Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, November 14, 1889, Image 2

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HEPl'NEE. TiroiiSDAY. N... M, '89.
The cilizoiis of lq'l,lu' and
Morrow county, have generously
pledged one thousand dollars to
ward building a rond from Ilepp
ner to Dayville.
It has been opened and ready
for travel, as far as Haystack in
fivAut rv.ni.tv. So much as lies
within Morrow county, has been
accepted as a public highway by
the Morrow county court The
road has good grades that ensure
fairly safe and easy travelling to
the people through that section of
It is understood, that from Hay
stack to Dayville, the citizens pro
pose raisins the sum of fifteen
hundred dollars, to extend the road
to the latter place.
They require and demand a good
road, by which they can get to the
best and most convenient markets;
and as Heppner fills all the re
quirements, they are determined
to have as good a road as can be
made for their money from Hay
stack, on, to the John Day. With
the sum proposed, they believe
tbey can build a good road for the
travelling public, which, after its
acceptance by the enterprising
county court of Grant county, can
be kept in good travelling condi
tion; and that court as now consti
tuted will not let the enterprise
lag from the want 'of any proper
influence on thoir part. The
Grant county court should take
pnrly steps to declare the part fin
ished to Haystack, a county high
way, so that the snpervitoi's may
be authorized to keep it in proper
condition; and the citizens should
see that a petition is presented for
that purpose.
Many of our lteyville friends
are probably not aware that Hepp
ner is sixty or seventy miles near
er, than any other market point.
The proposed route is much bet
ter, more desirable and the nearest
point to a good shipping inarkot.
Its completion will increase the
wool shipment froiuJHoppuer, over
one and a half million pound per
sirurut i ovhtix i -khtio. i rtox.
The Portland .Immiid says:
The single tax theorists of Port
land have boon circulating a peti
tion askiug congress to appoint a
committer) to investigate and re
port upon tho expediency of rais
ing all public revenues by a single
tax upon laud irrespective of im
provements. Over (iO.OOO signa
tures were obtained in Sau Fran
cisco to the samo petition.
Thore can bo no objections to
sneh petitions, as their object in
one for inquiry and investigation
in a matter that low assumed some
prominence in certain quarters.
As the proposition of a single tax
is an untried theory, in American
politics, which will probably nev
er obtain the popular favor, a thor
ough investigation is to be desired,
that the people may become in
formed upon a maltor so important
to the public welfare. There aro
serious objections to tho single tax
idea, which will prevent its adop
tion by the great body of tho
American people. They will want
to know how the moneyed capital
ists nro to bear their part of the
ll-,l,S77.Y(.T l. VS I.I:!IS!,ATII;i:.
The legislature of Washington
met at Olympia last Monday, and
both houses perfected their organ
izations, by electing their neces
sary ollicers. During the proceed
ings, at -l:")!) p. m., (lov. Moore's
message, with Secretary lllaine's
telegram to him, announcing the
wigning by the president of the
proclamation, was read by tho
speaker of the house, and received
with cheers by members and spec
tators present.
It was expected by friends of
the senatorial aspirants, that a
vote would bo taken before the
proclamation was signed, but when
the fact was announced it created
much doubt as to tho advisability
of electing senators before tho sec
ond Tuesday after the meeting of
the legislature. It is probable
that the election will not occur be
fore the 1'Jth of November.
Another liibtiiuco of t lie uiifoi'
taintics of law mill its iutorprntii
tion, luny lis fouutl in the Into do
ciaiou of the Mtiproiiie coui't of
New York, in deciding what in
called the trust c'uuse iu tho will
of Samuel J. Tildeii, ly which a
large sum wns doviwed us a trust
in the hands of hiu. executors to np-
ply to public uses.
The coui't declared the clause to
be void, for its uncertainty. The
will was carefully prepared by one
who was conceded to be a great
lawyer of great mind and knowl
edge, aud decided by. judges who
have not yet reached the point of
greatness beyond quibbling tech
nicalities. The case will go to
tho court of appeals where the dis
puted points will be finally settled.
The report now comes that the
great Standard Oil trust has gob
bled up three more of the largeht
independent refineries in tho conn
Hill lis capacious nppeiue
for more oil never be satiated?
So long as separate and inde
pendent companies operate refiner
ies it will continue its aggressive
oppression to destroy all other en
terprises which would inure to
the private and public benefit.
Sovereign people, awake from
the slumbers into which you have i
fallen, and let party organizations j
sink until all gigantic monopolies
aro completely destroyed.
At last after much tribulation
and trial, arising from the blun
ders of the canvassing board, our
neighbors over in Washington are
content and happy, and amid their
rejoicings they forgot their dis
appointments. The necessary returns with the
proper certificates, required by the
enabling act of congress, arrived
at Washington, last Sunday even
ing. They were placed in the
hands of Attorney G eneral Miller
Monday morning, for examination,
and reached the president that
evening; who being satisfied the
law bad been fully complied with,
at 5:27 o'clock signed the procla
mation, and Washington was no
longer a territory, but au equal
among tho shining stars on our
national banner, being number 42
in tho order of statehood.
Dispatches report great excite
ment prevailing in the Cherokee
Nation, caused by Secretary No
ble's proclamation ordering syndi
cate cat! lemen oiT the Cherokee
strip. Chief Mnyes sent the com
missioners a letter, iii which
defies congress, the attorney gen
eral, and Secretary Noble, lie
says the government cannot put
the cattlemen oil' tho strip. It is
quite probable that chief Mayes
will hear something drop that will
awaken him from his drowsy con
dition, to discover that tho word
"cannot" is not well taken, when
applied to a power of tho United
States government. He will also
bo astonished to see the cattlemen
vacate the strip. according to or
ders from the proper officials.
