Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, July 11, 1889, Image 2

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HEPPNER, THURSDAY, July 11, '89.
Emm adjoining Bectiotii oome reports
of disastrous conflagrations. First in
our own prosperous northwest was
Seattle; then Hailey was visited in like
manner; and within tlie past week the
greater part of Ellensburjr, W. T., was
destroyed by the fiery element. Dis
patches state that the latter pluoe was
poorly prepared to nilit fire, baring
only a band engine.
Heppner is largely a wooden town,
and would bum like a tar biirrel. The
own is not provided with a baud eniriue,
or even burkets. Ouly two pnhlic
wells are to be fouud within the inoor
porate limits of the plane. When lowns
with row after row of brick buildings,
fnirly provided with fire apparatus, go
up in smoke, what are we to expt-d
from a pluce like Heppner?
At Seattle, Ellensbnrjr and Hiiiley
the people seem to have given
more attention to building Inrge tire
proof structures than providing for the
general good of the.r respective places,
adeqnate fire apparatus. This over
sight of purely a business matter has
led to disaster, and yet these towns
were better built and proteoted than
Heppner. We have nothing absolute
nothing with which to protect our
property and homes.
For eighteen months has the Gazette
agitated the matter of fire protection,
aud it as yet appears as that much work
thrown away; yet we hope not. We
believe the people are giving heed to
the example of other towus who have
partially neglected to provide againt
disaster to wtiioh every hamlet, village,
town or city is not in the least exempt.
.Let some wule awake business man go
to work immediately as a leader of
those who desire lire protection in
July 3.
The viewers of road No 7C rppirrted rr
having neglected their duties, antl B. F.
Wilmot, David Baker and K B. Gorton
appointed as viewers.to meet Aug. 21.1HH9.
On road No. 72, reviewers report 5t2uO
damages to Henry Silver and 8150 dam
ages to A. h. Waiker. Petition disal
lowed and damages left to petitioners to
pay if road should be needed.
Bills of viewers alloneu:
T. J. Allyn U 20
J. W. Bedford 2 GO
Frank Oviatt'a resignation as J. V. ac
cepted. Bills allowed:
Mrs. E. K. Swinburne S 7 50
Oriu Li. Patterson 9 1)0
YV. 11. Robinson Hi 00
Geo. Noble 60 00
J. H. Stanley 207 75
Kiam & Wo 1 15
Financial report of treasurer accepted.
July 5.
Bills allowed.
Heppner Gazette $ 5 50
Gillium & Coflee 6 15
T. K. Howard 94 00
A. M. Slocura 6 'M
Theo. Cork 6 00
W. G. Boer 200 00
Win. Mitchell 100 00
Jai. Depuy, boarding prisoner,
Perry Osboru 65 15
Report of J. If. Stanley accepted.
Three hundred dollars waa added to the
$339 subsorilied by citizens of Heppner
to he expended on road No. 9, the out off
to Long Creek, ordered expended under
direotion of J. O. Kirk.
Bills allowed:
G. W. Kea 17 75
W. B. Allcook 6 90
C. G. Briugham 160
J. A. Stcaoh 1 00
A J. Loc.kard 1 50
T. A. Sapp 1 50
Mart Richardson 1 60
0. llinton 1 50
Petition for road No. 80 aoeepted, and
C. A. Rliea, Henry Patherg and Jacob
Earnst appointed as viewers; Julius
Keithley, surveyor.
Petition regarding road No. 81 ac
cepted aud C. A. Rhea, J. B. Sporrv and
Joe Hayes appointed viewers; Julius
Keithley, surveyor.
Petition regarding road No. 79 accepted
and John Hayes, Jim Dauglmrty and A.
J. Cook appointed viewers; J ulitis Keith
ley, surveyor.
Report of viewera on road No. 77 ac
cepted and ordered uponed-
Kills alloed.
Julius Kuithlev 13 10
R. H. Wilmot.'. 3 20
J. M. Haniblet 2 50
J. L. Kinkaid 2 00
July 0.
Application for change in road No. 181
accepted, and ou payment of costs or
dered opened.
Report of sheriff rcgnrding delinquent
taxes passed to September tonu.
Bills allowed:
Lexiugtou Budget 1 50
W. O. Miuor 13 75
J. A. Thompson 17 20
J. R Ely 17 40
C. L. Audiuws 101 60
Bridge aoruss Willow creek ordered
The following circular letter from J5.
8. Pugue explains itself:
t'u-opuiHtios Willi U. 8. His. tserv.
(.'KNTUA1. Oi'FlUE, l'OBTANP, OH. )
My dear sir :
I have been requested by the Oregon
board of ommigrutioii lo collect samples
of products from Eastern Oregon, for
their use in connection with au exhibit
of Oregon products which will bo sent
to the east during August for exliihitiou
at state fuirs, institutes, eto. 1 am vory
anxiotiB to have from E stern Orojiuu a
large exhibit, embracing all the soil pro
ductions, imuding wheat, outs, corn or
rather grains of all kinds, bamples of
all varieties of grasses and vegetables n
complete collection of dried and pre
served fruits, fresh fruit will hardly
carry well. Humpies of stone, marble,
and ore of all kinds. Eastern Oregon
is rich in minerals and a good exhibit
should be furnished. Samples of soils
and what product is best suited fur
them. Samples of wool, wood, or brief
ly, I desire to collect samples of every
product from Eastern Oregon.
The exhibit will he examined by thou
sands of people aud is to the interest of
every citizen to show their product aud
attract immigration. As large a collect
ion of everything as is possible to collect
is desired, so be liberal in contributions.
A large amount of tine grain oould be
judioously distributed among the far
mers. Dried Iruit siieaks volumes f 'r u
section. 1 would urge all who am m
tertsted in tne development of their
sections to exert themselves to their ut
most aiid eudeaver to make a go. I
showing for this seotion.
