THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER, THU1WDA Y.July 18, m A WOOLEN MILL PROJECT. The following letter was recent ly received by Postm aster uatiuij muni i iv ivi4l,.ij1 .. woolen mill it Heppuer: Knoxville, Iowa, July 9, '89. Postmaster, Heppntr, Or. Dkab sir; You are in a fine wool growing country and you have the best of water for the woolen manufactur ing business. We ask of you do you think-a woolen nanufactur- : i.i l ;.! t Heppner with your business men aud aheep-owners. We have good woolen machinery and have had a life's experience in the manufac ture of woolen goods. Please hand this to your Board of Trade, if you have one in your town. If not. hand it to some of your business men. We refer you to John Ely, of Saddle, Or., who sold woolons in in a factory where I had charge of the weavers. Let me hear from you. Yours truly, K. Lover & Sons. If this is u point for a woolen mill, our citizens should taka the matter in hand immediately, and encourige its location hove. FIRE! Film: Thin '.Till be the ory that will meet our slow-going ears some day, und not fur oil' either, aud the population will turn out to see the blaze. That is nil we nan do, just .stand by and see it bum. Tt in a shame that a town like Heppuer, which has ahoWD so much energy and euter priHe in matters relative to the good of the community, ft ill be deaf to anything iu the way of fire protection. If we can't have an' engine, organize a bucket brigade aud dig some public wells, Heppner is a town that the Gazette binds by "first, lust and all tue time" while it is casting around fur the good of the county. The paper is interest ed here, and the people are interested iu the success of the sheet, for it is large ly through them that It is prosperous, But our citizens are surely standing iu their own light to delay longer this mat ter of firo protection. We are running big rifiks all the time, and paying out hard-earned cash for it, too. It don't tute a college gradnato to figure out from $1,200 to $1,500 excessive iiiHiu" ance every year, which might as well be saved, and also have something to help us out iu oase ef fire. The heading of this article will be just the cry that will be heard in Heppner at no far di-dunt day. Of outline if our citizens can af ford to lose everything, the Gazktth ought to be satisfied to corno out a few issues with a rubber stump, but. that ia hardly business, is it?- LKT OS WOHK TWETIlElt. Southern (iilliam and Morrow should work together, for their in terests are identical. Tho people i ., . ti I uvorthore recogm.n Heppner as their distributiiirr iiniut. nrul nincli wool would have comn to Heppner this season for sala or to bo ship ped, thereby ftiv'ng ns an inci eas d trade, had we good roads ta tweeu Heppner und that nection. Wo must look after this road. Heppner and Southern Gillintn, with Fosiil as the nueleus, should work togsthor to got a reason able part of th immigration which is coming to tho Northwest. The Union Pncitie is now interested iu this interior country, and us they will be benefitted by its develop ment, why not strive to have them mention in thr circulars the fact that Southern (iilliam and Mor row, with Hoppner as lite distrib uting point, is n desirable pluca iu which to locate. AlloPTTIIKi'ltOPS AND V 'BATUMI. 'ur till W'rek KluilllK July 11. 1WHII. Co-operutin( with U S. Hi (f. Serv. ! t)KNTHAL Ul'Flrll, I'ollTI.ANO, On. ) Tb tempcratiire has been from 5 to 8 degree above the normal. Except in a mall aren o( Jackson county, no rain fell in the slut diirjnii that week. The sunshine was dseidedly above the normal. Ow'ihk to forest ires the at moapber has been somewhat smn;y. The ert'ei-t u( these conditions mi the crops lias beeu to ujjow their statu to re main the Bauie as they have beeu for the past two seeks. The notab'u event of ttie week was a severe thunder, ruin aud hailstorm in Jaokson comity on t lie nibt oftbeltth; h "cloud burst" occur red w hich did considerable damage in (tectum) of the county between Omul's Pass and Ashland. Through Warner oreek valley tho most dam line oocuired. About Talent, grain was Hattened and mined and many orohufls had their fruit injured. It is estimated that, the "nlotnl burst" caused a Uwn of ii. ;'ry 2o,nt)0, The warm dry weather has beeu fa vorablo to the wheat harvest which in uuder full sway in all parts of !m t'tale. Oeneral reports indicate that full wheal will be moretbaii an average crop, while spring grain will be a short orop. On the 10th tho first wheat was receiv ed ut a warehouse at 1'fudleton; the berry is small and shrheled aud the vhat is quality seoond oIhsm, The yield of the fleet lot was about 1(1 bushels per wire. Fruit prospects oontiuue to be excel lent. Peschcj are coming into the mar kets iu large quantities; plums, primes, apricots, corn and tomatoes lire very plentiful B. 8. Paqii. Observer V. S. Signal Service. MONHY MAKK8 THE It AUK (to. All persons who have uotes or accounts overdue