THE GAZETTE. HEPPNEK, THURSDAY, July 4, '89. HEPPNER A GREAT DISTRIBU TING POINT. In speaking of settlement and emigra tion of Central and Southern Gilliam anil Morrow eonnties, the Fossil Jour nal sn;s : We saw a great mnny new-oomers in town this week. One of them, Mr. Wasbbond got off at the end of the Heppner Branch, and will settle near Corncob. If the General Passen ger Agent of the Union Pacific at Oma ha, Mr. E. L. Lomax, would in his cir cular to agents at virious Eastern cities, instruct them to inform passengers who are going to locate in Oregon that Cen tral and Southern Gilliam and Morrow oouties offer good advantages to them, and mention Heppner as a distributing point, it wonld be a feather in Hepp ner's cap and ours, and would doubtless be a boon to many b person in the east who desires to move to the Paciflo Slope for health or profit, or both. In this way, the new comer would only stop on the Columbia where there is so much sand and uninviting scenery to disgust him and make him turn back only a few hours. By this means also the notice would be mors far-reachiug than any system of advertising we could possibly devise. The Union Paoific needs just such a field to distribute their home seeking passengers for Oregon, and Wb can assure them that they need not regret having oome over that road, ns their accommodations are as much superior to the Northern Pacific as one could imagine. We speakj from personal' ex perience, having travelled over both roads within the past month. What do you say, Heppner? What do you say, Mr. liomni? Can't wo work togother? THE FOURTH. Heppner oomes to the front with n large program and acres of fun a large attendenoe from Morrow and adjoining seotions expected. Every effort is being made to have the biggest fourth of July celebration in Heppner to-morrow iu the documenta ry, traditional and Injun history of the Heppuer hills. Much money has been subscribed and is being judiciously ex pended to render it a very enjoyublo oocasiou to all. By reading the pro gram, published elsewhere, it will be seen that the fun will begin early and bangs ou long enough to give all an opportunity to feol patriotic. The whole of Eastern Oregon is invit ed to come lo Heppner on the fourth. It may not be possible for all to oome, yet the invitation remains in full force just the same. Lexington, our neighbor holow, has decided not to celebrate this year in order to give us an opportunity to do our best. They will all be hero to help us, inoluding Co. D, 3rd ltcgt. 0. N. G. The parade is au important and inter esting feature in any fourth of July cel ebration. The road to the grove will be in good condition and every vehicle and individual is anked to form in the pro cession in front of the Odd Fellows' temple at lOo'olock a. m. Don't string out to the grove two hours before the exer cises begin, but fall in and help to make our parade a grand success. STANDING IN VUli OWN LIGHT. This sheet is compelled to say that Heppner is not making much progress in the matter of lire protection. It should be plain to nil thnt wn have paid the insurance companion for fire appara tus, hose, water works, etc., which we have never received, and the outlook is that we will buy another oulfit in ex cessive iusurauce and then burn up with nothing to proteot ourselves. It iu certainly a duty that we owe to onrsolvcs to go to work as oitizens with a will to accomplish something iu the matter of fire protection. To put it off year after year, moans disaster in tho end. It does stem positively unnecessary to reiterate plain and conclusive fuots to sensible, thinking people. Heppner's great conflagration will come in