V-6 THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER, THURSDAY. July 18, 'Urt. RAILROAD TIME TABU. Trains on the Willow Creek Branch arrive M Rml leave the different stationa daily, except Sundays, an followa: EASTWARD. KuriffTSfiiedP WESTWABD. H-.20 T. M. Ar. Heppner. Lv. 7:4S A. M, l'Xintrton. " 6:'JI" " lone. " " DiiukIhw. " H3I" " CemlV. ' 9:M Willows Junction" loan " " ArlinKton. Ar, :2n" " Portland Lv 1-M " " .1-10 41 ' 4 at) " :j:Wi ' 2:50' 9:40' " I.v. Northern Pacific trains eant leave Arlington daily 2:20 P. M.; koiiik west. 10:1 A. M. Union I'ueitic train eiwr, 4:10 A. H.tKuiitR- w-st., ltl;:ts P. M. 0. L. THOMPSON, Ajrcnt. cahy()NadTnte rmediatpoTn isT Htnae leaves for Cauvon City Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There is a saving of lb' hours iu time and $10 in cash by taking this ronto to ('uuvon. C. W. L'uiihir & Co.,m, Fifth St., ! Portland, Or., are authorized to make I advertising contracts for the Gazette. I They wi I also make collections for this paper. Here and There The Gazette is only 92.00 a year, in I 'e patron. Money sent out of the conu- ndvance. " tr 1H goue forever' , , Mr. Fred Hallock, representing the Take the Heppner Gazettt, and get Heipuer Gazette has been iu the lte theuews. public for tho week past. Fred has all Wm. Rush re potts good range iu the the qualifications necessary to coneti Hitter country. tu'e R thorough good fellow, nnd has r ti i i . ii. n ,.,,ii,.(.. made many wurm friends dining his last S ittmlaT'"1 Pendleton brief viMit l.cra. ;.(.. ' . ' . "' T;(.i.,. i,rf i,,a). B. G. Frukes whs'ever from Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Eitchey left last thi9 ,eok t,ceut rains have brought week by teiitu for California. Qnt tb(J Rr()ps ruugfl oousjd,,r.lblv li. Tj. Alters, a prominent Goosberry- i j.ox vniloy. Crops are much later ite, was in Heppner this week. over there than in Morrow, and every V 15. Mac-key and Mart MeCnmber rancher will have a world of hay regard mete tip from Alpiue last Saturday. less of the hot, nrorcliinir weather in Born to the wife of D. W. Bowman, June niear Bhea creek bridge, July Oth, a 'J It) Some time ago we heard some talk of a Kjoy. telegraph wire being stretched between Hepr.ner has no-" Pied Pipers," but is Heppner, Long Creek and Canyon City, loaded to the .,-unrds with amateur ran- That it would be of groat beneht to the iciaus country cannot bo doubted, but tho en- ' , r ii i i UJo.i terprise will not be a success unless fl. VY. atker,,, Hock creek, passed rollit.g."-A'-through Heppntr this week on his way t Arlintii. rt,,,.. ift Mrs. N. B. Gregg, mother of tho big- L. T. Dodsun and J. M. Hager loft Gakttb institution, left Tuesday mommy for a trip Hi rough the MoMjBy fnr ,ier b(,me in vValla Walla,. Hound section. accompanied by our Zoe, with whom B. A. Ford sold his residence in South our neighbors aro well acquainted, at Heppner last Saturday to (hd Buyer, least. For the benefit of these friends we (,'ousideratioii, fM). will state that Miss Zoe will he absent Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bush, accompanied i for several weeks, by daughter, May.- arrived home Mou- j Heppner's oornet hand will shortly dtiy from MuDutfie springs. j 8e ueir leader, Prof. Pelrie, tmd also The report that Blaine had resigned , Art Ammerman, one of their main stays, the secretaryship owing to poor hoalth Yet tlie boys propose to keep that band has been denied by himself. Uip to the present standard, and be able u. ,;...i; i,' v., u rovmiinenr, eifci- i to (urn loose on our citizens, whenever zen of Walla Walla, died tit his homo at that place on the 12th mst. Elder Booth, of the M. E. church, delivered an interesting sermon at their Heppuer church last Sunday. Mrs. W.F. Porwivtd and hor little son are over from