Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, September 12, 1889, Image 3

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HEl'PNEU. TU"i:: ;i.'AY. Sept 13, '.
'lruinn im the Willow ('
ami leavft tli( (lilf"i-';it
tiundto'B, km follnWH:
tf.'tHTM"iiit) 7
i'k llranrh firiivf. n!
uitiiuii (iiuly, excii!
" No.TilMilwT)
6:31 P. M. Ar.
510 ' "
2 :W " " IiV.
11:40 " PM Ar
lU-Wn:r. Lv. 7:43. M.
1.. " B:S
" WW" "
Dwliirlnss. " B:-M" "
I'wi!'-, (1:4(1" "
illn i unction" 10:HU " "
Arlris'.i:-!. Ar, 2iJ " "
l'..rl!;iml l.v 7:45 " "
Northern Pacific train ciik leave Arlington
daily 2:2(1 I'. M.; tiAv.g wi st. 10:15 A. M. Union
Pacific trains ,, 4:l'i A. M.;soin wt, UJ1U
V. M.
J, C. lUltT. Aont.
Staae loaves for Canyon City daily,
except Sunday, lit C :3l A. M.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
6:00 p. M.
There is it saving of 16 Injurs in time
and $10 in cash by taking this route to
C. W. L. .mlar & Co., fit, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., lire authorized to make
edvertiHiiit; contract for the Gazettk.
They will also make oolleotious for this
Here and There.
A. D. Johnson is iu The Dalles.
Mrs. Ben Emiick is visiting relatives
iu East Portland.
Miss Johnson, sister of A. D, Johnson,
is viaitiug here.
Johuuy Keeuey is over from Mayvile
visiting Lis relatives here.
J. F. Spray was over from the happy
Haystack region this week.
All who visit Heppner are impressed
with its life, push mid business.
Miss MagKie He i returned home lust
Mulisbiy lroui a vWt-t;.:t'iu JJiJIes.
.liss Edith "Vaughn, little daughter of
Br. B. b Vauglmn, i attending school
at Pendleton.
Misses Laura rud Lnra Williiiuhame
left last week to attend the Catholio
school at Pendleton.
A "short" foioe of prints this week
prevents this sheet from giving proper
attention to local events.
John Still writes tlia Gazutt Ihat Ids
ho is. very dry an d that the population
are rustling feci tor winter.
Mrs. Ben UunKiiker ami Mrs. Hays ao
oompauied .VI i.vs Alice Ooriielittuu to ber
bume iu the valley lust week.
The Gazkttis has this week received a
very neat ami complete oataluj,'c from
the nursery of Ciiiw. K Fell.
Orin L. Pultersou has purchased the
LoutfCreek faugh', root and branch, and
left last Monday lor his future home in
the Republic. -
The lecture was not delivered at the
Catholio church hint Sunday evening as
expected, owintf to the illness of Kev.
Eather U' Dea.
Fred Vnrney came up from Arlington
on Tuesday to visit Iriends here and
look after some nlfairs connected with
bis butcher business.
J. M. Buyer keeps the Golden Bnle
botel in Long Creek nud has Roud no
couimodations for gu..'sis. W'.ieu you
pass that way, call on him.
Mr. S. P. W. BiobarJisoii, pastor of the
Christian church at Centerville, will lo
gin's series of meetings in the Baptist
chureh at this place on Sept. Uo'th.
The Gazette is thankful for b compli
mentary ticket to the North Paci.Uo In
dustrial Exposition which will be held
at Portland from Sept. '2ti to Oct. '2t.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbary at the Har
disty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best iu the market.
Wni. Farrier is now located at Lnko,
Lake county, California, Heppner peo.
pie may have occasion to remember that
be, not long ago. resided in Morrow
couuty. ,
Frank McFnrland and wife are enjoy
ing themselves iu the Hood river coun
try. During his absence from Heppner
Mr. Arthur Collin presides over their
Heppner store.
At the foot racj last week, Henry
Welsh bad his pocket picked of an ele
gant gold timer and chain. At last ao
connts neither the lluef nor property
bad been heard from.
Another warning for unprotected
towns has come to hand in shape of a
destructive fire ut Linkville. We can
not get our sytem of water system in
operation any too soon.
