiinm. The Bmitm k wntn Kk VOLvaita are Btamimd upon tlie UirrHn with flrm'l iiitme, wldrfws auudau-Kof puU'Tiifl, and art- gmtr ntitced iKTfwt. Iimlut u,nu havhig them, and If y.iur ileafer cannot supply ynu, an unier wrni unwl dn-riS below will ret'flve iM!iit attention. JJ-Jwcrlv tltt cailoirue and iirlctiip-.t npplli'uiiuii, BiUlTU WKHHOS, byrlugttcld. aioas V. F. J1KOWNTON. 1 Secretary ()i'(M:)ii. E. It. J'.ISHOP, TrciiH. III i 11! CO. of the Manufacturer. $2.50 iiMwIIy r-lil o S3 1 ""j r" r1"- n.iHT wiiY'.'oii'i'H, The GolcCratcd Frepcl Cure, Warranted " fl PIJ RflniTIM F" "r nioney locum mvai refnnileil. Im .So 1. 1) on A POSITIVE GUAR AN TEE to eu ri! ft ii y foiniof tiirvuiin iliscnHi', or nny tlisnnlur of Mm BEFORE PflKTIlliVO (11- AF i tR gam at t'llher m-x whotlit'r niisitig from the exocHftivo line ol Klinnilants, 't'olmcco or 0iiuui. or tlirouyli j'oulliful iinllKt'itition, over iinlulg entT, tc., micli us Loss of liralu rowr, WaUcdil iH'ns, Hi'Ri inK down I'ttlim in the Buck, Hciniiutl WcHkiii'SH, llyiiterirt, Nervous I'mst nation Noctnni nl l!)uiis.stort; , I.cucorrlm'ii, I)i,ziiiiss, Woftk Mem. (iry.Lossof I'ounr ami iiiipotoncy, which If nc gloi'tiMl of ton load to prcniiitnrctohl kchihI Iiinhii Ity. 1'iieo $1.00 a box, Uiini'S for ?.'..00 Hunt hy niuil on rweipt of jiricu. A M'ltlTTKN CilJAUANTKK frvery ff.,00 oiilor, to rt'fnml thu money If n rnrmniiont enru is not otU'Cti'tl. 'rhonsmuls of tcritiinoniuls from olil ami yoniin, of both kcxor, permanently cured by AriiRonmisic. Clreular five. Atblre THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WBH'f RUN UKANC1I, JK)X 27 VOKTI.ANI), OR SuKl liy A. 1). JolniKon it Co., Drug ttintrt, lI(ipitnM,) Oregon. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. OiiIt (fmiinn Nnttrni of IItniiry Trnlnlog. l'ur l(t'U l.eurne.l In otio i-rmllntf. llliiiil YviinilnrinM rnreit. Kvrrr rblld nml niliilt rnllv lirnrflttPiI. iirttat itulu'i"4tiilg lu il.irrtHiiiuiliii'o tlliisei'i, rnmjuH'hm, Kilti O'.inioiH nf r, Win. A. Until inn ml, tlii wri.l.fnm-.t Hpm-iiiliht hi Mmtl IJin.u;., Diuib'l (iroeiilrii t 'i'tmnip-HOii, ll:"t".o' t'rlml--iBiHt, A. M. ItucKlrv, .l..tillitir.'Mh Chrt,tnfi f.Of..':l. , A. UM-llliril I'niftllVa t!l .Sfi.'l.tH', llfMis. v. V. Avutr. -Itiiliii" ibso-i, ..mlub 1'. t".i Hllitlf nt l ntdnr-i, mult I'l'.i I',,. , 111, A. I.Ol.SI'iTTli, l-.i.ii - i'-f N. V VOICE a on i mil KKii. UrtiTintmrn. l'n. III'!' I IllOO I iliiutr i r1l lik v I h iff, Urn "I olll Itn il It tlrtri 1- i i ' V on lie takes linltl til llU't-'iniol I.iiiii- 1'ilea mit:ni1iil m.iIi. Mill 1 1 UC Sllll'l 9 ill lllIM llllH.III'H nuiln ? Wril.-I.Mi. nml Icnrn all ntiil it t-i vonr-ell. Us me itiirfinir limit)' - m w III aliul tmi H veil iliui I ilelny ulilil ..,.lh-i t'.i.l of vou m omr putl ol Hik ciniili Il ti Ink ItoM U bv abli'iu rb k up polil ftit litf" Ki'hiI -on a.nmiil I'ureed uia.iutnelim-r'. .iOc I tt.t.OOO It'll tlullur 1ImI'iiiIi AIImiiii ' to ! -Il Mtinj .-)i' ''' 1"III l li"Ml llll'lell MiK V'ellet t'lti.li. Cimii g deei.iale.l luaidi'l I l,iililOiin t hU.UIH" ill lilt) Mnilit Laitfi-tt f-ie litnilesl ImiK"1" t I'l' kinnvH. Ati'iiH wunied I ih. rMl leriin, lliu iin.n.'j mi Ks'itt An mil-. nil liri .urn- tiir, r.,lii ,ik i:t ttt IU itx'll on ai;tiO-11itU ii' no tnlkniK ncrMiin - In f'fi ln' i', fi'i)' ''"" to l"ir- cIihio Afri-iiu irjlif tlioii-Mii.U ol 1'i.li'in itli rinliiy ir I re k li ami 1. 1, itt u--tlt.Hiil rt'rrt .nkrr, Atfenta m' IKrikinfr tori utir . I mtn nmk n iniii It m iiirn Y.ni, rimbi', nn ,), n well nn nii ontv I ul I in IoiiiihI bin nml trim llCf, .i tlioiv i ln ilti- It-1- hiit, "llli imilii iilHi" unit trnml.u our laiinlv llilli', ll.Wn mul IYii...li.ilt.. Allt-t .U knew All. (tji.uUl vou inn. liiilv In lo ii"' Iui'Ih i. h io linini l iloi A'Wn'M I. Al.l.l A k i't, AU.IMA, MaiM- m HEAD. TrythoCureg gly'sCi 2rmBa!m Clonnf-o8 tlio !' am1 trssnnos. Al lays Inlltimmation. jrictils tho Soros. Kostores tho boij-c3 cf Tuf to, Bmcll and Uearirg. A purtlr!e I. .piiliril Into.arfcnMtrll rtl I. .Krecnlilt'. I-rico.Vh-. nl IkruaHl.t or tiv B..il. KI.V 111(01 Illili-Ve Warren SL, New Yort. mm p.i,m n,l.. ll. rc li.Mtinit f Mr ii - j i ul Mniein, oliin. . 