I will be at lluuhngton ou July If).
Baker City July 10, Union July 17,
LaOrande July 18, Pendleton July In,
Weston 2J. Heppner and Lexington 22,
Arlington 23, Tue Dalles 24, for tlie pur
pose of collecting aud forwarding to tins
city all products that may ne douuteu.
Parsons off from the line of the railroad
or on the road at places not mentioned I
above, are requested to send lueir ex
hibit to tne nearest towus, m care of the
ex press agen t or newspaper offices. Crook ,
Grant, Barney, Malheur and Sherman
counties should be represented by pro
ducts as well as Wallowa and the coun
ties along the railroads.
This exhibit can only be made a suc
cess by the hearty co-operation of nil
citizens, so please to give it
Very wspeotfully youis,
B. S. Pahne,
U. S. Sig. 8erv.
Scbip Wasted. C. At. Sla.'lory will
pay the highest cash prices fo' scrip.
Place of business, corner May and CbJ" j
Mrs. S. P. GarriguesissellingherStock
Job printing at Pendleton prices at
the Gazktte office.
A tine hue of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Slocmn's drug store
A II kinds of job work done in the Ga
zette office at Pendleton prines.
Coffin & McFarlund will deliver goods
to any part of Heppner, free of charge.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
J. B. Sperry has second-hand grain
sacks for sale good as now. Call at
The Siding, Morgan and Russell but
ter at W. (J. Minor's. None better in
the market.
When you are dry, go to fiwng.art's
for a glass of tiio celebrated Weiuhard
beer. By the quart or glass.
The Heppner gallery is the pluoe to
have your photo taken. D u 't forget it.
Theodore Banner, proprietor.
Guim & Ruiirk, horse shoers;
horses shod with nev shoes alt round
after date for SI. 5) per head.
ijeezer & Thompson hive reoently
addxl to tlietr lar'e stock of hardware
tinware, etc., a full line of groceries and
Gilliam It Coffee have on hand a com
plete stock of harvesting machinery,
consisting of mowers, rakes, combined
and single reapers, hay rakes, etc.
Plenty of mill feed and Hour on hand
at Sperry's Roller Mills. Flour in five
barrel lots, $3.75; sinule barrel, $4.00.
During the harvesting season, every
rancher must have machine oil for his
mower or header. The place to get the
best is at Johnston & Sloan's.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural maahinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothiug
in the hlacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
Agricultural machinery should be the
best. A break-down in a busy time is
often the resist exiicrienecr', by those
who fail to use good judgment in pur
chasing. The "Champion" mowers
and reapers are made of the best ma
terial, light-running and do the best of
work. These features should not he
overlooked by the rancher. For sale by
Coffin & McFurlond, Heppner and Ar
lington. To nil whom it, mav nnnoern :
You are hereby notified that if you
purchase bird oages, without first inspect-
til the oomplete line of caues just re
ceived by Leezcr & Thompson, you are
liable to get left. They have also a new
lot of spring perchns, Urd cage springs,
seed cups and bird baths. Don't fail to
call and see them when wanting any
thing ill that lino.
Butter, gill-edged, 20 to 25 cents,
Eggu from 16 to 20a
New potatoes, 2 eent- per lb.
Chickens, $3 to M perdnznn, according
to si 7,o.
Wool commands from 15! to lii cents
in Heppner. Soharlf Bros, sold this
week fur lOJo. tin extra lot.
Sperry's best grade of Heppner flour,
5 bhl, 83 7o per bill; retail, 81.00
Waitsburg Peerless Hour, 1.25 in any
Good beef cattle, 2 to 1 cents per
pound; mutton, 12 per head.
Loin steak, retail, 15 oentH per pound;
round steak, 12' cents; roasts, 10 cents;
boiling, 5 to 8 oeuts. Mutton, 121-j
cents, bout quality.
rillLADtl.rillA WOOI, MARKET.
No. 1 17f?19
No. 2 low 22
Heavy, Fine 11(15
No. 1 L'4fr!27
No. 2 27rt29
No. 3 21n23
Pit. Flint's Remedy, taken when ver
tigo, occasional faiutiiess, nausea, loss of
appetite and inability to sleep appear,
will prevent thn development of inllam
niatiou of Ihe brain, of which these are
the first symptoms. Descriptive treatise
with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug
Co., N. y.
A five yon"-old buy horse, white hind
feet, strip in f ico, branded HO con
nected, and 'IT. one above the other,
on right si le, hip and shoulder. The
owner of "f the same will find property
at my ranch at the forks of S ind Hollow.
A. E. Powki.Ii,
St Ilcppnir, Or.
J-.nttciip City.
Next session begins on Monday, the
Kit hot' Se tern her, 1889.
Free scholarship from every county in
the stale. Apply to your cmntv super
intendent, t'n'i' tuition aftvr January
1, 1890.
Four Courses: Classical, Scientific,
Literary and a short F.nglish Course in
which there is no Latin, Greek, French
or Herman. The English is pre eminently
a Business Course. For catalogues or
olhcr information, address
J. W. JOIIN-SON. Pusideid,
One roan, four year-old nmre, hiunded
W li connected, on the left Nhouhlor, I
ono hrown, throe-year-olil gehliug, same
brand. 1'our colts, m color two buys;
a brown and a buckslun. 1 will give )."
rowanl per head for their delivery at J.
M. Shelton's ranch, near Alpine, or a
reasonable reward for information left at
the (U2UTTI-- ollice, or at J. iM. Shelton's
rnm h, heading to their recovery.
wiirn'ii'.K Kiios,
27-30 Drewy ,Or.
It is un undisputeil fact that the hand
somest vestibule trains that are now
run n the American continent are those
on the "Bi'iitiiNoTON Itoinit," leaving
the Union Depot in Denver, also Ht.