The bond case, ns w ill be seen else
where, has been continual for term. A
speedy clearing up of ail matters relative
to the right-ot-way wouia seem tiesna
ble for all parties concerned.
This sheet acknowledges the reoeipt
of a complimentary ticket to the fair
which will commence at The Dalles on
on Sept. 24th, under the auspiees of the
Eastern Oregou District Agricultural
It is a matter of fact that our local ad
vertisers will get big returns by adver
tisers to some extent in the Long Creek
Eagle. Call at the Gazkttb office and
engage your space, pri punitory for the
fall trade.
At the regular convention of Doric
Lodge No. 2(1, K. of P., on Tuesday even
ing, Sept. 2, the following members
were chosen as representatives to the
Grand Lodge: H. Biaekman and G. W,
Materials are beiug placed on the
ground preparatory to the erection of
of the new bank building. When it is
completed and furnished, Heppner can
consistently boast of two as well-regulated
bnuks as may be found in the
Northwest. ,
Last week the shop received at the
hands of W. S. Perry, a box of choice
fnit, marked "Complements of H. C.
Thompson and wife;" and also Mrs: A.
J. Stevenfion brought in some champion
potatoes of the season, and to-day Mr.
A. C Petlys remembered us with . some
choice peaches.
McDufl'ee hot springs belonging to
W. M. Gilchrist, have been visited by a
number of Morrow county people this
year for healtu a well as pleasure.
Among those who have been greatly ben
efitted, we mention 11. E. Warren and
wife, Chas Chris, Mr Fuqua's little
daughter and Mr. Donaldson, all of
of Eight Mile.
Chas. Stultz got back to Heppner last
Monday nfter an absence of several
months. He assisted in driving Nat.
Webb's sheep through to Idaho range,
and while stopping at Boise, received a
telegram announcing th serious illness
of his father. He sint seve:al weeks
at bis old home, and says that crops
Were never better iu that country.
Let some live citizen circulate a peti
tion to the department relative to a
change in mail matters between Hepp
ner and Portlaud. At present there is
bnt little improvement over the days of
staging it, when our Portlaud mail came
in two days old. Hep;mer and all the
country depending "ii this route for
mail, might just as well receive it one
day earlier.
Makes tbe lives fif many people miser
able, and often lia is to self clitniotion.
We know of no reuifly for dyspepsia
more successful than Hood' Saisaparil-
la. It acts eontly, jvt surely nn.l effi
ciently, to'.ea ilii' si.iinaoh and other or
gans, removes tlie faint feeling, creates a
good appetite, cure liea litehe am) re
freshes tlie burdened mill 1. Oivell ood'a
Sursaparilla a fair tiiitl. It till do yoa
State vs. Snow & AVlutson
libel. Verdict of not guilty.
fndav evening, there were two mo-
j tious foi continuence in the case of the
I Stato vs. Charles Kimsey. Overruled.
ftaturJay morning the gram! jury
brought iu their riuul rep irt which is ns
In the circuit ooart of Oregon, for
Morrow county; Sept. term, A. D., '8'J;
iu the matter of the report of the graud
To the Houorable Circuit Court of
said oounty and state, the grand jury
empaneled and sworn ou the 2nd day
of September, 1889, would respeotfully
submit the following report:
We have been in session six days, have
round and returned into court three
true bills of indictment and three not
true bills.
In the matter of the county poor, we
fiud that only one persou is kept as a
county charge and we believe be is prop
erly cared for at as reasonable - price as
3uoh attention oould be procured. We
visited the various county offices aud
Suit them kept iu proper order, Bud the
books of the several otlicei'S neatly kept,
anil the accounts correct as we believe
from our investigations.
We visited the city jail and would re
poi t Ihat we Hnd the same deficient in
ventilation, ami would recommend that
it be improved.
The county jail we Had properly kept,
but believe that a high, tight feuco should
be bmlt around said jail at a distance of
12 to 20feet from the walls of the same,
that outside persons may be prevented
from c-numuuicatiug with piisoners
confined in eaid jail, and would recorn
menttlutt such a fence be built.
