THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY. Oct. 24, 'H9. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Trains on th Willow Creek Branch arrive lit and leave the different stations daily, except ttundaya, as follows: WE.HTWABD. KB. 18 (Mixedl No. 17 (Mixed) 6.20 P. H. Ar. iM S:10 ' " " 4:40 ' 4:20 :30" " " 2i0" J'Lt. BrW'PMAr Heppner. Lexington. lone. Douglass. I .ecu b, Lt. 7: A. M. " 8:20" " " 8:50" " " 8:21)" " B:4U ' Willnwi .Tnnction " 1(1:80 Arlington. Ar, 2:20 ' Portland Lv 1M " Northern Pacific trainB east leave Arlington daily 2:20 P.M.; going west, 10:15 A. M. Umon Pacific trains east, 4:10 A. M.i going west, 12 P. M. J, C. HART, Agent. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Canyon City daily, except Sunday, at 6 :30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 5 :00 p. M. . There is a saving of 16 hours in tune and 810 in cash by taking this route to Canyon. ' C. W. Lomlar & Co., 429, Fifth St., Portland, Or., are authorized to make advertising contracts for the Gazettb. They will also make oolleotions for this paper. ' Here and There. on the 17th Marshall, Little Dick, Swaggart's Morrow coun ty horse, has won live races out of six run this season, and set a gait in quar ter dashes that baa never been beaten. Remember that all paid np subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notioe, free of obarge. This of itself is worth more than $2 to the stockman, tt. J. B. Sperry is in Portland. MikeRosendorf is over from the Creek, Thft little child of F. M. Fiekard is very ill. Deputy Sheriff Fisk, of Canyon City is in town. W. A. JohnBton ia below taking in the expouu R. Canfieldrof-trie S. i. Examiner, is In Heppner. Price Florence got back from Port laud exposition Tuesday. Eight Mile items are in too late for publication this week. E. B. McFarland, of The Dalles, was in Heppner last Saturday. Cash Ryohard is on the "slightly in disposed" list this week. The nrpHident has appointed J. C. Ardry postmaster of Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rasmus, of Walla Walla, are visiting in Heppner, Old papers at the Gazette offioe at 75 eents per 1UU, or two mis a rjunon. ii. There is nothing like a board of trade to represent a live town like Heppner. Died On Rock oreek, Oot. 9th, of ouiok consumption. Miss Effie Strick- fin. Born In Walla Walla, inst., to the wife of T. W. son. Jonas Livermore, of Arlington, is on the sick list, being afflicted with typhoid fever. The Misses Etta Minor and Ida Ayers left for Portland on last Saturday's truin. Misses Lillie Rhea and Martha Mat lock returned from Portland last Monday. . " Clint. Branstetter returned to Heppner last Friday from a visit to relatives in Eugene. A. D. Williamson, special agent for the New York Life Insurance Co., is ia Heppner. . M. E. Smith, of lone, came in last Monday and subscribed for the Hepp ner paper. Gene Slooum is still dangerously ill up at Uncle Charley Wallace's plaoe on Balm Fork. The Union Scout says the coming of the Hunt road to that plaoe "is now an assured fact." John Coffey, of the firm of Gilliam & Coffey, is convalescing from an attack of bilious fevw. Si Titus and wife, of Eugene, visited the families of Tom, Ed. and Jas. Mat lock last week. " The report oomes to Heppner that Mrs. Jarv. Wallaoe, .of Weiser, Idaho, died last week. Chas. W. Conger, a solid sheepman of Long Creek, took out a huge pile of sup plies last Tuesday. Stockmen and teamsters who are in (ttr fall supplies, speak well of the new road to John Day. The new bank building is pushing up very fast. It will be ready for ocoupan cy by Jan. 1st, '90. The postoffioe quarters are muoh more convenient and comfortable in the loca tion on May street. Hugh Fields purohased this week 1850 head of sheep from D. G. MoClaren, paying therefor $2 per head. Jas. MoDevitt, the 15-year-old lad who was shot bvGibbs at Portland last week, died on last Friday afternoon. The Taooma Daily News has enlarged to a six oolumn quarto, and looks decid edly better under the arrangement. ' Geo.'Rader, an old settler of Long Oreek, passed through Heppner this week on his way home from Portland. I jRange was never shorter in the moun tains than the past season, and sheep will come out in not the best conditon. Our Heppnor people, who have had an opportunity to visit the Exposition in Portland, pronoun.oe it a grand success. J. M. Hager has just disposed of some Fairhaven property at an advance of 60 per oent of price paid three months ago. Frank Kellogg and J. A. Arment, of the Lombard Investment Company, left yesterday for the Prairie City country. Attorney J. N. Brown is expoted home to-night from Boise where he has been to attend a