. F.E.HEACH. President. WM. McFALL. Vice PresuKent. -k!,THE W. F. BROWNTON. Secretary Pacific Fire Insurance Co. s WASKuraToxT street, Portland, : : : : Oregon. Capltol Stook, $300,000. Otis Patterson, Agent, heppner Oregon. EM mr BooR TO SELL AN The most wonderful collection of oractical, re al value and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel of money sav- llltfandmonevmnlfinirffirovt.ru una nsn in a it Thousands of beautiful, helpful engraving. snowing just now to do everythuie. fto compe- miming 11K8 it in nie mil verse. wrien yon solnrt that which is of true value, bhIb are sure. All sincerely desiring paying employment and looking for something thoroughly lirnt class at an extraordimirilv low nr-ii-io. Hruinffl writ for description and terms on the most remarkable achievement in bx.k-making since the world be gan. Hi 'AM MKL & (JO., Box rOfct. ST. LOUibor PH1LADKLPHIA. LUMBER! LUMBER! t x r r . VV . Ur. Willow Creek Saw-Ill! Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of UNDRESSED LUMBEK; bIbo PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! gy Mill Located at the Head of Willow Creek, 16 miles above Heppner.J NELSON JONES, Pres't. E. R. BISHOP, Treas. MORROW CITY TRUST (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents. The Company has recently constructed a two-story warehouse 80x100 feet, with wool press and all con veniences for handling wool. ' Tlie Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cartages. , Freight upon oaled wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. . TIIERON E. FELL, MANAGER. $2.00 SAVEDH- by b'jyh t; our Shoes of the Manufactur CiNLY $2.50 tor St,vi::i tJint nsmiilv re' it I .m nwt ,r,.oo. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at LaGrande, Or., Oct. 1(1, '80. Notice is hereby dven that the following named settler has nled notice of his intention to make final proof in mippor of his claim, and that said proof will bo niaile before the cwtinty judge, or in his ahBence before thecounty clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner. Or., on Dec. 13, i8Hfl, viz: Patrick Cain, Hd. No. 8026, for the Hi & E!4 8W! Hec. 28, Tp. 1 H. K, 28, K. Henamesthofollowin witnesecii to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Felix Johnson, John Ayors, John Marshall Andy Tillard, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protost UKainst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, nnder the law and the regu lations of the Interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above-mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of naid claimant and tooifer evidenoe in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. (ffjlffl) Hknbv Rikehabt, Itegistor. ARTHUR SMITH, PR ACTIO AL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNER, : Watches, Clocks, Watches Cleaned, Mainsprings Fitted D OREGON. Optical Goods - 1 .50. . $1.50. EASTERN OREGON. Cured l Aow and an Hour Ago" FOR NEURALGIA. Many preparations for pain, relieve only and do not penetrate to the misery, sooth thereby, or promptly care. They are there fore, either too harsh or too weak ; too radi cal or violent producing Inflamatlon, or only partial and temporary In effect. Henoeth value of The Great Kemedy for Pain a phy sician's formula, the medicinal virtues of which are so well balanced as to meet all cases. - IB truly worm its weiat in gold. acofisOiliS. m now won. erfullv the essential elemenbi are combined. It will seek out th pain-spot In the sciatic-nerve, deeply im bedded, or In the tender face-nerves and It wtu cure jveuraiffia ntiy cut surely Jell ill It. R. J. Van Pelt. Fawn''' Vailey.Kana.. writea Aug. 29. "I sufkl a month with Neu ralgia in face and neck; one bottle of St, Jaooba Oil madea permanent rIDCC cure. No return." Most purely li UUllLwt At Druggists and Dicai.em. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEft CO., lil.lmora.N.1 Heppner City Brewery! I7AS A- SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It is manufactured witli tbe latest brewing apparatus bim1 can't be bout. I l'nche? nf nil TTW nd Alta streetf. work nlreacly hnv JUllUltS OI ail IMIll (ftng commenced on the foundation. UMATILLA COUNTY. From the E. O., ISth inst. Contractor Smith returned last evening from his trip to the front on the Long creek wagon road, and reports the force of thirty-seven men now working busily on the John Day hill, the hardest grade yet encountered, to be making ex cellent progress. Reinforcements will leave Pendleton to-morrow for the scene of work. A Pendleton syndicate, com posed of five or six of the leading capital ists of the town, have purchased several hundred acres of laud ad joining Port Townseud at a cost of $25,000 as an investment They have every reason for believing they will realize "big" out of it, and if they do the returns will go toward making Pendleton a hotter town. The plans and specifications for the new Pendleton Savings Bank building have arrived and can be seen at the office of the bank. The building will be a very handsome two-story structure with all mod ern improvements, and will cost when complete about $18,000. George Marshall, of Portland, is the architect. The building is to De erected on tne corner of Main and rougher and harder and tough er, and daily put on a more inkier hue, until one windy morning, without any warning, it fell to the floor and was broken in two. Piobert Burdette. All work guaranteed for one year. THIS PIONISUH Jewelry WMsm 9 Ktill Continues to Sell WATCHES, CLiOCKS, JEWEXiHY, ETC, At the Lowest Possible Pricos. CONGRESS. On r06.'.pfc of l'J.ftO ftjiil twenty. t;!ve cMttn to put expreHr.pt wtil tT ' one pair of our Fln Onir mIiom, m!ia Vhihim, either ! '.:!' on, l.ura wainuted. Try or Shoes oncu aa yua .t il buy i.o oiliovu. t!(r-Ment.lon Sl- and Width vnU-.t. I'laluly, Towu, Coiiuly Hi.d Slutti. ik-r,i : CUSTOP! BOOT J HAHT ) 1 0." N. Y. draft;. V-:ll:- ymr '.Mr, I GHOE CC6, WUVMODTII, a. AH- TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, -T WAT or TOE The GleiSrated French Gure, Southern Pacific Company's Line THE PIT. SHASTA ROUTE. Quicker iq Time than Any Other Route Between Portland-- AND San Francisco. Leave Portland at 4 P. JI"., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 89 HOURS. Warrant (I to cm APHRODITINE refunde- fiat PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Seoond-Claaa Paaaengera Attaobed to Express Trains. Far from Portland to gnoramuito and San Finn, oiaooi Unlimited, ti Llmitrd Klnt-Clan an " " Seiwnd-Olam, 15 Tbrongb Tickets to nil Points South and East, VIA. CAI.IPORN1A. TICKET OFFICES: Citj Offlo. No. 114. Corner Firat ft Alder Street Depot OfHoa, Comer F and Front Street, POltTLANI), OltK.QON. R. KOKIILKH. K. P. ROOF IW. Manaiivr. Aaet. Q. F. and Fana.Agt. NOT1CK TO THIS "Drug, Grocery SALOOlTjRADE Morrow County IOC CAN SAVB TIMB AND MONET BY OHDKBINQ CLIMAX BITTERS D1BKOTOF i R. C. WILLS, IONK, Oroon, IHKI ABB THB XING OF ALL BITTKKS FOB BLOOD, LtVKB, BTOUAOQ AND BOWKL TIIOCBl.KS. LEAVITT & VAN ALSTINE, NO. Hi 1H, HOWARD 8TBKKT, PranoUooi Out. Is Sold oh a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous dliease, or any dlaorder of tli KCueratir or A fain at either itx wbetlier arliinf from lh ucw.iT ui of Stlmnleim, Tobacco or Opium, rlhrauth youthful ludlicretlon, orer luclulf nee, Ac, such as Lois of Bralu Power, Wakaful leas, Bearliif dowa Pains iu the Back, Seminal Wukuees, Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al KmliiloD: , Uucorrhcna, Dlulueu, Weak Mein. ory, ixusof Power apd Iinpotency, which If ne glected often lead to prematuraoUlaceand Insan ity. Price 11.00 a box, e boxes for 15.00 Sent by stall on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery6.00 order, to refund the money If a Permanent ear Is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently uured by AriiaoDiTirii. Circular free. Addrast THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WSSTSBM ixinci, OX V POUTLAND, OR Sold liy A. D. Johnson & Co., Drug Histp, Heppner, Oregon. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, " Gold and Silver Watches Always :-:Zon Hand2z A Full Line of 3Vr.TTlBXO.AXj imtbthtj- ivr2.3srT Has been ndded to his lure nnd well selected stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL ViTorls. O'Viarautoocl. STOKE opposito Minor, Dodncra A ('o's May Ht, Heppner, - Oreuon California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. B. Koeney, Supt. - And the best brands of Cigars. Empty keea must be returned or $6 apiece will be charged. J. 33. 