Trit: GAZETTE. hEPPNEK. THUHS1M1. July 4, 'ISO RAILROAD TIME TAaLE. 'iY, inn on tin1 Willow Cr ek llrai'ch ftrriv at aid Uiivp tl.e l 11-Teiil a atiut.s daily, excetit JSuiiU.ajt. an luLinvii: K.UTWAHI). WE-l'XWHl. " No. 17 (MixMl) 8:3) P. M. Ar. !i:4X Mil ' " ' 4:ltl 4:'JI 8:mi 2M " - I.v. i:0 ra Ar ll"..l IT. 1 xtm:t.n. lone. (Veil-. H:J) " 8.50 " H.Jl " 0:10 " 10JW V illnwt Junction ' Arlmelu... Portland Ar. i:-ll " I.v 7:45 Northern TV'ine traioa enst ArlinKton duily ZVM P. M.; Knife wei-t. A. M. Ijninn I'ariflc trains eaiHt, 4:lll A. M.iKoh.g w.t, 12.a0 I'. M. G. L. THOMPSON. Asent. CANYON AND. INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stilt") lenvps for Ciinvnn City Mon- iliijH, f ilni'Rihiyn mill rnitnyn. ArtiveH-Tui'stliij s, Thursdays n ml Siiturthiys. Tlipre ie a Kavini! of 10 hours in time ami $10 iu cash by tukiug this route to Ohiivou. C. W. Lomlar & Co., 42!), Fifth St., Fnrtliiuri, Or., are authorized tt make nitverlibinw eontidntH for the Gazette. They will also untke collectioua for this pa per. Here arid There. Mrs. Kate Fuller is visitim; in Port land. . Miss Lillie Kea is quite ill at her home in Hepiuier. .1. C. Doilson left for Wallowa county last Friday. l!i-v. O. E. Piniik rusticated last week in the Black Horse district. Look fur "ur own premium list iu thi issue audifo to work at onee. Mr. and .Wry Ed. Jones are ovei from Malheur visiting; rehilives heie. M nob rain and cool weath r ha been expeiieoci d in Jloiroiv tins rk. Pro". ,1 IT. Shinhy h s taken a po siuon in (.'uiliii & Mei''.nlai il's store. A. E. Powell, ol S tnd Hollow, is haul iut; iu his clip to llie Heppntr maiket. Billy (Jreiis'i'ldter. ivpri'seulinu; Bosen feldt A .Smith, was m lleppner last week, Anunilk'r of our spoitint; men will take iu theraies at Li uii U uek, July 41 It. Tiie wheat crops of Morrow county will nverauo with the reiimiuder of East ern Oregon. The Courier, published nt Lebo, Kan sas, by H. JI Boh man, now n uches this otliee regularly. Mr. mid Mrs. Win. Rush and daughter Rre enjoying ihemselvea jip at MeDullie hot gpriiiijs this week. Wm. Iioney came ovo.r from Condon lasteekon business, lie reports his crops as b.idly d. imaged. Dr. W. i. Hiti hey mid wife will leave the first of next week to visit relatives and friends iu Colusa Co., California. The ueifhhoiintf papers furnish the Gazette some good news items, which will be found ou the outside this week. In order to give the "prints" a chance to have a rest and enjoy the 4th, the Ga zette comesoutou Wednesday this week. The children who desire to ride in the liberty car should meet nt the M. E. ebu it'll at 9:30s' arp to-morrow morning. V. I. Asbury, the Canyon A'cios man, left yesterday morning for Portland. He wiil return home next week via Heppner. The 4th of July ball should be attended by all admirers of the the teipsiohoreau art. Tickets, 81.30; fun for everybody. Chaplain Simpson, 3rd Regiment O N. G., will lecture to-niht in the M. E. church. Subject: "ITigldiinds of Soot laud." Forester Fell is down at Hood river looking up u location for a fruit, farm, of which that Section boasts of the best iu Eastern Oregon. Frank Oviatt has sold his rinoli nt Ella and will look for H new home ill Lewis conniy. la will m ive his family ami I'tl'eets about Auumst 1. Miss EUa Th.'ina" is spending this week Willi fiienus in Heppner. She will Colnplt te hir term's uoik in the Uedfoid distiict in two moid weeks. Millard French's team rati away last Saturday with a new spring ngon down near Spray's leetl yard, antl rendered it iu a condition to need the st.'i vices of the wagon-maker. Mrs. Emma Kileup, a oour.igeous lady who lives up iu Jones' e invou, kiiled a rntilesuuke hist Monday measuring three h el iu length, and having seven rattles and a button. Henry Thumps id, of Loner Butter creek, was iu town last Friday muking a delivery of some early apricots. He will have l,0j0 bushel of peaches this easouaud tons of apples. We are reliably iuforme I that Keeney Bros., of Long Creek, brought to Hepp ner last