THE GAZElTE. HEPPNER. THUKiS DAY. jot. 8, 'H9. RMSVu" fiME TABLE. Trains on the Willow Crek Branoh arrive at and leave the ditfuruut etutioua daily, exoept bundayti, as follows: EisrrfAjiB.. RiirTsTSOiiVir fl:20 p. m. Ar. S:4S ft-lll ' " ' 1:40 " " :) 8:S0.. 2:5U " " Lv . (5:40 " FHAr WK4TWAKD. So. H (Mixed) tleptnier. Lv. 7:45 A. M. Lesinuton. " 8:'J0" " tune. " 8:50" " Dimu-l-a. " " Cecil'-, " :W" " Will'iwe Junction" 10:30" " Arlington. Ar, 2:20 Portland Lv 1:45 Northern Piu-'ilid tniina eHHt leave Arlintrton daily 2:2" 1'. M.; KoinK west, Hi:i5 A. M. Union Pacific trhiiiu wwt, 4:lt) A. Aligning want, 12:30 V. M. J, 0. HAKT, Anent. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. StKe loaves for Canyon City daily, except Sunday, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives dnily, except Sunday, at 5 :00 p. M. There ia n savin;; of 16 hours in time and $10 in cash by taking this route to Canyon. C. W. L-unlar & Co., 42!), Fifth St., Portland, Or., are authorized to make advertising contracts for the Gazette. They will also make collections for this paper. NOTICE. The store of H. Blackman & Co. will be dosed from Friday evening, Oct. 4, 6 P. M., until Saturday evening, Oct. 5, 0 P. M., on account of Jewish holidays. H. Blackman & Co. Here and There. T. E. Fell ia in Long Creek. Geo. Swaggart and wife returned from the valley last Monday. Bux, Bnx selected from the well-known Ross herd at the Jones' stable. Bom To the wife of F. Poppen, near Hardman on Sept. 25, a girl. The foot race, $500 n side, will oome otf in Heppuer on the 9th inst. Iu any controversy who is the fool? It's always the man who is on the. other side. Geo. Harris dropped up from Lexing ton last Saturday to visit aoquaiutauccs here, and repeated the performance on 'Tuesday. J. L. Yeogor is erecting a neat two story dwelling down ou Dan Hornor .street. Cambria, California, was visited by a 'fire on the 30th inst. The loss runs - up .$125,000. Mrs. T. E. Fell is the guest of C. J. Smith, of Portland, general manager of She O.K. & N. L. M. Oviatt, of Ella, dropped in on us last Saturday, and gave us $2 worth of encouragement. Jud Taylor, of the Dayville country, took out hie winter supplies from Hepp uer early this week. Hank Sohirzinger is iu from the John Day road for needed repairs, having been sick for several days. Mayor Henry Blackman leftthismoro ing for Portland and Astoria. He will attend grand lodge, K. of P., at the lat ter place. Bob Younger, the youngest of the brothers, confined in the Stillwater, '.Minn., penitentiary, died of c'onsump ttion reoently. A large sale of short horns, of the Cunningham baud, took place in Hepp ner last Tuesday. Geo. Swaggart got .the bulk of them. H. A. Cupper, a solid sheepman of the .John Day, was in town this week. The sheepmen of his oouutry are having rtrouble with the scab. The weather elerk, after trying his ihand in vain nt settling the dust and Mioakiug up bunohgrass and summer tallow, gives up iu despair. Bob Curran; the irrepressible horse- man, from Washington state, opposite Castle Rock, tool; in familiar Bflenes m taud near Heppuer the past week. When yon pass through Long Creek, ton with Frank Watorbury at the Har- disty House. The table is always sup plied with the best m the market. Miss Laura Farreus, of the Gooseberry isection, is quite ill with mountain fever. Dr. Shinlev also informs us that Mrs. Geo. Briau ot the same locality is very .til. Gilmore & Wright shipped 200 head of cattle from Heppner last Tuesday. Heavy KUinrnents of live stock have been made from Heppner almost every week this summer. The meat North Pacific Industrial Fair opened at Portland on th 29th ult., with a big crowd iu attendance, and ev erything in the most favorable oondition for a sui'ceesrul tair. Canyon City yews: Something awful bad is the matter with the mail route via Heppner. Either the railroad postal authorities or Heppner postollice ia to blame for our delayed mail. It is currently reported that Henry Blaokwell ia married and