THE GAZETTE. HEPFNElt, THURSDAY, July 2o, 'hit. THAT LONE ROCK ROAD. Mr. Albert Heushaw and Capt. T. J. Brown were over from Lone Rock last Monday, and in speak ing of roads to the Gazette re porter, incidentally mentioned the Heppner and Lone Bock route, its necessity and probable cost They are of the opinion that $G00 or $700 will put it in good oondi tien, which is considerable less than has been estimated. Under this head it might be well to give the Fossil Journal's opinion of this route as mentioned in last week's issue. They fully agree with the Gazette's idea of the matter, and in speaking further on this subject say: We would be pleased to have a good wagon road from Heppner to Fossil. It is the nearest railroad town to Fos sil, and the route is not so dusty and monotonous as the one to Ar- lington, especially the last eleven miles of the latter. While Arling ton and lilalock will no doubt con tinue to be the principal shipping points for H ossil, untit the rail road situation changes, or extra good roads are built to Heppner still Heppner can, if she will maintain a great deal of trade and travel from southern and southeast ern Gilliam county. We have sug gested the plan of advertising southern and central Morrow and Gilliam counties jointly to Eastern bome-seekers, and naming liepp. ner as a distributing point. If the people of Heppner wish to unite with us in such an enter prise, and i coming in closer bus iness relations with this section in general for mutual profit, they should, and no doubt will, make necessary arrangements to do so. Last week we noted that Oilman Bros, drove 160 head of beef cat tle from their Sarvioe Prairie ranch to Heppner to load on the cars. By having plenty of water and feed, and a shorter drive to reach Heppner, they assumed they would more than make up the extra - freight, by the lesser shrinkage in the cattle upon their delivery in 1 he Dalles or Portland, This circumstance will no doubt stimulate our Heppner friends to further work. WHAT DO YOU THINK U MEANS? A. A. Roberts, one of our insur ance agents, representing several companies, has received instruc tions from the Lion and Inrperial not to take any more risks in the business portion of lioppner. Those are standard companies, among the best doing business on the coast, and their action is like ly to be followed by others in the compact. What does it moan? Well, those companies have all lost heavily this year by having risks in towns much better built than Heppner, but with inadquate fire protection, Accordine to Sanborn's map of Heppner, which is absolutely cor, rrsct m this instance, we havet i population of 800; no stnnm und no hand cwfincs; no independ ent hose carts; water facilities, no (mod. It means in short that the fire insurance people are not safe in taking risks here for the amount of profit in it. Most ' any business man can readily understand that insurance means credit as well at protection. A merchant with a stock, for instance, can be carried for a large amount if he has insurance, but there are few wholesale houses who desire to let out goods on time where there is no insurance. To sum it up, lioppner through her negligence in providing fire protection, ie injuring herself in many wayB. People are not anx ious to locate in such a town, and the progressive portion of the community do not feel safe in do ing business under such circum shuicos, although it is certuinly the peer of any town in Eastern Orsegon in the matter of business location. When a fire starts in of their business will be conducted in Warsaw, N. Y., but they will al so carry on the business in Ohio, West Virginia, Kansas Texas, and Michigan. Thirteen trustees who shall manage the concerns of the company for the first year are named. Preparations are being made for the inauguration of many new public improvements on the Pa oific coast. A much needed im provement is the projected light ship with a steam fog whistle to markUhe bar at the mouth of the Columbia river. Vessels exper ience great dilllculty in entering the river and no satisfactory aids of a fixed character can be estab lished in this locality. A coast lighthouse of the first order is to be constructed at llacate Head, and the mouth of the Siuslaw riv er at a cost of 880,000. This light, the officials say, is much needed to fill the nnlighted gap between Cape Arago and Cape Fowlweath- er. CROP WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 20 . OiiEaoN Statu Wkathkk Bchkau Co-operating with U.S. Hit?. Serv. Central Office, Pohtland, Oh. For the Week Ending July 20, IHS'J. The weather nil over the state has been Very dry with the exaeption of u lujht