THE GAZETTE. HEPPNES. THURSDAY. Sept. 19, '89. QUITE SIGNIFICANT. Individuals, as well aa news papers, should be judged in future nutions, by the past and present. When an out and out enemy sud denly becomes solicitous for the general welfare of a town, there is a motive back of it. Such a thurub-pnper, is the Lexington Budget. It is needless to say that the Gazette has always labored earnestly for the general upbuild ing of Heppner and Morrow coun ty. It has the moral aud physical courage to "hoe its own road," when it is right, and does not mis take patting on the back and the injunction to "uive tnem u , Johnny," for real courage. The Budget's "Significant Verdict," of which it speaks as having so many Wonderful meanings, really sums up its proprietors as iguoraut fal sifiers. They cannot get around that fact. Ten men of their jury, boldly say so in terms not to be mistaken. Yes, it is a very "signi ficant verdict." It is to be regret ted that while they were delving so ieep for "peculations" in right-of- way matters and "depot ground ransactions," that they did not go leeper. Malice clothes their aints in spotless white, and the oasting thumb-paper grows elo- inent in its appeal under thestim dus of a "bond" courage. To fol ow an honest but an opposite nurse to their sheet, is sufficient o impute of the most unworthy lotivo, W. R. Ellis, Kufus Mallory nd in fact everyone who was uilty of the unmentionable crime f being on the other side of their arrow, contracted horizon. This is the "people's paper," ho gets so anxious for the pop lation of .Heppner in the last nine onths. They put not a dollar in ie railroad fund, and their solicit as regard for Ileppner's welfare . of quite recent origin. It is not !;oly that they ever aided by a ngle word to secure for Ileppuer good road to Long Greek, daily mil facilities and prospective fire rotection. It is not likely that hey ever did anything for Ilepp- except to tear it down. Busi- S3 men should know ' -iieir lends, but do they? iiegantieMoiuw poUrooner -.. the part oE e GjUiKTTE it HtiU .u;tsa9 $G 000 plftn. in yonr 1 , and is laboring inoessantly .1 the good of Ileppnor and MorT r ...... ii f ii ? w county, and lias every evi i'ucq to believe that the people pprecinte it, judging from this poltroon" sheet's growing busi ess. It does its work as a plain tity, and not in the sense of a raggart. What Heppner needs nd must have to succod is tumn nity. This is no time for- cat awing. The advautages of Ilepp ot are second to none of any town a Eastern Oregon, and now is the i rue to do our hard work. HE WOULD' S JSXPOSI. tion of mm. Chicago wants the World's Ex i osition of 18U2 to tak place at leir city, and the press of the Pa ine coast have been unanimously .licited to go in for Chicago." o cheque accompanies that re uest of this office, nor does their rcular set forth any particular vantages not enjoyed by one or . tore cities of the Pacific coast, ho generally are compelled to be itisfied with the "leavings" of the eody Eastern cities. This is the glowing way they uch th matter up; "Chicago nuts the exposition, because her ' tizens will see to it that the itousands of foreigners coming are impressed with the beautios, realize the wonderful resources id comprehend the amazing owth of the west, the north-west a Boufch-west, the south and the tcific Coast States. We would t be conteut to have them go i-ay without visiting our sister .ties. We would have thorn ob rve the possibilities of the south, halo the ozone of the Empire ate of Texas, and gaze on the ituresque grandtur of Califor t and the Yellowstone; we uld not have their range of vis ion confined to Long Island, the rooklin Bridge and Ceutral I'ark, it would have them inspect our ines, take them through our fuo ries, over our farmB, show thorn e stock, our " fields, our i:i:plo ents, our graneries uud our for ts." i essential to good