enjoying th honevuioon down in the Willamette section. Pry Wilson is authority on I subject, and he is considered good. Pry Wilson struck town on last Satur , day and made a foot race for his protege, . whoever that is, before he left town. ; It will be a lively race and the fuu-lov-jing people should come in to see it. ,J. W. Morrow informs that he will (Shortly add a lot of new buggies and carriages to his livery stock, putting lhjs outfit head aud shoulders above any thing of the kind in Morrow county. f, A. Patterson and Jack Hayes, re ....ivnlv tnirineer and fireman ou the st '-V7' well brauch, urougut in ineir Wu. um last Monday and toon tueir new en, -,jj.-u Heppner ana Arnng- ld run tK ' . -f the Gazette's job de- The business o rfei,idly. Superior partmcnt is grown. ' tb wmoiug work and low prices ' k -i points. i(iu win unu u most every business house in ffpppuer's territory. , "Lady Duffy" won second monej , "ood HUartt-," t.r,lr in f)rat Jtlld fib. money. Those mares are well-kno ',n racers from tub Matlock stables, aud sel dom get lttt. The editor of a couutry paper will grant murrt favors in a month tuau other businesa men do in years. It is also an establiKue.J fact that he will reoeive more all round kubsing in a week than any other man in a luetime. While taking down a trainload of oat tle last Thursday uighiStrom Heppner, even head of horses were killed. The following residents of Lexington are the losers: four for Nels. Maguusen; one each for Wm. Penlaud, Geo. perry and B. Lieuallen. The company will find it neoessary to dig up something like 8(00 for the h'orse-owuers. The settlers out iu the mountain prai ries have put up an immense amount of hay this season, and several thousand head of sheep will be wintered up there this year. That country is proving to be the berft of our hay-raising land. The winters are uu more severe up there than in the buncbgrass, aud while the snows .are some deeper, they lay on no longer. T J Matlock acoomoauied Mias Liz zie and Master Jim, Ins daughter and . u.ekn.l lat Mondav where they will entor school, the former at bt. Hel en's Hall, where she attended last year, and the latter at Bisop Scott's Academy. Miss Belie Elder and Master Frank fcl j . . ki.t .n ii. anine train to at tend school this winter. Miss Belle at Hlen' Hall and Frank at Bishop Scott's Academy. Her sto 10. Died Ia Heppner, on the 1st inst of diphtheria, Aden, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Sloan, aged 7 years. The remains were interred yesterday at 10 o'clock iu the Heppuer cemetery. Last week the little boy wti thought to bs entirely out of danger, but complications set in which resulted fata ly. This is a hard blow to Mr. Sloan and family, the second der-.tb in their little oircle within the past month. Will Morrow has bought the lower livery stable stock, and will oontinue the business at the old stand. Ed. Long, of the old firm of Hunsaker k Lonji, the former proprietors, has retired from the livery business for the present. Mr. Hunsaker is as yet undeoided as to the future, but may open up a livery and feed business iu bis stand, opposite Nat ter's brewery. It is no use to ask "Pap" SimonB why he looks so sad. It is explained in these columns. His wife is gone. But don't think this an auspicious occasion to call at the well-known blacksmith shop of Rob erts A: Simons to impute that "Pap" is a purloiner of other peoples' horses etc., etc, beoause it won'i work. Don't do it. He is sad and locesome, but is in ex cellent health. A dispatoh dated Sept. 30th says that a meeting of the Fourth distriot demo crats was held on the 29th, ult., at Bos ton in the interest of John L. Sullivan's candidacy for Congress. Eulogistic speeches were made and plans laid for the champion's nomination at the expi ration of Hon. J. a. U Neil s term. H. C. Eoyoe, of the Chioago Inter Ocean, visited Heppner the first of this week, and secured a number of subscrib ers for his publication. He gives Hepp ner a write-up in the bargain and