THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY, Oct. 17, '89. A BADLY MANAGED LAND OFFICE. In calling the attention o the gross carelessness and inefficiency of the La Grande land office, we do so for the public good, and not from any particular, personal spite, for the public have suffered more through the carelessness of Hen ry Rinehart than all the newspa pers in the La Grande district. Not long since, D. G. McClaren was called upon to make a new proof for bis homestead, notwith standing the fact that he had, more than a year before, made a proof which passed through the official hands of Mr. Rinehart unscathed. No; the proof papers had to go to Washington before errors were discovered. Although Mr. Rino hart is clearly responsible for' ex pense of second proof in this in stance, according to ruling of the department, he has so far failed to assume any part of it. A land office has no right to ac cept any application for proof no tice unless acoompanied by the publisher's fee, or a receipt from the publisher showing that said fee has been paid, or at least set tled so far as to relieve the land office of all responsibility in the matter. Otherwise the laud office is responsible for the publication of proof notices. This is a matter the La Grande office has ignored from the vory beginning of the Rinehart administration. It is currently reportod that Mr. Rinehart will shortly receive the grand bounce. A change can not make matters any worse in the La Grande land office, and it is likely to be for the better. MAIL MATTERS. In the last issue of the Long Creek Eagle appears an article charging our post office people with carelessness and inefficiency. Great care should be taken in the arrangement of the mails the interior section, conclusion that paper says: for In We hold bo malice toward lleppuor, nor even toward their postmaster that we let out a few of these plain truths, for we look to her as act ing in the same position as a fau cet does to a barrel, and when we want out of this great domain of ours we must go that way, thus benefiting them to a great extent. But we expeot to keep jogging her memory about this mail matter until mail from lleppnor will come direct from that point; if we cannot be successful in this, a pe tition to the Department at Wash ington will give us some satisfac tion in the matter. RAILROAD INTRIGUES. Without endorsing the views of the author, our readers will find on the first page an extended, sen sational, railroad article. We give it as one of the curiosities of rail road imagination, intrigues and jealousies. It is interesting read ing to many as showing the many projects which are in the process of development which are to pene trate every part of our coutral and coast country. The future will coitaiuly demonstrate that all the projects now formulating are not merely illusions. Whatever the author may fear for the tax-payers, it is sufficient to direct the at tention to those in authority to protect the government in its prop er rights. MONTANA'S TOO CLOSE. Tuesday's Orcgonian gives Moutaua as republican. They threw out a precinct which gave 171 democratic majority. The grounds on which the pre cinct was rejocted are that there were three instead of five judges of election; that the couut was conducted by three judges in se cret, the clerks being excluded, and that the returns showed more votes counted than polled. J udgo DeWolf has been appealed to by the democrats for a writ of mau damus to compel the board of can vassers to count in the rejected precinct There will be fun over in Montana yet It is too close. JURY BRIBING IN THE CRONIN CASE. The grand jury are hard at work at Chicago on parties impli cated in attempting to bribe the jury in the Cronin case. John Graham, clerk for John Trude, the great criminal lawyer, has already been indicted, and true bills have also been found against six other parties connected in the bribing. If money will save the necks of Sullivan and other principals in the Cronin murder, they will es cape. Already it is being brought to bear, and