1 ' V 4 V.I. BEACH. , President. WM. McFiLL. Vict President. THE Pacific Fire Insurance Co. Portland, : : : : ' Oregon. Capital Stoolc, $500,000. Otis Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon. LUMBER! LUMBER! AT W. G. SCOTT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mill! Keeps oonataritly on hand all kind, of TJNDBESSED LUMBKB; also PICKETS LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES, ETC., ETC. tST Mill Looatod at th Head of Willow Creek. 16 miles Bbove Heppner..! NELSON JONES, Fnw't. MORROW COUNTY III i TRUST CO. (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents. The Company has recently constructed a two-stoiy warelwuse 80x100 feet, with wool press and all con veniences for handling wool. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner 7 mil he the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. . , , , , Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool m storage. THERON E. FELL, MANAGER. $2.00 by huy;;- r.ur Shoes W4TiS:--TI0'V ONLY fi Slum (hat HJWOH. LACE. Oh receipt of ft'J.KO and twonty-fle cents to pay expresses we will wind one pair of our I''ln" C n 1 1' Mln. HiMiinla V mps, either Hut ton, laid r Ouugress. We Us. only selected stock iiBd the l.:- t workmanship, i-very luiir Warranted. Try oui Shoes ouu. and you will buy 1:0 others. WMsntloD SU? Wi.Uh v inUil. IWut iwto no or N. V. 'iraft. V'i Ifi) yov- a-Mr:;s plainly, Town, Couuly ami SUte. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., lHeiT WF.VMOUTH, Si.WMM. TO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, -BY WAT 0 THE Southern Pacific Company's Line HE E SHHSTfl BOUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Route ueiween Portland San Francisco. Leave Portland at i P. M. Daily, THROUGH TIME, 89 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, Fur Aooonunoilation of HeoouJ-Clani Passengers Attnabed to EipresH Xraina. I'm from Portluil to Hcrmnto and Baa Kran cisco: linilmltrd t'iS United 'lrat-Ulawi ny " " Heroad-Claas, I. Thrnugh Tiokets tn all Points South and East, VIA CALIPOHN1A, TICKET 0FK1CEU: City Office, No. lit. Com.r Firat & Alder Btreetl Depot OWce, Corner V end Front Btroete, PORTLAND, OHRUON. II. KOKHLEB, K. P. K(H1 Sim. alaueaer. Aaat. U. K. tail Paee.Ant. NUTICU TO TUB Drug, Grocery AND SALOON TRADE. Morrow County Tno CAN SAVE TIM AND MONHT BY OHDkHINd CLIMAX BITTERS DIIIECT OF a. C. WILLS, IONIC, Oreu" Ta? 1M TH E)N1 OF Alb HITTKlta Fii BtMin, tilVRK, HToHAOH ANIi buwicij TRurm.kH. LEAVITT & VAN ALST1NE, NO. 855 11, HOWARD BTREFT, Mara irrnuoleoni Cal. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER MMaclii You XV t t AT THE (1AZE1TE SHOP. ir vou WISH A OOOD mvolvir "...".V" 8MITH WE880N'8 arata itii aad ta Ant ahutoe UMtfa. In oaUbrea KL tlottU aoUoo. bafMr Baa- and U-UQl tncle or Murtoat aatl Target uodeU. Bat ittr wrtli MI oarrulj laapeoied w workaaauahlp ami Mock. ialak. 4rnttr caracr. lo ufUti aoU lor ia avatuae artlele. Toot are aare Uaale a4 aajatarou. Tae Bmit A Waaaoi Kb- Toltbm re waaipad vpan Ute barreai wlta nrai'a tvxM, wAirmt aaddU of palenu, aud are iiin timif4 perfML lnalat upon aavlaf Utn, tvsd It J cmr tiaabar aaauM aupplf yoo, an order lent to e4 4r below win r It proaapt atUotlnn. UeHtty Aie oataiajffue aa4 prtoea upa apitlroauon, atatlTU aV WHON, ivriultla, NMa, sa r zm . A 17 1 W fori. M W. F. BROWNTON, Secretary E. R. BISHOP, Trent. SAVED! - of Hie Manufacturer. ' CiUARANTEED ! j $2.50 nsi' cowaiiRas. Tht rated French Cure, Werrenrtd " APUnnnlT'NF" money toour. r' mi. reruuaea. It Sold on a P08ITIVI OUANANTCC jQs)! lonaofuerroul eF1" dlieeea, or any twii Aa dlaorder of th. aUial geu:tire or ient of either x- whether aUiei Irora tk. exceaiive ate al stimulant. Tobacco or Oplam, erthrouih yoatlilul ludluretlon, orer IniWll eacc, Ac, taeh Lon ol Brain Foww, Wakeful- bch, Beariuf down Paint In the Back, ttuilnal Weakuaat, Byittrla, Nerroat Prottrttlon Nootum al kmlailoni , Ltacorrhoa, DliilueM, Weak Mem. ry, Lott ot Power and Impotenoy, which II ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan ity. Price 11.00 ABOi.tboiei forlt.00 lent oy nail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN ODABANTEBforereryg.OO ordtr, to refund the money il a Permanent tare It not effected. Tbonaanda ol tteUmonlaU from old and younf , of both texee, permanantlp mtedhyArHaoDiTina. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEOIOINC CO. watTaan aaaacav BOX 27 POBTI.AND, OK Hold by A. D. Johuson Co., Drug- ihIs, uoppnor, UrKon. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Ir 3aala Ayataaa fMaaaary Tralalac Fear Beak Lerae4 tm reaMa. Mla4 waatierlaa nredp Xrery ceil 4 aad adalt reatlr aeitled. ttreat IndaeanMaU le OoiTMpodeae UImmc Fraapeattu, vita Oplntoni ef Dr. Wm. At lla ina uiham :rt Pi jo hoi- i.iirmiaf HPlBMl, uaaa r. U A I fit" frMinhU. If m ta I VI VI. ,f lahjM, OtttO. Wu M rk a him far K. C. Attn 4 Ca'a 1.m wd iwktl m Mil Ha BeU IN a lavr." ft ISM Ik i 1 aM u imif .elfMd) W. H. UAtllaWH. illtua Ella, Harrltkurf, f , wdiMi "1 tiavt af aaUtiaff M Mil Ukt ftlfalbia, THUrdu I took order; anokik t l Bi )&. ' w J al. Mir, Baro, hi., wtttMi "I ,iak ae ardvr Ihr rtu albaraal ifl Ulinil HMIU V r a at u a l 4'ntli.' Olkara a ddlaf uU a wall I hava huI iac t ira air U front Ikalr l(Mra. Hatv na who ukn kuMoftklajTraiitl ktaalnaaa pllaa ii fraud prunta. Mbiall we el art YOU in tbia buaineaa. raauarf WHuioatand laara all about u IWyaaiMlf. Wi aatarlint rnauji we will Harf faa II" ua wu'l delay until atuiik (u akM f o la roar pari af ika eauntr. If jom iaha Aal fun will b abla M pica up avid H a- Had Oh aitoaul a Tun ed aaauuhvlur-i aU 1 a,M ( lllr lhiituarsph AIKmbbm rle batold talka ueokta for . huaurl in ttuval CitaiMU Silk Valal rituli. Cbai atootaiaa maltlaa HajiilaoiuMi album la Iba w.tld. L (eat Mui, Uruiaal bargalua atar kuowa. Afaala wauiad. Liberal laratt. Hg mouaj fur afeoia. Aaj ooa vaa Itat-uaua a auvoaatkl iiml Iiaalf ut albl-Uil1a ar na talk lug uaiMMir- Wtteieftf ahuwu, aei? one want la par I'haaa. Afeau liki tboviaua. tf r.Jr with rapl4H aatar beicra kauww. Ureal arvtn await avar worker. Aaaale ara ntaktRf tWntnM. Ladiee make aa warb a men. You, reader, ran do a wall a ant ana, rail lafcrenatloa aatl teraii , la ibuaa who wille far tama, with partWolara anj una for uur ranJI hlblaa, VokB aud reri.dle!. AAar yoa know all, aaoaljtaa tuatluda ta fa ae farikai, whr aa baiai ltdaa Adarm . C ALLES LX, Ac a it, Hail CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm nmM the NaaiilT'aaee.aee. Al lay Inflamtuation. UealetbaBorea. Keatorea th Seuauta of Taate, BiaaU and Hearing. A pwtlrL It ne.ltfd IBM eut aeaaril u4 la aanrMBklo. Prlr.M. lruIMa r fcy aull. Ki.( bHOTHKU8.ee Wateeae.JIew !- ft I ai ... . , j MEMORY Baaa tn woriu-nma Bpoiaii in m aalnl 'Jreenlenf Thainpen thai two, -M 1. ilUVKivri ip.M.eaiuwrMi m Aitvocat. A, r . Kir hard ITa.lor, th uaae. w , w. Aalar, Jurte tJihoea, j PfniRiainiina ninoni, Nni txwi df Frel. A. XOINKTTK, U7 FlUa Are-, N. Y COLDlMBr IN HEAP. j JhI Try the Cure Rnenis TO SELL AN Eniirclg Hew Boot Waniefl The nifwt. mnntiart ill nnl1Ction of DHlfitical, P- 1 Tftlue and evary-dnv on for the peopie ever publiahfid on the globe. A marvel of nmney r inn and money maltinir for every one owning it. ThouARDda of beautiful, helpful enravu. howiiin jart how to do every thin. No ""pe tition; notbinn like it in the universe. When yoo select that which ib of true value, tvilee are mire. All sinoerely deeiring paym employment and looking; for something tliorounhly 'hint class at an extraordinarily low price, alioald writ for description and terms on the moet remarkable achievement in book-making since the world be am. WAMMKL&CO., HoxNifB. ST. Imbor PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE OF INTENTION ' lAndOfficeatLa(irancle,Or..Oct. Ifi. W. Ki.ticA is hprnhv (riven that the following named settler hue tiled notice of hin intention to make final proof in euppor; of his claim, and that suid proof will be made Itefore the county jude. or in his absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at neppoer, ur., on uc. 10, ww, Patrick Cain, Hd. No. 8026, for the SVi BE 4 SWfc Bee. oa T i a u j if He nam en the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aid land via: Keli