full of ruin on Sunday und Monday and in some places rain is reported to have fallen on Tuesday. The week has been especially notable in the reaction from the loss the farmers thoubt they had sustained in the grain crops, which have not proven near so bad ns they thought before the harvest was well advanoed. The poorest yield reported is fifteen bushels to tlie acre, and the best average yield is fifty bush els. However, it is true that wheat will be a great deal better in quality than was thought last week and consequently a good price may be expeoted. A very severe thunder-storm nnosed over Pendleton doing considerable dam age to property, but being of local ori- gtn, it did not extend beyond the. city limits. This storm oeoured on Sunday afternoon, the 14th iiis.t. In the coast region of the state a heavv N. W. wind has prevailed during the week. Slight rains on the 9, lii and 14. In the Willamette valley two or three cloudy days during the past seven days. ran wneui is oeuig cut. nay harvest ing is ulinost done. - Hong are looking good, in tne unipqua valley, no rain during the woek and want none until the crops are harvested. Eogno river valley reports, state that weather has been beneficial to fruit. Highest temper ature 'Mi at Grunts Pass. In the lake re gion crops are almost an entire failure. In Eastern Oregen dry hot weather has been experienced hut tho oouditiou of the grain is far from being a failure. Corn is loouing well. In Umatilla county spring and fall grain is excellent in qnal- ity ana yields wen. ine ram of two weeks ago have helped Wallowa county considerably. Wheat, oats, and barley will be an average orop in Union county. AtLuOruudeoti the INth, .0'2'J inches of rainfall. In Crook county, feed will bo better than last year. Many of the crops that were sown for the production of grain will not yield on account of dry weather, but nearly all of them will make good hay. Ihe condition of fruit all over the state is excellenland the prospects are that this year will be above the average in thiH respDct. In the absence of the asst. director, Polio A. Caiipkntbk. Asst. Ob.U. S. Hitf. Serv. A WARNING TO SHEEPMEN. Following is a verbatnm copy of the notices posted up in tho Greenhorn country: "Notice is hereby given that the mom- bora of Indue No. 21, have this day held a meeting and passed the following resolution: Sir: You nre hereby notified to keen your sheep outside of the linoH hereiu mentioned. Lines beginning at the junction of Lightning and Clear creeks and runuiug to the Worloy mine; thence up to the trail or the Greenhorn peak; thence south one mile; thence west to the Granite peak; thence southwest to Indian llock; thence north to the sadillo where tho trail turns down to the lake; thence to the place of beginning." (bigneil) SlGt'liKTATtY, HI. CilAIHMAN, 21. W MAHES-MILIEU. , m itiiik with Threo Km- i Smith. His i 1 n. miiial P Ke Frcu the i'uyiiupt .i. timorc. Pnyallup i,,i ,,,re 1 thin eek by n r m Juiiciu!!! .UiJler. a luan of:u,t w ir.d-i eno m j noet made the wc giving to it NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP. OF The firm heretofore existing under the name nud stylo of Wright A Brown do ing bUHiuoHsui t : e town of Heppner, Or egon, is this day dissolved by mutual oonsent, Mr Jus. 1). Hamilton liavinir pur chased tho interest of Mr. G. W. Wright iu saiil tlrtn't business. Heppner, Or. I (. W. M'tiiiuiT, July 1H, lHSil. f J. N. liiiowN. Tho new firm of ISrowu He Hamilton, suoooHsors to Wright & Itrowu, will con tinue to do business at the old stand. (it. VIS t ROM 'S :t'Ht D'lW a amiwiitor. ruyafititt luay well claim Mr. Miller as one ot her own pioneers, for in early days he and Courtney Meek used to hunt buffalo d pack express over the divide up Suako river, due east from Pnyallup. Courtney wbh a sou of Joe Meek, the builder of Alt. Hood, and map-maker of Meek's cut off. Mr. Miller is a man of noblo impulses, and the mystic mime of nutiiro sweetly sen in dim inmost soul, anil he ha worm Ungiiter and better hv his inspiring ideas freshly guiuermi irom me ioius or nuttittj. It is not many years since Mr. Miller was ruuuiivf n little weekly paper in Or gon, but now his ideas have a much larger circulation than when h used a hand press. He despises the sham con ventionalities of this hollow world and woos nature in her most ftrveut mood, and his writings, which will be more rend when he is dead, have the deli ght ful fragrance of the woods, tho moun tains and fields. In pioneer days Mr. Miller hud but little time to write his sweet songs but he drank in their foundations while drinking from the sparkling Btreama that gurgle and murmur among