Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, September 19, 1889, Image 3

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aEPPNEll. TilOKSDAT. Sept. Ill, 'K'J.
Trains on the Willow (Vi-i'lt limnch nrrive fit
and len?e tlie dill'nnt stations daily, uxwvt
Hundayt), a follows:
e-.'20 P. M. Ar.
510 ' " '
4:40" " "
4 an
LiV. ?sH A. M.
- R:S
.. (,.,,. "
" 031" "
' (1:10 '
:)' "" Wlllira-a .! unction " WM
2:50" " Lv. Arlington. Ar. 2:'J0
H:40 " PM Ar PtmiiinJ Lv 7:45 "
Northern Pauinp trains east lnve Arliueton
daily 2:a P. M.; Kmn lll:l5 A- M. Umon
Pacific trains east, 4:10 A. M.-.amuK wast, 12:1)0
p. M.
J, C. H.VltT. Aumit,
H. Blackmail, Mayor. W. J. McAfee
aad J. W. Morrow, and-fnmily, of Hepp
ner, urrived in the city !iHt e vcitiiisf an-1
thoir vifit here to inspect nirr Wifi.-r
wc-rks sy.-.k'm. lippDiier in Jim now iH-
nlmg the building of vater works and
before tuloptinjf any particnlar plan th -e
nieu were selected to examine into the
itiureut systems adopted by thuvariuns
iwu8 tiirouuhont tiie inland empire.
The pHrtv have ln-en tiik'.'.n in ch:irire by
Mayor Mc'Jord n:i 1 will te shown every
urtesy possible. - Dailv (Biikeri Demo
crat. I r-rvri rr-
The Hast Ureinian in u remmt issue
mentions Hint. "F. H. Kemper was rnt
Stage leaves for Cauyon City daily,
except Sunday, at 6:31) A. m.
Arrives duily, except Sunday, at
fi '00 p. M.
There is a saving of 18 hours in time
and 810 in cash by taking this route to
0. W. Lomlar & Co., 420, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., are authorized to make
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
Thev will also make collections for this
The store of H. Blackman & Co. will
he nlnHed from Weduesdav evening at
6 o'clock p. m., Sept. 25th until
Thiimdav eveniu at 6 P. ra. Also on
Satudav." Oct. 5. on account of Jewish
holidays. H. Blackman & Co.
. Heppner, Sept. 18, '89.
Here and There.
House to rent. Apply at this oiliee.
Mrs. S. P. Ganigucs is in Portland
buying a fail stock.
Hanov Jack ii linueriug iu the Blue
mountains with a band of sheep.
Ben Soott, the Wrought Iron Hange
man, was in Heppner last week.
Hanrv Gnv leaves today tor Iowa
with two carloads of Oregon horses.
A visit to the lower end of town re
veals much building and improvement,
Geo. Thomas was up from Arlington
this week, tie will seek n new location
Marshal Bitter will commence the
collection of citv taxes next Monday
Dig up.
Thos. Murphy has got around to Spo
kane Falls' where iio writes lor cue ua-
Tt. in n. mutter of fact that "The Gom'
fceepa only the parent and best, sold for
ash only.
Mr. .Tnaenh Adkim. uncle of Jas. Ad-
fcinR. in in from Missouri visiting his
relatives here.
The Walla Walla Agricultural Society
ends, nu a ooniulimeutarv which the
shop appreciates.
Donntv Marshal Neacle has been (lis-
the killiue of Terry being de
cided as a justifiable homicide. .
Prof. Keen, the horse educator, ar
rived in Hoppuer yesterday morning
See article elsewhete ill this issue.
. W. E. Gentry, formerly of the Hoppner
mnntrv. was in Heppner last weeK. ne
is now a-resident ot the Eolio section.
The new weeklv illustrated West Shore
has readied this office. This publication
looks well under the new arrangement.
In conversation with J. P. Rhea this
week, we get the information, that there
is no lack ot hay in tno iieppum-try.
Th workmen on the exoavation for
tho nw bank building huve found an
abundance of water in ten feet of the sur-
The Long Creek Eagle .is improving
rcnder the new management. The Eagle
.and Heppner Gazhtte are !.;i.00 per year,
id advance.
w. A. KiriE. of Bivlem, a schoolmate
.of Messrs. Newt Jones, Arthur Minor,
J. N. Brown and J. D. Hamilton, is visit
ing in Heppner.