the nipping iu the bud of the jury bribing scheme, will not check tha friends of the murderers in using gold to defeat the ends of justice. This is for PENDLETOJJ LETTER Pendlrtom, Or., Oct.' 13, 89. To day Las been a beautiful, clear Autumn day, and the ladies, brave in their new bonnets and gowns, all attend ed oburoh to listen to tbe exoellent ser mons preached in tbe various churches by tbe visiting Presbyterian ministers who have been at'ending the Synod of the Columbia, in session in this city last week. About fifty delegates, clerical and lay, were in attendance at tbe Syn od, and tbe meetings'were of a very in teresting ohnraoter. A good showing was made of tbe various branches and workiugs of the Presbyterian interests of the Northwest, and every effort has been made by the people of Pendloton to render the delegates' visit to our city pleasant. They are are a flue, eoholarly looking body of men, and are a tredit to the denominations which they represent. Tuesday thoW. 0. T. U. meets in this city, and a large attendance is expected. Among the distinguished visitors to be present is Mrs. Higgs, of Portland. There is a great deal of sickness in our midst at present, though little is said about it. The principal disease is ty phoid malarial fever. There are also several cases of diphtheria, though of a mild type. It is small wonder that there is so much siokuess, when tbe sanitary condition of the town is taken into con sideration. Pendleton is a very, very dirty town, and little or no effort is made hy our oity government to.impruvc iu this respect. We are too busy mak ing money, forming stook oompunies, and agisting the boom, which is cummg to clean up. The O. & W. T. depot will be located on Webb street, opposite the M. E. S. church, as I predicted some weeks ago. preparations are now being made to commence its ereotion. The choice of tbe sight is not very acceptable to tho churou authorities, as the noise of com ing aud going trains, will not harmonize well with tbe religious services o' Suu dnys. There is soarcely a vacant house in Pendleton. Every traiu brings new Tam ilian to settle in Pendleton, aud land lords with bouses to rent are only sorry that they have not more bouses for the coming tenants. Tbe near prospeots of the opening of the reservation is perhaps one cause of t lie iucreasu of i opulalion at this time. There will be a meeting of the stock, holders of the Home Publishing Com pany, of this city, to-morrow, for the pur pose of effecting an organization and electing olliners. About all of the stook has been taken, and the publication of tho new morning daily will commenoe about the 1st of November. There nre rumors that the East Oreyuniun will soon blosBom into a morning paper, but nothing definite can bo lenrued as to the truthfulness of aforesaid rumors. l'endletou's streets present a busy, bustling appearance now-a-day's. The town is crowded with people aud alto gether, times are very lively. All our merchants, tradesmen aud moohauics are rushed, aud every body li-oks prosper ous and happy, and we boom, boom, boomoth, in a quiet sort of way. Geo. Wahiiington, Jb. m1cvkk looses stiikngtii. llttercHiHK Tt'HtH iih t( tUu Ket'mi (Quality of MllkiliK J'owtH'l'H. One of the most important qualities ot a perfect linking powder is that of re taining its strength lor a length of tune in any elimato and in all conditions of the atmosphere. It has been found by both practical and uhemical tests that most of the linking powders, although they possess a considerable amount of strength when first made, loose their leavening power, and become worthless, when a few weeks old. As is well known the leavening gas of a baking powder is produced hy the action of an acid upon an alkali, uud this notion is brought alioul through the iiillueuce of moisture. When, therefore, through imperfect pro cess of manufaet are, the water, which is always present iu the ingredients from which they are compounded, is permit led to remain iu the finished linking powders, it causes the action of their elements to set