Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, July 11, 1889, Image 3

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UKI'PNKU. THlUtSint. July 11, 'M)
Tniins on the Willow Cr ek Rnirrh arrive nl
nfd leave ill il.lTerer.t 8 uPolb daily, except
l4l!llill)4, hm follows:
P. lti. Ar.
5-HI '" " '
3-.H0 '
2:50" " l.T.
S-.llJ " PM Ar
WKiTW oiD.
No. 17 (Mix1!'
I.t. 7:15
Leiiimliin. " f: U
lone. " 0 SO
Pnuirh. " :3
Cecil'-. H:IU
Willowi .unction " M::
Ai linstoM. Ar.2::jn
P -rlUnd l.v 7:45
A. M.
Northern I'm
clnilv 2:211 I'. M
Par.llc trains eust
P. M.
in Iniicrt mint tenvi Arlington
nop K ivm. w:lo A. ill. ..
ill.; urn. g
4.10 A. M.;inii g w lit, 12 31
(1. L. THOMPSON, Aijerit.
Stiure leaves for Cnnyn City
diiyH, Wednesday nnd Fridays.
Arrives- Tuesd.iM?, Thursdays
There is a saving of 18 hours in time
and S10 iu cab by tikiut; this route tu
C. W. Ij. milar & Co , 4'2'J, Fifth St..
Portland, Or., Hre authorized to miike
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
They will nlt,o make colleotioim for this
Here and There.
Mrs. Fred Varney visited Heppner od
the 4th.
The "Gem" is duing strictly a cash
The Pendleton folks have given up the
gcnmiiiK mill nelieme.
M s. W. H. C'.nard has recovered
from a r. cent illness.
Press Thompsou S'-U his clip last
week tu Davis at lu'i cents.
Mr. nnd Mrs. (inner, of Arlington,
visited Hi ppner on the 4th.
W. C. H. season has accepted a posi
lion Willi 3 H. Spenyin hi roller mill".
Jn-. G.-itr.-m. prop'ieh'r of the Golden
Rule hotel, Pendleton, was iu Heppnei
this week.
Heppner is still wmirhfc by wool men
from over the IS, lie as a bhippint? p"i"l
for their fleeces. .
U .okfoi.l, W. T , hiippens to be on a
site rich in ttoid, nud ever inhabitant
lias turned miner.
Tm llintoti left Tuesday with the
engine for fcStei.oh's sawmill, of the
jjinu Creek eni.titry.
Mrs. H. P. Garn'mies is sellinw out
her li.auiiificeiit hues of millinery, ac
cording to ineriiir.hl ad.
Mrs. A. Malthiot, of Walla W.dln,
.diiuwliter of Mr, and Mrs- Albeit Flor
ence, is visilini; in tins vicinity.
Mr. C. E Fell has returned from
flood Itivi r, and thinks of looatiuj; a
iiuit faun iu that promising section.
Iis. Dr Busbin, from Pendleton, will
mentall neediuu her attention, at Mrs.
Geow Swaggart's. for one week only.
An interesting emmunicntion from
--"Camas" has not conic to hand for some
time. Some live notes from that see
tiou are badly needed.
J. F. Spray has sold his feed yard to
Cluw. Hiilee," who ti.kes possession Aug.
1st. Those who owe Mr. Spray will
perhaps be interested in a 'notice"
which appears iu ibis issue.
MoIsr .limes' olio bronuht 23 cents in
Hartford Conn., netting 19 iu Heppner.
Hoy's wether ool, sheared near Eiiibt
Mile well, brought 18 and 21 iu same
market, netting lti oen s here.
Theron E. Fell, maaauer of the Hepp
ner warehouse, has been under the
weather tor the past two weeks witli a
sevfie cold and fever, caused by work
ing in ihe rain two weeks awo.
E. Florence is down from Sprauue
vii.ilin: bis !oii3 here and looking after
atuck nitcie. tH in Morrow.- He is at
present located iu lo mil. s of Spragne.
.nhere Ins calle are doing well.
The people or the the dry flat of Ga
lium county are boring donn hundreds
of iet in qui st of water. One man is
down 400 het on hol.utter Flat, and
propose.- to find water it it can be had
dipt. T J. Brown, of .one Rook, was
in Heppm r last week, and sis cro s
areV""' locality. The eheepiiu n
over tilt "le nenerally well satisfied
with pj-tciS received f'.rwnol this season.
