Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, September 12, 1889, Image 2

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Pendleton, Or., Sept. 9, '80.
After much trial and tribulation,
we have a cow ordinance that does
prohibit, and the rampant and ob
streperous town cow is no longer
irrepressible, to which our long
suffering community say amen,
while the milkmen go about ped
dling milk with a smile "two-by-four."
All loose animals, of what
soever kind, found strayiug about
the streets, are taken' in by our
pound-master, and if, at the expi
ration of ten days they are not
claimed by their owners, that func
tionary disposes of them at public
auction. The enforcement of this
ordinance for the last two weeks
has caused a noticeable absence of
loose stock in our streets, which is
as it should be. Public streets
are a poor stock range.
Your correspondent saw some
beautifully engraved wedding
cards for two of Pendleton's prom
inent young people the other day,
but as they are not yet "out," I can
give no names, further than to say
the lady is well-known in Hepp
ner, and the wedding occurs next
month. There are three other
weddings set for next month, the
grooms all being prominent young
business men of this town and
Officer Durham, the policeman
-" who . wounded a fleeing tramp,
some time ago, was indicted by
the grand jury for assault with a
dangerous weapon and his trial is
get for the 11th. There was con
siderable feeling against Durham
at tne time ot (lie snooting, many
thinking he was unnecessarily
Quick with his gun, as the tramp's
offence was of a trivial nature; but
their interest in the affair has al
most died out and it is probable
that the othcer will not be punish
xne tarmers to oe seen on tne
streets wear very long faces in
consequence of the turn the wheat
market has taken. The anticipat
advance in prices turned out to bp
a match for the Irishman's "hoist."
It is reported that the market has
a steady downward tendency, and
the quotations in Pendleton to
day are 5051 cents, as against 51
52 cents the latter part of last
week. It don't look reasonable
that it will go much lower, in face
of this year's crop shortage every
where, and the small surplus left
from last year's crop. It is barely
possible that this sudden and un
lookod for drop is due to the man
ipulation of speculators, to discour
age the tendency to hold for an
advance which farmers generally
have shown. It is at least best
not to get too easily frightened or
The Stars have begun to scrape
the grass-grown .diamond smooth,
preparatory to wiping it up even
smoother with the La Grande
base-oaii team, wnicli lias anno a
great deal of- talk the last few
weeks in order to bluff the fSturs
out of the champion pennant which
the latter now carry. The date of
the all important contest has not
been set, but it promises to bo a
lively one, as the La Grand nine is
said to have a strong team, and tho
Stars have thoir blood up.
Judge Fee has had several ac
commodating criminals up before
him this court so far, who plead
guilty to the charges against them,
refused the services of attorneys
and received their sentences with
out standing trial, thus saving the
county Beveral largo bills of costs.
Among this number was Joe jMer
rick, the fellow who attempted to
wreck the mail train near Mon
cham, last October, for wl ich
crime the U. 8. circuit sntenced
him to one year, lie was brought
to Pendleton to bo tried for forg
ing two checks just before bis ar
rest by the United States officials.
He received live years for the lat
ter crime.
Pendleton people are disposed
to make a kick at the ruling of the
Indian Bureau that Indians who
take land in severalty on the Uma
tilla reservation can not rent their
land to the whites. The kickers
regard the ruling as very tyrannical
and likely to work a detriment,' not
only the Indians, but to Pendleton
as well. I fail to see anything to
cavil at in this mooting. With the
large tract of arable land which
will be thrown open to white set
tlers, after tho Indians receive
theirs, wo should be satisfied.
Th benefit , which will accrue
to this community to that alone
should be sufficient, without ask
ing more. To allow the Indians to
rent their land would be to defeat
tho prime object of the Slater bill
i. e., to make the Indians thrifty,
self-supporting and teach them
the art of civilization. The philan
thropic plea that the Indians will
not be able to bear the expense of
bringing their land under cultiva
tion, ami be allowed to lay iu its
preseut wild state, if they
rent it, is unfounded. If I
stand the provisions of the
un ler
Slater bill, a Buthcient sum will
be set
aside from the sale of the
lands, to fence the Indians lauds,
buy farming implement?, furnish
competent, industrial instructors,
and support the Indians until they
can briug their land under culti
vation and take care of themselves.