1ST nttc-y . Prop, COOPER'S Uef Bii Mill Is the Cheapest, Safest and Best ! Cure for Scab. This celebrated Dip bus been in constant unu increasing use lor over halt v century, duriuRwhioh time ' Tt has been applied to more Bheep than exist on the earth at the rjroseut moment. Our Sales in 1888' were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is cheaper than lime and sul phur, and is not one tithe of the trouble. Lime and sulphur injure the wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its qual ity and increases its growth. Genej-al Agents : KKJiJL, 111CITSHU& WOODARD, Wholesale druggists, Portland, Oregon. iHJS WASUU WAKJSHOUSJl! CO., The Dalles, Oregon. -THE- Fhe Pendleton Savings Bank is a prosperous, safe and strong insti tution, and a tine building of its own will add to its prosperity, safety and strength. GILLIAM COUNTY. From the Arlington Times. Crook county had another shoot ing scrape last Wednesday. Harry C. Newman was riding " by Ed monds' house, when Edmonds, who was standing in alfenceorner, fired thiee shots at him. The first struck him in the neck, making a painful but not dangerous wound. Newman went to Prineville and swore out a warrant and Edmonds now languishes in jail. Sometime since Edmonds had Newman , ar rested for au alleged assault ou his wife, and at the time of the shoot ing Newman was under $500 bonds to answer the charge. ELECTRICAL, MATTERS BACK. FROM AWAY Line Dating isiiway & Waton Go. "COlUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United .States, Canada and Europe. Daily hthko to find from Moimmont. Htiiiic leu lleppuer at fbH) A. M. Arrives, 5:3(1'. M. 6:80 A. M. 4:81) P. Pondleton Suiko lnavos Hoppnur " ' arrivoH " MARVELOUS HIRY DISCOVERY. Oaly (Inula Sreteaa ef Manurr Tralalaa. 'ex Mk Learaea la set readlaa. M lad waaderlas eared. STery ehlld aad adult airaally beaelt4. UrMl lu4uoMal to Uam.puadsaoe t :1m .as. lth opinion! o( P. Wm. A. Iim saaad, Ihe amrlj tuad Hioi.h.t in Mind Diau pni 'raamnnon. t isnnwt Jiiloeati. N. jr., Hlrkard Prorl.r, 111. N.-i.nli... Haae. W. W. t.lir, Jud.e :ih.nn, Jadak Prnjiiinla, end othnn. Mat umX fr by Fraf. A. i-OlNUTtK, ,5l Vilik At., N. T 1 W l"V VOICE! tlm Oh). nr ) Bsltnll f Ml. (latrH. sHn. of HalM. Ohm. wriwu "Wis m work M a (krm for mo ilk i I new ha linn H. C Allan J (.' nlbants uj )xju)1- 111 (! makvtfBVO a dy." ffMtl, W. II.UAKHIWJI. 'Illlam Kline, lUrriibarr, Pa., wrtiaai "I bat kmwm nrtbiny to aall Uka four at bam. ! liwUj I iuuh ordtn nontjb ta ; par ma orar 5," W. J. Kl- I mora, Bansjur, Ma., wrlun " , ana an orott ror rout nitnias ai itlnioal ararr hoata 1 vinl. Mr Pftll it onn at nurhat W9v for a ainRla -ly imMk," tHban ara doint iiullaai ba not iiiaca ta gita ta- It froni Ib-tl l.tt.ra Itw... ana who lakaa ho 14 afikia mnd btitiaM ullci ai'ffrantl proaia. nnn.ii we nan lut in I rur r Fare to Monument, - - 5 00. Fare to Peml.otoi, - $4.00. E. J.'STiOCUM & CO., Agents. Freight 2 cents per ponml. ' Heppner, Qgn 8. P. FLOUENOB. FI-OHKNC1F FLOItENCE BROTHEUS, X STOCKUAISEliS ! HKITNKU - - - OKK(JON. t'nttio itrftinlnil nmi OHr-iimrkml hmbIuiwh above HnrHUfl 1 itn rinlit tilumldur, (tirHttlrmiKoin Mormw. OilliRm. HnmtillH Mill WHWoiHiiiiilinri. Vi will imy S100.00 ro wnl for thtinriOHt and eoimutioti of any ihtkou Kloalintr iir Hlork. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER Or Maaaatlsie You Want AT TUB GAZETTE SHOP. if veu WISH A OOOD RIVOLVII WESSOH'8 8MITH FTun tmul Muafltimd i Utdlfan flrat abolnn uf all m and U-IUa Slnirl at doubt actios. Hniatr Ham rtM ui4 Tarsat modeli. a VS II at I Y X V J V IV wraavhi carafuUr iasuectd for workinnBibiD and Block. Uori'tlrd fori Aalalj. aliarnikllliw ! rv I B d!?-lTd.b7 ctV Mascots. rim imitation oUiColT lh tnulnn arttelt. Ther ar nnr- i " "jb"u. im surra wmoi Ha- ToLTBaa are tumped upon tha barmte with Ar'i nam, addnat aiiddatea of palamu, and an murnv SHIM perfect, InaUit upon baln them, and If your dearer oannot iupply you. an order sent to ad 5ra below wlU receive prompt a(lntl.n. Umcth mogut and prtoeaupon applicaiiouT C All Til 4V WKHHON, rlBtlS. MmfH Inn buaini'fla Writ tona and laani all a boa I U for Turnlf. tt ra atarttnf mmmf ; wa wtll atari if tan teu t datay nnitl Wtalhar ahad at jroa In yaur part af (ba cowtitrt. If tabahata yuu will baablaio pirk up auld Ibit. atr-Rt-iad tn account of a forrrd manufa-tnri all I B&.OOO teM alwllair P holaiBrli Albwina arato ba told to iba paapla for aacb Hound In Kotal Crlntaan Hllfc VaUal rlaih. CharmmBl