An nui.ee 0.' prevention is better than
. i ,.i ,.,e Pfunder's Oregi.li
D.L i tj..,.;i-... .voels all iiiinuritie of
:the bood and should be used in all dH--eas
a of the stomach, liver and kidneys
Take it. .
UTo-rio,! At the residence of 0. C.
Andrews. Baker City. Or., on July 5th.
Vf. C IWoMsnn, to Viotonn A. "aie,
Rev G..S3 officiating. The newly mnr
ried couple have the best wishes of
Iriends in this vicinity.
Mr and Airs. Henrv Rasmus returned
irom Walla Walla yesterday Mrs Ras
mus has been with her parents at that
place for the past three months, receiv
ing medical attention, and cornea home
greatly improved in health.
Heppner's residents should time every
precaution iigamsi nre.
Some "T our leading citizens are talk
ing of a rictt course.
Frank K Hogg's new residence, i
1 st Ib-ppner, is Hearing completion.
Mr V. r.iley eave t i-m rro v morn
ug for his home in Wha co Co, W. T
Henry Blarkni in leaves for Sun Frau
'isco ah,ut Julv 25, to buy his fall stoo:
I goods.
Air. John Gagen, of Pendleton. i
Ihiukini; of locating a soda wurktt al
! US llliO".
A.thiir Smith is building a neat resi
leuce near J. C. Bab's plac,iu South
A number of Arlington people helped
us celebrate tills jeur, and enjo.ieit
ihi-mselves, too.
R. C. Wills, the lone merchant, was in
Heppner yesterday Mrs Wills is visit
ing at Browusville, Or.
Henr.v and Stella Blaoksley, accom
panied b lva Cox, leave to morrow for
Gaiiield county, W. T.
Mr. Frank MeFarland and family have
taken up ti.eir reside! ce iu their new
home on Lower Main street.
Stei Mug Sunt b came out of the Fourth's
festivities with a badly burned hand
caused by firing a damaged rocket.
Messrs. Bishop & Bisbee inform the
Gazette tiiai tney will uot rebuild their
mill which was receutly destroyed by tire.
Miss Susie Copple has just oompleted
asuocessful leim's work iu the Garrett
district, and taken up her resideuce in
The "Gem" is the best place in Hepp
ner to get a glass ot "G uibrium" beer,
plain or fancy driulcs. Courteous treat
ment to nil.
W. R. Cosey was down from his r inch
on Peulaud prairie this week. The
cho.ee tin luiug sioi iou of .Morrow will
b loui.d iu ihe biu-s.
C. S. Van Diiyu, the May street grocer
and Veuaer of general meiciinnilise, is
electing an addition lo his store-room to
accommodate his increasing business.
F. J. ri.illuck returned ,cster..ay tro u
Long CreeK ami vicinity, wuere ue met
.villi coiidid. raote success In Ins norh
tor the UAZETTifl uews and j "0 uepai c
uieiit. Lucie Billy Gilliam will seek the val
h y stoti .u soon io sell 14 head of good
orU horses. tie haves this week,
biinihgrass noises raua well iu uuy
iUi. U. A. Cupper, of Monument,
oiuue over to-ib-ppoeron busi,.esi )estr
day. He lep n is crops lj,.d y b.initovet
there, but Ktnl they "ill have plenty ot
Uay and feed.
.Denizens of Heppner, who can get
away, will soon oe fouud at Teal
springs lo pabs a -ay the heated term
Quite n nuuiber will leave for that leooit
uex. Sunday.
JJis. E. F Campbell, of Pendleton, and
B. F. Vatighaii, ot this place, will shortly
establish an agency business at Walla
Walla. Dr. Vuugh.iu will leave for Ills
uew location this week.
Rev. Denuis returned on Wednesday
of hist week from LaGraude, where he
has been in attendauceon camp meeting.
uissBee remaiued wilU relatives acd
will return in a tew weeks.
Pipe in a spring, dam up the creek,
bore au aitesiau well, dig cisterns, any.
tiling to get waler for tire protection.
.Don't talk too long about it, or you will
have no Heppuer to protect.