We would also reoommeiid that com
mitting magistrates place 'material wit
nesses under bond to appoar before the
grand jury in cases where parties are
held to answer, as many times com
plaining wituesses leave the state and
do not coutiute the prosecution. Hav
ing no other business before us, nor fur
ther recommendations to make, we
therefore ask to be discharged.
Dated at Heppner, Or., this 6th day of
September, 18SU.
WJJJuran, Foreman.
State vs. Kimsey. The following
were the jury:
W. W. Brannon, L. E. Arnutron.r?, A.
M. Markhara, C. M. Ilogue, Sam Mead
ows, D. W. Bowman, A. H. Hooker, H.
E. Warren, D. B. Hendricks, Fred Pop
pen, B. L. Akers and Eugene Meyers.
Saturday, T'nesday and Weduesiny
were occupied iu hearing this case.
Given to the jury ut 10 o'clock p. ni. yes
terday. Returned a verdict this morn
ing of "not guilty."
Court adjourned.
Heart disease is developed by modern
civilization, and is increasing to an
alarming extent. Let him who suspects
the existence of this cause of sudden
death take Du. Flint's Khmedy, and
let all persons read his treatise ou
"Heart Disease," whioh will be sent on
application by Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
The Fariui-McMahon show, which
will be with us at Hepptier on Friday,
Sept. 20ili, is highly endorsed by the
press everywhere it has spread its tents.
The Denver Xeies, July 10, says;
"The Farini-McM.ihon circus opened
their tent doors yesterdayafteruoou and
evening at Twenty-third nod Welton
streets to a vast concourse of people
The evening performance was especially
well attended, the audience being quite
a fashionable one. This ideal tquestri
olympiau is among the few legitimate
sawdust entertainments and is well
worthy patronage. The ring programme
is most interesting and varied. The ex
cellent circus entertainments arc from
necessity compelled to give a certain
character of eiitertainrajiit, and their
standard must be measured by the indi
vidual ability of the performers. By
this standard the show is away above
the average. The ridiug is excellent,
and the daring horsemen elicited hearty
applause. The acrobatic feats smacked
of foreigu training, impossible for home
talent ''.i duplicate. The slack wire
artist is the best that has yet visited
Denver, and her marvelous performance
last eveuiag won her hourly applause.
The programme was quite a lengthy one
and when oomploted the big crowd dis
persed more than satisfied with their
three hours of entertainment.
The company is a combination of Fa
rmi's Graud Australian and McMahon's
Great World's, and the excellent features
of both have been retaiued. Even the
clowns are of new make-up aud new jokes
and the antics of some are truly laugh
We, the undei signed jurors in the case
of State of Oregon vs. F. H. Snow aud
It. n. Wbitson, do hereby state that we
were fully satisfied from the evidence
in said case, that the notion of the
parties belongiug to the Morrow
Co. Land & Trust Co. were entirely prop
er and legitimate in their action iu the
matter, but as we believed that the said
defendents punished the article believ
it to be true, we found them' not guilty,
and we are free to say that the said
company's action in the matter of pur
chasing said grounds are free from any
thing of the character of "crookedness."
Signed. A. C. Pettys, foreman of the
Thomas Quaid, G. W. Stewart,
A. B. Mackey, J. W. Muir,
D. R. Jayne, D. W. Lipsoomb,
W. C. Metier, B. B. Mann.
At Wohk. On last Monday Mayor
Biaekman and Couuoilmen Morrow
and MoAtee left tor Baker City to look
over the system of waterworks at that
place. A telegram to this paper yester
day states that the boys are well pleased
with Baker's water system, and that
they are beiug fed on the best. It is
the intention to contract with a well
borer there to sink a well for Heppner,
being unable to secure the services of
Parkins Bros.
A Tbagkdy. About two weeks npo
there appeared a telegram in tbe Oregu
Hi'aii regarding tbe shunting of one Hu
mison, in tuo Colfax country, by bis
brother. We are informed that the
man shot is Nelson Hmuifion, who long
resided in Morrow county near Hepp
ner. Thia brothor became tury with
Nelson, so the story goes, Hoarding the
alledged mistreatmeut of an' annt They
were both working with a threshing
crew. The brother procured a Winches
ter rifle and Hhot Nelson dead.