their home, opposite Cas tle Bock, visiting relatives here. : The survey of the Pendleton and Can Cmii City road has been completed, and ;makes tho total distance Ui4 miles, .fharlov Straus, representing the boot nnd shoe firm of JJuchiughiim & Hecht, j-allil ou Heppner's merchants ini?1 I week. The Pacini) EtpressCo. is a soulless institution, and accommodates the public to the extent 6ft.be dollars and cents i in flight. John I', beggs, n Chicago suspect of being implicated in the CronUi murder, accuses the officers of limine pressure in hi" case. Frank Shipley htm oomplcted his term of school in the Six Dollar district. Ke is now employed at a, "case" in the Oahtte ollice. F,. G. Roberts, of the marble firm of Coleman : Huberts, Walla Walla, spent several Jays within the past week in the Heppner country., Hullivau is already tussling with his old enemy, hqnor. Sullivan is safe man for sporting men to bank on, yet he is a brute, nevertheless. Plenty of IS no Morrow county fruit is in the market at prices within the ' reu.ch of all. The fruit itidiu try is grow ing year by year, and pays well. . .Last, week there was a check in the -wool business here, few teams coining in, 'but the procession is on the move again loaded with the clip from overthe Blues. ,'f. J.Simmons finished burning a kiln brick for J. B. Sperry last week. L t makes 210,000 good building brick whic M'fiv been burned un that yard this season. , ''mm; Why can the Gem Sa- loon offonl' brauds of Bod 0iecause the cash.- wain out, tici-ouip. - , if i.,Qf A Tvl, r lr,ds, n ii'i 1 Jn left last Sunday for the health-v-,u llot b t iri iil'h. Nearly til the wool sold" oi Heppner this year was immediately oviibibbw representatives of Eastern tionsfiS, the Heppner Warehouse people recemug most of it. Charles E. Lelaml, formerly iuitintger of the Clarendon hotel, of Saratoga, and the Delevan, of Albany, N. Y., has been secured to manage the new hotel of Portland. D. J. Sehuebly's Kittitas Localizer comes out in small form since the tire, but new material and presses have been ordered, and the Localizer will soou uo itself agitiu. A good paper cannot be g itten up on wind. It takes cold cash, aud lots of it. A good, livo paper in a community, is but the reflection of the people who oompose it. From the samples of fall-fawn wdieat which our reporter saw las! week, he has every reason to expert more than an average orop in Morrow this year. Our county is all right. The French people all ever the world celebrated the 100th anniversary of the fall of the liastile ou last Sunday. At Portland this event was commemorated by patriotic exercises and dancing. New postoffices have been established at the following places in Oregon: Bay . City, Tillamook county. Om-low Young as postmaster, Hudson, Douglass county, ,with Leonard M. Perkins as postmaster. Mr. Geo. W. Wright, of the Albany tn firm of Blackburn and Wright, aurj ..i $ w,i..l. Brmtn. of this iilace. is in HenDuer on busmeRS. Mr. ..... --- Wright likes his new location, Albany, and is nloing well. Our neighbor. Gooseberry, is not Tery favored in the matter of muii Het.nner Dapers goiug to that ooiut eu ween oio. wieu mev reach their dVftiuatiou. should be remedied. Gene Gilmau, of Corncob, delivered to Hampton liroe , at Heppner last week, 16D head of beef cattle. He has l4ll to shiD soon, B40 of them to .laiicnreH l.erp some time thia mouth, Rml the remainder later on. notes due said estate mnst also be settled Citiam of Walla Walla (.ppeared lie-' by that time. J. S. YOCMJ, , fore the committee on connty. state ami Adm mstrator ( municipal indebteduefs, at Olytr.pia. W . j Heppner, Or., June i l- I X., last Monday and argued in favor of a; --- -- - ; clause of the coestitutiou allowing coun-' "The Model is really last snob ft Cigar . t;es to stiheidiye railroads by iMinded in- store as its mime would .leiKPHte. I, d'ebteduess. Walla Walla county ha:W. Marshall is the proprietor. He recently granted Si'sl.Oot) Ut tlie Hunt . keep the best brands of citfars, a choice ! svstem of roads and it is because of this 1 stock of tobdcco, fine confectioneries action that the neople of Walla Walla : and fruit. Firt National Bauk build are specially interested in thia question. ; a, Maiu stroet, Heppn-r. Prices"." Give! ! From the character (if telegraphic , "n-.tt -: ais issue, the Gazette evi ; b it! 