the heights of the wild Casoades, and beau tiful Ulue and Salmon river mountains of Oregon, Idaho and Washington. All over the coast to-day you will find pioneers who hunted gold-dust at Flor ence and Warrens, and who participated in the Buffalo stampede. Mr. Miller, Three-Fingered Smith, Col. F. J. Parker and uncle Jack Morrow, the inventor of Morrow County, in the eternal Henry Heppner. Hills, were the origina tors of those rich phioer mines nigh onto till years ago, near Baboon and Butoher gulches, the latter so called because Mr. Miller there carved up a chipmunk for their mid day meal. Jim Kains and Bobtailed Johnson also were there, and afterward scalped by the Shepenter washes. Mr Smith worked the dirt the first winter by thawing it out and in the early spring took out a paok-rnule lood ed with dust. He invested in a foreign building and loan association, aud ad vertised in papers that had no circula tion, and the result was that iu'7H he was back on the upper Payette and was nearly killed by Warjacks Indians when they shot Muudiiv and Groseolose at Fayetto falls. And even now, Mr. Smith, an old man and a poor man, is hunting his fortune araoug the wild crags of the wild Salmon river moun tains, about Vinegar hill, where he onco round rortuue so suddenly. Florenoo, perched on its evergreen summit basin is now a deserted village, inhabited only by a few copies of Aaron Parker's Cumas prairie FreePreHS, which were pasted on cabin walls and could not get away. It snows more or less ev ery month ot the year there, and m the winter of 'CI -a there were 3000 men there hunting gold and finding lend, as evidenced today by Boot Hill, the town cemetery, where so many men were hur ried with their boots on. Thirty feet of snow Florenoe saw tl i tit year, too. A wild and romantic region is that lof ty Salmon river mountain country, a strnngo section, where you can shoot, fool-hens with a monkey wrenoli, and there Joaquin Miller felt his inspirations crowding upon him. While riding over the rough trails he had no time to put bis tuneful thoughts on paper, but be found time to give them to the world while ho was judge of Grant ooiinty, nt old Canyon City a few years later. His adventures under the shadows of Shasta and while a volunteer against Egan nud Winneiiiucoa's Snake Indians, read like romances. Mr. Miller's mother named kim Cin cinnati on account of a fondness the child developed for Ohio baoon that comes in yellow oolored strips, but the minora changed his name to Joaquin, in honor of bis having captured a noted pioneer mountain pirato named Joa quin Muriatic Acid The distinguished poet was well pleas ed with the progress of I'uyalliip since last he saw it, and rapturously exclaim ed : "Sail on, yon hops, climb on!" He has gone to write up the grand canyon of the Yellowstone, and there ho will find nature grand and beautiful, and well worthy of his gifted pen. He is a Pa cific coast production, and this country may well be proud of him. Be Sure j If you have made up your mind to toy duoU's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take .iy other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue ot its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other artidt. 4. Koston lady who knew what she wanfrd. and whoso examplo is worthy imitation, UUs ber experience below: To Get ' Tn one store whero I went to buy Uotfs Sarsaparilla tho clerk tried to induce mo )uy their own instead or Hood's; hotold mother's would last longer; that I might take It on en days' trial; that if 1 did not like it I need lot pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew ff.iat Hood's Sarsaparilla was. 1 bad taken it, vas satisfied with it, aud did not want any utter. Hood's When I began taking Hood's SarsaparUa I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. 1 looked, "and had for some tlmo, like a person in con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it." MM. Ella A. Goff, CI Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists, jgl; six for $5. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries Lowell, Mast IOO Doses One Dollar ARTIJT'P. COFFIN, Arlington, Or. FTvAXK ?uVFttIAND, Heppner.Or. COFFIN Heppner, Heppuer's busiueas portion it will sweep everything brickB as well as frame structures. Now that lire insurance compa nies nre withdrawing from this field, indicating that othors will follow, it behooves us to do some thing. The (! AZETTE may be able to chronicle elsewhere in this is sue a movement on the part of tho town council and citizens to provide Heppner with fire protection. 