time, and a large majority of our population will then find time to oonsider what might have been. UKPPNKR AND JIONUSIKNT ROAD. PjononiilM fur tlit Grading nnil CompletUm or the John I)y Wagon Knau from Hripucr, Morrow County, to Muminiriit, (Jrimt County. Omci OF BliPKUINTKNDKNT, ) Hkpi-neh, Ok., June IB, 1880. ( Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 2 p. in. on July o. at which time they will be opened. Each proposal must be accompanied bv a check or bund or other good and sufficient guarantee in the sum of one thousMod dollars ($l,0ufl) that the bidder will, within ten days after being notified of the acceptance of his proposal, outer into a contract with the coinmiHsinners of the John Day Wagon Itond with the necessary bond sureties f"r the faithful performance of the work therein Iiaini'd. Forms, specifications and other infor mat ion can be obtained nt the oflioe of the superintendent. Bids will be received for the whole work, or for Buy portion not less than five miles. AFPOXIMATK ESTIMATE OF QtlA.VHTIKS. Ot. VdH. Solid Rook (Si HI Loose Rork J.o'KI1 Cement Gravel 1,5 Kli Earth !t:t,(V.w Sawed timber in structures complete, 2,000 feet, B. M.; Logs in Btruuhire, 4,000 lineal feet; clearing and grulihing, 10 acres. The right is reserved to reject any c all bids and waive defects. E. O. SpiiuiT, Chairman Board of Com, REAL EMATE TEANSFHiS. Preston Looney and wife to Henry Patburg, 40 acres, $200. Edwin A. Whittier to Cyrus Leydo, 160 acres, 81600. United States to Geo. Lutrell, loO acres. Uuited States to Jos. Hughes, 1C0 aores. J. B. Sperry to Baptist thumb, two lots in Heppner, $900. United States to Jaa. D. Davis, 160 acres, (200. Jaa. D.Davis to J. T. and C. S. Kirk, 160 aores, 8500. j United States to Wm, H. Benefijl, 100 ores. State of Oregon to Henry Padherg, 160 acres, (320. An nunoe of prevention is better then nnnnd (if Aura 1 nn.lap'u n,u,., n Blood Purifier expels all inipuritie of n Diooa ana snouio be used in all iiit s'i ot the stomach, liver and kidueys. COMPOUND ktractX m The Importance ot purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without piue blood yon cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's Donlior S.-irsaparilla. It strengthens rcCUIlai ami huilds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies used give to Hoods Sarsaparilla pecul- -y Ifeolf lar curative powers. Ko ' lld other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. It you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Ilood's Snrsaparllla Is sold by all drugjrlsts. Prepared by C. I. llood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar A GREAT IthUKDV. The Binohemio Remedies that hnve made such wonderful cures, are now for sale at our drug stores. Any one de sirous of learning about these medicines can do so by onllingonourdrnggists and getting pamphlet on "Nev Treatment of Disease." Bioehemio medicine nets in harmony with nature's laws and heals the sick or rebuilds wasted tiHsue in chronic oases, on the same principle that a tree is nourished and sustained in order to produce a new twig or branch that may have heen broken. Disease menus a lack of a oertnin principle ut the plnce affected. lii H.herui-iti-y supplies that lack. :t-5"23 To Consumptives. Tho undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for several years with n severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known t his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To thoso who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure oure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Hkv Edwahd A. Wilson, Wil liamshnrg, King's count v, New York. MARKET REPORT. riAiHY