Rev. H. F. Dennis and family have
moved to Island City where Mr. Dennis
will interpret Bible trnths to the people
for the coming year.
Married Iu Heppner on the 12th
inst, Mr. H. H. Hahn to Miss Annie F.
Wridgo, of Clevolaud, W. T., llev. Heu
ry Rasmus officiating.
Dr. A. L. Fox has been appoiuted med-
For Salb. -About 14J0 head of owes
and lambs. For information regarding
the sa ne, enquire of H:vj II irriuton,
Heppner. Or. A. J. Bashy.
Bex, Ilex. A fine baud of grade and
thoroughbred Merino lm ks ore now at
the livery stable of Hnnsaker & Long.
These sheop have been selected from
the celebrated Ross baud, nnd
recommendation to sheepmen.
need no
with a subscription list at Pen.lleten for
Mrs. iron, whose children are at
Heppner and whose husband is on his
death-bed at Walla Walla. Her wish is
to remove berchildren to Walla Walla be
fore their father's death, but she has no
money to make the journey and the sub
scription is to supply her with the nec
essary amount." The Gazette does not
know ot any one ever reaming in T-nis
oommuuity by that name.
The Budiict of last week takes notice
of our absence from town during their
trial, and ironically remarks thtt we
should have been on hand. Not having
an indictment hanging over us, with the
prospect of going to the penitentiary, the
Gazette was free to go and come when
t pleased. We were over in the Liong
Creek country at that time working up a
subaoription list on legitimate principles.
The West Shore has met with much
kicking of late from fourth rate towns,
who evidently export Mr. Samuels to
grow Chiragoes iu every community.
t he home paper suoultl De toe one on
which to spend cash for advertising.
Citizens of our live, iirowiug towns are
apt to rush frantically to some outside
Diiblication to give S5100J for 50 worth
of work. They should be bit.
Heppner'a population should remem
ber that no one enterprise is doing more
for HoDDner than the roller mills of J.
15. Soerrv. This reminder is maae witn
all consideration for those who are ship
ping in flour which is no better and muuh
higher in price than the home article.
Patronize home industries and help to
build up vonr town.
Parkins Bros, struck 40 foet of. water
in F. Troutmau's well, 5 miles north
of Lexiueton. last Monday. The boys
commenced work iu an old well, 20 feet
deep, and went down something over 4U
teot. mere is pieurv oi water in um
bunohgrass region, and the boring pro
cess is the way to get it.
Messrs. J. W. and Thos. J. Matlock
returned from Portland last Thursday
where they had been to purchase a hue
line of groceries for their new store on
Main street, next door to the skating
rink. Look out for their new ad., which
will appear in a tew weeks. .
Mr. and Mrs Chas. Tnlbert moved in
from the Eight Mile oountry this week.
Mr. Tnlbert will engage in the livery
business with Jaa. Depuy, opposite
Natter's brewery.
Bob Heyneman, who has for years
represented the La Flor De Heyneman
cigar goods, and who is well known in
Heppner, died recently ot appopiexy.
J. M. Royer keeps the Golden Rule
hotel in Long Creek and has good ac
commodations for guests. VV hen you
pass that way, call on bun.
The name of J. F. Deos was left off
the jury's vindication of the M. C. L. &
T. Co., published iu last week's Gazette.
However, it is corrected in this issue.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Watorbury at the Hur
dity House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
Rev. .las. llowarton, of Gooseberry,
and Foster Adams, of- Sand Hollow,
called ou this oliioe Monday.
Mr. J. J. Muir is quite sick at the resi
dence of his son-in-law, Mr. Thc-o. Dan
no r,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Herreu left for
Salem last Friday to visit relatevea.
Heppner will no doubt organize a fire
company in the near future.
Don't forget that we need a board of
The New Feed Stable. Teamsters
from all sections of the oonutry will Bad
it to their advantage to put up with De
puy & Talbert, opposite Narter's Brew
ery, Upper Main st., Heppner. Free
stable room to purchasers of grain nnd
hay. Loaded wagons oan stand under
shed iu wet weather. Most convenient
place to stop iu town. '
Married At the residence of the
bride's parents iu Heppner at 8 o clock
last eve, Mr. , Clarence L. Andrews to
Alias Ida Swaggart, the Rev. Mr.
Prunk officiating. Mr. Andrews is at
present Clerk of Morrow county his
second term, and is universally esteemed .
The bride is one of Heppuor's most pop
ular young ladies. Mr. and Mrs. An
drews left on this morning s train for a
visit to the Willamette valley.