reunion of his near relatives. After wrestling for many weeks and examining over 2000 veniremen, a jury has been obtained in the Cronin murder case. C. S. Van Duyn and wife, acoompan ied by Edna and Miss Ella Van Duyn went below Tuesday to attend the exposition. Calhoun Cox, of Fox valley, was over to Heppner this week lor supplies, jut. Cox is a brother-in-law of Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Do vou suffer with catarrh? You oan Via rnred if vou take Hood's Sarsaparilla the ereat blood Dunfier. Sold by all druggists. T. L. Stiles, reeently elected supreme indira of Wash., appeared before his aeousers in Arizona and proved himself to be innocent. A. A. Jayne, of the Arlington law firm of Cornish" Jayne, is reported as re nnverinir raDidlv. and will soon be at bis post again. .T M. Rover keeps the Golden Rule hntol in Tuner Creek and has good ac commodations for guests. When yon pass that way, call on him. Our friend, Frank MoDongall, of Fair bavsn, Wash., sends this shop an official map of that town. Fairhaven is nicely situated and should prosper. Frank Gilliam and Funnily moved in from their Spring Hollow ranch last Saturday, occupying the residenoe of T. H. Bisbee, on Chase street. The work of canvassing the vote of Washington began last Monday. The board oonsista of Governor Moore, Chief Justice Hanford and O. a White. When you pass through Long Creek, with Frank Waterbury at the Har- . distyHonse. The table ia alwayB sup plied with the best in the market. When you have reliable news, come to Um shop and report it, but guess at noth ing This claws of news injures a paper and frequently harms innocent people. Martin Anderson got back from Mal heur last Sunday, and will spend the winter with us. He brings over word that Pat McMahon will be in Heppner soon. Mrs. May Evans, of Walla Walla- Grand Lecturer of W.R. C.,of Washing ton, instituted and installed Buruside Corps, with 32 oharter members, last week, at vvaitsburg. Geo. . Harrington, representative of Dorio to the recent session of the K. of P. Grand Lodge at Astoria, got home early last week. He praises Astoria in her treatment of the boys. Jack Gray, a former resident of Mor row, but for the past two years a resi dent of the Long Creek country, moved to Heppner last week tor the purpose of schooling his children. T. W. Marshall got back from Walla Walla on yesterday's train. The advent of that brand-new boy in Tommy's fam ily don't seem to have disturbed bis equilibrium in the least. Ralph Dittenhoefer, representing Dit tenhoefer, Haas & Co., got back to Hep pner last Friday from a trip to Long Creek, Canyon and Prineville. He went below on Saturday's train. . J. F. Spray is over from Haystack, and reports a wonderful improvement of Morrow's part of the Heppner-Haystaok road. Much work has been done on that part of the thoroughfare reoently. Every live business house of Heppner is represented in this paper. They vie with eaoh other in placing before the people the best and cheapest wares. You oan get bargains at Heppner's stores. Ben Hunsaker -has made extensive improvements in his livery stable, op posite Natter s Brewery, and took charge of the same Tuesday, wnere ne win con duct a first-class livery and feed stable. The Gazette man met R. C. Breeding, of Haystaok, in town yesterday. His crops over there are very good this year, but the general average came out like all of the oountry east of the moun tains. Two horse tbieves named Fred Mat lock, aged 25 years, and I. E. Deborn, who is a mere boy, were arrested, and taken to Lewiston, Idaho, for trial. They are also wanted in Walla Walla for stealing horses. Lime is lime this year. The big fires of Washington's towns have made a de mand for all the produot of their kilns. Our builders had hard work to get a supply of this article, but finally found it at the Baker City kiln. Through the kindness of Dr. L.F.Ship ley, the Gazette man was permitted yesterday to see a Bcab parasite gener ally termed a scab louse, as it appeared through a microscope. It looked not un like a turtle with six leg. The Gazette has plenty of old papers at six bits per hundred. The boss for lining cabins and putting under oarpets, and are not bad for the entertainment of the herder. The bustle trade, however, has "gone glimmering." The O. R. & N. Co. inform this paper that the limit of the seven day tiokets to the North Pacifio Industrial Exposition is extended to ten days, and those of five days limit to seven days. This does not include the day of sale. L. O. Connor, for several years a res ident of the Heppner oountry, and who has been sojourning in Grande Ronde for the past six months, got back thiB week. There is