I J r- b- bnvirc y:ar St.jes ITSsTACI'lrt..' VSa ONLY '' V' 'V for Shoe Cat BUTTON. On receipt of . nd tw-v-fivo to jwy ex.ip- one pair of our Kln- C'.il f .; -'--V" ,'t v orfc-w -Concnws We Use only ".elected teett .' "i"1" wSSn?ed. Try our fc-S.oes once Mid you will buy no omara. Mention Size ami V,'id:h w ine d. Sewi;- I. : '." N. V. ttt . plainly, Town, County and :;tfUi-. CUSTOM BOOT 10 A FA . a A at J . . k Manufacturers of Hamilton Grades of Vehicles. i : EDITOEIAL SPECIAL BUGGY SPECIAL FEATURES : Proportion, liurabillty, Perfection of Finlwli. This " Mirror" finish work is the Dcst meoium-prtcca won in mz u si. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 340 N. Charles St., Branch Store, I ''HAS SU1T.K10K gi'AlTYnr Hlilik! It is manufactured with tho latest brewing apparatus and can't be bent. Lunches of all Kinds, And the best brands of Cigars. Empty kegs must be returned or 0 apiece will be charged. J. 13. JSTnttni-, X"x-tj. MARVELOUS DS3COVE-RY. Onlr fleiniliie Kslen. of Mrini.ry Trnfnltig. l i.ur lloitka i.i'ui neil iu cm! reudliiu. Jtllild wnnilei'lne cm ml. Every clillil un-l iilt.:t int'y Lenfittteil. Iirc.it tuduj.'iii eil tl 0 jri-itii'-.n-ti ricn Oliiiiim. l'r "'iwt'is V l,l o-.lnltiis i,f Dr. W'Mi. A. llaill- no.t, i -' " i ' -' t "',,",r:".;;,'i' Ml, ... el. ..-i-.ley, i ,:., 1 .- -'oe 7.11 . V. u-.v to., ' ,.'.u;,iij II-..I u..ii.,r..i 1 1 ,.;;,''' ,i"'.'..' . .... N v OF PURE COD LIVER OIL feTfD HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Bo dl.at..a lt It oa" taken, l....rl, 1 B.lu.llea l.y tl.. in. r.n.lllv .toinnrll, lien th. piln oil M."t I. tol.mt.dt .id by th. torn blo.llon of tl.. oil with th. hyoupUM hllcs to moeh mor. eUlmtlou.. cmtrktbl s frsh prodnffr. Ptirwnii gain mpldly while tiiklng lb onntrr'S trITTI.KION is acknowledged by Physicians U be the Finest and Bust prepa ration in the world for the roliel ana euro oi rnuaiiHBTION. SCROFULA, CFMKRAL DtBILITY. WASTINO DISIA8ES, EMACIATION, oi tin .nH CMRONIO COUCH8 Tkt great mmdy for tbnsttmpfion, and .. . vii ! i .. . U. .T.I 1... ,,11 lisr,itt brief Iniiinititi. riv n. i i, t who write u u .i urn ci i" ci r the wit wintr-mihltn' in ilf 'irln. ml ti Kit tit) lin' nf oih of hiti rt ivr iho. n t.'in th. t m AntericA. VU.tr. A- 4 ., Uui 740, Auuuiu. Mum. fMrf Mk N A Hot Id Oold W.trV P flt'VJV I w"1" tattl,- NTfl! Vl5AVfl rintecj. Heat pauii fiull' lit, Willi woikt i And caaci ( qul Tilu. I OmC ltrti l ibiIi alilr csn wutif una n. tfUir with our rr in4l- HllBikl. The,. Anil.ltt, rdl th watth, w flti'l itn ci linuarnuio l'mn.ann 0U h Hurt ttitm In four homa far S monilii and ihown tluru to thoi i say bar ll4, ihct become your cwn prupcrtv. Ih'iaa ( one Wt i.i V 1 1 i iilli r iiai v je-mmS III iprM. fr.uhf.ft Addri-H 9I,A"uritttud,lliau). kiitwiat & Cm., Ji M BB of the Kr:i:artrer, S2.00 usually rdiiil cess i.- ri CO w o OF ANY STYLE VEHICLE. IIAMIIiTON liUOfSY C O- , i tr. r . TO MAKE A Delicious Biscuit A';ic your (.rorur tor COW BRAND SODA o- SALERATUJ JO. ti .:l.itlv tn YCLE 2i BALTIMORE, MD. KEW RAPID BICYCLES, NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred secnml hand machinrs, all kinds, sizes and pricrs. Jlny- cles, Sat'-ties and Tricy clic for HoyH and (iirls. I Send for CataloRiie and Price Lists. Mailed free. yi iv :. : .J '- tl 008 Pennsylvania Ato., Washington, D. C. - 77 A'- Railway & imm Go. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." To all Piiucipal l'oiiits in tho United States, Canada and Europe. Ki ijiiu niLMAN mm. i . (MIGRANT SLHPINd CARS Itini Tbrougli ou all Kxprers TraiiiH lo OMAHA, Counoil ISIiil't' .vrvi ST. I'y-TJX j. FreeufVliurgi'mid Wit hunt 'limye. Close ('onnei'tion at Portland Francisco and Puget Sound P tor San lilllS. A I j I i I UO.NWTJ0AM I-:ifH Leave Pi d for Sim I'l aticiseo every (our (d) layu, niiikiug the trip iu (id hours. ( iliin If III. Stcrroir, h'mniJ 7'' rnlimitrj, s'.(W I'nilhiT part ifularn iniuin iK';cni it! I hi1 roinimnv, A. .. MAX li A7 A, I ,. SMITH, (i. l .V- V. A. (it'nt'raf !t iiitiji'i't j l 111-; UUKAT j Transcontinental Houte , 1 A 1 1 j I ? ( ) A )l run or (' Co- .,. n.omh. unpb teil, milk' I if oiof Qniehest. Intj il tin shortest, lit The I hning Car Line. The biioot llotite No Pelays, F'astest Trains. Low est liatcs to Chicago and all ointn F'.ast. Ticotii sold to all I'rtnni. mint roint.s throughout the i East and Southeast. Tlirniii'li I'lilliinii Drawiu lUnm Slipping furs, ! Hoeervations can be secured in advance. ( To Kasi 1 toiiutl 1 Viseii'rerrs ; He careful and do not make a mistake, j but bo sure to take the NOHT1IKUX I'ACIFIC HAILHOAP Aud bis. that your ticket reads via this I: l 1 1 . . tl: I . . . . : 1 Hue, rti i inn oi ..iniiieiipoiis to tivoiti changiw and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant-Sleeping Curs run ou regular express trains full length of line, llertlts free. Lowest rate. (Quick est titno. General licc of the Coota.ov, A'o. f-f ifVnrf rS'f., Cur. U'axliinaton St., J'ortldnil,(hyyon A. IX CHAKLTON, Assistant (leueral l'ttsMenger Ageut. 