I he government will not permit,
third parties to cm- between
ami tho Indians to stand Hi ob
structionists to it i policy, in deal
ing with the Iudinns in curtailing
their reservations, as tho public
necessities and demands require.
77 W tiXaLUill Ol'l'ltENHKIt ALSO.
The Kuglish people are slow to
accept ineiiauioH which other ("ititi
tcios may adopt for their protec
tion, which are pot eminently En
glish. J..' ut when their persona!
interests are oppressed by extor
tion of their corporations, they are
quick to apply the means for re
lief; and, from the following which
wo collate from llrudxti'vt'te, it;
would seem that onr railroad
commission is looked upon with
favor, and that our English cous
ins are willing to urge the adop
tion of something al ter our Ameri
can plan.
The English traders and manu
facturers are protesting against
the extortionate freight charges
imposed by the rail way companies.
Meetings hava been held !o take
vigorous aclion to secure, u possi-
Uo, parliamentary supervision
over I ivi;;lu; rates, ami lo obtain i
pledges from members favorable
J ., . , , , i
lo their demands. Where such
pledges are refused the leagues1
will unite without rouard to oarlv I
aHiliations, and throw all their in
tluenc' against, the niembers refus-
.i 77iT'.st i.v niorni i-
It appenrs Hint trust.
troubles, ai.il tilings .lo
run smooth an I lovelv,
have their
in t always
even with
the most powerful of these organ
i,ed monopolies.
Now comes Hie gre:it.
seed trust, and makes known to the
public, an embezzlement by their
ollicers uf over a half million dol
lars of the trust's funds. Jl is an-j
nounce 1 that the corporation has
I i l h .v. , i i:..
l.WJ..tl.Ul U 1.1 1 ii... ...-.I' .' ... .. J'llll ,
! about oiit'-liulf the sum from thei
Oiulii'.zleiH in full sati,.l'.K-lioii.
Jit nt managers of hucIi combina
tions have peculiar tact, in account
ing for their losses in buuiness, to
gull tho victims of their misplaced
j confidence.
i The incident has induced the
proposition for a reoroaiiiznUou as
an incoriiorafcil company. They
,.,,Kl.l, ,i;..... I ii...t ii...
... , . ioc.i-i, ...... urn
trust was illegal,
managers could
ami unit llieir
carry on their
scnemes to tiie injury oi the cer
tificate holders without redress.
At any rate it has discovered to
them one weakness, at least of a
combined trust.
All parties indebted Bt the "tlem" aa -
lonn are reimeated to settle bv monov or i
Uote, by tho 1st day of liecembir. All !
uecouuU not settled by that date will be !
placed in the hands of a collector, 47-!l :
VKiiNB. UAY H KK8310N, Nov. 6, 811.
Miwc'lhi noons hills allowed :
(Jo... i. Iiiirniir.1 k Co $33 V P
J. U. Allen
is oo
50 85
4 00
i Heppiibr Oazkttr
i .1 M St!in!iv
Kirk & H.-iyc
C. I,. Andrews 1 -!
V. H. linl.inson.. 44 (HI
Koss E. Mows 1 01)
Geo. Noble 50 0.1
Monuments of road No. f21 being re
moved, road w:8 ordered reviewed, re
surveyed and re-established. J.iho U'.vse
and Andrew Rood appointed nn viewero;
Julias Keitbly, surveyor. Ordered to
meet Nov. Hi, H'.K
Miscellaneous bills allowed:
C. L. Andrews $210 78
T. It. Howard 201 CH)
I.N. basey 55 10
W. O. Minor 3 7a
1). M. Dunbar 4 00
; Collin & Mct'urliind 1 60
Bills of Jurors and witnesses:
Andrew .7: Tillard $ 7 00
0. M. Mallory 2 00
E. H. Cox .' 2 00
Joseph Mason 'I 0U
J. W. Muir 13 00
). W. Lipscomb 12 00
A. j. Maokiiv 8 W
Ji. B. Mnnn .
8 00
15 00
14 80
15 CU
17 00
13 40
18 00
15 40
J. L. Avers
W. H. jSentuol. . . .
Tlmman Bennisou .
C. Ii. Cate
Win. rau
J. H. Wyland
T. J. Allyn
Oscar Mitchell . . . ,
W. 0. Mutier
D. It. Jayuo
15 00
14 4'J
13 80
Itl 00
J. JJcos.
A. C. l'ettys ' 15 00
Thomas Quaid 12 80
Carl Crow......: 14 40
U. W. Stewart H 00
J.S. lioothby 14 00
Jus. Hiuiib 6 00
A. H. MliiuLluck. 6 CO
J. E. Snrivnur fi 00
H. I,. Keyte 13 80
W. E. lialiler G 00
N Leathers 7 80
T. II. Downing 0 00
J. H. Toniia 0 H
N. It. MeVey (i 00
A. 11. Alters! 0 (10
I, . H. Nicholson 0 00
(K M. Alters 0 10
W. S. Me lummy 0 0.1
O. W. Mitehcltree .'. (i 00
E. II. Diekens 8 00
G. I. Robinson 7 00
A. E. Wrijrht 1 6 2;i
V. A. Stopens 5 Ml
J. 0. Keil lily (i 00
Chas. Erey 5 00
L. E. AiniHtnuiK "
II.. Hooker 10 00
'(. 10. Warren 10 (Kl
. 1 Alters 10 40
w. vv. lfriiimoii. u
I). W. Bos-man H 40
Ered 1'nnncn 10 00
C. M. Hoym- 10 00
A. M. Min-klnim 1'J 00
liuKcne Myers 10 0)
Phil Colin 12 00
S. V. Meadows.
10 oo
I). 11. Hendricks. .