A Wife Whipping Sciiape. On last
Fridav Ceo. Petrie was nrrested for
whipping his wife, and after due oon
sideratiou at the hando of our supreme
justice, Gov. Rea, and an unbiased jury,
he was found guilty, thetiov. assessing
him 820 and costs. While there is
possibility of this being a oaae of gener
al "doniestio iufelioity," a man should
never coadesoend to strike a wjman, and
this oommuuity, it will be well to note,
will not allow such business to be oar
ried on.
Good Work On last Monday Hepp
ntr's council contracted with Mr.
Chas. Beckwith to bore an artesian well
for this place, and the work will be
commenced as soon as the machinery
cau Ire shipped. His outfit is first-class
in every respect; as Mr. Beokwith puts
it iu his own inimitable style, it will be
no "iumuiuir iaok." The drill will weigh
two tons, and the good work will go on
at a rapid rate when commenced. Mr.
Beck with has enough good references to
convince any one that be understands
his business and is a reliable man. He
has worked for forty years in boring for
water, gas and oil, and this paper thiuks
that we have the right man at the right
time. The Dayvillh-Hayhtaok Road. C.
G. Casbary was over from Haystack last
week and made the office a pleasan t
oall. In speaking of the Heppner-Hay-staok
road, be informed us that as super
visor of his district, he had reserved all
the work for the new road. However,
there is a mile ot this road just this side
of the oounty line whioh is nearly im
passible. Perhaps the supervisor ot the
"distriot over there has failed to notice
i it. "The people of the Dayville section
will give much money and work to make
a road to oonneot with the Haystack
road," continued Mr. Casbary. "That
section is very anxious to do their bus
iness at Heppner, and no one can blame
them., for it is the nearest shipping point
Now thi-.t our town conncil have con
traded for imriug an artesian welh, it
comes to us that there is mnoh virtue in
persistant elfort. The Gazette has, per
haps, done souio good in this mair-e
but it has not ben alone, iu the work.
Mere plsinuing is past, and actual labor
is on the eva of beginning- A ooutrar
has been duly signed and delivered, nt'd
the well work will begin in some thirty
This mint be very gratifying to every
. . r Tl- io
enterprising citizen or -iieppuei. n i
plain to those who iiave visited other
pushing towns of Eastern Oregon that
we have the advantages here to make a
good town-one of 4000 or 5000 iuhnb
itauts within the next few years. The
greatest degree of prosperity is brought
about by unanimity in every needed en
terprise. People do not always agree,
and it is well that it is so, but iaotioual
fights do not work for good iu any town.
The Gazette believes that the people
i,..,-,-,;,,r l.-i f n 1 1 v appreciate tnie
and are acting .accordingly. Conoerted i
action in public matters is necessarjv
ami the Gazette will always be found
working to that end.
At the last term of the county oonrt
$2752 was paid out in warrants.
The building of the Cochran bridsfa
was awarded to R. C. Wills and T. J-
Carl for $500, to be cohipletedjshy .JNov,,
Con Drisool was paid 812) tcr build
ing a bridge on Little Butter creek.
Three new roads wero favorably passed
on by the county oourt, and three others
ordered surveyed.
"The Various county officers drew $1300.
Judge Mitchell complains that he failed
to got a haul this time.
ppner Feed Yard !
Is the jiliica for Teamsters to stop.
W illllllLIM!
C. A,
Free Cnmping Mouse.
See; r-aiu, rye, barley, wheat, etc., for sale.
HALES, Tr, v . Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon
F. K. HKAl'lt.
Vice President.
Pacific r ire Insurance Uo,
o was:
snara-wsar steeet.
Ciitl Stock, $500,000.
O. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon.
Do ym monm when another star
Hiiinea out from tho flittering sky?
Do you weep when tive rugixitf voice of war
And tiie Bounds of oonHici die?
Then, why should your tears run down
Anrl vonr liearta betiorely riven,
For another gem is in tlie Savior's crown
And another soul in Heaven.
leal examiner by the pension depart
ment, and has entered upon the dis
charge of his duties in this connection.
Thos.. Rhea returned from Canyon
City last week, omning by the way of
Hog Flat and Long Creek, lie is buying
cattle for a Portland firm, says the Long
Creek Eagle.
Our wells are nearly all dry because
they are too shallow. Tlie average depth
r VTannnar's. wells is not over 15 feet,
Those who have sunk them deeper find
plenty of water.