3J iV CATARRH TO SELL AX TMrr.nst wondfrfn collection of Dntrlir.il, n 111 vnu nrxl Mvcry-;ty uhi; fr titn ic;m m'4'r p!itiliei!fl on thp cUAh-. A nin' vcl of mhhip.v B-'tv-iiu; tc(i i'kuh'V nuikijit-' forevc-ry one owning it, I iiim-'araU of beautiful, )n'!j.ful '. ravini;. wimviTit juM liow (ihI HVfrytl'iiur. Nu cinp tilmti; iiwltnrm lk( it in thn u:iiv-ir-v. Wlit-n y)in Mclfci that wlii' h ist-f rriid v.'iinw, rfilf" r win1. All -im cri'ly dcsiriti m pitying finvloyniciit a.'-fi If.'.kiiitr for MtinHtiilit thnioiifcl;)',' tir t cl,i; -t in ;in i ! ritnnlii.firHy low pile", i-hoiiil write fur il si I'ipimri ft'wl ii'm'ii! tii inirt i-cmarttatili' H'-lii' winujit ii' h nk ni'tkif);-' fincf the worlil le rin. WAM M I'.UC'i.. ti'.y.''X NT. JHThor IMIIJ.MJKM'IIU. NOTICE OF INTENTION LnndOllicpfil Lur.ntnli.Or., -t. M. VI. Notice in li'Teby t-'iven t!,ut following n;THi.i Mitl-r iiiin liUfi nntic(; of intent i-m t' m;ik proof in rtj).por f In il'iim, hikI ttwit proof will i; nia-lf before t !' cm my jml', or in 1; is uosmuci I n 'fore !ln' rouuty v.lork of Morrow con:t!y. Or., at ilppner. Or., on I)'-!. li, !-'!, viz: I'atriek. Cain, JiM. Nn. a -if,, forth! S'i HK'-i A SW H-c. '1 Tp. I H. li.'J. K. JlciminfstiM'f.dNtwin wit IK'S.-' to provtt liiw contiiUioUH nnj(lt'iici upon, aini cuitivation of, wild Inixi vi.: F"lix .fotniKon, Jo!m Avern, Jolm !iirshall Andy Tillftni.all of Hrppn;r. or. A i . y perHoit wlK! (IrMircrt to protof.t iiaintt tint allowance of kucIi proof, or wlio known of any Miilixluutinl ri:tHin, iiiidfr tho law ami iliorfuu UitioiiH of tlif) lnt-iior hcpartuiint, w)iy such proof lionld not hs allowed, will ho yivcn tm opporliniity at. tlif ahovH-ni'.'iJl ionod tinio arid pliiro to croHs-examiiH' tlm wii ncKncti of naiil cldimaiit mid to ofh-r (tvidcncu in n;lml tal of t lint miliinittfd hy clj.inmnt.. (U-I'.M IIKMIV Iff NKffATlT. IfcCtHtt-r. ARTHUR SMITH, PitAOTICAX, W ATC 1 1 M A K I i R ! Next to First National Biml:, T1EPPNEK, OJiliGON. 0)tical Goods . j: I .Ml. . . l.r,o. Watches, A, Clocks, j ) vVatcbeH ('louncii, MniiiHpriiiKS L'itifd All work tpmraiiU'ed for one year. Still (Jciiilirmrn to Sell oijOCKS, At the. Jiowtnt l'dfiHilile lricea. A Ipi'oQ stock of Gold Pens, Atr.e t!;y;t cind Cameo Gold Rings, Goid and Silver Vv'atthes Always :-" v - -on H.-ied- A I'nll Lino ot 1VITTISIXO j!.Xj IKrEi"TXt."Cr- i I :.n been luldi"! to his lure nml well Relciiteil Htoelr. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worli Gniraiitoocl. K'HHIK opiioiile Minor. DihImhi Si (V May Hi. I U'pplic1 1. California, I D STAGE fw;" Otecjon 7 K) and COMPANY. .1. 15. b eney, Snpt. Iliiily wlnte (o iii.il fr-ini Monument. Ilepinier ul ti ;:it A, ,M. Arrinw, I'e.Hlletuti 8tn;,ro li'.'iien Ileppuer Slim i:;ti) I' ' leltvi'H itl. 15:311 A. M. I :: I'. M. $: (K). SI.OII. Fine to Monument, Kiin! to IVmlletoii, :. ,j. sr.oci'.M & Co., Acskntw. Freij,'bl 2 (h ii-Ih imr jiounil. liejipner, Oku s. r, ri.'iiijcNMF. K, I'LOUICNCH FliOUKNOK HKOTIIKKS, STOCKRAISLRS! lll'I'I'Nflt t ';it tie lir.uub il and ear marked a."hovu above. Ilo'-.ies mi riubt slionliti-r. Our eat tli' lane in M'i row. liilliai'i, fltiwit ilia ai'.l V:i eo eoiiiKieH. We will 1 n v bi 0(1.00 re- w for the arrest ami eonvii't'oti of nny person ( tn cm ''lo-'l;. rea F.i m re m V vsa ..-..Hi hi ti i, ! IL. Iji-;'i' fcS i?,ii l iviva UNI fe&'tj U - T.;'..- .11 S OF Pitts CODUViSSIL Almost 3 :c ?ilk. So di.-jt.wlr.! t.it v f" 1 tjliin, dlfcr-HK-tl. and t sir(l;f i a iy 1hr mon tmalOve nvomu' , Uet: Itiu t'l; ranniit li n Toleii i ei . ; mv tho com- hlnuiliin of lUci ( li vtt iUl li i"iElofl- pltilOl! is SUUt " HHii'C fMtf'.H ilMlS. K.-ai.ki,i.ta ss S.i v. ,u.tr. I'f rous pnln r.iuMly t.ii'it. tU;I;-g ii. SCOTT'S I'M 0 t.-MO: i . nckn.-lcajjcaby riivsu'iiu. to be I'n J I'.ei t r.'u! le;;t prepa ration in tlio weri.l f a ;tc le'iet fttut euro of CONS'i M --'T'.'''