health; but tit this - ason it is often lost, owing to the pov i ty or impurity of the blood, derange- eut of the digestive organs, and the eakeniag effect of the changing season. ood's Harsaparilla is a wonderful med. ine for creating an appetite, toning the : gestion, and giving strength to the - bole system. Now ie the time to take ' Be sure to get Hood's Sarsuparills. Watch this TFOM LONG CREEK. Uve Notes feme the Eaalc, the Riprfwr.tatiTO qfihe Keimlilie'i Interests. On one day of last week, Nate Gerking, of MidiUe Fork, was working with a fanning mil), ami wiiile cleaning the screen accidentally run n copper wire into his little finger, The wound teiug very slight, nothing wan thought of it at the time. Soon it bgati to give him pain, and in a short time he was in a delirious condition. All was done that could be thought of to relieve him but at last accounts he was no better. It is thought that he has blood poison aud if this be the oase, Nate may have a pretty hard time of it. Grunt Comity to-day has several mines in operation which are producing unite a ijnnutity of valuable fjnnrtz. Al though dry weather is not suitable to those in the mining business, the, yield now is sufficient to pay to keep them in operation. As it is now, the mineral wealth of our country is not known, hut when fall rains begin ;ind tbero is suffi. cient. water to carry on this business, Long Creek will be visited more fre quently by persons mriug gold dust as their sptcie. It is an nbeurd idea that many people have got into their heads, especially from adjoining sections, that the mines of Grant county are all tulk. Time is all that is required to develop that interest, and h hen onoe perfeotly developed, it will be found that this section of Eastern Cregou will equal any part of the state iu that res pect. On last Tuesday, Deputy Sheriff' Bade was m Long Creek and gave an acoount of a shooting scrape which took plane near the line between Crook and Grant County. Mat Flarty was herding sheep for M. J. Manning, and in a quarrel which occurred between the two, Mann ing shot Flarty twice, and then sworeout a warrant for his arrest before J. V. Waterman, justice of the peace iu the Rock oreek precinct, ohiirging Flarty with nil assault with intent to kill. Deputy Sheriff Eads was ordered to bring Flarty to Canyon City, and after a search found him in Wasco county. Manning and other wilnesses were sub pojDaed and while the grand jury was handling the oase, a Crook oonnty offi cer arrived with a warrant for Mauningi who was charged with an assault on I'larty with intent to kill. Manning was immediately placed under arrest and takcu to Frineville to answer to the charge. This being done Flarty was released. HOME FIGURES. , ' Councilman Will Morraw fur uishes this paper with a reliable estimate of what is needed for water works and coBt of same. Pipe 4, (i, 8, 10 and 12 in., d.0' f , Sixteen Anti-freezing h One flue Worthin-' J(lrnut9 r. . .. ion stoam pump. One autonis " 1 1 Forty ' ..ic uijeotor. . uorso-power boiler with trira- min' One heater. A brick pump house. llosurvoir, cost ol same, $1,080; i.e, 1(10 x CO feet on top; 915 x 50 feet ou bot tom; capacity, 425,000 gallons. The total cost of same, iucludiui; well will run up to $lb,000, and in the event that n strong nrtesian How is seaured dispensing with pump and power, the eont will ho considerably loss. Mr. MorT row'g figures nro taken from linker City's system which suits our boys in every respect. It must be remembered that this estimate means the complete cost when completed. A good system of water-works for Heppner is elieap at THIS BEST ADVERTISING. The most ellioient advertising iu be half of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that which comes from the medicine itself. That is, those who are oured by it, sponk to friends sull'oring similarly, w ho. in turn derive benelit und urge others