No one, at all informed on the
subject, will say that any amount
of "proper restrictions" could be
devised which would prevent the
white renters from getting the best
of the bargain with their dusky
landlords if the Indian Bureau al
lowed the lands to be rented.
Men who are fairly honest iu deal
ing with whites, will cheat an In
dian every time in a trade or bar
gain, and think it a laudable, civ
ilized transaction. It is done every
Mrs. S. P. Ga
day. White men are now buying
hay of the Indians for 88 per load;
these loads are supposed to be a
ton, but the hay-racks are very
long and large, and the uneducated
Indian, unacquainted with the sci
ence of "figgers," is most unmerci
fully gouged. Never an 3 load
of hay conies off the reservation
that does not net the white hauler
$12. and often more, at the nomi
nal price of $10 per ton. This is
but a sample of what is done, and
I think the ruling a fair and wise
one, to the Indian at least almost
too wise and-honest to stand; for
a strenuous effort will be made at
the next sitting of Congress to
have a law passed enabling the
Indians to rent their lands, in spite
of the Indian Bureau.
Geo. Washington, Jb.
To the city of Walla Walla
was assigned tho honor of enter
taining the delegates to the first
Republican State Conventiou for
the incipieut State of Washington;
the location of which had been
changed from Spokane to Walla
Walla by reason of the great fire
which made the change necessary.
Appreciating the favor accorded
to their city and the importance of
tho occasion, her citizens prepared
to welcome tho visitors in a man
ner alike honorable to their city
and to their distinguished presence.
The display of flags, colors and
other emblems of hospitality and
welcome was gratifying to the be
holder. But the exhibition of the
products cf the Walla Walla Val
ley was magnificent, and the visit
ors were delighted and rilled with
astonishment and wonder as they
gazed at the display of the evi
dences of the capacity of the Wal
la Walla Valley tnrye convincing
than columns of printed fulsome
The exhibition of Douglas fe Co.
was really a horticultural fair in
splendor and magnificence, contain
ing the choicest specimens of fruits,
grains and other products which
could be obtained, and arranged in
the most artistic style. His dis
play was the centre of attraction
to visitors. An ample supply of
fruits was kept for the free use of
all who chose to partake.
The convention proper convened
on the morning of the 4th inRt. and
proceeded to organize with a
unanimity and good feeling which
made it manifest that they were
assembled for business, ami intent
on performing the purposes for
which they wero assembled, with
dignity and honor to the great
party, of which they were, for the
time being, the representatives.
No representative body of men
where ever convened, whose mem
bers were more impressed with
their responsibilities to their con
stituents, than did those who com
posed this first Republican Con
vention of Washington. They
were firmly imbued with its impor
tance to tho future political wuliaro
of tho new stale; believing that the
men whom they would nominate
a;ul present to tho people of Wash
ington would bo those who would
fill the ollicos necessary to the new
state government.
What acrimonious feelings and
sectional jealousies might have ex
isted between the friends of com
peting candidates previous to the
morning of the convention, at the
organization of the convention the
closest scrutiny of the anxious ob
server failed to see else than a de
termination that the ticket which
should be formulated by that con
vention, should and would be sup
ported and elected by the Republi
can party united anil undivided.
I hough as m all political con
ventions, gathered from widely
distant sections, with eonlliotiiiL'
and varied interests, preferences
existed as to the man who should
be placed on tho ticket, all conten
tion ceased when hope vanished
with the announcement of the vote
by which the successful candidate
was declared tho nominee of the
The addresses from tho nominees
as well also from the unsuccessful
aspirants, contributed much to
allay the feelings of disappoint
ment and keep alive tho enthusi
asm for their party success.
In such niaiiin'ii' did the first Re
publican State Convention proceed
until its last duty was performed,
when it adjourned with cheers and
with the feeling of assurance that
their labors would be enclosed by
the people of Washington by a
majority which every Republican
throughout the nation will greet
with rejoicing thanksgivings for
the fidelity of the State of Wash
ington to Republican principles.
