Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, November 14, 1889, Image 3

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r-lEPPNF.K. THCKSPAT, Nov. 14, 'H.
Train on Ww Willow t'r..'k Hranrh Hrrivi Bt
Hud leHVB tilt tililHreiit fctlHIlous iliiily, exct'lit
SoTiHTMTieli l
0:S) P. M. A;-.
S-10 ' "
4:4.1 - " "
Tl.Piua . I.r. 7:45 K. M.
Wi!livM .Jn:ieti'n "
I': I'.
&M " ' "
" " Lr.
6:10 "pii Ai'
A'lusirt'Hi. . Ar,
Port In net i.v
Northern FViciiif tr.-iiiiH cub.' Ip;ivo Arlinistnn
d'tily'iijl P. M.; Koii-i; w.'Kf. lll:lf A. 1. U.lion
pFu-itic trniiis ciwt, 4:10 A. I . ; trin pf weht, 12:.i0
r. m.
J, HH1 Asciit.
Stuuo leaves for Cimyiio City daily,
except Sundny, lit 6:311 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
S:(KI p. m.
There is a snvhiR of l'i hours i. time
and 810 in (viali by taking this route to
C. W. L.milur & Co., 420, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., are nutliorizcd to make
ndvprtitiiiiK contracts for the Gazktte.
They will iiIko make collections for this
Here and There.
Bring us in some teooffon subscription.
The E. O. mays Pendleton needs n
Ed. Coppner, of the pastoral glades
of Lone Kook, ia in Heppuer.
Mr. W. A. JohoBton returned home
from East Portland last Monday.
Hon. V 11. Ellis left last Monday to
attend circuit conrt at The Dalits.
Old papers at the (.'azkti'M office at 75
cents per lfli), or two bits n Imncli. If.
The Heppuer skating rink was open
last Saturday evening w ith a fair attend
ance. Messrs. Julias and Emory Hudson, of
IiOxiugtou, visited Heppuer last Satur
day evmiiig.
Born In East Portland on I lie 10th
inst., to the wife of V. A. Jobustou.a son.
Weight S)'3' pounds.
B. Cannon of Fox valley, came over
last week for his winter supplies, re
turning ear'y this week.
Contractor' flank S'lhirziuaer's graders
are uenring t wn rapidly, now Iviug at
work this side of Ithen creek.
Mr. Stephen Lofton, accompanied by
his sous, Joe and Sam, took in Heppner
town hist week for their fall and winter
Grant Co. New, Nov. 7. : Tile cal
lows timbers were put up last Monday
for the exeontion of Sullivan, Friday,
Nov. ID.
J. H. Keeney was over from Long
Creek last week for a load of merchan
dise for Ed. 0. Alleu aud Keeney &
Jarv. Wallace is back from Payette,
Idaho, after an alucuce of some two
years. Jarv. likes Idaho and will return
in a few days.
The latest oxunt of prisoners in the
petiitentiary at Salem, shows lip 307;
being the highest number reached in
that institution.
The babv daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. G. MoClaren, who has been serious
ly ill for the past six weeks, ia consider
ed as much hotter.
Our friends from L ing Creek report
range improving and a fc-ood outlook for
full feed. The stockmen are all well pre
pared for the winter.
At Weiser City, Idaho, Nov. 8, while
standing in front of the palwe saloon,
owned by his father, John Orabh was
shot and killed by a gambler.
From the Arlington Times, it is learn
ed that Henry Bluckw ell, the well known
stockman, of Fox, was recently sand
bagged and robbed in Portland.
Gov. Penuoyer has appointed Hon. A.
R. Shipley, of Oswego, as regent of the
Agricultural College. The appointment
is pronouuoed an excellent one.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har
disty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
The Society of California Pioneers
was the recipient of a generous donation
ito their relief fund, of 8:25,001), made up
by Alexauder Montgomery, of Colusa.
.Hemember that all paid upBiibscribers
to the Gazettis are entitled to a brand
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stocknaau. tf.
John 0. Alien died November 8th at
Ids homo iu Polk county, Oregon, of
which he was a resident since 1800. He
eerved several terms in the Oregon leg
islature. John Henry O'Neal, son of Barney
O'Neai, of Umatilla, was killed near
inuit ou the afternoon or night of the
3rd, by fulling from the bluff back of
The best record time made by a three-yetr-old,
was made by Kuuol last Satur
day at San Francisco iu 2:10Ja. Sunol
is a Palo Alto mare and beats Axtell's
record a second and a half.
