t $2.00 by buying your Shoes SATIsrtrTlOX AMI Y Writ?? ? for riiws that, BUTTON. LACE. On receipt of 3. -TO and twenty-five cents to pny expreasage we will send one pair of our VUw 'n I f HIki-, Benmless Vamps, either Button. Lace or Congress. We TJne only selected stock and the best workmanship.. ivery pair Warranted. Try our Bhoos once and you will buy no others. HT-Mentlrai Size and Width wanted. Send postal note or N. Y. draft. Write your address plainly, Town, County and State. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., EAST WEYMOFTH, MAH8. I-c fJmmn y P ', I LVJ V ' A your Crocsr for I 'J $il&bir BRAND W Wii M Pf SODAoiSAIBATUS, Ym Qk&BL 840 H. Charles St., - Branch Store, lleppncr City Brewery ! 'HAH A SUPERIOR QUALITY 01; ISEER! It in mnniifHutiired with the Intent brewing iipimraltiH and can't be bent. Lunches of alt- Kinds, Ami tliu hunt brtiuilH of Ciiii-H. Kraptv kefs liuiHt bo rotniiii'd or U(i apiece will liu chnrji'il. T. 13. 3j1r,ttor, I?rop. sip in Powaer, Is the ' Cheapest, Safest and liest I Ciu-o lot' Seal). TlilH coli'bralcil Dip lmn boon in floii.itant and iuoroiiHitiK ime (or over half u c-ntury, (luring which timo It hii Iwon applied to more slump Hutu exist on the earth lit the proaent moment. Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It in cheaper Hum limu mnl mtl phur, mid is not otio titho of tiio trouble. ' Limo mul Bulphur injure tho wool, but the Coopor lip improves its qual ity ftiul iucroHsos itH growth. General AkpiiH : HNKIjIj, IIKITSIIU A WOODAlil), VliolpBiile-ilriinnint8, l'ortlitnd, Oioyon. THE WAkiCO VAHKHOl'.SK CO., The I'iiIIoh, Oregon. OF PORE COD LIVES Oil and HYFOPIICPniTES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Bo Uignli thnt II nut bo taken. Ugeatrtt, ami Rsstmtlnti-d by llie moil sensitive itomnfh, when I he plain otl cannot be lol.. Html ; and by the com blnaUon of the oil will, the hypopno. nhlta is much more elllcai'lous. Brnu-rtablt us a flrsh producer. PcrxiiiB guilt rujililly vltlle tallng It, BCOTT'S F.HUI.RION i lulmowloilnedbj Pbysicmi 8 to bo t!w l'mont and Host propa tatiou iu the world tor the relief and cure of CONCUMPTIOtt. SCROFULA, GENERAL DxfctUVY, WASTING lISA9S, EMACIATION, COLDS and CKM ONIO COUCHS. Tht great rrmnty f'r Am-simipfian, and naauny in 1 huaii n. oy au umggxnt. Yo buiiiea pursuits at tlie I'm timid Piisiuens CwlU'tie, 1'oilluinl, orrpott, ut tit llu- t'apit.il Huh iliens tolleiic. S;iletu, (.Mtmii. 1 a h sv1ik.i1h me under the munuKcnir nt ul A 1 AuiihlinnR, have itnie couise ul sliulKn mnl wmr r..tcs ol Luitiuu. IS II m i 11 v n s, A Ii o I I li u 11 tl , Typewtitinir, rrnmai.li:t ami l-jiKlisti ln-patt ments, Duv and t vt-tnnt; M ssuiti. SMuicntsfit! mitifd at imv lime l uijonn dt lt'up, a.Micsji rwrtlaiitl Hniiiri ..l AO (,ij"t.tl ttNi:n ioMvut, irtlami, urvKtnt . v il halcni , i m tx'l. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Onlr nenulne Htiipiii mf Alroiorr TmlnlBC l our litk jLrarntttt In ue rettdinn Itliutl who ri ting rurnl. Evrrr rtii14 mnd adult riilly lienrfllletf. lirwt lnduovinuiita to Jonwpoadcinw tJluMa, rrport'it, triih Opinion of !r. W'm. A. Hum. MO 11 'I, I i wn.l-fiitu"l Kportklmt In Miud 1iihmv Oii'I, t i wiri'l-t!itu"l Hprtliiit In Wiud 1iimmv unified fi'iih-it f Thninimnn, t! gfoat Pbyi-li.-I-it. J. ill. 11-icU.lfy, l.ll.,-t'Hiruf ih -hntian 'ft-j,W- A'. 1 lf,lirJ lf..tr. Htrt K.'i.ntia' W.ini 1r. cyn. V. w. A-.ir, Judtje ilitm. Jutiub i. t'nJ'UutOi n't tithi ra. vnt itit tr. by i'ri. Lilrir Xli. U 1 1 iliU Are., N. Y. ECrlULS! 9 111 SAVED - of the Manufacturer. C.UARAXTEED tiw CONGHESS. Cycle C2: - BALTIMORE, MD. $2.50 4 mllv retail JK. ' HEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, all kinds, sizes and prices. Bicy cles, Safeties and Tricy cles for Hoys and Girls. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists. Mailed free. AGENTS WANTED, 908 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D, O. -THE- & 'COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE.' TI Civ ETS To all Principal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT NEW DINING CAIfe I 'ullniiin 3 'alat'G Sleepers, FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Run Through on nil KxproHK Tnuus to - T--OMAHA, Ooitiiotl ISlitffs A.I 15ZV3r3y-fci CITY Without Clmnye. Clone Conneetion nt Portland for Run FrauciHco and l'ugot Sound Points. A L.T.1 1 1 JON STK AMKItS Leave Portland lor San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in (iO hours. Cabin, '. . .