riiODUfvrs. Butter, gill-edged, 2D to 23 cents. KOl9. Eggs are very scaroe. Wanted at 20c. VKOETAIILE8. New potatoes, 2 to 3 cents per lb. Old Potatoes, 1 ceut per lb and scaroe. rom.THY. Chickens, $'i to Hi pordozen, according to size. woor,. Sevnral eood sales have heen mnde during the piiHt week at 15 cents per pound. Tins is the prion (or average fleeces of E intern Oregon. Wool prom ises to he a bettor price in a few weeks. FI.OL'B. There has been quite a decline in the Hour market within the past live weeks. Sperry's best grade of Heppner Hour, 5 bbt, 81175 per bbl i retail, 5J4.0O. Wailsburg Peerless iluiir, 84 25 in any quantity. I.IVU HTOOK. Good beef out tie, 2 to 2' j conls per pound; mutton, $2 per heail. PltKHII MKATS. Loin steak, retail, l.r cents per pound; round steak. 12! cents; roasts, 10 cents; boiling, 5 to H cents. Mutton, Vl coiiIh, liest quality. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Oflioo, Latinnulo, Or., June lit, '89. NoticuiH liereliy iriven dial (lie hillowinu-iiMiuMl Moltlur Iihh tiled noljco of liU intention lo iiitiki hioil onof in minimrf of Iiih i'Ihiiii. hiii! iliat Hied troof will lie nuido hf ro lliu ooiiuty olerk of Morrow count j', ut lleepner, llteaciu, on Au Koat 10, 1 hill, viz: John S. Chilly, Dm. No. RIM. forthlol2. 9 A ( ft HW4 NEV4 v8. Tp.SH, K.JH K. W. M. IU niniiM tUu foltoini witii'j 'f f i :mvB hiHooiitiiiuiiiis roaiilenee upon, tun! cultivation of. wild lie d, viz: 11. W. Molliiwip. v. . Oiitr.lh, ,1. H. l.lliott, Pun Itiipinw. ad of II -i j ii"r, lit'. Any iMirHiui who ilibiiH to iirntiM iiiraiiiHt tho nllowiua'M of mii'h primf, or who knows ot any milmiHiitiul reason, motor (lie lnwiuiil the roguln- tioimol Hit! Interior I '..purl nii'iu, wnyHiieli proof Hhould mil lie iillowi il, will bi Kiveu an otiporlii iiitynttluj iibovi-iiiiiitien(Ml lime m il pliieu to croHK-exiuiiiiiii tlie wiiiii.'sif elm mati t and to otfnr evidence in r.djHluil of d::il Mil'.nitu-d by ClHillllUlt. lUsnv lilNr.u vuf, I!"i:if-ler. NOTIC'K OK CONTl-Xf. Jnnd Ollii-o ut Thv lalU., Or, .him l.p., CoiiH'luinl hu1 inn Ivt'ii yiut'iril m tlnj nlHou by 'I'licndnrt' IVx KKUtiirtl Kdwui.l IhnUit. lw uhiui donitiK liin linliifylci'd tn( i y ,N. 'i li;t. i No Vf.'ir.h.T l.i lfS, up n Umii'j Ni'-i'iis NW Htit- IX Tp 4 8. It K, in Mornnv I'-mntv, Or, with n view in liit ciiMn-lltiitit'i o' i- iid ivili v, thu wiid lnuliwure hpr.'hy rimmmmt i to nppfrir at Umh nilli-H on tho 'Mh iliiynf Amum(. ifiy, at 1 o'l'lot'k p ni. lo rt'Mpiuul mul fiu ninli lest: iinony coiiccniiiiu; Ntiil fillt l ;ilni..ititMiii'nt. Thti counf y cl'ilt f Morrow county, Or in nut liomt'tl to tuko tcHtinmny in 1 hit caw nt JIt,iMm,r, t r. on July 'J?, IfcMt, ftt IK o'clock h m. V A MtiiJoNAi.n, Kt'Kistnr, T W HtffiUP.K. Ki'iH'ivor. NOTICE OK INTENTION. IaihI OfMc fit Tho Pallia. Or., Juno u, No' w in lit'rt'hy ri vt'ii (tint I tin f(lli)wniK-iiHmid t t ltr Im" ti l h1 notion of Iiih inhmtinu to coin mule muliH tintil proof in mipport of Iiih clHiin, nnil tlmt Hii( proof will tut iiiikIk bofon tln (MHinty juiU"' ( Morrow oniiniy, nt Utippnor, Or., ou AuKUft 11, ISMt VIi: llcurit '. J.efem lh aU. for the NS SV 1 4 HVlj MK 8i'C It. NWi NK' Moo Shi. TpOS, It'AK. Ho rut ii flio followttitt witiii'fiOH to prove hl continuous nmditnce upun, iind uultivatiuu uf, nid liuul, viz: Frank A Hwfwnwy. Otlvin I Hwonvy, of Ar linton, (r, i hurled W Miller, ut Fohi1, Or, KiiKtMift K Hmith, of ljttuo Uork. Any HrmHi who dtwinw fo protont RHiilnnf the aUowunctt of Htioh proof, or who known of tmy rttiiMon, ui)dtr tho luw anil tlie r-'Kiilii-tion of tht iutt-rtur lKp irtiniit, why huc.Ii proof should not htMilloWiid. will tmi(ivMti hii oitporttl