i $2.00 SAVD by buying our Shoes of lht Manufacturer, j fcVXW CMLY $2.50 4v; 1 BUTTON. 2?mot'S?InAlZil U-iictVd ..fock S3SS.a"5 ou? shS oi aud you . you tVMention Size anrt Width wanted St.-id plainly, Town, uountj met om'-c. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., X:.VrT WKYMOUTII, fA BV-,."7"V.II II t fb.' SA . I... 7-'.' 7 '. -M . ..I'E- ',: 340 I Chads St., W X -.7 ... II If Pis mwmwmmjjMM1J1 MUM IUILWH II' II' Til" T T TTTTT1 Ui-aac-li Gtorc, - - - 908 Pennsylvania Avo., Washington, D. SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BHEK! It is mannfiintnrnd with tho lutiflt brewing nppnnitiis nud oiiu't he bent. Lunches of all Kinds, Anil the hont biuJn of Ci;nrH. Empty ki'Ki must ho rlimietl or $0 apiece will bo olmrgwl. J". 13. 3Tvttoi-, Xi-tria. COOPMR'S 1 In the Cheapest, Safest and Best ! Cure for Scab. ThiH oelubmtiul Dip bun bwti in nonstiml and iuuroiiHiiiis HHe or ovr Imlf . 11 Miuturv.iliirini! whioli timo It bus boen upplieil to moro slioop tliau oxiHt on tb earth lit tlio prtwunt nioinont. Our Sales in if 88 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. t ia choapcr tliau limu uiul mil phur, ami is not ono tit'.io of (ho troublo. Linio mul sulphur injure the wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its (piul ity and increases its growth. QenorAl Agontd : HNELIj, HKITSUU A WOODAKl), WholeHiile druKKis's. 1'ortliind, Oregon. THE WAHOO WAIIKHOUSK CO., The Dulles, Oregon. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Ont Cniilne Sitem f BleronrT Tritlnlm. i'uur lluk l.eiirne.l In one reatllnM. Mlml wiuulerlnal riired. Fverv rlllld onrl nclnlt rHllr l.ellellltril. Oruat imU.otuit'utB to 0rr.rtii,iuil''a'' t-'ltBs.',. J'r.'i.i,..'f t. w.ta oi,lnlita of Pr, V:n, A. Hurl. m'l I, do w t :l-fmii l Hpwi-inl t in M a-1 lea.'N,.. 1,:iiii-i ' i-ilenl "I'linni'i .ii'i, I I'".'.;1; I- lal, 11 icMcv. IM) I ' !!" '." 1 Jl .it,. H . V. A ior,.linl.-!i..!-' Jaiuii l. a. j.oi.-..r aa j l .i ' v.... . v. OF PURE COD LIVER GiL fwn HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as MilU. a dlala. lt It o b taken, . . ,i..a l. v , I,. n a 1 .."HIT omcli, when th !'' oil b tolnral.U) oml hy the com. klaxatlUB M Dim"" " ' hlUva U maieaa uiur ttirat'lou. Keaukivle t a fitstt piwlorrr. Fenou Kill raptiUy wUlle ttklng It. BOOTT'SF.irULBIOSis aeknowletl?edby rhysicians to he the Iiimwt wid Bust prepa- ntuo in the worU 0.- the rtii.-f end oure ol CONUMSriftM, SCROFULA, CEMeBAt P5J"!TY, WA8TINO CISEAELK, EMACIATION, COLD and CtfSCM'. COUCH8. lli grnh rtmn-j J r tvinnohjirioM, ond Woi.iw in Cn-'iiri". 'W ni Xni79ijt Hl:( k-wliic-Mn.tiln.-l ,1 ir.a. Kim). 111 eai h lor .'.it, .lie- ..ir 1 at-wnitr-m.'eu. mail. u noilrt.M nil .11 auai Imi.i.ii. W j will al,o rn.l i ,-ec a .ri. w tin. t'l out ii'H'.i' and In 1-U- art ml4r.. in r.iuru a.a ui.i ,.-u IUW ,hil w. .lll'l. Ii' iliu. , r.ll at jri-iir h, Hir.aii'l .n. i llTh. all .tinll hi-,,-1' . oi.n ,iri.. Hi. .ae.l il.a.l tti. HfcllT 11L.UIIH, 'I'lJ'-u'r.'"!'.'' am;i! i. 1 ; ti V -J flt,..i im.,,,.i.iliiolli!i-l. ail..a. .Ho; EttlliLSiOll o' 'mil FKcp ai. inMnualoiu una i li' .MDIial U-i Of AMavklat. iUahau. 1 3. nnd the best vorkmanhip. i-very jir m buy Witl ouy 110 owid, iM - attil note or I?. Y. draft, "rite your addrewj . nV 'i A s.vtM Delicious Biscuit A;;it your grocer lor .rnw BRAND cow ODAItSAlERATliS. p EISGRE. RAFiO BICYCLES. RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Iiand macliiniis. all kiudf,. sizes and prices. liicy- (ifs f'-r iinys and (iirii. 'Mid f r t!.tf;ili)'ue .irtil I'riiX' Lists, Mailed fine. -riiE- Railway & Kavigaton Go. "COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." 'iicici-yrs To all I'rinoipnl I'ointa in the United StuteH, Caimdn and Europe. sEElUNT NEW DIMM) CAUta I'tilliirtvn 1't.ilatie SSltjepci-s FREE FAMILY SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Exprean Trains to OMAHA,, . - Cottnoll lilitfJrs ix.j.Tsri&A.ia city Without Change. Close Oonneetiiin at Portland fur Sun Fram iHco and l'ngct Sound I'uintM. AIjIj lliON HTK A M K I IS Leave l'nrtland for Sim Frani'im'O every four (-1) days, niakiii) the trip in 00 hours. Calii n in. Nteermje pum Hound Trip Unlimited, :io,00. EI.EdANT NEW DININtl OAKS will run daily eotntneiieiiiK Auk. '!'-, over the Orison Kailwtiy A Naviwiit iou ( V, Onon Hliort Line and Unimi 1'nciiie Hiiilwny, Met ween lJorllnnd and MiMouri rivtir. Tin eiininu ami Hervice are unexcelled. For further particulars impure of anv aent of tho company. .1. MAXWELL, J. SMITH, G.V.AT.A. General Manager. THE GREAT Transcontinental Route T Jl I. 