to try this successful medioiuo. Thus tho circle of its popularity is rapidly widening from this cause alone, and more and more are becoming entliusiasito iu behalC of Hood's Sarsaparllla as it actually dem onstrates its absolute merit. All that is asked ot Hood's Wursuparilla is that it be given a fair trial. It you need a good I iiumi jjiii mui, or imuuuig up uieuioine, try Hood's Saisaparilla. TAIIiOltlNlt. I have opened u well-appointed tailor ing establishment iu my new build ing on Mtiy streot, uud uin now regularly receiving new goods uud will make cus tom made punts from $7 to Hflo best goods in the market. A. Ahiuhamhii:h. wiiun vnLf. it Mat Wliloh ll the fairest, a ross nr Hlyf Which it th swwtc nt, ,,,h oi a poarl Dora li r-utle su.l fiir. 7 k,r wwt m a ttoirer - in r fao whan 1 UmU (hove la the runnuiet ui d .lory of Ufa.) MlllT. my playmate, I lo a '"like a Hilar ' v..wwv wji I J will, iiiu ia riani, joirir man, marry you lova. by all me, if .ha mil V man, marry tha rlrl Should hr h.-allh boeoino dalloata and hw iay you. trnauty laiw alter marnaire, rrniemtwr that vivkuewv. ni-.ulajiti.M, or painful dlior. V" j "a i inn uiolial malurhanoaa. dra peoutlar to i.ra paouuar u Uer mx. In tho cure of which aed to iv aHiialiii Mon, or mouay refunded. Boa tho printii wrtiQci.te of auarautaa od Pottia-wraiHr. ror ovarworkM. "woni-eut," "run-down," doliilitalyd toachfra, mlliinera, draaamakrra. aamatrMaea, "ahop-ltlrU," houakaarZ Buraiw mother, and fmbla womon ninaiv ally, Or. Plrnw'a Favorlta Praanrlpuon It tha ti-aateat earthly boon, hi-Ine unajiualad aa an appetiiini; cordial and i 6v toalo. or atrviujth -ivcr. CopyrUjht, 18, by woatn'a pit. Han. Aai'a. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS rerulato and eleneso t)'. liver, momaoh and bowela. 'Jliry Mil purt'lv ycrautila and pr foctiy harinlcM. One a bwm. Scad br drug;. tttiu ariii. SCHOOL TEACHER. WANTED. District No. 10 is greatly in need of a teacher. Any one desiring bih u po sition, should apply to Hiram Tash, Hardman, Oregeou. 8t 37 42- for Mrs. S. P. KEftTT,AR RES.iTON OF HK.FPNF.R'S ! ro 'rrr, I Water Matter riwii'.Med mil tin .Arii.tii Tnken - t h. f'h Means nitgft;ei'.4. Tiiernncii was c;l!.;d to order by the Mayor, all eonaoilmeu b-ing present eieeut K. h. Matio. k. Sever;:! jaterrst ed tvtizeim were el-to prv-'eut. AK-er reatKng imuot'1 of ptevioiiB me'i:iK, the report, of tliee.'.u,nii;fce, xcut to examine t'.iker Cilj's water works, Willi read a.ul ulopted. tt is i,s ftiiiown: To H a lion. Mayor and ccim il ..! the town of Heppn.;!-. Ve your ere. mi: lee, working under instruotioiiF, hc-g to rupurt that wo have fnliy esanuiu'tl the water s,vste;u ,f Ba ker Oily, supplied by artesian wells, and iu our opinion consider it firs! e!;i-w in every s.veef. .- Onr.ricilmr.n. .1. W. -Mohhow, W. J. MuAtisk, Mayor Hhnr? Bi.ackman. Couuciltuau Morrow commented on t:w plan of bormg for aitesean water and made mi estimate of cost of some, which amounts to about SlC.t'WO. Mr. Morrow is an enthusiastic worker in water matters, anil gave the council a plain, practical talk which ciated. appro- Contractor Chas. K. Beckwitfi made a statement of lib proposition to the conn- j oil, and on tr.otiou the same was aoeept- ed. J By motion a vote of thanks was tend-1 ered to the Mayor McCord, of Baker City, for courtesies extended to the council's committee while visiting that I town last weeje. i Conuoil adjourned to meet at T::j() o'olook Monday evening. EVENING SESSION Counoil met pursuant adjournment. Mayor Blackmail aisd all couucilmeu preaeut except councilman Matlock. Bills allowed; H. Heppner, $25.00. H. Blackmau, OJk). Exiienses oom. to Baker City,. . 