week for shipment several thou sand dollars worth of gold dust taken from their Big Creek placer mines. The new school boks havebeen shipped aud will be ou exchange at E. J. Sio- Cum'a drug store in a few day3. A notice will be inserted iu these columns next week relative to prices of exchange. The testimony iu the oase of Laura Jones vs. aduiiniscrutor of J. L Jones, deceased, will be laken at the oourt house ou July 16. The case will be beard befoie County Judge Mitchell about July 20. Wm. Daniel and wife, and grandson, Wm. Sawyer, resident of Westborouiih, Mo., have been visiting iu Heppner for the ptist etk. Mrs. LVtniel is an aunt of Mrs. Jag. Matlock. Tney left yester day for their Eastern home. M. C. McDoiignll writes tu friends that he is in PoitlanJ, but will beiu Heppner this week. "Alnc" has recently visited the Sound section, and believes that to be the future country of the Northwest. Later. He arrived here yesterday. Engineer D. W. Kinnaird inform the Ga.eitk Hint Hie J.-bu Lhiy wnni road li;:D beii cross secti uie.i ami iuliy ar ranged that holders in.iy h.. able to give the hue a tlioroiiyli inspection ami un derstaud the am. unt of w orn to he done. The plug nojy pi. rule will take place in lieppnei's wide ihoroiiglibiri-8 at 7 o'clock o.i the evening of the 4th. hilly Ruark has resigned his position as chief, anil Clint. Bransteiter has Teen ap pointed and duly commissioned to till the vacancy. The accident on the Willow creet baneli last week resulted iu no particular damage, and. torlunatel v , no loss of life. So far, this line has been favored in the matter of smash-tips, etc., this being the first since the road was put iu active operation. Last Thursday A. L. Miller, of the painting firm of Harris x Miller, aeoom- plished Ihe ilil'iciit feat ot climbing to II.. r U -..-'a 1.. 7ll fMMt IUC ll.'l Ol HCp Or-Tl n II. IK ,"l, v ' - -' j biuh. on the Mullock coiner, without. stumps or other apparatus, and adjust- ing a new rone. C. J. Fuqua reports his crops on Eight Mile in much better condition than be j w tt John A,Pn, of Monom(,nt. u. Dn Bulicipated a few weeks ago. He will ; tm ,i i.f0 Waierlmry. of Lon Creek, took head and tliiesh it aud excta a fair re- i o it big loads of merchandise this week, turn for Inlmr The late rains have done . The Gazette would mwU that during 4th of wonueis tor .uorrow conm; .... . Hliuouu iv came mu i.itc ,m D.i,c nr""6 Boeing. Mr. Henry Blackwell. one of Grant cotiuty's well-to-do stoikmen, stient the greater part of this week in lins city He reports stock end crops doing hue in Lis l.icnlit , I'ox vailey. He returned homo Xnerday via Long ceek. where be will ulteud tiio r.nes during fourih of July. Carried -In Eight Mile, on the 2nd inst.. at the nuiieiiee of the bride's Larents. Mr. and Mrs. .1 L. Bevnjer, Prof. T. C. Auhiev to Mii-8 Annie A. K vuiet. lh v. J. H Howertou oiliciaiini;. The jouiig people l ave tiie l)et wishes ot a Ur.e cnc.e of acquaintances in Jlofruw county. T j F. CoMPAxr Ta; :d UuuIvicxt. O. 1), of Lexin-to,. will be here. mi the S h to neip ua oeieuritie, uei neppner h j coMiprnv turn out -every mmi -Hnrl M ui!:kr 1 i:rf,1"l "iiccepg of the p irivie iiml , .ooiii, t . ii ri i i in. -ri t T.i" i.iatter of Mil.ull 1 li ."ire ill thirt ''.'verv Voting 111 111 Mil ml 1 V'I an I T.terest'ill the M of nur .-eli-hr.!- j tion. and Do in a i miIi.iii io aivonl t.i , visiting eomrinies Ihat wrlcome they will exjieet uuil whirh we shonhl irive. The few uiiiint-s taken up in paraile nill not interfere in the leant nith the euji ymeiit of any mlitianian. We ure up in every member of Co. E to consider the hint interests of the cele bration ami not attempt to avoid a plain duty which we owe in our town aud the many visitors. HEPrNEn Tim DisTiiiBUnNG Point. O. J. Asbury, of the GrantOotin'y A'eu's. is in Heppner looking after the interests of his paper in tins section. The Can yon City trade is coming this way, and merchants will tin well to havetheir wares mentioned in the Grant County A'eics. AltuoiiKli Heppner