Although we have anxiously awaited
some correspondence from Harduiau
regal ing the celebration up there and
other live topics, it has uot come to hand
Up to tne time ot going to press.
H. F. Johnson, of Pendietou, brother
of A. I). Johusuu, the uruugist, is lu
Heppner. Mr. Juhusou likes our towu,
auo, appreciates lt.is one of tuebest busi
ness points m jLasieru uregon.
Mai r.ed At the i esideuoe of the bride's
auui, Mrs. Alolitwaiu, at Aloany, or., on
,iuly 4, Mr. Ueo. . nor, to Mrs. liaie
i uiier, itev. Pdich. tt, ol the Fresoy
leriau church, perfoiiuiug the ceremony.
An occasional sand storm on the main
liue puis lidppuer's ir.d.i 'way lato liic
uigtii lu re.icuiug Ihe tei minus. iUe
train on ihe lieppn. r l.r..no.i was d
niyeu ti.ree hours on last Friday evmiug
i'he fourtu q l uteriy uiet-ting of the
M.E ouu.uli will occur next Sund i.v .
Pre. -clung, m .ruing and evening. Coui
muuiou si-rviOt immediately at.er uiuru
lng sermon. S. M. Boofu. P. E. Ad
ale welcome.
E. G. Sperry, Frank Gilliam and Pry
lis in met last Saturday at 2 o'clock
to consider bids lor tue work on tue
John Day iMigon load, tiaiik Schinzn
gor was awarded ihe cou.raot ut aume
ihiug near S,0Ud.
G. W. Todd, an old and successful
oedatioiiue, was iu towu this week. Like
many other good teachers, he has left tne
raiiHs lor moie prontaoie eiupioyineni,
and is permanently located ut center
vibe, Or., in tue boot nud shoo business
Henry Heppner,! lie fat her of our "sheep
camp, spent ihe past Week nere. tie
has not lully recovered Irom the injury
received to his ankle some lime Biuce,
nnd still requires the assistance of
crutches to render locomctiou auyluiug
like comfortable.
Straight information is received at
this ollice to the effect that Mike Rosen-
d..rf will build a hotel on the present
site of the lower livery a'able. E. Nor-
dyke received a letter this week irom
Mike asking what he would charge to
move the stable buildiug. It looks like
Ira Stone arrived Monday from Idaho's
Bbeuring ootrals, coining by Ihe way of
Helena, Mont., where ha spent the 4th.
Montana presents short rauge, aa well as
EasUrn Oregou-iu faot, feed is much
shorter theie However, the country is
not b .dly overstocked. Ira is favorably
impressed with Montana and may return
short Iv.
Mobs R iadj Needed. -Many goo.
roads are needed in Morrow couniy
F.ven in th,'se dayn when railroads ar
ueroaeh!ng4.n the territory which b
always been kiovii as 'the frontier. ''
there is much overland travel. A uora.
oad from Heppnt r to Lone R a k wonl.
cause much of what is ii-rined ihe "Cab
.'ornia travel" to come through Morrow
ro toe bi-netit of the county in general
There people must live and their uoret
require feed. Iu addition, Heppner
.voiild add business to the extent o;
rhousands of dollars to the laure tradi
drady acquired. Heppner h is natiira:
dvanlayes not enjoyed by any other
ow n iu Easteru Oregon, yet nature has
uot been kind euoiigh tii build roads,
and all that is left for us to do it
o overcome these little obst-ic. en, is to
i'8e some mouev judiciously where urns
need. d to form for Morrow djceut thor
the June number of The West Shore
Magazine is issued a splendid colored
snpplemmt givir.g scenes iu Seattle im
mediately before, during and after the
fire, showing ihe Tacoma relief tent,
business terrts, burning blocks, the train
bearing the Portland fire engine, etc.
As a collection of engraviniis of that
most uieinora' event, Ihe destruction by
fire ot the tiusiues . portiou of the largest
citv on Piuret sound, entailing a loss of
fully 15.000.i). it will become more and
more valuable as time passes. Such
total destruction of business and such
ooura e, energy and quick recuperation
as is being Bhowu render Seattle one of
the marvels of Ihe aire, and these en
gravings are a valuable souvenir of tin
event. The West Shore is published
monthly at Portland, Oregon, at 2.5j i
year, or 2 j cents a o pv.