0. A. Rhea
J. C. Kirk
Albert Wright, . . .
John Jenkins
10 00
15 20
13 (10
12 00
2 Oi
i Joseph Mason
5 00
11 40
Win. I'.stes
J. M. White
Thomas Reauey . . .
E. C. Ilentley
Thomas W'aldron.
E. P. Sine
Orin Ij. Patterson .
13 8; i
(1 10
12 (ill
13 2.1
111 80
11 00
2 (n
in oo
17 00
. M. Webb
J. c Uramtett
iWrio. .
7 80
Wm. Kinisey . . .
I'. A. Hunsaker
H. Ij. Kejte. . . ,
J. M. hhelton. .
H. P. Florence.
John Chilly....
S. W. I'loreon . .
J. G. Madded; .
A. Smith
,1 is. M. linger .
4 00
a oo
13 80
(1 Oil
12 0:1
4 On
1(1 00
40 00
10 00
10 00
7 SO
W. m. lil'tt Is
(1. W. II.iiiii.Kti.il 8 00
W.u. il. IOihi 2 00
Geo. W. llanis 0 Oil
E. P. Sine.
7 80
U 40
7 80
0 80
4 (10
11! 00
4 00
8 (III
(1 00
(i 00
Win. Esles. . .
II. I Ive.tc .
J. M. While...
0. O.Tslbort. .
Ed 1 1 ale
U 0. Boon. . ,
E. (!. lienll..-y.
J. M. Shellon .
0. ii. MeAteo. .
Thus. Walden 0 ()
H. P. Florence
Jus. Neville
G. W. Rea
Gilliam A Coffey...
A. J..1. Johnson - Co
. . (. 00
2 00
10 'J)
II. Patberg 17 70
W. M. Lewis 30 00
T. W. llallcy 1.3 00
Sheriff Howard was allowed u rebate
on the tax roll of 1H8S to the amount of
Wills & Carl allowed an extension of
ti.ne on construction of thebridge across
Willow Creek at the Cochran place.
M. II. Driskell allowed 850 damages
Oil passage of road No. Hi through his
; (;,llo'n,iu!i i,ills wuru allovved ;
jr. n, I iskell
AM 00
Albert right .
Juhas heitbly
.. ,s. W'ells
Hepoif on roud No. 82 aeueptod.
H- Wils. u, et al, tile hills of
. 4 Oil
. I 00
. 4 00
! ages ou tins road amounting t .
j W. H. Wihnot and 2S others rcnkinstral e
j against said road. R aid rejected.
! (t bills allowed:
Julias Keilblcy
i (). T. Douglass
1 . F. Wilim.t
14 (HI
4 20
!! 10
4 00
! 00
4 110
F.. Ii. Gorton
1). Sloutenlnirg
: Glide Spcrry
! Rend No. 8.'! w as ordered opened
Cost bills allowed:
Julias Keithley
10 00
2 Oil
2 40
C. R. Catc
: J. Ihiugbci ty
Road No. 84 or.lere 1 opened.
Cost bills allowed :
Julias Keithley
J. L. Avers
Win. .Iiitics . . .
useiili Hover .
. James .1. Iiuaon
; (iaiubi'l.
Filll'AV SSljiSlON.
; Cost bills allowed:
O. W. Heft
I (I. V. S tl-Hui t
I H. F. Swaj:i.it
! Link Swagtai t
: l'lios. liuchley
j Ed. Hale
! Frank Whetstouo. , , ,
. Ill ,"m
I Ml
. 1 ell
. . 1 o0
. 1 oil
. 1 ,W
. 1 Ml
1'2 I 0
. S HI
. ii hi
1IK1 ('(I
. 17 I'll
, 'JT (Hi
. ;ti !;
Chas. Elder
' (I. W. lieti
! l!la'r
E.J. (Sloeiiin
... Mi,..,,i, .
I Jnim a. Thompson .
j John H. Ely
yj. J... Andrews
ts uud.iubtedly caused by luetic acid Itl
the blood. Tli s acid attacks the iihnuia
tissues, and causes the pains and aches
iu the hark, shoulders, knees, ankles.
hips, and wrists. Thousands of peop!
have found in Hoods .Sarsaparilla
positive cure lor rheumatism. Th
me licme. bv Its imnr villi; action, n u
trali.es the Hcnlity of the blood, and also
builds up mid trt'ui;thens die whole
Gen."l"i! Maboi'fi was arreet" ! in Pe
tersburg, Va.,Nov. 0. for sl.ootinjr into a
mob the n:'l previonx, lp: cathered in
front of iii-- bonse, thr.vm.r rn -kets
i.'iiin.v ' an 1 olliei""s.-' ooiineituMX
ft 033 m-FStlltt-. fi is I mi;,)"u (hat !:e
genrra! '. r.1 into the v,!i. '.v.iiM'iiit.
oi:e ini.r. f-r wl.i.'h ijv ves amMteJ and
held in $2,500 bail.
We have reoe'itly published Bupreme
court (lf-..i.,i ;. i-munce.l in Neoraslta
and Wi ( oriv, d-' i.trii.' elnriVHii l'.ir
ties to he ;:k In; ;r. i 1-a -so who were the
objects (J the ttf.'.r j; p.tre justilied in
defend'" Mieins.'-ivns i.nd their property.