are requested to call and settle M we must have money, snd that min so please dont forget. Itemized bills furnished to all who desire. j Luezks 4 TiioiirsoN. Mrs. P. Ga THE .SOUTH A.XD M.AVERT. There tire iuitpoil nwitiy very pleasant and lovable things con nected with the relation of master and slave, and especially as ex- , ., , , ' . hiblted on well managed, isolated plantations. I look back with in - tense delight, not UlinilUgled With regret, to my boyhood on the 0ld plantation, the ease, the freedom, the refined culture, the unlimited opportunities for field sports of all kinds, and with all the kindly and even affectionate relations with the blacks, it was indeed a very paradise for boys. It waa undoubt edly a noble life, aud cultivated many noble virtues. Weighing now the old with the new, and in the subsequent change the loss with the gain, it is hard to say which way the balance inclines. But it matters not bow. Evolution goes not backward. Slavery was a mere survival from an extinct world, and therefore mora and more an anomaly in the modern world. As such it must go. It did go in convulsion aud agony and blood. Whether there might not have been found some wiser, more gradual, and more peaceful way of going, it is boot less now to discuss. Probably it could not have gone any other way. Put slavery is now dead. There is not a chost 'of it remaining iu the imagination pr heart of the) Southern people of to-day. It is dead unregretted. Tltore is no at corporal's guard in all the South who would for a moment consent to revive it. They are clad to tret rid of it, even though with' it was swept away nenrly their whole wealth. They ieel the joy of sym pathy with the rest of the. world. The situation has been completely accepted, yes, though many at the north seem to doubt it, - it has been accepted absolutely, un reservedly. But tlo not misunder stand me. I do not mean that the South has repentod as of a sin, that she is in any wise ashamed of her record either before or during the war. On the contrary, she glories in her record and she hon ors her leaders. She would do the same again under the same conditions, but xlm dors not di'siro the. Kfinie coiiilitioiin. Let each side glory in its record, as each tried but to do its duty. Hut lot this be done quietly, unosten tatiously, not llauntiugly in the face of the other.- Prof. Joseph LeConte in July Overland. ( '. M. Mnllory, at the old stand of Kirk A yotinggren, is now prepared to make to order screen doors, tables, cup hoards, Hour i'liCHts, or any article of furniture out of the regular line. Fram ing of pictures a specialty. A bit social will be held at the (Ja zit'TTK man's residence, next Monday evnii)! I A WORD AliOUT THE RhKiHRMfO III'MRDIKS. Those who invefitiuafe the liioclieniic system of medicine will find that it cor responds with nut ur'a la., s ."lid will he surprised Unit it had hot lootr ri'o be come universal. All who lie;. .v. in re- totm in medicine should at oiioe tmll on the (truj'Kists and (jet pampi'l t on new disease. Thoi,e in doubt which remedy ', or niuubcr of the rcmuli-a winch are numbered from 1 to 1'.!, may yet. in fonnatiun free by writing symptoms to Dr. W. t'arev, North Vakitua. Wash. Terr. ' S' lne W iN i i:o. C, nay the hiidiest cash ill. Mall. ay will prices lur n'np l'lueo of business, entner Mav and Chase si reets. SliiAV IIOKSi': I'AKK.N I I'. A the year old buy horse, white hjnd j leel, strip In lace, tiian.leil 111; neotml, iiiul TT, nun nlmvo tho oilier, on r i if 1 1 1. silo, hip hikI xlioulilor. The owner of of tho Hiime w ill Oml property ul my l ani'li ut Hie forks of Huml l.' .liow. . K. 1'oWl'lil !H . llepi.nev, ()-. l'NIVI''.ltS!TY (If (l!!i:i.'(i. KlIKCIln Clly. Next doHHioii Ix uiiiH on IMoinlny, the! llilhofMe lemlier, ISMil. l''ree nehnhirliip from every eoimly in j 1ih Htiilo. Ai!ylo vinir onuntv minor- . . , . ! j i- i intendent, f,.v l,i,, .Idv ,lr, 1, lHl'll. Folir ColllHOtr (MlllHUIill Seielltil'ie l.ileriiry mid n Hhort KiikIihIi bourse in ; whieh there is no Liitin, Ureek, l'Veneh j ; or lernian. ine iuikiihii is pie enniieniiy H lliifliiPMH ( oiir.-io. 1'or eiitiilnenes or ..11..11. ii',.,i.i1iii,.,, u.Mrnuu j. V. ji)ll3)iiON. 1'reuiileiit. ----- WHAVK.ll. " , , , , , One roiin, foitr-year.old mini', bnuided i W li eonneoted, on Urn left shoulder,! one brown, three-year old ueldini,', same brand. Four oolts, in oolor two bays; a brown and a buokskin. 1 will wive .r reward per head for their delivery at ,1. M. Nlli'lton's rnnoh, near Alpine, or a rensolialile inward for infornwition left at the Uazkttk oltiiiu, or lit J. iM. Hliellon's rant'h, leading to their leeoviny. WIUTTIKIt lUlo;i, '27-!!0 J'rewy ,Or, ALT. FOIt THK I'U11I,10 OOOD. i It is an undisputed faet that the liand-1 somest vestibule trains that are now j runeu the Anieneim eontinent niotlti.Hej on the "HouiiiNoroN Hoi-tk," leaviiiK 1 the Union llepot in Denver, iiIho Ht. ! Paul, immediately on iirrivnl of all j tlirouuh trains froJU the west. The llrst and second elass eoaelos iiro maKiiill-j (lent, tho lloclininif chair curs imperii. : the I'ullnian sleopi rs extremely liuini-' ant, aud as for the nienle tlmt aio served ' in those 1'alaeo liurliiiKtou diniuK ears 1 yuni-yuiii. The next time you no east , to KiinMW City.Cliii.iiiro or SI. Ixniis, if 1 you mention to the tiehi.t I't'ent Unit you wiintyeur tinket to rend from IJeii ver or .St. J'iml oer the Iturliniilou Houte, yon will )i.