nity Ht tint iiltovo nnintiotiwl tim. nm plniv to ontHt tininii)H the witiitwiwtf hhh! flninwtiit , And to ifffcr wvidonctMii rebuttal of that sub mitt ml by fiiniumnt. WWl F. A. Mt'DoNii.n. Hi'iiisfpr. The Coic'ratcd French Cure, Wnrrntl U ft DLI PfiniTI M F" or A ni iinvwninu rciuiuKxi, U SOU) ON K POSITIVE GUARANTEE to ciirv any fonti of uenoui diicas, or miy OiMuilor of (lie Btf ORE OMicrntive oi- AFTER fau id cither m- wlietbcr rlvihf I ruin th urrtihtiucoftiiniilAiiii, 'loUri-o or Opium, ortlirougli joutbtul ludiwietion, ovr luduli tttic, ilc, u h l.ou of Dmtii Powtr, Wakeful uni, Hon ii tig dowii rinalu tlie Bark, Serniim) 'eakiivn, Uyitet ia. Ncrvoua I'roHtiatlou Noottirn ftl Kmiwlou , IU('urrlitra, bliiiueM, Weak Mem, Or) , Jxtttof power and ltn)K)ttnrr. which If ne flei'tiil olltu kad to prematureuldaeeaiiil Immii UT- I'rleo 11.00 a box, 6 boio tor K 00 Svut by j mall ou receipt of price. i A IV It ITT SCX CV Alt ANTKE for ti Vary 15 00 I onler. In rofuud tha mmiAV If a l'riUBitcul ' core li uot effected. Thouun.Ii of tetlmouiali from old aud youug. ot both uxee, rtermaneutly i ircdbr apiiiioditi!. Circular free. AUdrsae THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WISTKKM BRANCa. BOX 27 PORTLAND. OR 8 M by A. D J)linfluu& C- PiUj;- tutui 1889. CHIAMD" FOURTH OF JULY Heppner, Oregon. MAGNIFICENT prnmniT & ems pjuudei Biggest in the History of the County. The Day Will Be Ushered In by the Firing of Cannons. Offlocria o the Iy. I i it it ni i smeiiL - - hod. iienry DiacKinan s. - L L Matlock and Olis Patterson Orator, Hon. J. N. Brown Reader, .... lion. Frank Kellogg Chaplain. - - - - llcv. G. E. Prank ORDER OF EXERCISES: Procession will form nt 10 o'clock A. M., sharp, resting iu front of Odd Fellows' Temple, Headed b; Jfepjnei' Cornet Bund, 0. X. (L, Liberti Car, Citizens in Car riages, Citizens on Horseback. ATTIIK CHtOVE: 1. Mubic by Heppner Cornet Bund; 2. Prayer y Chaplain; 3. Singing by Olee Club; i. Keudinnof Deolarntionof Inde pendence by Hon. Frank Kellogg; 5 Muxio by Band; 0. Orutinn by Hon. J. N. Ilrowu ; Mann bv Glee Club; lIiiHieby Banil. DINNER! Programme of Sports: 1. Shontinif Tournament between Com panies O. N. O.; Prize, $ 10.00. 2. 81ov iMuleHiioe; Prize, $;. 00. 3. Haokrnee; Prize, S5.U0. 4 Fat Man's race; Prize, Ki.lK). 5. ("atcliintf tlie Orenned IMkj Prize, JfflOU. (1. Vheell):irrow raoe; Prize, 8.rJ 00. 7. Match (iame of Uaae Bull between Arliuttin and Heppner Nines, liaby Hliow; tlie best (lremioil baby under 1 year, prize, $10.00; tlie bent looking baby under 1 year, prize, $10.00. All prizes to bo awarded by competent judges chosen for tbe ooea- BIDII. Druid E Cos., 3rd llf$. 0. .V. G., hare iitvUcd A B and C Cos., same lleg. to part id pate in the Celebration. GRAND DISPLAY OF Fire Works! Tho Heppner Hills will be nblaze with Fire works from 7 I to 9 p. m. Ttifl com mitt op on Fire work will diHplny the I folliiwiuu iiiuuniliceiit itNHtrtmtiit of Fancy t'olored Itockoti anil Kxhibitiou l'incen, which aliould im wtrt h a ti lp of 6J miles to wit unset: The I lb. dockets will HHcend over l.tU) feet, KiviiiK (lilierent brilliantehihitions uf tnc latent noToltiuH. Our Kxhibitiou lJieci'H- HattentH, W Iu'i'Ih, etc., are hII of InrR ttifco inni will b.i lixtnl in regular oitUr, tint vluU display latinu uhout two hotirn, t'oiue (( Heppner on tho 4th or you will misa a Gmnd t'elohralion. IJ AhuI. -lloultn" ltorktri, 1 and 4 Urn. each. tl l-KBt. "Uomb " HncketH, 1:11m. cacii. 8 " C'ulitj'fd I'aiiichutc" Kocketc, 4 lbc acli. a ' Colored each. D " Colored "Fxiubitioii" Hockets, 4 lbn. 'Twin Aneroid" Itocketn, 4 ltH, each. 2 " t'oloiod ''Wjltow Tr " UocketH, 4 llts. earn. 