7 THD VETERAN'S FRIEND. Cures Wounds, Eruises, Strains, Aches and Pains Rheumatic, Neuralgic Sciatic, PROMPTLY And PERMANENTLY. AT BRUGUISTS AND UEAI.ERS. IHE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. BaHlagrt. Ml ARTHUR SMITH PIUCT1C4L WATCM MAKER. Next to First National Batik, H12PPNEH, OKIflGOX. Watches, .A., Clocks, j Wnlehea Clraniwl, luinitritit. Fitted Optical Goods . il.wi. All work (iiHirniitrerf fin- ove. ifiir. I Til 10 I MO.VU t-'.l Ijeweir!) Esliislwt ;i -or- ftill Colitinnes to Sell WATCHES, - . " .: , . ' . CLOCKS, ETC., !e Prices. At tbe Lowest Possih A largo stock of Gold Pens. Ame thyst and Cameo Gold R i.gs. Gold and Silver Wjtc.hes Always u7TTr -on Hand - :: . : A Full Line of M CTBIOA.XJ INH'I IIU- Has been added to his large mid well seleet.ed stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worls. iinraiitcocl. HTOItKupixmitH Minor, hoilnin ,4 t'o'i- May Ht. I leppt i .-!. - - . Cf-iliibpniy, Oreqon and I DAI IO STAGE COMPANY. .1. li. Koeney, Supf, nl .i oiot'i.t. NtoKti lenvtd lioeitiior MondayM. Wedni HilajH and Fri.li.ys at IUH A. Jl. Mnnnnirnl Hlae iirrives TiadKy.' Tlnnwlityh .mil Hiiltinliu'H at S-on I. M. Hnmluy Klaito to iniii rroni A'-liiuilon, l(1nr, r.IO tiiii'h way Pondl.iloii HtaCT Iiiivoh Ih i.p.ier liild A. M. " ' arrives " i:M P. M. Fare to Monument, - - Sff.OO. Fare to Pendleton, - 4.K). E. J. SI.OCCM It CD., Aiiunts. Freight 2 oents per pound. Heppuer, Ogn H. I'. KI.nHKNOK. B rLOltKNCF F1,(IHEN(!E IIKOTHEUS, Xi!ic. STOCK RAISERS ! HKri'NFii OIlFtKIN. :d as ahown above, CllttlK Itl'HIuit'ti lilld 1M.1' UlH l Hdimih K mi rinht MliiMiUit'r. Dm- nit tin ntn(Mit Mkithw, (lilliitm, Ihmitiltit utid WmcofimnlioM. Wn will puy HSltlO.K( vt wunl for (tin Hirt'Mt mid convict ion of uny iurnon Hlt'iiluitf our Htnck. 1 SJEfiLING jJ!L M.ointaulorer, of a: r ,!:. VI li.llt i I S ,1.5: m FIANOS, oii'ji'Lihur Qualtty el C T -auty Of DesIKU, rlhllSHanr' a .i.-.;;nbillty Torstrtnd- biH in Tunc havci oo cqunl. il'.'rtoe?1.,! f nl. T'ttn VlirlKe iJ Ul I iTU lOOW An I itNlc.'lloii ni;;ir;it'.N l Mt1 AH iV'.uniIaciure Uio a : ee.y pun-luter. ;-Uknownki. Factories. Derby, Conn. moxumi:xt - AND Canyon City , , , . , . .- IX. 1 1 V I'j Ij I iN lJ Cms. 11. Lkk, Froprietor, STVr.KS LKWK MDMMKNT DAILY W ei:rr sinpay. -FA UK: Cnnvim Cily to Mtmntneut : This is the ,,uiok.t aud cheapest route to l'ortlaud from all jHiiutsiu this viciuity. V! kmlM Plk. -J fey' 1 i r 1 F i l II ml tm . 1 II I I F.ARTF.RN ORF.fiOS. I interesrini; It From Neiuhbomtir rliaiiKi-s. F.x- l MATIl.L V ( OVXTi'. From the leader. Hparks from a passing mriue iyuited s field of Krtiiu ou llio Wilson riincli, 8)irendiuK to Hiljoiniux liflils, destroying in all atiinp one hundred acres. Tbe Bituister Bros. bikI Joe Woodward lost ttlKJiit 50 acres of grain. The Btirvej iug outfit of the O. & W. T. were camped in the lower part of -the city for a few days. Yesterday they re ceived orders to utrike camp and proceed ' to the Warm Springs. There, trey will run lines to ascertain if a route up the j Umatilla river and across the mountains j at that poiut is practicable. From the K. O. The championship pennant, won at , vvaiia v.aua r.y rue orars, m ..... hil.itiouiu the postotlice, here every-j oue can see and admire and glory iu the J triumph of tho Stars. The Stars, Jr., are spending every available hour iu practice, and will eif deavor to keep the purse of ."0 at home, which wan subscribed for their game with the Walla Walla Juveniles. The contract has been let by the com mittee iu charge of the WeRton water works for the ueeessaiv pipe from the spring ou Pine creek lo the resefvoir an ! from the reservoir t" town. As soon as material arrives, the work of laying tbe pipe, will Commence. A subscription paper will be started ou its rounds to-morrow, the 2lli, it is understood, for a base-l-.all" touniame nt in Pendleton. About :!,I!J is already 't sight, and 3100 or more will be mittid'ent to insure success. Six hundred will make some very respectable dollars prizes,' while the gate receipts will be snlHcent to pay the expenses. . j Turfmen of the Northwest aiediscr.ts- j ing the matter of selecting a horse to j enter toe big two mile repeat, race at j Fresno, California, next fall, for which a purse of SFuO,()00 is offered. It is iiossihie j that one of the Mullock racers, Leon or Eepetta, may be decided upon, if iu con dition to hear the severo strain of such a contest. Come what may, Oregon should, and doubtless will be represented in the race. H. Hansen, the railway engineer who was badly scalded down the lino iu an aecideut ttown the