something about Hepp ner which always brings them baok. The new state of Washington appears to have too many great men. Aspirants for the two senatorships can be oounted by the dozen. We foar the politicians and aspirants will ignore the wishes and interests ot their party and the people. Delinquent subscribers must come to the front with the cash or its equivalent. We need the money, promises to pay in wood are good enough, but where is wood? Promises don t make steam tor our engine or keep up fires in December. Two dollars and fifty oents is a email, sum of itself, yet one hundred times that amount is $250. A little mental calculation on the part of patrons who are in arrears will insure to the editor three square meals a day and a Sunday suit. No tidings of the lost herder, Pete Schmidt, have reaohed the settlement up at the Potts. Sohmidt's employer owed him 8600, so the oft told tale of financial troubles could not have forced this mutton monarch to seek another clime.. . Ed. R. Bishop, cashier of The Nation al Bank of Heppner, while industriously' splitting wood last Tuesday, had the misfortune to out his right foot. At present he is compelled to use crutches to render walking anything like an agree able job. Reports from the region about The Dalles announce great failure of orops, and consequently much destitution and suffering among the people this winter is expected. Many are selling off their stock, having no feed to winter them. A letter from little Edith Vanghan to her father, Dr. B. F. Vaughan, states that she was well pleased with her Dome at St. Joseph's aoademy, where she is attending school. Her letters Bhow a marked improvement under the instruc tion of her teachers. Senators Dolph and Mitchell are in Washington busy working for the inter ests of Oregon, in matters which they ill urge congress tne coming session. Congressman Hermann will leave in a few crays to join them in tneir laoors. No ohance to get a favor for the Northwest will be overlooked by the eagle eyes ot our representatives. The Grand Kondk Vallet Rah. Road. Owing to the great length of time tak en to secure the subsidy, and the greater difficulties encountered in crossing the Blue mountains than expected, Man ager Hunt haB written the Subsidy Com mittee that it would be impossible to oomplete the road to Union as proposed, and that it would be necessary for the subscribers to agree to an extension of time. He now proposes to commence work in Grande Ronde valley on or be fore March 1st, 1890, and build at least 20 miles of grade between Union and Indian valley by August 1st, 1890; and further, to complete the line from some point on the O. A W. T. Railroad to Union, Or., on or before December 1st, 1891, provided a subsidy of ?100,000 is raised and the time changed to conform to this propoistion, right of way and de pot grounds to be secured from Union to summit of Blue mountains. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known U his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To those who deaire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try bis remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will oost them noth ing, ami may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edwabd A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, King's oounty. New York. Wanted. A girl to do general house work, and who is not afraid to make herself reasonably useful. Call on Mrs. E. R. Swinburne, Heppner. 44tf. State Advertising. The state printer is turning out for distribution twenty five thousand copies of the Resources of Oregon. The book oontains a new map of Oregon, corrected up to date, which will be an invaluable guide to the home seeker. Salem, (Or.) Statesman. Re-opkotd.-B. A. Hunsaker has this week re-opened his stable opposite Nat ter's brewery, where he is prepared to feed horses at the lowest possible rates. Free stable room to purchasers of grain and hay. Teamsters can put their wag ons under shed in bad weather. Don't forget the place; first stable on upper Mam street. Hunsaker reeds as cneap i the cheapest. Fine Sheep. Having purchased the Peterson band of thoroughbred Spanish and Merino ewes and bucks, I am pre pared to furnish sheepmen with nne stock sheep at low figures. I have also a lot of excellent grade ducks tor saie. tor prices or terms, address or call on U. VY. UONGBK, 9t. Long Creek, Or After Cattie Thieves. The Idaho Free Press informs ua that cattlemen armed with warrants in pursuit of stock thieves, came upon them in Wallowa county, Or., Sept., 30th. 'They not only found the men, but also forty-five head of cattle. Placing the warrants in the hands of the sheriff of Wallowa oounty, they arrested H. S. Pierce, 0. 