Jas. Williams has moved' his sheep
from the Desolation country to Susau
ville, and will shortly move down on In
dian creek where he will have fuu with
the ranchers.
Uirriofl At the residence of the
hrio'ii narents ou McKiBuey creek, on
tha 11th hist.. Mr. Robert Knighten to
Miss Iona Shauer, 'Squire rjtauley of-
fiointinz. The shop extends, congratu
A dispatch from Salem published in
Hiio isaue aives an aooouut of H. C.
.llmnri'a unfortunate experience there,
Henry is an old resident of Heppner, and
bis many friends leol grieved to uear ot
t.liia nnnnrunnp.
The owners of the Heppner & Castle
Rock Telegraph hue should look after
their wire, as it is down iu the wagon
ma in inanv iilaces. and will oause
lome one to" Buffer tue dostruotion of
their vehicle by their team running
Th following land contests have been
decided for The Dalles land distriot, and
tlm names of the successful parties are
niHotd in eaus.: Win. MoLeod vs.
T Htrite vs. NOUTHEiTt.N fAUif iu it.
J. W. Ray, the missing husband from
Butter creek, writes his wife from Port
land stating that she is welcome to as
Bume ownership of his property, and on
ly regrets that he has not more to leave
her. This peculiar action on his part is
unexplained. ,
Misses Litlie and Slaggio Rea have
purchased trie Petrie restaurant. These
young ladies show business tact not pos
sessed by many of the masculine tribe,
and we hope for their success. They
can furnish beds as well as meals for
their guests. See their new ad.
Frank McFarland and wife returned
borne last Monday from Hood River.
"Mao" brought back some of the finest
trout ever seen in this vicinity, and iiis
friends were not forgotten in the disposi
tion of them. One of them, a "Polka
Dot" beauty, was U)i inches long.
We hear the name of Henry Ulack
nt Hoi.nner. sDoken of as the prob
able democratic candidate for joint sen
ator from Morrow, Grant and Harney
counties at the general election next
Tn Mr Tilaekrnan is well spoken ot
by both democrats and republicans.
Canyon City JVeu-ff.
Mr. Beckwith, the well man, gets
$15J0 for boring an 8 inch well, 500 feet,
the town paying the freight on his ma
chine from the East. He believes that
be will find plenty of water for pumping
purposes at a depth of HM feet, and an
artesian now at a dentil of 2-.0 feet.
Should he succeed in finding such a flow
ofwater at that, or any ot er depth, less
than 500 fciet, he agrwa to bore other
welUtomake np the contracted SuO
The highest position attained and the
universal acceptance and approval of the
pleasant liquid fruit remedy bymp of
n,o moat, excellent laxative
known, illustrate the value of the qual
ities ou which its success is based and
tlv uratifviue to the Cal.
Fig Syrup Company.
4 public sale will be held at the ranch
..f nt.,,. fluntwell. deceased. on rjopt.l,
louo -'nuofii htt-inw orooertv win oe
sold at public auction: l suuiion,
i J ..f l,nrD.u M mi (11 cows nuucaivrs
iienu ii jau.o' " . i
a i ,1 f..,ifH,i furmim' ltnulementsanci
4110 bushels of wheat. All sums under
! cish in hand; all. overrnat, i;""'"""
time on approved notes.
3. S. Youno,
Willow 'Creek Saw-Mill!
Keeps constantly on hand all kind.! of UNDRESSED LUMBER; also
. Mill Located at the Hoad of Willow Creek. 1G miles above Heppner..!
La Flor de Heyneman
III, 111 IMIWl!
From Monument abont-April 1, four
head of saddle horses.. One sorrel Raid
ing, branded on. shoulder, and H o
hip. One gray, branded on eao
shoulder. One small bay goldmg, strip
in face , branded mule shoo. One aorrel
with four white feet and white strip in
face. Last seeu iu Henlaud prairie
about April loth. I will give SW re
ward each for delivery or information
leading to their recovery.;
R. J. GiPitoitE,
Monument, Or.
: : : : OREGON
ltoval" a Perfect Bikini; Powder Abso
lutely Free from Lime and Alain.
The Royal Baknig Powder is consider
ed by all ohemists and food analysts to
be a marvel of purity, strength and
wholesomeness. The official tests show,
furthermore, that it is now the only bak
iue riowder before the public tree from
both lime and alum, and absolutely pure.
It has come to be used almost exclusive
ly throughout the country.
