. rn. r - s W l-r ' it ii !-:.i;i v IUIT0N. lACJi -e- d:. . - r 1 ,n)n a Dy ouv.nej your zinoes ONLY one nnir of our I'iix- C nil" KIi.h'm. Sffnicwr. Vflltps. l..i.um CotbAm WoTJt enlv selected stock imd tag btwt workn,p. x-vary pair Warranted. Try our Shoe:; once f.ud you -vtli buy no others. .... iffi.?'"?! V.t: i w : 35-MmitIon Six- am! Whlih w J. Pw.) :-' l-J note r . V OraS. .. r.j. your a-'-reu r,-lown, County fu;J r-' -ati;. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., TAT WF-TJIOCTII, 7A:;i. Hamilton Buggy pmm, HMIILTOIT, OHIO, Manufacturers of Hamilton Gradc3 of Vehicles. g I EDITORIAL SPECIAL BUGGY OT ANT STYLE VEHICLE. SrF.CIAL FEATURES : TVopor-t ion, Din-nljilit j', IorlW.rtloii of FiuSt-ili. This " Mirror" finish work is the best rocdium-pricrd work in tfic United States. write for catalogue. uamh,ton ijt;c; 1 r jt - !- 2 ft"r ' O t J ij'A I if 'V V'" ' '" - (ft Nta .7ti4'i, 40 H. Chzr!es EL - L;, ,. n i ' It, Branch Storo, - - - 003 PonmiylvaaLi Av.i., "V;:'.hbirn;to;i, I. 0. Heppiier City Brewery! 1 1 1 M 1 SUriiKIOR 0UAUTYU1- lil:ER! It in niiiiinriietiireil wilh the lalent brewiiif; iiiiaiaUii hiiiI eiin't bo bent. Lunches of all Kinds, Ami the bent bramis of (.riiri. Emptv kfL'H must bo returned or $6 ;ieot) will be obtirgud. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. On It Ocnultio Mmnm of Memory Trnlnlng. i' tiur liotiti iA'iu iicd lu on ( i i'Uiliiitf. lllluJ mmdriittii rili-Pil, Kvcrr rhlll nif'l inlu't uroni'v (nfltlrd. G.'t.it iintuootui-uls to C nHiiJiidnon I'lHunt. fro-ijMt'f'it, w'tl oplni-irn of Dr. XV m. A. llnm mUTiif, r"rttt-fii ! Htwritiii'.t in ftmul l)iMiiin liui'l H '-ffilcnf Thnns(t'i, l'iiRr 'it INylt l tit, .1. it-ir!i lov. l-i..'tt. oith" O't'i'.i i A tVDcat', a. 1 , li rluirff lrir-tt tS S."'-nili , Ihm V. W. A-.lor, Jnrtjr ' ;rs', .l-wlti . HtiJ-iiiitM. n-I ntli r . "t in i t f it I. JVof. A. LOIsXTi:, I .it J N. Y. RF PURE COD LIVER OIL n HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost 39 Palatable as MilW. Ho dliKHlMd '' ' n ba taken. il.nKd, and unnlinllBinl liy h andllv atoiiiach, when ! llln all cannot be tolerated! nnd by the com bination of trie oil Willi Ihe bypouuoa. pbltee U much inure vUlcatloue. Eemirkible us flesh produtcr. Ptnoni gain rtpldly vtulld UVlng It. SCOTT'S EMULSION iB Acknowleiltjod by Physiciani to bo tliu Finost uud Dust prepa taUou ia tho world for tbo roliuf and cure ut CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. Ill great rrmnly fr Omsumplian, and Wasting in Children. Sold by all ihnfotet Oil. .11 'ii'Mlir tl.Hll'hHI lti'..'iitr ".-tit t.i'O M-ri. 'I In -mini litfii .bin M hi Mttttt't- pjiftitt, run ,.-ti ii -Lil i. i .tt!t. ititli M ut.. hrtirum. - ti1'' '-1 $.". i.'M MriMfP.i,iii"ti I ma. hine in ll.f woilJ Ail It , No c(iital ri(uir0. I'in, wiii.rifti-hinf in tli w tirt i l ih Ob'.I llnr nf .vntki i lilfh 't ti-u loc Hi. t in A ' n riffc. '.t'Ul Jv tk tU., Uoi 7 40, Auiitwtu, Muln. SA.tSoIUl Col l TTbtcb Ilia, toi WM u tu tut WurU I ' kf ""4 fwt"S' Mi4l, Wittt I loron lu rth l. ltir can Mfur. on (rMk. -JrtftA' ' Wt .: Jiy lmnile. Tbrw muiplw, .T?rTyit0r 11 ''hi ,t", stitn h your bum for 9 month mJ Uown ibrm to ibois . u oit- t,tr mIIihJ, llirv tHfConie " wtjr c n prtpt ThcV wiio wrim t( one ran b sura ( rxjen'inf lLa ntrb l.rfl dOMl ti mm qa: W.raT fcU Mpr. O'eHi. ,1 ,W, jWiiaNjtud, . tn a Mrram f A .IP SR. rL kt.. Tit ..-rtirof j- ui uu; uuumv., .. $2.50 iisimIK rvt.iil ami yi.HX Cj CCGEESS. fr.f trt n' V PTntfMUflC:) Vfl "Will FOPta S.-, i v.: Jkhw l-.v.ut.n. lure tr it ft - -a ivrV" v7 Delicious Biscuit A'.i ynm Grocer for COW BRAND It j J OUUrl UALUMniUUi AUij!-lyPw. V EAFIO BICYCLES. QWAK'RAMT T BICYCLE '3. -THE- SailifVay & lavigalon Cu. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TFCKISTS Tit nil l'iineiuil Points in Hie t'nilod StnlcH, Camilla ami Europe. KI.EfiANT HUMAN' I'AUll CAlife MIGRANT SI EC PINO CARS Kim Tlintnjrli on all Express Tnmin to . -OMA1-IA, , CdiiiumI Itlulfi! AM) I'ne of Chdiyr mill Without ('mrie. Close Citineetlon at Purllantl (or San Fram isi'o ami Piiijel Hotiiut Points. all i wox s ri; M KHS Leave Portlatnl for Sun Eraucisi'o every lour (4) days, making the trip in (Kl " hours. Oti'iii, $16. Stcenuje, ...... If i'. 00 Round Trip Untimih:il, $:li),00. For further particulars in.nire of any a'eut of t lie eitmpany. A. I.. MAXWELL, (.'