Among the people, the ticket is
commended as good and strong by
all who know tho candidates and
will receive favorable support from
many of tho opposing party.
An impromptu ratification meet
ing was held on the evening,
Thursday, after tho close of the
convention, at the opera house, at
which successful ami defeated can
didates, delegates and others deliv
ered short and stirring addresses
which were received with applause
by the largo concourse assembled.
On Friday-evening following, the
ladies of the suffrage movement
inaugurated the opening of their
canvass with an uddress by the
eloquent Mrs. Dunaway to a reason
ably large audience composed
principally of ladies. The plans
for tho canvass wero announced,
donounciations were freely ap
plied, appeals and demands were
presented for what is claimed to
be woman's rights. It could not
be observed that any serious im
pression was made upon tho tyrau
ical portion of tho audience.
J. L. S.
District No. l!) is greatly in need of
a teacher. Any one desirinit nueh n po
Hition. should apply to Hiram Tush,
Hardman, Oreueou. 3t 37 4.'-
rricfiiesis sell
Editor Gazette:
I have heard considerable talk
of a mnil route from Heppner to
Lone Rock; of course this country
has a daily mail from Arlington,
but Heppner being much neares
and us good a shipping point ar
Arlington, makes it a more desir
able one. We do not desire to in
jure Arlington by securing this
small portion of her former trade,
neither should Arlington use un
just means to retain the trade.
We do not think she is.
The interest of thid people Hud
the feasibility of the route in what
should be considered.
Many of the most prominent
men of this pirt of the country
desire this service.
As to the practicability of the
road f would say, that, I have
passed over it several times re
cently, and have thoroughly con
sidered the obstacles to be over
come to make t he pre-iont road a
good one, and to keep it so. I
would not be understood as indi
cating that it is now a very bad
one; 1 have hauled heavy load:
over much worse roiuls.
That part of the road lately im
proved by funds troni the county
court is in good condition, and the
work is permanent.
Wm. Cant well,
Lost Valley, Or., Sept. 8, '89.
They Will Make n Hti ouic Kiglit for the Ciiv
eteu I'Iiu'i-h.
ihe Democratic convention, in soHsinn
ut FJlensbui-Kh, Lave pinned tho follow
ing persons iu nomimuon:
For OMiigreHiiuuu O. C. Orillits, ot
For Koveroor Eiiijono Hemple, ot
For lieiitenaut-jjoveruor h. II. Plat
ter, of Whitman,
For secretary of stute W. H. Whit
tlesey, of Jefferson.
For treasurer M. Kimfnnin, of I'io'roe.
For auditor J. M. Murphy, of Thurs
ton. For attorney (,'etienil H. J. Snivcly,
of Yakima.
For Hiiperinteuilimt of public, instruc
tion J. 11. JMorgan, ut Kitlititx.
For e,omiiii,ssi'jner of public- lands
M. 'A. Goodell. of Chehalm.
For the Hiiprenie court W. H. White,
ofKinfj; Ji. Ij. Hhiupsteiii, of Wullu
Walla ;,T. U. Heavis, of Yakima; John
V. JuuVin, of Mieroe, and Frank Oran
hal, of Spokane.
The moot ellinient ndvertiHinx in be
half of Hood's H.-irHiipurillii ih that which
comco from the medicine itself. Thai
a, those who are (lined by it, Hppiik to
friends Killferiiitf similarly, who iu turn
derive benefit anil nrj,'e others to try this
mieoetwl'iil medicine. Thus the circle of
its popularity ia rapidly widening from
this oause alone, and more and more are
becoming eiithiuiaiitc in behalf of
Hood's Sarsnpanlla im it iiotuully dem
onstrates its alisohilo merit. All that is
asked of Hood's Snisiipnrilla is that it
be ivou a fair trial. II yon need n food
blood purilier, or ImildiiiK up medicine,
try Hood's Harsaparilhi.
lllfi Ni'iTetiiy of the Interim' bhi'ils Home Lilil
mi the Ti tn her Culture IpiHHtimi.