Johnson, John Ay em, John Marshall kAm TilloH .11 nf Uaimnur Or. Any person who desires to protest against the aiiowauoe or shod proor, or wno nw 01 " nreatnrijal iwuinn nnrlnr the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above-mentioned time and nlmnm tn nrrwuutTBmine the witnesses of said claimant and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that inhmit XaA tivnluiwant- ARTHUR SMITH PKAOTIOAL WATCHMAKER Next to Firat National Bank, HEPPNER, i : i OBBOON. Watches, Optical Clocks, J) Goods . Watchet Cleaned, - - 11.50. Mainsprings Fitted - tl.SO, All work guaranteed for one year. THIS PIOIVBBR Jewelry Estai Still Continues to Sell WATCHBS, OLiOOKB J"3TlX7C331LiXX"V", 3E3TO-, At the Lowest Possible Prioon. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame, thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of nXTJSIOAIi IKTSTH.TJ MEN"TB Haa been added to bis lurge und well- selected atook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worla 3-vx.x.xitoocl BTOHE opposite Minor, Doriaon A Go's May HI, Heppner, ... Oregon California, Oreqon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY J. B. Keeney, Supt. Daily ntiufe to and from Monument. Btaue leaves Hulivnar at A. Al. Arrives, a:so l'. in. Pendleton Btaae leaves Heppnor 0:30 A. M. " ' arrives " 4:80 P. M Fare to Monument, 85 00 Fare to Pendleton, - - $4.00 E. J. 8L0CUM & CO., Aobnts. Freiulit 3 oenfs per ponnd. Heppner, Ogn a. r. t-LoaiauB. a vixiaaKoa FLORENCE BROTHERS, STOCKRAISERS! HKPl'NKIt OKKOON. Tattle branded and ear-marked wialiown above, HuriM If tiB ntrht ahitnliler. Our cattle range in Morrow. Qilllnm, DiuatUla and waace oounuea. we will pay iuu,uu re ward fur the arrest and ooiiTlotitm of any person uwuiitf imr PUHJh. OF PURE COD LIVER CIL 4HB HYPOPHOSPHITES Almoatas Palatahloas Milk tluab.il IliM It van be taken. aeteal, amd uilmlllil by th. moe (slUvr. Mi I", when the plain oil ..at k. colerHtedt end by ihe eoatt ktaavtlon of the oil with the hypaphew aavlte le maen more mutiuai. KeaarkaWt at a leak prodaetr. Fnmh U rapidly whilt Ukhig U. 600TT8 EMUt.BION is aoknowledged by Fbrsioiaiui to be the Kinnat and Beat prepa ration In the world (or the reUoi and eure o nnMBuuetTioN. boro'ULA. filNIRAL DEBILITY, WASTINO UISIAIES. EMACIATION. aOLOl and OMRONIO COUCH. TAe ortoi r(vn.y Jor O.'tuvmpfian, antd ITeJliny ia CkUdrtn. M t nil Xk-Mffieta AIOXUAllPbTT AND Canyon City STAGE ITN3, fata. II. Lis, Proprietor, STAGES LKAYE MONUMENT DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAT. -FARE: Canyon Citj to Monument $3.00 " " Long Creek : : 8 00 Ttile istheqniekeet andoheapoat route to Portlaad front all points is tbil vicinity. JJ pain.- arnna paaamAanm.T. RHEUIVITIBMJ Um ekmbJSSm af 4 reeuaQoMd. H aaajena-jreevvyt . m-mm.t Mtt aamaaaattTrv. NEURALGIA 'i 0t AneMeaM.. m. tUltrf Teewiy. aw aetur af patd a.M.eiiRca ipptoTivn.y S0IA1MCA. e lvi-.vaijraaJutaarTa,Te P0TttftA. Heppner City Brewery SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It iu manufactured with the latest brewing apparatus and oau't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And the best brands of Oigara. Empty kegs must be returned or 86 apieoe will be obarged. J . 13. 3ST.tt3r, Prop. COOPJUR'S Is tbe Cheapest, Safest and Best I Cure for Scab. Tbie celebrated Dip bne been in oonatant and mcreitiiug use for over bait a Odntury, during wbioh time (t has been applied to more sheep than exist on tbe earth at the present moment. Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is cheaper than lime mid eul phur, and is not one tithe of tbe trouble. Lime and sulphur injure the wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its qual ity and increases its growth. General Agents : SNIfiLdj, HiSITrtHU A WUUUA1UJ, Wholesale druggists, Portland, Oregon TlixS WAHUO WARKUUUSE CO., The Dalles, Oregon -THE- Railway & naton Co. 'COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." . TIOKETS To all Prinoipal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. A11 1 nun minim ijtnc: vim: nivivn nine Pullman Palace Sleepers, FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Express Trains to eOMAHA,. Ooimoli Bluff s Ain KANSAS CITY H'ifiout Change. Close Connection at Portland for San t rani-isco and ruget Hound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every lour (4) days, minting tne trip in w hours. Cabtn, $16. Steerage, i4oitnd Trfp Unlimited, $30,00. ELEGANT NEW DINING CARS will rnn dailv oommoncina Ana. 23. over the Ort(ton ltailwny & NnvtKUtion Co., Orttaon Uhort ijiue ami umuu rHf.iav naiiway, jieiwetu Portland and Minaouri river. The oueine and aervice ara nuexuelled. For further particulars inquire of any agent ol tne company. .ft. L. MAXWELL, C. J. SMITH, 0, P. 4 T. A. General Manauer. THE GKEAT Transcontinental Route N( RAI I.HOA.D! VIA TBI) Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low. est Kates to Chicago and all points East. Tioets sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping tm. Hoservatious can be secured in advauce. To East 1 Jound Passengers Be careful and do not make a mistake, but no sure to take tne NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid ohangos and serious delaya occasioned by other rentes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars ran on regular express trains full length ot line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quiok eat time. Central Office of the Company, No. 121 Pint-fill., CVr. H'osniriflifon Sr., Portland. Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, educates Pot buatneae pureuita at the Portland Pumit. College, forllaud. Urcgon. or at I he CaV"w.l itii. ineta Colic., aalein, llrtyoli. iu.il, m::,,.,!), art under the uianaxrment U A t. AniiHlitit, bttv, aamecouraeol' atutlica aud i,tuie rati.- ol 1111,100 luaiiiraa, lionlint.tt, Typewrltiae. Penmnht.o and KneH.h t-njrt irnta. lav aud evening at io:ts. si irie.,:it.t aaitted at ear time, i orioint C:ttdl.ibe. rerUset laaaiet Mlxe. AD Ottltd !. tMi, rortlaad. M. v balcm, omcuo. , rinria mafuli I i Pacific GENERAL NEWS. r n 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 Jav Gould complains that rail-1 . . r . . i road freight rates are too low, Kansas City has shipped diirinK the month, 6000 hogs to Mexico. Alaska cost the United Slates government less than 2 cents per acre. A G. A. R'. Post, the second in Canada, was organized in Winni peg Oot io. A single charge of powder for the 12 inch guns provided for the English navy costs 8 10s. . Iowa raises more corn than all the distilleries of the world can manufacture into alcohol. It is necessary, again, to an nounce that the last suspect was not Tascott, the murderer. Ong Quen, alias Lee Sing, has been convicted of murder in the first degree at San Francisco. While 23,378 women were as sessed as voters in Boston last year only lbYd were registered this year. Twenty persons were arrested Oct. 28, at Lexington, N. C, who were indicted for lynching Kobert Borrie. The word "Pan" signifies all, and its application as pan America is understood all the American states. An Iowa judge has just decided that railroads must run, and that the excuse that the road don't pay doesn't count. After a five vears struscle. the council of Walla Walla has pass ed an ordinance prohibiting cattle running at large, by a vote of o to 1. Tbe registered state militia of the United States is 99,301. The number of men available for mil itary duty in case of war is 8,331, 227. The Secretary of Interior has de clared the leases granted by tt e Indians to cattle syndicates inval id, and orders the trespassers to leave. The Secretary of War, on re. commendation of Gen. Schofield, has refused the request for the re moval of army headquarters from Vancouver to Portland. Horace Greely gave wonderful good adyice when he said a man should never change his business after he was thirty-five years old, unless ue was a norse iniei. A "colored trust," headed by ex' Gov. Pinchback, is said to have won nearly $200,000 on the turf in the east this season. The trust in eluded several colored jockeys. Chief Arthur has been re-elected grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, by a large majority. The convention was lately in session at Denver, Col. The population