The Southern Pacifio train wreoker
was sentenced to ten years in the peui
tentiary by Judge Boise, of Albany, Or.,
Nov. 8. The two Kolf brothers, jointly
indicted with him, were acquitted.
Gene Oilman, of the Oilman & French
ranch iu Haystack, uud 1'red Hunt, of
the same loc dity, loaded a line lot of
beef steers at this place Tuesday. They
were shipped to Portland botchers.
The preliminary examination of Wm.
Russell at Colin?, Nov. 7, for the murder
of Ctioty, resulted in his committal to
jail without bail. He was removed to
t!:e Walla Walla jail for safe keeping.
Be n HiiLsaker has traded his Heppuer
feed stable property tor a tine ranch iu
Haystack valley, and n band of 1,51)0
hi'ep. Mr. Huusaker and family will
shortly move over to their new possess
ions. Hon. h. B. Ison is very sick at his
home in Baker Citjv He is suffering
from cancer of the stomach, so his phys
icians say. Judge J. A. Fee will prob
ably hold the December term of li.iker
county court.
Charles Miller, who was arrested for
stealing Jesse Driimheller's horses, has
been brought to Pendleton, it having
been discovered that the horses were
utoleu one mile south of the Walls Wal
la county lino.
This office was the recipient last Tues
day of a choice sack of apjiies from the
orchard of ex-Commissioner Wm. L)oug-1
lass, of Little Butter creek. Larger and j
liner flavored apples were never produe-j
ed in unj; country. j
The travelling public and others who j
nre compelled to patronize tb Willow,
creek branch are loud iu their demands j
tor ft deoent locomotive. A span of cay-
uses would be equally as eificient as the .
present excuse for propelling power. i
James Doyle was tried aud convicted '
at Por.Iand last week of conspiring to j
knlnnn C. L. Headstrom and H. A. Hel-
verson, last December, by having them
shipped on an outgoing vessel. The
penalty is one to ten years imprison
ment. The Pasco craze h3 reached .Tudlo
ton. The E. O says: "It is amusing
to see the crowds that gather about the
bnlletin board in the city, whereon is
displaved a plat of an addition to Pasc ,
in which lots are selling very rapidly.
The Bixteen-foot sidewalks for a time
were blocked with people on Monday
The processiou of teams gjiug to and
from Long Creek is apparently without
end. At all times of the day and night
they file into our feed yards, and pro
ceed immediately to prepare loads for
the return tripl With the big trade
which will pome to us with the omple
tiun of the Hayville road, Heppuer will
rival the bC3t towns of Eastern Oregon.
A two-cent stamp sent to L. W. Noyes,
Chicago, will bring you a package of fine
quality blotters. One showing a O'lu
ning little copid dressed only iu a trav
elling cap and grip, is represented as
saying: "I i.m a 'runner' for LuVerue
W. Noyes, the well-known maker of
Dictionary Holders, and am here to point
out the fact that a book held with tiie
edge up will become tilled with dust,
soiled and spoiled unless hugged togeth
er with strong springs; The Noyes
Holders are the only thus ciostiy
ohiaping the book. About 1:25,000 are
now in use, aud the later makes are so
greatly improved indeed are 8:i perfect
tout Mr. i'oyes is sad because unthing
more is de.iired or can be done in this
The Long Creek Eayle and the Hepp
uer Gazettm, S3.00 a year, strictly in ad
vance. The regular subsciption price of
both papers is Sfl.oO. Heppner people,
you nhould know something about the
interior country. You expect to get
liusiac-ss from that section for your in
dividual heuefit, but it wiii not come
without effort. Take the repieseutative
paper of tint seotion, at least, and be
posted on matters over there. The Ea
gle and Gazette, both for $3.00
for one year's subscription. tf.
The Masonio Fraternity of Oregon and
Washington is being bilked by an im
posler, oalling himself Prof. Wiley Wii
ley, claiming to hail from South Caro
lina. He refers to lodges in that state
which have no existence. He applies to
the brothers for assistance to some far
off destination. Without proper inquir
ies, donations have been given, aud he
is obtaining considerable money. It is
understood that he bilked Turner nud
Oregon City. So says tho Statesman.