A short time ujo, 0. H, Fell, an ex
peiienoed nurseryman of lleppnor, wrote
I1'. A. iMelamald of Tho JJnlles land
ollice, rulaiive to lennth of time requir
ed to make final proof on timber cul
tures, ticcoidiUK to reeeut ruliiiKH of the
Secretary of the Interior. The following
is the answer:
U.S. Land OMioe, The Dalles, Or.,
August 'it, 79. f
Chah. K. Fur.L, Hep pner, Or.,
Dear Sir: I find theruliiiK'oi the llon
ornhln .Secretary, as to time in which
proof on. timber uulliiru entries can be
made, was not reported in Copp's Lund
Owner unlil this week, and that I saw
same only as reported by telegraph.
Proof on timber culture entries made
prior to , I line 2S, "87 cm be made in
uiijlit years from entry; after that iu
eiKht years from liniil planting.
F. A. McDonald, Register;
TIMbKH ('Uli'Ulili owners will find
it to their nun mil interest to correspond
or apply to our nuiHerymun and forest
er, 0. IS. Fell, who has the suitable trees
and seeds. If you wish to prove up this
or next year, or, ever, call on him.
This is; bis specially- KettiiiK titles to
timber culture entries, lie has a quuter
millioii Ailiiiithus seeJIins, the mil)
trees that stock and riibbits refuse to oat
and will be lun-liveu1 en poor and dry
ruuLiu BALE.
Wo will Hell at public auction al ll.it)
linker & Loiuj'b stable, iu Heppner. Or
on tho int day ot October, ImiV.I, to the
highest bidder, tell hulls, cows mid
calves, all tboroiujhhred short horn
Dm hams. Tins will he a Kood chance
lor slock men to Improve their herds.
Six mouths' time mil be kvcii a"
wiles with approved security,
(I. W. liKA,
SL! Ol. W. H. iM.us
Tnidtxl all tho wnr on foot, over mountain
ana throiajU montna, earrvinff knaviAack and
tun, llrpt on brimh heai'S tiiWp out of lha
naid, caught cold, from rhe crit'cti of wlo. h
bil friends thought be would never recover.
I.lnfrrriuir with alow uousumiiuon for nmnf
yeiua. he anw lr. Pierce OoMod Mcdloal liia
coverr adrt'rtiaed in a country ucwapaper.
and bo determined to try It. A few bottle
worked a chanav; all Tout in- continued u
wurrti nun. Aiwiyi loo luueacnuent to ask
hit country for a penlon, he now says b
needa uono. Ho ht lpcd aove hti country, h
aaved htiuaelf! (AHitumptum ia l.tuiir-acnf-ula.
Kor at rofula. In all 111 myriad forma, the
Ulacovcry ' ia an iniou.nli-J remedy. It
eleankea tbe ayatim ot all tilotut tatuta from
whatever cauae arUlna, and curra all skin
and Scalp Dlaciuoa, Salt-i lieum, 'tetter. Koie
nia, ami kindred alhuenia. it la gimrantetHt
to benefit or our iu all diacaaea lor which il
la recommended, or money paid for tt will
b refuuded. Sold by Urunrtiia.
Cop'rittit, lass, by woai.n'9 Dia. Han. las .
-':rv the no iilttr of dow lutx
inQ' herStock
The Importance of purifying the blood can
Dot be overestimated, for without pure blood
yon cannot enjoy good health.
At tills season nearly every one needs s
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's
Petrel ilia r 8ursaparilla. It strengthens
rcCUIlai an(i builds up the system,
creates an appetite, and tones the digestion,
while it eradicates disease. The peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation
of the vegetable remedies used give to
Hood's Sarsaparilla pecui- "p.-. IfcAlf'
lar curative powers. No ' ItSSlI
other medicine has such a record of wonderful
cures. If you have mado up your mind to
buy nood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to
take any other instead. It Is a Peculiar
Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses Cno Dollar
Ltttid Oflico at La (Jnuxie, Or., Aujf. 13.