of New York, as given by the police census of 1888, was 1,507,874, That of London, by the latest enumeration, was 4,- 864, 312, aud of Paris, 2,269,023. A warm and bitter contest for senatorial honors is being waged in Seattle and Taooma; the local candidates being w-Gov. Squire, Walter I. Thompson and General Sprague. At Passaic City, N. J., Oct. 31st, the walls of a three-story, double house fell and sixteen workmen were buried in the ruins. Three fatally, and the others seriously or slightly injured. Near Grand Forks, Dak., Oct 31st, the boiler of a steam tin call ing engine exploded killing the owner, Israel Sheppard, and seri ously wounding Engineer Critten den and several others. Mrs. Chas. Crocker, widow of the late Chas. Crocker, of the S. P. E. R. Co., died suddenly last Sunday evening in San Francisco, of appoplexy. She was a member of the Presbyterian church. At Delhi, La., a mob of fifty or seveuty-five men attacked the stores of the Jewish merchants and greatly damaged the buildings and stocks of goods on Oct 26. Business rivalry was the cause. The estimated wheat crop of Oregon and Washington for this year is: Oregon, 11,000,000 bush els, 1,150,000 acres; worth $8,500, 000. Washington, 10,000,000 bu., 600,000 acres; worth $6,500,000. The supreme court of Tennessee has affirmed the verdict of the low er court in finding John Anderson, John Barnard, Ehsha Barnard and C. Barnard guilty of the murder of Henry Sutton. They will be hanged Nov. 23. Ireland in 1879, had 5,265,625 inhabitants and the population just made up for 1889 is but 4,- 777,534. A decrease like this is truw i uo otiher civilized country in the world and is its own con demnation of the methods of Eng land's government of Ireland. Trouble exists among the set tlers in the neutral strip known as No Man's Land, and the Scotch cattle Syndicate. Last week the settlers set tire to the range and destroyed every vestige of food for the cattle. Many of the cattle are dying and great loss must follow. Secretary Tracy, Oct 28, award ed the contract for building two of the 2000-ton cruisers to the Co lumbia iron works of Baltimore for the sum of $1,225,000. The con tract for the third one will be awarded either to Harrison it Lor ing, of Boston or N. F. Palmer & Co., of New York, each of whom bid $674,000. What is considered one of the most uuaocounted-for sights in Utah is a mountain about thirty five miles north-east of Salt Lake City, occupying an area of about thirty acres, and completely and thickly covered with oyster shells. The mountain is 300 to 400 feet high, and situated over 4000 feet higher than Salt Lake city, which is 4300 feet above the level of the sea. A number of persons disguised as White Caps, near Worthville, N. Y., Oct 26th, weut to the hous of Samuel Covington, took him out and tarred and feathered, him aud rode bim on a rail. Going back fr Oscar Barclay, he met them -tu .. j t c 1 with a Bun anrl 111 imfHnsp nrpil on the party, killing his younger brother Fred, who was one of the raiders. Barclay was arrested as also four of the "White Caps." OREGON. Prom the E. O. Oct 28. Peter Anderson, an employe of the Pendleton Planing Mills, lost a thumb and middle finger in wrestling with the fatal buzz-saw. Farmers, generally, throughout this section, are holding their wheat for an anticipated "raise." The love for speculation is im planted in the breast of the major ity of mankind, and the granger is no exception to the rule. A woman living in Pendleton took an overdose of oil of tansey Saturday evening, with disastrous effect She was unconscious and had almost passed death's thresh old when the physician arrived, but by the prompt use of emetics her life was restored. Saturday evening the O. k. W. T. construction camp above town was robbed by sneak thieves of clothing, tobacco and a raeor. No clue has been discovered to the perpetrators. This is the second time the camp has been plundered, and the robberies are both laid to the door of "tramps." From the Eastern Oregon Republican . The "tin horn" fraternity of Baker City, with J. B. Coleman at the head, swooped down on North Powder last