'FRISCO IN THE LEAD. San Frauoisco has the credit, if each may be acoordod it, of dig ging up more dirty, scandalous will, divorce, seduction and black mailing cases than any city iu the Union. At progent, swell society down there are foastiug over the ' sensational Blytho will case. Mrs. Ashcraft is pushing forward her alleged illegitimate daughter by Blythe as the heiress of his large estate. This woman doss not hositate for a moment to got up in open court aud swear to a life of dishonor. The proceedings of tho Terry divorce suit will soon occupy the columns of our daily papers. San Francisco courts have such an abundance of this sort of business, that their judicial timber ought to be well prepared to speedily dis pose of it. The latest is a salt trust They style themselves the North Amer ican Salt Company, and on July 10, filed articles of incorporation in the secretary of state's oillce at Al 1 bany, N. V., with a capital stock of $15,000,000, divided into 275,000 shares at $50 each. They state that they are to manufacture and 11 salt products in their various ramifications. The principal part NOTICE OF FINAL HUTTLEMENT. Notioo is lieroliy givon that tlm uiidor Bigneil ling this dny lilcd in tho county court of Morrow county, Orogon, linr final uonomit hh nlminin!rutrix of the Ea tnto of Jtonjiiiniii lluuliy, (toooatiiul, ami flint Tucwlny the Oil iliiy of Si'itmnbnr, lNHtl, lit two o'clock p. m. of miul ilny at the oourt hoUNC, lioppner, Orogou, has been lixeit by mikl court for flit) hearing of objections to Haiti liual aooount, ami for the Kiiftlonieiit thereof. Mt'llinw Kirk, Ailiiiinistralrix. Patot July 1!), ,. ALT, FOK THE 1'UHLIO GOOD. It i nu muliMputeil fact that the haml somoHt vestibule trains that are now riuiou the American confident are those on tho "limiUNoroN Uonn," leaving the Union Depot iu Denver, also St. l'aul, iinmeiliatcly ou arrival of all through trains from the west. The first ami seeonii class coaches are inagnill oeut, the Kecliiiing chair care superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, ami us for the meals that are Bervetl in those Palace Jiurlingtou (lining ears ymn-ymn. The next time you go east to Kansas City.t'hicago or St. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to reatl from Den ver or St. l'aul over the liurlingtou Jloute, you will get it, ami you will al wiivb be glmi of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an 1 ncilio, the elegant vestibule trains; or "ine lsuiiingtiui jiouto, ' between tit. Paul, Chicago mid St. Louis will curry you aloiift the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of .'(."HI miles, amidst scenery that cannot bo surpass ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern PaoiliiMU'd your ticket rends via "The Hurlingtou Kotite," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thriving cities and towns looated iu what is popularly known as the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. O. .Sheldon, General Agent, 85 lurst Street, Portland, Oregon. To CoNHUJtcnvKj. The undersigned having boon restored to health by sim ple means, after sulluring for several years with n severe lung ufToctiouH nud that tlroad disease,' consumption, iK anx ious to mako known U his fellow suiler ers the menus of care. To tnoso who desire it, ho will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the proscription used, which they will find n sure cure for con sumption, usthma, catarrh, bronchitis, aud all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sull'ereiH will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring tho prescription, which will cost, them noth ing, ami may prove a blessing, will please nddrcNH, Ui:v. Eowtiti) A. WiTjHon, Wil liamsburg, King's county. Maw Jfork. RANDOM REMARKS. Job printing at Pendleton prices at the Gazette office. ' A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at E. J, Slocnni's drug store. All kinds of job work done in the Ga zette oilice at Pendleton prices. Coffin & McFarlnnd will deliver goods to any pur.t of lioppner, free of oharge. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. J. B. Sperry has second-hand grain sacks for sale good as new. Call at mill. The Siding, Morgan and Russell but ter nt W. O. Minor's. None better in the market. When you are dry, go to Swnggart's for a glass of the celebrated Weiuhard beer, liy the quart or glass. If you want the best goods in the boot nud shoe Hue, call ou M. Lichten thnl. He sells cheap for cash. The Heppner gallery is the place to have your photo taken. Don't forget it. Theodore Dannor, proprietor. The "P Cox" shoe for sale at M. Lieh tenthal's shoo store, ou Main street. All goods sold cheap for the cash. Gunn A iiimrk horse sboers; horses shod with new shoes all round after date for $1.50 per head. An invoice of the jiiBtly oelebrated MM ten just received at Leezer & Thompson's, the best tea iu the mar ket. Gilliam & Coffee have ou hand a com plete stock of harvesting machinery, consisting of mowers, rakes, combined and single reapers, hay rakes, etc. Plenty of mill feed and Hour on hand at Sperry's Roller Mills. Flour in five barrel lots, $3.75; single barrel, $4,111). During the harvesting season, every rancher must have machine oil for his mower or header. The place to get the best is at Johnston & Sloan's. RobertH & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agrieultural machinery, shoe your horse, nnd in fnet there is nothing in the blacksmithiug line that they are not a! ile to do. Agricultural machinery should be the best. A break-down in a busy time is often the result experienced by those who fail to use good judgment in pur chasing. The "Champion" mowers and reapers are made of the best ma terial, light-running and do the best of work. These features should not be overlooked by the raucher. For sale by Collin & McFiirlainl, Heppner and Ar lington. SKiNAl-KKKVICK IlKCOItl). ' For Week Ending Wi tlne-nlny, July 24, 1H8J. mux. (15; min. DO; wind mill 62; wind M; min. 09; U4; min. 80; min. .W.M; mux, Hll; mm. 5T; wind min, 50; July 18. Mean torn W: liar. .Ki ll!: clear. July 1(1. Mean (in. HI; mux. 10.S: NW; Imr. 2H.07; clr. Jillvll. Meim l,nm. S2.25: mux. wind W; Imr. .Sn.tll; ulnar. 1 Jll . Moan teni. 72.50:" mux wind HW; Imr. illl.tHl; clear. July . Mean tern. 70; max. (Ill; v.-ind NW; bar. :,IU; clear. July Mean Imn. 74 NW; liar 2(1 OH: clear. July 21. Mean (em. 7S; max. U2.; wiiiu vf ; war.; clour. A. BMITH. Sthayed. From John It. Williams' place ou 1 1 in 1 1 1 li creek, one mare pony, having one glass eye, ami branded GS on left shoulder. Will give $10 reward for her delivery nt the livery stable of Hnnsaker A Long, lioppner, Oregon, Ht R. J. Wir.KtN. A WORD A HOUT THE liiOCJJEMIC REMEDIES. Those who investigate the Uioehemio system of medicine will find that it cor responds with natur's laws and w ill be surprised that it had not long ago be come universal. All who believe in re form in medicine should at once call on the druggists and get pamphlet on new disease. Those m doubt w hich remedy to use, or number of tho remedies which are numbered from 1 to 12, may get in. N OTT CE - Ti M HE It C V LTURE. Land (Wire at Tim Dalles, Or.. July S. 1SSH. CnmplHint linviiiK linen eiitertHt nt thin nrlicn by Frank Morelaiid UKainat Daniel Kronenburir tor failure (,i comply willi lawn ua to tiinliur-euiture entry No. r(;ts. dated October 1. Iss7. upon the HSNK'i Sec. 21,Tp. 4 H.. It. '25 K., in Slorrow county, Oregon, with n view to the cancellation of Kind entry; eonlehtanr iillcKiiiK Unit (lift said Jluniel Kronenburif faiiiKl to hreiik. or cnune to tie broken, any of ilio wed laud the tout year I i.Oep .i,l,v. .,.! I,u F..O...I ,.. ..I..... ,i.t.,;.i tract thu Hecoml year; that ho has never plowed liny of Hiid land, the wtid partiea are hereby sum moned to appear nt IhlN otlice on the 21th day of AiitfiiMt, Isl, nt (o'clock p. m., to respond rikI furniahlcf-timony concerniiiK Huid alleged tall lire. A. A. Kohartrt, N, V at Heppner, Or., in author ised to take tnntimony in thin cane at Heppner, Or i Angust HI, I 0, at to o'clock iu m. aat-aaa. v. A. McDoxalu, Huiciotpr & McFARLAND,; - - - - Oregon. IMPLLlENriS. ! 15 flMmftiimiM i We edll Special Attention to our Elegant Assortment of Gents' Fine Clothing ! Now is tho time to buy your Sunimer Suit! m fi ATniTf tc rimrnn l,T ulii nm iwimm a. ahm mm In the Largest Eastern faotories and yon onn Perfect Fit at a Fhir Price. ot a L4DIES AND fiENT FIXK SHOKS OP ALL KINDS For Daucing and Street Wear Ladies Silk and Lisle Hose Finest Styles, in the Newest Shades, also a nice assortment of Light Weight Uuderwer, in Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton. Our Store is filled with a Large and Varied Stock. We aim to ' ou liond nearly everything that is used on a Ranch ami all sold at the lowest possible prices keep Blacksmiths' Stone Coal, English Cement, Sulphur, Lime, etc. Freight rates nre very low to Heppner, therefore goods can be sold in competition with any town iu Eastern Oregon. Call e;Xid. TT COFFIN & 'McFARLAND, Heppner and Arlington. I'NlVKItSlTV OF OUKGON. UiiKPiie City. Next session begins on Monday, the lorn oi p,temtier, IMM'J. Free scholarship from every county in the stale. Apply to vour eountv super intendent. Five tuition ufter January l, mail. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Literary and a short .English Course in which thero is no Latin, Greek, French or (icrman. The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other informati6n, address J. W. JOHNSON. President. STRAYED. One roau, four-year-old mare, branded W B connected, on the left shoulder, one brown, throe-year-old gelding, same brand. Four colts, in color two bays; a brown and a biiokskin. I will give 85 reward per head for their delivery at J. M. Shel ton's ranch, near Alpine, or a reasonable reward fur iiiforion turn loft ni rthe Gazettk olHoe. or ut J. M. Slieltou's I'Riieh, leading to thoir recovery. WHITTIEK 1SKOS, 27-30 Drewy ,Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaOrunde. Or,, July 11, Notice is liftroby tiiven that the followuiff- mimed nettlnr lian hied notice of his inUmtion to makeiim l proof in snjiportof hie uWiim, and tlmt wiid proof will b made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, O... on Aug. im'A, viz: Aaron E. Frnncht J). 8. No. H0H4 f.,r Mm SVV H'i SKH 8eo. 11, Tp. 8 S. It 21 K W. M. lie name the following witneswis to provehis continuoiiH rHsidonce upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: AiidniwJ. Cook, (JHph Daiinherty, flnorge B. Clark, of Lena. Or., Jeff D. Padgett, of Ueppner, Or. Anv nerHon who rloairoa tn nrotpRt n mi in -it tha allowancti of hucIi proof, or who knows of any mibnlantinl manon, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such, proof hIkiuUI not be allowed, will be given an op portunity at the above mentioned time and pluoe to croHH-exnmine the. witneHoeH of Haiti olaimaut, and to otter evidence in rebut lal of that uubmit ted by claimant, aao-aft Hpnuv IIinehaiit, HegiBter. Wo have the Exclusive Control ot o formation free bv Or. (i. W. Cann, Terr. writing svuiiitoms to North Yakima, Wash. 3 ( T Zijt. i' - Mrs. S. P. Ga IokI Iob!-H. MoFHrlimd, of Lexing ton, will deliver ice dully iu Heppner during the summer umnths. Contract for the amount you desire, by writing to him at an Burly date. The price will be 2 oatitB per lb. delivered. rriaues is sell r-v cm-., 1 A UMiil'i;: llio jun of the Blue Fijts of . C.uiU.Miuu, n mxj'ivc ftnu nutntunw, with tlic medicinal virtues ot jLn!s kiijuti to ht IMt bttneheial to the hum w system, fuming the ONLY PIC R KKCT lUMrDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND .BOWELS Q TO Ciaansc iiieSysfeiti Effectually, VI..W PURE DLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTh and STRENGTH N.turally fellow. Evrry one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYR IT OK FIGS. Mn factuted paly by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, W Sa Fiancuco, Cal. Plfipl g NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlice nt Ln tlramle. Or., July 11, .'8 .'. Notice in hereby Klvi'iitliRt. tlm fnllnwiiiK itiiiued settler Iuih hind lmtine of liin inteutiim to make tiuiil pi'iiof in niipiort of liin iiliiim, aii'l tliut wild proof will he miule tiefore tlm county clerk of Morrow county, Or. at Ilupimer, Or., on Aae. 21, lSKit, viff: Shtriilan Galldteai, D. 8. No. (KM for the K'i 8W NWS, BEVi 8oo. HIT. P. 1, N, K27K. Henmtifi the followinu witnosscs to prove bin uontiniiotiH ri'sidcnce upon, and cultivation of, Hitid hind, viz: It. 8. Mlmw, V. W, HattlD, .1. T. (Jsllnway, J. T. )1okiiih, of Uutlowiiy, Oregon. Any perwni wlui.dcriiow to protest auninst tho Bllowiuice of mich iroof, or who knows of any eutwlnntiiil rciiHon. under the law nnd the renuls tioiin of the interior dciuirtineiit, why uch proof nhoiild not lie nHowi'd, will heL-ivon an opiiortn nily at the ubovo nientioued tune and place to cros-exiiuiiue the witne-i of said claimant, unci to otter ev idence lu rebuttal of that submit- mo oy i-iaiiuiuu. 3:tl -3r ItKNItY KlNCHAllT, lie; NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office, LnfJrnndo, Or.. June 24, '89. Notice in hereby Ki von that the following-named nettler has riled notice of his intention to make final poof in support of his claim, and that sa'd proof will be nmde bef ire the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Au gust 10, ltis, viz: John S. CUtty, Ds. No. RW3. for the lots 2, 8 & 4 & SWK HEX Hec. 3. Tp. 3 S., B. 2H E. W. M. 4 , Ho nainos the followins witnesses to proye hiscoiiliiiuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said mud, viz: (i. W. MeHamue, Wes, Griffith, J. S. Elliott, lien Iiapine. nil of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of snch proof, or who knows of any substantial reuson, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above-mentioned time and place to cross-oxamine the wilnessesof said claimant nnd to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. HIM! Hesuy