'ft i ; a i i.koa )'. -VIA TI1R Caiieaile ISram li, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortcut, Best and Quicken). The DmiiiK' Car Line. The Direct lioute No Delays. Faatest Trains. Low est liates to Chicago and all points East, 'limits sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East aud Southeast. Tlirinisli l'ullman Drank' Room Sleeping Car: lliroiiuli riillniaii Urauiiij lioom Sleeping lars. Iteserviilions can he secured in advatiee. ToKastHo,imirase.i.?er. Ho careful and do not make a mistake, but he sure to take the NOHTHEKN 1'ACIFIO 11A1LHOAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid eliunt,'ts and serious delays occasioned by oilier routes. TliroiiKh Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular t'lpress trains full length of line, lierths free. Iaiwest rates. Cuiek est timo. General Office of the CoiniMinii, .Vo. VH First St., I'm: Washington St., Portland, Oregon A. 11. CHARLTON, Assistant Uoneral Passencer Agent. I'oi tnisinrM pursuit ot the IVi (land Bii.iurtu Cullege. 1'orllund, (.nrntsi, m at thf t.ipnai liuv tltCM (.OHl'C. MlflH, 'KVUII, ju.lll xiaaip in. under the manugtmentot A V. AuusluniR, huve HHinccouise of fttudiwand mmc rates ot tuition. II ii m i ii v f s h o v i h a ii (I , Typewriting. lVmitatinltiD mul Kuiflish IH-iMtt-metitH, lnv nnd cvciuun wssiuns. Mndciitsad milted l v time I'oi joint Catalogue. mUlies pui (Unl UtiMHrn ivitvt, AU Up 1 1. I HUttiirvi UMiricr, Portland, ttretion. w " firlft. On-gou. r z Sotiil :.) tv.ht, ItllUII. u .' t Ulv. .,..!,..,, ilia .1.1 - y. -,--.. -".lliin.ni; I.-. Bjiti l.,1, , . v t Ttvi ,! 1 cl su.i ..in S ;''i.-i ' j3la'eraia.a,!il - lr.-. -aao Nuiin.lea. Tt .via a.u...I'e. Ytt ! all .ire., n- ht..ia A1.lt.al Ouawalab a,, ia l V. t'urUaUaaa, KavUM. V won era mc c TRADE fB MArA REME'BrAlN FoKBrulses and Burns. Fresh, Strong, Convincing Facts. Beit RfHtlltil. KwtProTtdancc, S I.. Jnna'lf. Willi IB lb. mploy Uia Baratc Htora Oft. appllad fosr It. Jacob, oil ta nanv 14 bona of tha aunifdara. na alwajl with baat rarolti QZO. W. HORTOlf. I,drter Fell. Oalrafton, TaxM, Jane M, 1B8I. Pall from lada.r; bmlaad and apralnad mr foot and wrlat; BuHerad nra daja; wa enrad bj Si. Jacaba Oil! JOSHUA W 7TETH. Kne-Cp nurt. Ball, Ind. . 10, Cnaa-cap hart and I auflarad 3 montha; I bottlaa of it. Jaaoba Oil ,"gtlJ1'" Dlaloratlon, Jollat, 111., Mar" connnad ...a. to boiua: th. pain wa. cur.d by at JacoM Oil and bar bad no raturo of U. J. 1. BlaOWlt. Dorae-klrk. . Otark, O., Juna Ji, 1MI. t.rVd w..l. from Ua kick of a bora.; badU . .aaUla; t botUa. . Jacob. OU curad o. AT I)HUU0IT8 AND IJKaLEM. THE CHARLES . V0GELER CO.. Baltlmor. Mi. ARTHUR SMITH, JMUOTLC'AL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National linuR, HEl'PNER, OREGON, Watches, A, Optical Clocks, j) Goods. WatohM (IIoobmI, - - MiinfiyrinKH Fittnfl ... $l.f.O. All worlc qnaranteeU for one year. Jewelry E I-.or- Htill Continues to Sell WATCHES, ,T2I!-VS7 3i3rjH.Y, aUMPC, At the LoweHt Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always rT s .rj . 57 o n Hand':u--:-v-"3 A Fall Line of musicaij iwsthij- MEKTTS Haa been ail Jed to uis large and well aclected etook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worls. Cruaraiitoocl. STOKU rpoHite Minor, UodBon A.Co'u May St. Hl'ppilt-C, m m m OretJOli California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. ,T. B. heeney, Supt. Daily stiute to and from Monument. Htaite leavea Willi1, M. lloppncr at Dim A, M. Arrives, Pendleton HIiiko leaves " '' arrives Heppner I A. M. I 1. M. 85 (X). 84.00. Fare to Monument, Fare to Pendleton, E. J. SLDCC.M ft CO., AllKNTS. Freight 2 cents por pound. Heppuer, Ogn S. P. Kl.OIlKNOK. E FLOUK.NCF FLOIIKNCE UIIOTUEKS, STOCK RAISERS ! llKl'l'NKli - - - OltF.dON. lattle brauili'daud ear uuirkod as shown above. Horses V on rihl shoulder. tlur cattle rankle iu Morrow, (lilliam. UmaliUa and Wasco counties. We will pay 8100.00 re ward for the arrest and conviction of any person stealing our Block. cTJ - JTS 1 PS if f j j tFJIHl I iawimw.TOOTrsw, jLlT J.. THE STERLING PIANOS, wni'-it Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing In Tuno have no equal. Every Piana Warranted for Fivs Years And MUHfaeiton ganHiUvi to every purchaser. Also Mftautacturc tlie Woiklp Rknownkd STKKUX OKGAN Factories, Derby, Conn. A I OIV I TAT I OAT T AND Canyon City stag i: i.i xT:. Cham. 11. Lrb, Proprietor. mm LEAVE MOXUMKXT DAILY EX- n:rr slxdav: Canvon City to Monument : $.1.00 " Long Creek : : 3 00 This ia tlnupiickost aud eheapest route to Portland from all point; in this vicinity. Tl Sterlimg yo. MsnuTdCiurers ot EAS1ERS OUEGON. lleuiH From N'ptliliorliiK KvliaiirN Mayor Blaekmau" of Heuiiner, reports that city as growing sieaii ily and surely. A new, two-story brick is 111 course of erection, and other substantial iinurove- '"""""V" ... . uulc"'" patea.