Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, October 03, 1889, Image 2

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If anything was needed to fully
satisfy Oregonians that they dwell
in wonderland the report of the
scientific expedition sent out from
Princeton college, that spent the
summer in John Day's valley,' fur
nishes it Since the days of the
luckless explorer whose earnest
endeavors and sad fate were chron
icled in "Irving's Astoria," down
to the present time, a sort of weird
interest has centered around the
region that perpetuates his name.
Emigrants, away back in the early
fifties, who found themselves in
the late autumn still urging their
teaiES of jaded, footsore oxen to
ward a goal that promised food
and shelter during the winter, took
fresh courage from the glimpse of
wonderful beauty and evident fer
tility that the valley of the John
Day river presented, and vaguely
marveled that men seeking homes
should pass by this region in tho
expectation of finding something
better. A few years later advent
urous cattle men sought the valley,
and, throwing up what they deem
ed temporary residences, that were
certainly of the most primitive
character, turned thoir herds out
upon the vast expanse over which
"buuehgrass" Was king, and soon
reaped the reward of isolation in
prosperity that enabled them to
choose their habitations and dwell
in ease and plenty. Many of them
chose to remain where they were,
and so the second stage in the in
troduction of civilization to this
region was begun and the valley of
the John Day became dotted with
homes. Its industrial life since
that period is a part of the un
eventful history of an isolated por
tion of the commonwealth. Cattle
kings grew rich while quietly
guarding their heids on its abun
dant pasturage. It had its era of
mining excitement which has made
so many places in the great north
west teem with transitory life and
energy. State geologists have
fonud in its deposits food for grave
thought and positive assertions.
Now comes science, fully equipped
for the work by an Eastern college,
and after patient research adds to
the history of creation, as told
in the rocks and fossil remains, a
wonderful chapter of revelations.
We are introduced herein to a
strange animal world. Minature
horses, having three toes; a legion
of donkeys, camels and rhinocei i;
an array of hyena-like, cat-like,
dog-like creatures of evident fierce
ness and voracity; in abort, an as
semblage of oriental character,
sporting in a semitropical climate,
the history of which was ages ago
committed to the rocks. From
this "museum of a buried world"
this expedition secured and carried
away nearly two tons of fossil re
mains, winch in remote ages were
soaled up by lava Hoods aud are
now accessible only whore streams
haven wearing their way through
the wSs' exposed them tu"jtlie in
quiry of the curious. )
The records of a period when
John Day valley was & nameless
lake are instinct with interest to
science, and even the dreamer who
idly follows the uiinluss move
ments of his flocks about the val
ley might well regard with awe the
secrets of the world beneath his
foot, laid bare by the intelligent
interpretation of the writing upon
the rocks aud the uiuto stories told
by fossil remains. Orrgonian.
If you want to locate in a town
with advantages unsurpassed,
good schools und the best business
opportunities, come to lleppner. It
taps more country than any town
in Eastern Oregon, aud therefore;
bus a big trade. What made Ar
lington lively, pushing and brisk a
few years ago, is now coming to
Heppner, doubled and trebled.
It is only a matter of time, a few
months, when Heppner will have
a fine system of water works. A
$30,000 hotel project is on the
road and will be eoiisiimmiiti'il.
A $15,000 brick structure is under
woy and two other bricks have
been completed this season. Some
fifteen or twenty neiv dwellings
have been erected this summer,
and yet it is less than ono year
siuce Heppner was changed from
an isolated place to a railroad ter
minus. Heppner lias a bright future,
and the country around is develop
ing rapidly. (Should tins come to
the notice of anyone who is think
ing of seeking a now location, the
Gazette is free in saying that
they will never regret visiting
Heppuor, investing in her real
estate or any of her business enter
prises. There assertions are backed up
by the facts. Come to see for
yourself und bo convinced that thin
is me piace to liivesi casn aim
make money.
A dear friend of ours who lives
in Honolulu has lutely "got on"
to the term "inossbaek," which
seems to be entirely American in
its origin, and wishing to know its
full meaning and application, ho
wrote the editor of the Gazette.