.':. f VKA, CENERAU DCf-nUTY. WAST I MO COLDS twui OT.'iiC COwCrfS. Wastir'j in Sl M' Druggists AND - Canyon City STACK 1,1 XK, CiiAs, II. I, kb, rriiprw'tor. ST llit'S LFAVE MUNTMI'NT DAILY t Ct.1T SIMUY. J.-AliK:-- Canyon City to Monument " " Loiij; Creek Sfi.OO ilOO Tl I- lull .uilliolost mi l.iliMilumt mill' fcilW V Is . 1 TRADE ' WHAT IT IS. SIX STANDARD VIRTUES. ITS F.rt'ICAI.'V. 1. Itn effect, ar. prompt. . Itt relief ) sure. S. Itt cures .re permanent. 4. It care.; no return of pnln. C It cure. In all cage. ued according to direction.. I . it Is in one word a rure ; It 1b not merely I SI. relief and In no sense a cure-all; it Is llie product of sciontifti! renearch. oJ It strengthen, while It nothe tndmb L II U dues, heais and cures ; it literally con quers piiin. n J its effects are curative and permanent 6i. to the whole roup of muscular mla ei ies and nervous agonies. tU It docs not merely Irritate the outer sur tun. face, nor docs It merely soften or relat a constricted muscle. To its spemfic action a superior curative virtue Is superaded. r(h It penetrates deeply but gently; searoh Dlll. l'y and '"ly. neeklng the pain spot in an effort to conquer. ftU Kach constituent of the formula has a Cll rccosnized intrinsic virtu, to serve most surely the cure of pain. At Dbugoist and Deairrs. IKE CrUhLEI A. VOGELER CO., Baltim.ra. Mt IIAS A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BL;L;R! Ft h lnfiimfaohinMl with tho latest brewing apparftUiH ami cau'fc be be.'it. Lunches of all Kinds, Ami tho bent brimils of Cigars. Kmpty lipgfl must bo returned or SB npicce will bo cliurged. 1j. TTz t tor, Prop. Uiuu la trie Cheapest, Safest and Best ! Cure for Scab. Tin's eelebrnled Dip bus been ill constant mid iuerenuint! tine fur ovor biilt h c-otury, iluriiiK wliioh time It ban been applied to more slieep tbau exiHt on the earth at tlie nreiient moment. Our Sales in iSS were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It in clioiiiMir than lime and sul phur, mid in not one tithe of tho Ironblo. Lime and Kiilpliui' injure the wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its qual ity and increases its growth, (ienonil Aoms : HNI'XL, IIK1TSHU k WOODAIII). Wholesale iirui;(,'intH, l'orllatid, Oregon. TIIK WASCO VAKUOLE (JO., Tho Dullen, Oregon. -Tlli Iiiwei S wo S! "COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." To till Viinnii.iil 1'ointH in the Uuilod St:iton, Citniida ttml Eurtpt iifii.iM m:w )im m-, I 'ullinmi 1'n.laee Sleepers, FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Tlirini)ih on all Kxiireas Trama to -OMAHA, CoiniclS IJitiffs 1 SEAKTSASi CITY W ithout L'i(tinje. Clone Coiineelion nt I'lii'tlaim for San l-'raneiseo anil l'uet Sounil l'oints. ALLIKON STIJAMKltS Leave I'nrlltirtil for San Kranciaeo every four (-1) days, itinUin the trip in 00 hours. Vuhiu, $lii. Steeniije US. 00 Hound Trip Unlimited, $30,00. ELEGANT NEW DINING GARS will run t!:iily eomnieneliiK Auit. i'2t ovor tlio Oieiron lUihvipy A .Yiviis'itinn Co.. Oregon Short Line mil I Union l':ieilie Itailway. Iletwei'n I'ovllioitl ami Mi-somi river. Tlie euniito unit sorviee lire lliiexeelleil. l'or furllier partietilars inquire of any anient of (be company. A MAXWELL, C. J. SMITH, G. r. & T. A. (lenernl Mduuocr, THE GREAT Transcontinental Route NorHieni IVific I ; A I l.liO A I ) ! VIA THR Oiixi'tiif? 11 ranch, now Comtleied, vutk- iim it the Shortest, )tent ttnd IJxickext Tlie Dininy Cur Iilne. TlieDlrwt Route No Del:iR. Fastest Trains. Low est ltiiteu to Cliieano anil nil points 'Flint, Tie.et soM to all Promi umit l'oinln tliroii(,'liont tlio Fast nml Soutlienst. T'u'iikIi Tullinaii llimiug li)iii Slccjiiiis; Cnr& luveiviitietia can be seeureil in .".ilvatiee. j r, 1 l'.nst llouiul Pnseni;ei's ral.il(, m, llo 0, m,lk((H m,stllko (,; ,0 sm to take tlie i NOUTI1F.KN 1'ACIFIO RAILROAD And nee that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid ' ..1 .... 1 : 1 ! ,n:oUVr UlUm Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full leugth of line. Berths free. Ijowest rates. (Juiok est time. General Office of the Company, Xo. Ill First St., l'or. Washington St., I'ortland, Oregon A. IX C'HAULTOX, Assistant lieneral l'as.enger Agent. I I-ot busine-v pursuit at the lv:!la;id T'ls-ncss ' Colhye. I'oitlHiid, uiisi,tiiHll.'