'ids fiiir to riviil in sporting I" id' - it-' nnmt'Kiike, the I'nlirr y- l;d (ulliford. of Hutter creek, and -ne Hoover, of Caning prairie, will iiclit I u prim mill fur 1110 n side, in Camas ti nt qmti ,n , llnrm.,Mnrl,li,,'.i:.i.TT. , ; j et the news, if yon are uot able to have ! i one of vonr own. However, vun will feel I nitieu better and hae a clearer record in i the world to eome to take the paper yourself. SfZ.uJ per year, in advance. ' UI.....I Should the council uot feel like I suniini: the responsibility of putting iu : water-works or devising souio means of fire protection, the citizfus should take I hold of tlie matter. L.3t the mayor call ! a mass meeting and gn to work. ! The cut-off road to Loug Creek, which leaves the Hutdir.nn road at Frank Gil Horn's place nnd intsrects it again at I 1 oil Rock, w ill shortly receive the bene fit of 8300 appropriation from the county and S33(i snberihed by Heppner's citi zens. Tacoma's subscription to the Senttlo relief fuud amounts to 91S.D0O, besides a quantity of clothiui; and provisions. lleppner sent -well the Gazette has not ninde u the list yet, but so far as is known it amounts to tho munificent sum of ?2 Write for tho price list of the Gazette job department and be convinced that ; you can get your printing done at home as cheap as elsewhere. Cash left at home j frequently get back into the pocket of tlie occasion demands, the latest aud most approved music. The Bockford, W. T., placer mines prove to he nothing mote than a cistern "salted" with brass filings. The deni zens of Bockford who deserted stores to take up and work claims are uow vending wares at tlie old stands, and selling off their pans, rockers and picks at greatly reduced figures. The Gazette believes that the Sound section, inside of two years, will have more emigrants than immigrants, not withstanding that several of our citizens nre inclined to believe to tlie oontrarv here a man makes his ' stake is a good place to slay, particularly when the future of a country is as bright as this. . John Oilman, of Empire City, Or., murdered his tenant's wife and child last Sunday, and laid a trap for East en hover, the busbaud, but he escaped. Ou goiug home he found two new Braves containing the bodies of his wife and child, and a ready made grave f ir himself. The murderer has been arrested. Contracts have been' made tit Ellens burg for forty three brick buildiugs at an average cost of 12,000, aggregating over half a million. This will make Ellensburg one of the most solidly built cities on the coast. A great num ber of frame buildings are goiug up outside the tire limits, but of these uo account is taken. The artesian well scheme, which we have fostered and cherished so dearly now appears as dilapidated in the pub lie mind as old ''Dutch John's" thresh ing machine, up on Heppner's dog heaven. New schemes are being talked of daily, mid th$ Gazette hopes to see the early oousumntiou of one of the most praotical of them. S. M. Teed will rusticate nn the banks of the rim-rocked John Day, near Bung- town, the remainder of the season, ex. enipt from the worry, of "sorts," "takes" aud the pranks of our bucolic devil Mosquitoes aud horse Hies may occa sionally make life rather