is 23 miles further from Canyon than Baker, Mr Asbury assures this sheet that the difference is more than made up in the character of our road. Our route is a natural thor oughfare, and when the SlO.bOO appro priation will have been judiciously ex pended, the entire outside trade and business of Canyon will come to Hepp ner A Fatal Mistakh. Last evening the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Morrow was ailing, and the mother gave it what she thought was some simple powder but which proved to be a dose of morphine intended for a grown per ron. The Condition of the little one beoamo alarming at once, and Dr. Swin burne was onlli'd who did nil iu his power to relieve it, tint to no purpose. This morning it p issed away to the Be ing who gave it life. Funeral services were held at the residence of the fami ly this afternoon, after which the inter ment took pi' ce in the Masonic ceme tery In I heir sad bereavement, the pa rents and reliiiveu have Hie he.trlfelt nipathy of the entire community. A B.ui S iownu. - The (iazktti! hears of only fi") being donate 1 to the S -tile suir-rers by Heppner. This came from the National of Heppner person ally, a very good donation, hut as a ton n, it is a b id showing. No town of its size in tne noi thwest is more at the mercy of the H. lines. Wo do not know how soon we may bn in need of assist ance ourselves, and while w are en joying prosperity and forlnnate immuni ty from such casualties, it would be well to lend a hand to the needy aud less fortunate of our fellow beings. Badly Shakun Up. Walter Crosby, while riding a bucking cayuse up near the Owens ranch last. Sunday evening, was thrown oil', the animal falling on him twice. He lay uuconscious for six hours, aud it was thought for a time that he was severely injured, but Dr. Shipley in forms ns that Walter is up nnd aroimd and don't propose to miss the fun on the 4th. A vauifiiero of the Heppner hills may be compelled to ride his oayuse iu every possible fashion, hut rarely fails to get there with both pedal extreniities. Heppner's Cornet Band. Of all the hnndsushered into existence in the colony the present one, under the leadership of Prof. Petrie, is the greatest suooess. On the 4lh they will discourse the best and latest improved music for the people. The band is composed of the best of our young men, with a considerable sprink ling of older hend-i. and is the pride of the oommuiiity. Heppner people are giving them needed encouragement in the shape of u reasonable remuneration for services to morrow. Mill Bikned. A red glare in the southern skies on last Friday night be tokened a big fire up in the mountains. On Saturday it was learned that Bishop & Bixby's mill was totally destroyed the night before, w hich fully explained the incident of Friday night. When dis covered Ihe shed was in flames. The entire mill ami 200,000 feet of lumber was destroyed, the ln'll hands saving, with s hup dilunuitv, 10 .1.001) feet of lum ber; loss jfh.,0.0. with no insurance. Not a PiiAcrtCAL Honru. A Gazktte reporter had some conversation with J. H. Keeney a few days ago rerardiug the Pendleton and Long Creek wagou road. He expressed himself in believing that the Kilter route w'MRan impriictieableone, fully a thousand feel higher than the Aleado'v creek route. He believes in putting the money where it will do the most good, and that the $12,000 appro priation could be used by the way of Kilter aud vet havo a very p ior road. Land Contests Deoihiii) The name of the successful parties are printed in capital letters. LaGrantle: P. P. KIL BOURNE vs. J. T. Gilchrist. THOM AS GEEAR vs Richard S. Hailey. The Dalles: James M Graham vs. NORTH ERN PAO. K. R CO. Peier Brenuervs. NORTHERN PAO. R. R. CO. CHILDREN ENJOY The pleasant flavor, gentle action und soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, w hen in need of a laxative, aud if the father or mother be costive or billions the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known aud every family should have a bottle. A bear