Bring in Your Cureaib and Fhdits
In tuis issue app-ars a circular h ttei
from B. S. Pague. ,.f the siunal service
d. pan cent at P. rll ud. Oregon. Tin
B mrd of Immigration are preparing ar
xnibit c ir which ihey will send Easi
iu August and dcBire a reuresentaiioe
from Morrow couniy. A good showin:.
inim tins h. eti m will bring in a desii
ableclass ..f intuiigranrs at bttleexpens
ro any resident of Morrow county
Artiiu Suii'li. Local Obs rver at Hepp
ner. wid write parties in every precinc
iu thj conuty, asking that I hey bring in
such c reals and fruits as they have and
eau be secured from neighbors, s
that they wiil be rea ly for delivery at
the time of Mr. Pagties visit to Heppnei,
J illy 22.
A Few Wakningh. Three times on
the 4th was H. ppuer threatene 1 with
fire, but, fortunately they were discov
. red iu time to save the to n from n
eoi.rl iimitinn. A wool sack in front of
Coffin & McFarlnnd's store became ig
nited through the carlessness of mini'
cigarette smoker, and was blazing
furiously when foni.d. The irrepressi
ble lire-oi acker got in its work under the
side walK in trout of C. M. Mallorv's
furniture store, and needed only the
shades ot night to render it a coiitiagra-
lion in earnest. During the evening ol
the 4th, a lantern exploded iu a stall in
the lower livery stable a narrow escape.
These are only winnings from which
Heppner should profit, but will they
heed them?
Fbom Idaho's Raiige. John Hays
returned from Shoshone, Logau Co.,
Idaho, on the 3rd inst. Mr. Hays was
at Bellevue, Idaho, in five miles of Hail
ey on the night ot the fire, nud saw t tie
ruins the next morning. That town, he
says, has but few buildings standing,
outside of t1 e business portion. Range
over there is short and b idly hurued
froa the siege of hot weather. The bay
crop is shor t and in some localities it- l-
i total failure- A. A Uiutis, an old resi
dent of Morrow C has a good ranch
near Shoshone, and is more fortunate
reg.ir ling feed f.-r the coining winter
than many of his neighbors.
'Hunger is tub Bmr iacse." As n
rule, a person who has a oo I app"iil.
has go I, health. B n h w m i y are
there who enjoy not -ink! they eil and
sit down to meals only as an tin pleas.
ant duty. Nature's aiiti lot.es for tin
ate so Imppily oonibuv.l la Hood's S r
sapaiilla that it soon r st res good di
kiestion, creates au appetite, and It soon
renovates and vitalizes the blood s that
the beneli -ial elf ct of good food is im-
p. rted to the hole h. dv Truly hunger
is the best si use, and Hood s barsapa
rilla induces hunger.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing .H.ots or Syrup of Figs, when
iu need of a laxative, and if the faih. r
or mother be costive or billions the most
gratilyiiig lesulls follow its use, so that,
it is tiie bent family remedy known and
every family shonio have a tuttle.
Council Meeting. --The town council
of Heppn. r met in regular session h.si
Monday evening. Bnls allowed ; Ninth
west H sioiy Co., SHU oU; Geo, liilter,
7o.oli: G. W. Ue.i. ifl 19.53: A. D. John
......... i i ' . -IIS . Ll.....bu.
Son, to.iu, aas. .nine, eis uj, uuum,
A Long. tf67j. Ordered u.ok jaros
cleaned. 0 uucil adjourned.
A Rouoii Time of It Jiff Hay
writes a friend here tint he is having
rough time driving the Webb-Hays
sheep to grass bevonl Boise, a t ween
hot weather, sand storms and other tips
and downs, the whole outfit cnni" as near
nerishmg as is o irafortable. T.iey ex
peotel to be at E umettsville on Ihe 4i b.
nnd are nearly through witli the trip by
this time, and from the general tone of
theepslle.it is fair to presume that
they are everlastingly glad of it. A
stockman's life is no picnic.
All combusti
bles should be taken out of back yards
and straw, paper and other trash kept
off the sidewalks. A fire in Heppner s
business portion means disastea.