To CoNSDMprrvES. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after suffering for several
years with a severe lung atfections and
that dread disease, consumption, is ani
ious to make known t his fellow suffer
ers the means of care. To those who
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure cure for con
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will oust them notb-
ing, and may prove a blessing, will please
address, Kev. Edward A. Wilsos, Wil
liamsburg, King's county. New York.
To Flock Ma8Teii8. We, nndersign-
el, intend to he nt Heppner with a lot
of well bred Merino rami for sale, on or
about the 1st day of Ootolier. Orders for
.lnll .. u,.. . ..... n, ,1..., ,i..,A nrA
spectfnlly aolic.ied.and will be carefully
T,...i...i , i.i.i
ct j,)HN jjlsTO
Wleui' Or
. ' '
Ploms For Sale.-On the Fuller
ranch, four miles from Heppner, at 1
cent per pound.
Tiiis f.iv? anil lleautifui Setfinn Yiaiteil liy
the liun-He Kttss.
Itiiwu hvre in bunchgrass, we are
wrestling with dust and swearing at bad
roads, all tin time believing that the un
fortunate(' d iuizensof the mountain re
gion are having a tougher time than our
selves. At any rate til is was the "jumped-up"
oouclusiou of the Gazette man,
without knowing anything about it.
A visit to that section last week re
vealed thoroughfares so much better
I hail ours that there is no comparison.
To be sure, they have had no rain for
some time, yet that dark, muck loam is
bringing out orchards in good condi
tiou, aud forms splended bottom for
roads. I heir fun probably .commenoes
with the fall rains, continuing till spring
time. Where such soil exists there is
sure to be mud.
The graders on the Heppner-John
Day road are well over ou this side of
Little Wall creek and are doing good
work, yet thev are not surpassed by the
force of rock-workers, who have made a
gradual and easy grade of the Leslie
Hill, lust this side of Monument, and
and are doing wonders for the Big aud
Little Wall creek grades. Takiug the
road in its present coudition, the purt
between Heppner and Haidmau is the
most dreaded by teamsters. Commis
sioner Sperry informs the writer that
tins part of the road will receive atten
tion as soon as the men oan get at it.
At Long Creek you bear but little of
tne Pendleton-Canyon City road. One
man said it might do the Creek some
good if it should be extended ou to that
place, bnt almost every oue h'iml met
talked of Heppner as their outside ship
ping and trading point. They all ap
preciate the work that Heppner has
doue for them in the matter of mail and
roads, and look forward to the time w hen
they will bo connected with Heppner
by a telegraph line. The proposition of
the Heppner aud Castle liock Telegraph
Company to build forty miles of line to
Canyon City, via. Long Creek, is meet
iug with much favor.
Long Creek has a good climate. The
water is pure and cold, aud yet i,t is the
most unpopular beverage in that coun
try. As a rule the average citizen goes
thoroughly . protected -in the
matter of poisonous insect
bites, etc., etc. Not many years ago, it
was a good, live snake oountrv, hut the
genuine article have gone out of bus
iness iu disgust and g'iven np the field to
its progressive neighbor the manufac
tured article.
The people of the Long Creek country
are generally of the plain, hospituble type.
Very little of this bund-box uud plug
hat aristocracy exists, and they seldom
trouble themselves about the general
rutike-up of the society rig.
Ld. C. Allen is preparing to bring luto
the town of Long Creek.pure, mountain
water, tie will have the system com
pleted by next spring.
E. O. Woodall has disposed of his sn
loou business to Messrs. Keeuey &
Seroggin, who will coutiuue to deal out
valley tan to the thirsty inhabitants at
the old stand.
Sam Clark has recently established a
blacksmithiiig business nt the Creek,
aud has a good prospect of doiug well.
II. G. Frakcs, of Fox Valley, threshed
over 500 bushels of wheat from 11 acres
last eek. The general average of. Fox,
Lung Creek and Pass oreek valleys will
uot come up to this .standard, yet the
crops are all reasonably good.
Dr. J. H. Fell is' the only physician a1
Long Creek, aud is building up a large
practice. Tue M. D. is liked generally,
and his practice will ooutinue to grow
w ith the country.
Chas. Tildeu and Geo. Lovelet are
looking after the Wall creek station.
They also keep n little "Bye by the
quart,' ana some tobacco nnd oigars.