we consider the money, which amounts to but little to eaoh individual, well spent. The O. B. & N. Co. inform this paper that the limit of the seven day tickets to the North Pacific Industrial Exposition is extended to ten days, and those of five days limit to seven days. This does not inolude the day of sale. A number ot "sobooners" passed through town to-day enroute from Grand Bonde to Washington. They came in to Grand Bonde last year from Kansas, and are likely looking for a golden, sun lit spot that will always be a little furth er on. A petition is being circulated in Hepp ner for funds with which to build the Haystack-Day ville road . Heppner will pick un considerable cash for that pro- jeot, and will expect the Dayville peo ple to nelp us out. Dr. J. H. Glines. of Philomath, has completely cured Preston Looney of oaucer on the lip. He also oured Air. Looney's brother, who resides in the valley, of the same disease. All the new states of the Northwest have adopted constitutions, says yester day's Oregoniau. Montana is likely dem ocratic, but Wtn., North aud South Dak. are considered republican. The Gazette is pleased to inform its readers that Charley Kingston is oom fortably looated in the drug business at Windsor, Mo. He is one ot the bnn ot Mobs & Kingston, and is doing well. Mrs. S. B. Crow returned to her home in Astoria the first of the present week, after enjoying several week's visit with relatives here. An elegant pamphlet relative to Hepp ner's High Sohool will be out in a few days. Come to Heppner to sohool your children. More men wanted to work on the Heppner-John Day road. See Henry Scbirzinger, oontraotor. Mrs. Ben Emeriok returned from Port land last Friday where she has been vis iting several weeks. A fire at Long Creek last Monday de stroyed a stable in the rear ot the Har diBty House. Don't forget the foot raoe at Heppner on the 9th inst. Come down and see the fun. A Grand Ball will follow the raoe, on the evening of the 9th, at the opera house. Hugh Fields is up from Brownsville and will remain about two months. Miss Leathe Keeney departed for her home in Eugene last Monday. Mrs. J. B. Simons is visiting relatives in the valley. THE BEST BARING POWDER. Some Official Tent, Showing their Compara tive Strength anil Which is Mont Economical. The below tabulated statements are ex tracts from public tests of baking pow- des, made to ascertain their relative val uein practicaluse in baking. The powder containing the largest amount of avail able leavening gas (excluding the alum and phosphate powders) not only pro duces the finest, most delioious and wholesome food, but is the moat econom ical in use. United States Government Chemist, Prof. Edward G. Love, found the oom parative strength of the powders named as follows: Cubio in. Ga Name. per oi. Powder. Royal (absolutely pure) 127.4 PattpBito (alum powder) 135-3 Hanford'eNoneSuoh (fresh) m.6 - Hanford'a Nune Such (not I roilb) .... 84 .86 Unarm (alum powder) no w Cleveland's....- i H0. Sea Feam 1(1-9 Dr. Price's 103.6 Prof. C. W. ParsonB, N. Y. College of Pbarmaoy, in tests made for the Grooers' association of New York, found tbe strength of six brands as follows: Name. Cu. in. Gas per os. Royal (absolutely pure) .-. 180.05 Cleveland's 119.M 8e Foam 118.18 Dr. Price's 109.M Hereford's 102.64 Tests by Prof. MoMurtie, late Chem-ist-in-Chief TJ. S. Agricultural Depart ment, Washington, D. 0.: Name Cu. in. Oas per oz. Royal (absolutely pure) 139.05 Cleveland's 104-10 Dr. Price's m.HS . Hajiford'a.None Such 77.2t Honford's (phosphate) 11 .60 It will be noticed that the Royal pro duces from 17 to 40 per oent more leav ening gas than any other cream of tar tar powder, and is consequently that nyoh more economical. fa Government Chemist, Prof. Ed ward Q. Love, who made the analysis of Saking powders for the New York State t vd of Health, as well as for the Unit ed Sta.' Ooyernmeqt, says: I find the Eoyal Ba"f rowaer tumpunou oi and wholesome ingredient. It does not contain either tnm or phosphates or other injurious go stance. GBAND BALL. The Anonymous Club will give a ball at the opera bouse on the night of the 9th inst. Musio by Keeney - Tickets Sl-tw; for sale n .