-rriillet(i Jnluuia. i Miss Duncan, n young ladv re- i Biding in thecountry Bonth of hero, j one day the present week, wan j driving near Hie mouth of Mile, when the wagon upset the young lady was killed, are not in possession of the particulars of the accident, and We full but, sympathize deeoly with her afflict ed friends. Arlintfon Times. Mr. Harrison, of Arlington, has purchased a lot in Waucoma near Hon. E. L. Smith's place and will put up a fine brick residence in the spring. He has purchased J. II. Middleton's store, but' "will not take possession for some time yet, as it -will take him quite a while to j get his goods in Arlington ready i ? i.;.... u ...;n i.,.; i..i i a $12,000 stock. W Rirvr Glacier. "We are informed that on Mon day the 2nd, JuHtice Darling; ut Condon was called upon to fine two boys named Uartman who were before Itim on arrest for petty lar ceny, liie youth luL culprits plead guilty and were fined )gk eac l.anu - ; costs. ihe particulars of the crime were, as told to us, that th j boys broke m-or entered Al Moore's house near Condon and stole a i w iip and other small articles : Fossil Journal. A Family .lar The Lid I'lierour Hi'in I'mciI a Weapon. Frntn the Wiwo Sun. Tom Denton and Captain An lauf had some trouble Monday ev ening which fortunately ended without any one gettin'g hurt. I fFlinv nl'a bvntlifva-in-lnv fl,il if j-x.j .u ..... ....v. .uj seems do not get along together, i Captain Anlauf told our reporter in substance the way the , matter happened, which is about as fol lows: Mr. Anlauf had returned home at near !) o'clock in the evening and when inside his yard and a few feet from tho door, Denton came by with another man ami commenced abusing him. He started to come in the yard but was prevented from doing so by his companion who managed to ; tlie fj51; Jj0"13 cpf; " get him away from the gate. Af-1 KmS Kalukaua was making his ter taking a few steps Denton i""1' of America he was entertain climbed on the fence and while in ,e'1 at J'-'ft'sou City, and following this position threw a heavy stone j out a royal prerogative and one iar at Anlauf striking on tlie arm. At the same time he jumped into the yard and started towards An lauf saying he would bore him full of holes. Anlauf pullefl his pis tol aud fired five shots at him pet failed to hit, Denton getting away as fast as possible. Anlauf took his family to a neighbors and came down town, anil after he left some one fired nine shots into the house, one of which lodged in the ! sewing machine and one in a book. The other shots all entered the building at considerable distance from the floor. Denton was arrest ed and had his preliminary exam ination this morning being placed under bonds in the sum of 1000 to appear before the grand jury. This morning another charge was made against him of threatening to kill Anlauf and his family, the examination being set for 2 o'clock this afternoon. KASTKKN NEWS. Tlio Great Storm Has Spent Its Force. New Vokk, Sept. 11 The storm is over. Last night it went south of Florida. Winds have dimmish- ed all along tho coast. They are I to them about the beauties of Hoti runuing oft' Now England six to olulu and the climate of the Pacific eight miles, at Philadelphia twelve, j Islands, meanwhile wishing with at Norfolk eight,' Key West ten; all his heart that the train would they are light here. Total rain fall, 5.-10 inches. No new reports of the " disasters have been received to-day. The path of the storm on the ocean haa been comparatively narrow. Re ports indicate that the cyclone did not extend much east ot Oeorge s Shoals, so the incoming oceaiii'the (Sandwich Islands; do you steamers were not danini'ed. Sonit; huge sailing shiim iu the neigh borhood ot Nantucket light-ship, or southeast from there, got the full benefit of tho storm, and some probably will never be heard from. Conlining itselt to a track reach ing from tho Hanks westward to New York, the cyclone swept in a. general southwesterly direction, lleports of losses unchanged to day. The total, it is safely estinta tod, will reach to millions. I t is known that fully sixty people ir ished, forty-three iu the vicinity of