Friday to gather in what coin they could from unwary strangers. Une ot the gang was fired out of a saloon, another skip ped with the money belonging to his gambler partner, and the third cot-roped in on a sure thing him self. They did not find as big picnic as was anticipated, From the Times Mountaineer: E. C. Griffin and Henson But ler, of Nansine, were arrested last Saturday and fined $25 and costs for not informing the stock inspec tor o scabby sheep in their pos session. Oregon Statesman. With Oregon's present mechan ic's lien law it becomes necessary for those employing workmen to keep their eyes open when hiring strange painters and carpenters. Do not pay for the work until it is ascertained that the material has been liquidated for, else you may be called upon to pay twice. A case to the point is from the Albany Democrat. A painter named W. H. Pursley, recently in Albany, did a job or two, and skip ped, leaving the material unpaid for, first getting pay for painting a house or two. Now the owner of the house is requested to pay for the material, and will have to do so. Look out From assessment rolls already received by the secretary of state, judging by the rate of increase over last year, indicate that the total taxable valuation of property for the state will be over $100,000,000, as compared with $85,000,000 last year. Washington shows a valua tion of $125,000,000 and is inclined to look down upon Oregon. The last named state has the valuation but by her assessment system the figures do not show it The tax lew, it is estimated, will be less than six mills this year. From the Grant County News. From the appearance of the el ements the last few days we should infer that considerable snow was being piled up way back in the lofty mountain ranges. Isaac Winters, indicted for un lawfully cutting a fence, and N. H, A. Mason for fencing up a public highway, were each nned $50 in the circuit court at Harney. A young mau claiming to be from the Malheur country waa in this vicinity during the week' try. ins to sell a span of horses. He seemed so anxious to dispose of them that most people were sus picious that the fellow did not raise the horses. Joe Combs at John Day finally gave him $50 for them, and ha went away happy. We did not see the horses, but have been informed that they would probably weigh 1150 or 1175 pounds each. From the Blade The foothills near the city were covered with snow Monday morn' lug, for the first time this season. It now looks as if this country is going to have plenty of snow dur ing the winter. Hugh Glenn was instantly kill ed last week, by being kicked on the side by a horse. He was a son of Frances Glenn, of Burnt river. From tho Pandleton Tribune. Down in the neighborhood of the Meadows the jack-rabbits are quite thick and rabbit hunting is something not to be sneezed at. On the CavinesB & Hunt farm it is quite a popular pastime, and several horses, trained to the sport seem to enjoy the fun just as much as their riders. G. A. Smith, the contractor, left by private conveyance this morn ing for Long Creek, where he has the contract for constructing the Long Creek wagon road. Mr, Smith reports that his work will be finished in about two weeks. He has 46 nieu and about ten teams at work, aud good progress is being made. From the Dailv E. O.. Oct. 31. One of the most distressing ac cidents occurred ' at. Milton last Monday evening, by which a sweet and lovable little girl lost her life, and an estimable family is left al most heart broken. J. D. Phelps has a lumber yard adjoining his furnitura store, to which, in pass im? tct and from, tbe vehiolea are obliged to cross the Main-street I 130 subscribers, one fine San sidewalk. ' About 4 o'clock on the ' Joea saddle, silver inlaid hand day nientioued a youug mau was i made Mexican spurs and a pair of driving a heavily-loaded wagon j "chaps", worth at the lowest mar over this crossing, when two little : ket price $65. girls in childish mirwhief, attempt-1 129 subscribers, ICO worth of ed to pass under tha long -coupled j merchandise, wagon, and one of them, Bonnie 110 subscribers, a New Home