Paul, immediately on arrival of all
through trains from the west. The first
and second class ooaches are magnifi
cent, the lieclining chair oars superb,
the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri
ant, mid as for the meals that are served
ill those Palace linrhngton dining cars
- yum-) nm. The next time you go oast
to Kansas City.Chicago or St. Louis, if
you mention to tlie ticket agent that
jou want yi ur ticket to read from Den
ver or Si. Paul over the Burliugtuti
Hoiitc, you will get it, and you will al
nnvs he glad of it.
If you go via the Northern or Canadi
an Paoillo, the elegant vestibule Iriiins
of "The liurlington Route," between St.
Paul, Chicago aud St. Louis will carry
yon nlon,, the eastern shore of the Miss
iasippi river for a distance of ooO miles,
amidst soeuery that cannot be Hiirpasa
ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short
Line or Souther. i Paoiliti.ai'd your ticket
reads via "Tlie Burlington Route," from
Cheyenne or Deliver, y-m mil pais;
through all the thriving cities aud towns
located in what is popularly know n as
the "Heart of the Continent." For fur-1
titer information apply to A. C. Sheldon, !
(Isuprill Agent, 8o 1 irst Street, Portland,
IcbI Icb! H. MoFHrliimt, of l.pit. i
too, will deliver ion tluily iu Heppner I
duriug tbe Htiiniiier months. (Joiitrnut I
for the Hiuount you doeire, by writing
tu liim al all early ditto. The price will
be 2 (Wilts per Hi. delivered.
Seventy-Five Round's Fought
Before Kilr.sin Threw l'i
the Sponge.
He Would Not Stand Uo to the Work,
But Played a DoHf eg G-.m-v
HE ClilKl) I.IKE A VOt.Ni; U1KY.
Whil V'imitiniE. Knllivmi Knocked Kilrjin
I)nwr Tlie l.attt-r A-knd Him to Mako
it a bum-.
New Orlf.an.s, Ju'y 8.-- After worrying
around half tlie night at New Orleans,
and specii aling on tlie chances for the
fight, 'be people at the hotels, clubs and
on ine srreets m ive I by a co:ntnon im-1
pulse, toward toe depot. j
D-'Ut) n the i!ep ,t, at 11:83. there v na
na indescribably crush. It sec-me.l as j
though everb"dv in tiie citv was g.iing j
c. i., i. .,i T,.. , . ,
aboard at the saine tiuip. Clothes were
toin.hatscniriheil,nervoiispeo!)lcsliocl,ed, !
but the crowd finally got terough, and
the traiiiH were quickly filled, in the
throng were many of themust. prominent
people in the city!
During the crush pickpockets tried to
got ill their work, and cue snorting man
from the North was relieved of his watch
and chain.
Just before the train was finally made
up, Attorney-General Rogers came aboard
with Adjutant-General Faires and Col.
Clem Walker, of the governor's staff, and
stated that the fight must positively not
take pluoe on Louisiana soil. At first no
answer was made, but the oflicials were
finally told that the men would not fight
iu this state. It was expected that tiie
troops would appear at the depot, but
of the two companies iu the city one
could muster but forty men and ti.e
other only about a b iktir's dozen.
At 11 :30 tlie iirat train ot twelve coaches
pulled out of New Orleans, nnd the con
ductor and engineer were given instruc
tions to go straight through to thn battle
ground without a stop. Aboard the train
information was furnished ollicially that
both Sullivan and Kilrain had reached
the battle-ground at 6 :3J,
There was scarcely any betting on tho
traiu. The passengers simply talked
over the merils of the twnineuand slept.
The fight took place at Itichhurg, 92
miles from Mcridan and 102 miles from
Nen Orleans.
Riohburg is virtually owned by Mr.
Rich, and the pluoe covers an area of
10,0j0 acres, extending over throe ooiin
ties in Mississippi. The bat' le-ground
was on sawdust and seated 1,500 people.
At the Mifuiippi line there was a party
of twenty-five arinp. I men, and the rain
was Hugged, but, no attention was paid to
the signal, und the special dashed by at
aspee.l of twenty five miles an hour.
Just before daybreak nnd just before
the Irani got into Mississippi the ring
was pitched ami erurythiug put iu readi
ness for the fight.
The first, special traiu reached Rich
burg at 7:40.
The ring was built about an eighlh of
u mile from the railroad track. It is a
pretty Hpot with tall pinos all around;
ievel and covered with green tuif. The
ring was made of heavy ropes run
through stakes deeply driven in the
ground, and there were seats ou four
sides of the ring. The weather was very
AV Till! II ISO.
There was some wrangling over a
referee, but John Fitzgerald, of New Or
leans, was finally chosen.
On the toss-up for position ICilraiu's
representative. Alike Donovan, won, nnd
selected the northeast corner, tho best,
position, and Muldoon chose the south
west corner for Sullivan.
Kilrain was the first to make, his ap
pearance. He looked serious, asthotigli
fully appreciating Hie work before lain.
Sullivan jumped into the ring and w.is
greeted with deafening cheers. He looked
in perfect condition and appeared quite
at uue rotfarding the termination of the
Just before the men were ready for the
oiintest Harding put 81,000, sent by
Ri 'hard K Fox, in the hands of Kilrain
to bet, on the result. It was immediately
covered by Sullivan.
KAISf. When time was called both men ad
vanced to the center of tho ring, Sulli
van smiling and Kilrain looking serious.
In the first round Kilrain made a rush
for Sullivan, the latter feinting with his
left, :iddntilv clinched Kilrain throwing
him to tho ground, scouring first honors.
ill Ihe seventh round Kilrain got iu
a right-liiiiulur on Sullivan's ear.druw'ing
first blood.
Tho first knock-down was given to Sul
livan iu the eighth round.
In the eleventh round Kilrain reoeived
a heavy blow on ihe neck which sent him
to the end.
In the Hindi and twelfth minds Kilrain
was carried to I is corner.