Lewis, Del., alone. . Damage to shipping iu ' the same district about two million dollars. It is feared that many ships, which were driven out, have boen lost, which would largely increase the loss and fatalities. A l.HAN Y NKWS. Severe Acciileiit to Twit Cititeiis -Pros-pects for Paper Mill. Albany, Or., Sept. It. -This morning John A. Crawford, pro prietor of the Magnolia Flouring mills and owner of theSantiam ca nal and city water works, fell from the top of the tiume leading to the mills, falling a distance of four- teen feet upon the wet and slippery rocks peiow. lie was nione ana being unable to get help had lain upon the rocks where he fell half an hour before he was found by employes about the mill. He was picked up and earned to his resi dence, and medical attendance summoned. His physician thinks he may recover. B. A. itzel, of rangent, was The police believe the right man order, to rcinnd th mooey it i-rmnen kicked by au unruly cow last night ' ;s captured j cure ' not ff'"1- Thonndi ot testimonin and had his leg broken. j CHU UUI IMsI'ATCH. , Irom old and young, ot both Kie. penti.nemly , ?..,. I ' " . i i . , t ired by AFliRODlTis. Cimi.w free. Addreu Frank 0 Neil, of t ahforiua, lm' C iii'Vtu. hept. II.-A spet-ia ; the APHRO MEDICINE CO. purchased tho Lebanon 1 louring from l.uUahi, .V v., to the Mail hwhj ium mills, of renjamin Cleaver, and , says that Tascott lias been captur- pox porti.and. or will convert them into apapov mill, 'j ed at that place. No details at! golil Iiy A. P. Johuson A Co., DniK ll(pnid ?14(CHX) for the property. ! lnnd. I gi-tn, lrt-nr. t')r.'f'-n- KIDDLF.I) nilH BULLETS. I Mm tiiii: Airiay tit VciKtr Itlalio tlt:tt em) ', Willi Kat4il Keiiull. ' Ifc-.-m the H. O. Ho;mbiican. On Friday night lat week a ! Bhootiii! HiTray occurred at Wdiser. ! - . . I,- i I I Maho, resulting in the womunng of a Soldier, belonging to JJoitie bar- i 'racks and tho killinj; oE a man U!.,,WJohn Glasscock. Acorn- panv of soldiers from tho barrnekR were onciunped near neiser and some of the boys were in the town having a good time ami uiasscocK was making ' himself exceedingly fresh with the boys in blue which finally resulted iu one of them be ing shot through the neck , by Ciiasscock. The soldiers in town I were ordered back to their camp, : but a number of them returned to 1 town and infuriated over their .'treatment by Glasscock, limited j him up and finally finding him on ; the street below the hotel aveuged ; the shooting of their comrade by j filing him full of lead. Weiser is f ? t, , ed from wil greatly exciteu over me snooting leral reeling, as learn- ituesses to the ailray, is in favor of the soldiers. limiting lor wutr. From tlie Tribune, Henry Blackmail, mayor, and J. V. Morrow and W. J. McAtee, members of the council of the city of Heppuer. passed through on Tuesday on their way to Baker - City) fol. tlia purpose of making a personal insoection of artesian wen8 ilt the 'latter, place. They wf,re appointed by the council of their city acoinmitte8 for that pnr- DOSe alld nre instructed to make all necessary inquiries of the con j tractors who bored the wells for is i the Baker people, and are author- i,ed to enter iuto a contract with them to bore one or more wells at Ueppner. Willow creek, at Heppner, is as dry as a powder house, and all the wells in town, with two or three escepli0I1S) are rapidly failing. Tl. ;i.l I, fl y... j jo U1JI111111LLCC, UUlYF(clj lC fident that a bountiful supply of artesian water can be obtained by boring th requied depth, and that not very great. ALIAS KINO KALAKAIIA. llnw .(fin llm'iics l'ooleu tlie. People of tv Western Town. The late Congressman Jim liurues, of St. Joe, combined with his talents as a lawyer and a legis lator a never-ending desire to play a practical joke upon someone, m""'1 exercised tiy crowned heads, he got, in Western vernacular, a full-sized "load" on. He was stretched out on a settee in one of the cars of the special train bear ing him aud a party of friends to St. Louis, and was soon snoring as only a Sandwich islander can do. The fact that King Kalakiuui was on board the train was telegraph ed ahead, and at every station larg- ' ( smaller crowds appeared to 'Catch a glimpse of tho visiting monarch. At one place a stop was made and loud cries for the king were heard, the people ex pecting that ho v.ould-come out and make a speech about the glo rious country, as is done by the ruler of this enlightened nation. The King was snoring placidly in side tlie car, but Jim Burnes thought it would