. J. H.M1 I II, (I. i: A- T. A IU ucritl ManaQt'r. THE (5 15 EAT rranseontinentalRoute liA 1 LIIOA D! via Tint -'osein- Hroiwli, now t'ota.Weif, thuA--iiij it the Sliortr.it, U: f ami Quickest. l'lie Uiniin; Car Lino. Tltel'ireet Unite No Pelfi-r. Fastist Trains. Low est Katen to Cliieauo anil all points East. Tioets oolii to all Promi nent Points throughout the Kte-t au l Soutlieast. Tliroiih I'iilluiiin Drawitij; Ruuiu Sli'0ting Cars. KoservationN ean be secured in lulvnnee. To I'lastHouml Pasonnoi'S" Be careful ami tin not make a mistake, but be sure to take tho NORTH F.KN TACIFIC H.VH.IiOAI) And see that your lieket reads via Ibis line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid ehnlik'rs and serious del.iyH occasioned by other routes. Tbroiinh Etnit"tnt Sleepini; Cam run on rediilnr expiess triiinn full lennth ol line, llortlis tree. Loivest rates. Quick est time. Geitemt Ofliet of the Company, So. lil f irst St., for. It'irsit'i ;fni St., l'ui tlttnit, Oreyoit A. IX CIIAULTON, AtxiwtMit UoucruJ Vuttactiur Ajout. 4 frt r Northern riifiic all MlttB E! tl It QltJt CCDjlttt f ItlOlt 11 ITrDUTKETUrN DFIN. rDrilccisTS ANDjrALErsERiywKES TU(THASAVDCELERC0-3AlTa-MQ' ARTHUR SMITH, PUACTH,'AL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First Natiomil Bunk, HEPPNER, : : OHEC.ON. Watches, V.. Optica Clocks, i) Gooils . MniuHiiringH Kittfi! 1.50. All work (juarantet'il fin- one year. XIIIC PlONIiUK Jewelry EslaffiM Still ContiniK'H to Sell WATOIIBS, :.; JTEWEIjIIY, etc., At tle Eowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens. Ame thyst and Cameo Go!d R:"gs, GO'rt and Silver Watches Always LlitTwon Hand "-' A Full Line of IVITCTfaiO A-Ij IWBTntJ Has beeu nJtleil to liia large nntl well selrotetl Btnek. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worli Griiivr.Dltoocl. STOHU oiiiiosite Minor, Doilson 4 CioV Mfiy.Bt. IUpinor, OreKon California, Orecion and I DA I K) STAGE COMPANY. ,T. 15. Keeney, Sitpt. Monument HUiki leuvi-.s Hoiri4i .MonilriyB, Woiliieilii- nml I'riitnys nl dam . M. Moiitiintint Htttijit iirrivi'H TnoHilaya 'I'linrtnlays nnd Kiiturilit.vf.nt V(KJ r. Si, Huniliiy Beit,'! to and from ArliiiKtoa. Fare, iitj.tKI t'lii'ti way l,.nilti'liti HtiiL-fl li'tivim llnpitnor tt:W A. M. arrivrs " 4:110 P. M. Kino to Monument, - 5 00. Fare to I'einileton, JH.OO. E. 3. ST.OC'DXI A CO., Aokstm. Frttiwht 2eents per pnunil. llepp ner, Ogn Arlington Meat Market, - KUtU'M 0 tNSTtSTl.Y ON HAND - AND JS .V U S A G E . VARNEY& PUTNUM Arlington, Oregon. M. T. Kl.eUKNi'K. ' E KHiltKNCK FIiOKENCE IUIOTIIEKS, STOCK l A ISEKS ! Ill' tTNhK l)ltr'(UN. ('tittle hrnndi'dutul our nmrkwl asliown almvH. illirr.tih K Oil I'tMlll HllMllllttM'. Our i'utllt NuiKw in M-irtv. liillmm, I'liui'illt, at il Vs-i.0inmi'. Wh w II i-ny tflOtl 110 rtu wnt.t i nf li'i'unt'nt mul riuiVuMiuu of miy i-iTntm sili'itli nu imr iivlv. M AivJtccturtr ot Ik-?1--..:.' r -71 I ' :1".v.i ' :;:iti I t',-i I mm? cr;i, ii f t?t ' 1:1b thliiiUi IJLifiUO, Ci.i'ni.f cf r.. i.-.tii cf TVikS, IM3H r.r-r,i-.f,apt-h!!!fyf.rretand-l'i(; In V jno hiva no c.jual. Factor's;?, Derby, Conn. BALL ViAf-- Jo frJTVv sPrains' Strain O Jy Bruises, Wound 2 ag by Inicn ami Dtaltrt. 0 Th C!ia. A. Vcjeler Co.. Bait. MC Jor Qire op n a a . 7. .si.. iiaw. i J " -- , ft E.VSTErlN OlEKUON. IntsrattliiK Items From Noigh boring Ei rliauyos. WALLOWA COUNTY. Fr im the Chieftain. Last week the Legore boy brought a very tine piece of uold-bearinf rock down from their Piue Leaf led(je. Dr. Dean took the orn, crnslied it, and with a com mon miner's pan got about $1 woith ot itold from the s)eoimen. It in estimated that rock equally as rich would be worth about $2,001) ier ton. We are told that tho boys bave been throwing similar ore over the dump because it appeared worthless. If one half the noise were made about our mines that there is else where on less reason, Joseph would be a pretty lively camp this summer. I'lentv i of work and a little time will bring the j Wallowa mines out all right, and jon I want to remember it. We would be pleased if the o mtlition of allurs in this county were sucb thai we could boast a little. But they ate not. Concerning the hot winds and the dry weather 0f the past three weeks, we can only s ate that the effects have been disastrous, nnd we are about in the same condition aa tve understand the remain der of Easteru Oregon to be. Up to Ihe first day of Ju .e there was nevt r a bet ter outlook for good crops in Ihiscounty. To day there were never poorer pros pers. With Bund rains in the next week some field, will make a fair yiuld, but many iire even now beyond redemption. flrusB on the range is drying fust, and all seotions need rain badly. Indications are now that this season wili be similar to that of last year, and many of out people are not situated favorably for the present condition of things. It would bo a pleasure if we could write different ly, but the above is truth and that is reason enough for stating it. UltANT C'OI.'NTY. From tho Ftirjle. The daily stages are now runn'ng be tween Canyon City and Heppuer and everything is lovely. The Cany on stages arrive in Long Creek at 2 o'clock in the eveuing, and the Heppner arrives at 10 in the morning. Last Monday afternoon, two young girls, Ella Greeu and Kate Dustin, were thrown from a