dull and uu interesting up there; otherwise it can't be beat for profit and pleasure. A "French young lady" of uu E istern city writes the Gazette for advertising rates, Baying that she is quite desirous of obtaining a husband and wishes to in sert a local to that effect. The f. y. 1. was advised that advertising space for the above oause could now bo proonred at a very Jow figure, owiDg to- the ex tremely hot weather, hut as the winter season couies to hand the old rates are worth 100 cents on the dollar. This sea son has been very diiicouraging to the marriage crop. I'KCULIAB Iu the oombiufttiou, proportion, au preparation of iU ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilbi accomplishes curea where other preparations entirely fail. Pecu liar in its t'ood name at homo, which is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the phenorneutal sales it has attained. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most success ful medicine for purifying the blood, giving strength, and creating an appe tite. The 0n State Wcnthur Hur-aa, co-ofem-ating witbi the U. S. Sinnal Service, is 'lioinif a valuubUi work for onr "ti.te. The w.iek Irwiil monthly wtsither crop linlletius, which Imve been widely v,nb!Wiel in the press of Ur es-on.KiD inraluHtilv to intending settlors, well as to our own nanuls. lie' efforts of -the. Hureau to have a proper imtlui-stm,Uir: or tlie netds of the semi arid section will wi'Utimlly result in much Kood. , CtCCASIGNAL FAITNESH. Dr. Flint's KksietiT, taken when ver-; tigo, occasional faiutness, natisea, loss of j Y, L : . . ... ,,'t .. .'.ft.. appetite Kiid inaliility to Sleep ai)ear. win prevem ioo ucvcioinu, m mation of the brain, of which these (ire the first symptoms. lX'ncriptive treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. 'AMI IN IsTIiATOlfS NOTI' E. 1 he undersigned has been appointeu administrator of the estate of Moses Catitwr ll All claims agiu-t the Cant- well estate must be made out in bill form, sworn to before an oflicer qualified to administer the same, and handed in j hv December 2".1"J. All accounts and Her a Call Kostlebs In Harkpy. -The Harney ! Items enys: Au attempt will soon be I made to wise funds with which to pur chase the necessary app tr.ttits for lxr- J iii(f au artosbin well. The present dry season ha settled the ot that artesian I water is Lidiepensahlt.. When we re- member tb.i! artcsinu water has been : seenreii ou nil smcs ol secureu ou u sines oi mtruev vauey, i we do not for u moment fear that we ; are taking a risk iu any uiunner. With, artesian water this valley will produce heavier crops than any other valley on the Paciflo stone. Tr is honed that 1 those interested will see to it that something is done in this direction at once. When we have plenty of water we will be able to produce a large quan tity of everything that can be produced in this latitude, besides we will be able to beautify our homes asking no odds of our rivers aud spring branches. Seeking A Business Point on the Sound. M. C. McDougall left Tuesday for the Sound section where he will likely locate in busiuess. Mr. McDou gall was solicited by many of Heppner's most influential citizens to again estab lish a business at this point, and says that although he was very successful while iu busiuess here formerly, and likes Heppner and Heppner people, that the outlook is much more favorable for the Sound country than any part of Eastern Oregon. Ho believes that Heppner has a prosperous future before it. and will make one of the best points of all the buuehgrass country. The Ga zette regrets that Heppuer must lose Mao ' as as a citizen, tie is still inter ested iu some o'hoioe real estate here. Not A Success. Several towns iu Eastern Oregon are stuck after a scour ing mill. Asa rule, they