liue some tune ago, barely pulling through alive, had an-1 other narrow escape from death this morning. He run into a hand-car near Cay use sta.iou, and tearing something ; was wrong with the engine in const- j queuoe, climbed out and became the j vicinn oi ine iiiiiciiiuei.i iu noum ..j such an extent that he sustained quite severe, but. probaWy not dangerous, in juries. Sheriff Houser left for Portland this morning, thd 11th, and will return wilh Joe Merrick, who will be tried at the next term of the circuit court in Pendle ton for forging the name of John Mor rison to two bank checks hint fall. Mer rick is the same man who "lis recently tried in the I'nited States district oourt on the charge of obstructing the United Stales mail, he bejllg itnpliuatud iu ll.e attempted train wreaking uear Mimebain, last October. He got one year in the penitentiary on this charge, and the for- : gery business may 'out him auolher I year or two. From all appearances he ! is J bad egg and is safer inside than out of the pen. From the i'ribn,.!!, A little boy, two years old, belottgnig to a family named Put ter, was drowned in Camas ou the evening of the31iust. The father had started for Pendleton on that day, and wheu the accident occurred messenger was dispatched for him, overtaking bini with the sad newB at the Leo crossing of Birch croek. The circus has onme aud gone and several dollars of our good money has gone with it. The usual uuiuberof games of chance were in progress on the grouds, uud the usual nnmbor of suck ers were on hand eager to bite, or easily persuaded. The performance was about as usual, but the parade was slightly im proved. B A KICK COUNTY. From the. liedroek Oe-luoerftt. Mrs. I'euuington, mother of Clinton Pennington, now tin tier sentence of death for the murder of Chun. Ualcum, arrived in the oity yesterday, Tho "F. L." Cattle company are erect ing a flue new hotel in Harney City with the evident intention of booming the town. Frank Silver, alias "Tbe Dago,'1 for merly known as the Astoria blacksmith who attempted to stand up before Johu L. Sullivan on the hitter's visit to Astoria a few years ago, is iu the oity. He is a bard one, aud "don't yon forget it." ! are doing cjnile a heavy husiuess. I Jlr. John Smith, of (irilliu gulch, met I was in Heppuer tbe first of this month with a very painful aud serious accident ! and the wool shipment was just corn last Thursday afternoon, tho 4th. He , ipencing. The secretary of the company, went out gunning, aud uot having any j Hon. T. E. Fell, told me they had ul oounnon shot-gun caps, used a giant cap, rcatlv bundled .100,000 pounds of wool, thinking it would answer the purpose as w ell. He had not gone far when he scared np several grouse and placing the gnu to bis shoulder fired, The evploaiou j blew his thumb and fore-finger uearly ! off. Hn was brought to town immediate ly and taken to the ollice i f Drs. Hudson .4 Ash ton for niedicl treatment. Is, was found accessary to atuputnte the thumb at the first joint aud the ringer at the second joint. Mr. Smith takes his uiis fortnne well and says that he was very lucky in getting off so light. (illANT COT STY. From the lirant County News. The editor uud "wife returned from their trip to Portland Tuesday night just in time to get their names printed in this week's issue. Luct Thursday w,ould have been 4 good time for some-one to rob the First National bank, destroy the town or carry off the print shop uearly everyone hav ing jrone to John Pay to attend thecele bratioti. Ou Sunday, the 2HJ of Juno, a shoot ing affray occurred ou Hock creek, about 50 miles nortuuest ot this place, between Miltou Lnswell and T. J. Westlake, but owing to a lack of space we are unable to chronicle the full particulars, but se I iHinling to our informant if be gave us ! the straight ol it-it was an uncalled-for ! attack on the part of Mr. Laswell, the man who did the shooting. Westlake, the man whose life was attempted, had a 1 very narrow escape, and all occurred, so and his jaws give evidence ef some of the ! says our informant, by jealousy arising taps thereon from the brawny Ust of Sul tXl 'between the above-mentioned parties, livan. Kilraiu walks without assistance, ; 00 over a certain woman. Laswell was i but ia far from frisky. He is also badly : ulmlm u,,,r ,u ,u,! Bum l" ''t1"' action of the grand jury. i i . :.. ii... ii Olio . . :i GILLIAM COrVTY Frotn tin' Arlii'if'"" Tir.. Mnrr.iy ficfM'' ;" in Heppuer. Billy M;tyk. tiie one iirturd niat;, and Hull irlm iHinifht the liorso stoleu by Johnson from Frazi.