-.ciu- ber shop. Consumption Subext Cured. To the editor: Please inform your reaoor. iuv I have a positive remedy ior me i named disease. By its timely te thou sands of bopelea cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will sena ineir mure. t office address, T. A. 8L6CUM, M. C. 181 Pearl st.. Nsw York, N. 1. BORROWED OB STOLEN. gome one took a aaddle with a letter F cut in tbe leather of the skirt, from C. E. Fell's barn without consent. A suit able reward will be paid for information leading to ita reoovery. --10- ck is careful Ion Salb. About 14UU head of ewes and lambs. For information regarding the same, enquire of Geo Harrington, Heppner, Or. A. J. Basev Wantkd. About Six Hundred" Dollars for two or three years time. Good mort gage security. Must be had before No vember 1st. For information, address "X," care of the Heppner Gazette. 5t. Buz, Bux. A fine band of grade and thoroughbred Merino bucks are now at the livery stable of Hunsaker & Long. These sheep have been selected from the oelebrated Boas band, and need so recommendation to sheepmen. Fine Sheep. Having purchased the Peterson bond of thoroughbred Spanish and Merino ewes and bucks, I am pre pared to furnish Bheepmen with fine stock sheep at low figures. I have also a lot of excellent grade ducks tor sale, tor prices or terms, address or call on V. W. UONQEK, 9t. Long Creek, Or. Deserves Patbonaoe. Billy Morrow has recently taken nharge ot the livery and feed stable, well and favorably kuown as the "Jones Stable," where he hopes to see his old friend when they come to town, and have acontinuence ot former patronage. Don't pass Billy's stand with your horses, but drive right in. Feed and rig hire very reasonable. tf. PaInfui, Accident. Charley Sheldon, one of our railroad boys on the Willow creek branch, met with quite a painful accident at Arlington last Tuesday while ooupling oars. The little finger of his left hand was caught between the buffers, and so mangled and crushed that Dr. Bacon completed the amputa tion, taking out part of one of the met acarpal bones. The young man is get ting along nicely with the maimed member. Running a Papeb Under Difficul ties. A frontier editor got 'more kioks than cash from bis patrons who were eternally growling about the sheet. In a recent issue, he elucidated as follows: How is it our readers expect us out here, twelve miles from a railroad, twenty-five miles from a oity, millions of miles from heaven, about two miles from the devil and only two hundred yards from a whis key shop, to get out a newsy, lively and interesting paper. There is Some Mystkrt in the Art. There is an abundance ot people who think any runt can set type. So thought our esteemed contemporary of the Bung town Herald. After disoharging his oompositors, the next issue bontained the following: "oWinG To tHe exoRbiT Bn Wages dEnuNded by JRiN)ers wE hyve oonOIuded to do OuBo Wntyqes )tin8intHefu Tu r e.,; amdaLTbou ghwe nEAerleArna d tqe Business; we dO No) sed Any gReut mysterY in tue ant. Heppnkb Building and Loan Associ ation. An organization of some of Heppner's moneyed roosters into what is styled the Heppner Building and Loan Association, was consummated last week, with the following directors and officers: E. B. Swiuburns, Frank Mc Farland, Ed. Bood, F. C. Thompson and Nels. Jones, directors; Pres., E. R. Swin burne; Vice Pres., Frank MoFarland; Sec'y, E. R. Bishop; Treas., Nell. Jones. The association have on hand now the construction of the new bank building on the corner of Main and Center streets. This is No Dun. -About Nov. 1st, this paper is necessarily compelled to do some tall digging for cash. Now, some of our friends, in fact quite a number, are indebted to this shop for baok sub scription. Our patrons are welcome to use our money when we don't need it, but now that business is business, it