are uot a blooming success out this way. Enough wool cannot be gotten together at any one point to make it pay, and uothiug is gained in. the matter of freights to the markets, as wools iu the grease go at a very low rate. ueuv. r tnea ine scouring mill experiment, and now has a plant worth $10,000 for sale at a price hurdly exceeding a song. Other places in the West have been equally as unsuccessful in the scouring mill busiuess us Denver, as uot a plant is in successful operation betweeu tlie sissippi river nnd San Franciso. Mis- Seasonable Expectations. The Ga zette has always hoked after the best interests of the large oountt y over the hill; wheu they needed better mail facili ties, it was ever ready to lend a willing baud; for the appropriation of $10,000 to the John Day wagon road, this paper did its best. Now we have a perfect right to expect that every live citizen should reciprocate these little favors by subscribing for the Gazette. It is worth the subscription price, $2.00 a year. A Big Tkade. Heppner is enjoying the biggest trade 'his season in its his tory. All day long are the stores crowd ed with people who take out tons of sup plies, which are sold at the lowest prices. July, so far, has proved a busier month than the same month of former years. Railroad facilities, better roads and the looation of the town are doing wonders for Heppner. It is the nearest and best point for an immense territory. "Hunger is the Best Sauce." As a rule, a pereou who has a' good appetite has good health. But how ninny are there who enjoy nothing they eat, ami sit down to meals only as nn unpleas ant duty. Nature's antidotes for this are so happily combined iu Hood's Sarr saparilhi that it soon restores good di gestion, creates an appetite, aud it soon renovates nnd vitalizes the blood so that the beneficial effect of good food is im ported to the whole body. Truly hnngei is the beBt sauce, and Hood's Sarsaparilla induces hunger. A Bad Practice. Tue practice of riil inu wild horses in Heppner's t3trcets may amtiae the 'vau(ueros," and be sonic fun for a large part of our population, the Gazkttb man included, yet for the gen eral good of the community, it should be discouraged by the authorities. Sonieiunooent little one, not nble to avoid the curvetting, bunking, wild-eyed ciiyuse will bo bndly injured or killed if it is uot looked after. Consumption Suuely Cubed. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I havo a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fueb to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post office address. T. A. KLOOUM. M. (J. 1H1 Pearl St., New York, K. Y. Go To Wore. Messrn. C & 0. F. PiiFkitiB lmvo sunk a well 7(J feet in (pjth on tho biUer'H railroad cl.'iim, neur Lexington. Tliey maclt from 2 Ui 12 feet a day on this woll, and have demonstrated tli fact that u good woll aufjur it the thing to Klrike artenian or mirface water in this country. ThosoKenlleinon have several well -ontmcta to complete iu tho noar future. Tliey ftre (ietirvCB of boring an artesian woll fur llejr irner, if t!iftw.Qt;lo whN U niake an effort to ue. cure Midi a ennw miiee. l. . rariim m r.a e.iMeneric-ed well man, huvina worked at the bniiiicm in various parts of tho West, Organ'!'; a joint stuck company, citizen of U iplw, and po to work ut once. A 'Hunaway.--yesterday "mornii.z ahout 10 o'clock, tho denizens ut Main street were treated to a bob-tai'ed runaway, which, fortun ately, result! in nothing serion. As Tom .Mor gan's team turned -'he May and Hal n street cor ner, at the Kirst, Natiwul Hunk, tho WHtfon tongue fell out of tho neckyoke frighten ing the hortes. who proceeded to Mindown Main street, bringing up aguingl a telegrr.ph pole near the Gere Saloon. Mr. Morgan was thrown nndor tt wheel?, tint as the team couldgu no further. heLHCH(c;d injury. A broii ;n wagon tongno is th? extent of the damage done. Tuct An. Com Hack.