-r, near Cmlun, i '-Well, he whipped me," replied Jake, were apprehended hero ou the lUth aud 1 ""' ''i'1 ' f"irl-v- 1 W8S B,,t in c" taken More S iuirei:i i.who.Hfter hear- diti"n- The trut'i is I had bnt two ing the cas-e ordered their release, every-1 wp,'ks training. The heat agisted but I thing indicating' that the hore was pnr-i 8 notdrngged. I don't blame anybody ,.1,.,1 ond nai.l for by Mack ill good , faith. The horse was returned to the owner by Sheriff Sauderson the next day. ! There has been entirely too much horse stealing in this community lately, ! aud some verystringeut measure" should f he adopted to faring some of the villians i to justice. It seem to bo very easy for; ! horse thieves to get away, aud especially i in this county it is very difhuult and ey pengive fur ie (,Bi0l.r3 t,, hunt for stoleu , .1,;,,,.. Tt has heeu . . H)e ,.(mtv offer a stand- ing reward for horse thieves, and then wheu a horse is stolen it will not be necessary to wait until a horse theif has left the country before it is known it the party Arresting him w , -la !. be paid for his l trouble or not. What thinks the com . j missioners' court of tliia? AX OltliCON l.KTTKH. I One of Our Kfsiilcnts Writes I'p Murrnw in i an Iowa Paper. A recent issue of the Knoxviile Jo tifil, piihlislied at Kuoxville, towa, con-1 ' tains the following letter from 1). C. Ely, au honored resident of Morrow county. ' I i It contains so mat.y y.tod poittts re-1 j yarding this section that the (.iuzftte j publishes it iu full. Ibis is what he I ! says : SSai.i.i.e, Oregon. ) June 16, 18s!l. ) Ku Jot'iisti,:- It has been a loug tune since I had the pleasure of wtiringi to you, but circumstances hate been' such that I mild uot bring myself to : ; the work. T wi try in this to fcive you a brief ilescripiion of Morrow county, its prospects and its advantages. This county extends about seventy miles north aud south, and tLirty-six miles east and west. It lies on the north side of the state, one hundred and thirty-two miles east of Portiaud The piiucipal stream running through tho county ia ! Willow creek . There are other streams j vi.: Eight Mile creek, Butter, Khea , creeks and ulheis. Portions of the county ! llre well watered while other parts are I conipurativoly without water, yet on the' table-lands water is frequently found, j anil no uouut iu time, almost every t nut tec section ill have n well of good water on it. The principal production ia wheat, although rye aud haaley do well. There is ah:o some coin raised, but Hi is is not a corn country. Oats do well and nearly all kiud.i of vegetables grow here aud potatoes, watermelons aud peas are especially prolific; some j kiinlHol beinisdowe.il w hila others do I no good tit nil; alfalfa does well where! it can he irrigated, prodcing as much as , eight ton.' tot-he acre. So fur, fruit cul- , tine has proved a stuccoes, all kinds' doing well; wherever there are orchards i this year they are loaded wilh fruit; the peach crop will he immense in the few bearing orchards, uud fiuer apples never grew than are raised here, but orchards are scarce, as this country is quite new. I Our prospects for n whent crop were im- lUOinie Bud tanners were talking of rent ing outside laud to stack it ou until the past few weeks we have had some very hot winds which have cut short the crop aboiit one-third. What little outs are sown are ncarlv gone. Wheat is ripening and harvest will commence in j about two weeks. ! The principal towns of this county are ; Heppuer, the county-seat, Lexington, j Hardmau aud lone. Heppuer is situnt- ' ed about forty miles south of the Colum ; biaon Willow meek near the foot-hills J of the Blue mountains, it is a town of about 800 iuhaituuts and is improving ; quite rapidly, it is built on a level piece ! of ground iu u valley, surrounded by high buttes. There are several stores j 1 but business is uot overdone. It has a ! tone rnilrnml njillo.l II., . Il,.,,r 1,,,., I tn,.nnK t; it .i ,J i building of this ryad it is drawing the trade from a large scope of pouutry. It has the trade of a distance of 125 mile8 from tbe south aud southwest. The town has two hotels, but are hardly np ' to the standard. There ia a-tine, two I story depot building, quite large; also ! warehouse built and owned by the Mor- ,.,, t i in. i r. row County Land and Trust Company.1 Tliis ,;. l M ii,., houses along the line of the brunch road, and deal iu grain and wool, and as this i is the first Vear of their operations, they . aud that they expected, before the close I J of the season, to handle 2,000,000 pouuds. ; Thus you Will have au idea of the amount of business this small town is doing. There is n good opening here for men wilh capital. The town ais0 has a large grist mill which is doing a good business mid making gum th.ur. The town has a te v nice resi dences and room for plenty more). There tire four ch urehes aud a commo dious school house. The streets are wide aud clean, mid the surroundings are nietiireso,iie. There are also two National hanks. All former Marion county people liv