Jos. Hoilnd;:y, who escaped some time
ugo from tho ueputy sheriif, while under
arrest on a writ of atiachmeut for con
tempt, issued by order of tho court at
Portland, ioturued last Friday and was
immediately arrested on a bench war
rant. Joe thought the matter had beeu
arranged by the parties to the suit, but
the judge held that the court had entered
iu no arrangement aud he must appear
and snow cause why he disoheved the
orders of the court.
Died. Iu Heppner on tho 10th iust.
of membranous croup, Mildred, the in
fant (laughter of Mr. aud Airs. Geo. iNo
ble, aged three years. The little uue
had beeu aftlcted with the sore throat,
which is quite prevalent iu Heppner at
present, and thought to be diphtheria
by many, but was improving when the
fatal form of the disease appeared. The
family have the sympathy of the com
munity, J. F. Spray was over from Haystack
yesterday, aud reports a wonderful im
provement in the road between Heppuer
and Hardman. The rocks have been
thrown out of the roadway, aud it is al
together in a more passable condition
than ever before. Mr. Spray, as well as
his neighbors, ate unanimously iu favor
of the proposed exteusion of the Ilepp-uer-Haystaok
road ou to Dayville.
The Times -Mountaineer says: In
conversation with persons who have
heard from all portions of the county we
learn that fall grass is growuing nicely,
aud that it is belter now thau it has
been for years. Stock is in good con
dition, aud no more than an average loss
may be expected this wiuter.
II. H. Gaunt received this week a check
for $500 in payment for pension which
has beeu long due him for services as a
soldier during the Mexican var. It i.
(ratifying to kuow that these old putri
ots are receiving recognition at the
hands of the government which they
served well in trying times.
E.O.: Reports from Sprat'uo. Wash..
say that Win. Bo i man, well known here,
is uuder &300 bouds to appear before
the grand jury ou the cuarge of selling
M wethers belouging to Geo. Adams to
Spokane parties. Bowman has for some
time been ranging Mr. Adams aud Geo.
Snyder's sheep.
The hotel facilities of our city seem to
bo inadequate to the demands upon
them. It is necessary for our popular
landlords to seek private accommoda
tions for their guests almost dailv. This
state of affairs will only exist until mure
commodious accommodations cau be
The county court of Gilliam aounty is
determined to do its duty toward the
protection of the property of its citizens
as the Times says: "The notion of the
County oonrt in increasing the reward
for arrest and conviction of horse thieves
to ,$100, oaunot be too highly com
Day by day our enterprising merchants
load wagons with supplies enroute to
the Long Creek country aud other local
ities. J his is a story often told, yet is a
pleasing ono for our business men. Let
them come Heppner affords the mer
chandise, aud give prices to suit all.
,The bnildintr on Main street, between
the store buildings occupied by H.
Blackmau & Co. and Collin & MoFar
land was moved early this week to Hen
ry Keppuer's property on the comer of
Willow aud Ohase streets whore it will
be fitted up for incidental purposes.
Wallowa Chieftain, Nov. 7: Three of
the most prominent business moa of
Enterprise were arrested on the charge
of keeping their places of business open
on Sunday, in violation of the city ordi
nance, Ihey all plead guilty, paid their
fines and wero turned loose.
The report now comes that Gibbs, the
negro murderer, has been captured by
Deputy Sheriff Gate ou Powder river and
was expected to reach the Union county
jail last Monday night, but later news
confirm the fact of another case of mis
taken identity.
Acoordiug to the Long Creek Etujle,
the merchants of thnt place are betler
prepared than ever for the patronage of
the people. F'rom the amount of mer
chandise coming to Heppner this fall,
destined for that, point, the Eagle must
be correct.
The fast mail train from the east will
not make any change of time hotween
Umatilla and Portland. The gain iu
time, however, will make the Short Line
train connect with the N. P. train at Uma
tilla and the west-bound night train will
be the flyer
It is supposed that too revenue from
licenses of saloons in Tacoraa, will be
nearly doubled, from the rale recently
established with a decrease of the num
ber of saioons.