horse while riding from Tom Henderson's plaoe toward to.vn, and the latter Miss, ho was dragged a considerable dlatnuue before being freed from Ihe animal, was badly, though not dangerously, crippled. The horse was not used to oarrjing two riders ut ouca and ueked, thereby caiiningtheacoident. Never, since the enaly excitement, has there been so many prospectors in the Big creek, Desolat'on, aud Silsauville mining districts as there is at the present time. There is no boom calling them in, hot there is a large number of men who seem to have made quartz mining a special study, now seurohing through the "Bonny Blues" for gold nnd silver bearing rock, aud who can say that old Susanvillewill not bloom again and yield us in days long since past? UMATILLA COUNTY. From the K.O. There are many wheat fields in Walla Walla valley, it is suid, which will yield 15 bushels to the acres. Headers nre now at work on the ripened grain. Track has baen laid on the Pendleton extension to the pi irit where the carve is made into the Wild Horse, and the O. It. A N. engines were saluted this morning by a Hunt locomotive on the hills. Tire display of fireworks last night from the bluff north of town represented the onreful savings for weeks of several Pendleton small boys more patriolio than their elders. A big bou-fire ac companied the display. The Pendleton Savings bank has pur chased the Weston waterworks bonds, buyiug the entiro aumnut issued, $1,800, at par. The bunds ure issued for t e period of fifteen years, and draw 8 per cent interest, parable semi -annually. The irrepressible fire-cracker came very pearly accomplishing some mischief yoaicidny. Home small boys lighted a bunch and threw it down near a wagon standing in front of Koppittke A Co.'s feed stable. Soon some hay in the wagon was blazing, but fortunately the flames were discovered by bystanders and e tiuguieh)'i in time to prevent what might have heeu a serious fire. A cow's leg was taken ofl by the down coming freight this morning. Those who witnessed the catastrophe lay that the poor bruto uttered a cry almost in its agony when struck, and that there in ton other oattle near gathered about bur and coniuiet oed bellowing with j might and main. If that wasn't sympathy expressed as well as Ihe cons could do I il u-luil ivua it? Young people who want to get maii'itd but are alr.tid to on account of the chari vari epidemic, may set their fears at rest. The lung in horu, Ihe bane of newly married couples, has been taken lo the mines to arouse the camp iu the moru ing, the charivari boss having found that it would he better for its health to send it to the mountains to rusticate for awhile. No "shivern'1 cau be a siicijt'as without that born. James Beardsley and Pat Ilaragbey, w ho have been industriously engaged ill handling the pick and shovel in the Sul tan nnd ijiiltaiia mine, are in town after supplies. They have just completed a i cross cut luuin l, fori? -five feet in length, I striking the ledge at another point where j it sliows up widei and richer. On their i return they will oonimeuce taking out line, tube reductd iu the Monumental stauip-inill, mil) a mile or two distant. The imuiitg properties iu the Urt eiilioru j and Granite Creek districts are assuming magnitude and value daily iu the eyes of capitalists, and many trausfers are on the tapis, all of w hich mine ow ners are I glad to see, for capital is what is wanted. From Ihe Tribun. The trout supply of the Umatilla seems to hold out wonderfully. There have been thousands caught and thou sands still remain. Jobu Allen met with a singular acci dent Saturday evening. He fell from his wagon while the team was moving. The hind wheel rolled upon him aud the team stopped. He shouted lustily and bystander lifted the wag iu off aud took him out. The uext morning Mr. Allen was around iu his usual health and spiiits. From the Lend.. The work of grading on the Hunt road : from Walla Walla to Waitsburg has oom I uieuct'd iu earnest. It is expectid to be tiuisUxl by the first of Ootobar, aud to Dayton by the first of November follow ing. It is expected that it will lie a month yet before the Pendleton branch of the O. A W. T. will be ready for traffic. Ex tensive rock cuts are th? cause of the de lay. The work on the bridge across the Umatilla is progressing rapidly. GILLIAM COUNTY. From the Futttul Journal. I A. B Lamb received a new buckbourd I Monday which he will put ou the mail j mute to Wagner. Mr. H. W. Hull has charge of the line under the new man i agement, and made the first trip out J Moud y. Mrs. Eityatt infor ns us that some petty j thieves visited her ba' u Sunday night ! and stole a horse-collar, saddle, blaukets, j ropes and halters. She also informed jus that a charivati crowd visited tor j premises ihe same night. In p'int of i iiiue titers is a