Notiuu is hereby Kivfn Unit the following
named HotUer has tiled notice cf lii intention to
make final proof in hi ip port of Iuh claim, mid
that Hail proof will he made lieforo the county
clerk of Morrow county, at lleppaer, Oremm, on
Oct. 5 18M9, viz:
H alien H. Thompson,
DH. No. 81 BO, for tho HWH NW N"a 8W4
NW!4 HKh Hec. 8. Tp. 8 H., It. h E, W. M, r v
fie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
IjOUIh b Mel'herHon & Jhon W.Oouk of Hepp
ner, and James DmiKlierty and V. H. JJauherty
of Lena.
Any person who desires to protect astainHt the
allowance of such pro..f, or who known of any
mihatantial reaHon, under the law and the retcnla
tionn of the Interior Department, why hucIi proof
Hhonld not ho allowed will be Kiven an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned lime and place
to croHH-"xamine the witneaHep of said claimant,
and to otter evidence in rebut tit 1 of that submit
ted byeluiinant.
JJ:i5-4( Hknry Kinkihkt. Keirintor;
Land Office. Laf irande, Or., .Inly 81, 'H9.
Notice im hereby niven that the following-named
Ret tier has tiled notice ot his intention to niiik
final poof in mipport of Inn elaim, and that
wi'd proof will be made bef ire the cotii'ty clrk
of Morrow county, at lleppnm-, Oregon, on Sep
tember 14, lhf.it. viz:
Patrick Qmtid
D.H. No. H070 for tho N NiSJ hoc -I and YVH
NW-iHeeW Tp8H U iff K.
He names tho following witn'vwts to prove
hiHcontiMiious residence upon, and cultivation
of, aid lard, viz:
Johnny Klder. S. V. Vlnmuce, (i.W. Hen, J.
W. Morrow, of Ifeppre-r, Ore.
AnypeiHon who (ieHires to protest ngaiiiHt the
allowance of mieh proof, or wiio known of any
.Htihstantml reason, under lit" law and the regnhi
tioiiH of the lnt"rior Depart mei:t. why such proof
wliould not be allowed, will be given an oppon u
nityatthe above-mentioned time, and place to
croKH-exainine the witnesweHof mid eiaimunt and
to offer evidence iu rebuttal of that HubmHted by
Allen Wallace take npueiai notice.
J!" llkNltV Hinkhaht Hegiater.
Lnnrt Offico at La (Irande, Or., Aug. :m, 'Jstt.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named net tier hart tiled notice of Ioh intention u
make final proof in mipport of liia claim and I hat
(taid .proof will be made before the comity clerk
of Morrow comity. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on
Oct. I2t IHMH. viz:
John S. Chiffif.
I). H. No. H'ir,;t. 'or the lofwi. X and t. reel tUa
SV4 NK'4 Hec. II, Tp. 8 H. It. 5fc K.
He names the following wilnen.PM to prove
liiu continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, Haiti land, viz:
(le-. W. Mcllargue, John Hyland, .Union El
liot and Hen Itopine, all of Heppner, Or.
Any pf-runn who deire:Ho protest againat, Hib
allownnee of such proof, or who knows of any
-.ubfuant lal reanon, under the law and the regula
tions of the Interior Department, whyepch proof
thou Id no! be allowed, w ill be given an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned time and place to
croMH-exuinine the wit ileuses of Haiti claimant, and
to oiler evidence in rebuttal of Ih d Hi.lmiitled by
Xti-812 IlKNllY HlNKHART, Register
IrfuidOlticent I,n!(rande,(lr., Aiu?, 'Hii.
NoticH in hereby given that the following
mimed tseti ler ban filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in mippon of Iuh
claim, and that naid proof will be made before
the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppner, Or., on Hopt Si I, JUKI, viz:
John Sloan.