B H. Leland has accepted a position
with H. Blackmail & Co., of the Pioneer
brick. Mr. Leland ha had 15 years
experience in the merchandising business
nnd will no rhuibt prove a very valua
ble uiud f. r Hint eulerf rising firm.
Arti, ir Daly, better known as "Colo
tiiw " lViOa'ted'bis stock last fall on range
,..,; Alpine lmt 1,88 considerable troub
le 'to keep his cattle from wandering
Vck to the old rr-mte above Heppner.
For grass the vear round the sand sec
rion of Morrow se. int. in be taking the
ut tj r.nnt who lives over the Hue
in nilliam county, broimht in a sample
of wheat last Monday was raised on his
l,..m r.iiioh. It is well filled and the
, ..hiii.o. Mr. Leach assures
the GazUTTI! that his sample is an aver
age of the fall sowing in ihe Idea couu
. trv.
-n,. T V Aid S.vielv of the Bai
: ..i...h hfH uverv r-nccessfiil and
ei.i,.iible lesiival on the Ct.rrun corner
last 'Mm .dav evening. Messrs. R i-mus
and Waraiolh tlona'ed the p.oceids
if their h ilig. which was iu operation:
on the grounds that evening, to the
society f r which Ihey desire to express
their thanks.
B. B. Mann came back last Sdurday
from Montana. Some three or four
vears ago. Molilalia's range was crowd
ed w ith Block, hat the severe winters of
'84-5 nearlv broke the owners Outside
of an o'cnsi""l bad winter. Montana is
ihe stockman's wradie, and Mr. Maun
tuns tbut th.Hisan.ls of horses, cattle and
sheep a-re seeking range iu that country
this season.
Horner & Noble have this week sold
out their harness and saddle business to
Messrs. W. A. Kirk and J. C. Hays. The
new management wili tie known under
i. nume of Kirk & Hays. Ihese
gentlemen are old residents of Morrow
ootinty. and need no recommendation as
to their business integrity and willing
ness to do the fair thing by tbeirciiBtom
ers. See their new ad.
To discontinue ynnr ndvertisment is
like taking in your sign. If you want
to do business, yon must let Ibe people
. ..,.i;.,r ti.it?t.rttfumHntjt. when
"anged frequently, are better and '"The Model" is really just such a cigar
ohe per than rend. ,,g notices They look : store it. name would designate. T.
oneaper ., -....nw ...j , w. Marshall is the proprietor. He
inspire confidence. W annsuiaker says
that he would s"n tl,,Dk of c,olng
business without clerks as without ad
No WiKiii From Lone Rock This Year
- Lone Itockers hauled their wool to
Arlington this season owing to the fact
that it was impossible for them to get
into Henoner. We have lost consider
able bnsioes thereby. Don't let Ihe
snrinn of 1890 come to hand wit hunt
having a good road from Lone Rock b
Hammer. A large trade from Fossil,
Lone Rock and adjacent seotionu would
be added lo the large business which
Heppner already enjoys.
Il.pparr and Vicinity Have a Orand Time
A .i'hnill.l Display iif Klre-ii-A
Mtccrsvftil Itall Willi a Lui-jr
Heppner's celebration of the 4th was
ushered m according to irtgraiu, hi the
Iriiig of anvils just as ihe m rnmg suu
tame iif. ovr Nelse Jones' hill, back ol
he oourl house Atam-arly hour people
,'roui all ovt-r Morrow countyeaiue rl ick
ing in, and by IU o'clock Ihe streets were
fill! of Vi-hioles.
The pr.icessioii formed in charae ol
vxrand Marshals 12. L. M itlock and Will
tlarriaou. with Heppner's c. met bmo
f six. ecu pieces in the lead. Next came
Companies E and D,3d iegimeui;.iberly
car Miss Lizzie Matlock, Goddess of
Uhertv. aud il little giiN, each repr--
seuting a slate of the Uuiuu, including
lie new states ut vvasluugtoa, .uonian.i,
A' irth and South Dakota. It w is com
pleied by a long line of carriages anil
wagons and men on horseback, making
in- ail a procession almost a mile in
length, i'hoy proceeded immediately to
Jones ktrove, above town, where Mayor
tit-nry Blackmail, president of the day,
introduced in turn Mr. trunk Kellogg,
reader of the Declaration of Independ
ence, and the orat .r, Mr. J. N. biiiwu.