ing here are enjoying life and doing very well, My brother's two boys, George and John, have 240 acres of wheat which is looking quite well, and if it is not cut short an; more, will produce quite a heavy harvest. We have beeu having new potatoes and green peas for the past four weeks, aud sweet corn is near- ly ready to be pulled. KllKAIN lM'KltVlKWKtl. He Says Sullivan Whipped Him Fairly, Hut 'atits Another Go,. Sr. La is, July It. Kilrain and party arrived here this morning. Kilraiu looks badly, but he is as far from tbe grave as , he was before the tight, iu so far as the j injuries received in the buttle are con- eerued. Hie ttice is badly bruised, both ; eyes blackened, lip cut, but nut severely, i t(-;..l.....,.,.l .... 1 , - t I " 'S"" "- '"' " "..icruor '"ry , more Ihau he did John 1.. He still looks to Mitchell and others for orders like a the criminal conrt, lo-tay heard argu ehild. meats for tind agr.ir.st the isnan:e of n Mit"MI and Kilrain were iitterviewtd ; writ of hnbwis corpus for Ji hh I". Beggn, by iifj Assoitiiited Press reporter. The 1 now imi.risi red in connection with tbe former claimed that Kilrain had deceiv-1 Cronitt Cae. He ht-ld that the indict ed him about his condition. i meat was a sufficient presumption of Hn ' acKuowieu-e my ueteat. I was over confident, perhaps, but still think I can whip Snlliviiu, and shall try for another go at him." This statement was made in a dis heartened way, however, aud it was clearly evident that Kilrain was notover anxious for another battle. IHSASTIHM'S Itl.A.KS. l'lNoie is I'etisli lit the Juil at .fark saiivi!:e. Th.i'. JacksunvaIjLE, Or.. July 12. Of all j the fires which this coast has been visit ed with of late, the most disastrous, so far as loss of life ia concerned, occurred here a little before six o'clock this morn ing, in which three prisoners perished. I lie lrl J I . COI1I ill II IIIU I'Ult'U ui imnirin, .1" " ' ' oisco veil to neon me nun ooio.o ,Uc cells could be reached, che prisouers had suffocated. The fire originated iu the front room, where the deputy sheriff slept, which made it impossible to reach the niisoners until the fire was estin- i gushed. 1 Th deoiitv sheriff had beeu called ; away dnriujt tho night, to protect proper- j ty from a fearful fire raging in the I mountains. The origin of the lire is a matter of conjecture. . The names, uativity and ages of the prisoners a:e: Newton Cook, native of Tennessee, with initials of W. E. T. on his arm: agedCii; unmarried. Henry Hoover, married and with a family iu Michigan; aged 5j; also an honorably discharged Union soldier. Frank Warner, utrcd 1!', a native of Germany. A tilltl. lilUINKl) TO UUATII. A Sluieliiiu Accident at Wnllnla, l anseil l.y Htal liiiK a Kite With Oil. Wai.lixa, July 11. Tim afternoon at 4 o'clock a 12-year--old girl of Mr. James Hamlin, a carpenter in this town, started a tire m the kitchen stove, pour ing coal ou on the burning kiuilling. The oil can exploded, setting fire to the girl's clothing. The house also might j lire and burned to the ground, aud the! child was burned to death iu the build ing. AlllSAHTItnllS F1KKAT FI(KNV Knsi I'iiiie.ty Destioyed nt the Value of 0H),(MH. EiiusN-0, Cal., July 12. A fire broke out iu the bakery of Le Blano & Co. ou .1 street, this morning, and destroyed half a block of brick buildings running south to Mariposa street. The loss is SJIKI.Olltl; insurance, $100,0,10. The lire oonsiuned ths heart of the business ccuter of the .cty, anil it was only by a great efibs't that a repetition of the Seattle disaster was prevented. The Fiske block and Ol'itlith' building are total losses. The heaviest losers are as folio .vs: L. H. Thompson, drugs, loss $12,000; insuranoe S7000. Gihnonr & Co., millinery anil fancy goods, 81b',00O; insurance 0(KI. Kuavers i Co , dry goods, !$2;,0(H); in surance Ifl2.0j0. Lewisou Ai Co., dry goods, Sf;)0,000; iu stirauco 12,000. MoConnel k Hague, grocers, SIO,0ji; insurance $(i000. M. Eenicke, sftloou, lH,0fJ; ineti ranoe SMX.M. J. D. Fiske, l uildiugs. $20,000; insu rance $10,000. A number of small losses, aggregat ing 20,0,10; all insured. A b.AlttiK llb.AK AT WAIJ.A WAI.LA. A number of Itiiildingx llestroyed at a Loss ..e .mini. , Walla Walla, July 12. -This after- ' 1 . noon fire broke out in a vacant Chinese ,, u . . , washhouse on Mam street, opposite the Exchange hotel. Sbortly tliereut'ter tbe lire exteudeel to Kirk's livery stable flo U J..I.A .1 H1W 1 1 ut. ttuu HL'liwabiioUor's lime nnd coal warehouse I ou um ,BU" 1,1 BlmH , e"",la , I the fare department all were oonHOtned. it., i .ji t ii... uerf 3' I"""1''-' but M 8avei1' D n The u,d Mliney hou, on Seventh, re" 0 MiwabnohBra warehouse, was w'th "nts, also destroyed Gilbert Huuts ngriculttirnl works . , were with dillioulty saved. i ui( i iue wmu cunutiueti inii ju mo same direction as when the fire broke out, many more buildings woiild have been destroyed. Owing to the large, amount of oil in Sehwalnichei's warehouse the heat was intense, auij the flremeu for a long time could not approach close enough for effective work. Total loss, about tiHOOO; insuranoe IJ3000. i The lire undoubtedly was incendiary-, i . .. . .,' . me w" 9lmleu lu lue rPllr ol lue Hu' ,,ex of tl,e Exchange hotel Thtimday 1 eveuing, but was subdued in hue to prevent injury. It ia foared that other attempts will be made. YAKIMA 1HIIS FOB I'HK CAPITAL. The Convention Still Hard t- Work Though AoeoiniillNliiiiK hut Little. Olymi'Ia, W. T.,July 12.