is expected that every delin quent will come forward, thank os for the use ot our money, and square up. It may be only $2.00 or $5.00 to you, but it means a large sum to the shop. Don't you see? This ia no dun. We are just simply calling in scattered loans. Another Camp Burned. Verily, the sheepman is having a tough time of it this season. One of Wm. Peoland's oamps, on Brown prairie, five miles be yond Fenland Prairie, was visited by the fire-fiend on Wednesday of last week and completely destroyed. Fred Burk- Hardt, the herder, lost about 8100 in clothing and blankets, besides about $12 in clean oash. All the supplies went up in flames leaving Fred on straight mut ton,- but tbe camp-tender happened along about that time, and got him out of a tough scrape. Sheepmen may be taking considerable grass, but govern ment feed is free to the finder, and as long as it is legal, sheepmen should protect themselves against the fire bugs, To Consumptives.- The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make kuown t his fellow suffer ers tbe means ot care. To those who desire it, he will oheerfully send (free of charge) a oopy ot the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronohitis, and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try bis remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost thorn noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, King's oountv. New York. GUARANTEES TO CURE. OLTMPIA S. MURRAY, M. V., Fe male Hpeoialist. Has praotioed on the Paoiflo Coast for the past twenty-five yeari. A Hie time devotea 10 ine etuuy of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have tboruands of testimo nials of permanent cures from tue best people on this ooast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any case of female weakness, no matter bow long standing or what tbe stage may be. Charges reasonable and within the reaob of all. For the benefit of the Tery poor of my sei who are soffering from any of the great multitudes of ailments that follow in tbe train of that terrible dis ease known as female weakness, and who are unable to pay (or treatment, I will treat free of oharge. Cotuultation by mail, free. All oorrespendepoe strict ly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed and aent by express with charge pre-paid for "Dome treatment, with specific directions for nse. If vou are suffering from any fe male trouble, periodically or constantly, OLCMPIA a MURRAY, M. D., Kant Portland, Oregon ly Selected by FROM THE EAGLK. It SvreruhM out Some Facts WMIe Simi iiiji: Along iu a (inlet V;iy tH i-r ut Louie Crei lv. J. B. Sptrry, the Ht-ppnt-r iliiller, ia ready now io accommodate ::ot o:ily his own section, but all the sections oi ern Oregon, with a superior j.:,ility of flour. His mill is now luuuiui; d:tily, and with his imnroved machinery, an experienced foroe oi millers and good wheat which he uses, he turns out a quality equal to any of the mills of the West. Merchauts will find it to their interest to seoure Mr. Sporry's raies as he sells cheaper than any other mill. On last Saturday, Rcub. Gilchrist re ceived an injury which will very prob ably lay him up for some length of tunc. He oame to Lee's livery stable, where a horse was being prepared to pack, and unthoughledly, and not caring for the result, took the horse by the tail and began twisting. This not beiug the proper method of handling a horse, es pecially a wild caytise, he was warned, id ' the faot by receiviug a heavy blow from the animal's heels, winch came near crushing his knee, and injuring the oapsular ligament so badly that it will be some time before ho can properly ukb the limb. This surely a warning as to the plaoe of talking hold o( ahorse hereafter, nnd the manner of treatment Bfter getting a hold,- and if a pefson thinks that a horse has not instinct enough to know the difference, ho will find himself badly mistaken. The contract has been signed aud Heppnar will have an artesian well be fore the coming winter. We have