For a time we were eutirely treed,
but a tramp printer happened
along last week and helped us out
on the subject. He said: "A
mossback, my dear sir, is a cross
between a coyote and a cayuse,
with a large per cent of the cayuse
predominant in his make-up. He
lives, moves and has his being in
nearly every town aud city in the
U. 8. Hfl kicks at every public
improvement, raises his rent, de
tests a boom, loves to have others
bear all the taxes, hates a new en-
This is for
terprise, despises anything that
smaeks of progress, and won't help
a paper if he can help it, even when
it is to his own interest. There
are several varieties of this ani
mal, but none are worth much to a
town and are as a drone to a hmy
hive of bees, and like the industri
ous insect of-'the bee family, the
business man should avoid these
drones and patronize those who are
an advantage to the, place in which
they reside.
What proportion do the people
of lleppner nnd vicinity represent
in the right-of-way business?
About iline-tenths. That is the
Budget's "part" that they mention
in their issue of last week.
The Gazette is guilty of consid
erable "inane twaddle" because in
telling facts it grinds our esteemed
contemporary, down the road. Be
ing our own overseer, we may in
dulge in some more of this "twad
dle." Why did the Budget begia its
fight against Fell and the John
Day road at the same time? The
fact is they were looking for a
club, and found and used it in time
to work againt t the appropriation
of $10,000 to the John. Day road,
The Gazette is mistaken in say
ing that the Budget boys gave
nothing to the right-of-way fund.
They gave the sum of $10 apiece,
making in all, $20. The Gazette
came up with five times that
amount, and is legally held for as
much more. Our esteemed con
temporary is making up in doing
ten times as much kicking.
If the Gazette is so completely
stultified in its stand on the result
of the Budget's libel suit, what are
they going to do with the ten hon
est jurymen who see no wrong in
the transactions of the M. C. L &
T. Co. ? This paper is not given to
asking impertinent questions, but
in this instance wants information
on a point which they find best to"
The Budget's libel trouble re
minds us of the famous case of
the State of Oregon vs. "Coyote"
Allen, indicted for altering the
county records. Most people in
the lleppner country remember it.
The jury was convinced of the
guilt of the accused, but the judge
charged the jury not to find "Coy
ote" guilty unless it was proven
that he changed the records with
malicious intent. Ten men of the
Budget's jury will tell you ud
Frank Snow and II. H. Whitsou
got oil' through the instructions of
Judge Bird, who, in his talk to the
jury, pointed out emphatically that
there was no lilml unless evidence
oxistad to uroy) that the libelous
articles were published knowing
Ihoin to be false. Thore was no
such 'oviduueu. Hut is this in ac
cordance with the law on libel?
ComiiH'inl to iublio approval the Cali
fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of t'ign.
It is iiluusiutf to the eyo, and to Uio tusti)
und liy (,'i'iitly nutiiitf on tlio kidnuyH,
liver mid bowels, it nleiuiHi'8 the system
I'lleelunlly, thereby, promoting the health
mill eonifort of nil who use it.
Wi'iluoHil.iy, 1 p. ut.
A ilisjmtcli from lrtlund ntutos
Unit tlio lltiubliciimi linve curried
everything in Wiirihinytou by largo
umjoiilii'S. la Montana, doubtful.
Chances in favor of tha Democrats,
Hvftrybottjr hj beard of a "hone lam ft,"
but who ha nvur nwu an equine tfiftv.1 ftth
tho power of MiHwcb? Such ail animal wt ild
b pronounofHt a mlraclo; but 10 would th
toletfrHph and tho ttitaphon a hundrtsl y tr
ftfo. Why, even very recently a cure, for ion
umptlon, which it uutveraaily acknorvler fed
to Ih oruf ultt afftHtiiiK th lung, would t; ara
beD looked upon aa mlraeuloua, but uow pwo
art bt'trttiiuiig to realti that the tim wo
b twit tmmi-fthlu. Dr. Fierce'! U olden Medikml
IHtoovery will our It, if Ukun in tluio twd
riu a fair trial. Thli world-renowned rem
edy will not muko new hintr. hut It will r
tor diseiued one to a hcaithy state wl wn
other menus have failed. Thousamia wrntf
fully teattfy to this. It li Lu most potent
tonic, or ftmiiffth rctriorer, alterative, or
blood-cleanser anil nutritive, or flesh-build
known to lutMix'al sctenoe. For Weak l.ui:
rptttmf or mood, Hronehitia, Asthma,
utrra in i iteaa. ana ail LiuTritir i
u uiu unequaiea remedy, in deranroine ma
of the atumnch. liver and bowels, aa India
tion, or l)rMpsia, Ilillouaiieej, or " 1 X rar
Complaint, Chronic Diarrhea, aud kind rd
iiuiviiia, ii is tovorvu rviueuy.