dacoratad (mldaa llandHniaa( al burnt la lb wotld Larfaal Hlta. Uraaital bargain aar known. Afmia wanlad. Llbaral larni. big niona; for aganli, Any ana ran bacaaaa artMrul aaral. ttlli Hat If an ifht-httla or ua talbtug naraaaary Whrravar abowa, avar? uue wanti la uar akaaa. Agania Uka thouaaada of ardara wtlk rapidil uavar bafora kaowa. Ureal uroBta await aai7 workar. AganU Bra nuking fortanaa. Udlaatnaka aa wat b Ba nan. Vou, raadaa aaadaaa wall a an? on, full lararntaltan and tami fM. ta Ikuaa wbn wrtia hw aama, with particular and tanni for aur rami It Hlblra, Bttaba and PaHcdlrala, AAar Ton know alL Ian aoaaluda la nu failbar, why no haras la don, larM S. C ALLkN ft CO., AtULiia, HaUI CATARRH COLD "SSI IN cttNM " " ajivrrrvrr,rV H bl HEAP, y yW TrytheCure OF PURE COD LIVER OIL tHB HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Ba dtegaL.d stiat It can be taken, aisja.ted, ami aeatmllaird by tli moat ean.lttva stoinaeh, when th. plalai otl raBMot b tol.raed and bjr the eoaa blHattoai of the oil with lh. hypopnajaw amta 1 uaca naor aUlcaeloae. leaurktttl u a 8fh prodicer. Ferwu gain rapidly while tiling IU SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Fluent and Best prepa ration in the world for tbe relief and ours) of CONBUMPTIOM, CCROFULA. ccncral debility, wastino oisia8e8, emaciation. ! COLD and CMSOKIO COUCH9. Tht great m(y r"r (.Wutrmpfian, and Wttituj in Chillr;,. $:, by all DruggUU, h ELEGANT NEW DINING CARSs Pullman Palace Sleepers. FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Run Tlirouiih ou all Express Trains to -0 m A H A,h- Ootmoil lilwf f js AM JC.3NT3iAa3 CITY Without Change. Close Connection at Portland for San Franeisco and Pugct Kounil Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for Sun Francisco every (our (4) days, making the trip in 60 hours. Cabin ...$16. Steerage, $8.00 Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00. ELEGANT NEW DINING CARS will run daily commencing Auk. 22, ovor the Oreiion Itiiilwnj- A NHviwition Co., Orvgnn Short Line nnd Union Pacific Unilwiiy, Hctween 1 ortliuui and Miwsouri river. Tim niiHinn .ml service Hre unexcolieil. For further particulars inquire of any agent oi me company. A. Iv MAXWELL, C. J. SMITH, Q. P. & T. A. General Manager. " THE GREAT Transcontinental Route Northern ' Pni I f A I 1 . 1 ! ( A U! , VIA THH Catcitde Branch, note Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. Tbe Pining Car Line. The Pirect Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low eat l!atis to Chicago and all points Hast. Ticets Bold to all Promi uunt Points throughout the East and Southeast. Tlimunh Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Reservations can be secured in advance. To Karat J kmml Passengers lie careful and do not make a mmtnlto oiu oe sure to taae ino Interesting Notes In This Back 6110 B. C. Tiialos, about GOO B. C, knew sometliing about electricity and mentions the fact in his writings that ainbor, when rubbed, attracts light bodies. This was all the elec trical knowledge gained by the an cients. In 1G00 A. I)., Gilbert of Colchester, published a book on the science of electricity iu which he gave a list of substances possessing the same qualities as amber, and treats to some extent the magnetic and electric forces. In fact he is the inventor ot the word eleclrin. from the Greek, electron, meaning in English, amber. In 1672, Otto vou Guericke published a work de- scnuing xue nrst electric machine, his own invention, which consisted of a globe of sulphur turned by a handle and rubbed by a cloth pressed against it by the hand. In 1709 Hawksbee constructed a ma chine, an improvement on Guer- lcke's globe, consisting of a glass cylinder, rutmea Dv tlie dry hand. Grey and Wehler (1729) were the men iu uuusiuii electricity irom one point to another, and to dis tinguish bodies as to their conduct ing and non-conducting qualities. Dufay in his experiments in 1733 to Hit) proved the identity of elec tries and non-conductors, non-elec- tncs and conductors, and was the first to discover two kinds of elec tricity. Between 1733 and 1744, Germany contributed more elec tricians than all the remainder of tlie civilized world. The Levdnn jar was accidentally discovered in Hit) at Leydon, by Muschenbroek Cuneus and Kleist also claim the honor of this discovery. Benj. Franklin, in 