A. Homgerm, of t he German Lutheran
church, will p.GBoh in the school house
here on Sunday morning Nov. 2t, at 11
o'clock. Service in the German hu
guuge. Thomas Ellis, an old citizen of Waits
bni'g. and a blacksmith by oseupation,
was found dead in bed Nov. 5. An over
dose of chloral was the cause. '
Wm. Dent, representing C. H. Dodd A
Co., came up to Heppner ou yesterday's
train, returning to the main line this
'It's only a quesii.m of time." and
short time, loo as to- ifiien your riieuma-1
tism will yield to iiooa s .-jarsapanlla.
l''.1' j
Straugers find that the Gazette repre-1
sents Heppner as it is, and that the live S
business houses patronize its columns, j
The lower house of the Washington '
legislature was organized Sov. 6, ,m at !
Olvmpia with Feighan as speaker. !
Grain and .took markets are about !
the same as last week. Wool is dull :
gale. Very little change.
The family of J. C- Hart, O.R.fc N.
agent at this place, arrived from Kan
sas on yosterd-'v's train.
Kalpli, son of E. It. Bishop, was acci
dentally bnrued in the face witlicnrbolic
acid last Tuesday evening.
Married In Hepprer, Nov. 13, by G.
W. Kes, J. P.. Mr. Thomas Ken worthy
to Mis Francis Xucitcls
The new 13 story building of the St.
Paul Pioneer I'rexx is completed and
ready for occupancy.
Born In H'wer on the 13th ins., to
the wife of J. j.'. linger, a girl.
Gertrn.le Bishop is i' :ronslv ill
with diphtheria
Wanted. A situation for man and
wif.. Can give good references as to re
spectabilitv and worth. Address Hepp
uer Oazutie. t.
Will Lowkr tub Lew. The Oregon
St((ti'timati says: "There are uow tiled
with the Seoretary of State certified
copies of the assessment rolls of fifteen
oouuties. Ou the hole, the totals of
property displayed, foreshadow a lower
ing of the state levy.
IiEsEttvm Patuon.uiu. Billy Morrow
bus recently taken charge of the livery
and feed stable, well and favorably
known as thu "Jonts Stable,' where he
hones to see his old friends when they
come to town, aud have a continuence of
former patronage. Don't pass Billy's
stand with youhorses, tint drive right
in. Feed and rig hire very reasonable.
Sad Intelligence. Theodore Dauuer
is in receipt of a card from relatives at
Little Rook, Arkansas, informing him of
the sudden death of his father by falling
from scaffolding on Tuesday of last week,
breaking his neok. The old gentleman
is a tesideut of Farmer City, III., hut has
been visiting relatives at Little Rock for
the past year, and was following his trade,
that of a carpenter. He was 03 years of
A Mail RoDTt to Lone Rook Need
ed. Tho people of Lone Rock want a
direct mail route to Heppner. At pres
ent it takes seven days to get a letter
from Heppner to their postollice, and
this condition of matters should uo long
er exist. Loue Rock is in the midst of u
flue stock country, and is advancing
rapidly with the surrounding territory.
Heppner will no doubt assist the Lone
Rook people in securing a first-class
mail route.
An Active Defender op Settleks.
Capt. A. H. Waters, ex-U. S. marshal,
and a resident of Burns, Haruey county,
stopped iu Heppuer last Sunday on his
way to Portland. The captain is known
far and wide as a defender of the settlers
over there, au active enemy of the '"Swamp
Angels." A short time ago he was anon
ymously warned to leave the country,
but he lnaiutaiued a bold front aud stay
ed with them. He thinks of establishing
a live paper at Harney in the uear
Union Met Harut A. Royce. E. O
Republican, Nov 8, reports the visit of
one Harry A. Royce, representing him
self to he tho Western agent of the
Chicago Inter-Ocean. A dozen victims
mourn the loss of a dollar each, that
paper reporting, "aehave no western
agent." About lifty good people of
Heppuer, cau sympathize with them, as
they too regret their short acquaintance
with the said Roycs. Let the press
everywhere sound the alarm, and prevent
their readers trom being swindled, and
perhaps aid iu arresting the fraud.
To Conscmi'tives. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after suffering for several
years with a severe lung affections and
that dread disease, consumption, is anx
ious to make known tn his fellow suffer
ers the means of care. To those who
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will fiud a sure cure for ooii
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis,
aud all throat aud lung maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please
address, Rev. Edwaiid A. Wilson, Wil
liamsburg, King's county. New York.