scattered a hand of sheep be longing to V7m. R.nh up iu the neigh borhood of Camas Prairie oi)n day last week. Tub herder, "Buster" Keithley, was unable to g -t the ban I together, and struck for the home ran h on Rhea creek for help. The chances are that this little accident will lose a number of sheep for Mr. Rush. Mr. Fred J. Hallock. the duly author ized agent and solicitor of the Gazetti;, will visit Long Creek, Canyon City and way points during the next thirty days for the purpose of increasing the sub set iption list, taking friers f..r job work. Oi Meeting ontslanding neiounls and otherwise re; resenting this sheet. Any favors sh'.u a h in will be duly appieei ated by Ihe publisher. AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT Of the success of Hood's Sarsnparilla is the fact that ever purchaser receives a fair equivalent for his money. The fa miliar headline '100 Doses One Dollar," stolen by imitators, is original with and true only of Hood's Snrsapar'lla. This can easily be proven by any one who de sires to test the matter For real economy, buy only Hood's Isusaparilla. Sold by all druggists. Ren SwftKStut left jesterday for the Long Creek mcea. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blackranii arrived home from Portland yesterday. M. C. McDomrah returned yesterday ti familiar scenes in the Heppner hiils. W.C Kfininner has disposed of his propertv a, sjaicn near Harupiau. ai.u is now visiting n.s ciiildren I Mrs. T W. Mfimliall camp over from Walla ! f'J' 10 rem!"n ith Iter huHbAud s pi ' i,r'1I1(llJ,l,r ,lw u,,,eiitof wl.. J Ull re-.TlV!U:a llie -irevi luuipn Bi.ouiu te k . may not know u.e unn. an -ii im weuo. i t'omniiwiioner K. i. Sperry informs as ttmt tho miuif it HitnntitriiiiiuD fil lit Ml U ifl nnw uu ; il-Dmitut Ut Firm Nahofiai (n;ik. to be u-nd as DrrlKi in itie construction ol the John JUay wtigjti roud. . F.xeouKtmso 8tiEcK.-T)ie Vermont Micro- iK-rmn-id nawieiHtion ha. jam m nuonceii that a, prize of $i"0. given bj the Wells 4 Kichirdwin cimpsi y, th well-k uurn chemirt. will t paid ZZt.TaX2Z 1 baciiia, a ti. e uiu" of i'hnl-r. uti jutat-d 1 I l-"'- r..n-li thrnwnout II, e. wiir.u man t -- ne.n linn i ..-.-." '.. .. tat-l r-taiidi i. will ?v.i mjii in t'.f dvU-tiMii um ) ,ii-.-.uv-.. Any luUiriuitiunt utn tu ut- jwt wiU bft Pi.wiiu.iy turn -U d b) . bnnth O.itl.ON NATIONAL UCAKD. nE ipQCAKTEllS T.,IltI) liEOIMKNf or lNFANTltY Tut to. (iv...yVT ) ' "" k.' 2. r Tarirel sc..riiii; sliwtn wi'l In- rtimil.l to in. ln" o.iiiiiiii... r fro'ii re'i. !: !. Uil liwid.) mrt-ri. "" ' ".j1' j-taruii.!i.Hl ill,iirei-,.lufhi. n uriti.t iirartice will b. allowed in this nui- m lit, mil an miperiutoi u.d Ul.d ill ct.urne ut a co'nmisaioneil .itbt'er. Tlieatubof aach score sheet will be 611ed nut with the man's at-iire and forwarded at on.'e u reKiiuentul inspector of rifle practice. I has. Mougas, t'olouel. ELEVATIONS OF THE JOHN DAY WAUON KOAD. Knirineer D. W. Kinnaird furnishes the G.lZKTTK with the elevations above sea level, and distances from Heppner. as obtained on survey of John Day wftKon read: Locution. Miles. Klev'n. Heppner 0 1IM6 feet Hhea Creek 11 lfljrt " Dairyville 2ll Si 6 " Tall limk 211 .'1 " Parker's nill ::n anil " Summit Blue Mountains 8:!1', S5I5 " Litl la Wall Creek 4tn, im " Sinn in it between Wall Creeks 12 3n'i0 " Hi Wa IfCreek 45 'il " Huuoliit John lluj Hill 61 3U1H " John Day ltiver Wi 20;b " Monument 5S aflO " OCCASIONAL FAINTNESS. Db. Flint's Remedi, taken when ver tigo, occasional f.iin'ness. uansea. loss of appetite and inability to sleep appear, will prevent the development of infiiim niation of the brain, of which these tire the first symptoms. Descriptive treatise wilh each bottle; or, address Mack Drag Co., N. Y. Report or Libkhty School. Mrs. C M. Shields sends in a report of her term's work which we w ould gladly publish in full had we the s .ace. t?he has five names on the roil of honor : Pollieau Nelbe Vaughn, Walter Gay, Johu and Lon Young. Arthur Gay and Joe Young were uot absent a day during the term, and ere tardy but once. The (Tups ar i falling shoH i:i Harnei v-illev or what has been estimated, in cons .quiMice of the extremely dr.) season. However, iu some locations the yield w ill b - tpiite lie.ivy. Assi.,u as the far mers t dee to s .wing t aeir .