-t it, anil you will l ny Ik- Kind ot it. If yon no via the NortUeu or Caniuli 1111 riieilie, the eleeimt veitiliulo triiins of " The urlinyton llonte," lietweeu St. l'liul, ('hi('nio nnil St. Louin will eiirry you iilniii., I he extern Hhoro of the Mish- mHippi river for dislnnee of .(.-U miles,, "- "'"ii'i-y that eiiiin.-t lu HUrpuss j ed; or. if you k'o viii theOnvon Short ' Line or Southern i'neillii, nud your tiekel leuim viti i uv iiiriiii-juiu jiwuit' doni ' Cheyenne or I leaver, voti will through all tho thriving eitie ami towna ; ocu e.i id iviint i po.uiaiiv known ; tho "Heart of the Continent. ror fur- t ier iiiforiiiatiiMi apply to A. l-. hlie don, tjeuera! As.;ii, M 1' irst Slre-t, l'ortland, l wl. 1.1..., vroco"' l i and all throat Hlld lunj! niolndiea. He Ick! lot;! II. Mi'Karliinil. of Lexintf-1 how all xu'Verern will try Ilia reilledv, ton, will deliver lee dally in Hoppuor j iw it i.i inviiluahle. 'I'luwe deainni; the dllrini; the Bummer umutliH. Ikmtraet jireaariitiim, whieh will coot them li for tho amount you di'Bire, by writint; i nii;. ami may prove ableuainii, will pleas to biiu ut au uarl'y date. The prieo will 1 addrtue, Ukv. Kdwahu A. Wiuson, V be '2 coats per lb. delivered. liauiDbnrk, Kinx's county. New York. niuues is selllino- herStod PAYISfi MINERAL. The Willow Creek Milieu Give Promise of Eijimliii-; Any Quartz Field III Kuatera ! Oregon. J Rpports from ti e Willow creek mines m . . mi i are of tlle m"st e''ouraging nature. The 1 v"S Byme overnw in gom aim "UH Hviueuee io anyone !inK e'ri',u,e 8,10,1 'ontters that below on the ledge the rock would prove rich iu gold and silver n fortune to the I locators. SnbHCiiueut work on the "Litle T .1 .. II . 1 I . , ... uuiirtt, iiuiuiiun-oirii ana oiner claims are proving that this rule of quartz mining applies to the Willow creek mines as well as elsewhere. From time to time during tlie history of this immediate section, mineral crop pings, cinnabar ledges, coal, etc., have been discovered. In most cases the min eral prospects petered out to almost nothing; the oiunabar proved to be a sort of Si wash daub, hardly equal to Hoosier whitewash and the coal fields, although promising, have not as yet re. turned anything for years of bard labor and the expenditure of two or three for- tunes. Yet there is coal in the Blue . , ... ,i ,i t T. mountain and the Matteson Rr.. may strike it rich yet. Now that, rich quartz has been dis - covered in is nothing more !, i:bi h . t . i i- ii u than likely that placer diggings will be found in the same locality. It; has been known for years that mineral existed on Upper Wil'ow creek, from the fact that ; 8 color could be washed out of the soil "'most anywhere in the Willow creek bottoms. Should the mines prove as valuable as present developments indicate, Bench capital will be attracted t this sectiom benefitting every resident. EN0OLBAO1NO RliPOKTS. Charley Jones, Ben Htiusaker, W. A. Johnston, Newt Whetstoue, Will Kirk and K. Nordyke, Heppner's citizens. went up to the Willow Creok mines last i Sunday. Messrs. Whetstone aud Nor- ! dyke have located a claim on the ledge which they call the "Ella," and the pros pect is equally as flattering as the "Lit tle Laura" and "Humming Bird," which have already beeu developed to some extent. The shaft on the "Humming Bird" is down i feet. WhebUouo & Nordyke took their claim tho 5th of June, and feel pretty certain that they have a good paying thing. Up to the first of this week, 18 claims bad been recorded. An old Husauville miner gives it as Imb opinion that the quartz iu the now mines will he hard to work but he believes that it will give good returns. Iltmry Duncan, the discoverer, has had much experience in Colorado mines. NKW CLAIMS. Messrs. Ilnnsiikur, Jones, Johnston, Kirk and Miner Riley, of Husauville, re turned from the mines yesterday. They located two claims and have organized themselves into the Hidden Treasure Mining Coniyaiiy. The work of devel oping tho prospects will begin at once. ONI.V A JIA1TI.U Or' 11ITS1 NKKN. The ,'. O. says: There is a khiik of sharpers working the county in the iu terei.t or the " VV'nillglit Iron limine Com pany," of St. Louis Th"y are solliuj; wrought iron ranges, an inferior article, at fabulous hiii prices, taking farmers' notes due in twelve months, 'flies0 r'harpors have succeeded so well that a carload of these ranges passed through this city a day or so ago and are now at Athena for delivery. Many fiirme"a lent h of Pendleton