IhouirU kill in.,' nsulfit to imrlicipaiits
in llio m- h. And si i iij (l:is ease of ida
lione it if quite likely end in smoke,
by (lie court sus!aii;i:jr him in his riuht
to resist the violent acts of an offensive
n;oh. t-iue!i ir-.Htup.'-es .of violence and
insult-; by tin I"', leralsed by a deter
u.ir."d d-f ne!-from !l ; iijsulted vi-titn.
by foroe of ainis, wi'l, ii is to he hoped,
have trreat force in arotisins; public
srutitr.eiit to a. proper sense
of the riuhls and feelings of
otljf ts, end discourage all such iather-
mys for unlawtul ( uipoHes.
male Specialist. Has practiced on the
Pacific Const for the pant twenty-five
years. A life time devoted to the study
of female troubles, their causes and
cures. I have Ihnnsunds of testimo
nials of pel maneut cures from the best
people on tins ooust. A positive gnar
antee to pennanentjy cure any case ol
female weakness, no matter how Ions
standing or yh'jt the sfasje may be.
Charges reasonable and within the reaob
of nil. lor the benefit of the very poor
of my sex who are siOferin from any of
the (.'voat multitudes of ailments that
follow in the train of that terrible dis
ease known as femalo weakness, and
who are unable to pay for treatment, I
will treat free of charge. Consultation
by mail, free. All oorrespendence strict
ly confidential. Medicines packed,.
boxed and sent by expreex
with charges pro-paidfor "home"
treatment, with specific directions for
use. tf you are Buffering from any fe
male trouble, periodically or constantly,
East 1'ortlnud, Oregon.
Traflie Manager Melleu, of the Union
Pacific, issued a oirculiir on the llth inst.
making the following appointments, to
go into effect December 1st: J. A. Mun
roe is made general trafhV manaferr. with
headtpiartei-s at Omaha; J. 8. Tebbets,
general freight agetil, Omaha; P. (lamp
l.ell, general freight agent, Portland; A.
Ij. Maxwell, general agent traliio de
partment, Portland; Fruneis Cone, gen
eral freight and Iralilc agent, Ss't Ijiike,
Utah; W, Y. JlobioHon, getiernl freight
agent, St. Joseph;!'. W. Lee, nssistant
general pasucnger agent, Omaha, becomes
the general pnsseiiger ag;'iit, with head
iiuarters at PortlaiKl S. L. Lynde, now
travelling fT'issenger nt'ent, with head
quarters at HI,. Paul, is appninted gener
al papnenger agent, with heridipiai-ters
ut fit. Joseph.
In your throat, which makes yo'i cough
once in a w hile and keeps yon constantly
clearing your throat, arises from eiOiu rh.
and as catarrh in a eonsti utionnl disease
the ordinary cough medic, lies all fail to
hit the spot. What you need is a con
stitutiomil remedy lil e Hood's 8iirsaf:a
ri 11 .1 Many people who have taken this
medicine lor serotub1, dyspepsia, loss of
apiK-iilc, anil other troubled, have been
surprised Unit it should cure this trou
blesome cough. Hut to know the actual
cause of the cough is lo solve the mys
tery. Many cmsk of consumption can
he traced back to the neglect of eoiue
such slight aH'cetio. . as tins. Consump
tion can be eontrolleil in its early stages,
and the cU'e.-t of Hood's Hsrsapariila in
purifying the blood, building up the
general health, and expelling the scrofu
lous feint which is the cause of catarrh
and eonxumption, has restored to perfect
health many persons on whom thisdread
disease seemed to have a firm hold.
ot'it impouth'anp EXPORTS
The statement comes from (be. bnroan
of statistics that tho imports for the year
has exceeded tho experts, by Sf.i0,00.l',00.),
which means that the people of the Uni
ted Stales are buying to that extent, more
goods than they are selling of their pro
ductions; which goes to show that tho
foreign markets are fully supplied with
sneh articles as our people have to sell.
Ami further that foreigners will not buy
more than tlcir iicceH4tlies demand.
The total impnrls for the year was
$11; li 1.000,000 Thus is our gold flowing
into foreign lands, while our granaries
are filled with the golden grain which
our tanners nro eager to sell.
Consumption Si'hki.y Cuhkd. To the
editor: Please inform your readers that,
I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease, liy its timely nsa thou.
sands of hopeless oases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy iukr to any
of your readers who have oonsumptiou
if they will send their express nuu post
olllec address, T. A. 8 LOCUM, M. C,
181 Pearl at, Now York, N. Y.
A ti'!.'jrii.!i tli.H.iitoli from C!iio:iK'i,
Nov. 10, iul'oiniH um tli.it an interim! war
in tin' Woman's Christum Ti'inpt'iiiiico
Union bi.ls fair to losnlt dinaatrously to
thtf iinily it thnt orjr:inipti..ii. Tiie
hitler tijlit wiiyi'il nt (lie iiWiiing niit'l
ufti'rniiim Ht'siiions on t!ie HI 1 1 iiift. bo
twHpn tin. tnaioritv of Mrs. Foster's f:in.
tion over tho .jnestion of a liiinor license
I1,... tl,,. 1...J. .Ij l.oili ...! i.,..u,.i I..-I
Vi.'e-l'it'siilouf Alui'l.in to iinothei' mini,
Una wiilonoil llm iili-omly existing bieui'li
aiiii i.i-imu.n'H to linstsn tho split in the
reniirkcd an old rentleman, at he raic4
fondly upon the .huiicIt liitl woman by bi
lido; "but frankly," ho contained, "at onu
timv I wal afraid cotuicti. would. Th I'll
lit t lo woman, in ordr to atMH'ar youthful,
plastrrod hor fa.e with different varieties oi
whitowitah, yclept 'balme.' 'ci-tfauii.' 'lotion.'
cto." "Yea," Interrupted tlio little woman.