100.00. Night watch, 37.50. On rnotirn, tl,o M. .! i. I " u1" "u nuuoruer were authorized to siu the contract for boring an artesian well as drawn by the Recorder in behalf of the city, aud the Kecorder was authorized to atlach the seal of the towu thereto. Henry Heppner, Esq., havimr gener-' ously ollered to douate to the town 30x 50 feet on the south-west corner, lot 6, in block 3, original town of Henpner, Oregon, on motion tho council noeentedl the generous ofler and the Recorder w ' luswueteu to enter into the minute of the council a vote of thank') foe U', grin- orous donation, xh'j contrft'5 ging an urte-'n w.e for li- made and signed b.V -uU parties , 'J)rii!ed, VjOV ...i: k REDEMPTlOy ()F MORROW COUN TY SOKIP. Notice Is hereby given that there iB money (Q hand iu the treasury of Mor row County to pnv thefollowingdesorib ed warrants, to-wit: - i mi 1KM llWll 111117 ! I Mid ran am hi autu ami IS'il 1KSH ai5i antii IMIII tusnl lr.a 1WII 1HS7 15151 17H3 Kilkl! nan J Hi Hi 10-15 an lMrmi null 11I4S IShlt aiisn aian 18111 ai a 157 112 air.H an in aim ami UM7 mm Hill ism iiii I 'Jill i us I IWII 1K5II 1KI am: ami llffl lllll! anal aim' 3)50 iwi isaul HIIHI' ai-n I1MI 2141 1817 msi IS7SI Wit lllHli l'.WI' llllill I1WM I US aHw ana a in?! aw aiiw! 11 WW aus iu; IK11I am ii ami IH7I 107 Iniinil I l..,;t! am aiir.j. 11M jur.i aiir N. IS. This includes nil unpaid Mor row County warrants registered at the Treasurer's ollloe prior to the fitli day of October, 1888. Parties holding this scrip oau present it for payment. There will be no interest paid ou the above mimed scrip aftor date of this notice. Dated Ibis l'.l day of September, 18H0. Geo. NobijK, Treasurer of Morrow Co. THE ERA OE INVENTION. Ij. Vandorbilt, of Hog Flat, has aston ished the natives. He is a Missouriaii. Taking a gallon jug of whiskey he gent ly (inssed it cord through its cork, the cord dropping to the bottom of the jug. The twine was then introduoad into a watermolon vine, which iu the course of human events brought forth two wa termelons. When they were ripe, the jug was empty, and the whole commu nity had a regular watermelon drunk. KANDO.M KKUAUKS. Iiest stock of shoes and boots at Lich enthal's. The celebrated 1'. Cox shoes at Mat Lieheu that's. Job printing at Pendleton prices at the Oazbttk otlieo. A tine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., nt K. .1, Hloeum's drug store. Kasmus, the dentist, will till teeth, or extract the same iu a scientific manner. J. H. Hperry has second. hand grain sacks for sale -good as new. Call at mill. The Hiding, Morgan nnd Russell but ter at V. O. Miuor's. Mono better in the market. Seed rye, alfalfa, timothy, barley, wheat ami chop in large quantities at Collin A Mcfr'iu land's. Whou you are dry, go to Swagcart's for a glass of the celebrated Weiuiiard beer. Hy the quart or glass. The Heppner gallery is the plaoe to have your photo taken. Dop't forget it. Theodore Damier, proprietor. (hum A liuiuk. horse shoers: horses shod with new shoes all rouud after date for 81.5(1 per head. IS'eatHfoot harness soap, cleans, oils, blacks and polishes all at once. For sale b) Leezer & Thompson. Calfskin coats and vests, jtitft the thing for stockmen and those exposed to father, nt Collin & McFurland'a. Ojieenswureand glassware, at greatly reduced prices, foreasb at Oilliam A Cof fey's new huedware store. Oct their prices befora you buy. The latest in Indies' cloaks, jackets, ami wraps just in at Collin A MoO'ar limd's. liny eaily nnd get the choice selections. i'leuty of mill feed nnd Hour ou hand at Hperrv's Holler Mills. Flour iu live barrel lots, M.fiO; simde barrel, We muke specialty of gents' tine clothing, hats and shoes. If j ou ut something uew, go to Coffin mill McFar land's, the leaders iu Heppner. During the harvesting season, every rancher must have machine oil for his mower or header. The place to get the best is at Johnston & Sloau's. Roberts ft Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing iu the blacksmithiiig line that they are uot able to do. Gkkhkw. Infohmation All persous who have entered huui r who desire to enter bind, within what is know n as the railroad limits, will hiul it to their iu interest to call upon (. V. Ilea lit Heppner. Garrieues' o Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Bar aaparilla superior to all other medicines. j. ciiuiuir in cuinuinauon, proportion, ui uigreuients, y Hood's Sarsaparllla possesse me tall curative value of the s Y best known remedlesJr tir .ot the vegetable klng-jOVdom Peculiar In its c-O-Vtreneth and economy- V V'aijo,,, g saparilla lsfe'Zytlie only meal cine of which can truly besaloV 9 v'-OneHundredDoses Onerv Dollar." Xfnin.. .