Ah soon as Kiliain reuched the center
of the ring, iu the forty-fourth round,
Sullivan began vomiting freely aud
looked as if Ins stomach was weakening.
Kilrain asked him to make the fight a
draw, but Sullivan refused and re
sponded witli a heavy blow on Kilrain's
rins, Knocking mm down.
In Ihe fort) -tilth round Kilrain landed
heavily on Sullivan's neck with his left,
and retreated. Sullivan smashed him in
the ribs, when he went down, ai.d while
down Sullivan deliberately jumped on
him with his feet. Cries of "foul" was
heard all ovor the ring, but it was not al
lowed. Ihis should nave lost huu the
vt hen the time was called for the
seventy-sixth round Mitchell ran over to
Sullivan's comer and asked if he would
give Kilrain a preeul, pnnided they
would throw up the sponge. Sullivan
generously answered, "Of course 1 will,"
but Miku LVnovun seeing the condition
of Ins principal, and lo save him further
punishment, threw up the sponge, and
Sullivan had again proved his title as
champion of the world.
Aceordmg to telegraphic repoits Kil
rain made foul alixr hull during the
light. Sullivan's action iu jumping ou
Ins adversary with both feet was a plain
case of loul, yet the referee took no
notice of it.
Kdrsiu protested against giving up
the fight, aud wept like a baby, ex
claiming frequently "I had him beaten,"
Kilruiii sis he is willing to met t
Sullivan again, hut his hackers only go
so far as to say that they will mutch
hiiu again Ui.y living man except Ml -livan.
The weather was uueoiof irlnblv h t
at tlie ring and beer sold lor i!5 ivtils
a glass, sandwiches 15 cents a piece
aud water tlv o ills a nhns. Therrhe
of Ihe bitter article tinally 0 mini in li d
7ft cents per bucket and scarce at that.
To CoN8rl'n'KH. --Tlit iiii:1,m-mIi n.l
hiivim; licoii rt'suiri il to lu-allli liv mm j
pi nn'iiiiB, ufti-r iHitli'rinu for aevrnil
jwim witli it si'vi'rt! limn nrtVeii.ins mul
flint ilri'iul iIImimih, t',Miaiinit)oii, i r,ix
)imim In mako known t, tiix follow nniTtr
ors the moans of o.iro. To tlum,, who
.liwiiM it, lit) mil I'lufiTnlly son.l (fioo of
l'Iiiiik'o) it copy of I ho pivstiripiioii nsoil,
whh'li thoy will t'uul h Hiiro onre for oou
a 'l 1 1 1 1 1 1. .n , iiMtlim.i. (Vitmrli, lironolotix,
mill nil thiiiiil mul lim tu mIikIii'M. Ho
liopon all HiitVororH will try his roniotlv,
m it ir. iii.'uhialilo. I'hoso tlosirini; the
irooriitioii, ttliii'U tn! cost them noth,
nitr. und may .rove iihlettKiiv, will please
ftdilreijn, Hkv r.i.wiiio A. Wilson, Wil
lmiiit)orn, Kinu'ii ooiiniv. New York.
v ' s
tw M asmokmUxV. - I.te Sam liae pur-
cliatisi the May Hlreot Uniidry. mul de-
irt'ii 10 inroriu mo pmine iliat lie pro-
.oe to d,ifcHi work ut very low nriow.
He is ,u.t r..B,wliid far v i h f
(tee's lU'hta. huiI Ihoso to whom be is in- , BOX 77 PORTLAND. OR
di-btfii must expect uuh from theoMl Sold by A. U. JoUnsou & Co., U.uff
inrtiiiiL't'tiit'iit. 4t i Hoppnor, Orogtm.
Many peculiar points make Hood's Bar.
saparllla superior to all other medicines.
reculiar In combination, proportion,
ana preparation ol Ingredients,
llooo s Sursaparilla possesses
the full curative value of the
best known remcdlcs gVof
the vegetable king- S&om.
Peculiar In us Cjr strength
and economy S VvTnd's sar
saparilla Is 0& 'r the only medi
cine fr whlcli can truly
bc6a;d..ob One Ilundred Doses
OneQk Dollar." Medicines In
larger and smaller bottles
require larger doses, and do not
produce as good results as Hood's.
Peculiar In Its medicinal merit.
Bond's Sarsapaiilla accomplishes cures hith
erto unknown, and has won tor Itself S
the title ot "The prcatcst blood
purifier ever discovered,"
rccuiiarln Its "good name
uuiuv, mi-IB i now uiore
of Hood's Sarsaparllla sold In
Lowell, where jT Uit Is made,
than of all other blood
nurtriers. - W o..u i
phenome- Onal record of sales
aoroao ClJ no otl)Cr preparation
has fy ever attained such nnmi-
larlty in so short a time,
retained Its popularity
confidence cmong all claises
people so steadfastly.
Do not bo induced to buy other preparations,
but he sure to get the reculiar Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoldbyalldrufurUts. Jl; six for S3. l'rcparcilMilT
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masg.
IOO Doses One Dollar
II K A liii U A UTK RiJ T1U1U) It KG 1 ME J
Tub Ijali.eh, (n-.v.i)
N... J4.
1. Bert Van ri.-re and H. P.
chri"(i from F v.omvuuy in i.
July S. iv
Kdwju-ds, din-
iSn. tt, lss'J,
havH h-tth r.tturti(?d tu duty uiiii Li.va explained
ihir hLkmk'". itii't at tin e;truLJt M),kitnLiui of
I htr -itititiir tli y ure both rMiib.ati.td !ia incuhnra
if V ;miip:uiy.
'I ( ha . (i. Whiry, of U ccmpary, dificritti'ift.'d
in(i. l. No. lii, l-y, m hereby r"ms!;tU. .'J lte
jhfirtff'rt a.tint this man uh "uit-ubeyii.ji oidci'H.'
ui-i ciitti wus tint- dHM)f'i,'d uf wiiMii hif4 umiio wup
((iibliKlicd in error, tlm i-fwui ri of "c;oi tiimwl
lM'(,'li-;t uf duly and fJcart urn"1 never bavin bot'ii
i fro;ii,;lit agaiiiMt luni.