' I dl.1, until my akiu I
oatue like parchme
end so piniplv and coaree.
aid th
littencr, What do you use now? ' "I'se '
wfte the rm.lv. "nothina but common aent.
and Dr. Flcrve'f (lolJcn Mnlical Uis.wvcry. I
Common lease told me that if my Mood wai j
pure, liver active, apiwtlto and uije.tluu go.).
that the outwanl womeu would take ou th-i
hue of bealtU.. The ' l)is.Hvery ' did all thou
thiiiar and actually rejuvenated me." If you
would ixwariu a cloar, beauUful compleiiop. I
free from blotches, pimples, eruptions, yelk"! i
pots and reunion. M, use the "(lohien Med.
ical DiscoTcry." It ia suarantsa to H.
all that it is claimed to, or moiier paid
fur II will be promptly refuuded.
Cspyrljat, law, by WOBLD'S Dis. Vu isS'H.
rropnetors of Or. Sajrc's Catarrh hrme.1r. 11
lie mini, eoornmff ana neaitng; pronertH 11
cures the worst oass, no matter of uuw Kui
laodjnf. By dius-mu, 10 est.
IB f A A if reran incurable case of Ca.
" larrn In the Head bv tin
Ii a constitutional and not a local disease,
and therefore it cannot be cured by local ap
plications. It requires a constitutional rem
edy like Hood's Siysaparllla. which, working
through Uio blood, eradicates the impurity
which causes and promotes the disease, aud
effects a permanent cure. Thousands of
people testify to the success of Hood's bans.
parilla as a remedy (or catarrh when other
preparations had (ailed. Hood's Sarsaparilla
also builds up the whole system, and makes
you feel renewed in health and strength.
"I used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh,
and received great relic( and benefit from it.
The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially
in the winter, causing constant discharge from
my nose, ringing noises in my ears, and patna
In the back of my head. The effect to clear
my head in the morning by hawking and spit
ting was painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave
me relief immediately, while in time I was
entirely cured. I am never without Hood's
Sarsaparilla in my house as 1 think It is worth
Its weight in gold." Mrs. O. Ii. Gibb, 1020
Eighth Street, N. W., "Washington, D. C.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, fll; Btiforjft. Prepared only
b7 C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail,
IOO Doses One Dollar
For Week Ending Wednesday, Nuv.lS. 1R89.
Mean I .Mean
Date Temp. j V.ux. 5Iin. liar. Wind.
SSfr! Wm r,stu sa.i aaiiir. KV.
" S. VIM 5.1.111) 211.11 .Kl4i W.
" 9. SO 50 115.11.1 3.IX1 m'M 8W.
" 10 4B.0H "iOWI 4.1.UU auM.'i W.
"n 4ti. r,o 55.0.1 ai.tm ao.nir. y.
"IS. 42.011 4I.KI 3 . i.ll W.
' I3. 85 5(1 4'J 111 87.11 80 840 W.
i' Hid
We desire to Bay to onr citizens, that
for vears we have been selling Dr. Kind's
Nevr'Disoovoi-v "for Consumption. Dr.
Kind's New Life; rills, l.'nckiih's Ariiiru
Salve and Electiie liittors, ami have
never bandied nwdit'S that soil ns well,
or that have, fcivou sneh univvrsal satie
faotion. V.V do not besitatii to .'iiaran
tee them every limp, inul we Btand ready
to refund the pnrohiise jiriiip, if fmth-.fao-tory
results do net follow their use.
These remedies have won their Kieat
popularity purely on tlieti uieiit.'J. A. D.
Johnson & Co., Druggists. !
OlilCllON NATION Al.(il)Alil).
Thk Dali.es. l'iu:noN, Nov. 1 lssii.
Ohnicual Oltl.KltS,
No. 18. (
I. Sergt. J. 11. llar.liu liaa been fleet
ed and commissioned First T.ioiitunnnt
of K Co , vhpk to date from Jrily 20, IHS.l,
and he will be respeoted and obeyed ae
cordinflv. If. (.Jtipt. W. (1. Simpiion
yriiiited three month's sirk
date from November lo. 1HM.1.
III. Lietit. G. H. Bennett
lias been
leave, to
relieved from duty as Itenimeiitnl Com
missai-y, and lio will as-sume the duties
of K.'Hiimntal Ordnauc.o olikei'.
IV. Lieut. Ed. M. Viliam". of C Co.,
in beieby appoinltd KeKiinental Com
missary. V. Capt. ( leo. T. Thompson, Lietit.
8. E. Fancy, and Lieut. F. A. li.-.iley, are
hereby detailed as a l.eyi'.nental Court
of Discipline.
VI. dipt (r. T. Thompson, Capt. T. A.
Houehtou, JJeut U. H. tennett, and
Lieut. E. 15. Mel'arlaiiil, are hereby de
tailed aa Hoard of Ollicers for the niati
ujement of tj.e new Rrmi.ry,
lly order of
i'has. E. MonoAN.
OFfreiAl,: t'olonel.
Jus. P. FlTZdKit.U.D, '
1st Lieut, ami A.ljt.
. Is nrT pflKiarantoed lo Ijriutf
you -niv ."""ii'1Ll or in euse of
failure a letiuu of puiohaso price. Ou
this safe plan you eau bui from our ad
vertised Dnif'oist n bottle of Dr. King's
Ntw Discovery for Consumption. It.
is tiiiarauteetl to brill? relief in every earn
wbeu used for any affection of Tliioat,
LmiKS or Cliest, sm-h as Consumption,
IuHanimation of Lungs Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Whooping Coufjh, Croup, etc., etc.