This exclusive puriry is aue largely 10
the improved method by the use of
which it has been made possible to pro
duce a perfectly pure cream ot tartar,
from which all the lime, etc, has been
This chemioally pure cream of tartar
is exclusively employed in the manufac
ture of the Royal Baking Powder, so
that its absolute freedom from lime nnd
all other extraneous substances is guar
anteed. Professor MeMurtie, late chemist-in-ohief
to the U. S Department of Agri
culture, Washington, D. 0., after Hnu
lyzingsamples of the various bakiugpow
ders of the market, testified to the
absolute pprity of Royal Baking Powder
as follows;.
All chemical tests to which I have sub
mitted it have proved the Royal Baking
Powder perfectly healthful, of uniform,
excellent quality, and free from nlvery
deleterious substance.
"WM MoMCJHTY, E. M.Ph. D."
Chemist-in-Chief U. S. Dep'l of Agriculture.
To Consdmptives. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after suffering f r several
years with a severe lung affections and
that dread disease, consumption, is anx
ious to make known t his fellow suffer
ers the means of care. To those who
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a copy of the prescription used,
whioh they will find a sure oure for con
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronohitis,
and all throat and lung maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, whioh will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please
address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Wil
liamsburg, Kiug's oountv. New York.
T. E. FEiiii, Aoest.
win o hio-iipst rash price for air
I"' . 7 r 1 11 1
ru,ia nr w neat at lone aim
Strayed from Hardman, Or., on or
about the last ot May. 18, one horse
and one mule, branded o ou right iinnlt.
The horse is a light bay and the mule
is a yellowish bny. A liberal reward
will be paid for their return to
.Hardman, Or.
Better and cheaper than grades shipped
' into this market.
The Pakson Appkeoiated. Henry
Rasmus left last Monday morning to
attend the M. E. oouferenoo of this dis
triot. He will very likely return to
Heppher for another year. Mr. Rasmus
is appreciated here, even among those
who have nochnrch oonneotions. "Pap"
Simons, of the blacksmithing firm of
Roberts & Simons, has within the last
week seoured for the "Parson's" support
next year, about $400. This is on a list
whioh "Pap" denominates as tlfe ''hood
lum" subscription. If the members of
the M. E. church come up in proportion,
as they should and no doubt will, Mr.'
Rasmus can work hard next year, and
work with a will. Solid cash for the
preacher lends zest to bis labors as well
as other people.
General Freight Agent Campbell Says Tins
Matter Shall Receive His Attention.
While in the Long Creek country re
cently the attention of the Gazette
man was called to tho matter of delay
in freight for that section. It is un
doubtedly the result of carelessness
somewhere on the railroad, and the at
tention of Gen. Frt. Agt. Campbell was
called to this objeotional feature in the
freight business for the section oyer the
mountains. This is his answer:
Sept. 11th, 'S'J.
Mr. Otis Patterson, Heppner, Or.
Dear Sib; I am much obliged to son
for yours of the4tb inst. calling attention
to delay to Bbip'nent of freight for Long
Creek, and have taken the matter up in
a way which I think will result in an
improvement. Yonrs truly,
B. Campbell, G. F. A .
A First -Class Horse-Trainer.
Prof. Keen, the horse educator,
so well nnd favorably known in
California, is in town and is going
to give lessons in his system of
training here for one week. Stock
men should not fail to come and
take lessons that will be very use
ful to them in breaking their colts,
lie lias had large classes in Walla
Walla, Yakima, Ellensburgh and
other places, all being well satisfi
ed and endorsing his system as the
best they have ever ssen, rb it saves
time and avoids danger to man and
bea t. He carries all las own out
fit, large tent, portable corrall, and
teams, training cars, wagons, etc.,
and two men will break bands of
horses on ranches for S5 per head
and guarantee them kind and true
to work in any way. E. ()., July
13, '89. Prof Keen is now in Hepp
ner, and will remain till the 30th
inst. He has a reputation as a
horse tamer, and those desiring to
acquire that art should not fail to
take lessons under the Professor's
system. Remember that lie will
give lessons from the 21st to the
30th inst.
To Floor Masters. We, undersign
ed, intend to he at Heppner with a lot
of well bred Merino rami for sale, on or
about the 1st day of October. Orders for
delivery at Heppuer at that date are re
spectfully solicited, aua win ut"u"J
attended to. Address
. John Minto,
' ' . Salem, Or.
male Specialist. Has praotieed on the
Pacific Coast for the past twenty-five
years. A life time devoted to the study
of female troubles, their causes and
cures. I have thousands of testimo
nials of permanent cures irom mo
people on this coast. A positive guar
antee to permanently cure any case of
female weakness, no matter how long
standing or what the stage may be.