W. Carin, of Monument, has a fine
stock ranch at the mouth of Cottonwood
aud being able to utalize the water of
that stream for irrigation, rafses almost
anything ou his ranch.
i'rv Wilson's ranch at the foot of
Leslio hili, looks prosperous, with a large
amount of hay for winter feed.
Hardmau don't seem to be booming
much, yet the business men there are ap
parently satisfied, aud will piok up more
business next year.
Ico Cavos, Cold Water, Forest Firos anil Good
Shuep Kunii;e
This is a fine country, aud here at the
foot of the huiie, old, snowy Monut Ad
ams, may be found fresh, cold water,
riitht from the snow.
I have often heard of the Cama3 Prai
rie near Mt. Adams, but have not been
able to fiud it yet, I find n Hat, low
oonntry covered with huge pine trees,
aud a few fanners here and there who
are working ont their best days digging
The ice caves and Trout lake are
great resorts. The ice oave is somewhat
ot a wonder. A hole leads down into the
rock, and goes some distance under
ground, then comes to the surface. The
walls are covered with icicles, and has a
Hour of solid ice.
Trout lake is a beautiful little body of
water out iu the mountain-!. It, is well
named, being alive with trout.
Mt. Adams received a fresh coat of
snow on the 27th, ult., which we are all
glad to see as it has checked forest
fires the menace to sheepmen who
keep their bands here during the sum
mer. Sheep are not doing well ou ac
count of the drouth. There are n great
many sheep in this section. Some are
camping away from wnter, and are com
pelled to carry water for camp use, driv
ing the sheep to water every two or
three days. I find it more pleasaut
tending camp here than in the far-fnm-ed
Blues. Wo are not often troubled
with grub thieves as they are in the
John Dav country. Most people see the
value of having sheep in the country, as
tlc y bring in money. .If it were not for
sheep-camps in the John Day, not a few
of the inhabitants would be compelled
to rustle considerably more for a living.
Yours truly,
I. S. r-TONE.
A Suudkn Death. Lettie, baby
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. (J. Sloan,
died yesterday of blood poisoning, su
perinduced by erysipelas. The death
was quite sudden, but few frienda of the
family being a ware of the illness of tlie
little one. Until lust Monday the child
was out on Mr. Hloau's Kutter creelt
ranch with the older members o tbe
family. Though she becuum quite ill
laid week, her condition was not consid
ered dangerous till last Sunday. She
was immediately brought home, and ev
erything poi-sible done for her, but with
out avail. The interment took place
Ibis afternoon iu the Masonic cemetery
at this place.
CossuMrrius Sdiiulv Ccbbd. To the
editor: Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use thou
sands of hopeless cases havo been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy fhkk to any
of your readers who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
ollice addrehs, . T. A. SLUCUM, M. C.
IHl Pearl St., New York, N. Y.
Lasd Contests Decided. The fill
i lowing laud decisions are for The Dalles :
district and the nanus of the success
ful parties are printed in capitals; Wm.
Chas. K. Tyler vs. N. P. K. K. Cash j
patents, No" lr4.
I lllp h,,fh("1 1'f3'tlon "' ' b
! universal acceptance and approval of the
! Ileaant liquid fruit remedy Syrnp of
I V,'tB' 88 "'e ra"st excellent laxative
I known, illustrate the value of the qual-
' itieg on whieh its suooess i bimed and
are abundantly ((ratifying to tlie Cal.
j t'ig Syrup Company. .
Best stock of shoes and boot.-, at Lich
enthal's. The celebrated p. Cox shoes ut Mat
Lichen tbsl's.
Job printing at Pendleton loicrs at
the Gazkttb ollice.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Sloeuiu's drug store
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same iu a scientific maimer.
J. B. Sperrv has seconu-haud grain
sacks for sah good as new. Call at
The Saliug, Morgan and Russell but
ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in
the market.
Seed rve, altalla, timothy, barley,
wheat and ohop in large quantities at
Coffin & McFarland's.
When you are dry, go to Swnggarls
for a glass of the celebrated Weinhard
beer. By the quart or glass.
The Heppner gallery is the place to
have your photo taken. Dor't forget it.
lheodore Danner, proprietor.