iiuiviiia, ii is ovvrvij
(otden Medloai I Ha-
oovry " U the only m M-
me or iu ciaaa, aid
giriutttd Kiiartuitoe, from the nianufi at-
urwrs. tiiai it will Lei,uQt or cure to every im
of duHMiae for which it la recommended, or
money paid for it will be promptly refuud ad.
Copyright, INC, by Woai.D'i ins. Ma Au'N ,
rs of Dr. Shy's Ctwrh Hrmed;. for ma
uicursbl mm ut Uttrili la Um
Dislrii t No. 10 is greatly in need of
a teaehiT. Any one desiring mu h a po-
sitiou, should apply to Hiram Tnsh,
llardinuiii Oregeo'i. 3t 37- 42-
Come in, everybody, and see the beet
ruee ever run in Heppner.
Mrs. S. P. Gar
Vke snnfi.nl S:al,ii simw ;uod Mntrriul
Palo Aim IV.-.ts ;!. 'I'milini lWord
uf tlir rrillc Count.
Vrof KTos. hopt. Stanford Stal
lion Pfilo Alio, defeated Direct end Buy
Rose lit tbo fair (-Tijuu.Ib to-day, trotting
mile heats m 2:16? 2:17,34, uud 2:13.
being the fastest average heats ou record
Palo Alto a perforinaaoe to-day is tbe
bent ever seen on the Puoifio coast,
beating Stainoul's record againat time
one second. The Stallion record of the
world is held by Moxey Cobb, 2 :13.
The next best wns Phallus, with 2:13'
made in the fourth heat of a race. Pain
Alto is in tbe same notch, ma le in the
third heat
The average time in the race was 2:10,
the best average ever made by a stall
Palo Alto is the property of Senator
Stanford, and is the produat of the the'
ory mat extreme speed ana stamina as
well is best reached by an . infusion of
thoroughbred blood into the trotter.
Stanford was one of the earliest advo
cates of the theory, and with tbis idea in
view bred Eleotinneer, the most noted
living sire, to Dame Winnie, a thorough
bred mare. . Palo Alto was the foal, aud
he is a beautiful bay horse, showing
strongly in bis contonr thoroughbred
blood. He is u pure gaited, steady trot
ter, and rarely breaks, his mishaps to
day being oaused by a bad traok.
Pulo Alto first attraoted general atten
tion three years ago; when he was taken
East, and a? a 4-year-old made a record
at Cleveland, O., of 2 :2Q. His being ao
oompanied to-day by a runner was not
quite regular. That is the way Axtell
made his record of 2:14.
The Forfeit of 150 a Side in np-A Big Hate
On Hands.
There will be sport here on the 9th
inst. On last Monduv. Pry Wilson nnd
Ira Nelson, as principals, arranged a
foot race for $500 a side between C. F.
Watson, formerly of the Willamette vul-
ley, and some unknown of the John Pay.
A forfeit of 8250 each was put up with
Otis Patterson, of this paper, as final
The articles of agreement nre ns fol
Articles of ngrnemeut for a foot race
between C. F. Wntson and some man off
the John Day.
Said race to be a single dash of one
hundred yards. Kaoe to be for a stake
of One Thousand Dollars ($1000). Five
Hundred Dollars ($500) a side. Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250) n side
is now posted irf tho hands of Mr. O.
Patterson, who shall be final stake-hold
er, balance of stake to be posted on day
of raoe. Race to be run on some suit
able track in the town of Hepmior, Or.,
on the itth day of Oct., A. D. 1H8S).