- The consti tutional convention is moving along slowly with great work before it. Yakima came to the trout to-day ,itu a bid for the capital. A nice pamphlet relative to the lieauties of North Yakima for the capital, was laid ou every mem liers desk. It gave the mnaous for its location at Yakima, aud had a good lean n,t Itrt-rtitp .lietore. w ith evcel. I , nuniliil-mrivinu lirrarntnra iimi.le tha ; CoVers j ' ! BCKKR, THE WINNKPKU SI'sPECT. I ; It Is Drflnitely Settled t hai His F.xtradltlon W ill Ke Allowed. ' Ottawa, July li. It is now settled beyond doubt that the government will grant the application of President Harri- son for extradition of Burke for the . . . , IT,, , alleged murder of Cronin. The reiort . v , i. .. . .... .a i or d tinge uaiu una not je arnveu from Winnepeg. and in the meantime it , , .. , is OIH-U fur lllirke s council to apply fori :r 9 l . A. ...... .... , I . nil! oi iiriorrtjt ul .rwa u.t. ,, , . , lH'lug allowed for that purpose, in order .i . t i r i i i that Judge Bam s deoisiou may lie re - viewed. It is rumored th-it such action , , , will uot bo taken. BB0OS KtKl SKU A WRrr Or HAHEA8 COBPCS. Ciuonoii, July 12. Judge Beuton, of guilt to wnrrnnt holding tbe prisoner without bail, and refused to issue hail. AT Kltl.GNSHUKtiH. Bimiiifst, Is (trnitoally Kesilmin, and There Is Work fur All. -Ei.lf.ssbuboh, W. T., July II. Busi-1 ness is gradually resuming; since the ad- j justers completed their work. The I American and Peuusylvauia of Philadel phia, and tbe Phoenix, of Brooklyn, am- j icanly settled with their policy holders, paying h!1 just claims, so there is noth- j ing now in tbe way of the progress of the city. Builders estimate that within the next thirty days there will be 10UO mechanics on their pay rolls. I he relief committee report an in oreasing number of applicants at the headquarters to-day, and each applicant is given provisions enough to last a fam ily a week. No provisions are furnished men who refuse to work, as there is plen ty to do at fair wages, aud no excuse for idleness. MoiMlNVILLK, Okkoon. Collegiate & Academic Departments ! In the Academy Classical, Scientific Normal and Business Courses, Eaoh Three Years. Mm in CitHf-g? Rtiililin? ?, $ I ami $5 a Tim Board S2..rK) a week; Tuition 1 and Sf lU a year. I NO INCIDENTAL EXPENSES NO ! EXTRAS. Instruction thorough; location healthy; President lives in the building. . j Fall term begin" Kent. 4. For Catalogues, Address President T. O. BllOWNSON. NOTK :E OF INTENTION. 1 in. it Ollice at Liifii'iin.te. Or.. July 11, !. Nolieu is hereby Kiven tlml tile followinK nilined setller hlih filed liolieo of his intention to make. rini. 1 proot in support of hit' ejaiin, ai d that said proof will he niiide before th'i eoinny elerk if Morrow county lit Heppuer, n.-., on Au. 23, lS-a, viz: Aaron E. French, D. 8. No. HUM for tholS'.NWri 8H 8K!4 f-'C. II, Tp. OS. H29E W. III. He riiimeHttio followinu witneases l provehis contiiiuoiiB residenee upon and cultivation of, miid tatul, viz: Andrew J. Cook, liileu Dauuherty, Oeorie H. t'li,rlr of I., ma Or. .luffll. Paftcett.. of MeooiiHr. Or. Ally pet-SOTl V'no uemn'S 'o proiesc nanim ill" j allowance f;f suoh proof. ,,r who know of any i HuhetHiitinl reaHOii, under the law and the reuln I tioud of tlie Interior Department, why auch. proof ehouid not. be allowed, will iHifrivenan op I portnnity at the above rentionBd time and ilaee to crosH-eiiniine the vitnesse" of "aid cdaimaut. j and to oltei- Gvidenee in rebutUi' of that -utimit- ted by claimant. I a3()-H;i Heililf UlNKBAhT. Iteirifter. STOCK Kit AN IIS. While you keep .oiir Ktihveiiiit ion p:.id up yon can keep your brand in freeof eh;:rf;. C K Adkiiis, Horses. J, on ri,'ht !ioul.ier: em tie, (' lion riidit hip lianite in .Joint ai.d Mor row eoiintiep. Adkins. .) J Hori-l'i. .IA conii-vit-d 0:1 let I flank; eattie. same on left hip. j Hleiiiitnau, (ieo., llartinit-n-; Hi raes, iitlanon left Hiioulder; eattie, nma en ritflit elioiild- r. I o ... i ..n o .... . 