(III. Steerage tfH.0U Hound Trip Unlimited, $:t(),()0. ICI.EGANT NEW DINING CARS will run dnily nomin(MHiin Au. H?, ovor the OnK"H 1 tm I way iV NuviKntiun Co., Oregon Hhort liiiiH uiul Union 1'iKUlio ItaiUvny, Hclwrnm I'orllunil and MinHouri rivor. Tliu cunino anl norvicn tiro unexctilltHi, Fur fnrllior imrticularH inquire of any nt'iit of tho company. A. L. MAXWELL, C. J. SMITH, (1 P. it T. A. (it neral Manager. THE GREAT Transcontinental Route n Puni II 1(1 HAILllOAD! VIA TUB ducaile ISraneh, now Comleted, Mut iny it the SliortcHt, llest andQuiekest. The 1 hnini; Cur Line. The Direct Koute No IVluys. Fastest Trains. Ixiw ct Kates to Chiciitjo mnl all points East. TieetB sold to nil Promi nent Points throughout the East aud Houtheust. Tliruiyh I'ullman Drawing ltooui SleeiiDg Cars. lteservntions can he secured in advance. To l'jtist 1 Sound lisrioix?ers He eareful nnd do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NOHTHEUN PACIFIC RAILKOAD And UN that your ticket rends via thin Hue, Ht Paul or Minneapolis to avoid clintiKOB nnd serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through EuiiKraut Sleeping Cars run on reniilnr eiprt'HS trains full length of line, liertlm free. Lowest rntes. Quick est time. (?. nernl Ofltoe of the Company, jYo, lit first St., Cor. ll'iinAiHifon St., Vurtland, Oregon A. D. C11AHLTON, Assistant (li'iiernl PussengerAKent 1 VOICE SsS. " iitri - at wot on a tarw iof O nnniiti . 1 ii, w lui iifrih f C Aliru ,Hoi iilliumt ami jmhli UiiJ ullvn innkeWtfO ilj.' AW - - - ct Sfl'AS Jj?iy iTa v j m. MVkW.T'k' '' r !" i'?1' M ,'! r . woik. S: lii- ':s-"l?-i'ml.s y ' " h",r nun mm til; on w lio takes hrltt ,i'hl pmint hutinpai pi li uli pjiilii ivnflif, Shall we start OV in thi buttiitt'SK, trt.WiT Vntlouaint lwn ll atnul it for jirrlf W ir laFttna' ii.siiT ; urwlll.lart you it y.- don I delay until an, .it. 1 vi-is alira.t uf "U hi torn part o( Hi ruanirv lf Uk-liolii ,.u will tx al.l. t. a up ohl faal mr If fl nii a. ,....!,.( a fi-tv.-tl maiiu'a. iut.-.'i ul 1 1.,UtO IH dttllitr ltiiiii'iih Alltuua mo l.-ld t tint p, , ,ir fur H i'h ll. mnl in tunl ( ninton Milk Vrltrl rinah t haiii.tuiO iinnlra Mintolii( albwHi l Om m.'Hil .arKi blc. i.naii.l tvaiijaiiM rr kuewa Aptnil ftatilrj l.iinO uniia. ni"n t) anti An una ran brvetllf a aui.t-ailu! turnt Irll Ittrll utt !(M Itltla trig iaik iii nr. raaait . WliirtrM ahutrn. rrr uia ! It r ;lt4f Af, mi take ih nu.t ol oTlm nh tpat( aatff maaiiifi Ii itiiiin .I1U ur a mu. h Hit 11 Vuti, ra0vr, . an ih. ai wrll a miy ,i rutl iiil.riiiali "it tanni l r-r, A t w lu Willi- tx imp. it!) pHtovular. ami tnnn lui our rami I. IliliUa, llu, hi ati.t . rt,u1irai Altat you tin 1L abuuli) yxi com lint is fv wo funltcT, why n littm ta ttM AtftUaat K. V- AU.lt t V . AkUlai, UatH jq iOtoue 1L It BALL Wa oitJt Comjleu J flUoltlL S rTv Sprains, Stralnt, O If Bruliet, Wound ? jfi Belt by DruwMM and Dtaun. Or TkiCbu. A.Vogtlsr Co., BtltSnMa, "wrrtjnil-nRFrlioiJ ncRitKl THECkAsA-YDimERCa-Euia-MD- ARTHUR SMITH, PKAOTltJATL, WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bunk, HEPPNER,' : : OPiEGOM. Watches, A Optical Clocks, ) Goods . Watchea Cleaned, - - $1.50. Mainapringe Fitted - . $1.. All work guaranteed for one year. THIS PIOXKlK JeweiigEwm E-OP- Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, ; JEW13LI1Y, ILi'I'O., At the Lowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always Zzz:zon HandHJi A Full Line of MUSICAL MEPJTH Hub been added to his large and well selected etook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Wort Qtinrantcocl, BTOItK ojipoHite Miuor, Hudson A Co'b May Ht. Ileppner, - - - rt-uoii California, Oregon and I DA I K; STAGE COMPANY. J. B. Keeuey, Hupt. Daily Htne to find from Monument. Htartt- leaves lli..ncr nt USUI A, M. ArrivcB, 5:3(1 1. M. Peniltotou BtiiKO lcnvoa lleppnor rt::!l) A. M. " arrivna " 4:!i0 1 Fare to Monument, Fare to Pendleton, S?5 01). W.00. E. J. SLOOUM k CO., Aubnts. Freight 2 cents per pound. lleppner, Ogu B. P. FI.OKENCE. E 1'LOitENUK FLORENCE UltOTUEKS, STOCK RAISERS ! HKIH'NKU - - OKI'dON. ('attlt hrftiuifiiftiid tmr limrked iibmIiowu ubove. Horntm V on rilit . tthouUlor. Our rat He raniituu Mturow. Oilliin, 1'nmtilln ami Wiirtooooniitittrt. We will my $ 100.00 rt wanl for Hip arrent itud oonvirliou f any piTBun itUvituitf tmr stock. The Sterling C?L Manufacturer! of THE SmiNff "PIANO?, WHU'll TO Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adoptability for stand ing In Tune havo no equal. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years And tatlftfftrtlon gUairanttHHl to every purohwr. AIM Manufacture the World -R km owned STK11LIXG OIfiAjV Factories. Dsrby, Conn. AIOXUM15XT AND Canyon City S'XWGK 1.1 XI, Ciias. H. Lbs, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY F CUT SUNDAY. FAKE: Canyon City to Monument : : S,".00 " " Long Creek : ; a ou Thtu ia thAmiiAk.u. .....1 ..1 . loPortlandfroniiillixiintsiiithisviiinitv gf i ! j week UMATILLA COUNTY. From the Trimnp. Kepoi t ri'Bclifid here lust tbiit C. D. Eru Duck ami Miss lie.lle Mulkey, both rehiring on 1'iirch crccek, above Pilot Rock, had eloped. It seems that the couple came to town on Wednes day of last week, and procuring a team and buggy from one of onr livery stables, left for parts uu- kuowu. I he supposition is that they had gone over into the terri tory, or somewhere where it is not necessary to obtain parental con sent to marry a girl under 18 years of age. Miss Mulkey i3 about 1(5 years of age and a daughter of F. M. MuUey, a respected citizen who resides near the high bridge. Emerick is a man about 30 years of age aud came here about two years ago. On Eriday morning after the north bound overland train had passed Turner the body of a man was found lying beside the track, where he had evideutly fallen from the train. He was a light complexioned man of about 3o years of ago, and wore a pair of striped pants and dark co'ored coat. It was found that he had been aboard of the overland train, but after leaving Turner he had been missed. His name is C. A. Anderson, and he was bound for,, tetutt Junction, W. 1. His wile was on the train, and missing her husband alter passing Halem, made inquiry of the conductor. When the train reached Oregon City a dispatch was received bringing the sad intelligence, and the young wife was prostrated with grief. The remains were taken to Port land for intermemt. Geo. W. Leading, who came down from the Greenhorn district last week, says that much work is being done in the way of prospect ing the ledges. Shafts are beiua sunk and levels run, and the indi cations of mineral wealth improves as depth is attained. There has been considerable excitement there this year, and everything goes to show thtit this is a rich district. The Excelsior Company, most of the stock of which is held here, has struck a ledge of black sulphurets two aud a half feet in thickness. Another ledge sold recently for $10,000, the extension of w hich is owned here. The Greenhorn dis trict is about 00 miles southwest from Baker City, and is, reached by a good mountain road. The old town or Independence, in the Gran ite district, now known as Granite City, is feeling the effects of these later discoveries, and considerable building is going on iu conse quence. From tho llnily K. O., Sept. & It is reported that a party of O. R. it X. surveyors are now in the Butter Creek coal regions, tak ing notes for the benefit of their company. The old veteran named llealey, who was confined iu the city jail on his arrival in Pendleton, and preached for an hour to empty cells, appears to be harmlessly in-' sane, lie has an overpowering tendency to talk, aud if he has no audience, will converse loudly with himselt with great apparent satis faction. A temporary oflleo for the 0. it Y. T. Ii. 11., has been established in tho little building at the corner of Webb and 'Willow streets. This ollice will be used for freignt and passenger purposes until the new depots are built. This may be for some time as carpenters are hard to get and the company is crowded with work. One gentleman, if we are to be lieve his advertisement, thinks the Hunt road has damaged Webb street. It ought not to be inferred by outsiders that real property generally has decreased iu Pendle ton, for it has steadily though slowly increased nor that all who have property on ebb street think the road has lessened its value. Some property owners on that