'A " Colored "Citrnictipia'' It oki'ta, 4 lbs. earn. V " Colored "llarlniuiniidu" ltockelH, -i Hh. tmoli. liKjttra lurK'O "I'leiailett11 ltn'k'La. 6 Hh. each. il " releHcope" KepeatinK liock- cl. tl Itw. eacti. t-i Ithl. Est. le. lJ-H:ill Itotnau Cnudles, finest Pol urn. Uhl Ext. Ik". Bilalt Homan Candles, fluent colorn, U i.firt. Kixe UeiiKal LiwhU. at'olort'il UoN-'tic Wh.H'ltt. 2 " I hiiia i'lyerH. '1 " VeMical Whit'lc. 't " ltouhlc IVianple WheoW. Il " "tJeyner 'tevoiverH." 11 " "Floral" Fountains. a " ' I'nMinatie1' FonntaiuH. 12 " "Hauei-Hon Batteries." 'J " "lUtlerit-H of Cuionii Stars." ' " "Floral lland Htitiiu." f " "FlyinK 1'iueous." 1 " "t liapht of ItiMies." I " "t 'hiiieMe Fan." I " "lrie Cam'iide." 1 " "51 'iicau Jel," 1 HiiHrklinir raphe. 2 Mouilor ItatlnrieK. 2 Mines of Herpents, 1 Silver Olory. 1 1'olka listtery. 1 Oailmtf l.aliery. Phio-Uolies! ft' v.. I 1 WM. RUARK, Guano Plug Uoly. Grand Ball ! In tho Evening, Come l: ci jboily and Celebrate Our Natal Pay. All arc invited to bring Baskets well filled. By order of Com. 1776. Gelebra NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offieo at La Grande. Or., Jon 12. 'fS. Nutter im iiartfbj iveu that tli6 foLowim? nauwtl setUer iia filed notice of his intnition to make final prtxf in Rupert of hi rlpim. ard that said priMif will be made before th coiinly rlerlc of Morrnw conuty, nt Heppner, Or., on July Zl, IViV. viz: John Zollinger, -Ha No 8 1 65, for the W H N W 4 NK1 NW'i & N W H NK'4 Sec 4, Tp 8 8. ii 27 E W ,U. He names the fol lowing witnemoe to prove his eontinuouH residence upon and cultivation of. mud Itnd, vu: 1) K Jane. IIariinon Hale, Dan Stnlter. John Hill, all -f ll-ppner, O-ori. Any perin who dnire to prott-et aaint the allowance of such proof, or who knowrt of any mihritnntial reason, under the law and the rHula tioiiB of the InUiritr Dftiartinent. why such prfwf should not bo allowed, will le tiiveu an opportu nity at the above-mentioned time and place to croKH-examine the witnewee -f uid clnimant and to offer evidence iu rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 85Mi-3i Henry Kinxhart. Reffiater NOTICE OF INTENTION. lAiid ( )llice at The Dallea Or. . Jane 6. NoticH ih hereby i veil that l he folhiwinK-aained settler ha tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that suid proof will bo made before the count judtee of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 2tt, ly, viz: Charles K. Kirk, Hd. Ildl fortheH'i SE!4 Hen. 9. and W'i NW'U Hec. Ut. Tp. 4 8.. H. 5 K. W. M. He name the follnwinir witnesHPB ta prove his continuous renidenee upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: I j. J. HiiHinT, Frank Gilliam Theodore Tex, David Bowman, all of Hppner, i r. Any oeiHori who doriireH to orotewf Hfaint the i i i I ! allowance of tmeh proof, or who knows of any siioHuiniiiu reason, miner trie law and the regu lation of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be tfiven an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 3".-3U F. A. McDonald. Kcxfotnr. NOTICE OF INTENTION I .and Of Pico at haUi-amle. Or. Juno r), '89. Notice is hereby Kiven that ttiofoMowmK-nauiod settler has tiled notice of his intontion to com uiuto and maketinnl r,roff in hu?irt of bis claim, and that mi id proof will b' fy'la before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on July 20, IrtSD. viz; Frank E. McCorkle, Ihl No. 3621, furthfi NW'i SWH E', HW'4 and 8W4 Hli Hec. Hi. Tp. :i 8., ft. E. . lie names the following wilne.