'A. Tiii ditl.Tciit onifxmifc of thin royiiimnt
j wilt HHHemlln, uby uiiifirin".l, firmed und
, Hiiuinnud for musttsr mid iiiHimmioii ni such
hour Ka tli'Mi' cuiiniMUnh tij thiill i.aiif, und on tin
(hitm beiow : Htuff, nnu-uoimiiitjruoiihd Htatl,
bo. d, A iiiid (' ci)iiiij;t'ii'.', tu iliu r wiun-'ittnl ar
inory, Titurndfy, ,luly 11, J oV, at titfU p. in. Uai.d
(t .oiiipu.iifs at tln'ir armorivH on V'u.liiPnduy,
.nly 10, 1K-(U. Jl), K, F, I and K inmpanifH at iht-ir
ariiiorit'H, Hat uniay, July las:1, it cinntniny al
it- iirm.iry, Frid.ty, July 11. li-'J. ThCrtu coin
panit'H will be iiihpwtod by l).xir company com
ma'id I'm, cxi.'1'itt A and (!, vviiich will be i:itpe'td
by thu n'Kitni'inal comniiindtT.
4. 'ifporin oF ltd-. iiiM.ii.ftioii will lit' forv.ardcd
to ihi'dfthoadciutirUTHoii tlie day following the in-
Hpi'Uli Jll.
IJy or-Jur of
(')IAS. E. MoJUrAN,
OFFICIAL'. Color.!,
J'.iH. F. FlTZOEflALlJ,
IhI Lint a-.d Adjt,
Lin.l (:n-.!e at The lllen, Or., July 8. I?m9.
('omtlaij:t InivtuK be-on ci.tcn;'.! at Udb oilicj by
Frank .Mondand annulet If.inml Kroncnbarn for
failurp todomply wild laws an lo timljtr-ruiturt
j K'.NKfiH:. U. Tp. i H., li. '. E.. in Morrow
conniy, wri'itoi, wnn a view lo rw cancel ial ion
of said Pntry; Cf)iiti'Ht;uit nllciiiK that tho said
Duidid Knn:(tnl)unr faili'd to break, nr wiumo to
Ijo broken, any of Ihe said land tho fir -it ywir
aftir entiy; ttuit he failed to plow f iiy of the nuid
tract tho nri!otfd year; that h han imvor plowed
any of Hit id land, thn naid pailion are hcrrby sum
in on fid to aripear at thin ollico on tho '21th day of
AimiiHt. 18s!), at 1 o'ciouk p. m., to n'Hpond and
fur.iHlito titiiony coiiu-.-niin naid alleged f'ail
uro. A, A. KohertM, N. P. at Muppiwr, Or., in antlior
izfld to take tfMtiinoiiy in this carte (it tlt;pnior,
Or., on AukuhI 1 wy. at in o'clock a. m.
aa'.t-iiaa. F. a. McDonald, itotiirttor
Land Olliro nt Tho Dnh Or., July 6. 13 0.
Notice in linlty civen thai l he. folhuvnm
nnnifd rtctllcr lian tiled notion rf Inn iii'T'FMon to
make hrniJ proof m nupport of Iiim i-laiui, and
thai nuid proof will Im iniehi Ix-fmo lh couiity
judo of iHorrnw county, at Ifrppupr. Oregon, on
AuBUht 24, IHSM, viz:
Benjamin Lurllimj,
Hd. S7iU, for the K"t HM 31, & Vii RW'4
8(i. ar., Tp. 5 S H. I'ft K. W. M.
lie naniMH it.o fuilowin witntMii"!; ft.; prove
liirt iionlinuoiiH rrisidtMic'H upon, and cultiva
tion of, "aid land, viz;
iim. YV. rimpin, (Jy.,, W. Stowiirt, W. (. Unh
innon, D. H. Millop, all nf Ilardmaii, Or.
Any iii'i'Mim who di'HircH to protest aninst tho
allovi unco of Hiich pro .f, or who known of any
mihhtnntiaL rciirjon, nndor thf law and tin ri'ula
tioiiH of tin Interior Dnpfirtmcnt, why hir-Ii proof
fdiotild not ho allowed will bo (riven an uppor
tuiuly at tlio altovx mentioned tmn ai'd pi act
to i!PO-n-'xaininn tho wihtCHHHH of M'liti ci.iiniunt,
and to otter evideiion in ri'tnittal of that Biibinit-ti-d
:U!1U(4 F. A. MntoNLD, Kej,'intHr.
Canyon City
Ciivi. II. Lre, rniprietor.
Ctmvon City to Monument : : S5.00
4 " LongCreok : : 3 00
TMh tHtlipquiakost and olieapent route
to Fot tltuitl from all points in this vicinity.
We have the Exclusive Contro ot
Am, rfon't hav to offer a prlzt to W$
tfooai, for Ut Hit HtSf U4D. tunfa Can holtt
'The Go!oratcd French Cure,
WnmMfd 1. AOHI?nniTIWr" r mo.iir
lo 1 Ul
to en re any
lot m of nervous
d i seas, ot any
itisonler of the
vciu'iwt i ve or- AFTER
fmib uj vithi-r h-x wiiether aUiu from lh
xccttelve use ot sstiinnunu, lubacco or 0ium.
Ortliiough youthhil ludisi rctiou, over indulf
, mr, ilckurh as l.oaof rtmin Power, Wakeful
; ueM, Huani.ti: down I'aiiiH In the nc)c, Scmmal
i V caLtieMi, Uvgtei ia Net voue 1'itu.tiatiou Nooturu
al Kmiuion , Uuciirrlnra. Mzilucus. Weak Mem.
ory, I, oRa of Power and InuKHencv. which t( ne
"w'u"' "''' l""t"reoi.i. ..,! Inwn-
ity. IMi 11.00 Uis. 6 boxet lor lQ0 Sent br
hiaiI on receipt of price.