oiose proximity between I the two events. I From ttie Arlington Titties. J J. E. Frick and wife, Miss Finley and I J. P. Lucas aud w ife expect to spend the Fourth camping out near White Salmon, ! W. T. j There was a drunken Indian in town last Wednesday. Somebody had fur i uisbed him with so much firewater that J the sidewalks were not wide enough for him. Between the hours of 11 aud 12 o'clock Weduesday uight the house on Wash ington street, occupied by S W. Cluto as a lodging house, was discovered to be on fi'e. As soon as the alarm was given the firemen and citizens responded, when, to the astonishment of everyone, ! it was found that there was not a suf I ficient quantity of water in the leservoir. ! Great indignation was expressed, nnd j the mayor hired Henry Wilson, a com petent engineer, mid the reservoir was immediately supplied with water. The building was destroyed, and Air. Clute's I family lost considerable in clothing and bedding. Nooiher buildings were burned THE LAND OF FLOODS. Johnstown Again Menaced Dtaagli. by ttie Coue- Joiinstowv, July 3. The heavy rains of yesterday and last night flooded out five families in Cambria Citv. Tho water came pouriug down the mountain, last uight and filled the first floors of houses, destroying all 1 lie furniture saved from the big flood. There was great alarm among the people over the condition of the Cone uiaugh river. The water rose five feet this morning iu two hours and carried away Ihe foot bridge above the Penn sylvania railway station. There is dan ger of the temporary bridge erected by the company going out. Cars were run out ou the bridge to save it, but at 10 o'clook this morning the abutment began to sink. The temporary bridge erected at the lower end of the Gautier offices is almost a total wreck. Orders were given at General Bas ting's headquarters at 10 o'clock to get everything iu shape for quick removal, as it was feared the tents would be washedaway. At 10:30 it was thought that all the danger was passed, but a fresh storm broke over tue valley. The raiu is com ing dowu iu torrents, and people fear that the Conemaugh will yet sweep over the bauks aud flood the town, " AT HOI.LlDAYslIUMi. The Town Flooded and People Driven From 'I hcil' lloan-s. HoLLiDAVsiiuiio, Pa., July 3. One of the heaviest thunder storms that has oc ean red here iu years passed over this city last night, causing a great flood. Iu three, houi nine three iuoneo ot tain fell. By miduight the Juniata river stood fifteen feet above low wa'er mark, and only two feet lower than the flood of May 81. The lower otreuts of the town were covered with from three to five feet of water, uud mauy people had to leave their houses. The stores, mills aud houses on the river banks Yi'ere uli flooded, and ihe truck gardeusaud farms in the surrouudiug oouutry were badly dam aged Several new county bridges and muoh fencing will be carried away, The mills ut the Portage Iron works ut Duucauville were flooded uud the fires put out. The water was higher at UuuoanviUe than on tho day of the flood, Mav 31 last, and a river five feet deep rushed through and destroyed the maiu street ot the town. Several houses were struok by lightning here and tho imputes, sorioualy iii)iu-.d. AT FRANKLIN. Franklin, Pa., July 3 This seotiou of the country was visited by a terrific rain ami wiud storm last uight that did a terrible amount of damage. Hundreds of derricks were blown dowu, aud ou Bully lull, south of this city, several bants were blown over, while the dam age to the growing crops was heavy. Iu this oity gardens were totally de s'royed, cellars flooded and outhouses washed away. srnicK bs ijimTNisa Ci'MBKiii-ANii, Mil., July 3.-During the heavy storm this evening here Mrs. Clayton was struck by lightning aud badly burned, and at Ellerslie an uu knowu man was kilted. TUK lOUlir OK 1K. . Til. The Virginia lisustr Kvtn W orsw Tliun Piit L.nciihcug, Va July 2. Tl ; 8i-ene of the U'rrinle diuter near 'ihmtoiTs, uii tint Norfolk A Wt'strrii railroml, iu beyotnl ileduription. Hardly en.iili in le it of the 1 1 Ml o of freight tlmt took i tho lc:ito tLin bultom of the pit to muku ! oue oar. As mKin an the boiler of the entitle ex ploded, the entire macs of debris took tire. TU'we who weut dowu, who were uot killed outright, burned to death. Tortious of eight bodies have beeu Ink ft) out. It in believed that fully tifteeu others were entirely ounsuiued by tire. A survivor of the wreck says the cries for help could be hoard from all portions of the wreck, aud those unhurt were powerless t reuder assistance. A w unai! who managed lo r scape lay about ou the ! ground, suffering from her injuries until tiny-break, and many walked lonrf dis taueet to farm houses Tb( fd paseu tjers left uniujurAl did all in their power for the uufortnuftte. Tue dead were: Engineer