-e to prort his continuous residence upon, und cultivation of, said land, viz: C. K. Cate, F. K. RliRrman. of L-na, Or.; J. S. (lindane, I). C. (iurdiino, of Kiiine, Or. Any pnrson who d;irtw to protuHt as.'r.iiift ths allowance of such proof, or wlio knows of any -ubstantial reason, wuinr thu law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof i-hould not be allowed, will be i;iven an opportu nity at the abovo montioned time and place to cross-examine the witnegwts of mh id claimant, and to offer evidence in rebutuil of that submitted by claimant. Henry Kinkiiuit. U'inter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Iiar.d (Mflco at TIir Dnlles. Or.. .1 line 10. 'HQ. Notice is hereby Kivftn that tho following named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in Hiipport of her claim, and that said proof will he made before the county judirft of Morrow County, at Hopp ner. Or., on July 30, 1R89, viz: Hachel Ifrtslcins, in do to of Dillon IIos- kirifti clerratied, Hd. omt forthn FS Sec. 10, SW'4 Sec. 11, and NW'n NW'd Hecli.Tp. fiH., U.2.r. E. W. l. She uauiea lliefollowiiuf witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, a;; J cultivation of, said land, viz: Albert Wriubt, James Dopuy, of Hfppner, Or.; Ham Meadows, 11. II. (iln.-inford, of Hard man, Or. Any person who desires to protest ajraiiHt tho allowance-of such proof, or who knows of any substau iai reason under the law and he regula tions of the Intsnor Department, why such proof ehouid not be allowed, will be given an ope poriumty at ttio unovo inent oned time and plant lo erctss-exntnine the witnesMes of said claiman and to offer evidence in rebuttal oT that submit, ted by claimant. K. A. McDonald, Resistor. NOTICK OF INTENTION. I.nnd OfHePiit Tim Dn!fw. Or.. Mhv 31, '89. Notice in lnTi'hy Riven thnt tho following named n(!t(Jnr Iihh tiled notice of hn intoniion to make fin ill proof in support of Iiih claim, and thnt unit) proof will be miule beforfl tho county judge of Morrow conuty, at iloppner, Or,, ou July la, viz: William Graham, Hd. 2ir,2. for the HKU NK Soc. 5. and S4 NWVi NW'i HWNiSoc. 4, Tp.4 8.,H. 25 K. He immnrt the followiiitf witiiHHPPS to prove hi contititioiirt n.'Hidt'iico upon, mid cultivutiou of, Hitfd land, viz: II. 1'. CiiMf, of Hnppnor, Or.; John Jenkins, Wih-y McHno, J. Jt Hi.ynmr, of Kiglit Mile. Any pi.TMon who di'.-tirea to protiwt tigainst the allowanco of miuh proof, or who known of ituy Muliritantial rcanon, under tho law and tho renu latioim of the Inlt'rior Depart inont. why miuh proof Hhould not lie allowrd, will be given an opportunity a ttie hkivi ,iiieniM.iytl tixu uniI plai'W lo rionh-extiniiif flic wilii'HhOS V'hihiI liumnnt, and to oiler evidenoo m rt bu.rnl of thnt Hiib-nitted by clainmnt. 8J1-2U F . A, McDonald, R.isNir. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IiandOHicOHtThe Dalles. Or., May HI, 1)9. Notice in hereby given thai the following named Hettlerhan tiled notice of hia intention to make tinal proof in Hiipport of hiw claim, and that HHid proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, nt Heppner, Or., on July is, 1HM(, viz: James J. MrGce, IM. H'l. for the Nli NK l4, Nee. 9, and Vf NW1, Wee. U), rJ p. ft 8.. U. K. He namoH t j ii following witnrsFewto prove liin continuouH reidonce upon, and cultivation of tiaid land, viz: Fred Foppen. J. A. Adams, K, II. DicvkeiiB, JameH HauiH, nil of llardinan, r. Any person who demres to protest nguinst tho allowance (f hucIi proof, or wliokuowwof any HubHiamint rentiou, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Denartment. wliv mich pi'oof shoulrl i't be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and plnce to croHs-examino the witnesses of paid claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that Kubmiltetl by claimant. V. A. McDonald. Iiegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I-Hiid