street would take no less what ever ou account of the road. But perhaps there is another reason located across Cottonwood street why Mr. Knnis values his property lower than he did formerly. BAKER COUNTY From the lViiiocrut. Postmaster Palmer, of Ochoco, Oregon, took charge of the ollice last week. He was hardly warm in his seat before he was called ou by a burly man who claimed his wife hud not been treated proper ly. Palmer accepted the offer for a fight and in six seconds cleaned EASTERN1, OREGON. out his Ulan SO thoroughly as to i FmuhiFuyulhiproimmra.: require a doctor's care iu repairing j To Mr. Henry Villard: his face so that his wife would) You will please forthwith re know him. move a lot of your freight cars About VI o'clock v1.;1ii.v iii.vi.f ifri' ' side-track in front of 1'annie White, who uresides over'tllis print-shop. They shut off the the destintes of a bagnio in tins . city, attempted suicide by liangiu lerself and would have succeeded had not an inmate of the house in tercepted. The inanuer iu which she attempted the deed was a novel one to say the least. Taking a silk liandkerchiet and tying it securely around her neck, fastened to the doorknob and ili, n L'tntnoiT bur I.mIv imr tho floor, film was in thi nn 1 nitiou when first discovered. To nmko doubly sure of her intentious alio took nn over-dose of chlortd hvdvato. Dr. Fuller was iuimedi- curl ouiuiuout'vi niui ii m m i i WU , found the unfortunate woman in an ! almost lifeless condition. After : working with the patient for some time succeeded in resuscitating 1 her. At this writing the patient) i KH11 lvin.T in a Kriir. ,,t ...,, . sciousness and her recovery is doubtful. OILLIAM COUNTY Fnuu the F.witl Junr-al. Mrs. Emma T.cFevro, of Irfiue Kock, betook Le,solI to th. sad;ns Charley Ko-ss froiu his afflicted j 8P waves last week, her destina- tion being Tillamook, whore she will make a temporary stay, .Mrs. I.eFevre is well informed on all subjects, including the written and unwritten law, aud hits consid- erable literary talent which dis plays itself iu her contributions to contemporary journalism. On Wedne day last Jim Barnard threw his riata over a frisky steer, which was on the street in tb lower end of town near the Morgan house; the stter pulled as hard as he knew how and Jim being on foot had to follow him until the steer let up, but in the struggle two gold pieces a twenty and a ten fell out of his pocket aud were lost. If anyone should find the money, Jim would like to stand treat, but we fear it will be a frig id day when the finder . restores the coin. Verily honest meu are scarce. WASCO COUNTY. From tlie Times-.VioiinMini'or. We have no objections to cows roaming at large; but we think it is unnecessary to hung bells around their necks which have a most vil lainous sound. Tire great charter granted certain rights to all null viduals, and one was not to be dis turbed in his domicile. Mr. Tom Williams, who has been serving a sentence in the peniten tiary for shooting Peter the Poet, of the Lony; Creek Eaale, called ou us to-dav, having been pardon ed. Mr Williams does not appear to be a "hard citizen," but one whom if people treated fairly they might expect the same treatment inretnrn. He claims to have re ceived great provocation from "Peter" before resorting to his pistol as a means of satisfaction. Soon after 9 o'clock last night a nicely dressed man attempted to burglarize the dwelling of Mr. W. E. Garretson. He had been walk ing up aud down the block for some time and finally began peep ing into the windows. Mr. Garret son gave chase to the fellow, and he used log bail to an advantage in running down Union street. At the corner of Third he ran into the arms of a special officer, who took him to jail. On depositing bail to stand trial this morning he was re leased. He gave his name as Mc Cain, and was well dressed aud apparently one who made his liv ing without much manual labor. WILMS SKIFF. A very hnproliatile Story uf Iiin Bi-ing Still Alive. From the K. O. Kepnbliciin. A very improbable story is in circulation concerning Willis Skiff, a resident' of this place, who dis appeared at North Powder three years ago last July, and universal ly regarded as dead, was still in the land of the living. It is claim ed that Aleck LeBuff', of this coun ty, who is now