in at once, no that wheu the baking powders como to be used they are found te have lit their leaven ing power. As the housekeeper has no means of kuowing, when buying baking powder from the shelf of the grocer, bow lung it has been mado aud its consequent strength, the tests made by the govern ment chemists, showing the difference iu strength bet ween the same brands when old, ure important. Tho chemists fouud that while the "lloyal" baking Kinder suffered no deterioration from age, all the others wheu a few mouths old had lost from ten to eighty per cent ot thair original leavening strength. Old baking powders gathered up from dealers in the East, where they have beeu found unsalable, have recent ly 1 ll shipped iu large quantities to the Pacific const. These goods, from age, uud the moisture in their ingredi ents, have lost a largo part of their leav ening gas. The grocers nuike a large profit ou them, but they are not econom ical or satisfactory to use because of their deficient strength. The Koyal linking Powder is of the very highest leavening power, and al ways uniform iu its work. One of its grunt merits is its infallible keeping qual 1 t ', which is due to the oure used iu its manufacture. All its ingredients, being first determined abso lutely pure, are thoroughly dried, .coat ed, prepared and combined so that not!,, ing tint the uppiio.iliou of water or tho bent of cooking will cnuse them to act on caoh other or liberate their leavening gnsses. For this reason the "Koyal," w lieu used after having been kept in any climate or for any length of time, will alvu a produce the same superior aud ctl'ective results. No other bakiug pow der possesses this great quality. Ton Hub. A residence property in Heppuer, fine location, two story house, teu rooms. Well stocked withoriinuicnt al trees, shrubbery, fine orchard and plenty of small fruit. Price 81000; will take part pay iu good American horses. For information concerning tho same cull ou, or address K. N0K1YK 15, llepp ner Or. HPOItriNO MATT Kits. A Kot we iu llriinT l.Mt Natui'ttiiy In Which lug Civeti in Overwhelmingly Virtnriouti. Last Saturday afternoon lteppner was enlivened by u foot race between 1-ee Matlock, of lleppner, and Hilly Oolwell, of the Long Creek section. Tbe boys oame to the scratch iu H manner which proved it to be a race for "blood," aud after some scoring, started, Colwell lead ing out aud finishing several feet abend of Matlock. Several dollars ehauged bauds on this little context. Colwell it only 17 years old, and with training will make a very fast man. Mrs. S. P. Gar OREGON N.VT'ONAL, UCAIli). HE.VDQUAUTtdtS TH1U1 KEOXMKNT ' OF INFANTRY. The Dallks, Okeoos, Oct. 7, lf.sfl. General okdkhs. i No. 17. f I. The different Companies of tbia regiment will assemble at thr-ir armories fully uniformed, armed, and equipped, for muster and inspection, on the dales named below. Staff, non-commissioned stuff, and baud, will report at regimental head quarters nt,8:30 p. m., Friday, October 2. A and C companies will report at the regimental armory at 8:30 v. m., I'ridav, October 25. B company at its armory, Wednesday, October 16. G company at its armory, Monday, October 14. II company at its armory, Friday Oc tober 1H. 1), E, F, I and K oompunies at their armories, Saturday, October 19, and at such hour as their commanders shall name. II. Lieut. Jnrvis will report at the armory of G company. III. Tbe regimental commander will inspect the band and A and O compan ies; Col. Kobley will inspect G company; Major Iviinhoo will inspect I company; the other companies will be inspected iiy their company commanders. IV. Inspectors will Bee to it that all state property is reported ou the "Ke turu for State Property." This is very important and too niuoh care cannot be taken to avoid not reporting some article that tbe company is charged with. V. Reports must be received at these headquurt ers in ten days from date of inspection. Hy order of Cuas. K. Moi.oan, Official: :ulw:cl. JOS. 1 FlT.OKttU.U, Int Lieut. fu:d A'ljt. CANYON CITY. From the Cunon City News