OHU-eat I,a (Irande. Or., April 10, ' '. Notice is hereby given that the follow inir-tmittHd settler ban tiled ma-ice of his intention to make tinal prof in support of his claim, and that said nroof will be niatle before the couetv iinbre. or in hitmhsiincp before tlie county clerk of Mor row comity, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 8, ifwiu, viz: Ric'tarrf McClaran, Hd. No.22M.V for theN'i SKi SW. HKK Sec. Jit. and NV'v4 Sec. Tp. SH U. 27 K. nenatneB Hie following witnessea to prove his continuous residence unmi. and cultivation of. said land, viz: Will Wa hrii ire. E. C. Walk ntrs. K. V. Vmn. bell, W. M. Unsli, nil of Heppner, Oregon. Anv iterson wtio desires to irotct at'auist (he allowance of such proof, or who knows of any Hutwtuiittnl reason, under the law and the regain tioim of the interior department, why such proof ihould not be allowed, wilt be given an oruortu- mt at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of nid elauiinnt, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. ffi'H-'W HtMiy HiNLHAltT, fTpKistor. NOTICE OF INTENTION, I-jinJOIlU'C nt Tin Hullo Or.. .Inno 10, 'Ml. Notico is lioivhy uivnt tlutt Hut following; nntiit'U tMttUr Imt Ii1hI notioo of In intention to make titml pi'ntif in support of Ins elaii.i, hi! thin HHiil oriHf will be mailt before tht count v juitKrt of Alorrow countv, ut tlcpiuinr, Or., on July 30. IfloU, viz. John S. Ingraham, Hi. 2tkl9, fcr the HUVi Sec. k i'p. 8 6J..K24 E. W. M. l nnmo the followiiiK witnpsflps to prove bin HUM Ul UOUB rtMt(li'IlCtt UIMtli. -nt oaid IhiuI. viz: W. . Ilnmnon, J. ( . ItaypH, Kiohard Hobin ami. 1 HiiHC KtimhU'ii, ull of Kil:t Mih, tr. Any pentou who ititwnt to oro'ntn KHint the nllowHiuvof HiK'h proof or who knows of .tny rub stiiutml rtntH)ii, uiulor theUw amlt nKulatione of thfl Interior DepHitmont, why such proof ohould not U ailowttil, will bo tiivou an opportu nit at thi abovi iiK'itiomHl timo and plnce to eroM(Utsuinine the wilne-sixt of sanl cluununt, and to oft.T I'Tid.mctt iu rbuttU of that submit UhI by ctrtimant. B'JtS 81 F. A. MclONAI.P, ItEv1I8Tt Scrip W.xrKn. C. M. Mallory will ay the hik'ltt'st cah pritvs for scrip. I'luce of business, corner May and Chase 8t roots. We have ihe Exclusive Confpofof o i taut tc n cfrr a prlrt to ttll ttitt 6eot, for IU Wi BtST HOC. (wi Cm MM ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. H. BLACKMAN & GO,, HEPPNER, OREGON. i AKTIirR COFFIN, Arlington, Or. Coffin & j 1 leppner, .... Oregon. jDealsrsin General Merchandised Aricultural IMPlEMElSTTS. We edll Special Attention to our Elegant Assortment of Gents' Fine Clothing ! Now is the time to buy your 4th of Jnly Suit! 11111 Ml CLOTHING IS TAILOR W In the LarKeflt Enstern faotnrjeH find you can get a Perfect Fit lit a Fair Price. LADIES' AND GENTS' FINE SliOESOF ALLKINDS For Dancing and Street AVenr Ladies Silk and Lisle Hose Finest Styles, in the Ntnvest Sliaden, ulso a nice assortment of Li(bt "Weight Uurtenver, in Silk, Lisle Tbrcad aud Cotton. n ii i , i nn l in j ft m mi AwnrtmonT nt n tup rimimn i un iiouwi i ait ii l vi vuiui vai k'h iiiiu ivi iiuuiun Our Store is filled with a Large and Varied Stock. We aim to keep on bond nearly everything that is used on a Ranch aud all sold at the lowest possible prices. Blniksmitlis' Stone Coal. English Cement, Sulphur, Lime, elo. Freight rates are very low to Heppner, therefore goods can be Bold in competition with any town iu Enstern Oregon. Call &Jo.dl SEoo Us, COFFIN & McFARLAND, Heppner and Arlington. ;A HORSE; will travel well ROBERTS General ."Blacksmi tlis & ITariers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. fiorsBsnoBing