- -M. h. Fix iiossHl thl'oagh Heppnor yestsr.luy i llogue itiver Ut his horn" Dear ins way iroui . ... . Vinson. A year ugt Iu! was disappointed because he could not dispose ol liifl Vinson ranch, but n w he has rea son tocongratulat himself on not being able to i ll at that time. He trkvejjed over much of Klamath, Jackson, Josophine, Citrry, Coose and Unit -eonnties, but tailed to nop iad any sec'ton His family rre- that suited him so well as tin. i TOded him in the jouruoi a week. ' , CIlII.HBEiJ KNMOY , a ,, ! Ine pleasant navor, geijiio action mm soothing effects of Kyrup of Figs, heu in need or a laxative, nuu u tne iatner nr n.,,u,fir i,e 0,,hve or ,il lions the niost gratifying results follow its use, so that '. it is the best family remedy known ami ' every family should have a bottle. Our aent, K.J. Hallock. will visitthe south end of Gilliam county aoou with a full line of samples of job work, aud will be fully prepared to take nieasur. for the Gazette, it will pay all needing artistic priutinu, at low prices, to re serve their orders till he arrives. An otinc of prevention is better than a pound nf cure. Pfunder's Oretfr.n Hhssl Purifier etpels all irapttritiei nf the blooil and should be nnl il) "II dit a of b akimncli. Jivpr hii 1 kidneys. Take it. j and secure HISGKH MKliMAN AT HOME. He ill Visit the Month of the ('oluii.iini, rk t ji-f aile 1,-n-m anil Kaslrra .Oreiton Will Look After (lie Irrigation of Our Arid Section. IJiuxer Herman is in Portland this week for tho lirst time in two years. He will visit the month of the Columbia ! river and the decide locks to got an idea of what has been done during the past two years, and to better able to lie ... i.. i an,ve ut tl,u ullt OI mo"e ' complete the work, He is interested in the irrigation of I Oregon. ! To an Omonitiir reporter he says: "I consider that one of tho most im- portant acts of which the legislature in which Oregon may be said to be inter ested is tho provision for the survey and examination of the urid regions of the United Slates, with a view of providing irrigation by storing water in reservoirs or artificial lakes and dams, and then1 conveying it in canals or literally ditches j uvex ueseri reiiniy. ii im t stiiu'ii-cii mm the area of the arid regions of the United States equals 1,000,000 square! miles or 640,00.1,000 aores, sufficient to j supply comfortable homes for more than j 200,000.000 people. Professor Powell,, director of the geological survey at) Washington, estimates that fully oue third of tho uatiounl domain is of this character, which is five times the eutire area of France, and fourteen times that of Euylaud, Ireland aud Scotland. It is thought that ut least one-third of the area of Oregon is largely of this charac ter. This is eupcoialiy true largely of I . i i .i i.... i ii'..i.: ' lijiMt iu onuii una r..n(.erii v hhoiiil;- ton. Professor Powell informs me that during the next mouth he comtemplatos I visiting Oregon for the special purpose of travelling over the arid portions of the state. Ho believes that the arid re gions of the United States is conliued north and s Jill h from prittish Columbia to Mexico and from the 100th! meridian to the coast range." TRltltlU.E TliAdKDV A Ilelative of One of Morrow County's lie.