Hineuakt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Or., June It, W. Notice is hereby given that the following-named sottler has hied notice of his intention to com mute and make fund proof in support of his chum, and that suul pnief will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner. Or., ou August 3, IKslI viz: Henri B. Lefevrt, lid 202(1. for the H', 8WI4 BWH MEW Bee 17 4 NWH NliSj 8ec 2(1, Tp II 8, K 25 E He names the followingwitnesses to prove his continuous resideuco upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Krank A Sweeney, Calvin L Sweeney, of Ar lington, Or, rimrles W Miller, of fossil, Ur, Eugene E Binith, of Lone Kock. Any person who desires to protest against, the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law anil the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be hi von an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and plaoe to cross einmi ue the witnesses of said claimant, nnd to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant, S!W-;il F. A. McDonald, Kcgister, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Llind OfHce at The Dalles Or.. June 10, '89. Notice 19 hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make hnnl proof 111 support of his claim, and 1 hat said proof will bo made before the county Jl'!! iulL"rr'.'w coll"tv' Ht Hawier, Or., ou July J(t, IBftt,- viz, 1 John S. Ingraham, lid. 2M1I. fur the SIS' 8eo. 211, Tp. 3 )(. 24 E. VV . M. He nnmes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of.' said land, viz: W. W. Hraiinon, J. ('. Hayes, Richard Robin. BOll. Isaac Kllorhten n F Ui..!. Vl:i . Any person who desires to protest against the .allowance of such proof orwho knowsof any sub- of the In tenor . Depnrtinent, why such nroof ,, . 1 T uu"w't..wih be Biven an opportu. mty at the above mentioned time .! mi, . n,T?"M?."""a- V'e ' of snid olaiinnnt, nnd to oiler evidence lu rebuttal nt that ,,,, teit by chiiiunnt. 32ti-31 F, A. HoDonald, Reoisteh gistcr. Anu don't hnvt to offtir a prlzt to tell tht Goodi. for if tilt BtSTMADE. uery Can nolU ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. II, BLACKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON." Th Golo'bratcd French Cure, w.rra "APHRODITINE" Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any formotnervotu disease, or any disoixler ot the BtfOKS seucrntive or- AFTER am ol cither sex whether aiising from th aioeislve use 0( stlniutauu, Tohaoco or Opium, r through youthful indiscretion, over luduli nco. Ac, tuch as Loss of flraiu rower, Wakeful. u. Hearing down rains in the Hack, Seminal Weak new, Hysteria. Nervous 1'rostt attou Nocturn al Kmission . toucorrhrea. Iliziiuess, Weak Mem. ory, l onjof Tower and ImiHitency. which If ne tlwtnl often lead to preiuatureohi nje and Insan- ny. i-nce ji.uu a 001, 6 bojo (or .VOt niall ou KH'etpt of price. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ei'ind Office nl The Dulles, Or., July 8, 180. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiua) proof in siumort of his claim, ami that said proof will la made before the coltnly Judge of Morrow county, at f leppner, Oregon, ou August 24, thil, viz: Jleiijainiit Luelliiuj, Hd.SIltl.fortheK'iSKV, 8cc. 34,4 W'i BWU Hec. 3,", Tp. ft H., It. ''() K. W. M. Ho immeB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and Cilltiva tlon of said land, ixi deo.W. ( hapin, tleo. W. Stewart. W. II. Rob inson, 1. 11 .Miller allot Hnrdinan. Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any sutistantmt reasou, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not tie allowed will tn given an oppor tunity at the alsive mentioned time and place to eross-oxnmiuo the witness, of said claimant, and to otter evidence in rebuttid of that subniit tsi bvclauliaiit. 32H-34 . F. A. McDonald, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Ln Hrnnde, Or., June 12, '89. Notice is hereby given fliar tha f..n, ..!.. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make hiud proof in suiiport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county , "'. ''""'row county, at Heppner, Or., on July 27, lswt, viz: John Zollinger, psNoSir,.