-rani iu the f.di, they wnl lie rewarded . ith good mops ev-ry year. Tne present, season has demons! rated the fact that fall sow ing is what is req tired. Consumption Sckely Cored. To the etlitor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely nse thou sands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to scud two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will seud their express and post ullice address, T. A. SLOOUH, M. 0. 181 Pearl St., New York. N. Y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned has beeD appointed administrator of the estate of Moses Cantwell. All claims against the Cant well estate must be made out in hill form, sworn to before an officer qualified to administer the same, and banded in by December 27, 1889. All accounts and notes due said estate must also be settled by that time. J. S. YOUNG, Administrator. Heppner, Or., June 27, 1889. 5t I'NIVKHSITY OK ORKGON. Ktusene Pity. Next session begins on Monday, the 16th of So tember, 1889. Free scholarship from every county in the stale. Apply to vour oounty super intendent, Free tuition after J unitary 1, 1890. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Literary aud a short English Course iu which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The English is pre eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or oiher information, address J. W. JOHNSON. President. STRAY NORSK TAKEN IT. A five jeii"-old bay hor'e, white hind feel, strip iu f n-e. branded HC cm nected, on th left shoulder and TI' connect'-d, ou the leTt stifle. The owner of of t ic sa:ne will find properh at my ranch at the forks of Sm.l Hollow A E. Powell, 3t Heppner, Or. New Management. Lee Sam has pur ahaned the May street laundry, and de sires to inform the punlic that he pro poses to do good work at very low prices. He is not. responsible for any of Ouong Gee's debts, aud those to w hom he is in debted must expect cash from the old management. 4t TAILORING. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from $7 to $15 best goods in the market. A. Adbahamsiok. Fob Sale I have a lot of farm ma chinery, for sale oheap, consisting of horse power and separator, fanning mill, gang plows and other things too numer ous to mention. Those wishing to pur chase will call at my office in Heppner. G. W. Kea. Ice! Ice! H. McFarland. of Lexing ton, will deliver ioe daily iu Heppner during the summer months. Contract for the amount you desire, by wrjiimj to him at an snrly date. The prioe will be 2 cants per B). delivered. STRAYED. One roan, four-year-old inare, branded W B connected, on the left shoulder, one brown, three-year old gelding, same brand. Four colts, in color two hays; a bmwn and a buckskin. I will give $5 reward (r head for their delivery at .1. M. Shelton's ranch, near Alpine, or a reasonable reward for information 'eft at llie Gazettk ..flice, or at .1. M. Slielton's ranch, leading to the'r rec verv. WHITITER BROS. '27-33 Diewy ,Or. ABOl'T OUKOON. Tho hiBtory of our country has been oalled the Bible of American Citizen ship. If this be true, anil no one denies it. then the History of Oreynn, by Hubert Howe Bancroft, should be placed benide the Bible nil every family altar in Oregon anil throughout the whole United Stated !.', ,i n,i,., i,, ,,i;. all that in most sacred to our people in a political and materia! way the several migrations; saving the country f the United States, organization of iovern ment and society; early trials and vicis- sitndes, and later grand development. It is safe to say that no one individual has ever done a greater wort ior Oregon ; and for the whole American people than : Mr. Bancroft. Visiting in person several times during the progress of his vast work the several countries he wrots abont, he