-t Families Commits a Jlorrihie beet). A dispatch from Garfield, Washington Territory, dated July 8, says; This morning Koland Johnson, his wife and 14-year-old son, Walter, were found dead, and a daughter of 7 fatally wounded, iu their house four miles from here. Johu son left a letter d.ited July (!, 12 o'clock, ni.,in which he ae't'iowlodgM the crime, giving far reason that ho could not bear to have his family iu this wicked world, going on to show that his mind was dis eased by religions excitement. The first attempt was made with strychnine, but a second letter, dated several hours later, explains that the children were taken with such (its. that he could not bear it, so be shot them. Mrs. Johnson had died of poison, both children were shot in the head. The deceased is nn old settler. The little girl was shot, through the temple, destroying both eyes. She is still living with small chance of recovery. Mrs. Johnsou is ti sister of Mrs. J . 0. Kirk, je-siding on Bhea creek near lleppner, woll known to many of Mor row oouuty's citizens. The little girl, mentioned as probably fatally wounded, has since died. UXIVISIISAL lMriiOVUMUNT. A liuug- towu special, via li iwdog, dated July 17 says: The story of '.Coyote Allen" or "An Idyl of tho Heppner billH," by .J,' Wbiffietree. Eedingtou, was all the rage among Morrow's swell society about (onr years ago. The W. W. Union pre tends" to publish the alory as it goes, yet it lacks many interesling features. How-1 ever, with this yearning for high-toned -literary fodder, came the society bustle and corset, and. other modem improve-' meats. It is boldly asserted that there are now more than 20 maidens iu Hung- i town, the metropolis of Lard valley, ; who uomtux Ignis Fatims McUouuelly's, ! round-up on . old Hhakeepeute, and ! take to Bob Elsmore like a dago to dog- i liver. The people here tire uot any j Blower iu commercial matters, either, j Hay before yesterday, Blind Jim, a di-i lapidated laudmark of the Colmubias, ! traded cayuses with a prominent city j official here, aud got swindled out of his eyes. The prolit was immediately iu- j vested in oollin tacks; and thus the lucre goes round auu round to t lie uni vernal good of the community. t.'ll AUIiKS. One dollar per ton pays for weighing, storage and forwarding wool from the warehouse at. lleppner, within thirty days from date of delivery. For each month, or part of a month, after the first thirty days, one dollar per ton additional will be charged. Wool is uninsured unless specially or- ln.t ox.',;..., K.r llw. n,,.n (irading and baling forty cents per hundred pounds. 1. I'j. I'Ei.h, manager. PllACTH'AL 1'OIVJ'H. Every inlinbitaiit of Lard valley nes either "HH," "II. & li.'s Privtite slock," or "X. T. C." brands of celebrated tobao coc. H. lil.icknum A (!o. always lutve ou hall I ti large stock of these goods for wholesale and retail trudij. Tt is a novel i lea to ha e bare lioorn when carpets can be purchased at 11. Biackmnn Ar Co.V ut such a low figure. "A gentleman should have a neat, stylish, hat to complete his costume," said Mrs. Gallagher to her htiHliatid the other day, "and I want you to go ritht down to H. UlacUinan Co. s um one. They always b;ive the tic chiuapeKt and he'd." I'oor bakiii'.' ponder is in the market, Hnt, and It mail" the good housewife l.oitscwifu talk iltt always buy foreign lingo. .She soonl tho celebrated "Comh ll ing powder at 11. lilackman A Co.'b, 2t Amiiiiu Hi TI,., I. W f.r CP III ..11, '.'till, ll Cllll. ' ,..i.n v, ... lie sure to try it, ami save nicma! won) and family ruiiturei. HU.'Ckmen's supplies in any ninintity and at pilcn ua as the lowest at If. lihickiuan tc Co'. ' 'The Pride of Heppner'' refers to the Ki.iiiii'-bottoiii, tailor-miidc --- the only stylish denim pants in the mark t. They are made expressly for H. HlKckniHti Ac Co. Tlii1 verj- fyitet t. H 1. ' just. re.:eWei from I'ortkind and and Fnincisco AT Mrs. Warren's J'V-l.i inbh' M'lliniTy nnd I.adii". I'tirui.uit;' JStore, riiiUikfiil inr the fecnt-rotis lilsTiditv ondj;'M.il will of the people of llepptu and ui ifii'.v in tiie past, we curdiully s,,li; it th'-'r .ntr-.ui t-- i ri the hiture. MKS. MAKY WAIiKI'.N. Bargains. i i Li n Jl IjLliUjllJ ! , To