1847, showed the elec tric conditions of the Leydon jar, and proved the identity of light ning' and electricity by his kitefly ing experiment. About the same time the same experiment was per formed by Romas, of Nerac, France. In 1760, Franklin made the first lightning conductor. Volta invented the electro-Dhoms in 1775, and also the condenser in 1782. Galvina, in 1786 made tue discovery which led to the addition of the new branch to the soience which bears his nania Coulomb investigated the lessons of electric attraction and repulsion in 1787. Iu 1840 Arm strong designed his hydro-electric. The practical application of elec tricity for telegraphing belongs to Prof. S. F. B. Morse, although the principle was demonstrated nearly a century before in Sootlaud. The first talegraph line in operation was between Paddingtou and Dray ton, England, in 1835, 13 miles long ami antedated Morse's line seven years, Tlie superiority of tlie Morse system over all others has lead to its adoption in every part of the civilized world. Electric lights, motors, railways, VICTORY FUll V1LLABU. Meeting of the Northern Pacific Preferred Stockholders. Nkw York, Oct 17. The Northern Paciflo preferred stockholders held a meeting to-day. Chairman Harris pro sided. The only other directors present were Henry Villard, C. L. Colby aud Bray ton Ives. A large number of Wall street men aud holders ot stock were present. The only business before the meeting was voting on what is known as the "Villard plan." It authorizes the issue of $luO,000,000 new 5 percent, bonds payable 100 years benoe. Voting on the plan began at 10:30. Soou.it became apparent that the Villard party would win. Johnston Livingston offered the following resolution, which wasadopted, and which is in direct sympathy with the circular issued September HI, 1889, by Chairman Harris. The resolution was seconded, much to everybody's sur prise, by Henry Villard. The resolution is as follows: Resolved, That the holders of preferred stook, represented here, suggest to the incoming board of directors to take into oobsideratiou the distribution of the whole amount due the preferred stock holders as soou ns the company shall be in a proper condition to do so. Not a negative vote' was received. J ust before noon James B. Williams an nounced that thefiuan.iial plan had been carried. Owing to duplioats proxies having been deposited, he could not. an nounce the exact result. An adjourn ment was therefore taken until Monday. Henry Villard voted the majority of the stook. Robert Harris, president of the compauy for many years, and who, last year, acted as chairman of the board of directors, is dropped from the directo ry, and so are Braytou Ives, J.C.Bullitt, Fred BilliDgs and John H. Brookman. The new directors are George Morrison, James Haggin, C. II. Loland, Charles C. Beaman and J. B. Williams. A slender minority of stock was voted by Robert Harris in favor of re-electing the old board. THE CRONIN BlilBERY CASE. A Joint Bill Brought in bv the Grand Jnry Against Seven Men. etc,, are but the practical armli-n- muq'HEKN TACIFIC RAILROAD. ou m lne principles whicli have And see that your ticket rends vi .I,;- I t,lke" . . develop and under line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid 1 8tan . -11118 W wwl named "Tie changes and serious delays occasioned electric era." oy m tier routes. Ely's Croam Balm Cleanses the N asal VpJiaagasj. Al lays Inflammation. Heal ta Sore. Restores the Senses of Taste, BiaeU and Hearing. A prtif l I susp.ll- lf ei mi ,,4 s UrrensMe, fr1r&Or. M Urn--!! kr !' KLV BUOTREltM Wins bL.Ntm fork. AND Canyon City STA.G12 JL.I3STJ3, Ciias. H. Lrb, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILV EX CEPT SUNDAY. FAKE: Cftnyon City to Monument : : $5.00 " " " Long Creek : : 8 0t) This'ii thequickest and oheapest roote to Portland from all points in this vioiuity, riu. TT....: . 01 xunmgu r.uHgrarn Sleeping uars run ou regular express trains full length of line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quiok- eat lime. Cffticro O0ie of the ConifHiny, No, lit First St., Cor. Washington St., j-vrnana,uregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. ror misinro pursuits st the Portland Bumhs College. PorlMtutl. Oreu.m. oral Ihe Cup,;;. I l.,s ine Collene. S,ilem. Ovciion. 