and between here and Weiton have purchased thaso ranges. Indiana was worked in a simi lar in, inner jmt a yo ir hijo and m iny farmers wen.' swindled th'tre just in they an: lining swindhid in this county. The ranges wore sold there for l?il(l each, hut the prices being paid in this oomity are considerably more, showing that the "crop of si.ekera" in this country bite eiin-..,, i,,i i,., n,v v ai li would Heem Und it vonlil occur to unit liny man tlmt live ruou tiiivellin I IiioukIi tho country limit iniike H liuo prollt on wliut t liny sell ju orilor to pny expennea, iiml Unit tlieiio pro fi trt lire ei oenBivo and are entirely liorno hy the (HintomerH, who lire moru or lenn win dled liy the operation, .. . . ,. , . ,r, ..,,,. ... , . , ,. , 1 Tho "Wrought Iron Itiuitfi.)' , , openitniK in tlilu violnity, mid luiva Hold m:uiy ninirH. Oonttitlerinir i!Very- w i ,K,i( m ,( , , . , " " ... I liui;e, tviiu iiunuy liny in Hie i couvenieneeH of thin wrought i-iiuko. As liiii iih people arc KotliiiK tu vnlno for ,;,. mom,y .10r ia uo remtm t fllHtl!u ,, ,. , ou tnose oiinvnHsers, the atiuin.i of "shnrpers" and "swindlers." The (U- ziiri'K knows of linn miitfo lieinx sold in tiidiiuni, but onrd qi, o.niiplaiid from pnrehasers as to lieinir nwnuiled. " - MAUKKT JiHJ'OHT. liAiay rmimioTM. llnller, filt-edt'ed, i to cenln. Kooa K(!kh from Hi to L'Oe. vmnvrAiiLKS. New potatoes, 2 emit it per Hi. . i'ori,Tiiv. ) (;bji:l,e,'), Si' to 1 per dozen, nenonlini lo si no. I ' WOi'lf,. j i ooi eoniinaiitis ironi lO'j; lo in eeuis in Heppner. n.oi u. Hperrv's best unule of Hour, , bbl, JfH.7."i per bbl ; retail, t?4.tHI. Waitsluirg l'eerless Hour, 4.2.") in any! quantity. j i.ivi: stock. j (lood beef oaltle, 2 to '2',i eenfi per' pound; mutton, $2 per head. hiksiimkats. ; Loin steak, letail, rents per pound round steak, 12 la eentsj rousts, lil cents; noiinii;, n to w dents. mnlton, 12 eentM, dent ipmlitv . ?l ('um-kt. PKeii-te. -The n.'hii-'rt of flio ! wmvi'-fiil i.iw.iu!r"T prinlcl in miMtiil l.-ttcrn. Tim IVIIw: hlbrt Joiio. v. NOUTI1KUN j I'AC. U. It. t O. Khphiiii- Cliri--n'nMvy vi. Ni'HTIlKHM I'M'. It It. I'i.. 'telrh f..rii;,.n n. I NOIU'IM-'UN J'Al Il If II. II CO. J. K. nnwg 1 H.J.tMi-SK. IIUS i.nt l.-i . KM S. No 17li, I'l-mllt ion luwn looi. i . To c'.si-Mi-nvns. The iiinlernliiiid lmvintf iwu restored to lienllli liv mill ,,., fter mimiriiiR for iseverni :.. .i. ,,.., i , ...p.,..,:,,,,. ,..! 1 . ihnt dreml dls.,.,,,,, i ..orl I iulllj , UI1,0 knmv1 h '; , llo;,. B,uriir. i ers the moan, of fare. Vo those who i,irH j, i, u ;ii ,...,fiK. a.,.,,1 .f,,,.H cl)nrtfpv ,, ( , ,,,0,-iption used, wlljt.,, , VM ,, oure fl)r ,,. - .... ... , muiiL'tion, Melliuin. catarrh lirtiiie ntiH. : .... ........... , RIXIIOM REMARKS. j Job printing at Pendleton prices at j the Oazivttk olliee. A tine line of gold peun, pcrieiln, etc., at E. .1, Slocum's drug store j kiii'J oi ion worn none in ZETTK ,)ffin? Mt 'pen.ll.-ton price... All kinds of job work done in the Ga- 0iffin 4 M(,KHrlll,,d wj de!iv,,r K,wi,g to any part of Hopon. r. free of charge. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same iu n scientific manner. J. B. Hperry has second-hand grain ' "T" f,,r ""le-K"'"! new (.'all at I U"H. The Haling, Morgan and Russell but ter at V. (. Minor's. .None better in the market. When You are drv. iro to Swatfiart's I fnp d rrl.,ao II... j.'..I A lVn;..l.....l By the (iiart or glass, If you want the t-est goods in the ! boot BT,d slitie line, call on SI. Liehten- thai. He sells cheap for cash The Heppner gallery in the place to i have vour photo taken. Dor't forget it. Theodore Danner, proprietor. ' The "P Cox" shoe for sale at M. Lich- j tenthal's shoe store, on Main street. All goods sold cheap for the cash. rilinn kr Hi, art l.,.r-on .V..apa I j horses shod with new shoes all round! after date for 81. 50 per head. Oi'Iiam & Coffee have on hand avoin-1 I plete stuck of harvesting machinery, I ; 1 ()llsiH,inf, of ln,,werg( rilkt combined I I an, single reapers, hay rakes, etc. 1 Plenty of mill feed and Hour on hand j ,Rt sPf7's Jailer Mills i'lonr in live-, ' barrel lots, 83.75; amide, barrel, $1.00. ; During the harvesting season, every rancher must have machine oil for his mower or header. The place to get the best is at Johnston & Sloan's. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your Horse, ami m tact there is nothing in the hlaeksmitbing line that they are not aoie to do. Agricultural inuchin n; should he 1 bp-i nert. A break-down in a busy time i often the result experienced by those who fail to use good judgment in pur chasing. The "Champion" mowers and reapers are made of the best -material, light-running and do the' best of work. These features should not; be overlooked by the-rancher. For sale by Collin A McKnrhind. Heppner and Ar lington. siuxal skhvu'i; ch'.'oiiii. For Wi'i'k Kiiillna Wnlacwilny, July 17, IKS'.I. July It. Mi-fin temp., 7ti.;.il: iiic.x. !f-i; nan. lit); bar. Sll.Vli; wiml W.; niinhiH 0. .Inty 12. M' lin tent. , 71; neix., til; mill., fill; Imr.. 