stopping at Port Me Cloud, in the Northwest ter ritory, some time ago received a letter written in Chicago, that from the nature of its contents showed that while signed Gordon it was really written by Willis Skiff. This claim is made positive from the fact that matters were men tioned in tho letter of which no one but LeBuff and Skiff had 'any kuowledge. Mr. J. Q. Shirley and Harlan .Stewart, who have just re turned from Montana aud Canada, met LeBuff at Fort Cloud and were told by him of tho letter but tho document could not be found although a rigid search had been made for it. It is not at all prob able that any such letter, written by Skill', has been received. Le Buff can neither read nor write and his not being able to produce the letter to give others a chance to identify the writing is calculated to throw discredit upon the story, and it appears reasonable to thiuk that LeBuff, even on receiving such a letter, would not be capable of judging who the writer was. The mention of the name of Gor don recalls the name of B. F. Gor don, a mail formerly living here who was a close and intimate friend of Willis Skiff while here. Gordon, a long time ago, worked for L. 15. ltiuehart and one season leased the shingle mill on Cather ine creek from him. He left here somewhat suddenly and he is the ono who wrote the letter if any at all was written. The letter was addressed to Union and was for warded to Aleck LeBuff. If Gor don is the writer of the letter and will sond his address to some of his friends in Union there are not a few who would be glad to hear from him particularly if he is do ing well. OrEN (ED) SETTERS. : light, which is growing briefer ev i;.. ... i.. ,.i. ... ery day now, aud in the rush of daily political campaign we have no time now to switch the cobwebs off the stained-lass windows stained with three years' dust. To lioT. Semple: Do you thiuk that if you are elected governor of the new, state leek, fastened !t t,cted Roveruor ot the liev, id theu satith,it y?" cu i"d.icous1,y. y from touch-! ',oar tlulf ' Olll01!a du devote ties and tlias "?gleet your law business?! lou know, governor tuat you can not couseieuciouoly do so. You have already sacrificed enough Valuable time IU the public ser- ykh auu it its no more than ri'ht , , ii . i i ll!lt olue of Le "'Position should put. upon the shoulders cf Llshe ,Ler7' .,v, 1 04,0?? c-Unlllts: . , . h.lle 'PU pawned a private Auierican citizen, this paptr re- flamed from asking you imperti- Ueut question, .but UOW that you 1 are running for congress, you will j please tell US as iollows: I Did you or lid you not, in the - ,:,v.. Pl,il.Un,i. an.,, ;o steal the boy generally known parents 1'id you put nira iu yonr I perforated grip sack, take him to I Salt Lake City, apprentice him as devil in the Tribune office Rnd af ter cutjing his hair so that his own mother wouldn't know him, bind him out for 7 years' servitude as al tor-boy in the Mormon temple? All these things have been whis pered against you, Mr. Grif., and it would be well for you to xplain iu this paper at once. Advertiping rates made known on application. ONLY ONE WAY TO DO IT. Numberless schemes have been devised for the purpose of adver tising. Millions of dollars have been spent iu trying to force the public to read advertisuients against their will. These dodges are sprung upon them when they least expect them, and the effect is therefore annoying. It is as if a tramp should ring your front door bell and ask for the loan of a quar ter. Advertising in a reliable newspaper is different. People ex pect to see it there every day. Advertisers, iu dealing with ' the public, should remember that they are asking favors; they should do so in a courteous businesslike man ner. There is a time and place for everything, aud the place for ad vertising is in a newspaper and the time every . issue. Horace Greely. ALL FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD. It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are uow run on the Americau continent are those on the "BuRMNaTON Route," leaving the Union Depot in Denver, also fit. Paul, immediately on arrival of ail through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnifi cent, the Reclining chair oars superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, end ns tor tue meals that are served in those Palace Burlington dining cars yum-yum. The next time you go east to Kansas City,Chicago or St. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that you want your tioket to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Route," between St. Paul, Chicago aud St. Louis will carry you- olon.v the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst soenery thnt cannot be surpass ed; or, if yon go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific, and your tioket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, ynu will pass through all the thriving cities and towns locatfU in what is popularly known as tlie "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Ollmo nt The Dalles. Or.. Bop. ti, ISSi). Notice is lieroh.v (riven that- the fnllowiiif numed setllcr luw Mod notico of liin intention to makolitiitl proof in support uf his claim, and that miid proof will he m;ide before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner Or. .Jon Nov. 12, IS;-!), viz: , Solomon May field. Hd. HHMorthelntHS and 4 nnd E1 SWJ4 Sec. 18, Tp. 2H.lt. 211 E. He n;iuii the following witnonsen to prove hiH continuouH residence upon and cultivutioii of, said Wind vtz: John Huyhf s, Krimk Ciohle, John Yount and ('has, Linn, all of lleppner, Or. 340-45 F. A. McDonald, Keiter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I And Office at The Dalles. Or., pSept. 5, Notice is hereby given that the ful ow.infj named settler hns hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hit ehtitn, and that naid proof will he made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., urj Oct. '21, 1HH9, viz: JustttH Beuman, Hd. No. 2457 fortheaE8ec.4,Tp. 2. S. It, 26 KW. M. He names the folio wing witneies to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Frank (Johle, William Barton, Geo. Shipley and Frank Gentry, till of Heppner, Or. 8:i8.4U F. A. McDonald, Kegister. . NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at LnOrande.Or.. Aug. 22, 'H9. Notice is herohy given that the following-naoied settler 1ihh filed notice of her intention to make . final proof in mipport of Iter claim, and that said proof will bo made before tho county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on Oct. Id, Won, viz: Margaret Barrel t widow of John A. Barrett, deceased. 1. H. No, 7781, for the SE Sec. 20, Tp. 1 S, R. 27 K. W. M. She names the following witnesses t.o prove her continuous residence upon, mid cultivation of, said land, viz: N.A.Kelly, John H, Williams, Thos. Sapp anil tieorgo itunsoll, all of Heppuer, Or. Any person who desires to protent against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any Fubstantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interfnr Department, why such proof thould not bo allowed, will be given an opportu nity nt the above niHiitioned tune and place to cross-examine thewitnesHos of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant, 836-41 Henry Rineiiaht. Register. pis EM s:v boor TO SELL AN i The moat wonderful collection of d radical, re al value and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel of money sav ing and utouey making for every one owning it. Thousand! or beautiful, helpful engravings, showing just how to do everything. No compe tition; nothing like it in the universe. When you Belet't that which ie of true value, sales are surf. AU sincerely desiring paying employment and looking for something thoroughly hret class at an extraordinarily low price, should write for description and terms on the most remarkable achievement in b-.nik-mnking since the world be gan. Hf'AMMKL A CO., BoxMXM. HT. LOl'lb or PHILADELPHIA. TPS WRITE 1 $1 R will buy the ODELL TYPE WRITER. x Warranted to do as good work as any $100 machine. It combines simplicity with durability spued, ease of operation weare longer with out cost of repairs than any other machine, has no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nirkel-plated perfect, and adapted to all kinds of typo-writing. Like a printing press, it produces 81iarp, ("lean, Legible Manu scripts. Two of the ten copies can be made at one writing. Editor, lawyers, ministers, bank ers, merchants, manufacturers, bnsiness mn, etc., can not make a better investment for $15. Any intelligent person in a week can become a ooop npETiATOH or a rapid one in two months. $1 ,000 offered any operator who can do Kt-tter work with a Type Writer than thnt produced by the ODK1X. .flleliable Agents ai;d Salesmen Wantt-d. Special inducements to lVnlers. For Pamphlet, giving endorsemen Ac, address the OIELL TYPE W KIT KB CO., The Rookery, Chicago. Ills. The Golc'firated French Cure, . "APHRODITINE" srEX I. Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE lo cure any form of nervous disease, or auy disorder of the BEFORE iu. oi either KX whether :inm 'rom th generative or- Ar I Iri fe u ol Stimulaun, Tobacco or Ouium. jer,Drou, joutuful Indiscretion, over iudu'.f- on., sui-a aa lobb ui nraia rower, n aieiui ness, Bearing down Paius In the Back, Seminal Weakuess, U ysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission. , Leucorrhoea, Dtiiiness. Weak Mem. orr. Loss of Power aud ImpotencT, which if ne glected often lead to premature ok! aceand insao, it?. Price tl 00 a box, ( boxes lot K.00 aenl tT nail on receipt of price. a nBiTTEXsjcARASTE.forewyfiM order, to reload the money If a Parsnaarat cur is not eSected. Thousands of testimonials "xm old and young, ol both sexes, permanently b'tTZZl "dr" THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WlSTZtX BlkXCSL j hi A. D. JoTVZ girt, Heppner, Oregon. w a . at out mm THE GAZETTE Is 1lie Best Weekly 'oyvi' Eastern Oregon, 'jit main residents of our county and the immense coun try tributary to it, ' do not take THE GAZETTE Or any other Lire Xewnpaper. THEY MUST HAVE THE GAZETTE At least, and in order lo benefit our Jriends who secure, new subscriptions, we hare pre pared a Mammoth List of rremmms. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppner Gazette at $2.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wagon (3 inch axle), worth $100. The getter-up of a club has the choie of any make in the market. 190 subscribers secures a good lot In the Looney additon. Will sell .for S250 iu one year. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth $1)0. 170 subscribers, 85 worth of provisions from lleppuer's stores. 1G0 subscribers, au $S0 organ plain finish. A good instrument. 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 140 subscribers, a good road cart, harness and genuine whale bone whip, worth 80. 130 subscribers, one fine San Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand made Mexican spurs and a pair of "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price $G5. 120 subscribers, 800 worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. Worth 15. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A tine high-arm ma chine made by the Xew Home Co. It is worth 850. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking rauge and outfit. Price $50. 90 subscribers, a good 45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth 37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth 35.00. 65 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-00 cal., and fullre loadiug outfit, worth 32.50. GO subscribers, takes a line coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle aud bridle--!' nil outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth 25. 48 subscribers, ' 20 yards of black cassimere two dress pat terns, worth 24. 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth 22. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver, 45 cal., blued or uickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth 21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, bpanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth 21. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddlea Winchester rille or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 3G subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model '"73." 17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4i inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $10.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for 20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth 15. 2G subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13. 24 subscribers takes away 11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a tfeth Thomas clock, worth 10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at 12. 