.i e.tpn.il lue. ' inevs College. Salt yi. Or.-fion. 1 ,'i hools are UluUr (lie maioiilt lie :it. I A P .n lu-ne, huvt ; s.i me coure ot MusHe-i H'ul suae i..'. - t no, ion ' .Jui im-s, Miiirdr.iiiil, nu Mis. 1 t.iv ur..l tvi. iiitu; v- ,,m's, St i'l. .'.-. .;ti j at an-time I ,-i lo.ut 1.1 d..ee. , cs : r-S2",tW?r: OR ft5ittrir aEXKK.L A'A'lt'.s. . Tlie long strike of tlio Spring j Valley, 111., miners, is practically ended. In New York, n horse stepped j on a fallen electric wire and was roasted to death. j Messrs. Pettigrow fc Moody were elected United States Senators by the South Dakota Legislature. United States District-Attorney Kimball of Kansas City, dropped dead nt his home in that city last week. Dr. I. Cleaver, oE Baker City, has been recommended by the Ore gon delegation for register of the land office. A. C. McClelland of Island City, L'nion county, has been appointed receiver of the land office at La Grande, Or. A married couple were divorced bv the court at Los Angeles, Oct. j 12, and after a short courtship were' remarried, .Nov. 12. The presbytery of New York, met Nov. 4, and by a decided vote, declared in favor of a thorough re vision of the confession of faith. Geo. W. Hancock, has been ar rested at Pay son, Utah, charged with the murder of Mrs. Hutch and her son John Jones, 32 years ago. The state officers for North Da kota were duty qualified for their official duties, Nov. 5. The legisla ture has been called to assemble Nov.l'J. Henry Miller, Joe Martin and Charley Jolly, herders for Col. It. G. Head, were frozen to death during the recent blizzard near Florence, N. M. The parties arrested, who were supposed to be of the notorious Bender family, could not be recog nized by persons who were ac quainted with them, as being the murderers. Frank I, Lee, who accompanied Sam Jones, the revivalist, to' San Francisco, as his private secretary last winter, is in prison in that city for burglary. Some of the stolen property was found in his posses sion. Jno. N. A. Griswold, director of the Chicago, Burlington A' Quincy road, says that the mission west of the president and directors Paine and Gardner, is probably to seek a new outlet for tlie Burlington to the Pacific coast. Cleveland Van Arnold, accused f advertising himself as a sixteen year old girl, willing to marry, and securing remittances from victims for the purpose of visiting them, has been arrested and held to the federal grand jury for using the mails to defraud. If is said. Jay Gould, George Gould and Bussel Snge hold claims against the Missouri Pacific Rail road to the amount of $7,875,000. That bonds will bra issued to the amount of 10,000,000 to pay this and other claims. The stock fell three points in two days. R. J. Montgomery, deputy col lector of United States Customs at San Diego, Cal., landed in jail eiglt chinamen who had stolen across the line, hoping to avoid the exclu sion act. One was tried before ('. S, Coitf iner Ward, found guilty nnfl Kl'Toack to Southern California. The othet'3 were to be tried in a few days. OEEQON. The Slynal says, Wallowa is without a photograph gallery. .Mrs. It. W. Morrison, a pioneer settler since 1841, died at Clatsop, Nov. 3. Timber land, in vast quantities, is being taken up in Baker and Grant counties. Charles Miller was arrested at Athena, last Monday, for stealing Jesse Drnmhellers horses. A man named Brassfield, wanted in Gillian) county, for horse steal ing, was arrested at Weston last week. Thomas Matthews, sentenced September, 1X87, to six years in the enitentiary from Umatilla county tor larceny of a yearling, was par doned Nov. 4, on the recommenda tion of Judge Wm. Martin and the prosecuting attorney V. A. Hill, ono of the three young men wdio displaced the switch near Albany, Or., July '28, and caused the wreck I ft train, in which the engineer and fireman were killed, was found guilty of manslaughter by the jury Nov. f. Oscar Ih'umhellor, while return ing