Pat Omovan, Lrueuburtf. Engineer A. W. James. H anoke. Fireman EJwurd linuv, ivauoke. Midi itvut Koe, Ahmtou. J. W Lifaev, train dispatcher, ilioks fcfd, Va. Peton, stenographer 'or Superintend ent Osliorne, of the Western Division road, wife aud child. Steed, of Cleveland, tenn. John Hardwick and Will Marshall, o' the same city, passengers. ,'oliu Kirkpattick, ot Lynchburg, i stipposed to have been killed; also.Nathan Cohen, of Roanoke. Some of these are still in the ruins. In addititu, about twenty were hurt. Some of them will die. Mr. Bishop, ol Dalton, Ga., was badly out on the heud TUB DKBltIN REMOVED. The debris at the w reok of the Norfolk A esieru ri ilroad has beeu removni. and a number of charred b dies have been found. The names of seventeen persons who were killed have beeu ascer tained, all of them Easteru people. There were about thirty people who escaped with only slight injuries, aud ten who are seriously injured. The list of the dead will be inoreased, as ft ieuds of missing people keep coming forward in search of them. There is no way at present to ascertain the exact number of the dead, owing to the fact that the train was debti-oyed by fire. T1IK vt'ltEL'K OF THEbliANAIlA. The boss oil Vessel and Cargo Will be ;(L'5.0II0. New York, July 3. A dispatch was received by Geo. Gould, president of the Pacific Mail Steamship oompany, to-day from San Francisco, verifying the report of the loss of the company's steamer Granada on the rocks. The vessel and cargo will lie a total loss. The Granada was valued at 825J,00U, aud the oargo ut $75,009. LINN COUNTY PlO.NF.Ens. Oiteaiug Session of a Three Days' Meeting at Brownsville. HaIiSkj, Or., July 3. TheLinnOounty Pioneers' association met at Brownsville to-day to hold a three days' session. Several hundred people assembled on the ban Is of the Calapooia and the ex ercises promise to be very iateiestiug. ASTOKIA MUST WAIT. Colonel Crocker Says Mr. Eeld Mast Have Been Joking. San Franuwco. July 3. Colonel C. F. Crocker, vice-president of the Southern Pucilio company, stated iu an interview to-day, in answer to an inquiry: "Our company has not decided to build a road into Astoria. It seems Win. Beid has given rise to an impression iu certain quarters that tve were interested with him in the Astoria projeot, but we are uot. Such proposition has not even been discussed by the directors. Some rough mountains would have to be climbed to get into Astoria, and we are not prepared to spend money ou such a venture. "I will say, however, that by reason of our purchase of the Oregon A California road, we havo a land grant for a road to Astoria from Portland. It is a part of the former line's laud grant. A survey has been made over this land ti Astoria, and this projected road is down ou the maps as the Oregon Central railroad. If we build it, I suppose the land grant along its line would belong to ns. At the time the Holluday and Yillard inter ests controlled ttie Oregon A California there was mnnh talk of building it. Since our company got control there has not been iin.y eaiuiea agitation for its construction. The iinmaliate prospects are not favorable for reaching Astoria.'' INDEPENDENT ON THE COAL QUESTION. San Fbancisoo, July 8 General Su perintendent Fillmore, of the Southern Pacific onmpany. states that the com pany is now independent of all other corporations ou tho coal qtieslion. TliGi output of the Union Bay ane Carbon tiul mines suffices for California. The Central Pacific is supplied from the Rocky mountain mines, while Texas and Arizona are supplied from Mexico, Tha ouuipany is no louder dependent on foreign resoiiroes of supply. THE DAKOTA CONVENTION. Nothing Accomplished Beyond. ETp(;5i Teru o.ucy Ol'uaizauua. Swtx Falls, South Dakota, July 4. At noon to-day temporary organization of the constitutional convention was effected by the election of Judge Edger toil ns chairman, aud Editor Caldwell as secretary. D. Carson, a member of the convention of 1835, called the convention to order, and after calling the roll,greet ing was telegraphjd to the constitutional conventions of North Dakota, Montana Bud Washington, and tho convention ad journed until to-monov,'. HORTU DAKOTA. Bismarck, July 4. Temporary organ ization ot the Constitutional convention was effected by the election of B. F. Fancher, of Jamestown, as chairman, i aud J. A. Rae, of Bismarck, as seore j tary. Aft. r the appointment of Qoinmit I tees on rules and credentials, the cou I veutiuii adjourned until tomorrow. THE UtiLttNA CONVENTION. Only a Tf m,ma(-y Organixutioii Ktfn'ti-a Yes terday. St. Paul, July 4 A Pioneer Press special from Helena. Aljutana, says : The constitutional oiuventiou was called tn order at noun to-day by Territorial Secretary Walker, sixty eight out 'f the sevetity-tivo delegates being then present. Pursuant to