A W 1 1 1 TT K N G V A It , N T r. K f or ovr 15 09
onlor, to reluuJ Die monov K l'ermuut
t'Uie u wot eflofleU. Tbousau.ts ol Uftitnouialt
irum ol tu j touu. of both witt, iwrnstmitly
i inM by ArimoDiTiNj. Cln'tilu tree. AdJrow
' "& nn.uturtt U.
wtrriRH BHanch
r i j r i n. .n r n . n . . . nn
of Spring
Arlington, Or.
Heppner, ....
mm u
We edll Special Attention to our
Elegant Assortment of
Gents' Fine Clothinq
Now is tho time to buy your Summer Suit!
ULii r m ULUiniiW 10 iailuu mm
In tbe Largeflt Eastern
Perfect Fit
For Daucini;
Ladies Si lk and
Finest Styles, in tlie Nowest Shmli'B, uUo 11 nioe assortmont of Lilit
Wi'ijjlit Utidprwer, in Silk, LisloThreorl and Ottoti.
. iiT-nj
Full IsiiiliiK'iit of ('(ilfji't'il Satins klkiw,
Our Store is filled with a Lnre and Varied Stock. We aim to keep
on hoinl nearly everything that is used on a Ranch and all
sold at the lowest possible prices
Blti.'ksmitlis' Stiuif Coal, linirlisli Oment. Sulphur, Lime, eto. Freight nitps are
very low to Hcpimer, therefore goods ran lie sold in competition with
any town in Eiistern Oregon.
Call o,Olc3. Scso "CTss,
Heppner and Arlington.
Land Offiefl, La Grande,' Or., Jane 2 1, 'Mfi.
Not ice is hereby izivnn thttt the followiiiK-nHUied
-ettlpi" huu tiled notice of his intenlion to mnkn
final poof in unpport of his claim, imd that
sa'd prouf v-ill hf, made hef rn the county clwrk
ot Morrow count y, at Itepprier, Oregon, on Au
08t iHfrH. vie:
John S. Ch ittif,
Dr. No. SIRS, for the lotH '?, 3 & 4 & SWM NK!i
Hoc. 3. T.aS., H.'JK W. M.
Mb naiiuM thn followinij witnesie to provu
hiMCoiitinuous rehiilenco upon, and cultivation
! nf, Hit id hud, viz:
(i. VV. McilarKiie. Woa. Crillitli, J . S. Elliott,
Qen llapine. all of H'jpt'imr, Or.
Any person who (iesires ti protest iiiminfit the
allowaaco of hu''1i proof, or who knowa of any
(tut)Btantiiil reason, under the law aud the reKula
tionn of the Juterior Department, why such proof
wliould not be allowed, will he kivbii an opportu
nity ai the alove-uientiined time and plane to
orosH-exaniiin- the vnluennesof Bid claunant and
lit otter evidence in ruliuttal o thai submitted by
a'-i7ij Henky liiNKUART, Resist wr.
Land Office at The DalleB, Or. June 15, 188
Complaint huviiiK been entered at this ollice by
Theodore Tx HKtti n nt liilwimj Uenkle fitr uban
M''iii!iri tu8 h'lincMti ad entry No 2iJ, datoi No
vemOer IS IKil, up jn tbe Hi NKU ad NWV4
Het: ir, Tp 4 8, It V'i K, in Morrow county. Or,
with a view to tlie cancellation o said entry, the
uaid paitienare hereby Nummout d to Hpfumr t
thiH otHce on the l'2tli day of Augum, ia.slt, at 1
o'ulock p m. to renpoiid nd furnish tps:ininny
cont'eruinK-said aliened abandon men t. Thn county
clerk of Morrow county, Or i authorized to
take tent inumy iu ihiw cwo at Heppner, Or, on
J uly 2( , 1B8U, nt 10 o'clock a m .
V A McDonald, Reenter.
T V Slunueh, Keceiver. .
Land Office at The Dal leu. Or., June H, 'H9.
Notice in hereby niven t hattlie followinK-named
settlor Iuih tiled notice of liis inteniion to cotn
m nta ai d liirike tintil proof in support of hm
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the county judc of Morrow county, at Heppner,
Or., ou August JJ, IKfiit viz:
Henry B. Lefevre,
Hd 20!2ft, for the SV, KWH ti'U SlL Beo 17, &
NVV NK Hec Tpti S, H 2f E.
He natuim tlie following A'ilueMHes to prove his
continuouri residence upon, and cultivation of,
tmid taud, viz:
r'rank A Sweeney. Calvin L Sweeney, or Ar
bnu'ton, Or, buries W Aliller, of i'obsil, Or,
KiiKene K 8miili, of Lone iioek.
Any prnon wh dcdiiei r t protest aKaiust tho
allowance of nu.-h proof, or who knowi of any
nubntantial reannn, under tho law and the regulu
tiurtrt (tf the Interior Department, why such proof
Mhould not be allowed, wilt beivm an opportu
nity at the above mentioned time nnd place to
cm examine the witneHca of said claimant, aud
to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted
by claimant.
a25-:il F. A. McDonald, Kcgister,
Ijifd Office at Tbe Dalles Or.. June 10, 9.
Notice is hereby uiven that the following
niuiieU wMtler Iihh tiUni notice of hiw intention to
make bind proof in Nupport of hid cluini, Htid
(bat HHid proof will be made before the county
juoae of Morrow rutin tv, at Heppner, Or., ou
July 30. Ksst). viz.
John S. Ingrahanit
Hd.WfcrUio SIS' Sec. 2t,Tp. 3 S., K. 21 .