from the Umatilla Reservation Monday morning with horses re cently stolen from his father, was shot by his own pistol being dis charged by a jar caused by his horse falling. The ball passed IciigHnvirw down the leg, the ball lodging near the knee. The Bedrock Dcmocntt thinks the proposed route of the new trans continental railroad, Oregon Paci fic, throuuh the oounties of Har- ney, Grant nml Malheur, cannot help but work a detriment to JjiiK-i ' or City nnd county; and urges the j ein.ens to tiiKe immediate measures to induce the company to make their city a point Harney County Item says, the case of the state of Oregon, vs. 1). L. Shirk, was tried last week, and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. After the verdict be. came known there was great re joicing among the settlers of this entire region. Shirk was tried for killing one Isaacs ni a quarrel aris. ing from laud controversy. At a special meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon it 1 raus Continental Co., held iu Portland, there is a policeman keeping back Nov. 5, resolutions were passed j the crowd," said Mr. Curtis, point authorizing the reduction of the j jug tc a blue-coat who was motion capital stm.k of the company to the . . h L. , u 1Jnt ho j .t aiuonut of $10,OW,000, which would 1 , , leave the remaining capital at ZXvl' .continued the inquirer. 000,000 and also the tsking of the: "In our country about one-tenth necessary steps for the dissolution of the able-bodied men are soldiers, of the corporation. ,' ! and in a large place like this a Tho Siipial makes knowu a do- man stands with a gun on every ,. . i. ,i i- i. l a 1. 1 ii,:, ; lllOrtdUOd OOlHllt lOll Ol llie IHIIUIC Units of WlIowa(in the following, trhieh we clip from its jssup Nov. 1: .rurlge Foe is'onr idftal of a judicial officer. Upon tlie btnch he knows neither friend or foe, but meets wry question from the legal and tho judicial standpoint and dis poses of it without making a polit ical speech to the "people" or the "taxpayers." The only speech we ever heard him make, was w hen the Grand Jurv returned no indict ment against Sutherland for hav ing compelled his child to swear to a lie. He said, "The court finds a strange state of affairs in Wallowa county. When a man is indicted and remains in the county, the in dictments are stolen. If he leaves the undertakings are stolen. A party will go before the Grand Jury and swear to a statement, then come into court and testify that tho statement to the Grand Jury was false,compelled by anoth er through threats and duress. And now the Grand Jury returns "not a true bill" against the man who used the threats and compelled the false swearing. The court is not responsible for this state of af fairs, but if the people can Btand it the court can." We regard this as a blow nt the grand jury system, which is rapidly becoming a farce, and at the still stranger fact hat county vaults and safes will not hold the county records. From the Budget. The rear room of Joe Gibson's barber shop took fire last Sunday morning, but the blaze was extin guished before much damage was done. Last Monday morning the Shel ton and Lind horses, about 250 head, besides eighteen head of cattle, were started for winter range on Snake river. They were driven by J. M. Shelton, A. F. Shelton, Clarence Shelton, 1). H. Lipscomb and Cy. Shipman. A transaction that took place in Lexington lust week was prolific in lessons. One miu learned not to buy mortgaged wheat; a farmer learned not to sell mortgaged wheat; an implement man learned that one farmer, .it leasl, was as anxious to pay as he was to collect, and several persons interested in the matter learned that a man niay be honest, with appearances against him, FOIt I'I'UK t oon. Tim Sim Fninciseii Hoard of lleiillh Jfotil'y Consumers wllteli ta the Best. Kukinir Powder. Bun Fi'iinoisuo Chronicle, Tlio XJouril of Honltli can engage in no more In ridable oeoupalion tbau tbe ex amination of our food supply and tbe instriiotion of the public nn to those ar ticiea it (jiuls to he pine and wholesome, and