their caucus action, the demourats nominated for chairman ex- j Delegate Toole, of Helena, and the eon j veutioa elected him. Caucus nominee j Wm. U Todd, of Beutou, was chosen j temporary clerk. The oath of office was j adimnittered to the delegates in a body i by Chief Justice lilake Witlioitt further nunoii the convention theu adjourned until 1 o'clock to-morrow. It is understood that a p-nnauent urgauUa ion will be perfected to-morrow by the election of V. A. Clarke, of butt-e, as president, aud the probable re-election of the other temporary officers. M'LUVAN S MOYeMUNT-S. He Quietly Urt iuohomtl to Dodge the Aathorltirft. Cixcinnati, July 3 John L. Sullivan , and party left this miming for New Orleans. They left no information cou t oerniug their plan of procedure, whether they would go through by regular train, j or whether to avoid a suggested o.ipture : in Missouri, they would secretly change j their plans and sneak through the state , by a special train or some unexpected route. TO INTERCEPT FIOHTINO. Jackson, Tenn., July 3. Governor Lowrv bus telecrsphed the governors of Alabama and Louisiana f-r permission to p,ns firmed militiamen thr Uk'h their respective states, prep) rat..ry to inter cepting Sullivan and Kitrttinft should they eutor either statu to ti-bt. TBK HPtHCTS STAND IN FOR SCLI.lt AN. Bernnr-e He l the Rest Man Of the Two-The I'll III ir Hope that Kilraiu Will Come Oot Victor. New Ohlkanb, Jul ". -Sullivan con- j tinue8 the favorite of the talent," but! public sentiment which is backed by principle and not money, is all in avor ofKiliain. The gentei-1 element of the community is almost unanimous in favor of Kilraiu. They consider th Bostoiiian nothing better that a brute, and want to see him w hipped, but they are not inclined to back their preference. KILKA1N IS ALL KllillT. His Friends Astonished at the Sadden and Fteniarktthle Improvement New Orleans, July 7. Kilrain arose about nine o'clock, after a most refresh ing sleep, and appeared to be bright and fresh. He was iu excellent humor, and conversed freely. He remained iu liia room during nearly the entire fore noon, but about eleven o'clock he came to the gymnasium, where a large num ber of members of the Southern Athletic Club aud their guests were assembled. Kilraiu looked around the spacious hall, fanning himself, and appeared quite at ease. At noon Kilrain, Mitchell, Murphy aud Pony Moore breakfasted at Moreau's restaurant, and then strolled about town, returning . to the gymnasium at two o'clocK. K I rain's condition bad visibly improved, and his eyes were brighter and his movetneuts much more active than ou the previous day. Mitchell appeared well oontented with his man's condition, and said: "It Sulli van don't lick him in twenty minutes he won't do it iu a month.'' OFF FOIl THE BAT TLB FiF.LD. kllifdn Promises "the Boys" to Ketarn With Good News. It has been given that the party was going to the West Eud for a drive, but unusual excitement was occasioned by the departure of Kilraiu. There ere three oarnages in waiting, and a com mittee of the Southern Athletic Club entered the otlrr two. When Kilraiu and his companions ap peared with their grips, it was seeu that that the party was bound for the scene of the ooniiug battle and not for the West Eud. As Kilraiu left the gymna sium, in reply to the adieus of the club, and wishes for his safety aud speedy return, he said "Good bye, boys ; I'll be back w ith you in a short time, and I'll bring you good news." These confident words, accompanied as they were by a smile and a look of determination, evoked loud cheers. On arriving at the depot, a train cm sieting of an engine, baggage oar aud two passenger ooaches, was lound Wail ing. Kilrain and some of bis friends entered one of of the coaches, nnd Sulli van aud seven of his friends, took the other coach, and at four o'clock the train departed for the field of battle, At 6:30 o'clook this evening the arriv al of both principals ami the friends ou the battle-ground was wired to the city. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep jour Hubycription paid up yon crii ktHp your brand in frwof otmre, C Ii AiJkiim. IturnPH. j, r.n ritfht thoulriflr: cat tlf, C H on right hip Han go iu Untnt nod Mor row coimti8. AdkiiiM, J J HorhM, JA connected on lef flank: PHttie. name on Ifft hip. llleakmau. (ieo., llnrdmim (torstis, n flagon left nhouldor; emtio, same on riht shoulder. Bonnctt, Cy Horwi'H, li on left hhonlder. Hrown, J C Htirnon, circln C with dot. in P3: teron hft hip: emtio, fame. Buyer, W t, Lena riorums, box bi'iind o- rv.i hip cuttle, name, with split in nMh ear. Borflf. P.O. Hornes, p Hon left Khoulder; cat tle, wtinfl on ief i htp. Hrien.T. F., Lone Rock,-Horses o with bar undor and over on rirht hhoulder. (inrton. Wt" Horweu, J Hon ritfht tiiij'i; cattle, aaine on riht hip;nrlit in ent-h. ear. Wm. Huthi, M'iniifiieut. liraiidn horneH It ou rhiht eshoulder. Uuntfe U rant nnd Morrow coun ties. Elmer Gentry. Echo, Or - Hordes branded IT. 8. with a quarter circle ttver it. on lnft htifle. Hane in Morrow and Umatillaoountiee. Allison, O. 1). Cattle brand, O D on loft hip and h or Ben same brand on rjjfht ohoulder. Kange, Eicht Mile. Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, flu on right fahxiUer: ('attle, name on r Khthio: ear maris atiitira 310 off left and split in rifiht. Curriii. K Y- Wpww, on left atiflo. Cuniiiidn e, W Mi Nowton lianch Huroee tii'M Htfufe - under it on left hould:r; cat? (Miuie on left hip and high, left ear square cur Cox & English, Hardman Ca'.tle, C with in center: horses. CE on left hip. H. E. Cochran. Monument, Gnui On , Or, Hornes brandrd circle with bar bwieaih, on lvft shoulder cattle nauio on both hip, mark under slope both emw and dewlap, limitflatMi, W il Cattle, K Oon right side. Hwai-low-fork in each ear; homes. K D on left hip. Eleek, Jackrion. Horses, 7F connected on right, shoulder: oaitte same on rit;ht hip. Ear mark, hole in richt and cron off left. Lifuallen, John W. I lumen branded half-circle J L counseled on left nhuuliitr. Cm lie. same on leit tun. Jvan:, ndr hexiugton. PUsiDiuiel L A--( -tittle, EE on right hip; horses F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. B P Homes, E on right nb,iv, lder cuttle, E on right hip or thigh, ArmMrong, J. C, Acton T with bar muter it on left shoulder q Uufws; cattle name on left hip. (iay, Henyy GX on left ehoulder, G'iblo, Frank Homes, 7 Eon Wtiatiilej cattle same on right hip, Gainane. A. L. Horses, SI on right, shoulder. HuiiHaUttiS B i- -Uoreea, it on leftahoulder; cat tie, Hon left hip Humphreys, j t Hardman Homes, H on lefi Sank. Hayes. J M Homes, wineglass on left shoulder came, same on ngnr nip. Junkiu, 8. M. Horses, honswhoa J on left shoulder. Cattle, the nam a, Ks.iye on Eight Johnson, Feli i H omen, circle T on left atifl cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in rig and sulit in left eart Kirk, J T Homes 09 on left shoulder: catt U1U.ii left hip. Kirk, J C Homes, 17 on either flank; cattle on right side, Lumen, Hasmus Homes, R L on left hip. Lewis, J K. Lena Homes, P with ove it hi left shoulder. Minor, Oscar. Cattle, MDoa risht lup; homes m on iPiLsnomuer. Morgan, li N .forces. M) on left shoulder cattle. N.me on left hip. Me umber, Jas A, Atwood Homes, M witti bar over on right shoulder, Morgan, Thorf Homes, circle T on luf t shoul der ai.d left thitfh; cuttle, 'I, on nyht thigh. Mitchell, Oscar s tMtyuviUo Horses, il on righ' hit; cattle 77 on risht side. McClaren. D (J Homes, Figure 5on each shoul der; cat tie, M'jon hip. Neel, Andrew, lj)ne Rock Homee A N con nectetl ou left ahuulder: cattle same on butt', hip- Newman, W. K. Humes N with huf circl over it on left shoulder. Nurdyke, E Hurwvi, circle 7 on left thigh; cat lie. atne on lert hit. Oiler, Perry. Lone Rock P O o left shon.de Peamon, Olave. Horses, circle -ihtehl on left shoulder and on left hip. Cattle, circle shield on left hip, Rarge on V iht Mile p.-amtm, Jas., Pine City. -Homes h2 on left hi low down. Parker A Gloason, Hardman Homes IP on left shoulder. Piner. J. H.. Acton Hui-mps. .IE Cfinnoptfxt n left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, under bi in each enr. Rood. Andrew, Hardman Homes, square cima wiili quarter-circle over it on left stifle, Remeger, Chris Honwe. K' K im leitshoulder KecU.r. J W Homes, jUun left shoulder. Cat- i ue. o on rij;ni di, I ; . Hpi -ny, J. F. Homes branded SF can reeled on . rit'it shoulrjk-r. cattle eaine on both hij.. j Spray, J. C. Horses bniniled 8 ,n nht shoul- der, mitle brundeil 8 on the right hip and a I summit crup oft of the left ear. I HiMight W. E.-Homs shaded J 8 on Uf ; st i tie; cattle J 8 on tuft hip, swallow fork iu righ , ear, underbit iu left. ! Sayer. Uobt -Humes, 8 on right shoulder; cattl ' equareon right hip and 8 on rwht shoulder. , Swagnari, L, Alpine Hemes, Hr) ou righ ' shoulder. Napp. Thos. HorM, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip. I HhoU, Dr A J Horses. D8 on on left hip; cat ; tie. same ou left side, wattle ou left side of nock j earn cut sharp at point. i Htevenson, Mm A J Cattle, U b right hip , swallow-fork in left ear. 8helton A Son Hiirees, 8 on its side over an on teft shoulder: cattls. aine on left hip. j 8perry, fc li Catrle. W C on leff hip. crop 06 right and underbu in left ear.dulap; horses, W C ' on (eft shoulder. i SwaifMart, O W Horses, 44 on left shoulder i Stewart, Geo,, Hardman Horse circle op left shoulder, cattle, 44 oa left hip. Thompson, J A Homes, g on left shoulder ; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tjpteta. 