I'.aoli party to choose a judirc: said
judges to chouse referee; judges or refer
ee's decision to bellnal from whioh there
shall be no uppeal taken. Start to be
agreed upon by the runners, on day of
Witnesses, V 0. F. Wathon,
John Austin, V P. S, Wilson,
A. A. RoiiKicrs. ) In,v Nelson.
Fur reasou beyond my oontrol, I shall
not be at Heppner ou Oct. 15th with
slock rams, but will fill any order I can
from Salem, freight paid to lleppner or
any railroad station iu tho above coun
ties. Where orders are for H) or more, I
will see sheep well cared for till leaving
Portland. Prices for thoroughbreds,
two years old, $20; yearlings, $Ui; high
grade merinos for mutton and wool, $10,
Having a number of sheep ou hand
which ought to be in use whore needed,
I will discount tho foregoing prioes this
season 10 per cent for cash orders.
John Minto.
J. M, Royor keeps the Golden Rule
hotel iu Long Greek and has good ac
commodations for guests. When you
pass that wny, oall on him.
All persons nre hereby cautioned not
to purchase or trade for a note signed
by A. Hirsehlieru & Co., and M. Rosen-
dorl, pavalile bl) days after data to the
National Hank of lleppner for SUM, as
the same wns lost while in trnusit
through tho mail.
A. HiiiHOiinKKti & Oo.
AI. Rosendoiif.
Job printing at Pendleton priees at
the Oazktth ollioo.
A line lino of gold pens, penoils, ete.,
at J'.. ,1, nloemifs ilrug store,
liiiHiniiH, tbe (IcntiBt, will till teeth, or
extract the tmme in a soieiititio maimer.
J. H. Sperry has seooiKl-hiuiil grain
sin ks for sale - good as new. dill at
The Haling, Morgan and llussell but
ter at V. t). Minor's. None better iu
the market.
Seed rye, alfalfa, timothy, barley,
wheat ami chop iu large iuautitit's at
Collin & Mel'' in hind's.
When yon are dry, go to Snagi;art's
for a glasu of tho eeiebratod Weiuhard
beer, liy the quart or glass.
The Heppner gallery is the plane to
have vonr photo taken. Don't forget it.
Theoifore I'anner, proprietor.
On n ii & liuark, horse shoera;
horses shod with new shoes nil round
after date for $l.fx) per head.
Nentsfoot harness soap, cleans, oils,
blinks and polishes all at once. For
sale by Ijeezer & Thompson.
Calfskin oonts and vests, just tbe thing
for atookmen imil those exposed to
weather, at Uiifliu & Mi Farlnnd's.
Mat. l.iebtenthal will mien your eyes
in priees of bis boots aud shoes. You
eau buy them no cheaper in Turlliim!.
(Juennswnre nnd glassware, at greatly
reduced priees, foreash at (lilliaiiut Cof
fey's new haedware Btore. Uet their
prioes before you buy.
Tbe latest in ladies' cloaks, jackets,
and wrap just in at Colliu A MuKar
laml's. liny early and get the choice
l'lonty of mill feed aud Hour tin luiud
at Sperry's ltnller Mills. Floor in tive
barrel lots, $3.7d; single barrel, JH 00.
We rnako specialty of gents' line
clothing, hats and shoes. It you itut
something new. go to Coltlu aud McFur
land's, the leaders iu Heppiitfr,
During the harvesting season, every
rancher must have machine oil for his
mower of header. The place to get tho
best is at Johnston h Klonu'a.
There is much virtue iu advertising.
That is why Mat Lichenthal talks to the
public through Ibis medium to get new
oustomers to buy his boots aud shoes.
Huberts & Minimis are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blacksmithiug line that they are
uot uble to do.
CM. Mallory, at the old stand of
Kirk & Vouuggreu, is now prepared to
make to order soreeu doors, tables, cup
boards, Hour chests, or auy article of
furniture out ot the regulur line. Fram
ing of pictures a specialty.
ngues open
Be Sure
If you have made op your mind to bay
Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take
any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla la a peculiar
medicine, possessing, by virtue ot Its peculiar
combination, proportion, aud preparation,
curative power superior to any other article.
A Boa ton lady who knew what she wanted.
and whose example Is worthy imitation, tells
ner experience below:
To Get
" In one store where I went to buy Hood's
Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy
their own instead ol Hood's; hetoldmethelr't
would last longer; that I might take It on ten
days' trial; that 11 1 did not like it I need not
pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail
on me to change. I told him I knew what
Hood's SarBaparilla was. I had taken It, was
satisfied with It, and did not want any other.
When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
I was feeling real miserable, Buffering
a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak
that at times I could hardly stand. I looked,
and had for some time, like a person in con
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so
much good that I wonder at myself sometimes,
and my friends frequently speak of it." Mbs.