Tliesegeullemen carried out their part
1 Ihe piogram in a most satisfactory
manner. At the conclusion ol tuese ex
ercises, which were interspersed witli
patriotic songs by the glee club and
music by the band.
was announced. Tirere were many well
tinea oankeis and no on went hungry,
ilthoiigh no public diuuer was given.
At 1 o'clock the baby show was an-
uouueed, the girl baby of Mr. and Mrs.
X. McOinrau taking the pi tz.i of &1U
is the best looking baby un.ier one year
of age.
X lit shooting t iiirnaiuuiit for a prize
of $11! was won by Curio. al ilarry oar
eu and Priva e vim Can we.l, of Com
pai v E. ilairsc. re i-t od 10 each a
tie, so the pr.zo w-s il.vi o-d Ulween
letween tneiu. 'ii.e ful.owii.g is ihe
euord of Couip tnies D and E, rauge
,aid.-; aim, "t w Aioui-l . p lagllehl
j-.l. lilies, tegular army p.Mein:
M. White 13
iVill. Eaten SI
ci. 1'. Cai r m
job Gibs hi 1"
J. C. Uooiie J
-B a thby i
rl. McAlisiei- '
-forier 11
It. Muir II
B. F Case 8
Otis P.itti rsou 11
iCdward barren 13
J. D. Davis 'i-
X. Al. Webb 1
Os. Wells o
Fiauk Shipley 0
Arthur Smith N
Jeff Freuoh 1-s
J. A. W. Colby
Wm. Cantwell lb
VV. J. McAtee H
Harry Warren 16
E company had had no practice at all.
and snot tueir uew gnus for the hist
lime, and D company, we are informed,
were but little better prepared for fine
shuoting, yet, considering everything,
ihe record is not a bad one.
The sports were oouoluded with the
Fat mail s raoe, ",u yards, won by JN. o.
W heistone. Prize, 5.
Wheeibuirow race, Kid yards, won by
Lee Mailock. Prize, $5.
Young man's race, 1U yards, won by
Lee M..tlock. Prize, $5.
Slow mule race, 3do yards, won by
John ivii k. P ize, i5.
Sack race, 30 yards, won by Henry
Cannon. Prize, 5.
The plug ugly parade was a gorgeous
affair. Ol.iii. Lranstelter represented
Hie gruud unusual, while Ben llimsnkfr.
aided by other niemboisof the Ir iter nity
f universal nouie.iutMs, caused the bills
oi echo with eal alter peal from the
siove-pipe c.iiiiion.
A. Ai. uiinn and J. N. P,i'"wn uph.-ld
t,iie prinu ptes of ping ulimss to to.'
won.ierinK public lu u vety i.niutil and
attr.iclive manner.
illuminated Ii.e town loi some time after
d ir k aud in tde u ct editable dupl ty, con-
Sideriug Ihe expenuil are.
Hie ball wc.s vi ry largely i.tlended
aud a very pleasant time w.is h il Will
Pinter. Puii 0 ho.O H . It co..rd, T. W.
Ayers, Jr., -ind ira .Vels ,u wile Hie m m
agers. They deserve Coiinninahle cteott
for ibe successiui iii.iniur in wu.cu lliey
cariied otit this p.nt of Ihf F turi ii'h en
tertainment. " The music wa lurnishe.l
by the Arlington oichestn.
This celeor-itioti was one of the most
succe.-sful ever held in Heppner
Not a drunken ui.m was seen
during the d..y, aud consequently there
was no disturbance ot any nor!. Eery.
one gave ihemselves up io a day of en
joyment and iunoueiit amusement.
From 1.5U0 to 2.UUU celebiated in Hepp
nei ou ibis occasion.
To Paint 4 A House
Neatlv Requires an Artist with the Brush.
Can do that kind of a job. They also makes specialty of
I 'm nil nit
m I iiinlk Paper llanoing and Decorating.
Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's & Cj.'s drug store, cor. May and Main sts.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required.
Shop OpiHisite G izjtte Olli.ie, Heppuer, Oregon
. E. HKACtr,
Vic? 'resident.
Pacific Fire Insurance
Cnptal Stock, $500,000.
O. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon.
"The Model"
Ti W
Of Heppuer.
Kia ynrullihiacnt i neat;y arnn.cil. nnd lu y,in ulwayti in stui'k the bent
First Nntlon il Bituk Hu'lding,
Main Street.
II ppiier, 0,T8"ii.
W. G.
Willow Creek Saw-Mill 1
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds ot UNDKESSED LUMBER; also
Mill Located at the Head of Willow (Jr"ek, 10 miles above Heppner.(gJ
-A N D -
Boarding Stables.
This Company have leased the ground on A and between Fourth and Fifth streets
1'orflnud, Oregon, for the purpose of carrying on the business of boarding,
shipping and saio of
Driving, Riding-and Team Horses, Full blood
ed Draught and 1 lackney Stallions,
OommoilioiiH b'irns am in the course oT
exi.ee! mu to have everythirti in rem
( II AhllKS.
From Long Cbsek. Ben Swnggart
and Dave McAtee relumed Tuesday
from the Long Creek nioes. Their ani
mals succeeded in taking second money
over there. Ben complains of George
Harrington losing him in four miles of
Long Creek. While Heppner's horses
di r not come out victorious. Bill Trllar l.
is trie iSulliv.iii of Ihe oolony, succeeded
in wpiog t. e dust up ith some stnrdt
resident of that mountain Bectiun.
One dollar per ton pays for neighing,
storage and forwarding wool from the
warehouse at Heppner, within thirty days
fr .rri date of delivery.
For each month, or part of a mouth,
after the first thirty days, one dollar per
toil additional will becn irged.
Wool is uninsured unless specially or
dered in ttr.tittg by ihe owner.
Gtadliig and baling forty ocnts per
hundred pounds.
T. E. Fell, Manager.
construction, and Hie Company is fulli
ne-is for openiin.' their i.rorniies Ihe
first week in May The Strintest. Atteu i 01 will lie pud to stock
under their charge, nud consignor tiny rely on highest
A Weekly Public Sale will be held every Sat
urday and from the central position of
the sale yard ought to be largely at
tended by the public.
The Company have on hand at present
Oils! Oils!! Oils!!!
Three Imported Clydesdale and Percheron
Stallions for sale or trade for stock.
La Flor de Heyneman
Every inhabitant of Lard valley uses
ei her "Kri,"' "U. B.'s l'rivt.te stock," or
"X. T. C." brands of celehnted innao
cos. II lihickman V Co. always have
on hand a larue stock of ihese go els for
wholesale and retail trido
I i w
All Kinds of Oils for Threshers,
Headers and all harvesting
Greatest Vfirietyt
BestQuality, Lowestrrices
Come ami See Them at
A. D. Johnson
Are quickly given ;to every part of the
bod) by Hood's SarsaparilliL That tired
feeling is entirely overcome. The blood
is purified, ennchtd and vitalized, and
carries health instead of disease to every
organ. The stomach is toned and stregth
ened. the appetite restored. The kidnes
and liver are roused and invigorated.
Ihe brain is refreshed, the mind made
olear and ready for work. Try it.
It is a novel i lea to have hare Moors
when carpets can be purchased at H.
Ill AVytn Xr Ct.'s sit such Jl Iniv figure
Consumption SrnnLY Cuntm- To the
edilor: flense inform your readers that "A geiiiiemau srioiir.i nave a nea..
have a positive remedy for the uhove iwin n n 10 coinpieie uts c..Hiiniie,
uametl disease. Uv its tinioK use thou- s .1.1 ,lr-. u uiagtier to ut mini inn ine
minds of hopeless oases have been per- other day, "and I want you lo go nghl
0,.ii i,nul 1 -lull he irlud to send down to H. Blackmail it d.'s and gel
two hott'les of my remedy fheb to any ! one. They alwavs have the neatest,
nf your readers who have ooaniiinption j oheupest and best."