W. M.
He names the following witnesso to prve hiw
continuous residence upon, and cultivuiion of,
mud land, viz:
W. W. Hnumnti, ,7. C. Hy)'e, Hiehnnl Robin
flou, Iphw Kuihten. nil of Kiyht Mile. tv.
Any person wlio ilejiivei to protest auainnt the
alUvwance of much proof or wtn k'lowc of .my niiIi
stftntiHl reason, under thelaw and t e reulutit.nw
of the Interior Ueor.i1 nent, why HUch proof
dioukl not be Hilowed. will be ttiveu an opportu
nity ut the above mentioned lime and place to
rroxN-exnmine the witneeti of uaid cuiimiint,
and to otler evidence in rebuttal of that unburn
til hv claimant,
86-31 F. A. McDonald. Rr-nsTxa
I Ann OHico nt The Dnlltn, Or., Muy 31,
Notice i- herehy Kiveu Hint the fwlitiwliiR
immed tieiiler lm riled tiutice nf Inn iiitention
to make ttiml pr(K-f in support of hit chum, nnd
th:.l Hid prouf will he mude befure thectmuiy
jndKH of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., ou
July lit, ltW. viz:
James J. McGee,
lid. Ill, for the N'i NE , Sec, 9, and V4
NWVt. Ihv. 10, lp h a.. K. X E.
ile iihuu'h tiie foilttwiiiK witnesieji to irovc hi
continnoiiB residents upoa, and cultivatioa of
tuiid Intnl. viz:
I'tfii "Mi'i.K J. A. AdHiin, E. H. lickwm.
Jiiine Uioiio, itll of lliiniiitRti, t)r.
Any HTftoa who detiro to protest atainHt
the alhtwiince of stivb pnof, or who knnw of
ai.y i"ulUnitnd rcifo i. tiiid.T the Im hi d the
r 'tin lanolin of iU- lutiil"C OepHt I ment, why
such p-tMf -hould not t-e hIIowM, will lie yiven
an opportunity nt the nbovo menttonei time and
place to cnmij-ttxaiuiiiH the witneeb.'H nf wud
clmiimtt, mul to ot!er evidence iu rebut In t of
that t i bun und by chtiitt;-!.
3-i4-a . A. McDonald. KeuUter.
I And Otllceiit The Dalles. Or.. May St. 'Sfl.
Notice is hereby uivi'it that the foflowm: named
aettter htut tiled notice of tint intention to ninke
final proof in mipiHitt of hid claim, ntid tlmt Mtid
nrHf will Ih mude befor tlie eunty jiidce of
aiorrow county, at tieppuer, ur on July 13.
1 iWntJ, Til:
j William Graham
i Hd. 2iv. for the SB, NE Sec. 5, and 3i NVW
N SW V S. i, I, i b K. W K.
lie tin me tlie following wiUieeeeM to prpre
ctmttuuiMW retntw:iei ttjMm,aiMt eultivavjou
' of, (Klid Iwd, "4i
j B. F. fiiw, of Heppner, Or,: John Jeukiua,
i Wiley McHoe. J. L. Hoymer, f Kiffht Mde.
1 Any person who iteairtw to protect aainat the
', allowaiuv of such pnnf, or who know of any
reason , under the law and the fetiu-
latiotia of tlie Interior l'jwirtuient. why such
' piof should not be allowed, wilt be jtiven an
J opiM'irt unity at the alxive mentioned time and
: p ace io crvwMM'XRmiiie the wtin-f vf gnui
claimant, and ioorter e t deuce tu rvbu.talof ttmt
Bub'uitted by claiumnl.
V . A. McDonald, llegtutw.
jand Summer
factories and you can get a
at a Fair Price.
to UF
nnd Street Wear
Land Office tit Thn DbIIob. Or.. J une 10. '8H.
Notice in hereby Kiven that t he following named
Het i ler ha filed notice of he intention to
mcke riniil proof in support of her
clfiim, and that Haid pnof will be made before
the eounty judge of Morrow county, at flopp
ier, Or., on July 30, 188U, viz:
Rachel Honkinftt widow of Dillon Ho-
kins, deceased,
Hd. ARC,' for the K'4 8Kl Bee 10. 8VV SWH 8ec.
11. nnd S NVV'H Hep H. Tp. 5 8.. K.2R E. W. M.
She iiHmeBthefollowiiiK witiienwen to prove his
continiiouH residence upon, and cultivation of,
said lund, viz:
Albert VV right, James Oepny, of Heppner,
Or.; Ham Meadows, H. H. Ohsrtford, of Hard
man, Or.
Any porpon who depii-PB to proteHt against the
allowance of mi eh proof, or who known of any
huIimUui iai reanon under the la and he regula
tions of the Interior Department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will be given an ope
port unity at tlie above inent oned time and plaet
to croHB-examine thn witnesses of said claiman
and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by claimant.
3ij-ao F. A. McDonald, Register.
Iand Office at Ijftiironde.Or.. June 8. '89.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler him filed notice of his intention to cora
utute and make final prMif in Bupport of his
claim, and that uaid proof will be made before
the county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp
ner, Or., on July ttO, IHH9. viz:
Frank E. AlcCorkte,
Hd. No. f!ti2l,fortheNWH8W E 8W)4 end
Hl'4 Hue. ia. Tp. 8 8., It. -jy K.
HHiiamew the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said laud, viz:
C. K. Oite, K. li. Sherman, of Lena, Or.( J. 8.
fluidane, U. V. (inrdane, of Kidge, Or.
Any person who desire to protest against the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
ub-Uiintml reason, u'ider the law and the regula
tion of the Interior Depart ment, why such proof
i-houhl not be allowed, will be given an oppurtu
nity at t he above mentioned time and place to
eroKH-i-xjimiiie the wttnesse of said claimant, and
In offer evidence iu rebuttal of that submitted
by claimant.
tf2r-itu Hknky Rinehart. Kegitter.