Take orv the Tun. The O. R. & N.
people have put au old tub uf au eugine
on the Willow creek branch, aud as a
result the train comes iu late almost ev
ery evening. This antiquated piece of
railroad furniture should be relegated to
a pile of scrap iron, and au engine put
ou in its place that will pull its own
weight, at least. We are informed that
it is not uncommon for the traiu to stop
between stations, coiniug up, to allow
die tub to get up steam. The business
aud traffic of the road deuiau Is deoent
rolliug stock. Heppner ships many
head of cattle each month, and the branch
should have an engine that oan bring in
empty oattle cars on short notice, as
welt as to got passengers here iu time
for supper. fj:
A Good Congressional House. Hon.
W. R. Ellis is now favorably spokon of
for congressional honors. As has been
mentioned before iuthis paper, Hermann
is our choice of all the available mater
ial of Western Oregon for congressman,
but wheu it comes to a choice between
men of Eastern and Western Oregon,
the Gazette will stand solid for W. R.
Ellis. Why should not Eastern Ore
gou have the representative) And of
both parties is there a inau that conld
till the position any better than Mr. El
lis? Our little editorial recently refer
ring to the capability of Binger Hermann
is none the less true. He is a faithful
and capable man, and is preferable to
any oth er man of Western Oregon for
that position; but as the E. O. says re
cently, why uot advance Mr. Horniaua
to the responsible position of U. S. Sen
ator? In this event a more capable suc
cessor oould uot he fouud than our
Morrow county candidate, Hon. W. R.
Ellis; aud we will stick by Morrow all
the time..
TflAFiic Notes. The lirst official in
timation of the reported trallio arrange
ment between tho Chicago & North
western aud Union Pacilic railroads
came from the former on the 11th inst.
The companies have formed a combina
tion for the handling of freight and pas
sengers, and the joint through servioe is
to be kuown as the Chicago, Union Paci
fic and Northwestern lino. A fast limit
ed mail train will be established Novem
ber 17, whereby passengers mid mail
will be carried through from Chicago to
Portland and San Francisco, making the
time from Chioago to Portland in eighty
turee hours, aud from Chicago to Hau
Francisco eighty five hours. This will
reduce the tune heretofore made on the
Chioago & Northwestern, as well us the
New York and Eastern mail to Portland
seven hours, aud to San Francisco twelve
hours, the arriving time of the new train
being 6:10 A. AI. at Portland, and 10:45
A. M. at San Francisco, instead of iu the
evening, as heretofore. It makes the
practical delivery of mails twenty-four
hours quicker. A similar reduction in
the tijie Eastbuund is niado ou passen
gers and mail, which now reach Chicago
at 8.3J A. M.
A DkI'T ISilk. The Fossil Journal i
says: A bilk from Portland purchased j
six head of horses from F. A. Knox, the '
Hotioraitle Justice of Crown Hock Pre-:
eiuet, last week, and in Counting out the .
greenbacks to pay for them he handled
them so deniy that, although counting
them before Mr. Kuox's own eves, he ;
cheated .Mr. K'nox out of a 820 bid. The
ti,e Imi(ile S2) bills doubhd so that hi
col,n,0, J0tu ends. He gave Mr. Knox j
a practical lesson iu counting creeubneks, '
and after this he will count tiicm at both
ends himself. lie poked the money in 1
his leathern parte just a bunded him
without counting it again until he got to
the bouse, when he discovered the fraud,
and the position of the money told bow
wa?. ',"' nnd. b "10 ,u w f
f'1 t'Ay,VZl i
taking a bill of sale of tnera. They were
yet in the oorr3l at Mr. J. W. Clarno's
place, and Mr. Kuox refused to let them j
lie removed from there until the fellow ,
settled with him. Hepretendedheknew '
he had paid all, by counting the money ;
he had left, etc., but bil partner, utter ,
they threatened to use all manner of vio- !
lence on Mr. Knox, offered him SW,
which he accepted, but has been wanting
to kick himself for allowing th'in toblutf
him ont of the other Silt The felloa
gave his name as J. li. Hill.
The latest election news, Nov. 12 , from
Ohio and lown, made from official re-
turns, show that all the republican can
didates on their respective state tickets.