8 T Homee. C on left shoulder. Wade. Henry. Horses bisnded ace of epades ! on le t shoulder and left hip. Cattle branded j same on left side ft- d Jfft hip. Wells, A 8 Humes, on left shoulder; catt! tarn'. Wyland. J H. HardmRnCircle C on lef thit J Wtkodward. John Horxw, ,P cunnectcd or ' left shouldrr. J . Wailaov. Charlew Cattle, W on right thigh, hole ia left ear; home. W on right shouider, mrat s ntun left Khoulner. Wttn, A A -t itie, running A A with bar ncross on neht (,)(. J. H, YKUig. Gnoeeherry. Or. -Horses bnu:ded ' T on i he ructit ohoulder. W. H. CnwWy, Letg creek Hotw hmcded cin-le b w left sfionlder. I VVhittier Bnm., L'rvwy, Hiuney county, Or. Hore bniidMl W U, oucoeded oo Wfi ohtwider. Money to Loan. Persons desiring loans on im proved f:inns or town lots, cn secure stioli on reiisonnbte terms Uy calling on Ok IN L. Pa.tei.sox, at Gazette office, IIEPPNliR, OREGON. r Vhn I rT CrtRB I do not mean merely to Btrpt.i m i..' a t.ii. c:; 1 thon have them m tun a -rain. I .i:j a UAUiLaU CLilCJ. 1 iiuvo Liado UiO UiacabO oi IT-ITS, EPItEPSY or rALLIITC CZCZNESS, A i;ie-loti rtndr'. I VAnAirr my remedy tt Cui;tfl tho worse" enc on. L cause others hava f j.dett i.i uo rCiison lor not now receiving a euro, fccn.latoucofnr ritrentisomnlai' ukk 1JOTTL3 oi mv Infallible 1-:kmedy. Civa Expt-csii nd i'o-t OiHco. It corta you tiothia lor Lliil, aud it wl cu.o yea. Jdi-csj I.O.ROOT,M.C.,IG3PeaiilSt..UewY(1RIC Ely's i'; B?mBalm Cleansos the i' asa : tvtaeos. Al lays Inflammation, jaeais tho Soros. Restores the Senses of Taste, Smoll and Hearing. A particle is applied into each nostril nnd fa aKreruhle. PrireGOc. at Druggists or t7 nail. KLYlUtOTHEliSWarreuSU.New York. t 1 - A WEEK r C7tfisfemU-v wnne asconvenienr i' to the buyer as any V instalment system, ia system to us. The club members sells us I -ift wnfrriPf ill rnrri $3S Watch Club, and we pet cash Irorn IPjlj the Club for cich watch before it goes lf( out, though c icn nienibtr only FayjJ$ a week. Tiiia is why we give you more for your money than tiiy on tie IjscJ and why we are doing tho hinrest llfcil i.. i.. ...,,.1.1 v,,"n Ifl. -'Jonly first quality gooda. Lut eui v ond quality. Our $ 1.0 Vil vcrU ntcli 19 a substantial bilvtr (net mutation oj my hind) Stem-Wind American Lever Wil.-ri-r., rt.ir,llnrr ri t,r n.u.n OurS25.tO Wttt U is a Stem-wind. f Open Face, fir-;t quality, rtitTcncd Uolu AmcricanLcvcrWatch.Mr.tiivfefrf to 1J j. itrtar 20 wars It Is futlv count toanviP "m watch sold br $?3 hy ether. Wcfindtei- T I a nrst-ciass auuvpea Uum Lase much ilbr. Jul more satisfactory and serviceable than 5$ 1 any Solid Oold Cane that can be sold at a Jt less than double the money, as cheap -nitlUUH r-,aPa r.r ini.nrt.il.lu .1,1.1 u., air MoT low quality, and worthless after lis'.!, phort "sc. Onr0r:H Wat eh contains numerous im-oitanc patented lm-ii-1" prov-mcnt3, of vital importance to nccur-L ..te liming Va'ent Dus!rcrft J'aieitt tem2X, Win,? which we controicxclusivtly. It Ir't .tsfutlvftnn If.irnrriirnrv r.nmnr rtiirfi. Hi t fully cnu Ifjr accuracy, annriirance. dura. biiity and service, to any f 75 Watch, cither IWn It'inrll.tml'ir, rwc--.tr: cnr'nn. rouil Watch is especially constructed fcrjil5s ir.e moAt exact in? uo, ami is tlicrc t Knu road Wuith mad, Open Fr.cc cr Hunt ing. ui ii.ese jt-:,v arc cuilir aucasiviii mciuOB, Vkr $1,110 II Wit ft. A-- A!-t- V,-lr ; , 13 fi!o!5v?,tD"8WatcliCSaliCafafe?!: Jtsitl 0"lt 1, To', (V, firltr-lnr, I Uf V tpM'j t-;-. v ,Aiii";r et. r..:i.E.. i' A-rents Wanted. 3t W.itrh Insubtnr. $t.C0 of :-ri - 'BatcJ!tVi!ibx&: i-a" aVE. t THE LAD!us3 PAVORiTTlJ NEYKYt out cr oKnsn, If y:Hitt;iro to purc'taso n -'Wi:. -s ;-a. , a-sk our ntrfnt ut n.r i h.-o 1 t-.:i .:i , prices. If you cainiui jut r.;j jl i root ton euros t udu t e- '-0 1 1 f. r;ri!OAiift 5:8 UNION KUVtSY.-Y ...vt- tijt;r-i!. ' '.iiL-IL-:,ir.'-x LEEZEB & TH0MP30X, Ao'tss Hippnert Oregon Piicitic flppflrtmpnt, general aperey, 7i?5 Market stret't, hiwiory bui.dii.g. San Francisco, Cal Rn.i-c.ntrA. 4ii -Morristv, St., Portland. Or., 18 ? outh Second St. Han Joee, Cel., 55 North Spring 81., Jijw Ancelos, CaJ TO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, -DY WAY OP" THE- Southern Pacific Company's Line THE PIT. SIKH BOOTE. Qnii-ker in Time than Any Other Routs Between Portland San Francisco. Lea if 1'ortland at 4 P. M., Da ill. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For Aceommiilritiiin of Sennml-Claas Passengers Attached fu Express Trains. Fare (mm Portland to Sirrarnnto and Fran- ' CIHOO. I'nlimlterl 25 ILimtteii Ktpit-rtii ti ' " si-nil-Clii !5 Thronali Tickets to all P.iints South, j Biid E"t, VIA CALIl'-OKNIA. 1 TICKET OFKirES: Ci'j Office, No. iSI Coripr Ftrt & Airier Streets 1 Vtujt OrhV... rtrTor F ami Front Streets, i POItrLAND. OREGON. I a.KttEiiLKB, K. K ROGeiS. tU UWsse CATARRH i COLDlmi I HEAP. y W TrytheCure i fill .,rdlll -fcrf .tl, m$m ai--- Mm:-