be too bad to dis appoint tlie crowd, and stepping out on the rear platform iu the ! seini-darkuess ho made his' most ! profound bow amid shouts of ! "Long Live tlie King." The peo ple began to clamor for a speech, aud although this was an unex pected turn of all'airs Congressman hni made the best ot it, and talked start aiid take him out of reach of the loyal crowd. But the train stood stark still and the perspira tion began to roll down the face of the pseudo King. ' One man step ped from the ground upon the plat ionn and said; King, 1 have a brother, John , a missionary in know him? ilMy most particular friend," replied tlie King, with a hearty handshake, and here tlie train pulled out amid the huzzas of the assemblage and to the great relief of his royal nibs. ALL l'OK THE PUBLIC GOOD. It is an undisputed faet that the hand somest vestibule traius that are uow rutiou the American eoutinent are those on the "liuKWwros Koutb," leaving the Union Depot in Denver, n'so St. ; 1',-ml, immediately ou arrival of all through trains from the west. The Brat aud second class eoaohes are inajfniii eent, the Kecliuing ohair cars superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, aud as for the meals that Bre served in those Palace Burlington dining ears yum-yum. The next time yon ko east to Kansas City .Chicago or St.- Louis, if yon mention to the ticket agent that von want vonr tieliet to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the lJurliugtnu I Route, you will get it, Bud you will al ways he glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacific!, the elegant vestibule trains of "The linrlington lioute," between St. Paul, Chicago and St. Lonis will carry you alon.-f the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 850 miles, amidst scenery that cannot be surpass ed; or, if yon go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific, and your ticket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, y u will pass through all the thriving cities nnd towns located iu what is popularly known as ,ler information apply to A. C. Sheldon, the "Heart of the Continent." For fur- General Agent, 8o First Street, Portland, Oregon. I. IKK A FAKK. Kopolt that Tascett Ims been Captured 1n H infant, N. . Buffalo, Sept. H.-A SUSpi- cious character was arresteit tni9ity. priceii.oo boi.6toxe tor.oo sent by morning. He acknowledges he is I bu on receipt otpric. Tnscott. the mnrderer of Suell. NOTICE OF INTENTION. liiicf i hlicH nt !r.ii'r.iniip. Or.. Aon. 8. V,. Ndtir in lifrnhy tvivco that ilie foliuwinc-niiinftl m.'ttiwr h;M hlci 'oti- uf liis inloutiuo to make ,,r.M, wlLi iM. r,1(ta(- ht-f-.j-. tin o.uinv ul.f-k of I "j: 0rfW'a at r ' John Johnson. j ll U V.. 11... 1 iL-. U.. 1 T.. P! U l - k. v. iii. ! nnme. t:ir followin wimoa,. to prove his I Hturl l.tn.l. viz; t William Wmrmi, W. K. I 'user, S-W. Fluroon and J(R Nclion ulof Ilt'ppuer (r. i Any person wh- dr-irua Iti protest fttftiiuHt tliu j allowauc of wucli proof, or wlio known of any nnlriitanti;iJ rcuHoii under the law mul the rtKiiia- tioun of thn I 'lK-rior 1 ypflrt ,n'';.t . why mn-h pnnif nhmiUl wtt he i-.liuwptl, will le ncivrti, mi oj.jKjrtn- ! nityat the nltovu mfotionM tune aad p!hh t ' oroHH-j'Xiin.ino ih' witne-uiy or aiti c!ai mflnt, and ollnr evidence iu r;lmi t'U uf that isuhiuittod by llniniimt (:i4-ai0 He-nhy IIinehabt, KeiriHter. NOTICE OF INTENTION Idinri OHifoat LaGrando. Or.. Au. 22, '81t. Notice'iH hereby K-ven that the following-named settler han liletl notice of her inteiition to imkn ti-i;il pro. in Manpurt of her ciditii. and that wud prrMf 'will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, ht Hepp fht, Or., om Oct. 12, IhHV, viz: Margaret Burred, widmv. of John A. Barrett, deceased. 1). H. No, 771, fortheBKU Bee. Tp. 1 S, R.-J7 K.W. M. biienriines the followinn witness's to prove her continuous reHiJenne upon, and cultivation of. Huidkmd, viz: N.A.KWly. John II. Willmmfl, Thod. gapp and (ieorge HtiMbolt. all of Huppner, Or. Any person who defiinw to prutHr-t nuainHt tho allowance of miuh proof, or who known of any mbwuintial reason, under the law and the regula tions of tlie Interior Depart merit, why such proof should not be allowed, will be iven an opportu iiiuv at the above inentiontHl time and pluee U ri'os-exainiiie thewitnesweH of waid claimfiiit, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. tf.Ili-41 Hesuy lliNEUAitT. Heifister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. " Land OIHoe ill Latiniude, Or,, Au(t, 13, '89. Ni'ie-.e is