Ella A. Goff, ei Terrace Street, Boston.
Sold by all druggists. $ 1 ; six for fa. Prepared oars
by C. L HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass
IOO Doses One Dollar
For Week Ending Wednesday, Oct. 3, 18X9.
Sep Hi,
Bl 00
84 00
Min. liar,
74 00
Oct 1.
We, the undersigned iurors in the case
oi oraie or uregon vs. . 11. Snow and
K. U. Whitson, do hereby state that we
were fully satisfied from the evidenoe in
said case, that the action of the parties
belonging to the Morrow Co. Laud &
Trust Co. were entirely proper and le
gitimate in then- aotion in the matter,
but as we believe that the said defend
ants published the article believing it
to be true, we found them not guilty
and we are free to say that the said
company's action m the" matter of unr-
chasing said grounds are free from any
ining ot tne cnaraoter ot crookedness.
Signed. A. C. Pettys, foreman of the
Thomas Quaid, G. W. Stewart,
A. Ii. Maokey, J. W. Muir,
D. H. Jnyne, D. W. Lipscomb,
W. C. Metier, B. B. Mann.
J. F. Deos.
Lftllli Offiro. LftGrnnilA. Or.. Hwnt.. 95 ')
Notico 18 heroby (riven that the folluwmtf-tmiiiftU
Rottior it&H hluti notice of his intention to mukn
final poof in wupport of his cluim, and that
khiu proor will oe mwle ner iro the county clerk
of Morrow county, at iioppuer, Oregon, on No?.
12, IBM), viz:
Roliert Burkhtirdt,
D. H. No. 8tt47 for the Klt BW&i VI1. SEX
Sec. 23. To. 6 H. K. W K.
He names the following witneHeeit to prove
nieiioniiHiioiiH reoiuence upon, ana culllruuon
of, Haiti land, viz:
Wm. Warren, Joe Nelhon, W. K.(Janey&nd 8,
W. fr'loreon. ull of Hummer. Or.
Any person who diiHiree to protest Hmiinet the
allowance of Much proof, or who know of any
HiiliHtuntial reason, under tho law and the reinila-
iiniiH oi me inixnor Lfeparimeni., way eucti proot
should not be allowed, will be tiven uu opportu
nity at the uliove-meutioued time and place to
oroHH-exaniine the witneHMee of said cliunmiit and
to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that euhuiitted by
OU-N7. Uknbt ltiMKUiBr, Roitister.
Land Otllne at Lallrande, Or., Sept. S6 18K9.
Notice ih hta-nby iriveu that the followinir
nataed Hpttlei- hat) nli'd notice of hie intention to
make bln.1 proof in Bupport of hie claim, and
that nuiil proof will he umde before the county
judge, or in hie uliMence before the county
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
Nov. , 18SD, vii:
Andrew J. Cook,
Hd. No. 3112, for the W4NH14, BW4 NK! &
NKVs Mi1 Heo. 9. Tp. 8 S. It. l 15. .
He namee the followinir witneeeeeto prove his
continuone reeidenoe upon and cultivation of,
eaid land, viz:
1). H. Maun. U. Padgett and JnmeB Daugherty,
of Lena, and Thou. Howard, of Heppner. Or.
Any pereon who demroe to proteet asainet the
allowance of mich proof, or w ho knows of any
hi ibs I initial reason, under the law and the regula
tions of the Interior Department, why such,
proof should not ho allowed, will begivenan op.
portunity at the above mentioned time and place
to oroHS-exainine the witnesses of said claimant,
and to offer evidenoe iu rebuttal of that submit
ted by claiaiant,
K3-N7. llKNUV Hineuabt Register.
LaiidOHi at l'lie Bailee Or.. Sep. 24, H.
Notice is hereby given that the followuig-namiHl
settler has tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof iu support of his claim, and that said
proof will bo made before the county del k of
Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Nov. 12,
1WD, viz:
Albert J. Slucke.
lis. No. (Mil. for thr. SWV NW. Hen. 1.1 and
SK'i NKVs and KSi HE. See. 14, Tp. 4 8. H. 26
c. w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said bind, viz:
Kolit. Knighten, Theodore Tex, Frank Kramer
and Wm. Keiuiuger, all of Heppner, Or.