It is pleasant and ayreeabe to taste, per
fectly safe, and can always be depended
upon. Trial bottles free at A. D. John
son & Co'd Drugstore. J,
ti Uetvar.I.
Strayed. A tbree-yenr old maro, white
face, sorrel. Branded swintr II nu left
shoulder and It ijuarter circle Y ou stifle.
$5 reward will be paid for information
conoeruiim the whereabouts of this tmi.
mal, or a suitable reward for her delivery
to nie at Heppner, Or.,or to Dr. J. II lud,
Ella. Oi:o. W. Loiin.
I have openod n well-appoiuted tailor
iujt establishment in my new hnild
iuk ou May street, mid am now regularly
reoeiviuR new goods nj will make cus
tom made pants from 87 to $15 bes,
poods iu the market,
Job priuliutf at Pendleton prices at
the Gazette otlioo,
A fine line of cold liens, pencils, oto..
at E. J, Sloetini's drug store.
Raamus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same iu a scientiflo manner,
J. E. Sperry has second hand (,'raiu
sacks for sale good as new. Call at
The Snling, Morgan mid tittascll but
ter at V. t). Minor's. None better in
the market,
When you are dry, pn to Svn(jirart'n
for a glass tif the celebrated Weinhard
beer, liy the .juart or lihtss.
The Heppner gallery is th place to
have voe,i photo takcu. Dor't forget it.
Theodore Dunuer, ptoprietor.
llunii it litiarl;, horse ahoers;
hoises shod xith ne.v shoiw all round
after date for tfl.fi,) per he ,d.
M. it. l.i. ht. i.thid will open your e es
in ii i. -cs of his tie. its and sb.-es. Will
i'iui l-bv them no cheaper in lVrilaud.
A fiesh lt of crackers, cake, Cindy,
t.lnideti btirb Mre and other confeotu.il
iaty ooiisti.uily received at Leeser Sc
The )M liiickliinhem At Ueeht, men'a
shoe will not rip. li st in the market
for the price, lldv theiu at M. Liohteu
Ihiil's. Que. iis-.vareand (jlassa are, at, ureatly
reduced prices, fur cash at GdliumA: Cof
fey's new lined ware store. Get their
prices before you buy.
Henty of mill feed and Hour on baud
at Sperry's Holler Mills. Flour in tive
barrel lots, S3.75; sinule barrel, $I.1K).
Son to arrive. A complete line of
women's and children's woolen hosiery
Wilkins KuittiiiK mills. Von Duyti lias
the exclusive tiKht to handle them.
Do you want some dried veuisou? (io
to J. W. MatliK'k Jc Co.'s grocery store
for it, aud everythiux else iu their line.
The most complete st.ak of ureceries in
Koberts & Simons are preared to re
piur broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blncksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
It is a fact that. VaiiDuyn has the larg.
est Hue of men's and bov's furnishing
goods iu town, o.ins'Sting of heavy Man
uel iliider.vear and over-shirts. It would
take too much space to inenliou the difl'-erer-t
lines. Call an I see for yourself.
I j.n.1 Office t The (Mile. Or.! Oct. 2. 1689.
N..ti-.j it h.Thy tii.-eu that t hs MlowiriK
n.iml nuttlm- Iihr fi!wl notice of liis intention
to nutke final priK.f i.i sui.rt of iiis claim, and
That wulcl proof will iiitwi lefir.. the rounty
jai(;e of Vurrow county, lit Heppner, Or., on
Dm. 41, im. viz:
Hewm dtlJirell
lid. 1741, for the SK'i A 11. T 8, K 21 E, W.
He rnmes the following witnoews to prove hie
continuous residence upon, and cultivation ( i
wild land, viz:
Ainln'w Hood, t !iIT K. Jfmen, .lames II. Jones.
Kred Ashbaiuh. of Lin-lit Mile. tr.
:tir-Xi K A. M,:;)ona!.d. Iteuistor.
iMiti OiFce nt Ijj.llmn.le. Or.. Oct . 21. '
Notice is l.erehy given thutlie foliowiiiK-namfl
settler hue tiled notice of hin intention to iniiice
final t.rocf in enpport o' l.iscirtini, and tliHt aid
proof will he made hfore tlte county clerk of
Morrow count y at Heppner, Or., on Dec, llth
lti. viz:
John Strife. ,
D. S No. W15 for the BWli tiec 11. Tp 4 S R 27.
E. W. M.
lie nninee the following witneiw.to p'pve hi"
co'.ti.'iuouB reidei!Ceupo'.i. aid cultivation oi,
fillid imid, viz:
i,n. i-:ai:nr. Hnm-ifi Hall. D.ivni jT:c.b.--on
mid lt.J. liill, iillof tlc:.pn.-r(lr'.
Anyp"r on wimdo.-ni. to y-otc-it a;i!:!?t tliw
allowmiC" .if proof, or who knows of any
Hi.li-tHi tiul nuhon.'uiidr the hiw an i the rcRiila.
tione of the let ri,,r J).'p:ii-t!nent.wlij rtiK-li proof
should not he allowed, will l.e given to! oppoftu
nily Ktllioat.ove nientiouoil tiiiu' iiii'l lilacs to
croNp-ejiiwniiie the witn.-enes of shiiI ciaim'irt,
end to uti'ei evidence in rchtfltnl of tiii'.t sulnnK
ti (1 hv cliiiimiut.