1 ulli ;h.ts a',' uiuler tlie timiuigemcntoi a H. AmsUurir h ivt same cuurse ul slutlies atul a,,inc raiM ol tu'ilion II ii si lie sk, lioiiliaitt!. nuutH n.iv ami cvrnini,, ion,. sukw, mi j i ?r suspended, it never was beudtd fNifa.4 ivi ad i j,r. " 1,ul1 "pp!u on tne wan like The Printout 0ee Towel. When I think of the towel, the old-fashioned towel, that used to nang up by the printing house door, I think that nobody in these days of shoddy can hammer out iron to wear as it wore. The tramp, who abused it, the devil who used it, the comix, who trot it when these two were gone, the make-up, the foreman, the editor. poor man, each rubbed some crima uu wane mey put a neap on. In, over, and under, 'twas blacker than thunder, 'twas harder than pover ty, rougher than siu; from the roll- CuicAflo, Oct. 17. Great excitement prevailed about the grand jury room thismorniug. Witnesses oame and went, and officers were dispatched here aud there .rapidly, and appearances indicat ed that something important was in progress. The first witness was a man named Kelley. When he came out be refused to talk with tha reporters. Henry Stoltenberg, stenographer in VV miles & Sullivan s ofhee, was in for half an hour, nnd when he came out and rushed off in a great hurry to find Mr. Vv'indes. After he had disappeared that gentleman made his way into the court house, and was examined by the grand jury. When became oiit of the room he said to the reporters that he hadn't told the grand jury much, ohiefly because he didn't know anything they wished to hear. He had come around in the interest of Stoltenberg. " At 1 o'clock the grand jury came into the court room, and handed in twelve indictments, eleven of which were ou jail oases and the twelfth a joint bill against Mark Solomon, John Graham, Thorn bs Kavannugh, Fred Smith, Jere miah O'Donuell, Alexander L. Honks and Joseph Keenan. All of these men were already under indictment for con spiracy to bribe jurymen. After Mr. Windes left the grand jury room, he asked State's Attorney Long neoker for an order to see Stoltenberg. The state's attorney wrote something on a card, and Mr. Windes went to his of fice, where a policeman on guard refused to let him in. The attorney went away but returned shortly afterwards with an application for a writ of habeas oorpns, asking for Stoltt nberg'a release. The matter was set for a hearing at i o'clook, but, as in the meantime Stoltenberg had been released, the application was withdrawn Moirenuerg reinsea to answer any questions put to him before the grand jury, until he could see an attorney, He declared that he was unlawfully re strained of his liberty, and that he oould give no testimony under duress. No new jurors were obtained to-day in the Cronin trial. Four plaoes yet re main to he filled. The defense still has eight premptory challenges and the state thirty-three. Acoording to the Daily News, the om nibus indictment returned this after noon was a useless proceeding, except on the theory that the persons against whom it was brought, all of whom were already under indiotment, have been made the subject of some new ohauge. The state's attorney is reported as de oliniug to allow the new indictment to be seen, and this is taken by. the News as an indication that a new charge has beeu made against the alleged jury fix ers. It is suggested that the aicused are to bo put in the same boat with the Cronin suspects, as accessories after the fact. All the persons reindicted were again arrested, except Bailiff Solomon, who is supposed to have confessed. GrabHin secured bail, but the others were kept iu confinement. Tbe AVics explains the proceedings regarding Stoltenberg bv stating that Otto Ericson aud William Dabl had in- nirmpu tne states attorney or the mys terious correspondence which Stolten berg had conducted in July through DahL Letters had been received for Stoltenberg from Toronto, enclosed in envelopes mailed for Dahl. The efforts last night iu the state's attornev's offioe to make Stoltenberg disclcse what he knew about the letters proved fruitless. of the men charged with attempted jury fixing, had gone to-day to the office of Windes & Sullivan. What, if any, con nection this bad to do with Stoltenberg, State's Attorney Lougnecker deolined to explain. Mr Longnecker oould only say that Stoltenberg would not spend the night nt home. Subsequently the