ll'-Tehy pivon tliat tllB following named settler has riled nuTieo of his intention to make final preof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bloro the county Clerk of Murrow county, at Ueppner, Or., on Oct. 6, 18B9, ,jz: Louis F. Mel'hersoii, It. H. No. (WU. for the lot 1 HR'i. NK',4 ami Eli BE Heo. i. Tp. 3 8, it. E..W. M. He names the fnllowiiiK wilnesseH to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, Hnid land, viz: il. B. Thompson, of Heppner. James Daimher ty, and W. II. Daiigherty, ,f Lena, ami John W. Peak, of lie p peer. Any person who desires to protest, auairist the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the laws and Die regu lations of the Interior Pepartincit, why such proof should not bo allowed, will be Kiven an opportunity at tho above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in robuttal of that submitted by claimant. :i:lrt-lu Henuv Kinkhart, Hegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION LandOfficeat LnOrande, Or., Ails. 9, '811. Notice is hereby itiven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof iu suppor of his claim, ami that snid proof will be made before tlie county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppuer, Or., on Hept 21, lssy, viz: John. Sloan. D. S No. sol, for the N". NW!i Sec. !t, and E'i Nlili Sec. 8 Tp. 8 S. It. al H. Ilenauiesthefollowin witnesses to jirove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: II. Ti pelt, A.J. f'eok. W. B. Paulierty and B. II. Mann, all of Lena. Or., Any person who desires to protest Hcainst the aldwance of sucli oroof. or who knows of anv ! siibetantiHl reason, under the law and the retrn- lations ot tlie Interior Department, wliy sucn proof should not be allowed, will be given aft opportunily at the aboe-mentioned time aud place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant aud toolier evidenco in rebuttal of that submitted hycluiniant. i:U-3il.t Henry Hineiiart, ltesrister. Just Published The most interest hie. intensely fnchi.iting; a ml pt-putiir subscription honk ever published By W. BUEL The nioH famous and Huccesnftil American Writer, nnd am nor of ' I he Heuittil'ul 81017," "Hen aud ijfind.'1 "The World of Wonders," Etc. It is a nmlchleHH work of urt. Over l,2(m matf- niiiceiit Hj.intcu engmvniK, desianea una execut ed by tho hp it ariintH and enKnivern on two Contmeiiiti. pniheliuli ita pugee ucd add excite ment to wonder. In addition to this litcomnar- iihle feature is supplemented many Kraud and iKTu.liful fit'Uiiae colored oleograph platen. Theniiie bi iiiiant colors - used in tli piuturBct produce an almost dazzlmir erteet. makintr them perfect K' -ms of art, and executed at tt cost of r.very where- to seli this mutt remarktv hle book. Old ex perienced n e n 1 8 grasp it at slht. for tlioy realize there iw big monoy m it, in renlily it is a marvel of book, nmkiiiii art. If you want to mekn some money. there is aifoMi'ii opportunity for yon. An agency fori ins wt rK is worth Fr om no to $es per Day. It is acknowledged by nil publishers and agents to be the handsomest, fasteHt selling and cheapest book ever published, bend immediately for llnft rated circulars arid terms free, or the op portmiity will be lost. To save time and Becure it instantly, send $.-00 ?:' complete canvassing out lit una name choice of territmy, Kxtra Iiberl terms and exclusive territory guaran teed. Working agents are coining money aud you can do the same. Neither oxuerienee or capital is reoutred to en -u,'p in this enterprise, as the book will sell itself 11 propei'ly presented, ami we give our Agents Ht) day's time in which to deliver and collet before paying us. AddrowB The History Co., 7'2n Market St.. A'-tl-SI9. San Francisco, Cn. TO SELL AX The meet wonderful collection of uractical, re al value and pvery-ilay ue for tlie people ever published on tlienlobe. A marvel or money sav mff and money nuikinK for every one owning it. Thousand of heantiful. helpful eiiKravinifs, showing just how to do everything. No compe tition; nothing like it in the universe. When you select t hat which is of I rue value, sales are sure. Alt dincerely tleniriiut pnyin employment and looking for something: thoroughly nrst clasB at an extraordinarily low price, should write for description and terms on tiie nioet remarkable achievement in lKok-mnkin;i: since the world be Kan. ' Sl'AMMl'.l. iil'11., HoxMlld. ST. LOtTsor I'lilLADt'.l.PHIA. (tlR will buy ihe ODFXL TYPK WRITER, e u Warranted to do as uood work as any S100 machine. It combines simplicity with DrnABII-ITY spkko. bask OK operation wears loncer with out cost of lepuim than i.uy other machine, haw no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel-plated perfect, and adapted to all kinds of type-writiiig. bike a printiiiK preps, it produces Sharp, Olean. I.ejrible Manu scripts. Two ot the ten copies can be made nt one writing. Editors, lawyers, ministers, bank nra mereliHiitM mnnnf K.