Worthington, fell and the cruel aewing machine, walnut finish. wneel passed over her body, crush ing her so that she died at 1 o'clock Tuesday mornirg. She was the youngest child and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van. Worthington. NOTES FKOM PKXIII.ETON. Railroad Arrldent. bat No Lives m -New Itank Project. Pendleton, Oct 81. S. portion of the np freight on the Spokane branoh ran off the bridge near Vally Grove on Wednes day afternoon, caused by a misplaced switoh. Tbe train was moving at a live ly rate, and ran on tbe ties until the bridge waa reaohed. Here tbe engineer, seeing tbe imminent danger, pulled the throttle wide open and crossed in safety. although every wheel in tbe train was off the rails. Four loaded freight cars were precipitated into tbe gfiloh below and dashed into a shapeless mass. No lives were lost. A Seattle capitalist, G. W. E. Griffith, is in the oity with the view of establish ing another national bank. The project will probably materialize. A virulent form of Sidney disease is prevalent among horses near Milton. Many fine animals have been lost. Six inches of snow fell at Eamela on the Bine monntainB. HOKE SETTLERS FOR OREGON. Many New Englandera Seaichlux for Homea oa tbe Pacific Coast. San Fbanoisoo, Oot. 30. Large excur sion parties are now arriving daily from the East. Many of them are from tbe New Euglai-d states. The majority of exoursionists are members of families who come to the Pacific coast in search of homes. Yesterday 230 exoursionists arrived. Nearly aU were family parties. A num ber Ot them will prooeed to Oregon and Washington within a few days. Several more large excursions are expeoted this week. OLD MRU. BENDER ARRESTED. Results of the Trial of Mrs. Elua Davis, forLarceay, in llichlgau. Nn.Es, Mbh., Oot. 30. The trial of Mrs. Eliza Davis for grand larceny has brought out the fact that Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Davis' mother, is in reality old Mrs. Bender, of the notorious Bender family, of Kansas. A requisition has been ask ed tor, and as soon as it arrives, the pris oners will be taken to Kansas for trial. The requisition arrived tbiB afternoon, and Deputy Sheriff Diok, of Parsons, Kansas, took Mrs. Monroe and Mrs. Da vis, West. Mi h. MuCuun, the female de fective who caused the arrest, accompan ied them. She is a daughter of one of the Bender victims. The prisoners declare that she is not in ber right mind. The New Railroad Alliance. Tbe new Bllianoe of the Union Paoific and the Chicago & Northwestern roads practically brings together in close asso ciation two of tbe largest railroad or ganizations of the West. The ownership of the lines east ot Chicago will prac tically make, for all purposes of traffio and transportation, a line from tidewater at New York, Boston, New Orleans, and Galveston, to San Franoisco, Portland, and Puget Sound. Two trains will run daily westward. All freight trains will be filled jointly from all the stations on both roads. The Northwestern will build thirty-six miles necessary to con nect its road with the line running from Cheyenne to Fort Laramie as soon possible, and after that neither company will build a single mile more than tbe development of tbe country in the North west request. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or.. Oct. 17. '80 Notice ia hereby given that the following-named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make flunl proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Alorrow county, at neppner, uregon, on nor. 10, 188V, vis: Albert H. Stamn, D. S. No. BOW, for the WH 8W14 4 8H NWH See. 10. To. 2 8. K 37 E. Henamee the following witnesses to prov. nia continuous reaioanae upon, ana euiuvuuon of, aaid land, via: Henry Wade, J. Devin, Foster Adams and 9. N. Morgan, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of auch proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the interior department, why snoh proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witneeaee of said olaimant, and to offer evidonce in rebuttal of that anbmit- ted by claimant, 944-49 Henry Binuabt. Register, THE GAZETTE 19 me tiesx vveeKiy i'aper m Eastern Oregon, yet many residents of our county and the immense coun try tributary to it, do not take THE GAZETTE Or any other Live Newspaper. THEY MOST HAVE THE GAZETTE At least, and in order to benefit our friends who secure tunc subscriptions, we have pre pared a Mammoth List of Prennnms. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppner Gazdtc at $2.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wagon (3J inch axle), worth $100. The getter-up of a clnb has the choie of any make in the market 190 subscribers secures a good lot in the Looney additon. Will sell for $250 in one year. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth $90. 170 subscribers, $85 worth of provisions from Heppner's stores. 160 subscribers, an $80 organ plain finish. A good instrument .150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 140 subscribers, a good road oart, harness and genuine whale- bone whip, worth $80. seven drawers. Attachments uu with machines. Worth $55. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A fine high-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth $50. The same num ber of subscribeis will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit Price $50. 90 subscribers, a good $45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth $37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth $35.00. 65 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-60 cal., and fullre loading outfit, worth $32.50. 60 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-snd-dle and bridle full outfit 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 48 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassimere two dress pat terns, worth $24. 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver, 45 cal., blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth $21. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester rifle or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 36 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re- ' volver, 4J inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes. . all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forts and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 26 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $ld. 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set Cheap at $12. 16 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy s hat. Stetson's. 13subscribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of boots, either worth $6. 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of tha "Peerless" flour; worth $4.50. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph aioum or a pair or men s or ladies shoes. . 6 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plata sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any nrti ele in the market worth $1.50. 2 subscribers, $1 worth of 0 sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HEPPNER GAZETTE You represent a Live Paper one that is well established ' and which never fails to Oive News in fact, it is what - it purports to be a NEWSPAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort. If you do not want those offered, you have the privilege of taking something else. Ifyouhave Cash Subscribe! enough, you will have no trouble to load yourself down with wares from Heppner's stores. THIS IS NO "FAKE." WE MUST HAVE MORE SUBSCRIB ERS FOR THE GAZETTE, MORE READERS OF NEWS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE Jor Sitmple Copies and go to ivork at once. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till J an. ' l89- When I ray Cults I do not meu mmtfH ttop Us cm fur a tin us, and then bar Uivm it turn tfctiln. I tfus A KADIOAL, CLlttfi. 1 havo made lue (titsaa ol FITS, EPILEPSY or TALLIXG SICKNESS, A Hto-loDf tndf. I rrxxiuzr my nmedj la Curi Ut worse casep. Btj.u other bar) failed i do re&soa lur not new receiving a cure. ad atoecetor a treitiwtida I rec Homa t my Jmuinu IU.UJir. invj Erorm and Post 021C6. It cota yon nothing tit 4 trial, and It wtu cure you. A J arc a H.O. ROOT, M.C i3 PmilSt, KevYmi F0TSS f' erv''