saved from absolute oblivion sn immense mass of invaluable material taken from the months of the foremost men. He also rsusHc'ted the world for: early data. He then in a most conscien- j tions and erudite manner arranged his material and wrote his inoomparsl.le his tory. In such noble effort as this he has 1 spent bis life aud over a million dollafs iu money. ' grand benefaction like this deserves : hearty sympathy and support. Li t ns niit prove ungrateful, but show that we ; 0n Hppreciate such work. Trior to the Pnblication of the second voume-of : OrrgDH. .Mr. Bancroft s vrorkscould only ; 1 lie proonreil in complete sets of 3.1 Vnls. Tbig prpvLMitcd manv Intm Lnrchainii' ired t Jo i. In H'nwr t iiinumer- , . . -niiH-t4 th I uf.rj fttiMi n n llt.UA UK. of fee:! nt Gel rash irises H 'unii.T feed vard Spray's Job printing at Pendleton prices' at the a V'.Brrc. filiee. A'h'..e line- oi yoU pd'n, pn'.is. etc., at E. J. Sl-H'iim's drug si. ire AH kinds of job w..r. tlone in the Ga zette Otliee nt Pendletoli prices. (VO'iti Ai MeKnrbind will deliver coods to any part of Heppner. free of charge J Jllanks for assessing school districts can be hail at Gazette ottice. Rasmus, the dentist, will till teeth, or extract the same in a scicntitio maimer. J. B. Spiny has second-hand grain sacks for sale good as new. Call at mill. The S ding, Morgan and Russell but ter at W. (J. Minor's. None better in the n.arket. The Heppner gallery is the place to have your photo taken. Doi 't forgot it. Theodore Danner, proprietor. Gudii & Ruark, horse shoers; horses shod with new shoes all roil nil after date for 31.5J per head. The Osbnrn mower is considered to be the best mower in nse for light draft and durability. C. S. VanDuyn, agent. Leezer & Thompson have recently addetl to their larire stock of hardware tinware, etc., a full line of groceries anil provisions. Gilliam & Coffee have on hand a com plete stock of harvesting machinery, oonsisting of mowers, rakes, combined and single reapers, hay rakes, etc. Plenty rtf mill feed and Hour on band at Sperrv's Roller .Mills. Flnnr in tive birrel lots, $3.75; simile barrel, t-i 0,). Spray w ill feed horses, cows and don keys for the following prices: Hay per day, 3 bits; single feed, hay or grain, 123 cents per head. During the harvesting season, every rancher must have machine oil for his mower or Header, The p I a to to get the best is at Johnston & Sloan's. Huberts & bimons are prepareu Jo re pair brokeu acrieullural inacl.inery7hoe your horse, aud in fact there is uotloVig in the hlncksuiithing line Unit lot able to .hi. Go t.. A. T) .Minoii A Co'-. Store for o r machine oils. 1 .11 kintlsai .iieveiy lowest piic. .- o il ( losaw-mills and threshoi: Hi- 'i'y Dine ;ev Lac s for quantities. ii uns-.Ker and Long having enl.irged their livery stable, opposite Natter'-Ui-ewerc. are now heller prepared to no. commodate the public than ever, slock left in their care will receive best of attention. Agricultural machinery should be Ail the the best. A break-down in a busy time is often the result experienced by those who fail to use good judgment in pur chasing. The "Champion" mowers and reap"rs are made of the best ma terial, light-running anil do the best of work. These features should not be overlooked by the rancher. For sale by Cotlin & McFarland, Heppner and Ar lington. To all whom it raav ennoern : You are hereby notifiel that if yon purchase bird oages, without first inspect ing the complete lint) of cages just re ceived by Leezer & Thompson, you nre liable to get left. They have also a new lot of spring perches, I aril cage springs, seed cups aud bird baths. Don't fail to call and see them when wanting any thing in that line. The war on Indian creek between sheepmen aud settlers still ornithines. Last week a oamp-tender entertained a would-be incendiary with a few shots from a Winchester. Tho boys have all been notified to move on, but will hold down tho range on Indian creek as long as grass remains irood. There ia serious trouble brewing over