stenographer's mother told a reporter that she had received a message from her son through a third party, to the ef fect that he would not be at home to night; ' Many reports in "regard to Stolten berg were afloat during the evening. One is that a woman telegraph operator in one of the hotels had testified before the grand jury that Stoltenberg was the person who banded in a dispatch, said to have been sent to Winnipeg direotiDg the lawyers for Suspect Burke to warn tbe latter against communicating with Officer Collins on the journey to Chica go. Tbe dispatch, it was olaimed, was signed by the same initials as those of John Graham, the clerk, who has been obarged wicn being implicated in the at tempt to fix the Cronin jury. The story regarding Stoltenberg and hie dispatch oould not be verified. ' The telegraph operator referred to denied the report flatly. Late to-night a de fective standing near the residence of Alexander Sullivan told a reporter that be had been detailed there to watch the premises. For what purpose the espion age is being conducted the officer re fused to say. Other detectives were numerous in the vioinity throughout tbe nipbt. The News will say to-morrow that the prosecution believed secrets of the grand jnrv room were being regularly convey ed to Alexander Sullivan. It was to inves tigate this matter that Stoltenberg was sent for late to-night. It is rumored that another arrest has been made, and that it is a court official. H.DS10RHD RAILROAD TRUST. The Likelihood of Its Organization Not Cred ited. San Fbanoisoo, Oct. 17. Southern Pacific officers are inclined to make sport of the dispatches from the East announcing it probable that a gigantio railroad trust will be organized by C. P. Huntington, including Chicago, Milwau kee, St. Paul, the Wabnsb, Missouri l'aoific, Denver and Rio Grande, Wes tern aud the Southern Pacific, in all, some 27,000 miles of road. General Manager A. N. Town said he had never heard of the trust until he read about it in the papers. In refer ence to the snocesora of Traflio Manager btubbs, Towue said nothing definite had been deoided. When asked if it was likely that the offices.of traffic manager and general freight agent would be con solidated, as bad been hinted in railroad circles, Towuo said, with a smile, that the oompany has not yet decided to do away with any of its offices. seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. . Worth $55. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A fine high-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth $50. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit Price $50. 90 subscribers, a good $45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double . buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress 'pat tern, worth $37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth $35.00. 65 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-60 cal., and f ullre loading outfit, worth $32.50. 60 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 48 subscribers, 20 Yards of black cassimere two dress pat terns, worth $24. 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver, 45 cal., blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair ot . Ualiforma "chaps 'worth side or a IMITATING SHERIFF FLACK. Wonld Like a Divorce Wllliunt the Knowl edge of His Wife. San Fbancisco, Oot. 27. Mrs. Lnoiud Mowry, who formerly lived in Oakland with her husband, has written a lftter to County Clerk Davis, of this city, oon-' cerning a suit for divoroe whioh was fil ed by her husband a few days ago. The letter is dated Clinton hotel, Whitby island, Washington and says that since she has been, in Washington she has repeatedly written hor husband, asking him to come and make a home for her. She gives hira any thing but a good oharacter in her letter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Oot. 17, '89 Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filea notice of his intention to make nnal proof in support o his claim, and that said proof will be made before the oounty clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner. Oregon, on Nor. so, i8sy, viz Albert H. Stamp, He names the following witnesses to prtove hlB COnt.inilnilH raHirlna nnn aA nr,l;nne: of, Baid limd. viz: neury wade, J. Uevin, Foster Adams and 