- OP larger and smaller bottles renillrfi nrttt. Hmuu j . r - uuon, ouu uu no5 produce as eood results n ni. Peculiar in its Hood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes cures hltul erto unknown, and has won for itself uie tuie oi "Tiie greatest blood purifier ever discovered." r x .-ujiarin us -goou name nome," tucre Is now Of TTnnfl'll Hgpnanntli. j Lowell, where )tQ than of T other hlnnA purifiers '5Pe!ul'ar 1,1 Its phenome- nai recora oi sales no other preparation aas rSJ ever attained such popu larity In so short a time, and retained ts popularity and confidence among all classes of people so steadfastlv. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparllla SoldbyallJmgglatii. fl;slzforfB. rreparedonly by C. I. HOOIJ & CO., Apothocarios, Lowell, Mass. iOO Doses One Dojlar SIGNAIi SEKV1CK KF.CQUD. 1 Csrat soia m nil For Week Ending Wednesday, 8t. n. Bate. Mtmn Turn. " Mux Min Bar Sunt. 12, 4u.i,o msn hii"-5 " is. s.yoo a'i.a,5 H. M &1 72.1.0 Sl.Otl tifvy " til). fu.on 4.mi ileitis IS, 2. 82.ui 4ii.n) -HO.atB i'. . Htm m u " I"., .W tO.lO 47 W 30. US A. Hhitk. PHAi'TlCAL, POINTS. i livery inhabitant of Lanl vailev uses eil her "88," "H. & H.'s I'rivate stock," or j "X. I'. C." brands of celebrated tohan jcos. II. I51ackm:in A Co. always have r,n Vin.wl n l,.r.,a t . "i. V .i. ' "I lot wnoiesaie and retail traue. It is a novel i lea to. bnve bare iloors when carpets can, be- purchased at H. Blackman & Oo.'s at such a low figure. "A gentleman. should have a neat, stylish hut to complete liis uostumo," said Mrs. Gallagher to her husband the other day, "ami I v at yu to go right down to H, B'.ackmnn & Co.'s aud get one,. They always have the lientest, oiienpes llnf best.'" I'oor baking powder is iu the market, '"''id it makes tho good housewife talk foreign lingo. She should always buy the celebrated "Condell Iii Can" bak ing powder at II. Blackmail & Co.'s, 24 ounces, at the low prioe of 50 coats a oan. Re sure to try it, and save mental worry and family ruptures. "The Pride of Heppner" refers to the spring-bottom, tailor-made the only stylish denim pants in Ibc market. They are made expressly for H. Blackman & Co. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OHice nt Ui Gramlt?, Or., Auk. 18. 'Hi). Noti; in hwoby rivoii tlmt tlio following riHinii Mettlor h;w tiled notice -f liis iii!ntioii to inuko tiiml proof in Huppori of him cluim, mill ilutt Huid proof will be mnd? beforo t lie eouniy clnrk of Morrow county, nt Jloppner, OrKon, fm t)ct, 5 1HW, viz: Hollen B. Thompson, DS. No. S1H(), for tliB BWVt NWK N'4 8W!i & NW-4 BKH B.)c 8, Tp. 3 H., It. 8hK W. M. Ho iuiiik'h tliu foiliwiiiK witneMrti'H to prove hiK contiiiuniiH rosidonce upon, mid cultiva tion of, mtid liii'd. viz: Ijouih K. Mol'linrrion & Jlton W.Donkof Hepp ner, mid Jtitntw D(in),;riri.v Jintl V. H. Onuhorty of Lfinu. Any pornoii who dr-Hiros to prntoM df?ainst, tlio nllowimcii of hucIi pnn-f, or wlio known" of (my snhHlfiiilMil rtnisi'ii, under III fiiw nnd the return- tioriH of tho Inferior Deptiriniont, why fliieh pr Hhould not. hfi (illowcd will hy mven an opitr ttmitvat (tio ahovn ineiitionofj time nd oIhc' to croHM-thxriiniii'i tlio witiiHni of Wtid clainiftni , and to offer evidence in of thnt KubmiL tod bvcliunuuit, S;iT)Ai) Hen by Uin an ant, Henitstr. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land OfHof. Iinfirnndp, Or., .Inly 31, 'HP. Notice in hereby nivtm tlmt the roIiowiiiK-naini'd Heltier Iihh tiled notice, of lih intention to make tiiiiil poof in mipport of bin claim, Arid thai nald proof wiil b inwio btf re the ctiunty clork of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on 3ep tenibor 14, via: Patrick Quaid D.S. No. (Ur0 for tlm N4 NKVi MX! l!l r.nd NVV4 Hoc-i2 TpSlH li 'a7 K, He milium tho following witnnsns to prrvo hincoMtinuoUH rtwidenco upon, and oulti vatitm of, waid hind, viz; Johnny Klder. H. P. Florence, (J.W. Ufa, J. W. Morrow, of fleppiior. )ro. Any pernon who tleninw to' protest uainnt the allowance of Hiich proof, or who known of any HiiliHlun! ial reason, nndoi the law and tin) remila tioiiH of the Interior Department, wliy wneh proof Hhonki not be allowed, will be fjiveu an opport u. nityattlut above-mentioned tinit' ami plaijo to croKH-cxiunint) the vvituenseH of Haul chiiniaul and to otTer evidnncu in rotmttal of that HubmitteJ by oiaimaiit. Allen Wallace tako wpocial notice. JlKNHY lilNKUAUT llerrinter. NOTICE OF INTONTION. ljand Oftice atlia (imndi Or., Auk- M, 'ifll. Notice m hereby uiven that tliu ftUovin named net tier ban tiloil noticw of his intention to make final proof in (tup port of hit claim and that Hnid proof will bn made before the uounly clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Ileppuer, On tron, on Oct. I"', 1H81, via: John S. Chitty. I. S. No. HIM), for the lots 2, 8 and 4, aud the 8WV4 Nil',. ISee. 8. Tp. 8 H. li. 5!8 K. Jle names the followinw; witueMHca to prove hiH cotilinuoHft reHidenco upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: titv. W. McUarnue, John Uyland, .lamed Kl liot and lieu Kopine, all of Ileppuer, Or. Anv oerDon who deiren lo urotHrit HUfiint the allowance of Much proof, or who known of any bulmtuntial reanon, tinder tho law and the reula-. tioim of the Interior Department, why m'ch proof nhould not lie allowed, will be niven u oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and lilace to croHc-exuiuiiic the wituenser of naid claitiuiut, anil- tier evidence in rohultfd of th it ubiiutted bv I claiinaut, ! NOTICE or INTENTION. 1,111 Olfioe at The DiiIIoh. Or., ept. S, Notice is hereby uivon that thefol owinKiwune HCtller ban tiled notice of hie intention to make tinal proof in support, of hit chum, and that taid proof will be made before Uu eouuly indue of Morrow comity, at Hepp ner, Or-, 0:1 Oct. 21, 1889, viz: Justus Ben man, lid. No. 4M fortheKKVMee. 4. To. J. S.- li. 2ri K W. M. He iiameH thefol owii'tf witnesnes U nnive hit conumumn reMiiience upon Haul land, viz; I Vukiviition ot, r rank (Joble, Wuliam Ilarton, (ieo. Blupl Slid Kntuk lii'iitry.itll of Ht'PI'ilH'. Or. V. A. lUouonau, ItftfiHter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. . Laiul Offiro nt The Kullos Or.. St pt. 13, '89. Notirtutt hprt'bv Hivt'n tlmt (he ftilUtwIiic- liHim'il ttt'ttlt'r litis tittMl ntttit'e of liin uitt'iitiou to ir.tikt' liiisl pi'ttttf in Huppttrt or iMHPlltilll. tilltl th.'il tttiitl prottf will Ik intuit" ht'f.M'e thtt ctmrtly it'rh ttr Morrow iMunlv. at neimiitr. uv.. tut Oct. 'JS, 111, via: Thotnns I.. Iiuektey j 1VS.6ST.7, fertile NKsei'lion it. Tp. 3 8, It 91 K. W. M. Hit luuntttt thp ftillttwitis wittutssptt lo prove hit ciiimiiut'iiH rcnitti'uce upon, rtutl ctlltiviitimi of, I itsitl hint). vi: ilithn Wiltinnhtiiii. .laniei l"i't art!. K. Kttkelstm, pf tloppner, Or. Dick U.iw. lloppner, Or. A. .MclloN U.P. Kkiustkk ftyt'-l r NOTICE OF INTENTION". 1 juul Office nt taMnuuItt, Or., Supt. 9. '99. Ntttit-tt in lioit'Pj sivttn that tin' fitllowitiK-imnietJ hat hletl mtticw ttf httr intttiitiun ttt unik- TxltMt: Mttrntw counts or in lint uneut'e Utttore tin" fletk of ttaitl coiuHy st llt.ppiter. llr., ou Oft. 'Ja. i l!vSt'',": 4 m ,w, . 1 ' : r . ; pound; mutton, S-per heail. LllN'!illv! 