0. Day and I. A. Blevens. Pieroemade his es cape on the wBy back, but has since been re-captured. A reward of $600 having been offered, soon consummated hisjarrest The many arrests ot horse and cattle thieves in the past month will certainly do much toward breaking up these thiev ing gangs, and strike terror into crimi nal stock dealers, A Weston Wonder. Friday evening there was born to the wife of John Cur tis, of Weston, a girl baby who was eye less. A correspondent in the Pendleton E. O. says the unfortunate little being is not only sightless.-but is disfigured by not having the least semblance of eye balls. Theorifioe where the eyes should have appeared is but slightly marked, The child is lively and healthy but the beauties of this world, or that portiou of them that are conveyed to the mind throueh the retina of the eye must for ever remain a sealed book to her. Change op "Cons." Ben Emrick who has been "con" on- the Heppner branch sinoe the advent of the first pas senger train into Heppne r, was trans ferred to the main line last week where he takes charge of a freight. Mr, and Mrs. Emrick will make their home in The Dalles for the present. During their residenoe in this plaoe they have made many friends who regret that it became necessary for them to leave Heppner, but welcome Mr. L. F. Kelly, the new conductor, who with his family, will locate here. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! La FlordeHeyneman IMPORTED I FOR SALE BY T. SST. Marshall NEW BANK BLOCK HEPPNER : : : : : OREGON. From The North Fork John Lakin, of Tex's bar on the North Fork, was in Heppner last week. He has some plaoer mines over there which give every evi dence of paying well when the proper applianoes are secured for sluioing. The banks being very high, hand sluic ing ia out of the question, and in the spring Mr. Lakin thinks ot putting in a Giant" whioh will do more work than a dozen men witb Bbovels. With the pros pects in sight, he hopes to do well. Valuable Additions. G. W. Wright Esq., has laid off into lots and blocks, Wright's addition to Albany, comprising forty aores in the earstern part of the city. The Willamette Land Company, of whioh Mr. A. Hackelman is president, has laid off into lots and blocks, "Sunny Side" addition, comprising 130 aores im mediately adjoining Wright's addition. These additions are composed of the most beautiful high and dry lots, and are destined at no distant day to be among the most desirable residenoe por tions of the city. The O. P. R. R. Co. have bought 205 acres lying on eaoh side of the above named additions and it is rumored that a a motor line will soon be built to "Sunny Side" addition. Lots in these additions will soon be plaoed on the market. Albany Democrat Mr. Willie Rasmus, of Walla Wslla, with the assistance of looal talent, will put on for the entertainment of Heppner people, Saturday eve, jnov. z, tne iamous historical drama, "Robert Emmett." Mr. Rasmus has a considerable talent in this line, whioh together with experience, renders certain the success of this enter tainment. The family of Henry Johnson left Tuesday for their future home near Sa lem. Mr. Johnson and his son, Harry, will remain here a few weeks longer. Henry hBs been formanv years identified with the reliable builders and contractors of Heppner, and his work may be seen in every part of town. Consumption Surely Cured. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured, ' I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their expreBS and post offioe address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. . 181 Pearl st., New York, N. Y. W. o. Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DftY GOODS, CLOTHING, Gents' litriilslxlotE Goods, Hats, Caps, S3 Boots, ss Shoes, WOOD and WIIvIvOW WARE, W1JX X BrE WD ! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lotsl the largest assorted stock of . General Merchandised To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are t Lafe' Dress Goods, ami, Trimmings, Etc Their Celebrated Boot called 'Blo.clx.xxi.ixi.'s Best" Is unsurpassed for durrbility. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobacoos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. is Special Inducements in AGRICULTURA. M PL EMENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, oall on W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET. - - - - - HEPPNER, OREGON, Heppner Feed Yard! Is the place for Teamsters to Btop. CUP HAY AND FREE STALL ROOM! Sheep Dip Tobacco. Sulphur. Ike, Wire, A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stook will oonvince the publio that we oarry the goods required whioh will be sold at Bedrock Prioes for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. or His it Ms Bought Cash and Trade Seed grain, rye, barley, wheat, etc., for sale. C. A. HALES, Prop. Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon Fairhavbnward. Mr. and Mrs. Tay lor Dodson returned from their trip to Fairhaven, Wash., last week. This town is situated in Whatcom Co., and is the terminus of the Fairhaven & Southern railroad. Frank McDougal is already located at this town, and is erecting a large structure for the purpose of carry ing on a general merchandising business in the near future. Mr. Dodson is asso ciated with bim in this venture, and will remove with his family to Fairhaven early next spring. Salkm Shjsep. D. A. Herren brought up from Salem last week for John Min to, a band of fine bucks. Mr. Minto had advertised in the Gazxttb to deliver them in Heppner from his Salem corrals, not knowing ot this opportunity to have the band brought up into this section. This band of flue buoks will be found up at Mr. Herren's ranch on Balm Fork. Prices for thoroughbreds two years old, $20; yearlings, $15; high grade merinos tor mutton and wool, $10. Having a number of sheep on hand which ought to be in use where needed, he will dis count the foregoing prices this season 10 per oent lor cash buyers. 44-2t. S. L. & P. M. Bnell, who live 16 miles beyond Lone Hook, oame in last week through the much-talked-of Buttermilk oanyon to lay in their fall and winter supplv of flour which they found at Sperry's mills. They say that it is im possible to haul large loads from Hepp ner to their seotion owing to bad roads. It is to the interest of Heppner to have good thoroughfares in every direction, and particularly to Lone Bock. ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES Cnmmeud to nublio approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently aoting on me muneys, liver and bowels, it oleanses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who ubb it. SPERRY'S MANUFACTURE THE Bakers' Patent Flour, Better and cheaper than grades shipoed into this market. Parties .from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Counties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all v feel at home. Do Not Forget The Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Maiu Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be Bold at marvelously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles ua to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. TV.o nnW 'H'liTtrnf l.ifft" for All tha ills that flesh is heir to lies in the ability to successfully treat them. A lifetime time aovotea to tne stuay nf the causes and cures of the womb troubles and female weaknesses, warrants a permanent cure in nearly every case(i at hume. Many derange ments ana complications ul ui syitieiu Bfiou from womb troubles, when the sufferer does not know what the matter really is. All correspon dence strictly confidential. Medicines packed and sent with specific directions for use. Ad dress: A. L. COLE, M. D., Specialist; 162K First Street, Portland or, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between A. D. Johnson and H. F. Johnson & Co., under the firm name of A. D, Johnson & Co., doing a general drug business in Heppner, Or., is this day dissolved by mutual oonsent, A. D. Johnson assuming all obligations of said firm and collect ing accounts due same. A. D. Johxson. H. F. Johnson a Co. Heppner, Or., Oct. 11 '89. 6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oreffon. for Morrow Co.. in the matter of the estate of William B. Gilliam, de ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the above named estate to present the same to the under signed administrator ot saia estate at Heppner, O'., properly verified as by law required, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Heppner, Morrow Co., Or., this Sept. 25, A. D., 1889. 5t. Fbank Gilliam, Administrator. Fob Salb. A residenoe property in Heppner, fine looation, two story bouse, ten rooms. Well stocked with ornament al trees, shrubbery, fine orchard and plenty of small fruit. Price $4000; will take part pay in good American horses. For information concerning the same, call on, or address E.NORDYKE, Hepp ner Or. Arm Bkokbn. On last Thursday, Charley, little son of Ed. Hale, who lives in the mountains, had his arm broken between the wrist and elbow while play ing with other children in the yard. The little fellow is only three years old, At last accounts he was progressing fine ly with the injured member. H. B. LeFevre, for many years a pro fessional herder of bucks and Billy-goats over in the glades ot Camas, iB comfort ably located up at Puyallup