'Jll.lllj wind S, W.; rnin fnll 11. July l:t. iM. fin tt'iitp., 74.75; infix., !ttj n:in.. 62; bur.. 211. '.fj wiml, W; ruin. 0. July I I. Tth-ar. tiMiip.. 77; mux., f-tl; min., CD; bur., 'ill.!; wim!' S,; ruin fail. Irani". July 15. iMi-ini (i-mp., I17.50; max., ftuO: min., IKI: bar., atl.S5; wind, S.W.; ruin fall, 11.12. July 111. Mean li in p., 71 ; Max., ali.rii!; min., 5il.S0; bur., 2'.l.HJt; wind K. W.: rain fall, II. July 17. Mi'iin tern., 7.Viti; uiax.;f!0; mill. .57. 75; bur., itl.Wlj wind, W. A. Bmith. yspepsia Makes the. lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, "all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irrcgu larity of the bowels, are DlStrGSS some of tho more common Jftor symptoms. Dyspepsia does .. not get welt of Itself. It bating requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones tho stomach and other organs, regulates tho digestion, creates tt good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- ' . toms removes the sympa- HOadaCrlO tlictlo effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did cat m . distressed me, or did mo r!arl" little good. In an hour burn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling;, as though I had not eaten anyt hing. My trou hlo, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from bchif more or less shut up in a finur room with fresh paint. Last e. h spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOfTiaCn rilla took three bottles. It did mo an Immense amount of good. It gavo mo on appetlto, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." tlEOitoK A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, f, 1 ; six tor Jtt. lTopared only by C. I. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass 100 Doses One Dollar NOTICE TIMI'.EU (.'trj;i'UKE. l (lll'i'i Ht 'l l.o 1. Hi--, dr., ,nlv 3, !it.:l. I'oiiiiiliiiiil liiuiiiK biMin enlHi-e'l at lliltt otlum by I,'fitiikMiin'liiiul iiifi'insl haniel Kroiiuiilmig fur fitiliirt- tin'oinplv with Iiiwm aw In tiiplicr-rulliirp nl ry No. 4'itW. ilnli-il IIi'IiiImt 1. 1M7, mum tlin. li'iNK', Sit 21, T.. 4 S., li. K., in Mnrrow nuiiity, (Iri-Kim, with a viiwto flit! (.iitu'i'llntidii of Kimt iintiy; riiiitfHhiiit. al!i-S'iiiu that t he Haiti I i...,,.,l i i., i. : ... I i ... lie Innk any of tin. hai.l lainl l'l,.i llial .year """r o,,i,yj n,t he r,ui..ii t. plow mu of tl,.. s.,u ".v "t wiiil liii, Hie "aid pnrtier arc li..i-liv mim- n,ii,., t., i,im.,.i.i- ihixoiti, 0 on the U4th diy of ;VlKM,Hi''.li,',!-' U l "rk l Ul ' npoiid and f ii ri i it- h (.(V' t nioiiy t'o 1 1 (.'in 1 1 i utid hllriiit iail- r A. A. lti.liwlB, N. 1'. at Hei.i.ner, dr., in autlnir- Mil I" lake Imlimuii) in t.i l-llMi at . 11,'iipner, -r.. mi Aiu-Mittt, 10. 1 II, at lit o'.'ltidk it. in. 3ti h;. V A. Mi'Do.vii.n, lt"iibt(tr We have the Exclusive Control of don't hat to ofer a prlzt to tM$ tioods, fur ill tn bt ST HAM. trt pan htfiia ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. ' H. BLACKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. The GoIclSrated French Cure, upd "APHRODITINE Ih Soi. e ow A POSITIVE GUARANTEE 5 ,,. ,.,,- .. -XSTV otmoltiervoui ftOk iliwtw, or miv vf Uitonler of the BIfOllK .,.,...ii, or. AFTER ,, ot eilhi-t n- wliellit-r ailslim trom lb " or money ri'liiu-Kil. l H FA I'-1 tireulve meol Stinnlnu, ToUcro or Opium, itbimi(t yomlilul iuiliserotiou, over huln!( ; lu'c, Ac, lui'h ns Iaim ot Dnlu Poimr, Wakeliil. umi, Ui'tilutnlonu l'tiua Iu the link, Uotnm: Wtwkuen, lljilem. Nervous I'roatmtlou Nocturn al Kmiulon, , Leueorrtiuia, Piatiueiis, Weak Mem. ory,1.0Mol Power uJ luijK.touey. which II nc- WtAl ?' t JltUIld-tt41uwa- tr - Prlcell CO .boi.6boxe.lor5.00 Scut by mu 011 rCt"-,t ' Prlce- I .. ... ui' i loreveryia.oy i v..-, tv iviuuu iiiv money n a i riuauaut caia it not effected. ol tMin,.i.i, lr.imnl.i.l,,uni,n. v...o. i ;wuuh, w,n i-urutBiierti.r urvu DyAl'URODlTlm. Circular Ire Adilrem THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WB8TRKN aaNCE BOX JT PllRTLAVll. OR Sold by A. I). Job n so li A Co., IVng Kits, Heppner, Urtxon. of Spring ABTIII K COFFIN, Arlington, Or. COFFIN Heppner, rsia W Merchandise Agricultural 11 We edll Special Attention to our Elegant Assortment of Gents' Fine Clothing ! Now is the time to buy your Summer Suit! m m Ami i run to rmiiAn II Ml Ylr III IMI In the Largest Eastern Perfect Fit A)E AND GENTS FINE SHOES (IF ALL KINDS: For Dancing iladiesSilkand Lisle Hose! Finest Style.", in the Newest Rhades, also a nice assortment of Light Weight Fnderwer, in Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton.. en Our Storo in filled witli a Large and Varied Stock. ' We aim to on bond nearly everything that iii used on a Ranch and all sold at the lowest possible prices Blacksmiths' Stone Ooal, KnKlinh Cement, Sulphur, Limo, eto. Freight rates lire very low to Heppner, tiierefore goods run he sohl in competition with any town iu Eastern Oregon. o, COFFIN 0 Heppner and Arlington. NOTICE OF INTENTION Limd Offipfi, JjfifJcmido. Or.. .Ini24, Nnt in liBiehy ki vi'ii rliKt the fi.'llowitiR naniert Hi'itler lint tilt-il iioti' of his ii'twit ion to mnk lii'itl piMif in siiijirt of hn cbuin, awl mk' f 1 jr-(if will be iii'mIo fwf iro h comity clurk of Morrow ouii'ity, n tl-MririfV, t)nnon. un Au KHHt, 10. iHStt, vi?: Jnhil X hit hi, IK No. HIM. for tlie lnN :i 1r 4 ,V. KWVj N lH4 (.:(, Tp.Srt., li.