-,, for the W; N N K N WV 4 NW V N K U Sec 24, Tp 3 S, R 27 K W M. H Jle names the followingwitnesses to prove his ontinuoiiB resideuco upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: 11 .'"J"',', IIarrison Hale, Dan Stalter, John Hill, all of Heppner. Oregon. Any is.rson who desires to protest against the alh.wunce ot such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and tho regula tions of ihe Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above-uientiimed time and place to cross-esauiuiB tho witnesses of said claimant and to olter evidence iu rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 32ii-:il Hexby Rinkuaut, Register AUSO THE FIRM Ol!' --:Gilliam & Coffey,:- With a large and well selected line of Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements Vxicl Sarveatins Macliinery, Queensware, Wood and AVillow Ware, Pipe and Plumbers' Matevial, GInsswai'9, and Stoves of the latest nud most approved pattern. Bird Cages and Granite Iron" Ware. The ISTewtoii Wn2;oiis and Hacks. We call Special attention to the STAKDAED ': MOWEH8 ! ! They are second to none and the wide cut is withotapeer. TIIE- i 7 The Winner in all Contests. A Tin Shop in connection. Repairing and plumbing neatly done. Camp outfits a specialty. Our prices as low as the lowest for the class of goods we carry. GILLIAM & COFFEY, HEPPNER, OREGON. w. .0 -Successor to Miuor, Dodson & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS,, CLOTHING, Gents' ltirnislxlng: Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, - Shoes, WOOD WIWvOW WARE. 7 AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, G Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or auything nsmilly kept iu a first-class store, call ou VV . O: MINOR. UNS. C M. MALLORY, Mau Street, Nearly Opmsite Minor, -Dodson & Mi's ,r,, HEPPNEH, Maniifaoturer of nud Dealer iu . r urniture, Mirrors, Be dding, Brackets, Picture Frames, -Also For Hale- 188G MOlJEL WINOIIKSTKR RIFLES, Cheap For Casb. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. For C. S. VAN DUYN'S hrocene s, MAY STREET STORE For Bargains in (il Fruits assware, Crockery Gents' His prices are low as the lowest. See for yourself. Next door to F-iimitn Stn MAY STKEET, HEI1JNER, OREGON. S! NATIONAL GROCERY Mean Plain Business, Fair Dealing- and Prices. ow NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lniul Office nt l.llttniml.v Or., Julv H, ls9 Notu-e in ll,.rilw iriv-Hi, that tl.a . ;' nnnil settlor luw tilwt notipo of hi iutontiun to ! ........ 1,1 niiiKiri tt fill Claim. A,w Yon will find in their lar;e store the freshest in all liues of Staple am Fancy Erodes, Fruits, canflies, Efc. Store in Odd Fellows' Hall, formerly occupied by First National Bank. JOHNSTON & SLOAN, Props Main St reot, Heppner, Oregon, ' y NELSON JONES, Pres't. E. R. BISHOP. Treas. MHO! C01I UD I TRUST CO. Ml'MlNVll.LE, OlIKOON, Collegiate & Academic - Departments ! In the Ai'iidomy Classical, Soienti6o Normal and Business Courses, Eaoli Three Yrs, A WKITTF.XCITAK ANTK.K forerer) J500 onlr. fo B-tmiil tlie money If Onnium cure Uuotifft'ctil. Tlnmsaudi of tetlmonili fmm old ud youiis, of both icnn, pcnntnenlly i irclbyAritsoDiTisi. Cirrular fre. Addreaa THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WOTtRM KRtNCK B0X -17 MUTLANl), OR Sijhl A. U. Johnson A Co., Dmg Ifists, Ui'ppnor, Ori'tfon. ta" I Room in Collfgf Biiililiiu! IX I i ami $5 Tf m Board SJI a week ; Tuition 833 aud Sta a j enr. NO INCIDENTAL EXPENSES NO EXTRAS. ; Instrtiotion thonuiKh: location liealthv; President livo iu the building, j Full term lie-ins Sept. 4. ! For Catalogues, Adtlress ! President T. U. BUOWXSON. ingherStock! of Spring and Summer General (Incorporated.) Warehouse flint mill proof will be nm,i8 before the conn' ju.Ikh of Morrow county, or, in hi ahn,.(i, be on Aumwt 17, 1KSU, vii: " ' " Darius G, McChiran, ITil. ltMtf. for fl, i; VVL ttu it vwi v-, iff nuni the fellow-inn w 1 1 1 1 t,. ,,r..,.a ooiitinuiuiH riidt-iicu Ilium und i-iittiTHlioa of mini hunt, viz: W . II. ltnsh A. 8. Huron. Klisha W'ktkina, Frank f. lloliertvill of Ht'piuH'r. Or , Any rni: who ilwinw to protest acniimt the allownniv of mu-h pruof, or who knows of any Milwtanttal reiwon. uniler the lawn and thK rciru Intioiis of the ImiTiiir Deiwrtinent. why such l.roof should not be nilownl, will be itiven an oiOKirlunity at the above meiitioned time and place to crosB-ejumine the witnesses of said claimant, ami to otter eruience in rebuttal of that uhtuittil by claimant. S.M-,1t lUsHir HlxrjuRT, Keiter. NOTICE. All persons owing me notes or ao couuts rt notified to call and set tie, as I iutend to roll my blankets and take a walk over the lilnes about the first ot Atinnst, and all my accounts 1 1 ..I.) i.i ... -.. miii iiescinTO uvuiaiuiue. ion nave j. ; j my thanks for past favors, but don't ! .t , S, nrttlCe(l Upon. COnsir?nnfllt, and For warding- Agents. vemencesfor hamUhwml 7 nnd dl CO) I Ihe a rehouse Cliai-frs at ITennuer .; i. i. s t imse at ArlinJton. Tess en.-h nJ " "r""K " fretoit unon from Arlington t J. F. Spray, Heppner", Or, ilel wool from, Ueppner, same as s of wool or wool in. THEltOX E. FELL. MANAGE!!. Millinery Goods at GreallxTHuced