-turers. business men. etc.. can not make a better investment for $15. Anv intellittei.r person in a week can become a oooD oi'EUATua or altAPrn o.ne in two months. SI.IMMI ottered any operator who can do better work wiih a Ivpe Writer than that produced by tho ODK.I.I.. jtltelialilc Aiont and Salesmen Wanted. Special indueenieuta to Dealers. For Vauuihlel. uivi-.K ei (iorsi-mcn s Ac., address the ODKLL TYPE WltlTHH CO., The Kookerj'. t'hiciLCO.Ill. The Celebrated French Cure, "uif "APHR0DITINE" ;,ffl Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure anv lormoftiervotit disease, or ftuy disorder of the BEFORE eeuerative or- AFTER (u of either sex wbther arising from th xceuive an of Stimulants, Toureo or Opium, or through youthful Indiscretion, over Indulf ucc, ia, uch s Loss of Braiu Power, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Pius tu the Back, SemiDtl Weakuess, Hysteria. Nervous Prostrttion Nocturu- ml Kmisslou. , Leucorrbcea, Ilizsiuess, Weak Mem. ,' ' , . . , , nMn,-M,r-r,l,l-tf-Bn,. lnMn. nrv T nt Unaar .llH IntnAfenCT. Which If ne . uiIintv,:riinvTrn,,.,isa Llflli WORLD ! Mi M. Air I :a i a : rtf THE GAZKTTE tite lirtif Wvekl.ii Paper in i Eastern Oregon, yet man fj j .' residents of our comity and the immense coun try tributary to H, ! da not fake THE GAZETTE Or tny olhcr Live Xeir.yxiprr. THEY MUST HAVE THE GAZETTE Al least, and in order to benefit our Jrjrnds who secure new subscriptions, ice have pre pared a Mammoth List of Premiums. HERE AllE A FEW OF THKM. For 200 new subscribers to the Heppner Gazette at S2.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse far in I wngon (IJJ inch axle), worth $100. Ihe getter-up of a club has the choie of any make in the market. i'JU subscribers secures a good lot in the Loouey additon. ill sell for !S2jO in one year.' ISO subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, -worth $90. , 170 subscribers,- $!w worth of provisions from Ileppner's stores. 1G0 subscribers, an $80 organ plain finish. A good instrument. 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 1-40 subscribers, a good road cart, harness and geuuino whale bone whip, worth $80. 130 subscribers, one fine San Jose saddle, silver inlaid hand made Mexican spurs and a pair of "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price $65. 120 subscribers, $00 worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. Worth $55.. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A line high-arm ma chine made by the New Homo Co. It is worth $50. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit. Price $50. 90 subscribers, a good $15 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness,, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth $37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth $o5.00. 05 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-00 cal., and fullre loading outfit, worth $32.50. GO subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. 55 subscribers, a line side-saddle and bridle full outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. " 48 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassiinero two. dress pat terns, worth $24. ' 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver, 45 cal., blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth $21. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester rifle or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 30 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model ''73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4. inch barrel. A boauty. Worth $10.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. V suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 20 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13. 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 10 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at $12. 10 subscribers, a cowboy's lint, S Stetson's make, and two pounds of! the best chewing tobacco, 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. losubseribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of i boots, either worth $b. i 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or mer-; chandise. ; 1) subscribers, a barrel of tlie "Peerless" flour; worth $4.50. ! 