'V "S',f 'i,2"V,,t-;,a. FKRSl, MEATS. isiu uHuiMtiit fuliowmi(wiiiu'Sh(.(.uirovfer ! Loui eteftK, retail, lo cents per pound; cintiuuotti ixHltm'Atu,Ki., ami calnvtitivH. of,; rrtitiut stoak, tvuts; roast, 10 onts; "n! .i,.h w,m,9. w. i.,,. My bo.6. 5, Mutwn, UH Tillarvt, of iloppiu-r. Or. j eont, oost quahty. allowuiiopofKUohimHif, or who know of any! tiKSH Kl,ir- au'wttnntitU nisou, unti.T th- Uw (OkI tho rtsuUu t Aiiii!Aiv lMlt litr lh Dlnma tum of Uio Int.-ri.-r IMMirttm.ut.wl.yMu-hprwf 1 AVPIe9 - Ct ,US Ter piUHW, a turn It I not ht ullowtst, will imgivmi hu op.triu-, cents; peuclio, 8 cents, inly tit th hIhivo itnltoniyt nmt nUft ta , .. oro.H-Hxinnim thtt witiifvHi1 of nnul emimRi't, i WiJfRAT. trt&'&ZS!!" NmWX M"b",U ; Wheat, 45 to 53 cents per bushel, 3,-uMi Hksut Uisihaht, Htiiisttjr. tsaeked. pening of fall aud Wintler millinery. r. r." isnw Buy Your Cloaks Til! You Have an Op ' portunity to See COFFIN & McFAR LAND'S f THEY SELL TDK Spriif r llfos, You Arc Sure to Their Rendy-marte Clothing Coinfc Direct From New York. They liny iu the Cheapest Market nwl can Afford to Besides These Fall ami IVinter 8 peeiulties, They have an End less Variety 'of Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Harness, Saddles, Quirts, Chaps, Spurs, etc., etc. There is no end of . goods in their STOCKME Can Buy Anything and Every Line of Supplies at MAIN HEPPNER, C. M. MALLORY, May HF.PPSEH, Street, Netirh) Opjiom'te - Maiiufafihirar F URN ITU RK, Ml Bedding, -Also 1880 MODEL WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For Cash. -r- :o-fo: r UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. COMING ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAIN ! IV, h liindFi-lllviiiiikii nlL IIU iviuivi xavjiivM vi i. j i III lJM 1 1 OF THE UNIVERSE J'tisfc Li'oni Over Tiie Sea ! ;rnii(t Austrullun ' AND AlcMA f I Grent VVorKI'ai WIIjIj EXHIBIT "Now tliiil the two best ciroeses tlmt ever Mexico have oonsoli (hitei.l for a iour of Amerion find Europe lira J o b n 11 1 b n n and Cousin John will soon revel in anianin-r eireus surprises." Two Republics, City of Mexioo. wn1 Heppner, Friday, September 20. Introducing the an tire Force and Para phernalia of two of the greatest circuses of the period. Full 10D Peerless, Arenic Meteors. The Laurel Crowned Male and Female Champions of two continents in friendly rivalry nt eaeU aud every entertainment. Over 500 Famous First Time Fo reiirn Feats and Features, impossible to dupli cate and never seen with other shows. 10 Great Bareback Hitlers. . ti Russian Athletes. Vi Marvelous Double Somersaulters. One ticket admits the holder to the illuminated posters, lithographs, programmes and the various advertisingmediums. TWO GRAND EXHIBITIONS DAILY. DOORS -OPEN AT 1 AND 7 P. M. PERFORMANCE 1 HOUR LATER. Will also exhibit at Wallula, Sept. 19; Arlington, Sept. 21; The Dalles, Sept. 23. Fine Sheep. - Having purchased the Peterson band of thoroughbred Hpnnish and Merino ewes aud bucks, I am nre pared to furnish sheepmen with fine stock sheep at low figures. I have also a lot of excellent grale bucks for sale. or prices or terms, aimress or can on i 0. W. Conoer, Sit. Long Creek, Or. See samples ot work done by the Heppner Photograph Gallery at the City Hotel and A. 1). Johnson A Co.' drug store. Gallery opposite Gazette otfiVe. , m.UvKet"keport. paiiiy rnoopirra. Butter, gilt-edged, 25 cents. KOtlS. Ejws from l(-$ VEOETABLES. Now potatoes, lls cents per Iti. pornTRY. Chickens, $3 to per dozen, according to size. FLOCR. Sperry's best grade of Heppner Hour, 5 bbl, SO "o per hbl ; retail, Si.tKl. Wmtebur rerle, flonr, in any 41110111 . LIVE STtK'K. Good beef oaitle, 2 to 2li cents per (IiaEP.RATED Tailor-pe m 'I i Get a Neat Fit.j in the ii i my STREET, OREGON. Minor, Dodxtrn it- Co.'s .Store, OREGON of aatl Deulor in- .irrors, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc For Sale- mm mm. "We oeho the senti ments of the vast au diences iu attendance a'Farini-McMahon eironsfor the pest three ilays in pronouncing the performances, for their artistic daring and exoollcuoe, far in advanoe of any bereto "ore seeen in Chicago." Chicago limes. 