There is talk of establishing u new mail route from Long Creek to Austin, via old Susanville, and wc understand pe titions are being circulated along the proposed route. This lino would be a great convenience to miners along the Middle Fork, and the Netcs hopes to see this enterprise succeed. A destructive firo broke out at liel shaw's place uud raged along the John Day river a few days during tbe week which burned considerable fencing and a largo amount of pasture land was ren dered worthless. Mr. Belshnw had a patch of mustard that be intended to burn, aud during bis nbsenou his sou thought be would do the inutrtard burn ing. He applied the torch, and in a mo ment the entire oountry was ablaze The wiud was blowing fiom the hay" slacks, or they would have burned. As it was, the fire reached the brush mid timber along tho river, and everything in ils course was swept away. It spread for a considerable distance up and down the stream before its course wnschecked. We have not heard tho actual loss esti mated. iMisiiuvEs Patbonahk. Lilly Morrow lias recently taken .ihiirgo of the livery and feed stable, well and favorably known as the "Jones Stable," where bo hopes to see his old friends when they como to town, and have a contiuiicnce of former patronage. Don't pass liilly's stand with your horses, 1 tit drive right in. Fcod nud rig hiro very reasonable. tf. FROM T11K MINES. From tho Eiih-le. Elk creek country is still being visited by prospectors, who are backed by l'ort land capitalists, and several good mines ill he opened by them this season. rrcparutions are being made to work all tho mines extensively next summer, l'artics are i.ow securing their machin ery and work will he pushed with vigor in auot her season. Everything is rather quiet iu the Su sunville mining regiou, us there has beeu no Biiflicieut supply of water to carry on the mining during the summer season. One good rain is all that is needed to start everything to work in that section. A Chiuainnu who was workiugon the Ilig creek miues, met with an accident nisi i' rioay wnieu win probably prove fatal. Whilo working on a bans', the1 same broke down, catching him beneath, and wheu takeu out, was almost dead. ; Medical aid was secured but it is rather; doubtful whether he will ever recover as it is thought he is injured internally. Horace Slouii, one of the leading mi-! ncrs iu tho Elk creek couutry, has gone! to ltaker City where he has contracted j for a derrick and an engine as a motor,1 which he intends io place at his mine as j ........ .... ,v , ,,,, LMvrwKMb tUIOUKU. JLC has several good ledges ou Elk creek and will work them and develop their Value aseoou as the rail rains come. Airrrp on tub thick. A little child, tlml of plar.hsd ptltowM Ms nad on a railroad trark ami fnUen wleep. Th train was almost upon hmiwhon a piiMing tranjrr rushed forward and saved him from a nornltla death. 1'erhans you art aslc-p on the traok, too. You arc, if you are neglecting tha hark in if ootigh. tha heetio ftuah, tha loxa of apiH'iiie, tu win weakness and laMUuda, which faava unconactoualy crept upon you. VFaaa up, or the train will ba upon you I Consumption, which thus insidioualy faateiii Ita hold upon Ha victims while they ara un conscious of Its approach, must ta rakcu in time. If tt is to te overoome.. Ir. 1'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured thou sands of caites of this rost fatal of malndics. If taken In time, and given a fair trial, 11 U guaranteed to benefit or cure in every caw of Consumption, or money paid for it wlli ba promptly rt (undid. ' ror Weak 1-uiigs, Rplttlnr of Tllood, Short Baas of lire tii, Hrouchitis, Asthma, Sever Coughs, ai.u kiudred affections, it is an c in stant remedy. Capyrlght, tSM, by WoaLDt Dis. U aa Ass'K. IncurtOila mm of raurrh m uw iiiwi, vj van proprietor Of Ir. Sff't Cfturrh Henmtf . Out fe) oeuuk Iul4 bf dr uffiu (vwwlwra. mw . j- w W V ikl -iJ ngues open compound EXTMirryCvw The importance of purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's P Sarsaparilla. Itstrengthens r cCUIIcll an(j builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while tt eradicates disease. Tbe peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetable remedies used give to Ilood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -r- loalf lar curative powers. No ' llOCII other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures, if you bavo mado up your mind to buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to tako any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Ilood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar' A SIMPLE BULK FOR MEASURING HAY. Tho Gazhtte gives below a simple rule for measuring bay which will be found approximately correot. Find the width of stack aud distance over the same; square t of the sum of the dimensions ami divide the result multiplied by the length, by 512. Ex ample: The width of u stack is 12 ft ; over 3d ft.; length 60 ft. 12 plus 80 42 it. 42fl. H-4 10.5ft. 30.5X10.5 1.1(1.2.) eq. ft. 110 25 X. 00 0010 ou. ft. W.'u 512 12.9 tons. TO FLOCK MASTERS OF MORROW AND GILLIAM COUNTIES. For reason beyond my control, I shall uot be at Heppuer on Oct. 15th with stock rams, but will til any order I can from Salem, freight paid to Heppner or any railroad station iu the above coun ties. Where orders are for 10 or more, I will sec : lieep well cared for till leaving l'ortland. Prices for thoroughbreds, two years old, 5f20; yearlings, $15; high grade merinos for mutton and wool, $10, Having a number of sheep on baud which ought to ba in use where needed, I will discount the foregoing prioes this season 10 per cent for cash orders. John Misio. GUARANTEES TO CURE. OLYMl'IA S. MURRAY, M. D., Fe male Specialist. Has practiced on the l'acitio Cofisf, for the past twenty-five years. A life time devoted to the study of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have thousands of testimo nials of permanent cures from the best people on this coast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any ense of female weakness, no mutter bow long standing or what the stage may be. Charges reasonable, and within the reach of all. For the benefit of the vory poor of my sex who are snH'ering from uny of the great multitudes of ailments that follow in the Irnin of that terrible dis ease known as feuinle weakness, aud who are unable to pay for treatment, I will treat free of ohnrge. Consultation by mail. free. All correspendence strict ly confidential. Medicines pa.jsked, boxed and sent by cxfu'css wi' h charges pre-paid for "bme" treatment, with specific directions" for use. If you are sulfering from any fB male trouble, periodically or constantly, Address, OLYMriA S. MURRAY, M. P., East Portland, Oregon KANDOM RRJIAItKS. Job printing at Pendloton prices at the Gazktti! ollioe. A fitio line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at I'!. J, Klocum's drug store. . Rasmns, the dentist, will 011 teeth, or extract the same iu u scion ti tie manner. .1. It. Kperry hns second-hand groin snobs for sale good as new. Call at mill. The Saliug, Morgan and Russell but ter at V. U. Minor's. None better in the market. Seed rye, alfalfa, timothy, barley, wheat unci chop in large quantities at Collin & Mcl'iuland's. When yon are dry, go to Swaggart's for a glass of the celebrated Weiuhard beer. Jfy the quart or glass. The lleppner gallery is the place to have vour photo taken. Don't forget it. Thoojore Dauuer, proprietor. Gunu & Kiiark, horse Bhoers; horses shod with new shoes all round after date for $1.50 per head. Nentsfoot harness soap, cleans, oils, blacks und polishes all at once. For sale b Leezer tk Thompson. Calfskin coals and vests, just the thing (or stockmen and those exposed to Heather, at Collin & McFurland'8. Mat. Uchtenthnl will open your eyes in prices of his boots and shoes. You can buy them no cheaper in l'ortland. Queenswnre and glassware, at greatly reduced prices, forcasb at Gilliam oi Cof fey's new lined ware store. Get their prices hi tore you buy. The latest in ladies' cloaks, jackets, and wraps just in at C illi i & MoFar hind's. Huy early and get