Auy person who desires to protest against the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under the law and the regu
lations of the Interior Department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will he given an
opportunity at the above mentioned tune nnd
place to orosH-cKiiniino the witnesses of said
claimant, and to otTer evidence in rebattal ot
that submitted by claimant.
aiiM.'i F. A. McD.iM U.n. Register.
LnndOrhVc at Iji (Irnmle, Or., Aug. ), 'K9.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler hue nleil notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his elnim Rtid that
said proof will he made before the county olerk
of Morrow county, Or,, at lleppner. Oregon, ou
Oct. 12, 1WU, vis: j
John S. Vhitty.
1). 8. No. m, for the lots 1, S and I, and tbe
8W4 NKV Hoc. I. Tp.8 8. It. WK.
He nanuw the following witnesses to prove
his continuous rosidouce upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
(jeo. W. McHargne, John Hyland, Jauies El
liot and Hen ltopiue. all of lleppner, Or.
Any iiereon who desiree to protest agsinst the
allowance of such proof, or who kuows of any
substantia! reason, under the law and the regula
tions of the Interior Deiarttneiit. why such proof
should not he allowed, will be given an oppor
tunit) at the shove mentioned time and place to
croite-e&ainme the witnesses ot want claimant, anil
to oiler evidence iu rebuttal of th:tt submitted by
SKJl'J Husky Uikiuaht, Register
I -tint I OlHoo At LaOmmte, Or., 8pU 9, '80.
Notice is hfroby given that tho foUowinfc-uaniMi
nettlir tiHH film! notice of hor intention to make
tinnl prtiof in unpport of her cUuu, an tiiat Mitt
nrotif will be matte be for the oouoty jutiga of
Morrow county or in hie abnonoo before the clerk
of win) county at lltipner, Or., on Uot, '4.Y
imi, vis:
A h h u Crumj)
U. No. 4110 for theNt MS'! HK'i NWV A
NWS eection A' Tp 1 , H K. W. M
Slifl named tho following witneeeott to prove hr
oontimiouH reeutenoeupou, and cultivation oi,
anitt lamt, vii:
N. . heltrr, John William , W. Doonan, Andy
Tillartt, of ilemwr. Or.
Any iertKtn wtiodwnrea to jirwtt) atiainat the
uHowrifloBpf wii piHkf, or who knowe of any
Hulwitantiat rwtmn, under the law and the regitl.
tioni of the IntHrior Deiuu-tment, why Hurh prxf
hould not be allowtnl, w ill be fjivon an onportu
nity ut tie above ntentioiied time and plane tu
orvKV-eiLHtiiinK the wiueea of eant olaiuiant,
ajut to otTr evidence in rebuttal o( thnt tubmit
tetl by cltumtUiU
M4 HwnBf Hinkuabt, Retfiater.
UudOrUoeat The Dallee Or.. Sept. IS, '89.
Notice i hereby Riven that the following,
named settler ha Cleil notice of hi intention to
umke tinai proof in eupptirt of hii claim, and
that aaid pnxtf will be made before the oounty
olerk of Morrow cuuuty, at Heppner, Or.,
on Oct. 1NV. vii;
7'honms L. Buvkley
D.S. eXM.fortheNKHaeotion 24, Tp, IB, B 18
K. W. M.
He nauiee the following witneeaee to prove hit
Annuo uou reeideuoe upon, and ooluvation of,
eaud laud, via:
John Willine-ham. Jamee Leahey, Dick How
ard. K. Kakelaun. of 11 Doner. Or.
ing of Fall
48.00 30.310
45.1JO .tU.lrA'.
5:l.U0 SO.UW
fiD.OO H0.06U
VA( 30.015
K.IO 30.055
40.00 si.aw
Heppner and Arlington.
Our Fall Importations of New Goods have Arrived. We call Special
Attention to an elegant assortment of new styles iu
Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks and Jackets.
We Buy Only Of
Springer Bros., Boston.
Who are the Leaders of Cloak Firms in the
United States.