D. H. No.!H)'2U, for the NYlJ Sec. 9, and
E'j NK4 Hen. Hin. II S. It. Jit i-;.
lienaineHthefollowimr witnenseH to irove Iuh
cnntinuoiiH renidenee upou, anil cultivation of,
naid land, viz:
U.TiU't'tt. A.J. ( ..ok. W. n.DHULdlertyand
H. H. Mann, all of Lena. Or.,
Anv oermai who deniren to omfeRt iorjiinut thn
allowance of such proof, or who known of any
MiiliHtantial reason, under the law and the regu
lations of Ihe Interior department, why such
proof Hhonld not be allowed, will be iriven an
opportuniiy at the above-tueiil inned time and
place to eroHH-exainine the witiieHseH r nam
claimant and to otter evidence in rebiitnd nf tluir
Hiiliniitted by claimant.
t.lftt.l IlKNItY HlNF.H MIT, lietnst.er.
Land Ollice at Lufirande. Or., Aug. H, 'Hit,
Notice is hi'i'ebv in ven lh;tl the fo hnviiu'-iuiineil
settler has liled notice uf his intention to make
final proof in .-.upport of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the county cle -k of
Morrow county. Oreuon at Jleiiouer. Or., o..
Sep. 21, 1HS, viz:
John J oh Hxim.
1. H. No. Oilll. for the SKlA Sec. 1. To. K. U
i. K. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hin
oontinutain residence upon, at.d cuit'vatitui of,
RHid land, viz:
William Warren, W. It. Oaney, H.W. Floreen
und Joe Nelson all of Heppner ()r.
Anv lierson who deHiren tn urMtertl- neitmt t)a
allowance of such proof, or who known of anv
siibHtanlial reason under the law und the regula
tuuiH of the Interior Deimrtment. hv siwh nronf
sliould not be allowed, will be given an opportu
nity-lit the above mentioned tune and place to
Toss-examine uie wiinensesot -aid claimant , and
o otter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
'A-W) Hknhv ltlNKHAUT, Uegister.
notice "ok Intention
Land Ollice at l,id, rmide. Or. n,r. "mQ i
Notice in hereby given (hat the following-nune'd
settler has tiled notice of her intention to
make tiual proof in mipp irt of her I
claim, and that wnd proof will lie made before I
the count) clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp- I
hit. Or., on Oct. 14, IhjV.i. z: '
Mttiyurt't Itavirft, m'pikc of John A.
lianrtt, tlvccasej.
D.H, No, 77nt. for the HKl4 Hec 'JH, Tp. t S,
H. K. W. M.
Shea:iUH's the following witneHSs to pnvp
her continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, naid laud, viz:
N, A. Kelly, John H, William. Thos, rlipu
and tlcoi'ge Uiisell, all of Heppner, Or.
Any person who desire.- to pretext Hirainst the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any t
cnbslnntial renann, under the law ami theregula- i
ttonn of the Interior Department, wlyuch prot.f i
(hould not be allowtvl, will be uiven an oooortu-
nity at the above mentioned tun-' and place to
crosH-exHiniiie the witnesses .)f said claun;int, and
to otter evidence in rebuttal of that suiuiulted
by claimant,
;wti-tl Hknuv UlNKUHT, Ilegister.
laand (Ultce at l.utiran.le. Or., Aug, H, 'S3.
Notico is hereby given that the follnwing
nanitHl settler hn tiled notice of his intention to
make tinal protvf iu support of hin claim, arid
that said proof will tie made heforn the c-uuitv
cleik of lorrow county, at Heppner, Or., ou
Oct. 5, IM!, viz:
l.oui F. Mcl'ht'rstot,
D. S. No Will, for the lot 1, KK1. NKV and F.vw
HK't Hoc. J. Tp- . H. JS K W, M.
He nainen the following witnesses to irove hin
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said hind, viz:
R riioinpson, t.f Heppner. James Uaugher
ty, and W. H. Oaimheri), of U'lia, ami John W.
lok. of lleipuer.
Am pi'rsoi: who desires to protest against the
allowance of Much prtwf, or who knows of nny
nubstantial reason, uudei the law and the regu.
latii'im of tiio Interior Department, why such
proof should not be Hllowtnt. will be given an
enportunity at the almve lvcnt ioned time and
pl.fO to rrosM-e&amiioi the wituees of wud
claimant, and -t oiler evidence in rebuttal of
tint submitted byclainmnt.
HtNUY lilNKHVHr. liegiiter.
Und Othce at The Dalles. Or.,ISept. 'SO.