there. Police commissioner Joe Simon, ma nipulator of Portland's republican right wing, proposes to hold the odiee of police commissioner against his suc cessor, Mr. Everding, till ousted by the courts. CHAIiu'lvS, One dollar per ton pays for weighing, storage and forwardinu wool from the warehouse nt Heppner, within thirty daye fr ml date of delivery. For each month, or pint of a month, after the fiit thirty days, one dollar pel ton additional wili be charged. Wool is uninsme I unless specially or derot! in wr ting by tho ow ner. Gi ailing nnd baling forty cents per hundred pounds. T. E. Fell. Manager. ALL FOR i H E PL'liLIC GOOD. It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains ttiat are now run on the American conliaent ate those on the "Burlington Koi'Th," leaving the Union Depot, in Denver, also St. Paul, immediately on arrival of all through trains from the wesl. The first and second class coaches ate magnifi cent, the Reclining chair cars superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, aud as for the meals that ate served in those Palaco Burlington timing cars - ynm-ynni. The next time you go cast, to Kansas City.Chicngo or Si. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that you want yeur ticket to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will ul ways he glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacific the elegant vestibule trains ; of "The Burlington Route," between St. Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry you nlon., the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 350 ' miles, amidst scenery that cannot be surpass ed; or, if you go via the Oregou Short Line or Souther. i Paci tic, and your ticket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, y.u will pass through all the thriving cities and towns locatetl in what is popularly known as the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland, Oregon. PRACTICAL POIN'TH. Every inhabitant of Tj.'ird valley iimch ! ei her "8H," "II. & .'h rrivale Htoek," or "X. T. C' lirituU of celcln ite I Miiac- I CoH II lilal-klllall it Co lilivaya have on hand a lai'L'e stock of these noodi for i wholesale and retail trade. j It is a novel i !ea ti hate hire II .or i when carpet cot tie pii'-eliaiel ij I!.! lii .ckin in & Co.'e at. mien a I i.v ti :;u'". i ''A eeiitleinaii kIi-hiII have a lieu, hhli-di Ind to complete hi c nt uoie," j H.d.l .Mr-. (I dlaih.-r to her loi-h in. I tin' ; I ntlier ,l,,v 'Mini I want voil lo io ritrhl I down to H. Blackmail & Oo.'h and net : one. They nlwiirn have the neatest, cheapest and best." Poor link in); ponder ia in the market, and it niak n the t;ood hoimcwifo talk foreiKii linno. .She Hlioiild alwaya liny j the celebrated ''Coinlell Bi;r Can" link ' Hi! po.Mler at 1 1. isi.icKiaau Lh. h, h ounces, at, the low price ol an cent mi can. , aiid-m'i'-mire"!1 "" "' "'" c ' i . r i .! fSiockiiien s supolii s in an v quantity i and at pi ices as loiv as tho lowest at II I Blackui iu k Co j Thi lyde of Hiipinier" refers to Hit spring-bottom, tailor-made - the only! stylish denim pants in the market. Ihey are made expressly for II. Blackman & Tl.c v-rj I-aWt H yls j: t nf!(ii-l from Portland and and l:rancico AT Mrs. Warren's Faf hionalile Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Store. Thankful for the generous libera and good will of the people of llep and vieiiiPv in Hie past, we cor li II v ! solicit the ir patrmiuge in the fntur -. U.vsnoM UY IIIIIVIil!YI 11 iM JllUlJhlljlll i . i SSSS-i WHOLESALE , Iron, Steel a SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHIUCTON AUD CORTHEF.II IDAH3 F:R THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Those Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only narvostins Machines that wm give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Tlircahlns and Cleaning Oram eve- constructed. BUCKEYE STEi frame t w INE-BIDERS. Vv.jf?Thfi Fa.t,,re t.l,at l'5tlnsnhhcs this Twine-Hinder la the LislitnfM of Draft, ionibinc.1 with it txtnOBllMr,- Mretwth and Durability. Tho Binder is ol tho A-plchv pattern, tho on'v really raccettnl J c y", t'. 