We invite the ladies of Heppner and vicinity to
and examine our line of
Nobby Sijk Seal Plunh
Wbioh will bear comparison in price, style and quality with any firm. East
or West. They are regular "Tailor-made goods and fit like a
glove. Also n fine line of
Cloaks, Ulsters and Jackets
In Broadcloths and Cassimeres.
fn Dress Goods for Fall and Winter, we can
show some new styles aud shades in
English Broad Cloths,
Besides many other nice Woolens.
likilteM' a K&cl Crtlldren'a Cine Mnilorweiir
and It oalery,
Our Clothing Department is overflowing with all the latest novelties
Heavy jackets with vests to match, (several patterns) at low prices
Fine imported suits, for Gents and Young Men. Large
line of Dress Overcoats and Heavy Ulsters. Stet
son Cow Boy Hats, Soft and Stiff Hats in all the
latest styles, direct from manufacturers.
Full line of Winter Gloves and Mittens, Wool
en Overshirts and Underwear.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes,
Goat, to the cheapest grades. Gents' fine maobine and hand sewed shoes iu
Congress, Button and Bala. Heavy kip boots and brogans for herders.
We Warrant all our
Mitchell Wagons, Hacks and Buckboards. Groceries, Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware, Wall Paper, Doors and Windows, PnintB and Oils, Lime, bait. Sulphur,
EngliHh Cement, Barbed Wire, Shingles, Flour and Feed, Seed Kye, Blacksmith's
Coal, Guns and Pistols, San Jose Saddles, Silver mounted Bit s and Spurs, and
Team Harness. The freight rates to Heppner are low enough to warrant us in
selling every class of merchandise at prices in competition with auy city iu Oregon.
Orders from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.
Come to Heppner for
Grant county men oan save monoy iu
oattle and horses, iu this market. About Jan. 1st, we will remove from our present
loo at ion, into a commodious brick structure, (two blocks down Main street) having
five thousand square feet of floor space, where we will be pleased to meet all our
frieds. Agents for Christy & Wise, Wool Commission Merchants. Money advanc
ed ou next year's clip. Call and se us.
HEPPNER, - -- -- -
May Street, Nearly Opposite
Furniture, Mirrors,
Cheap For Cash.
"OTK'K in hereby iriTen that under and
Xi virtue of an exitoution isfnied ont of the
cult court or the state or onwim tor the county
of Morrow, and to me directed and deliver ,n.
upon a Judxoient rendered and entered in said
oourt on the ajth day oi Mnrh. WW, in favor of
Arthur rottmi, rrnuk McFarland. K. B. McKar
land andjFrench UHrtnere. doinff buBineea under
thenrm Dame ot t omn, ncr arlanrt & I'o.. plaln
title.and auainet Kate Johnnonand K.R. JohnHoti
dvfendenta, for the sum of one thousand and
ninety-rive and 50-1(0 doilara orincinal. and the
further sum of tweuty-eitcht and 88-100 dollars
ooHta, toirether with internet at lOperuent per an.
numfroin the Vith dav of March, ifl, and, where.
4,Dy aaia JiutKemout u wae omeretl ana aujuilKed
lat the Iullowiuit oeeunbeu real property, to wit :
w NK Si. W, Tp. S. B. K. US K. W. M., all in
torrow (o..Or be Bold to natiafy said judgment.
oofte and aicrulng coeta. Therefore, i will, on
the tth day of October. A. D.. 1W-9. at the hour
of 2 o'clock P. M., of eaid day, in front of the
oourt houae door in the tow n of lieooner. Mor
row Co., Or,, bell the right, title and lutereat of
uniu h,at joMiaon and K. r.. JotiQHon in and to
the above deeonbeu rani property at publio auo
tion to the hitfheat and beat bidder for oaeh in
hand, the prooeeii.4 to be applied to the aatie ac.
tion of aahl execution aud ail cost, and cutta
tliat umy accrue. r. K. Howahd,
fit, Bherltt of Morrow County, Or.
Dated Ihia 13r,l dav uf Sept. IBM).
Ia tbe Oouuty Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Morrow Co., in the matter
of the estate of William B. Gilliam, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against tbe above named
estate to present the same to the under
signed administrator of said estate at
Heppner, Or., properly verified as by law
required, within sii months from the
date of this uotioe. Dated at Heppner,
Morrow Co., Or., tbis Sept. 25, A. D.,
1883. 5t. Fbank Gilliam,
We will sell at publio auction at Huu
aker A Lung's stable, iu Heppner. Or
on the 1st day of October, 1889, tq tbe
highest bidder, ten built, ouws and
calves, al thoroughbred short born
puhami. This will be a good chance
for stock men tu improve their herds
Six months' time will be given on all.
aales with approved security,
a. w. ha,
818-01. W. R J&.LIS.