Charues reasonable and within the reaoh
of all. For the benefit of the very poor
of mv sex who are suffering from any of
the great multitude of ailments that
follow in the traiu of that terrible dis
.,... i,..,n uj female weakness, and
, m.l,l ro iiiiv for treatment, I
will treat fre.s of oh.irgo. . Coiiiiiiltiiti.in
v si r.-r.u A II riiirresiK udenee strict
ly eoulidential. Medicines pacluj,
boxed r."'l scut by expriss
with charges pre-paid --for "home
treatment, with specific iliicctlous for
use. If you are suffering from any fe
male trouble, periodical ly or constantly,
East Portland, Oregon.
Having added steam power and having all tho facilities of the best
mills, the supply will at all times equal the demand.
Mill Feed
Flour $;i50
per barrel
$15.00 a Ton.
18.00 a Ton.
arrel lots; single
in 0
When you come in for your full supplies, call
for Sperry's Flour. 4
B. SPERRY, Proprietor
Consumption Spthtly Cured. To the
editor: Please inform vonr readers that I
! T hum A nodiiivA remellv for the alKlve !
named disease. Uv its timely use thou-1 neari uisease ueveiopeu oj moueiu
sands of hopeless cases have been per-' civilization, and is increasing to an
manently cured. I shall be glad to send ; alarming extent. Let him who suspects
two bottles of my remedv free to any 1 tlie existeuce ot this cause of sudden
of yonr readers who have consumption 1 death take Da. Flint's Remedy, and
if they will send their express and post let all persons read his treatise on
office address, T. A. SLUCUM, M. C. 1 "Heart Disease," which will be sent ou
LSI Pearl et New York, X. Y. i application by Mack Drug Co., X. Y.
WW -2
Oils! -Oils!! Oils!!!
All Kinds of Oils for Threshers,
Headers and all harvesting
, Machinery.
Greatest Variety I
BestQuality, LowestPrices.
Come and See Them at
A. D. Johnson & Co.
Hardware, Tinwar
1 v. 1
MAT. lltllEHUR
A Specialty ! !
And Piping: always
n iP9TllTP.W9Pft
lJ l III II HIV) Ul UlllllV II Ul V)
Wood and Willow Ware,
Ui1 Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma-
Klines nnd n complete line of
Groceries and Confectionery !
Althonuh Charley Kimsey was releas-1 The Gazette has taken Home paina to
ed this morning by verdict of jury, be is give its patrons an advertising medium
not clear of trouble, tere beiuif another for Lon? Creek and surrounding conn
charge against him. This ease was con- I try. The enterprising business men of
tinued for term last Thursday and he has ; Heppner who talk through the Gazette'd
given bonds. columns to those people will get trade.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be moet beneficial to the
human system, forming the ON LY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
t Sak Fsakcuco, Cal.
Lotjism.it, Kr. KaiVoaic, N.V
' Custom Work
Opposite Hotel,
v ill 1 1
iiis k m
I licpiiiiinff Neatly Done. '
Heppner, Oregon.
7;: A IIOiiSK
ivol well wJxml shod by
b MU c
Gene vnl 1 1 1 ficksrn i i 1 1 s tSL- 1 1 i c 1 s.
,i- "
Mil 84.00 per Spau after la 1st, 13.
Matlooli Coi'llcr. TT rs.ill Btroot, Hoppner, Or.
- -A.T E..I. SLOOUM'S-
You will find a Complete Supply ol
Di'iii's, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Glass,
Dull., Key M and Imported Cigars I :
A Complete Line of School Books and Stationery. Free , -
exchnnge on National Headers. f
Tlao Flueiat and 3Vtot Complete -'tr-oli of
Gold Pena In Eawtorii Oresi
Prescriptions Filled
Ijeezer & TUompaon corner, : : : Main Streot,
W. A. KIUK," " " "j.C HAms
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs; and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First- 81
class Harness Shop.
Repairing; Speoirilty I .
lectecTbyli personal inlspection of th c. goods! IDont forget to attend the
Keep Coustatly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle !
(So to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five yeare. Don't bny elsewhere till you examine their machines and
get cash prices.
opening.; Watch for it.