which, therefore, o insuraers should nae. There are quantities of bnkinjj pow ders iu tho market to use which is cer tain detriment to the health nf tlio con siiuior. They are made from alum, or improperly compounded from other chemicals, so that they loavi a strong alkaline residum in the food. Many of these powders, having; been prohibited from sale iu tlio Fr.ist, have been collect ed by their maniifaolurers from tho deal ers with whom they were left on com mission, and shipped to the l'aoilie Const. Tho public knows nothing about their quality except what it reads in the news paper advertisements. Iu the effort to gain a foot-hold iu this market unscrup ulous lnnunfuot'iirera of this cheaply made, low grade linking powders have indulged in extravagant statements both with reference to their' own and other ornnds, claiming the most improbable endorsements for their goods iiutl de.i nouiioing the brands best known and longest used on the Pacific Coast. The action of the physicians " of the Board of Health, therefore, in giving tho public reliable, imlborative information as to tho brand of baking powder to be used to secure the m3t economic d and wholesome food is most valuable and timely. The chief brands of lmkiug powders sold upon the Pacific, Coast were collect ed nnd nnalyzedby Messrs, Thomas Price & Sou, the well-known analytical chem ists of Sau Fmuoieco. They found tbe strength or leavening gas (measured nt 10l) F.) of the brands named as follows: NAME. lionvomtiir (las. fuhiu inulies per o. nil. 1 It). llli. 10,1. ltov.U, tiiiint, (lolilen Oille Dr. Price's rioneer, The general usefulness of a baking powder depends npou the quantity of leavening gas it gives off. As these pow ders are retailed at about the same price the most economical id also apparent, The opinion of the Pjo ird of Health is as follows i We, the members of the Board of Health of the City and county of Sun Fraueisoo, cordially approve and recom mend the Koyul Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the hea ingredients, of the highest strength and character. Iu our judgment, it is impossible to make a purer or stronger baking powder tbau the Kor.l. ,KK K. DAVIDSON, M. D. I'll AS. II. JhijVKSTKN, M. P. HKN11Y M. 1'iSKK, M. D. T- J. LuTuCKNErX, M. D. Sau Francisco, Aug. 5, 1S8!), Wln-re Arc Your Soldiery?" ttpriiifitiehl Ktpnlilicriu. "Where are your soldiers'?" nsk- n South American delegate of Mr. Curtis, nt Uolyoko, while the ' party was waiting for the proees- siou to start. "On all our New England tour I have not seen a soldier in one of the city streets." Mr. Curtis assured him that we did not need many soldiers in time of pence, and our small army was on the froutior watching the Indi ans. "But who preserves order?" the delegate persisted. "Well, biri'Cl COILifl. -All. lllis .-: 11 ment by the people is wonderful!" an opkn K E on pasco. J ,, , , , Z1- , j D ,o.,( ,.f' How it Looks to a ruir M mded Jtesnlent of j Waiisiiurc. Pasco as it looks from the eye of one i who has been there to see, is given iu the following account as it is, which, we copy from the WaiUburg Enterprise. It is evident Mr. Saling is not a real estate agent. "A. Saling has returned from Pasco after keeping both eyes on it for nearly three weeks, except what time they were filled w ith sand. He says it is a regular humbug and tbe men who are trying to boom it are tbe scrapings of oreation. He thinks there can be uo city there because there is no protection against fire. There is no soil. The drifting white sand is about four feet deep, and immediately under it is a coarse gray sand that will not hold wat er; hence a water ditah is an impossi bility there. The artesiau well is aban doned. The state made nu appropriation for drilling nn artesian well at some point to be selected. If Waitaburg had been selected some good might have re sulted, but the Pasco boomer had the cheek to ask and the state authorities did not have good sense enough to refuse. The lack of good judgment was also sbo wed iu the manner of j ajitg out the money. At the end of