- .. W. M. IIh n.-itnot tin ftillowiiiL' wit n??.---- tfj proro liiHCdiitiinniiiH rH-iitti-nff nnou, i'wi rniivnti')U i if, tiiiid Jjti.d, , li W. M.'llf,-l:,. U.- I.,filt .) H Hen l',Jti)iii', i- il-'pi iKir, Op. I Any permm wim (Ic'iic-? tt protest, fjie fillowtiK nf Hiirli proof, or wl' knnwB it any mi list mi tint (MK.MI, uiii'-T tti )- :it'I llw !'Hjruln t it ms nf tM Interior -p!iruniit, why tiiirlt proof Hlumlil tint In- uiio'vd- u ill n'wu nu nppcrtu nily it tho nl')e-u'nlionftl tiwn? ar.d plnco to iTti'-fxat'iimi ih--".' wit.ii.jKswa'f 'nitl cliiinttini awl to ult'i'r i r t ii rh'.Htiil of tlml wiihmittr-ii h I'lniniiii't. M'iJU - )! FMlV I!l N'KilAll V. tlH(.'iptor. NOTICE OF CONTIOST. J,itiid ut The Itttllcs, 'r. Jun 15. Complahit liiiviiiK hm-u outnrnil ut tltiv oli!ift b riifiilor! Xi' HfjuitiHl KiwH'ii H ;t kUt for iil'iin- tloiiiii liis hoiM'K.yHd nfrv No tK'l, clule No yvciBti.T 15 1 (. iifvm the NKVi and ei't NW1,; ri"c if, T 1 . H I', in Morn.v co.iitt.y, Or, wu ii view ui f.w rnnct'iimit))! o n:v,u tntry. uit wild p.-ntiBHjM-n litTttrtj HnuimimKl to (tppcar ct t.hiH oliict) on tin.! ; )t day of AiiKU.-it. IMt, at 1 o'('l(rk. p in, lo rohimiid f.iai fniair-ii tcntimoiiy rowfrniii-v' -iiiiil aUn'cl aljiii.donir.cjit.Ti'.HiMinnty cl'M-k of Morrow, Or iH nutlionzi'd to fakft t''Kiii)ioiiy in liti.'i cant! ut HeppinT, i)r, un July J7, I'-M, jil ju .I'duclc a iu. K A .Uein.vH,n. lt;;.-Utr. NOTICK OF INTI'IN'J KJN. OIlU'i nt 'IT.e Il:illr-r. Or., .lane I!,. VI. N-'tii-i' I.ei'jb.v io'en iiml thrall(w;i;i'-iiiiini..l Hwttler hniJ t'led iii-tico of Ins in trillion to tiom muff and nnikB titial proof in support of Mh claim, and Unit paid proof will be made before the eouuly iudw at Morrow coni;tv. ut Jlernnir. Or., on , uth-I 3, 1HSH viz: HdSO. fortlu,8', HW'4 8W1- K4 frM 17, NWI-4 Mli!. Ht'C ), 1'p l S, li 25 K, He naini'8 the following witnnutitit-- to proo hie C(nlinnotitJ letiidtMiee iipo-i, und eultiMitiou oi, aaid land, via: Kranlc A Sweeney, f'iilviii I. br.-etioy, of Ar lington, !r.. Cifiii;ri W Villnr, of l'sbilt Or, Knwtit 1-j Smith, of Lone Koek. Any prnon vdio d.ired to protect ajfahiHi Iho allowam1 of uneh proof, or who known of any anbstantifd ri'iioon, umh(r the lew and the regulation- f tlin Interior Depart inent, wliy ench pi-opf Hhonld nnt bnallowoil, will bt; tjivvn an oppm-tu-nity a) tho about meniionetl time and plaeo to oriv)-t vuinine me winiUKe-oi Hm elm mailt- aud to otTer evidtape in rebnitid of thai, Biibmitttnl bv flaiiiiimf. n. A. Mi IuNAi.i, HRKittr, NOTICE OF INTENTION. liftiulOiHee at Tho Dalles Or.. June 10, '89. Notice iw hereby friven that the folltvln nameii sottler ban tdtMl notice uf 'd (nti'i'tiou ht nmke linal proof i1( support of h;j clailn, and tl.itt i;iu proof will be inudp before the county Ju-,,;! oC loi'iW countv. ut Heppner, 0v ou July.HI. ti. viz. John S. htymhittii lld.iiOO, U:t the SK 'X, a (. 34 E. ll iinituiw the foUowiutryitnewneH to pi-ove hia eoniinuouM residence upon, aud cultivation of, mud hind, vi.: W. W. Uratmon, J. ('. Havv, liiriai'd Mobln on, Isieu. liutd;l-n. (di or b'mbt -Mile, He. Ajij pi-iMnJi wtei iK"irtui (o protast against the allowiiiici'. of Hiten proof or who k unwind any snli wlnuliid reason, under the law tind tie n'Kulu'n.i ofthf Interior DepjoTinnt, why such proof mm hi Ul not be ailowed. will be tfiven an opportu nity Ht the above mentioned tune aud place to eroKN-exainine the witneswK of mtid claimant, and to oiler evidence iu r-dmifn! of that siilunit ttnl by ciaiinnnt. M'i'j Ml F. A. M !(NAhIt, Rkitk NOi'tOK OF XVJNTUiN. I nnd Otlu-o Ht I.H flrrtii.le. Or., Jul 11, 'a . Notion iwln-ri.. iveu line 1 lit ti.ll.iiviils mimed wilier low ti'od otiiici- ef liiti iiilrution u- uiHko filiitl proof iu Niipoort of hincluiiii, nnd tlmt siii.l proof will In- imile In-fore ihe i-oiinty cierk of Morrow eoiin'y. Or. nt H.'ppner, Or., on Ab, HI, iHKil. VIM Slieriihin Onlhirdi, D.S No. !:! f.r llio K',SW' Nv HK'i S.-e. 10 T. P. I, N, H 2? K. . lie nie.iii'M the roll..wiiu uIt,-.. n ,.,.- hin eonlioinni. r-t.--l.-i,iv i.tu.n . ,.iri..f... of. Ulliil lltlltl, v i it ; B. Slum, V. W. HiiIHb, J.T. Osli.nva 1 T -1 Hnt.kill-, or lillllov,l, Oret-ill. An) 1.WM11 vhoUet-iimt,. piuti.,1 kki.1i! the HI I. -A line.-01 io-n or,M-r, or who knowrf of imy mitwiloonil ri-on, iiiul,.i iho lnw nn,l the roiruU tion- of ilio int.-rior il.