S4.00 w span after fflaa 1st, 1889. jar A FIHSTCLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STAND3 Mivtloolt Corner. ZVI rvln Street, Heppner, Or. NKLSON JOSES. Tres't. ill G (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding The Coinpani has rceenthi constructed a two-stmii 7. t'i J. -tnn ..j. 7 , .7 77 iviu enoitsu ou ,v juu jeei, ivliil u uui, press untv uit con veniences for handling wool. Tlip 'iiffhniixp ChT.i'dps at, 1 T e t nin tv null, hn.tlip smnp as twse at Arlington, Tess cartages. Freight noon baled wool from IJeimner. same as from Arlington. casi advanced upon comtgnvients oj wool or wool in storage. THERON E. FELL, MANAGER. SMOKE La Flor de H THAN -FOR SALE BY- XEW BANK BLOCK- Hcppner, TI I K M IiIPPICR Livery and Feed Stable, Hunsaker & Long, Pi'oorietoivs, Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. HtooK itonnletl l- the !;- week, or Month Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Hay and grain for sals BUS to & FROM all TRAINS. i j GvkxIs delivered to auj piu-t oi the city. Leave orders at our office, in stable. Ail Stook Lrt ui TUeir Quid Viil CeciT Ute ;t oi AUeoUoo. FRANK McFARLAND. Heppner.Or. McFarland, f)1 ltMl wlien shod by SIMONS, E. R. BISHOP. Treiw. Hil l 111 CO. Agents. Heyneman If Ifflll Oregon. at reasonable prices. ALSO THE 1'IRM Of -:Gilliam & Coffey,:- With a large and well selected line of Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements A. m. cl Harvostiu; Machinery, Queensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Pipe and Plumbers' Mateiid, Glasswara, and Stoves of the latest and most approved pattern. Bird Cages and Granite Iron Ware. The JSTewton Wagons and Hacks. We call Special attention to the STVNDAI) MOWERS ! ! They are second to none and the wide cut is withotapeer. A Tin Shop in connection. Repairing nnil plumbing neotly done. Camp outfits a specialty. Our prices as low as the lowest for the class of goods we carry. GILLIAM & COFFEY, HEPPNER, -Successor to Miuor, DoJsou & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You "Want DRY GOODS,mCL01'H I NG, Oorxts' Ivtr-nisSiists (5oods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD and WILLOW WXI3, agricultural i mplkments, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or sqytbiDg nnnnllv kept in b Mrst-eliise store, call on w o: MINOR. Tnke yinir Pi-es.-riivtion t" K. J. SLOCUM, Net door to Leczsr k Thompson's himlware Btoi'B, Hoppner, Oregon Who keeps on hand u Fresh Stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES His Line 'if DOMESTIC AND IM I 'OHTE 1 ) CIGARS, Are tlie licit. njirtiliis in Paiit, Oils, 13to. HEPPNER, OREGON C. M. MALLORY, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodmn & Go's Store, HEPPNER, OREGON Manufacturer of and Dealer iu Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For Sale 1886 MODEL WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For 'Cash. UNDERTAKING STRIKE ! For C. S. VAN DUYN'S MAY STREET STORE For Bargains in Groceries, Fruits, Glassware, Cfockeiy Gents' His prices are low as the lowest. See fur yourself. Next door to Furniture Store, MAY STREET. HEPFXEK, OREGON. TH K FIRST NATIONA L GROCERY Mean Plain Business, Fair Dealing and Low Prices. You will find in their lurpe store the freshest in all Hues of Staple am Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Candies, Etc. Store in Odd Fellows' Hull, formerly occupied bv First National Bank. JOHNSTON & SLOAN, Props. Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Cash Advanced Urox Consignments ! A4dreee X17 Federal Street, Bo too, TIIE- mWMT Barb, The Winner in all Coutest.s. OREGON. :o:- A SPECIALTY. FEW EBOS. & CUIUS, WOOL