Paint Neatly Requires an Artint with the Brush. RIDER & KERNS Can do that kind of a job. They also make a specialty of II I i U. ( MilllUMI - u O- 1 Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's k Co.'s drug store, cor. May and Maiu sts. Satisfaction jcuaranteed or no pay required. I Su"P Opposite Gazette Office ! - f.u. i:aok. Presith; t . WM. MrFALL, t tee rresulent. Pacific Fire s p ( j ( J 1 TXTJi.SIIiaTGl-XOIT 0Iittl StOOk, $300,000. O. L. PatterSOfl. AOfeilt, HeDDncr OreOfOII , - -- . ... . IS THE PIONEER CIGAR STORE Of lleppner. rI" A W. MARSHALL iin OHtuhlisluppnt i1- np;tiy nrnni CIGARS, TORACCOS, FRUITS & CANDIES. -sA FINE BILLIARD TABLE.s- First Niition.tl Bnv.k liuildinp, Miii" Klr,t, TImuipv, Orpunn. LUMKEll! LUMBER! W; G., SCOTT'S Willow Creek 'Saw-Mill! Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of TJNDBES8EI) LUMBER; also PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! ' Mill Located at the Head of Willow Crock, 10 miles above Heppner.g.I GEORGE P. Late Chief Clerk 3W THIS DAUUKSi 0 Room 9, Land Office Building. Regularly admitted to practice before Local Land Offices and Depart ments at Washington under proviHions of the Circular of tionernl Land Oflice, approved March 10, 1887. If you have lost a Land Right or have had trouble about your Jand, write to tne. I cliargo nothing for cornespoudence and may be of help to you. If I undertake your cast; my fee will be pay able after the work is successfully done. lor cie I fj) ) ) HCl" it '. ' H0E; i) ARRANTED f W-Y: j hv-Ml -'V-XjL riw'Va psr.-v,Js3.fei . lj 'iCZ' -- . Tf- , t'l-vjC',' ' ! 'ftll'W; Opposite. Hotel, i iiiuii I uii inn uit i uii i FOrtSALKRY- Iw.J.LEEZEK NKW I'.ANK I '.LOCK - i i il t" -- " TOOLS .ABU. 111!, I a iionsiv s: ill I i';i v( 1 AV JERTS O ' 1 1 ( ! i 1 1 H 1 n c k s UKPAIUINd MOWEHS A SPECIALTY. ; HBrsesUoeing St.il in :'TA I'lltST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT HAME STAND.. jt; Tvrtlcc:tc Corner, IVTfi j il Htl oct, Ilopimor, C 5 1-. Store on sc A House! in j 9Unn in n ai ( n iik uecora ing. II f 0 i o Heppner, Oregon W. F. BltOWNTON. Secretary Insurance Co, STErET, Oregon. Mode 1: ROPRIRTOR. vl, nnl l- luih uhv'tyt- in stoek the best IIPOT, V. S. Land Oflice. .and Oflice. pecialist, orotron. Ear o -00 T( FOR THE BEST MAKE Heppner, Oregon. W 11(511 shod I ) (7 ', 1 1 i (1 1 s SLr K ii 'KM' span after may 1st 1889. SIMONS mth side of May St n This THE '.PIONEER - SDPPLY DEPOT ! Where you can Clothing, Hats, CansBoots, Shoes, Groceries, Herders' -ULli.es9 And every Conceivable Article kept in 8 . General Merchandising Establishment. H. BLACKMAN & CO PIONEER NKPI'NKU, Oils! Oils!! Oils!!! All K i nds of Oils lor Threshers, Headers and all harvesting1 .Maehinerv. BestOualitv,LowcstPrices. Vohw awl TII J CITY JWUO AXH1,1 A. D. Johnson & Co, iZER & A Pjlllllill,) i , Anil riin; alway? on Hand. MAIN STHKE'i; Take your resn-1 L Li l 1 1 Fj ii I L N S Next do ir to Leezor Si Thoiupwm'H hardware store, Heppner, Oregon .Who kei'p on hand a Fresh Stock of i) 1 1 1 k; s a n i) m i: i) i ( i n i :s His Lorn of HOMKHTIO ANDlMPOUTKDOlGAHh!, Aro tho Host, lifirtTfilii li Pnhits, Oils, iCt o. TIKITNKH, OREGON ; W. A. k(UK. DKALFHS IN Saddles, Hyrness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. ( io to their store for the Improved WHITE SKW1NO MACHINE. Warranted for five yearn, Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maohiues and ?et oash prices. MAIN STREET, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON. tti, Heppner, Oregon. Means get Bargains in BRICK, OREO OX. Sec Tlirm ol V. C. THOMPSON TH0MPS J DKALEItS US lliinlwiiit Tiiiwait (ii'iiiiitcwiiri'. Woot l nnd Wijlow Wart. T.inl (Vgos, NEW" II OMK Mowing M cliirico nnd n pomplntfi line of Il . I TIEFl'NKU, OREGON Prescriptions to J. C. HAYES.