-prnt no-iil, l,j H-h pr-nif nhonhl noi In. tillowc-i. will he ivon hu opportu nity el tho kIkivo mi-ulioiu-.l time biu! plnce to i-roi-t-niiiiiio the witiie-es of kuI ehiiimiiit, nuil to ottt-r evitlenee in relmthil of tlmt niiliuut ttnl lv ottiitumil. llKNtlv lilNKIIAUT. UVllistor. xQTtci? or'Vitoj. ' land Ollio.) mi The liiillen Or,. Julv it. isi, i Nolo w heroliv L-iren that the )-iUowiilil j iiHiiu-il 3enlr I-kh hle-1 notioeof to Jnienlioii to I tuiike final priHif in enpm-rt of I. is t-lmui, iiml ; tlmt id proof wilt Ik- inmie hofora the county jmltreof Morn-w eounty, hi Heppio-r, On-iron, ou Aniiuet 21, 1111, vis: Benjamin I.H?UIg. Hd.7iU. forlbe K'4 SK, S,-c. at. A Wi SWu Sei Si. To. .1 1.. li. 2S K. W , t liainOB II,- Aaiiiwlli;, 'lUls,,0 unut hie cyuW'.ttvUS Kjileiin.i upon, and oultiva- mm i, -win wnu, tii: . o. W. t'K-ima. tw. W. .0twrt. W. H Miller, all of Hiinln.,.,,' , w ' ii.. i. inae", i. ii Any l-ew-in whoileell-e" to proteet turain-t Ihe I allowance of Mich priK.f. or who knowe of any I eubtiui'i! raeoii, uitil-r the law ami the rtvulti I tioue of the m-i-artment. wliv euch praf ! eluuild not lie hIIowih) willlx- iv.-u an opt-or-j tuuuy at the ate-ve m--niionHl time and ilt-e to civee-examine the witn-s-ee of bai,l claimant, ' and tootler evidence in r-butlal of that euhmttl ; toil byclaimant. I V. A. MeUox o n. Knritar. land Summer FRANK Mi FARLAND. Heppner.Or. & McFARLAND, - - - - Oregon. II) factories and you oan get a at a Fair Price. and Street Wear o (Oil :o-fo: keep 1 Se "Os, McFarlandJdrv goods,::: NOTFCE OF INTESTION. j Ijfind OiHcH nt ThoDnilcH. Or., .) line 10, 'i. Nori.M1 i twMvhy niven that thetroljovviiiKnamori i ri''tlt'f Uhh tiltxl uotico of hvr intention to j rr ako final proof in Hipport, of h(, i ch;iin, ami tliat mi id proof will he wade hfore zw. comity juiikh ot .viornm noimty, ft tiPon nor, Or., on July rm, viz: ftaehrl Hoxkiiift, widow of Dilfon Hon Hun. (irceawd. Md. 9FI1, fortho K'-i SK';i Hf. 10. KWU SVU Spc. I 11. and NW'i, NW4 Hci U.T. Ti S.. M. W. M. I Hli'i naineM Um following witnc-sHtw to iitovh Ihm 1 j coi.tli.uoiiM rwidnri;tMipoii, a:;,! cultivation of, : sunt rind, viz: Aihurt ncl't, James Depuv. of Hcpr-nor, : Or.; Sam Mwulowa, li. 11. fJl'fiinl, of ilurd man, Or. At:y jinrpon w!io dtircrt to protnf against, the i alhiv.Mii.-i-of Mich proof, or who know of any ! HuhKiun mi reason uimI-t thu lit and hn rffjidti-. t'wivA i.i tlto Ittterior Dcpartmnnt, why fmh I pnmi t-'ionid not h(alIow'd,will be u'wn an ope . pnrtunity al the above merit onutl tin'" and piat;t 1 to rroHs-examirit.-the witncHrtUM of wud daiintui- i and to oilVr evidence iu K'bmtm ( Uiat snbiniu i ted by tuamitint. 1 K"-- (? A. McDonald, liejinter. NOTICE OF INTENTION Lund (l!ieonl I ixCmi'iln .T..n..a 'uli Notiui' iNlier.'by iven that tliefollowiii(,'-tiiuned !tth'ihart tilfni notice of hiw iiit"nlifm to com- unite and innko rinal pioof iu nupjrt of hih j ohuin, and that wtid pn.of will be umd before! the county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp- , tier, (tr.,,4Hi July 30. MSU. viz; Frank E. MfiCortcle, ! IM. No. Si2t. for tlm NWM SV K'-4 BWM and ! HW HK'u Sec. y Tp. n S., It. ;i E. ( umim!. pih foti(wi!i; wttnefMQH to prove hit-i continuous ruiddeiice upon, and cultivation of. f.d lund, viz: t'. It. t'at". b li. HhHrmmi. of Trfna Or J H (iurdui-e, 1. tinniitne, of iiidne, r. ' Any icrwra who iteireH to pntwt aarainrt tho allowance of nueh proof, or who known of any :ubrtUmt!aJ renson, under tho law and theretda- tioniH i of the Interior Department, vvhynuph iiw;ol f-hoidd not b" allowed, will be pfxt an iipportu- nit at tint nbove mention.wi ni. aiid' place to cronri-exauniie f he yi(iiepe of Haid claiinaut, ami toolfertivioeiica n, tebiiUal of that eubnmtcil It ulhiin?!:!:. Hp:vi(Y HlNKfUBT, Hetjieter, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land CHHoe Hi The tlulleu Or.. Juno 6. 'HU. W'.tiue i hornliy i veil tlmt the folIowitiK-niimeit wittier hoe riled notieeof hie intention to nuitcn hnul proof in Huppon of hie olniui, mj that wiiii proof will bo niRde hpf-iro :h eonnty imbte of .Morrow county, ut iloppiiHr, On-pou. on July !), Cluwles E. Kirk, IM. Ihll foi-theSij NK'i Hen. 9. nrd WV4 NWX Hi-e. in. Tn. IS.. It. m 10. W. M. ''" Ho niiinoH the rollowinit witne?fien tn prove hie ooiitiiiuone ri-,iilim-e ojioii, mill r-uliivation of Main Ir.u-.l, viz: , ''-.'J-, 81'nnor, Frank (Tilliam Theodore Tes, llavul liowiniin, all of Heppuer. Or. Ally p.Teon who desires to protovt RMr-inat the allowiuire of eiit-li pro'if, of wlirt inowa of any euti-oiiitia! reio-rji, omtt-.r tho law and the reutu ltttlnn; of ihu tut;Vrioi. Department, why eui'h proof liooul not be allowed, will lie itiveu an oiipoitnuity Hi. Iho above mentioned time and pllli-o to croeB-exainino t;e viUieeH0S of aiiid elain-.aiit, ami (u offi-;. opulence in rebuttal of thnteubottt.d W claimant. S'-'l-'-d K. A. JIcDomalI). Keni-ter. NOTICE Of INTENTION, lnwl UWoo at Ix, Orwide, Or,, June 13, W. Nu'iooi. hereby Kivon that the followinii namod ei-tller hue tiled notice of hia intention to make tiiuil proof iu euip-ut of hie claim, and that mini proof will be made before tho county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., ou i-111) i , i?rtn, v iz: John Znlliitqcr, INn81ir.,for the VY'S NWV tiKU NtVV .t- N Hi M:' rlec-Jl, '1'p as. Kill li M. Tl II .1... t ii . . ' .... mum- inc. niiHiwinK wuiiesee" to ef.ive hie t ontluiloue resutonce upon 511,! cultivation if, said htnd, viz: 11 V, llJ'?