every hundred feet the drillers were paid at the rate of 85 for foot for whut they had dune. They drilled 510 feet and got a sand bucket fast. They lowered a blast of giant powder to destroy the bucket. Tbe blast wont off when about half way to the bottom Rnd caved the well in so that it is impossible to proceed further. But what do the drillers care, they have been paid nnd the state has throwm away $ 2503. It is now iu order for nn appropriation to be made for drilling a well at Waitsburg, the money to be dis bursed on common sense business prin ciples and if a successful well is secured Waitsburg can afford to refund the mon ey to the state, to be used in a similar attempt elsewhere. Iu this way a single appropriation might bo the meaus of supplying a large number of towns w ith water. Tramps are as thick as flies in Pusco. They steal everything they can get their hands on. They are arrested but no one appears against them and they are turned looss again. The Ba boons never olnse. There is no civiliza tion about it, it is Just like a mining town. There is plenty of railroad busi ness but that is the whole of it. There are eight freight trains nud about six passenger trains daily. The sage brush grows seven inches thick and higher than a man's head. All tho streets have been cleared of snge brush for two miles square. Mr Saling was moulding brick while there. About a mile down the riv er there is a deposit of loam clay that makes first rate brick, but the proprietor bad no machinery exoept a spado to work with. All the property Mr. Saling has in Pasco is a team and wagon and he wishes he hnd them away, for hay costs $10 and chopped barley $27 there. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.inul Office Bl Lh flranile, Or., Oct. 17, '89 Notice is hereby triven that the foJlowiliK-niltned settler has riled notice of his intention to make tinnl proof in siqiiiort of his claim, luul lliiit sui.t !i oof will bo innde hefore the county clerk of .vlorrow county, lit llopimer, Oreyon, on Nov. 811, 1HBH, viz: Albert H. Stamp, D.8. No. SM0, for tlie WM 8WH & H'.i NWM Bee. Ill, Tp.aS.K. 87 K, ilonaineH the following witnosses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of, Buid hind, viz: Henry Wndo, J. Devin, Foster Adams and S. N. Moririm. all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substuutiiil reason, under the law and the recaila tions of the interior department, why BUoh proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the itbove mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. 314-41) Hknry Kinehaht. ltegistor. NOTICE OF INTENTION.. lianil Office at I.a Grande, Or., Oct. 11, '89. Notice is hereby civen that the following, luuiiea sutljer has tiled notioe of his Intention tu make html proof in support of his cluim and that said proof will be nnule before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppuor, Oregon, on Nov, liii, lnylt, viz: lames W . Leahei. D. 8. No. SAM, for the Wr4 Sec 10, Tp. 3 S. It. 27 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rosidence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: James Neville, Mat. Hughes, W, (1. Royor ami W. M. Bitty, all of Heppuor, Or. Any person who desires to protest anainst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the-regula-tious of tlio liilot ior Department, why such proof should not he allowed, will bo given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time lind- place to cross-examine the witnessesof said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of tlrit submitted by claimant. 34;l-;us . Henry Kinehart, Register L1 THE GAZETTE 7s Ihe Best Weekly Paper in Eastern Oreyon, yet many residents of our county and ihe immense coun try tributary lo il,' da not lake THE GAZETTE Or any other Live Xewspaxer. THEY MUST HAVE THE GAZETTE At least, and in order to henefit our friends who secure, new subscriptions, we hare pre pared a Mammoth List of Premiums, 1IEI1F, ARE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppner Gazelle at $2.