Notice is herehv given tuut tiie fm owing naui'wl
Rett ter has hlinl imtice of Inn intention to
make final proof in support of hin
claim, ami that wild proor will ho made before
the comity judge of Morrow comity, ot Hepp
ner, Or., on Oct. 21. iss'.i, v:
Justus Htuwian,
Hd. No. SIM for theSKSvc. 4. Tt. 2 S IL
He tmimmtheftdlowinir witiiivten tiomwn hi
continuous residence upon, a:ul cultivation of,
mini land, vie:
Kmnktioble. William Barton, iiva. Shipley
'it Frank tieatry.all of Heppner. Or.
H V. A. U Donald. Keginter.
of Spring
; Buy Your Cloaks Till You Have an Op
portunity to See
Springer Bros.; Boston. Tailor-Made Cloak
You Are Sure to Got a Neat Fit.
Their Rcady-minle Clothing Comes Direct From New York.
They Buy in the Cheapest Market "and ca a Afford to
Besides These Fall aud Winter S pecialties, They have an End
less Variety of Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Harness, Saddles, Quirts, Chaps, Spurs,
etc., etc. There is no end of
goods in their
Can Buy Anything and Everything in the
Line of Supplies at
Coffin & SVlcFarland's
l ie l( cl Efliiostii-Olymjian
J ust 1 i n i O ve i Tl le Sea !
I'AKI'!' GmnU AiiKtnilliiii
JVIoIvryviIOTV'W Grent WuMd'n I
"NllW tllilt tllO tWD
bp.st circii9(-H that ever
Mexico liao CiiDm.-H-ilutiiil
for il tour of
America ami Europe
Uro. J o Ij u a t li a n n n il
Cousin John will soon
revel in a'nazing cireus
i lvo -JlenulilieM.
vjlv oi .nexico.
Heppner, Friday, September 20.
Introdiu'ina the entire Force ami Para
phernalia of two of tLe greatest circuses
of the period.
Full I'll) Peerless, Arpnic Jletpors.
The Laurel Crowned Male and Female
Champions of two continents in friendly
rivalry at each mid every enterlainnient.
Over oOll Famous First Tiuio Foreign
Feats and Features, imnossiole to dupli
cate anil novor ei-u with other shows.
10 ( heal Barehiick Kidora.
11 Russian Alldetes.
12 iMarvelons J)onhleSoinersauIters.
One ticket admits the holder to the
illuminated posters, lithographs, programmes and the various advertising mediums.
Will also exhibit nt Walltila, Sept. li); Arlington, Sept. 21; The Dalles, Sept. 23.
The Com iiiuiii has rcccnthi constructed a two-atom
warehouse SO ,t 100 feet, with wool press and all con
veniences for lia udin ' wool..
The Warehouse Cha'r'es at Hepucr will he the same
as those at . Iriufon, less cartages.
Freight upon Ixiled wool from, Heppner, same as
from Arlington.
Cash, (tdranced upon consignments of wool or wool in
. 0. M. Malloiy, at the old stand of
Kirk fc Yiiuiicgreu, is now prepared to
make lo order screen doors, tables, cup
boards, Hour chests, ur uuy nrtiole of
furniture out of the regular line. Fram
ing of pictures a specialty.
See samples of work done by the
Heppner Photograph tiallery at the
City Hotel and A. 1). Johnson & Co.'s
drug Htore. Gallery opposite Ciazktte
Ne have the Exclusive Control ot
An. don't M to f" Prl" " ''
fiooda, for it (M SCSI HAOi. fw C MM
and Slimmer
" We enlio the ncDti
ments of the vast au
diences in attendance
lit Fari n i-McMa bon
ciroue for the pastthree
flays in pronoimeinK
Ihe nerformaneefl. for
their artistio daring
and excellence, far in
advance of any hereto
fore seecp in Chicago."
Chicago Times.
8 Surprising Aerialista.
4 Celebrated Equestriennes.
li Phenomenal Bounding Jockeys.
8 Aiiianintf Acrobats.
Many Wonderful Gymnasts.
I! Daring Charioteers.