8. N. Morgan, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant, M-49 Henry Kinehabt, Reeister. IT THE GAZETTE Is ihe Best Weekly Paper in Eastern Oregon, yet manti residents of 'our county . and the immense coun try tributary to it, do not take THE GAZETTE Or any other Live Newspaper. THEY MUST HAVE THE GAZETTE At least, and in order to benefit our frieiids who secure uew subscriptions, we have pre pared a Mammoth List of Premiums. THE CRONIN CABS. W. ore,. ) banner of tin. It grew thicker i Tbe official .uted that New Developments of Somewhat Myatei Ions Chsraeter. Chica'oo, Oct 16. Henry Stoltenberg, a stenographer in thalaw office of Windes A Sullivan, the firm ot which Alexander Sullivan is a member", was summoned to the state's attorney's offioe this morning. Stoltenberg did not reappear for about two hours. To questions subsequently, as to wheth er the stenographer h.-id been arrested, or was practically iu custody, the state's attorney returned au evasive answer. KTanangh, one HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppner Gazette at $2.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wagon Id inch axle), worth S100 The getter-up of a club has the cnoie of any make in the market 190 subscribers secures a good lot in the Looney additon. Will sell for $250 in one vear. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth $90. 170 subscribers, -$85 worth of provisions from Heppner's stores. 160 subscribers, an $80 organ plain finish. A good instrument 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 140 subscribers, a good road cart harness and genuine whale bone whip, worth $80. 130 subscribers, one fine San Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand made Mican spurs and a pair of "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price $65. 120 subscribers, $60. worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish,' $21. 40 subscribers,' a ladies saddle a Winchester rifle solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 36 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith fe Wesson revol ver. ' 34 subscribers, a 4570 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4 inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. , A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a sot of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 26 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13, 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at $12. 16 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. 13subscribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of boots, either worth $6. 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or mer chandise; 9 Subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" flour j -worth $4.50. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or ladies' shoes. . 6 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plate sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat nhntnorank album or a year's subscription to me xieppner uazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti cle in the market worth $1.50, 2 subscribers, $1 worth of p sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HEPPNER GAZETTE You represent a Live Paper one that is well established and which never fails to Give Nensin fact, it is what it purports to be a NEWSPAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort. If you do not want those offered, you have the privilege of taking something else. If you have Cash Subscribes enough, you will have no trouble to load yourself down with wares from Heppner's stores. this is no "fake." we must have more subscrib ers FOR THE GAZETTE, MORE READERS OF NE WS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE Jor Sample Copies and go to work at once. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till Jan. i, 1890. 1 ounE u u u v-of D When I ;r Cr I da sat u aererto top theaa tor s lime, and then have tnss re turn aln. I mux a RADICAi. CLU. 1 bar road ta Umm at FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICX5ZSS. AJife-loe; etady. I wiiun kj remcij ta Ctraa tbe worn cat. Becaae other hat tailed I do ruaoa lor aot mow raeetant ear. Gaduoaefora treat! ,a and a r aaBorna " ."I iKTlLLtUJ KIMIDT. UlT Eiprwa end Pol Offiea. It cot'. ran aothiu 1st a . trial, aad tt will core yon. Addi H.C.ROOT.M.C I U Pun ST, In Ym ' - ' - e