16 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. - 13subscribers takes 6 sacks Heppner flour or a pair boots, either worth G. . 10 subscribers is good for worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" flour; worth 4.50. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or ladies' shoes. 6 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth 3. 5 subscribers take a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gold-plate sleeve-buttons or a g.xxl buggy whip 00 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti cle in the market worth ?1.50 2 subscribers, 1 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to the Lint rf Pre miums. We have only titimed a fete of the, many hundred J'r.-mi-unu H-hich dm e .leyrir,! to a little tcork in your rrieiive uti.jhlr hoixi lit tcorkiny fur tlie t HEPPNER O AZ ETTE You represent n Live Paiter one tUatltieetl ttl'lktd and which never 1 'ails to Give Aeivs in fort, it ia what it purport to be NE WS PAPER. Every family muxt have a newspaper and any one van secure Valuable. Premiums with a little effort. If ynu do not w nit those offered, you hare the privilege of taking something else. If you have Cash Suliscrilie's enough, you will have no trouble lo load yourself down with irares from Ileppner's stores. THIS IS NO "FAKE."- WE MUST HAVE MORE SUBSCRIB ERS FOR THE GAZETTE, MORE READERS OF NEWS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE jor Sample Copies and go to work or once. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till Jan. I ,.1890. iv ) ncii to 'in u Di'iig, Grocery SALOON TRADE Morrow County YuU CAN SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY ORDERING CLIMAX BITTERS DIBECT OP n. C. WILLS, IOIWB, Orecon. ' THEY AliB THE KING OP ALL BITTKHS FOB BLOOD, LIVER, STOMACH AND BOWEL TROUBLES. LEAVITT & VAN ALSTINE, NO. DM 1-2, HOWARD STREET, tStiii Ifranolsoo, Ceal. YOU CAX SUBSCRIBE FOR ' ANY NEWSPAPER OrMfigtizlrie YouWant AT THE GAZETTE SHOP. IP YOU WISH A COOO REVOLVER FW$ SMITH & WESSON'S f inest small T amis ever mniuifacturcd ami the Urstcliuiceut all exoerts. In calibres &. 88 and 44-llK. Sine-ln or uimmenuiion, oaiety nam werless ami Target models. ltCHt quality wrought sti-Hl. cimit'iillv inntif.inii for vurkniatistifpaudHtock, Unrivaled for liiilsli, riuruuillLv mul nipiirnv. Tin not be deceived by cat-up malleable iron imitation! often sold for the geauiiie art icle. Thev are unre liable and dannorous. The Smith ft Cebso Rb v.ti.vEKS nre Btamped upoa the barrels with flrm' name, address aud dated of patents, and are guar nntcetl perfect. Insist upon having them, and It y.nir deafer cannot supply you, an order sent toad dress below will receive prompt attention. DeicrlD tia catalogue and prices upon application. teiUITII tfc WESSON, Kitriiiufield, Maw, When I pny Cure I do not mean mertlf t stop them for a tune, and then iiuve them ra turn again. I dean A liALUCAXi CUIUS 1 iiavu made lu3 distiUttu oi FITS, EPILEPSY or rALLIITG SICKNESS, A!ife!or, etndy. I y.V!"t;axt my remedy to Caitifi the worst cataa. lltcaure other har -failed ia no reason ior not now receiving a euro, fiend at oiuio for a trenltno and a Trek TloTTL of my Infallible Hlmkdy, Give Express nnd Post Offlce. It costs you nothing tor trial, and it wiil cure you. Address H.G. ROOT, M.C., I83PearlSt.(NWY0M ATARRH in mss HEAD, Try -he Cure mBalm Cleinscs tl,9ivnr'aVl'"asages. Al lays Inslainciation. x-. ealsthe Sores. Restores the Ssnses of Taste, Smell and Honring. A particle ia applied into each nostril aad In asrppnble. Prir-50o. nt Uruagiata or by Bail. ELY llliOTHERS,oa Warren SU.New York. ! TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., j BT WAY OF THE ! Southern Pacific Company's Line TOE PIT. SIESTH EOBTE Quicker in Timethun Any Other Iioate Between I Portland AND -San Francisco, I Leave Portland at 4 P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS. For Amommndaiinn of Second-Claa Passeugers Attached to Express Trains. Pure from Portland to SirrHineoto and San Fran. Cisco; I'nliniirpil , . 12 a, Lniiilrd FirMt-IMftw. ..." '."..'..'.'.'.'.'.. 2 " " Srnd-f laita, V.V.V.". ! Throaah Tickets to all Points Sooth and Eut, VIA CALIPOHNIA, TIl'KET OFFICES: Citj (. No. hi. , Fim 4 A,x g,, tep.ji C'S.-o. Comr F and Front &Mta. PORTLAND. OHEtiON. E. KOEHLEK. E. P. ROOMR Aia Aaai. Ii. . aad Fssa lit