8 Surprising Aerialists. 4 Celebrated Equestriennes. 6 Phenomenal Bounding Jockeys. 8 Amazing Acrobats. Many Wonderful Gymnasts. (! D.iring Charioteers. Wrestlers, Tumblers, Leapers, Kto. 10 Unique Pantomimists. 5 Renowned Yoltiijuers. 10 Fininv Clowns. A Heries of Thrilling Acts and Feats entirely uew to American audiences. tw o Great Shows. For particulars see C. M. Mallory. at the old stand of Kirk & Youuggren, is now prepared to make (o order screen doors, tables, cup boards, Hour chests, or any artiole of furniture out of the regular line. Fram ing of pictures a specialty. PUBLiC SALE. We will sell at publio nuetiou at Hun saker & Long's stable, in Heppner. Or on the 1st day of October, 1SSS), to the highest bidder, ten bulls, cows and CHlves, all thoroughbred short horn Durhams. This will be a good chance for stock men to improve their herds Six months' time will be given on all. sales with approved security. G. W. Eba, S12 Ol. W. R. Ellis fta have the Exclusive Control ot IS" O N L Y !' a.r.1 a z t- u X u. O 0C Ill so c E N T B lb Am, eWt tin to olftr a prt t H (Mi Goodi, A BIST HD. Emry Cm lKt4 ONE AMD GHE HALF POUNDS. H, BLAGKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. Cloaks Li H i D y-..-iiRUUfc.-J W -AND EXUMINE Gilliam & UB 0 U V r inn ii own ma ai urn u STOVES ! Next Door to HEPPNER -Successor to Minor, Dodson & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS,h CLOTHING, Gents' lt t i'i i i ,s 1 1 i x Goods, Hats, ess Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD WIIvLOW WARE, agrioultu1ul i m plkm ents, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns. Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usually kept in a first-elass store, call on W. O. MINOR. MAY STREET - HEPPNER, OREGON. 1 ITS l- IMPOM Hm AND FAF Front, First and Vine Streets, Solo Agents for Oregon DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. Single, Double, or Triple Furrow. They are so simple and come w near absolute perfection, that thoaa waa have used them ttr seen them work can not say enough in their ptaiM. Wo tutniah tfaem with or without seat attachment. Stmt attachments ate extra DEEBE POWEB LIFT SULKY PLOWB. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Buckeye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Uimm. DEERE'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS The latest Improved implement for sowing summer fallow. The most complete and successful toot Cor tha purpose in use. We also have B foil line of Baggiea, Carriage;, PhnetonK, UoBntaUai Waaana. l'lutforui aud other Spring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Lawrence ft Chapin's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Hills, PaoiSo Fanning HUla, HWSH BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. SKVP FOB SPFMAT, CtBCTIjABS AVD PBICI Llt NELSON JONES, Pres't. MORROW III (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents. The- Company has recently constructed a tivo-storu warehouse bUx liX) feet, with wool press and all con veniences for handling wool. The Warehouse Cha V$P8 fit, ITptmil P7 Hull h ilia oyivii as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon oaled wool frm. ITpmmert o,. rom Arlington. i ash aavancea upon consignments of wool or wool in, storage. TIIERON E. GO hv tin M I VI i 111 UK. REA'S RESTAURANT. Newly Furnished Throughout. Sample Room for Commercial Tourists Next Door. Her stock is Coffey's M mm auk Building OREGON. WV S MACHINERY, Pcrtland Oregon. nnd Washington for E. R. BISHOP, Treai. Ill CO. FELL,, MANAGER. 0 TO iv u n mr uuuiv m) mum 'i . ' . J.' t.1 " . V. A i If t;:,' ,:tft' tto. liS i v If 1 nn 1 1 ao in uiu mm carefully Se- i