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wagon (3J iuch axle), worth $100. The getter-up,of a club has the choie of any make in the market. 1110 subscribers secures a good lot in the Looney" additon. Will sell for $250 in one year. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth $90. 170 subscribers, 85 worth of provisions from Heppner's stores. 100 subscribers, an $80 organ plain finish. A good instrument 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 140 subscribers, a good road cart, harness and genuine whale bouewhip, worth $80. 130 subscribers, one fine San j Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand i made Mexican spurs and a pair of i "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price $05. ', 120 subscribers, $00 worth of : ! uierclmndife. i 11 subscribers, a New Home) j sewing ,)Ro'inf, walnut finish, seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. AVorth - . ilU subscriliei s, nu American L nion sewing machine with at- tachmenhi. A line high-nrm ma chine made hy the New Home Co. It in worth ")(). The mime num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit. Price 150. 91) subscribers, a pood !t5 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness, or a Indies gold watch. 75 subscribers, n silk dress put- tern, worth 37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worlh !35.00. 65 subscribers, a 2ew Model Winchester 40-00 cal., and fullre loadiug outfit, worth $32.50. 00 subscribers, takes a tine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth 25. 48 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassimere two dress put terns, worth 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 4-1 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth 122. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver, 45 cal., blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth 2l, 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester rifle or a solid coiu silver watch. 38 subscribers, a spleudid sofa. 36 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4J inch barrel. A beauty. Worth !?16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of cloths, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 20 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13, 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 10 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at $12. 10 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. - 13subscribers takes 0 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of boots, either worth $0. 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" flour; worth $4.50. 8 'subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner Hour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or Indies' shoes. 0 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plnte sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti cle in the market worth $1.50 2 subscribers, $1 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. TViere is no end to the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the H E P PN E E GAZETTE Vou represent a Live Paper one that is well established and which never fails to Give Xews in fact, it is what it purports to be a NEWSPAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums vith a tittle effort. If you do not want those ojjered, you have the privilege of taking something else. If you have Vash Subscribe: 3 enough, you will have no trouble to load yourself down with wares from Heppner's stores. this is no "fake." we must have more sutscrib- ERS FUR THE GAZETTE, MORE HEADERS OF XEWS. Write, io the GAZETTE OFFICE for Sample Copies and yo to work at once. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till Jan. I, 1890. TThen I r?T Ctrb I da not mean inertly t9 ttcp Ui-'Ri 2.r r tunc, flud tii en htve to era re lum acin. I xe..is A 1( ADtCAii CCliii 1 have mado tUc diraso ol EPHLZFST or r-t i X T f'T-- ;:fct"re!r etv.'i.r. I ' l rrr rcTBedr to ii.iie.1 ts 110 re .iron U. :- i.v ruc.-iv;'; aenra of my l:F4LurL5. Cunv. : r tr.Jtiid ii w.tl c - o Jc j. AJ.uv K.C. ROOT, 1 ?r.CT,!:rY8