the ohoice selections. Plenty of mill feed and flour on band at Kpetn's Holler Mills. Flour in tive liaucl lots, y.7i; simile barrel, SI. 00. We make specialty of gents' flue clothing, hats and shoes. It you want soinethiti new. go to Cottin anil MeFar hiiid's, the lenders in lleppner. During the harvesting season, every rancher must have machine oil for bis mower or header. The place to get the best is at Johnston & Sloan's. Soon to arrive. A complete line of women's and children's wo ilea hosiery W ilkins Knitting mills. Vim Duyn has tbe exclusive right to handle them. There is much "virtue in advertising. That is why Mat I.ichenthal talks to the public through tloa medium to get new customers to buy his hoots and shoes. .More ov county's crops are short this year, yet they are equal or better than "thoseof the most-favored and celebrated bent-growing sections of the North west. Do you want some dried venisou? Go to . I. W. Matlock & Co. 'a grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. The iuo.-t complete etock ot groceries iu lleppner, Roberts A Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machiuery, shoe your horse, and iu fact there is nothing in the hlacksmithiug line that they are uot able to do. It is a fact that VanDuyn has the larg est line ot men's und boy' furnishing goods iu towu, consisting ot heavy liaii nel underwear and over-shirts. It would takt too much space to mention the diff erei.t lines. Call and see for yourself. C. M. Mallory, at the old stand of Kirk Vounggreu, is now prepared to make to order screen doors, tublea, cup Isiards, Hour chests, or any artiole of furniture out of the regular line. Fram ing of pictures a specialty. of Fall ing COFFIN & McFARLAND, lleppner and Arlington. Our Fall Importations of New Goods have Arrived. We call Special Attention to an elegant assortment of new styles in Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks and Jackets. We Buy Only Of Springei Bros.,Boston, Who are the Leaders of Cloak Firms in the United States. We invite the ladies of Heppner nnd vicinity to call and examine our line of 11)7 m h 1 Flush AND WRAPS. Which will bear comparison in price, style and quality with any firm, East or West. They are regular "Tailor-made" goods and tit like a glove. Also a tine line of Cloaks, Ulsters andJackcts In Broadcloths and CassimerGS. In Dress Goods for Fall and Wiuter, we can , show some new styles and shades in English Broad Cloths, Besides many other nice Woolens. TRIMMINGS TO MATCH 1 IrKliess' ii-icJ C51")lH-otiiii!i Kino Uticterwear i uid I IoJSli Oar eiotljinj Department is overflowiiifj with all the latest novelties Heavy jackets with vents to match, (several patterns) at low prices Fine imported suits, for Gents nnd Young Men. Large line of Dress Overcoats and Heavy Ulsters. Stet son Cow Hoy Hats, Soft and Stiff Hats in all the latest styles, direct from manufacturers. Full line of Winter Gloves and Mittens, Wool en Overshirts and Underwear. Liidies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, from the finest Frenoh Kid, Dongola and Goat, to tbe cheapest grades. Gents' tine machine and baud sewed shoes in .Congress, Button aud Bals. Heavy kip boots and brogans for herders. We Warrant all our Best Goods to wear well. Mitchell Wagons, Hacks and Buekboards. Groceries, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Wall Paper, Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils, Iime, Salt, Sulphur, English Cement, Barbed Wire, Shingles, Flour and Peed, Seed live, Blacksmith's Coal, (inns and Pistols, San Joho Saddles, Silver mounted Bit a and Spurs, and Team Harness. The freight rates to Heppuer are low enough 10 warrant us in selling every class of merchandise at prices iu competition with any city iu Oregou. Orders from the country solicited uud satisfaction guaranteed. Come to Hepprrer for all kinds of Supplies. Grunt county men oan snvo money in both buying goods and in selling wool, cattle and horses, in this market. About Jan. 1st, we will remove from our present looatiou, into a commodious brick structure, (two blocks dow n Main street) having five thousand square feet of floor spac. where we will be pleased to meet all our frieds. Agents for Christy k Wise, Wool Commission Merchants. Money advanc ed ou next year's clip. Call and se us. COFFIN & McFARLAND. MAIN HEPPNER, C. M. MALLORY, May Street, Nearly Oppoute Minor, l.oil.inu & Cu.'s Store, HEFPNJSR, OREGON Maunfaoturer of and Dealer iu Furniture, Mirrors, . Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc Also For Sale- 1886 MODEL WINCIIESTEU KIFLES. Cheap For Cash. :oo: UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. SHERIFF'S SALE. VOTICK is hereby (riven thnt under and by i-i virtue of an execution issued out of tha Cir cuit court of the State of OroKon for the county of Morrow, ai)d to me directed and deliver noon a luJjiiitMit rrttulered and euferod in said j court on theSJth day of March, lSi), in favor of Arthur tVttiir, Frank McFHrliind, K.H. MpKnr ; Und HiidSV'rt'i'.ch purtnerw. dninn buhn'tia under ! thetirm imoio of 'ottin. Mi KariHiid A' To.. pl;iin tittri.Hiul HtfH.intt Kate Joluinou und K. K. Johnson I dofendi'iitu, for the sum of one thousand ai-d I nint'ty-hvo and 5ui00 dollira principal, and tde i further Rim of tweuty-fix'tit mid -Km dollars cowtn. toK'ther with interest 10 ptr cent it an- uiinifrom the tiith day of Mnrch. 10, and, where i as, by nftid judgment it was ordered tum udjuilcd 1 thar the following dettcrik'd renl iroptrty, to wit: i the M 8eo. ltt, Tp. 3, 8. K. tfs V W. M., all in j Morrow Co., Or., be soli! to Hiitisfysiurt judgment, 1 posts and Hceruinf conts. Then-fore, 1 will, on the fcSth day of October, A. 1)., lShft, itt tin? hour I of t o'clock P. M., of said day, in front of the ! court hoiiHP door in the towu of Heppner, Mor row Co., Or., pell the riiht, title und uiterc-t of I (uud Kate Johnnon am) li, K. Johntoti iu and to th above described real property ut public anc : tion to the hitrhent and bent bidder for cash iu ! hand, the pro?etHi" to he applied to the Wilis ao j tion of an id execution and I all costs, 1 costs I that, may accrue. T. K. Howakd, M. Sheriff of Morrow County, Or. l'ateti tia iru dav or Sept. iy. CITATION". In the Cop st v Court of thk State of Oheoov. for the County of Morrow. Iu the matter of the Estate of Charier K. Fuller, Arthur T. Puller and James L. Fuller, minor heii'sof Jauiott L, duller, deceased. To the next of kin, to the minor heirs, uud to all parsons intervated, tiroetititf: T N THK NAME OF THK STATE OF OKF.UON. X You art hereby citeu and required to appear iu the County Court of the State tf Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room ih rt-of, at lleppner, in the Cunr.ty of Morrow, on Friday, theJMh d;t of November, isAK at hi o'clock in the forenoon of that day. then And there to show cause if any, why an order should not lie miuin Tor (tin alt of the following described real proierty, to-wiU Tl'e southeast quarter of wectbm six (rt, Tp three t3), south of range twenty-seven '11 eu.-t. The north haif (.S) of the southeast quarter i,Ll, the northeast quarter l) of tbe goutl'Wett quarter tVi a id the southeast quarter (lt of the northeast quarter (V, section thirt-tvo .' Tp. two ii south, range twenty-seven '!) tat. The south west qr. (V of the northwest qr. tv, the north half ) of the sothwest qr, i) ai d the northwest qi t1! of the soutiieast qr. , section thirty-three (381, Tp. two ' south, range twenty-seven (27) east, W. M. Oregon and all the rights und inipruveuients therewith and thereon. Witness, tbe Hon. Win. Mitchell. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, HEAL.) with the seal of said Comity attixed. this lth day of tVtoltor, A. D. l!v-. Attest: C. U AMHtKWS. Clerk. Hy C. W. Yqunourkn, Deputy. O10-5t. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at The Dalles, Or., Oct. 15, Wt. Notice is hereby given that the following named ettler has bled notice of his intontHn to make tanai proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Hepp uer Or-, ou Doc. ti. vis: Xichohts Danally, Hd.No. 1IH4 fortheWsSWi andSWV NWW Po,, and SENEk Sec. l.l'p, 4 8. RJA E, He names the following witneeee to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aid land, via: tieo. Noble and Chan E. Kirk, of Hppner; David Bowman, of Eight MiU and VY. C. hoiu ing r of Hard man. F. A. McPoHAM. rWier. and Winter kkk Mpk STEEET, OREGON. MARKET REPORT. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter, gilt-edged, 25 cents. EGOS. Eggs from 16 VEGETABLES. New potatoes, H cents per lb. POt'IiTBY: Chickens, S3 to $ t per dozen, ucoording to size. FLOUR. Sporry's best grade of Heppner flour, 5 bbl, S3.7.i per ; retiiil, $t.00. Waitsbiirg Peerless flour, $4.25 in any quantity. LIVE STOOK. Good beef cuttle, 2 to 2 cents per pouud; mutton, $2 per bead. FltESH MEATS. Loin eteak, retail. 15 oeuts per pouud; round steak, 12'.j oeutB; roaHts, 10 oeuts; boiling, 5 to M cauts. Mutton, 12'jJ cents, best quality. fresh F'irrr. Apples, 2 cents per lb.; plains, 3 cents; peaches, 3 cent3. WHEAT. Wiit-tit, 45 to 53 cents per bushel, sacked. BAULKY. Barley lot. i er pound. BYE. Little oi'Vve.l; in demand at2'j cents per pound. T.Ul.OltlN'.i. I have opened i! wel'.-aypoiuted tailor ing estnblislimeut- in my new build ing on May street, ami am now regularly receiving new goodt nud will make cus tom innde pnuts from $7 to $15 best g-.Hxls iu tae market. A. Abrahamsick. So have the Exclusive Conirolof HkMif re ofT prlM l Ut,ftrlUUuHt3IH0. fow0 ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. H, BLAGKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. 1 !aft i IplSliii l tut Millinery, wjhich takes place on October AND EXAMINE Gilliam & LARGE STOCK OF U1U II Next Door to V'l AO Pui-iiaiioiiai HEPPNEIl "Win Hips EHi FiisM Ceases," Is a very familiar saying, yet in the ordinary business transactions of everyday life this is not wholly true. However, it is indeed a fact people will always buy goods where they Can Get Tlicin The Cheapest, And that place is at Mar FILLED TO OVERFLOWING Groceries and Supplies, Gents Furnishing Goods Etc., Etc. Tnis is a broad assertion yet if you will call at Mr Van Duys's Staud von will fiiud it NO IDLE BOASTING. it is literally teue. Don't forget the place C . VanDuyn, I3T MAY HEPPNER, FOll THE SPOT CASH You Will Find that You Can Get the Most Goods ot tho Same Class for the Least Money at J. w. New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink JMiVlI STREET. When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See "for Yourselt Tbe Most Complete Line of Staple and Fauoy Orooeries, Canned Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware and Queenswnre, Anything and Everything. DON'T FORGET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. IMPORTERS OF- ar aware, AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. Sole Agents for Oregon . DEERE'S NEW Single, Double, or Triple Furrow. They are so Bimple nave used t&em or teen them work can not say enough in tbeir prait. we tunum uetn with or without seat attachment. Seat attachment! an extrat DEEEB POWER T.TFT STJT PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Buckeye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS The latest improved implement (or sowing summer (allow. The most complete and successful tool lor this purpose in use. V.'e also have a foil line of RuicrlcR. Carriage, Phaeton ft, Bfonntaia Waffm Platform aud other Spring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Lawrence & Chapin'B S, rinse Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills HAISH BARB WiRE, ETC., ETC. n:yn F0H "thai rirrT,RH ap pbu e um 1A HOUSE Avill rravol well when shod by ROBERTS SIMONS, General Blacksmiths & Fariers. 0 REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. lmim $4.00 tf Span alter lag 1st, 1SS3. tFA. FIKST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS JVIwtloolt Cornor. Misa. Street, Hoppner, Or. Coffey's COOK AND m i "dim-diiuuiii OREGON. 5ti'eet Store,- VTTII ALL KINDS OF STREET, i3 DODD & CO. . i - - - OEEQON Iron, Steel, and Washington for . DEAL PLOWS and come bo near absolute perfection, that thow whm 1 . .. . Cry