, were elected, except the governors,
Itetialile lieiuarks Itetating to That S.'Hoii
and its People.
A ohrouio grumbler is as detestable as
a box of patent pills, and the 4-o-oailed
"liver regulator" of a community is only
to be tolerated iu extreme cases. How
ever, what we want to 8..-' is thnt our
community is badly in i.. : .1 of a good
smith, not a member of tiie almost ex
tinct Smith family, but a genuine black
smith. A man of this profession can
find no better location in Eastern Ore
gon. We idso need a good geueral store.
We have the country to support it, n
fact visible to any one who will interest
themselves sufficiently to investigate.
Mrs. Andrew Neal has been visiting
relatives in Heppner this week.
That horrible road the mention of
which sends a chill up the spinal col
umn of man and beast, Buttermilk can
yon, is now in better condition than ev
er before. This ia startling intelligence
to many, and for this state of ariairs our
people have only to thank the humane
county commissioners of Morrow county.
The Lone Rick people are protesting
against their present mail facilities. We
have no direct communication with any
point exoept the Baldwin ranch (Lost
Valley) aud Condon. At present, we
can, if good luck and plenty of it favors
us, get an epistle to Heppner town and
an answer to the same iu the short space
of seven days a distance from us of 30
miles. Would it be possible for our na
tives to get any aid iu having a direct
mail route from Heppner, now our me
tropolis, through this seotion, extending
the same across the mountains? Iu this
day and age it looks very selfish for Uncle
Sam to cut us off from railroad commu
nication a period of two days the time
it requires a letter to reaoh Arlington
when we are almost in hearing of the
iron horse.
Captain H. Bellfleld LeFovre, the in
vinoiblebuck herder, bun d inned the
habiliments of civilization, and ia now a
citizen of the Puget Sound country, in
every sense of the word. Reluctantly
'Bell" left his old 'stnmpiu' ground,
e'en though our existance is not tainted
to any alarming degree with what is
termed 'high life.'
Like all other portions of Eastern Ore
gon, our hills anil valleys are void of
grass. There yet remains a filial! allow
ance of sheep feed a very small nlow
anee. Horses aud cattle are faring poor
ly. A berif is out of the question among
range oattle. In fact all stock presents
about the same appearance they did of
yore in the early spring time after a se
vere winter.
Let come what may; the dry hot winds
of the north, the drouth or a wheat-killing
winter, the stockmen say they are
"healed." The sowing of tiie prolitio
oereal, rye, has beeu almost universal
this fall, and an abundant hay crop will
surely be harvested next season.
Our little hamlet is now, for the first
time in its history, the homo of a realtor-sure
expounder of the gospel. He is
quite a curiosity. Print.
Commend to publio approval the Cali
fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of i' igs.
It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste
and by gently acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, it cleanses the syBtern
effectually, thereby promoting the health
aud comfort of all who use it.
The result of late elections have been
a surprise to all, of whatever party. The
democrats claim it as an indication of a
great change of Beutimont in favor of
their platform; while the republicans
place the blame to this otf year, when
their strength is not shown. IJut from
all we can gather from the oanvass and
tho situation from our Eastern exchang
es, national questions entered but little
iu the influence which directed the poo
ple to vote, as there were no national
candidates to be elected; and there were
many and various local questions, which
ovorbalauced all others at the preseut
time, in their state coutests.
The prohibition law in Iowa, nud the
temperance and Snudaylaws in Ohio bad
their particular etteot; and many other
matters of a local umfii- ft). Iiii h the ex
perience of every i recall, here
made the vital issues everywhere in the
states which recently held elections, as
uo national issue was endangered. We
would not advise our friends to bank
much on the next elections, bocause
such apparent changes have beeu made
this year.
Tha Best Salve iu the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Ho res, Uloers,SiltIUieum, Fever
Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
aud positively cures Piles, or uo pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or mouey refunded. Prioe
20 oents per box. For sale by A. 1).
Johnson & Co.
Ginns Cai'TUIied InCalhobni.v. After
a persistent search of neurly five weeks,
Gibbs, the murderer of MolJevitt at Port
land, Oct. 11. was oaptured at Humbolt
Bar, Ca!., Nov. 4 There can be but little
doubt that the man now hold, is the mur
derer, as photographs of the arrested
man, sent to Portland, have been recog
nized by many persons who know Gibbs
well They all declare the original of
the photographs to be, undoubtedly,
Gibbs. The necessary steps have been
taken to bring him to Portland.