Wrestlers, Tumblers, Lenpers, Etc,
10 Unique Pantomimists.
8 Renowned Voitiqners.
10 Fminv Clowns.
A Series of Thrilling Acts and Feats
entirely new to American audiences.
two Great Shows. For particulars see
E. It. BISHOP, Treas.
.Warehouse and For
MoMixvti.LE, Okkoon.
Collegiate & Academic
Departments !
In the Academy Classical, SoiVntifio
Normal and Business Courses,
Each Three Years.
tens in College Buililiii? U, U and $5 a Term
Board 52,50 a week ; Tuition $33
aud $42 u year.
Instruction thorough; location healthy ;
President lives in the buildiDg.
Fall term begins Sept 4.
For Catalogues, Address
Presideut T. G. BROWNS0N.
Fixe Shkkp. Having purchased the
Peterson band of thoroughbred Spanish
and Merino ewes and bucks, I am pre
pared to furnish sheepmen with fine
stock sheep at low figures. I have also
a lot of excellent grade bucks for sale,
for prices or terms, address or call on
9t. lung Creek, Or.
ALSO Till; 1 filM OF
-:Gilliam & Coffey,:-
With a large anil well selectod line of
Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements
-A-licl Harvostiiii; r.';icliincry,
Queensware, Wood aud Willow Ware, Pipe mid numbers' Material,
Glasswara, and Stoves of the latest und most approved pattern.
Bird Cageri mid (irmiito Irou Ware.
The JNTewton Wa;:ons and ITacks.
We call Special
They are second to none and
I iwmiiiiiti r uniT -
A Tin Shop in connection. Repairing and plumbing neatly done. .
Camp outfits a speciidty. Our prices us low as the lowest for
olie class of j-oodrf we earry.
GWlAM & C0FFEY7-"--'
SnoccsHor to Elinor, Dotlsttii & Co.
If You Want
Gents' Iti ran I ssSifriK Gootls,
Hats, sees Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cuti t'l'.Y, Stationery,
Or anything usnnllv hep in ii ;ii:;!-r!:iyq sture, call on
C t i
Hardware, Iron, Steel,
Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon.
Sola Agents for Oregon apa Washington for
Sinylc, Double, or Triple Furrow. They are bo pimple and come eo near absolute perfection, that tbote wh
hve used tiiem or 8nen them work can not, say enough in their v?ait-e. v lu.-uiah them
with or without seat aUnctmient. timt mtachuieuts are extra.
3nckeye Hoc Tress drain Drill, Buci eve I? tilers, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrows.
Tht latest improved implement for sowine summer hV.nv. The most cortl lete and suceeasful tool tor thif
puii).)se in use.
We also have a full line of Itii(r'-ic, rii'i'ln-rpx. rhneions, Monntain Wutu,
riatrofin aud o).-r -. Vfblf.lvH.
Lawrence & Chapin's S; riiiK-Tooth llurruws. r :e il .rm,, Si iui.tilk: feed Sii'.ls, Paciflc Faunlng MlUa,
mini iirnom t i nmwi 1 1 nnnmmu
mtm Mwm, mmm
MeaivRain Business; Irair Dealing and Low
o i rices.
Yon will find in their l ire sloro the freshest in
" til! lines of
Staple asf F21 tete, Fruits, GaRfllss, Etc.
Store in OJd Fellows' Hall, f.,rii:e:ly
Main Slrect, Heppner, Oregon.
May Street, Xearly OjW,'c Minor, Dndnoa Co.'s Store,
Mannfuctiia-r of an 1 De.iler in
Furniture, Mirrors,
Bedding, Brackets,
Picture Frames, Etc
.Vm F.r S ;!e
1880 xiouEL vi:ciii-.:sti:i RIFLES.
Cheap IVr Casli.
io-m-o :
Goods at Greatly Reduced
attention to the
MO W EI1S !!
the wide cut is ivithot a peer.
R4 - op'fflFF(T"
Tlio Vriuuer in all Contests.
M :
taJf ioiS'
cceni.ie.l bv First Xntional Bank.
81 SLOAN, Props.
f' 7 -'....