:J.r.,rRi JIenuy Hinehart, lieejiBter.
IrdOifico at The Dalies Or.. Oct. 2H, 'SO.
Notiee is here.," iven that tlie fnllowinir-
i.nmed settler Iiiih filed notice of iii- intention to
make iinal proof in support of his eluiin, inid
tiiat taid proof will he made hefore the county
clerk of ilo.row county, at HeppT'Ci', Or.,
on Dec. 23. l-v-'.l. viz:
Charles L. liee.it,
D.S. (W74. for the V V. Hl- 'i Hoc "5. Tp 5 S, It 25
E and lots 8 and 4. Hec II, Tp Ii M, li 21) F. W.M.
He names the following witnesseH to prove Ins
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
L. W. Colenian. O. Vt'-Chapiu, W. RoljiiiSon,
Levi ifansfo: d, of Hnrdinan, tlr.
845-ai I'. A. JIoDo.NALn. Reoister
Land OH'ce at The Dalles. Or., Oct. P. W.
Notice is hereby friven thnt the following named
settler iias tiled notice of hie intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will he" made before the county jude of
Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on Nov. 27,
lSbit, viz:
Edivurd Rood,
11,!. (104. for the 8H 1SEH and W H EE'i Sec, 4,
Tp. I H. H. 24, H.
lio names tlie following witnesses lo prove
his continuous n-nidenci' upon, ami cuitivaliou
of. said land, viz:
.Jake .v illi...:! .. J. II. Allen and Herman Neil
son, of Ciieit Mile. Or., u id J. H. Yoans; of
tioos. berry, 1 Ir.
43 13 fc' . A. McDonald, Register.
Laud (Mien at. The Dalles, Or.,. Oct. W. 'SO.
Notice is hereby Ki veil that, the following-named
setlierhas liied notice of hie intention to
make. ttnal pl-oof in support of his
claim, a::.i that, said proof will be made before
the county ,iu lio of Morrow couniy, at Heppner,
Or., on Hue. V, IKS'.l viz-
Bereud l'iq),e:ujti ,
lid. iidl-.. to ton hit liS'.V'i N'.V-i Sec. 5. and
lot I iiHlilt Nl.l4 Mec.ti. 'I'p. A. H. 25, K, W. M.
He names the foiiowinw witneHsee to prove liis
coiiliiiuoiis residence upou, and cultivation of,
said h.L.d, v iz:
Hermann N ison1 Ueo. Hleakaian, .lolm T.
Diekens iind Dan lufC, all of Ilunlmtin, Or.
llit-;:i!i. F, A, F4c:1inaui, liesister
t'niteil Hiatus Land Oliee,
TUB JIa'.lks Or., Oct. 2ti. M. f
VToticeislieicbyKivei, that A l.liHill' WUKiP.T
Iihs liled mil :i'h of his intention to make ha
ul proof before conaly judo of Morrow county,
at his ofiiee in Ileismi-r, Oregon, ou Friday, tho
2nth dav of December, isll. on timber culture ap
l.llcatiwt No. IBS, for the SVi MW & E'.. 8WU
of Hec. Mo. "it. in Township No. -1, lianye No.
25 K. lie ram.s lis as itce-is s: j;, O. Fari-.s-woi'lh
ami 11. A. Hunsaker, of Hepi.ne!., 0:,; and
VV, t', lleitsinyer and llemy ticliirzinser, of
Hardman. Or.
45-."iOj F. A. SIcDonald, ltegi8ter.
TlAlIlElt ('(I'.TUIUi. FINAL PltoOF. NO
TICE FOit FUlil.H'.'TION'.
United states I.mid 0.-;;a 1
LaGhandk, t)ieoit. (l... 2.i. 'kh, f
V-olic i hKly Kiv.ai that JOHN SllihhALV
1 h.is tih il noliceof liin inli.iitioii to nnike timd
prooi" li"fore Conpty Clerk of Morrow county, at
liis OMiee in Heppner, Or., on Friday tho dtli day
of December. IS'.';I, on timber culture appliea
liou No. 558, for tho NW'4 of section No. 14, in
township No. 2 H.. Ilance No. 2SJ, E. He names
as witnesses: Jimies Nehon, Joseph FVeeman
and John Hays, of helm, Or., and E. L. Matloek,
i.i iletipner, Or.
45-5n . IIiiSitY Ki:.-i;!Iai:'i-, l'.Bititjr.
Land Oitico ut La firnmle. Or., lot. 10, '89.
No.ieo is herel.v uiven .lint .he foll.iwintf .
' named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make ihud proof in support of liis claim, and
mutuant proof will lie mane lurore the county
jiulre, or ill hi absence before the eo.lnty clc.K
of Morrow coiintv. at Heppner, Or., ou
Nov. 20. lsll, viz.
Henry G- Tititlh;
Hd. No. 2I..W. for thu W Bli!4 & EH 8WM
Sec. ail, Tp, 1 H. 1I.2HE.
He names the fot lowieic witnesses to prove his
continuous r.iiieneu uiioii and cultivation of.
said hind, viz:
John L. Ayers, Alfred!.. Avers, Frank Fitch
and Win. Jones, nil oi J.ei ft, Or.
Any !jt,'i-.on who desires to protest aitaiit'ii. ti
aiiowaace of sncii pruof. or k.nuwti oi uny
substantis! reason, under the law and die regula
tions of the Interiov i 'ep.'.rin'ieut, why sue!, proof
s!t:ul;l uoi be allowed, will be fiiven an oppottu
uity at Ihc above mentiontsl time and nhice to
cross-exllinice the witnesses t)f said claimant,
and lo olTei' evidence in rohuttal of that submit
ted by claimant,
aH!' IlF.Nay Hinkhabt. Keijlstcr,
Land Offlce at The Dalles, Or., Oct. 25, lfSK.