For the capture of the vicious and
dangerous murderer, the publio are in
debted for his urrest, to the publio spirit
of private citizens of Portland, and they
have their reward in knowing that their
liberality has resulted in success, and
that they have the thanks of the citizens
of Oregon.
Mrs. Sarah Hays returned on last Tues
day from a visit to Ler children in Idaho.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
wilh the medicinal virtues of'planls
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
CieansethB System Effectually,
5,0 THAT
Naturally follow. Every one is osing it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
t Sam Frahcisco, Cal.
Lo'.-isvuls, Kv. New York, N. Y
y i: 2sr t i s t.
; - Eitractinic and Filling by tiie I ateat
liijil Mont Improved Mttiotii.
AU Work Guaranteed,
i Office Leezer & Thompson's buildintf
j Main St., over E. J Hloeiim'n drug ftorn.
-Successor to "dinnr, Dodson & Co.-
If You Want
Gents' Iitnalsslxiiag: Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, s Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or auythiug usually kept iu a first-class store, call on
Heppner Feed Yard!
Is the pluce for
li'oo Caniplng House.
Whole Barley nud Chop for Sale.
KEEFEE & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppuer, Or.
Buy Your
rs. S. P
Site has All the Latest Styles in
Before Purchasing Elsewhere.
vy jkA a
Bakers' Patent Flour,
Better and cheaper than grades shipoed
into this market.
Having added steam pewer and having all the facilities of the best
mills, the supply will at all times equal the demand.
Bran - $15.00 a Ton.
Mill Feed - - - 18.00 a Ton.
Flour $.175 per barrel in 5 barrel lots; single
barrel $4.00,
When you come in for your full supplies, call
for Sperry's Flour.
J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor,
... t Wii'i'ii,,..,.
Opposite Hotc-1,
For Ihc Best Beds anil m s
Newly Furnished Throughout. Sample
Room for Commercial Tourists
Next Door.
Teamsters to stop.
jljl jjk jla py
ami Itaiirinf Neatly Done,
Heppner, Oregon.
The Pioneer Firm of
lias constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandiser
To be Found East of Portland.
Among tiie Lntest Novelties are
Their Celebrated Boot
Is unsurpassed for durrbility.
Gents' Underwear, Ties aud Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
HatH, Cais,Tobri(!Ons, Crockery, Eh
In our Grocery Department everything is
First-Class and Staple Goods in every
variety to suit all classes of trade.
. Speoinl Indiicouieuts in.
isep Dip Tobacco. Sulphur. Line, fire,
A personal inspection of our Mammoth htook will convince the
publio that we carry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prioes for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Waon always on Hand.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harnoy Comities wilL
lo woll to price our Goods bofore purchasing else
wlioro. We giiarenteo Courteous Treatment,
ami will endoavor to make all
fool at home.
Do Not Forget The Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
Ma and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will bo sold at marvelously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offored to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed iu the Northwest, which en
titles us to tho distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
A. D. Johnson & Co.
Sole AgelitH for Murrmv Coiintv for
FLU 1 1) SHEEP 1) IP.
iiniii 1 ntri i
1 Mil l 1 i l l'
1 i n n 1 1 1' j
.1 SfCffilt!!
rid riiiiiijT always
on Hand.
Vein will llml it Complete Supply nf
Di'iiLis, Pntoui Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Glass,
kesk ley hi and Imported U
A Complete Jjiiiu of Si liool Hooks nnd Stationery. Free
I'XvliiiiiKu on National Menders.
T"lio Fiucwt mlc1 TVCoest Oompleto 'Utrtclx. of
Oold r'cii irx Uxwitox-m Orc51.11 .
I'mxcriiitioiiii Filled
Tjcezur & Thompson ooruor, ; ; : Mnin Street,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Go Ui their dtore for tho Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Wnrranted for
five yenrs). Don't buy eluowhere till yon exiunine their machines nnd
get onsb prides.
H. Blackman & Co
Wiiod iind Willow Ware,
I!ii,l Cages, 'SEW HOME Sewing Ma
itliines and a complete lino of
(jOII (!cll0n(j J