1. ... I nlljWn.' J '(! Ui.rscii. einde c with dot in na taroa not. top; eattie, a:ue. Hover. VY IV. Lena HoiHea. l.'o.t brand o- hip rattle, name, wilh i;plit in each ear. llorK, P. 11. Hoi-pes, P It on left alioulder; eat tie. damn oo left hip, Brian, T. F., Lone ltoek. Iforaes o with bar under aud over on ri!d shoulder. burton, Wr-HorKen. J 11 on riht th'. i ealt,'. miuiu on riuht hip; split in each ear. Win. Radio, Monument. -Ki-iimls horrtea l ou riitht slioulder. ltalii;o lirant and Morrow eotu: tiea. flUiler rtentry, F.elio. Or - - IIitm-s branded 11. H. with ft quarter cir-le over it, on left p-tiile. Kaiate in Morrow and Unintillu counties. Allison, O. D.-i 'attle brand, O U on left hip and horses same brand on right uhoitUter. Kimifu, Killht Alile. Hook, A. J., Lenn HoraeH, tuion rinhta!io:il ter; ('attle, same on riuhtliip: ear mark aqaaru ero off left and split in liriht. Currin. H - ltore, 10 on left Htifle. Cuninnhrin o, W li, Newton lianeh Horses. Vtith figure under it oa left shoulder; ea'.J same on left hip and 'hitrh, left ear aquare eut I'ox & Enirlish, Himiman t'a'.t.la, t.( with " ill center: horsoB, CK on ieft Sin. Cupper, II A-Horses He on lift shoulder: cattle H (.on left. Bide, swallow fork on rittht ear. H. F,. (:ocitran, Monument. Grant ('o, (Jr. Horaea branded eirole with hur bftueiltli, on left shoulder; oattle same bnind on both hips, mark under slope both earn and dewlap. I)ouKlaas, W M Cattle, It I) on riRht side, swai-low-fork in each ear: horsea. It D on left hip. Meek. jaeKson. rtorses. m connected on riitht Bhoulder; cattle, flame on riifbt. hip. Kar mark, hole in right ami crop off left. tjleuallen, Jolm W Horses brunded half-cir- I cle . I L nonnooted on left shoulder. Cuttle, same ; on loo-oi. nucifit, umi xexneiiou, Florence, L A Cattle, LF on riht hip; horsns Fw'th barnnderoii riKht shoidder Florence, H P Horses, ou right shot liter I cattle. F on rit?ht hip or thiith. Armstrong. J. C, Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on loft fr H,lrvGAy left ehoulder. (iobln, nmk Hurries, 7 F on left utirie; cuttln WI IPOlltlK H "IKt (ianiKKe, A. L. HorHe. 31 on rteht ehnuUler. HuiiHiiknr, B i -llorHafl, M ou left, shoulder; mt tl(. tt on loft hiu ; n..i r si ti. -.i. ir n h 1. . flank: " , -HffijlilWt rfld Jniikin, 8. M, Hoihes, horseshoe J on Jpft shmikkr. attlo, the ttm3. iijutge on Kiuht Miln. .lohnooii, Folix Horses, circle T on left ntifl cattle, arat on risht hip, under half crop in rig Hiid BiHt in left tHr. ! Kirk. J T 6Uon left hip Kirk. J T Horsen JH on loft shouMor: rsrt Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on either nauk: eattie on riu-ht side. Lai-sen, Hasmna Horses, R Tj on left hip, Ijowis, J It. Lena- Horses, P with over it on loft shoulder. Minor, Oscar. - Cattle, M Dim right hip; horses M on le.H shoulder. MorKHti, H N Horses, M ) on left shoulder cattle, same on left hip. Met timlier, !aa A, Atwood Horses, M with bar over on rifetit shoulder. Morirun. ThoB Horses, circle T on left shoul. der and left thiith; cattle, Z on riirht thiith. Mitchell, Oseur, IVttybville Horses, n on right hip; cattlo, 77 on riir'at side. Mctlaren, 1 (i Horses, l-'ignre 5 on each shoul der: cattle, M2 on hip. Neol. Andrew, Lone ltoek Horses AN con ueeted rui left shoulder: cnttle snnHion both hip Newman, W. It. Horses .N with half eirel over it on left shoulder. I Nordyke, t Horses, circle 7 en left thiirh; cat tie. same on left hip. Oiler, Perry. Lone ltoek P O r. left Bhon.de r Peneson, Oluve. Horses, circle shield on left. shoulder ..id '4 on left hip. Cattle, circle "hield on left hip. Knntte on Kiirht Mile Pearson, Jus., Pine t 'ify. Horses h2 on left hip low down. Parker & Gleasou. Hardm&n Horses IP on left shoulder. - U.'.... 1 II A...... .11. 11. -t..J . i iv., u, m'"u - him . t-i i-uiiiieui eu on left shoulder; cattle, same tm left hip. under bit in each ear. ItiKMi, Andrew, Hanlroan- Horsps, siiuareeroas Willi .liarier-circie over it on lett stine. Itenlusrer. Chris Horses. C H en left shonlder- Ktsit'.r. J W Horses, JO -.-i left shollltler. Cat tle, O on right hip. atmiy, V.- Hories brnmWl SF connecterl on tiKet (-,L.urti.'i , orttue Mtuie on ihhu ii. , D. Sinii. J . v. JiorM brHnucu M n rinht shotil. ur, cult to hrnntttni s on tho right hip and a tunooth rrup oft of tJi lft r. ( StruUht W. K,- H irnwt xliAiied J 8 on Wt j stitie: ittlo J S ui luft hip, swallow fork in riht ' wr, undt'rbit in left. KajtT, Hobt -Horww, 8 on riht ahonld(r; cattlf fM)imro(ui rtht tun and 8 on nht shoulder. , SwuKuart, L, Alpine Horses, 8 li on rih : Bht.uKit'r. baip. Ihos. Hort, 8 A P on left hip; caitle 1 same on left hill. Shohe, Dr A J Horses, D8 on on left hip; cut. tie, same un left side, wattle on left side of neck ears out sharp at point. Stevenson, Mrs A J Oattle, 8 on right hip. .waiiow-itim in leu e.r. 8htlton ik 8at Hore. 8 on its aid avhi- nn on Left ahouhler; cattle, mine on left hip. 8perry. t (j 'attle. W V on leff hip. crop nfl right and an der bit in left ear. dulap; horvw, W C j on left Bhoulder. 