no ticed from the Gazette for the past aix ruouths that not an issue has passed but what something was said concerning Heppner's fire protection, aud finally, that paper can feel itself w ell paid, us through its efforts in the past, it has aroused the enterprising, citizens, mid now the manner of securing water for their town has been deoided upon. Mi. Beokwith, with whom they have con tracted to put down the artesian well, in tends to sink an 8 inch well for the low- price ot $1500 tor 500 feet. He thinks that plenty of water can be secured at a less depth than that, aud should tlicy find a good flow of water nt 200 or 300 feet he will sink another well to cum plete the 500 feet without extra cost. Should Heppuer be so succeail'iil as to be in an artesian belt, business iu that town will increase 100 per oent iu the next year, and it will be a good center for woolen and otuer mamiiactuics should their well scheme succeed. VIGOR AND VITALITY Are a uioklv given to every part of the bod by; Hood's Sarsaparilla. That tired teeling is entirely overcome, -lueuuun is purified, enriched and vitalized, and carries health instead of disease to every nraan. The stomach is toned and stregth- ened, the appetite restored. The kidneys and liver are roused aud invigorated. Tbe brain is refreshed, the mind made dear and ready for work. Try it. HORSE BBEAKING NARY. EXTRAOED1- Last Monday evening on the invitation of Prof. Keen, "The California Uorso lulu oator," we witnessed the handling of a notorious, Bpoiled horse belong! m; to Newt. Jones. The animal was formerly the property of Geo. Harrington, ' the ex-sheriff of this county, who after repeat ed attempts to break him, at last gave up the task and gave him away to Mr, .lories. Ha is a fine looking horso, Jet blaok, 16 hands high, beautifully formed and eight years old. Ho would bite, strike, kiok aud chase a man out ot a corral. So vioious was he that Mr. II onoe took out his rifle to shoot him, being disgusted with his performances. At 7:30 the Professor had the horse driven into his tent, loose, aud the ex citement of our looal horsemen was in tense, judging from the large orowd who eagerly followed into the tent, bent on seeing the Professor "cleaned out." Some said "he'll kill him;" others said "he won't stay in that teutfivo miuutci;;' others, "he'll never catch him without a rope" and various other speculations were indulged in as to who would bo master, the man or the horse. In lenn than 30 minutes from the time Keen en tered the ring he. had the horso thoroughly gentle, driving him to a sled with tugs between his log-i, a tin can till ed with rocks tied to his 'ail, boys riding round on the sled etc , nfter which he turned him completely loose hen he showed to the complete satisfaction of all present that the horse was entirely subdued aud tractable, dearly demon strating the superiority of tho system used in preference to the old way. It appears to be easy enough . to break a horse if you know how, and Keen certain ly knows how. This animal was caught, haltered, handled and made gentle all without any abuse, no lus-iing, n.i throwing, no whipping, no severe bits or war bridles, but nil done in an wiw, simple way involving no risk to either the horse or the man who handbill him. We talked with several of our brait horsemen who were present and they all seemed unanimous in saying that tlii-i system should be learned by all iiiteiepl ed in horseflesh and were loud iu their praise ot the Professor and his system. as ' Combine the juice of the Blue Figs of California, laiatire and nutrmous, with the medicinal virtues of plants knowm to be most beneficial to the humtn tyitem, forming the ON LY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDKETS, LITER AND BOWELS AND TO Cleanse the System Effectually, to THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Nttumlly follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggiat tor SYRUP Oi' FIGS. Manu factured enly by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, a Sad FaAXCitco, Cai. KKwriLia, Kr. Nk Vo. Y a personal inspection of the goods. Don fS Seppner Feed Yard ! Ia the plaoe for 11 HAY ill FREE STALL ROOM ! Eree Otiixiijirig: House. Seed grairj, rye, barley, wheat, etc., for sale. C. A. HALES, Prop. Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon V. K. ItKACH. t' resident. WM. McFALL. Vice President. THE, Pacific Fire Portland, CsiDitnl Stock, $500,000. O. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon. LUM13E11! LUMBER! AT ' ' W. G. SCOTT'S. Willow Creek Saw-Mill! Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of UNDRESSED LUMBER; also PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! ZST Mill Located at the Head of Willow Creek. 16 miles abofe Heppner. sax i .--izsn a La Flor de Heyneman CIGARS m THAN I FOll SALE BY NEW BANK BLOCK HEPPNER : : : : : OREGON. SPERRY'S MTLTrPrTC MANUFACTURE THE Bakers Patent Flour, Better and cheaper than grades shipoed into this market. Hnviiig added steam pewer and milla, the (supply will at Bran - - Mill Feed - - in Diir $'$.75 per barrel in 5 barrel lots; single barrel $4.00, When you come in for your fall supplies, call for Speny's Flour. J. B, SPERRY, Proprietor, HEPl'NER, n V. r tr Custom Work and Opposite Hotel, mm. rxn mat tf limn 1 1 MM A II0RSKSS3 will travel well when shod by ROBERTS SIMONS, General JMacksmiths&lariers. 0 REPAIRING MOWKRS A SPECIALTY. o mrm 4.oo per IITA WAGON bHOP AT SAME 8TAND.43 Matloolc Corner, IVtaln Street, ZXwppneri Teamsters to stop. W. F. BROWNTON, Secretary Insurance Co. Oregon. u TDTTfTfSU having all the facilities of the all times equal the demand. best - $15.00 a - 18.00 a Ton. Ton. OREGON. OO TO i LICHTENTHAL S FORTHE BEST MAKE Repairing Neatly Done. Heppner, Oregon. Span after may 1st, 1889. Or PIONEEK SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving jn Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of -General Merchandiser To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lais' Dress fals, Garments, Trimmiffi, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot - Is unsurpassed for durrbility. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing;, Boots, Hats, Oaps.Tobaooos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. ?' Special Inducements in Sheep . Dip Tobacco. Sulp Machinery, Eto. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the publio that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. iHci D All Kill I ii i m DIMM Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will ' do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We gnarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget The Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Maiu Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everythiiig7in our line will be sold at maryelously iow prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. Oils! Oils!!,; Oils!!! All Kinds of Oils for Threshers, Headers and all harvesting Machinery. Greatest Variety! BestQuality, Lowest Prices. Come and See Them at THIS CITY DRUG STORE, A. D. Johnson & Co. W. J. LEEZER. & TOOLS A 1! PUMPS And Piping always on Hand. MAIN 8THKET, n A.T K.J. SLOCUM'S- You will find a Cumplute Supply oi Dm js, iatent ivLouiciiies, Jramts Oils, Didic, hj West A Complete Line of nchool Books and Stationery. Free exchange on National Headers. Ttxo Fiuoat And 3VZot Complete &tnols. uoia i-oii 111 juastoru Ore( xa. Prescriptions Filled Leezer A Thompson corner, : : : Main Street. HEPPNER. W. A. KIRK. PR3 .pro DKALEH8 IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. on hand the Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get oash prices. MAIN STREET, - . HEPPNER, OREGON. tl forget to attend the open i ng called 99 w, u jo P. 0. THOMPSON THOMPSON DEALEES IN i, Tinware, Graniteware, Line win Cash Trade Wood and Willow Ware, in Airs wiru,i JSi.,1 Cages, NKW HOME Sewing Ma oliines and h complete line of i s nerv HEPPNER, OREGON Glass, and Imported Cigars! of OREGON J. 0. HAYES Celebrated Ueppner Sale!