Guuu Riiark, horse sboers;
horses shod with new shoes b11 round
after date for 81.50 per head.
Neatsfoot harness soap, cleans, oils,
blacks and polishes all at once. For
sale bv Leezer & Thompson.
Calfskiu coats and vests, just the thing
for stockmen nnd those exposed to
weather, at Collin Ac McFarland's.
Oueenswnre and glassware, at - greatly
reduced prices, forcash at Gilliam &C'of
fev'e new baedware stcre. Get their
prices before you buy;
The latest in ladies' clonks, jackets,
and wraps just in at C illbi & Motar-
land s. Buy early and get the onoice
Plenty of mill feed and Hour on hand
at Sperry's Roller Mills.. Flour in five
barrel lots. 3.75; sinsrle barrel, 1.0(1.
We make specialty of gents line
clothing, hats and shoes. If yon want
something new. go to Collin mut McFar-
land s, the leaders 111 Heppner.
During the harvesting season, ever-'
rancher must have machine oil for his
mower or header. The place to get th'V
best is at. Johnston A Slnau's. n
Boberts & Simons are prepared bv re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blacksmithiiig line that they arc
not able to do.
male Specialist. Has practiced on the
I'acifio Coast for the past twenty-five
years. A life time devoted to the study
of female troubles, their causes and
cures. I have thous.iuds of testimo
nials of permanent cures from the best
people on this onast. A positive guar
antee to permanently cure any case of
female weakuess, no matter ho'.v long
standing or what the stage may be.
Charges reasonable and within the reach
of all. For the benefit of the very poor
of my sex who are suffering from any of
the great multitudes of ailments that
follow in the train of that terrible dis
ease known as female weakness, nnd
who are uuable to pay for treatment, I
will treat free of charge. Consultation
by mail, free. All oorrexprndence strict
ly confidential. Medicines packed,
boxed and sent by ' express
with charges pre-paid -for "home"
treatment, with specific diieetioun for
use. It yon are sintering from any fe
male trouble, periodically or constantly,
East Portlaud, Oiegou.
KtliSt'iie City.
Next session begins on Monday, the
loth of September, 1889.
Free scholarship from every county in
the state. Apply to your county super
intendent. Free tuition after Junimry
1, 181)0.
Four Courses:' Classical, Scientific,
Literary and a short English Course in
which fhero is no Latin, Greek, French
or German. The English is pre-eminently
a Bnsfuess Connie. For catalogues or
other information, address
,1. W. JOHNSON. President.
A public sale will be held at the. rmich
of iMoses uautwell, deceased, ou bepr. Zl,
188'.). The following property will be
sold at public auction: 1 stallion, 7
head of horses, 3 milch cows and calves,
8 head of cattle, farming inipleiueutsund
4i)0 bushels of wheat. All sums under
85, cash in hand; all overlhat, iL'months
time on approved notes.
J. 'A. Youno,
lit. Administrator.
From Monument about April 1, four
head ot saddle horses. One sorrel geld
ing, branded on shoulder, and ll on
hip. One gray, branded I- on ouch
shoulder. One small bay gelding, strip
in face , branded mule shoo. One sorrel
with four w hite feet and while strip in
face. Last seen in l'oiiiand prairie
about April loth. I will give 810 re
ward each for delivery or infoiniatiim
leadiug to their recovery.
Monument, Or.
T. E. Full, Aoest.
Will pay the highest cash price for all
grades of wheat at one and Douglass
stations. liiii.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficinl to the
human lystem, forming the ON LY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
t Sam Francisco, Cau
Loou.t, Kr. Nkw Vok, N. Y
For Ij.i -ttif s p'jru:t n
Coli-.n". I'ortla'.fl. Uxfvi
ill'. -- L I'.U-'.'f. suit-in. o,
ftame conr.- ot sluuiett
B;cii ik m, Ssorf ha ml .
i Typewritins, I'nmntiKhiw fi:.d
m-iit. Imv ai:l f v .mrK -- - t": ' '
miit-;1 at &y tisti'- for joint . .t l'.yi,
lniSii fSn-um ) Art t IMm -
' nt ;t'I-
r 11 V r Ti
. ?. i. il
! U,i- ' ! Bk.ii,
Heppner Feed Yard
I- the phtci; for Tei'.msters to stop.