8wa;art. tt W Horw, 4 on left shoulder: Stewart. Geo., Hitnltnat) Horee cirri coo j left tthouUfer. oattle, -14 ou left hip. Mtn on left .Uder" ' a le" ' lO'Pets i 8T-Horse., c on left shoulder. W aile. Henry, Horses branded see of spade. ' 1 on left shoulder and left htu. CtU. branded i same on left side .nd left bin. Wells. A I Howe.. ou left ehonlder; CAttl "559-, , , ., . W ylanti, J H Hardman irele ( ou lef thuil Woodward. John Horse, L'P connected op left shoulder. u- , ! allaee. Churlee Cattle. W on right thigh, ho! i , in left mt; horses. W ou right shoulder, norm ' same on left shoulder. ! , W.en, A A t'.ttie, rnnninfr AA with bar .cross I ; onnjthr i.it. i J- K. Young. dooelwrrr,l)r.-Horw hnuideil ' ' "Son the riitht shoulder. 1 j W. H. Crowley, Long eyuek Horses brasdetl ! eirel. i on ieft shoulder Whittier Hnw., lieewy, Harn.y county, Or. -i Home, branded w B, rnnrK'te4 oo left ehouller. mm (! Mm ronev to Loan, t IViinis tlesiriiij; limns tm im proved fiiiuis or town loU, imii sr-tiro such on rensoiiiili'e terms by culling ou Hf I a Q ETTE oHico. I'ATTKltsON, iHEPl'XKR. OliEGOX. t.-a V h"i I pit Cuts I da not rrenn niorely to top l.i . i.r-.ii !' n leivi liiem ru- turn Jl iuiV .In: A.i A !!.' ...do Iu. tiibuaso re:Tictly t.T .t.lie: huv in? afuio. . :: litrrru , K--rCU .-! l,.v a ... !':tVaait Cn,a -..Xi.-t -'.: S. i-i norcujon i . : ( liitrti'.'.l! ir:. t.v'.i ci uiv J:.f;.:.t.iuL:': i.: -.d i"ot O'Jrc ' t .jl, and it cu.-o U.G. ROOT, Ti'i.C mm ?mBalm nio-inans ia T'BSft ssaees. Al loys inltamwation. jutuals the Soros. Restores ike aansoa of Taste, Smell ttnd Keamig. A particle is t.7ilnc-d into enr.fa nostril anil in RKrpealsle. Price fiGr. nt llriiKKists or by mail. Eh liKOTHKRK.SC Warren bu.New Yon;. - i it -jn MA D . CluOSystem X.tv&XJ . 'if i I l instalment system, i ; A'W tuff' V, t'rr ' V club members sells us Cfciz'zJ!& a8 watches in each rHILA. 3BVatch Club , and we pet cash from fcS f the Club 1'nr cadi watch ttci'ore it guvs li-liF i out, tlioiitl cacit niemucr oniy yiiyFrtj.st J. n b Tl . is iu .riv v- Pive vi.i: Sip;. m(ire tot your money than any cue else and why we are tluinK tho 1..:;;;M wulch business in the mtM. V'c ei-U ,t ft nnilito rr, n'; 1.i!t sr.Il ! t'-$r2 prices are about vvli.it cLhcrs ytl f ratc- Lr3 il is a substantial Silver (not ''.- !ion of l9S''5 :l"yl;inti) Mcin-wmu American i.evcr iTiH watcrt enner nuiuin gasc or open. W4m (lur i5.t)0 W alcli is a Stem-wind , liSE?!; ( Jjw-'iii'ace, first quality, stitTcn-jdOold hr-fMwarOyf'irs, It is fully equal to any watcti sola lor 50 ny oincrs. vt;iinii a tirst-dass StiiTened Cold Case much m more satisfactory and serviceable than any Sulidtlold Csr.e thatcan besoldat less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invariably thin, weak, ot low quality, and worthless after lihortuse. Our$3t Watch contains numerous important patented im-, m i fell provements, of vital importance to accur- ate timing J'atent Dnstprqpf, Patent $i tin l ':ndt o-vvvhich we control exclusivttly, It is fully equ d fr accuracy , appearance, uura bdity and BtTvire, to any Watch, either Open F,'ve or Hunting. Oiu $i l -3.00 Rntl s chJ H'utt.h is especially constrtiLted (or the iiKuteAacim? n;-o, and is ihoj cst Rail road Wau'n n'.ide, tjpon Face cr Hunting. 11 ti pt'iv; are cidu-r all cash or in clubs, :i.til) :x wait. a-. .;? it-.,i,;t TtuVr.iivtanfiWafnhrtiihPn'f; fiihPfiW': v, VA tiLi, - -TA Aj.ix W.itch Irll..ln,-.$1.00tj y JK. ltrllKlg Wt W IS II', Jl 4" THE LABS' J NEVER, OUT 0? OBDEK Sf yei 1 to v ask OUrimrent at y o:o ria, v o r m,. prices. It yon en ion a, nri;i , -,. - i: e:, I direct t t UL. iiii i:i: iui ;t,i.t,'-. . j.i: CHICAGO r-8 i i LEI li? 5. xHOAIl vi Heppner. A rs Or,.g, n Pacific department, coneral niTeney, 7'jriilHrkPl. ftreet, hislory htii tiling. Han I'lniieisi-w, Cal Bratichrs. 4ti Morri'-o!i Ht., t'ortl.'uel. Or., 1 South Second St. San Jose, t !., .1 North Sprillfc St., Los Ant-eies. I al TO SAN FRANCISCO, ("Ai. BY WAY ilf THE Southern Pacific Company's Line :iIHE PIT. BHHSTH ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Route- ; -r-v , 1 1 rUI llrlllU- -San Francisco, Leare Portland fit 4 P. ,V.f Dnij, THROUGH TIME, S9 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFHT SI.HEPkRS. TOURIST SIPPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare fnm Portlauri to Sacraiur cisiy.: rntiniiteil I.b.iiteri Kb-st-Class ' Sec.nd-Clns, Throngh Tickets to all and Eajt, itohndSnn Fran- -.'5 I' !. Points South VIA OAI TICKET IPOH.VIA. OFFICKS: CATARRH w? I'm? ir-i'i-Hlvl B rr, -4 K: 1 1 li t U i City Office, No. 13t. Corner Fi st i AMerStrrwtt f ricK.t CSiit.r, Corner F rjid Front S.reele. i PORTLAND. ORUiON. 11. KOKNI.KK, K. P ROGERS. 4 VHrsgr, Asl. G. F. wid PtMS. Atft, I