-;, ,'r":'i' M-de, D'.ii Stalter, Joliu ' ll-I. altol Uappat-r, Or-koii . Ally porsun who decree m protoet aeainet the I allowunco ol each proof, or who knowe of p.ny i niilmtantiiil rvtwon, under the law and the nvmln, 1 Hoik of the liuei-ior Uopartmeut, why aueh pr,aif I nhool.l not Ihi iillowiil, will be uiveu an opoortu nltv at the alHive-inentioned time ami place to crowe-exiimme the witneeeee of said claimant and I t.i otter eviuvnce m rebuttal of -mnuiiivj I hy-cliiniiaiit. j S-';3l Hexky It'VinABS. lleeietor . XQTICK OK- INTENTION. Laud OHice at LntlwHilv. Or., .Ildv II, 11. Nonce is lie-.- l-v jvhii that the followiunt niieiijl noioi-r h.i filoil notieo of hie intention to make, tlnul irHif in auiort of hie claim, ami that aaiJ pijaif will be made la-fore the oouuty jOiImo of Morrow county, or, in hie alaa-nce, oe-foo-the cli-ik of eaid county, at Heppner Or on AiiKio-t 17, ins-i, Dttriim G. McClaran, Hl. ItKI, for the Ni, XK4 Sec. SI.NWV SWU :w. S W S W' Sec. ai. Tp. 3 K. K. W ? He iiaiuea Ihe fellow-inn witneeeea fi inuvv iii contiuuoue n-eideuce noon aiul v-il'-'-itaiiwi uf emd lar.d, ' ' ' ' II- lios'i. A. llaix h. Kluha Watkiiw, Frank l".t.-.:dl of K.-ppiu.r. (If. Any iwreou who ileire to proteet at-ainet the allowance of sueli priKif, or who knows of any eubiilalitiiil roae-in, iimier the lawa aud the reitu of the Interior Department, why such PriHif should not lie ailowi-.!. will !. oi.iairtunity at the almve nientione.1 ume aud place to cros-eiaiuilie the witneeeea of iuo.1 WltnKNM. .. u.,.1 - laiinat:!, anil to ffer evidencti ia whuttal of I tutit auhniitted by claimant. liaaal lilNattAIlf, Koii.te, notici; All ikrsons omiiiv' nie ooteg Counts are untitled to call nud set tie. aa I inteud to roll my bhuikets and take a t nil- III...... l 4I. ... ..... u,n .iii-, tirst of Annuel, and all my accounts niiwt lw aultln.1 lr llial im V.. I my thanks tor past favors,, but don't . forget to ooine and settle. W J- F. Spray, j Heppner, Or. Millinery i es I AlSO THE r J U.o "t -:Gilliam & Coffey,:-- With a large and well 'il.-'i't"d linn of Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements A-ild XXaxrvoeatixi;-; Maoliinory, Queensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Pipe and Plumbers' Material, Glass wara, aud Stoves of the latest mid most approved pattern. Bird Cages and Granite Iron Ware. The NeAvton AVnoiis and Irlaeks. We call Special attention to the SI'ANDAKD :: MOWERS !! They are second to none and A THE i J)JW'l)TOLYTnUI sssesmUdM'l I MIITAJI Dill I ! A Tin Shop in connection. Repairing and plumbing neatly done Camp outfits a specialty. Our prices as low as the lowest fur tho clnsH of goiuls we curry. GILLIAM & COFFEY.----HEPPNER, OREGON. -Siiiioepsor to CASH AND UO'i TOM I MUCKS : 'on Gents' IitiMiiwssiu' voods Hats, Cap, ----- Boots, - Shoes. OKiorTr.,Ttrij.Aii j m iMiMM i;nts. (jROCKRTKS, ('f.( CKKir. . Ammunition ("iti.rr" Or ai'yfiiir,,- hm, ally kept W O. C. M. MALLORY. May Street, Nearly Opj:xit HKPPSKH, Maunfimttiror of mi.l .TVnk iw--:URNITURE, - MlR ROUS. p... JKDDING, IVrriJRI: FuAAIKSv Kt; , -Also For Snio 18( MOI1KL WINCIIIOMTKH- KIK.LEK Cliniip For Gush. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTV. I ! I I ' j I ' I For C. S. VAN DUYN'S MAY STREET STORE For Isiirsiiii!5 in ni. mum, mi Mmm, ww l His priee, nre low M the lowest. See for yourself. Next door f Frniwe Sforl! MAY STBEET. HEI't'NEK, OitEGON. I : ' -r : t-t - ! rM!?flIIOT nnmrnv I I 1 1 i I'll! I , 1 11 r 1 1 1 VII. 1 1 li I II H L I ,,iMean Plain Business, Prices. You will fiud in their lnrjra stoi-o the iroil!?t in hH Hnea of Sfaple anil. Rqq Bwiss, Frails, Gaifc Etc. Store iu Odd Fellows' Hall, formerly occupied by First National Bank JOHNSTON & SLOAN, Props! Main siireet, Hevpner, Oregon. f ' 7: - . ' NXHONJONE8.P-t E. R. BISHOP, Tre MORROW 111! LAND I SDR CO. (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents, I The Commny has recen warehouse 80x100 tent. i, J-lie II UVeHOUStO l.iia l'(it& a.S thf)Sevtt JrlinrTfm, Tv .-. . . . r . .... rveicint 7)i-iii ,., ,,,..,.7 J,.,'. J '"" IlOJIl UHftOlt . Cask alvatlCeil IIIWII eorsio'ijirnts of IfOfll or U'ftnl in StoWto'C i"'t t- THERON E. iGoods at Greatly Reduced me bere h- the wide cut in withotapeer. i mil u The Winner in all Contests. Minor, Doiison k ('.- W.f i ;- U)THIN( ji.AS:- ( ?un-- Sr. ' 'A KRV, in i: ii it-i'ln in ok MINOR.. M'tir. Dndxfm f.Vi. 5if, Hi; at iKTS.. Fair Dealing ami Low tly constnteM a fwo-stont - Hi, ,.,..,... -.. ;. ,i".J lit IToimnet' ji-i'71 7. ,.,.,.;.. fim-c I III III , . , from. Heppner, same as FELL, MANAGER.