Land Ollice at The Dalles Or., Ju- e 6, 'H9.
Notice is hereby given that ihe following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to mttke
liiial proof in support of his claim, at d that said
proof will bo made before the county judge of
Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on July '0,
Charles E. Kirk,
Hd. 1101, for the Sl4 NF.'i Hec. 9, and WV4 NWJ4
Mec. 10, Tp. 4 S., R. L'6 K. W. M.
He nunics the following witnesses to prove Iub
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz:
li. J. Shaner, Frank Gilliam Theodore Tex.
David Bowman, all of Heppner, t r.
Any person who desires to protest again t the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under the law and the regu
lations of the lnteiior Department, why Buch
proof should uot be allowed, will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
F. A. MoDo.naU). Ketftiter.
Jjind Office at La Orundn. Or., Jnne 12, '89.
Notice i hernliy kivhii tlmt the foUiiwinif
imuieil KoIUer luw tiftU notiw of hi. intention to
nuike liiiHl proof ia Kutp,,rt of his cltim, wid
rtiiu baul pniuf will he made before the county
cltTk uf Mtirniw rouuty, at Heppner, Or.,
on July 27, viz:
John Zollinger,
N K'i Sec 24, T 8 . K 27 K W .11.
Ho niininB tliH following witimssw? to prove his
ontiiuuniH roHidyiice upon and cultivuttou of.
Hit id IkikI, viz;
I Jt Jru, Harron H(.ie, Dan Suiter, Joha
Hill, all d( llHopnr, 0i'o;),
Any ivretm wUinUwir. u profit Rftin8t the
ullowin.e of bui'U proof, or who kimwa of any
nutwtrtJitiol nvwun. iiiuJer the Irw and the rt-Rula-tinnn
nf ihe Interior Dopnrtinont, why mich proof
slniuld not ln itllowod, will ho tfivon mi Mpportu
nily at tho RhovtMnentioned tium nd place to
iToiH-eXHuitiie the wit(itjMt of Miidoliiimiuit and
to oftT eiiitncu in rebuttal of that auhmiited
by i'lhiimuit.
Ltind Office at VuGiiiido, Or., Julv fl. iw.
N'!-,ni ia ti..r.h tfiveii that tho following.
iuuiuhI pettier Un tiled not ico of Ins intention to
m.ike hi. id proof in mippoit f hi rlunt, and
thaiiMiid proof will he made hefuro the county
judttr of Morrow county, or, in hi slKseoi-e, b
lotv the ole k or wnd county, nt Uepimer, Or.,
on Aitttut li, liyy, vu:
'tun 0. McC'litran,
Hcl. llKl, forlheN'i Nf, Ser. 31, XW, NWj
S-'O. M. SiVS SVV, S.v 2H.Tp.S., It. 27 K. W. M.
lie iiuniH tlie fellowhi witneSMei to move bin
continuous ren.dence upoo and cultivation
aaid lni d, ?iz:
W li. Ktth. A. 8. Burel,. CHehn Wnttm, Prank
M K i.Tt.,ll ot 11 -;y ier Or
Ai.y per.i: who desires to protest apalnet tho
allowanee of auch pro.it', or who Knows of any
Ht'Mai.tnU reason, under the lawi and the regu
lation of the ii. tenor Deixtrt.ne it. why each
proof tihould n't be Hilowed, will be iriven aa
opportunity at the above mentioned time aud
pta.-e to , rot8-exaimue the witoeMeee of ald
claimant, and to ofter evide. c in rebuttal ut
that inibimt'tMl by claimant.
3-1f-3i Hkset KlxUAn, Kenlater,
All persons owing rue notes or ac
counts nr nntitieil to cull and get
tie, an I ititeud to roll my bbmkets and
take a walk over the lilties about the
flrst nf Aiitfiist, and all my accounts
mtist bo aottltsl by that time. You have
my thanks for past fnvorn, but don"t
forget to come aud settle.
St J. F. Spray,
Heppner, Or.
S Agricultural
:Gilliam & Coffey,:
With a large and well selected line of
Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements
-A-lxcl Harvestiug IVIfvolxillci-37-,
Queenswnre, Wood and Willow Ware, Pipe mid Plumbers' Material,
Glasswara, and Stoves of tlie latest and most approved pattern.
Bird Cages and Granite Iron Ware.
ijTht JSTewton Wagons oncl TJacks.
We call Special attention to the
They are second to none and th wide cut is withotapeer.
ALU Lm '
A Tin Shop in connection. Repairing and plumbing neatly done.
Camp outfits a specialty. Our prices as low as the lowest for
the class of goods We carry.
-Siioci-anor to Minor, Podarni & Co.-
If You
Gents' Iiimisliili-ig; Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, . Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Cajss.
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or aoytliing usually kept in b fii.st clafifl Htore, call on
May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dadgon A Co.'s Store
Manufacturer of aud Bailor in
Furniture, . Mirrors,
Bedding, Brackets,
Picture Frames, Etc.
Also For Sale
Cheap Fur Cash.
-For Bargains in-
Groceries, Fruits, Glassware, Crockery Gents
Hi pricei are low as tlie lowest. See for yourself. Next door to Furniture Store,
Mean Plain Business Fair Dealing and Low
Ton will find in their large store the freshest io
all lines of
Staple m Faacy BroceriBS, Fruits, cams. Etc
Store in Odd Fellows' Hal!, fonneily occupied by First National Bank
Mniu Street, Heppner, Oregon.
General Warehouse and For
warding Agents.
The Company has recrnthi constructed a two-story
warehouse SO x 100 feet, witli. wool press and all con
veniences for handling wool.
The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will he the same
as those at Arlington, Jess carta gs.
Freight upon baled icool front. Heppner, same as
j Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in
1 storage.
Goods at Greatly Reduced
The Winner in all Contests.
E. R. BISHOP. Treai