8tvlc"' thc Elevator Hinder and the Platfana Einder-boih exoillciit-both recommended by hundreds of patrons. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS rtiifcK-B0ARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORDIV DISC HARROWS, H0D3ES-IIAINES HEADERS, HAISII DARD WIRE. (Sr.ND; FOn CinCULAR V . w. AiiiSOK, Ao - To Paint A House Neatly Bequires ail Artist with t lie Brush. RIDER & KERNS Can do that kiud of a job. They also make a specialty of Sign feinting, Paper Hanging and Decorating. Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's & Cc.'s drug Btoro, cor. May and Main sts. 'Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required. Shop Opposite Gazette Olh'ce, " Heppner, Oregon V. E. MKACH, President. WM. McFAMj, Vice President. Pacific Fire 9 wra.GiiiiTa-TSiT Portland, Captnl Stock, SOO.OOO. O. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon. HEPPXEK, OIIKGON. BEST HOUSE IN the Clean, well kept rooms and the Table sup plied with ihe best in the market Main street, opposite Natiolial Bank of Heppner Feed Yard! FEED FEED FEED WOOD WOOD WOOD The above in nil for sale nt ihe rutes. Lower Muiu Street. LUMHEK! W, G. Willow Creek Saw-Mill ' Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of UN DUI'-SSKD LUMBER; also PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWKI) SHAKES! Mill Located at the Head of Willow Creek, 111 miles above IIepiner.3 JOSKrU COOK, WM!. CUMNdlfAME, W. ff. YOUXO. LIVE gT06I flXGOTGE -A X I) - Boarding Stables. J. Ihh Company have leaned the gionnd ou VUni, Oreoii, for the purpose of shipping 11 " Driving, Ruling and 1 earn I lorses, I7ull blood- 1 T "X 1 ITT t 1 i CU UraULTIU .'111(1 u L.SO S II 'KK I J Commodious barns are in Ibecmirsoof ooiistruction. and the Coni.any is fully expecting to have everything in readiness for opening their premises the first week in May. Tin-Strictest Attention w ill he paid to slock under their charge, aud consignors may rely on highest ; A Weekly Public Sale will he held every Sat ' urtlay and from the central position of ; the sale yard ought to he largely at tended by the public. j The Company have on hand at present Three Imported Clydesdale and Percheron Stallions Tor sals 3 ;r::i?, FOjTLAtD, . DCAI.CR3 IN aud Fara laclilnery. Eooro Plows, Dcoro Sulky Plows, I Carriages, Thstons, To? BusTies, tiivri ft 'M.J' ulS!(Si enr, Oregon. ppner, W. P. HltOWNTON. Secretary Insurance Co. street. Ol'00,011. TIIE CITY. Heppner W. IT CONAUD, Prop. LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER II eji inoi- Feed Yfinl ut reuwmuble J. J SPUAY, I'rop. LUM1JKU! n f -SIlL..! ft le-' ! MV VM V 1 ."I 1 Me SCOTT'S A and between Fourth and Fifth streets carrying on the busiues, of boarding, and sale of llaCKnCV OtalllOnS. J ' A. X DCA'IT 11. or trexb for stoek. 776. 1889. It Is An ACKNOWLEDGED PACT wZ?J3jJrJF H. BLACKMAN & CO Have The B.-st Arraiipd Stock Of In Uoppuer. You Come In To Celebrate The Fourth, ill 11 PIONEER BRICK, IIEPI'XER, - - ... OREGON. Oils! Oils!! Oils!!! All Kinds of Oils for Threshers, Headers and all harvesting Machinery. Greatest Vurietyt BestOuality, Lowest Prices. Come and See Them at Till CITY DRUG STOHB, A. D. Johnson & Co. W. J. LEEZF.H LEEZER & A Specially ! ! PUMPS And l'ijtin always on Hand. MAIS HTIiKK'l, v ) n ?vc' Liiul)rjli:iiiio ;Phr;iin TiiuvipA feniifAiv'iPfl i -rri o 1 1 iui a 11 11 1 t IrPAOAPlf U Ull I mat. rviciiTJjvriiviv, DKALF.K IS BOOTS and SHOES Opposite Hotel, V. W. HOHNER. GEO. NOBLE. DEALERS IN HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. THE CELEBRATED Heppner Saddles! Cuuutuntly P. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON DEALERS IN . J I 111 Hllllj R 1 U li I tv ll 111 Vj Wood nnd Willow Ware, Bird Cngi'H, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of on rAiuanliAnAmr I (I Ull Ill Kt llllll V'UlllVVUVtlVI t HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner, Oregon. ou uautU till I I-1! I II II I M i 1 I