if tney will send lhe;r express and post i,,r b..king po der is in the market. I
office address. 1 . A l)hOt,l; U, M. Jj. ahj j, 1Ui, 8 the good housewife talk j
181 fearl M., Sew York. N. Y. j f,,,,, jng,,, she sliould alwuvs b.ii
j 1,1, celebrated 'Curd II Bi f C 01" b ik
Hr.ppEB Houses Webb Bkateh. i iK P"der at li. Itl uikin or & Ci.'s, 21 1
G. Ilarniiglon and.!. Baird returned Mon- ! ounces, at the low price r ollcenis a oari. j
day from the lmg Creek races. Ou the : Be sure to try it, and save menial worr.i j
4lh "Napper," Hamilton's horse, beat j and family niptiues.
jen Swangart's "Dick" in a half mile j 8 ockinen's supplies in any quantity:
dash. Jonlon,'' owned by John Chris- ! and al pi ices as low as the I iwest at 11 ;
man and Keency Bros, beat 'Fanny," I III ickm oi k Co'-.
Swaggart'iJ animal lu a CJU yards race, j .. pie j)r je ,, Heppuer" refers to the
Our local sports seemed quite oonhdent : apring-bottom, tailor-mtrde the onh I
of victory when they left Heppuer, . gr ii-.li denim pauts in the market. The '
and we are informed that both raees , H ,na,jB expressly for H. lihwkman !
Take your I'reHcriplinns to
Next do t to Lnezer k Th imtis nr's lou d v ire store, II 'ip'ier, Oregon
Who keeps oi hand a Fresh Stock of
LJG 8 A N I) M 1: I) 1 C I X KS
His Line .(
Aw the I Jest,
I5firy:oliii 1" Pfilnts, Ollss, J$to.
were closely contested.
Some Thievery. Nnte Cecil, of Low
er Willow oteek, reports the loss-if two
horses, a bay and a gray, stolen by two
men who were recently" in his employ.
He describes the IhieveB as follows:
Oue dark complejioned. short, heavy
set man about iio years ohl, weigui
The other man was
to administer the same, and handed in light compleiioneil L s enaer ana -e.grn
bv December 27, 1 brill. All acoouuts and : lmnt 14) pouods; talks little and about
notes due "aid estate must also be settled , S years ou
by that time. J. S. YOL'NO,
Heppner, Or., June 27, 10H9. 5t
The undersigned has been appointed
administrator of the "estate of Moses j
Cantwell All olainis against the Cant- j
well estate must be made out in bill t
form, sworn to before an officer qualified about ICO pounds.
1 o.
Tlie vry Latent 8'ylfB iut mct?iq"d from
I'ortland and and Francisco
a r
will ti'.'ivol w
Il WllOll
shod by
G cj n oral I J 1 ack s 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 s & ri t j i.s.
Birthday Party. On last Monday j
afternoon the little friends of WillettBi
Leezr gather! at the hospitable bime !
of her pirents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lee-;
zr, on West Bilnmore street to cele ,
lirate her sixth birthday. Toe Gazette
keeps the liest brands of cigars, a'ch .ice, man hopes that Mis tt'idetta rniy be.
slock "t tobacco, fiie oonfectionriei ' lrmitted to emoy mauy happy birth
First National Bank bmlii. , nays surrouuueu uj ...m... ,
Mrs. Warren's
1 and fruits.
I ing. Mai street. Heppner.
FaHhionable Millinery nnd Ladies
Furnishing Store.
Thankful I' the generous libera
and go" id will of the tieople of llei i.in
and vicinity in the past, we c.r lially
solicit their patronage in the future.
:-,1iIS33il58in3 M W Sp2il ?l6f PliJ 1st, 1883.
And Piiiinu always
on Hand.
n 1 nv n j
llUlUHUlli 1 III M 111 UllUHUyt! U1V
Wood and Willow Ware,
Bird CiiHOH, NEW HOME Sewiut;
chiups and a complete line ot
... y i'
fin rnfirinn ftniT
Opposite Hotel,
Heppner, Oregon.
w. A. KIKK.
J. 0. HAYES.
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
KeiJilria: Specialty I
Keep Constatly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
IVXntloolx. Ooruor, aitvlia Htroot, Iloppnor,
On lo theii store for the Improved WFU TE SE VI W :a CFUNE. Warranted (ot
five yearn. Don't bay elsewhere till you exaintue their machines snd
get Oush prioi 8X
Faces. Give Her a Call and secure j Burg
l !
tllil Ji
rc on suuili.side of May;Strcet, Heppner, Oregon.