Strayed from Hardman, OrM on or
about the last ot May, 18S9, one bone
and one mule, branded c on right flank.
The horse ia a light bay and tbe mule
ia yellowish bay. A liberal reward
will be paid for their return to
H. Cbamii.
Hardman, Or.
T. E- Fixi, Aogvt.
Will pay the highest cash prioe for all
grade of wheat at lone ana Douglass
stations. 2m.
and Winter
Jackets, Modjeskas
from tbe finest French Kid, Diiiigolu and
Best Goods to wear well.
all kinds of Supplies.
both buying goods and in selling wool.
- -- -- -- OREGON.
Minor, Dodson &
C'o.'s Store,
of nnd Dealer iu
Picture Frames,
For Sale
Butter, gilt-edged, 25 cents.
Eggs from
New potatoes, centa per lb.
Chickens, $3 to $1 per dozen, according
to size.
Sperry's best grade of Heppner flour,
5 bbl, 83.75 per bbl ; retail, 84.00.
Waitabiirg Peerless flour, $4.25 iu any
Good beef onttle, 2 to 2! cents per
pound; mutton, 82 per bead.
Loin steak, retail, 15 oents per pound;
round utimk, 12' cents; roa.its, 10 omits;
boiling, 5 to 8 cents. Mutton, 12
cents, best quality.
Apples, 2 cents per lb.; plums, 3
cents; peaches, 3 cents.
Wheat, 45 to 53 cents per bushel,
Hurley lot, per pound.
Little offered; iu demand at 2. cents
per pound.
I have apotiad h well-appointed tailor.
wg eatabushment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
rwviviuK new goous ana win mage ous
tom made pants from $7 tq fl&--best
goods in the market,
A. Auras am sick.
T havt tha Exclusi'r Control et
Am 1 k tm tfr srfM t ttH
mm,fulUlM It IT h AM. tMtiOtmktm
Millinery, w
Mm l
Gilliam &
Next Door to
. tu a
-Suocessor to Minor, Dodson Sc Co.-
If You Want
Gents' Xiirnlsslrlne: Goodft,
Hats, Caps, ' Boots, Shoss,
agricultural im pl ii m its,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or anything usually kept in a first-class store, call on
VV . O. MINOR. .
Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland,
Sole Agents for Oregon
mmm m
- " II I I ' I II ' " ! II
tlagU, Doubl. oi JTripto Furrow. Thoy . o dupto and com. n ne b.olut ptrlectlon, that thoM wa.
hart UMd th.m or Ken them work can not enoujrh in their p,aiH. We (umah them
with or wuhout seat attachment. Seat attachment, are extra.
Buckej. Hoe Pres. Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeder., Buck.y. Spring Tooth Barrowa,
lb. lauet improved implement lor win nimm.r (allow. The mort complete and Kxwtvi tool lor Ikis
purpose in um.
We also Have a mil line of BngKlea . Carriage., Phaetons, WontaI Wanaav
Platform aud other Spring Vehicles. mvmmr
Lawrwc. Chapin'. Spring-Tooth Harrow., Deere Harrow., Scientific Feed Mill,, Paoiic raaaiBf Mitla,
BaltYi A Mil Htmenuv
ffiuiuiun mm mi) s mm ...
warding Agents.
The Company has reventlu cmiatnu-tpil
UHirehouse 80x100 fpet
.1.1 "
veniences for handling wool
The arehouse Chrl
as those at Arlington, less carta&s hU
freight iwon italcd. imnl f,-,T. tt,
rv. r.;.rf..
vasi i
Cash advanced upon consignments, of wool or wool in
For the Bust Beds and M
Newly Furnished Throughout. Sample
Room for Commercial Tourists
Next Door.
hich takes place oiiOctober
i wmi
& CO.
and Washington for
R. BISHOP, Treaa.
and For-'
. . - - y v . I I til II
' T III 'I l,r il , i . i . . ..'J 11
tin, ciuw ui t-s una- ull nnn-
' " " ""ft"', ouiue us
iron, steel,,