1! .
Pree C fuelling: House.
C. A. HALES, Prop. Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon
Vice 1'irxidetit.
Pacific Fire
0'iiU'il Stock, $,"500,000.
O, L. Patterson, Agent, heppner Oregon.
Keeps oonstautly on hand all kinds
t3T Mill liooat. d at the Head of Willow Creek, lfi miles above Heppner. jJ
Twenty-ninth Annual Kxhibition at,
Salem, Oregon.
Commencing Monday, September 16, '89,
CoutimiiiiK ono wwk. u -gl'.T tin matiHfj uvumt of tlio
Ort;Km Htatti liourd of AsrientUm'.
Oil $15,000 IN
OHeivtl fen- A;;neultuml, WtK'k,'Biurj', find Mrrlmnkiil oxliiljitH,
fur winltH (if art mid funoy work, nnd for trials of Hpticd.
warn m mm m m m i
Important iiiiprovcuHMilr mwAo iv I ho jiromium Vint. Itcdun'd rntus
for futvrt and rnti(;litn on all (nmpportaiion liriis
lo nnd from (.lie fair.
ilny tieket
n'a dny ticket .
Nii il to the MfcrnLiry at iStilcin for premium list.
J. T. (iltKtal, Huevelnry.
Better and cheaper
into this
Having milled steam power ami having all the facilities of the best
mills, the supply will nt all times equnl the di'mnml.
Bran - . - $ 1 5,00 a Ton,
Mill Feed - - - 1 8.00 a Ton.
Flour $-'150 per barrel in 5 barrel lots; single
barrel $100,
When youconio in fur your full supplies, will
fur Sperry's Flour.
J. B, SPERRY, Proprietor
( i 1 1 c l a 1 1 3 1 i k s
J ';-'ecrrpAi uiUtiluH iUUU U ,ml PijiinK always
ffi VV tjo no t land.
JtLiV i FOR THE BEST MAKE Ymain htkkfa:
.w.J :
; Custom Work ami Kepaninj Noally Done. !
j Opposite Motel, Heppner, Oregon.
j. a iioksi:
! willl i'a vcl av'1 I wlicii shod hv I
rj:rAiiiiN(j mowers a specialty.
mmm ml m
MatlooU Ooriior, TVHtxlxx Etroot, Ilopimcr,
Insurance Co.
Fair !
j t'l'ii's wttsoll ticket...
.9 50
.$1 Ul
J. T. APPIOItSON. PrswiuVnt.
it. Hept. IS
than grades
lixl by
1 1 1 i 1 1 1 s Sj 1 1 1 i o 1 s.
afisi $m isi, l
Saw-Mill !
fe3 O
t '
a W
- s
Oils! Oils!! Oils!!!
All Kinds of Oils for Threshers,
Headers and all harvesting
Greatest Variety?
BestOuality, Lowest Prices.
Come and
A. D. Johnson & Co.
NS'l, 1 :
U 17 II 1 I f UllUllJi. KJ I I I tl III! 11 ' 11 Till I I II 11 II II 1 I II41 III I fill II III I
TOOLS lldlUUdlty I I1IU tllU, Ul(l!llHV(UC,
You will find ii Complete Supply m
Drills, I'atont Alcdiciiies, Painls,
I fi ICI
ii, wesi
! A Complete Lino of School
exchnnffe on Nutiouiil Ienders.
Tlio Fliioat and IVXot Complete Htooli of
Gold Fouoo lu KftBtorii Orogi . .
Prescriptions Filled
Leezer & TliompHon oorner, : : Miiip Street,
W. A. K1KK.
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SKWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and
get oush prices.
O S3
p o
8 B S
O M I 1
p p
:7 p o
3 1-
S o
oe CD CD
Q C5 ' i
1 -i CD
CD m l l
h 1 CD
Sec Them at
Wood and Willow Ware,
ll$S.IJi VIR15,I
Hi.'l v'uges, NEW HOME Sowing Ma
chines nnd !i complete line of
11 1
19 I I Ml
Books and htiitionery. Iree
r i
liana w
Prices. Give
Her a Call land secure i Bargains.
:, Heppner, Oregon.
.Store on south side of May .St reel