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp-1 ner Hour, a nice plush photograph ; album or a pair of men's or ladies' ' shoes. i 0 subscribers, a Bet of silver-1 plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. i 5 subscribers takes a box of ; cigars, a pair of rolled cold-plate ! sleeve-buttons or a good buggy-, whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph I ftlbiim or a year's subserintion the Heppuer Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti cle in the market worth $1.50 2 subscribers, $1 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There it no end to the List of Pre mium. We hare only mimed a few of tlw tnang humlifd 1'rrnti ums which can lie secured bij i little work in yotr respectire urighlxir hood In worl.iua for the ' v : : (r AZ ETTE I'tijHt OH1 ti.ut !!. ii i'l! rxUibtislnl t ill wlii.'h neccr fniln to i' .i a m .( fiii'l, it itt ifhut (.V'V ' l"lrl 1 (i,bf,i A" K 1 1 'S PA PER. ! hind h'trsa nvwupajH1)' e nii writrr. Valuable . irith-a lillle effort, ilo nut tiunit thane. if i.Jj'rri'O, :;i'H Imre the firirii.!;'' of till ing Ki.iiii'tiiinii W.se. If lion liore '('(isi i-ihfin finjinjli, yov will hare no ihle lo limit iioiirHilf (linrn with tl irttiva from Jiijqiiu'i'it stores. THIS IS XO "FAKK." HAYK MO UK SCI FkS FOR WE MUST SCRIB- THE GAZETTE, ' MORE READERS UF NEWS. 1 1 lo the GAZETTE OFFICE Jor Kit ii j li Copies and go to work at once. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till Jan. 1890. KOTTC13 T( THIS Din g, G roc cry AD SALOON TRADE Morrow County YoU CAN SAVE TIME AND MONEY CLIMAX BITTERS RKOT ol' WILLS, II, C. lOXK, Oreaon, THJ-.r Alili TUB KING OF ALL BTTTHRS FOB Hf.ODO, LlVKlt, STOMACH AND DoWKL TUOUni.KS. LKAV1TT VAN ALSTINE, NO. 955 1-2, HOWARD STREET, Frunulsiioo, Cal, you C'.l.V SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER Or ATtkiettiauisio You Want AT THE OAZIJTTK SHOP. IF YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER FW$E SMITH & WESSON'S 1Ttai- , 1 n 1 1 S- in'muractti'T'il Lrijrt .r Hini (lie liiV, ciiuicettf uil -cxpt-ita. in cailiiruH ', j? UH 11 ikI lt-lU). Sidk'o r 1 double action, S;iiVty Ham-lnerlt.-'r.s ami '.'argot model. JicMt qunlily wroirR.it hkm'I. euiviiillv liisnt.'iito(t fnr wo.-kuifi!ish;p iuid stock. Unrivaled fort liniiuli. dui-tthiiit v nud nrcn vjicv- Do" Ui;l. hv ilf'ci'ivt il ly t-hciiii nw Uf.able iron imitations ni'tcii sold I'm tho 'iiuino arflclo. Tlicv are unre liable u 1 id dnnwermiR. Tlio Kiuith & Websok Ke volveiis nre Ht;ii!i?fl upon tlio barrels with flrra'a irtiiic, aditrfw miilibttcsnf putt'lits, aud are guar . iini(el ijoift t't. IiiKlfitupdu Imving them.und If y nr driller eminot mippiy you, nn order sent to ad-ii;-"s bclmv will rcet'ivc iroipt attention. Descrlp-. the catalogue hikI prices upon application. ttDHTU tic VF.S.SN, TVhh I my Cppt. I 5o not mean merely to itop tn-m ior a timo, and then have them ro turn airaln. I mi.an A JiADICiSJU CUBJB. 1 iiavo luudo tlio dibuuso of EPILEPBnr or RICHNESS, A lifo-lons ctudT. I vacant my remedy to Citiih tlio worht cnr,:,. r.i ciiuse others hv l.iile.i is no reiifiou ioi' not now receiving a euro. fccwl at onco f.ir a trcntHC a ml a I'REB BOTTLV cl my iNi-Ai-i.tSi-E liEMr.Dv. iivo Expresa errl jot Otiieo. It cotw yon nothing tor trial, and it will euro you. AiMteM H.G. ROOT, M.O., IS3PeablSt.,HiwY0M RH S3 iDriC0Uf -If af YFEVEH mBalm lays iiilliuiunction. Steals the Sores, liestoros tho Sea-ass of Taste, SmeU and. Heaiine4, A pftrtleloiis ayi;tlic'l Inroeaclaoonlrll l e.Kre, el;lf, I-rice .-Oc. nt HruKfffur or by noil. ElA UHOTHEIts,56 Warren SL.New Yorli. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, -IVY WAY OK TITK Southern Pacific Company's Line TI IT. IjloTS 10TE. Quicker in Titae than Any Other Route Betwecii. Portland - - - San Francisco. Leave Portland at 4 r. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BITTET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, to For Accommodation of Soond-Cla Pnsaenjjers Attached to Eipresa Trains. Fare from Portland tn Sacramento nd Han Frmo- rr.liniiteil Li!i.ii-.i riiM-r'a-ei , " r-einml-l las TUr.tuch Tickets all Points nnd Etui, ....SDH .... 20 ! South CATAR Li "n liH M H or m VIA CALIPOHNIA, THKET OF1ICE.S: rKc. N" ""i r .rFir-ti AlrW Street fV: l OX; -. "T..T V w. Front Si.-ert. lOhlLANI-'. UKKOOS. II. KUKIUJ- K. K. P ROfiKlta. iUai-.-.S'. Ac U. F. uid 1'w. i(t.