whera he has a position on the Commerce. "Lee's" ability in the newspaper line and his well-known qualities of being a thorough rustler, insures him of suocess. D. A. Herren and wife return ed from Salem last Thursday. While below they visited the state fair, Yaquina bay, the fiDosition at Portland and en joyed a fishing excursion to the coast streams. Miss Mabel did not return with them, and will attend school at a lem this winter. Sookane Falls has a street cable rail road, the rope of which is pulled by wa ter power. The 33,500 feet of rope is nulled throuah at the rate of nine arid one-half miles an hour. Other lines of the cable sort average aDout six mue s an hnnr. The Spokane line is the only streetcar system in the world operated by water. Fred Wilmarth and Chas. McGirl got back from the mountains last Sunday with Johnny Elder's bands, over which they have been exercising a shepherd's oare for some months. Fred will re sign shortly and return to the "pase" where he is a valuable haud. best Ton. Ton. Having added steam pewer and having all the facilities of the mills, the supply will at all times equal the demand. Bran - - - $15.00 a Mill Feed - - - 1 8.00 a Flour $3.75 per harrel in 5 barrel lots; single barrel $4.00, When you come in for your fall supplies, call for Sperry's Flour. J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor, A. D. Johnson & Go. THU CITY lyreXJO STORE, HEPPNER, ' OREGON. -Sole Agents for Morrow County for- Xjittle's Patent- FLUID SHEEP DIP W. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON HEPPNER,- OREGON. THIS IS BUSINESS. Persons owing acoounts to D. W. Hornor are requested to aettle immedi ately. All acoounts and notes not set tled by Nov. 1st will have extra cost to pay, as I will sue on them, i mean business. (43-031) D. W. Hobnob. . ' Lottery Tickets Seized? About 80, 000 tickets belonging to the Original Lit tle Louisiana Lottery Company of Cali fornia were seized and Henry Cohen, in possession of the books, was arrested by the police in San Franoisco last Monday afternoon. The polioe were looking for other interested parties in the scheme. "WE POINT WITH PRIDE" To the "good name at home," won by Hood's Sarsaparilla. In Lowell, Mass., where it is prepared, there is more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold than of all other mndinines. and it has given the best of satisfaction since its introduction ten years ago. This eonld not be if it did not possess merit. If you suffer from impure blood, -try Hood's Sarsaparilla and realize its peculiar curative power. Deserves Patbonaoe. Billy Morrow has recently taken pharge of the livery and feed stable, well and favorably known as the "Jones Stable," where he hooes to see his old friends when they come to town, and have acontinuence of former patronage. Vou t pass mny I stand with your horses, but drive right in. Feed and rig hire very reasonable. GO TO Combine! the juice of the Blue Figiof California, o Uxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to tha human system, forming the ON LY rr.K FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDEYS, LITER AP BOWELS AMD TO Cleanse the System Effectually, t to THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 6LEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sak FaAcisco, Cal. Loount-Li, Kr. - Ki Vmi, X.Y MAT. LICHTENTHAL S LIJMHEllENS' TOOLS ' PUMPS Ando-Taf ays Groceries ii . 1 FOR THE BEST MAKE MOTS '4 D Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, -DEALERS IN- Wood und Willow Ware, IliiVRK VIRB,I Bin! Cages, NEW HOME Sowing Ma chines nml ft complete lino of Coni mi MAIN STRKET, HEPPNER, OREGON Ar k. j. Yon will Una SLOOUM' B Complete Supply of . Custom Work and llepairioi Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. Drugs, Pateiit-Medicliios, Paints, Oils, G lass, Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars!; A Comp!te Line of School Books and Stationery. Free exchange on National Headers. Tlxo I"ixxot and Moat Complete Stooh. ot Grold Feua in Eatoru Orecc". Preseriptions Filled Ijeezer & Thompson corner, : : : Main Btreet, HEPPNER, . OREGON W. A. KIRK. J. C. HATES Beds Heals For- k M GO TO REA'S RESTAURANT. Newly Furnished Throughout. Sample Room for Commercial Tourists Next Door. . DEALEUH IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First- s . class Harness Shop. . .. Repairing tx Specialty I : " on r Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MAOHINE. Warranted for five years. " Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and get oash prices. . MAIN STREET, - HEPPNER, OREGON. ablishment. Store, May St. Will Be found in her Est Care. All thelatcst and most Fashlo nable Goods