Notice is hereby Riven that the fnilowinir
named settler has riled notice of liin intention to
make final proof in tuipport of his claim, and
that Haid proof will be made before the county
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner Or., on
Dec, 11, 19, viz:
JiMoi If. Driskell,
DH No. 515, for Iho W4 HUM, 8'4 SWU and
N W 8V'4 Sec 111 T. 3 S. U. 2.i K.
He uaiiica tiie followiiiK witnewiea to ju-ove his
conlia.iout. rcdJeuee. apoii and cultivation of.
said land, vi'
T'noina Smith, riam.iel Ij. Leftler, Klias Friend
aud l-iiuic Baney, of Heppner. Or.
-lli-.ri 1. . A. .HePoNALp, llotfister.
Umliir and (y virtue of an order isuwl mit
of trio ComilyCtmrt of OrPRon for Morrow
county, on tho wi It d;iy of Nivpinter lV. the tin
dtTwiynrd Miiiirdiim of tin ontfit?a at ChtirU j.
FuIIt, Ariiuir T. Fuller mid Janiea i, VWIeT,
minor I iVi rs of .Jamt'H L, Fuller deotwifted, will,
on SiUinvljiy Decern tier 4t 1, J SMI, at lit o'clock,
in (hi- forenoon of t?;u iiy, in front of thMConn
lionSi in lleni.'itT, Hlorrow County UreKoin
sell to tl;u liiirlvet bidder for cash, h(1 th? rinlit,
title mi 1 inUrr.'st of hi faid wtirdw in and to tho
J fol'owinK descrilied mil property, to wlti Th
of ceetion (i, Tp.8 coulb of rtintft eHt,
I the Nl j of th,. sKVj, Nl-U of idt SV.4, and the
i SK'i of the NK,nr wtUi.ii US. Tp. 2 eoulli of
j VHUiV:: eiifit, and hW'4 of NWH, N'a of SVf4
tt.d N W l4 of of MH-tion.'Si, Tp. 2 holiU of
i rnvL'e -V east W, M ,, Orcfjon; k.towu us the J, I,
KutVr mn-h on Willow cr.'es. Morrow eoui ty,
!l)ivt.-ii. Jfitfd Nov.-iubtT Ilrh, li.
j n. V. it. Kj.i.is. liur.rdi.m.
notici; of iM.ssoLriiox.
Xutineis hmdiy i-f tbat the p;ut
j ner.uliip iierotofore existing heisoou A.
, V. Johnscn tunl H. 1. Jnhp.pi.i;! & Co.,
! nndtT tin tirip nti'-io rT A. 1 , Johosou &
, i''., dtt'HL; n Ki'novnl dru iMismeMa in
Uepitm:,t Or, j tliw d:iy dissolved by
: inutnal o.x-td, A. I. ,Tolinson ujjuinin
i all oMifc'.-ui.tns of si'itl tlrm hl.I cdiei
! inn rtorount due s::m
! A. P. Johnson,
I II. F. J'UINSiiN a Co,
! Ut'ppnor, Or., Oct. 11 "S'l. tt.
So have tho Exclusive Coniroof
w Sl N
?s ttoiptw so
s4itb don't fret to cr a prln to lt thft
Boot, for it tfitBLSI UADE. Lvnf Can KJrtt
Gilliam &
Next Door to
First Nationa
"M Mm Mi"
Is n very fnmiliiir saying, yet iu the Ordinary business
transactions of everyittiy life litis is not
wholly trn. However, it is indeed
n fiiot that people will always
buy foods where they
Can Get Them The Cheapest,
And that place ia at
CS. Van
May Sti'eot Store,
Groceries and Supplies, Gents Furnishing
Goods Etc., Etc.
Tnia is a broad ansertiou yet if yon will prill nt Mr Van Du'ys's
iSlnn.l yon will fiiml it
1ST O I J3 L hi B O A. S T i: N" G .
Don't forget Hm )ilaoe
You Will Fiml that Yon Can Get the MnHt Goods of the Same Cljsij
the Least Money at
J. W. Matlock & Co.'s
New Grocery Store, next door to skatinp- rink
When They Say they Keen a Complete Slook They Mean It. See for Yoa.-aelf."
The Most Complete Line of Staple tin.l Fanoy Groceries, Canoed (foods,
Meats, Salt, GlasBWtiro and (inoenswnre, Anything aud Everything.
T T Hi
Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon.
Solo Agents for Oregon and Washington : '
SingU, Double, or Triple Furrow. They are go simple and come bo near absolute perfection, that those wi
have used them or sten them work can not oay enough in their piaise. We furuith tht-m
with or without seat attachment! Seat attachments are extra.
30ckeye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrows.
The latest improved implement (or sowing summer fallow. The most complete and succesafu tool fur thSm
purpose io use.
I We also have a mil line of Rngcleft. Carriage, Phaeton. Mountain Warons
I Platform aud other Spring Vehicles.
Lswrence & Chspin's Spring-Tooth Harrows,
Avill travel well when shod iy
General Blacksmiths & Fariers.
" 1 1 o
HorsssWi $03 w Sun after iiiap 1st, 113.
Matlock Corner. MaiuStroet, Hoppner, Or..
U i T
iriiii liiiiiiiiiiii'
Willi IJ llllll ii IC,
. v
Dec Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills,
skm for BPFmt rmntARs a to price i.ht