Livery and Hunsaker & Long, 3?roDrietois, Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. took Iloari 1 tel by the Duy, Weelii or Month Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Hay aid pin k sal. at rsasonable prices. 'BUS to & FJiOM all TKA1NS. Goods delivered to anj part of the city. Leave orders at our office, in stable. All Stook Lf 't in Their Care Will Receive the Beet nf Attention. by buying your tilioes fC 7rri y TiricTSo' wis' ' " f ,f Shnnsi t'int. f - at frl.OO i BUTTON. LACE. On receipt of and twenty-five cents to pny exprensnee we will end 8ne pair of our I-ino C'nl ( KIiooh, Henmleas Vfimpn, either Button, Lace or bntfress. We Use only selected stock and the beHt workmanship. .Lvery pair Warranted. Try our tihoes onoe and you will buy no othors. y Mention Rfw flrifl Width wanted. Bend postal note or N. Y. draft. Write your address plainly, Town, County and SUUs. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., EA8T WEYMOUTH, MASS. Hamiltom ooaY goMNv, HAMH.TOIT, OxIJO, Manufacturers of Hamilton CrariC3 of Veluclcs. I C3 X TE P I Nik EDIT03HAL SPECIAL BUGOY CT AlfT STYLI1 VEHICLE. SJTCIAI. FEATUIIRS f l,rportion, JDtirtiliIHv, lori"o?i.Jm of Xin This " Mirror " tinlsM wurlt i tlic Iji.'si medium-priced wnrlc in t!ic- Unitt ii St;it:'3. WR1TB FOR rATALOGUB. Ti! Clark 840 N. Charles St., - Branch Storo, OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AE2 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost 83 Palatable as Milk. o tflsa;iilad aiast It cam bm taken, allf.stMl, and svssluillnled ly the most .tsltivs stomach, when tha ilaln oil eaaaiit ba tolerated and by tt voaa blnallon of tha oil wltH lha hypoplka. hltas ia mach mora anlcactous. Benurkible as lesh producer. Persons gain rapidly virile taking lb BCOTT'S EMULSION in noknowleugod by Fbyaioians to be the Fineet and Best prepa aabon in the world for tbe relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIO COUCHS. Th otmI rrwrftf for Cowntmritinn. nnA arw.M.. z1!..';... cm j... ,i w t-i- vlna-Alnrhti . lirK' the p''--1 1 I' II III 14-lid t't'f tl' Ulli ill r h tin Ui ,lho -ry 'VMiip iitwilintii niailr in I'llii iLv ma. I. in. mi tu ftu1 1 r't t mi ) . ia IKflli Brill iilnaU. art In Uluili r kk Ilia I in. "Ml we arii'1, , il(.ir nl10 mintli alt ttmll liri.n.a t. ur nn 'i"i ni. 1 Ida mnil nii .ilii ia il'1e allrT llir Ptllict-r tiatrtiit. Inrh hare run viit ). hir l aKint 1l;l..i. Ih mr. hfat.wrunart-at mti W n' kiai in ihr Murld Ai tl tnaeilun iivh. Hum who writ to u i oiucmnar. nlitl rrnyirad. I'laln. I rwlaar.rriBrhin ra it. wurlrt. ind Hit ii f avurka nt hi aril art aivatr iknwn imi ihirin 1 r..ri. M I'll A CO., Uii lau, Au,u.ui, alalaa. fWfiag. Bntlrt O.I4 wt,a ti4r.C?$.'tn """'Si. la Pu4flill MaM.WItkWulkS 0 aVerou tu uk I tuny Mia Mew! on ft'. tnav'atrr wills v Urr td jiaaaSllJ- huinlOal, Tttraa MlupU. mul Una of tiifta-liuitl i n ina wau a, wa arna ....I a... ... k... b- BfB In your knmi rnr 9 Worn l, ami adown Uu m lit Ibua Vr.ia uviy kttt called, I Ut-y bttcoma vmif o n .rcfari. lima KStmilt, We aJi ttnra, ltvs b ataas f-t7a' i onca ran lie aur ul receivina? lLa un(rh a, rnitrbl.aia Allras AfSS9 I t v I' 'ftl Delicious Biscuit ft Wr IiJLila''tij COW BRAND f Iffl 1 Kf SODA : SALERATUS. rmrrn 'frisi: ' IK sworn tllUlFhtt ntM iBatrxtciiuaa iv era ft-fa (It Irrtl lAHl ul rv. . .r-ir- a- '-,...1 j F EED OTABLE, ol tne Lianuiacturcr. Guaranteed ! ncnnl'v retail " 4. and S5.0(. A. - t CONGRESS. -rv, w o r - .1 ltAMILTON IlliCltSY Cycle QSL - BALTIMORE, MD. I K A NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, all kimln, sues and prices. Hicy cles, Siiletiea and Tricy cles fnr Hoys and Ciirls. I Send fiir Catalogue and I Price Lists. Mailed free. AGENTS WANTED, 008 Pennsylvania Ave, Wushington, D. C. -TUK- Baiiway & Navigaion Co. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TICK UTS To 11 riineipiil Points in the United Stated, Cntitiilu iiml Kurope. HEGAXT 1TLLJIAN I'ALACE CAI'fe EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Utm Through on till ExpreHS Tntins to -OMAHA,- CotlllOll lal.lffsi A.i ST. PAUIj, Free of Charge and Without Charge. Close Ciinruvtion tit Portlnml for Sun Kritiu iHi o anil Ptisi't Sound l'ointn. A LI j I WON 8TK.VMERS Leave Portlund (or Sun Frtun im'o every four (4) dnya, urnking the trip in tk) ' hours. Cafn'ii, ...f!6. Steerage, KW.oo KouitU Trip Unlimited, $30,00. For further iiarticularH inquire of nnv K"t of the conipnny. A. I. MAXWELL, C. J. SMITtr, 0. l&T.At General Manager. WHEN YOU WANT , Kir at-Ol-aai3S ::: ::: JOB PRIHTIH& :;. DON'T FORGET That the best ulnee to uet i ia nt the a-AajjnTTja shop, Uepptwr, t l : Oreuon. FTJACOBSOU For Strains and Sprains, EvldT.ce, Fresh, New, Strong. Iuffri1 8 Tenr. j.n, , isia afar. I rm with rtrlB f back; wald mot walk itrklght; mMd twa bttlt gt. Jeta OU: M. J. WALLACE. OnCrtithK. Cambrldf. Ob), Jni 14, Tw WNki B crotchM trtm itrWn4 fens. Is; u4 It JmoM Oil, iu4; m ntva mt p&lB In co f. , WM. DAT. Ci Cntifl. Havatoa. ftm, Jqaa , 1191 l?r&in r bck: ks4 t mat m- wm rat j St. Jacata OU aiUr t month' t.ffertnf . till . tUQHUOLD. In Bin.. Bavghtott. Miek., Hay 12, 1SSI. Abo atarch 3, I airload my ftakUa an waa 1 td weak; m4 caaa two wtaka. Tsraa appU aatto&a a dy. from thra bettlaa af It. Jacabi OU, ui4 bm. Ha raturn af pita. JOSEPH E AH I EL EACTEBDAT. Terrible Pain. futBTUw, in. , Mar it, uu. r isrutd mf thumb lavst Sprint, and a Wrrlbl walllaj a&a pa.Lt anaaad. 1 .ir app.kauaoiof St. Jacaba UU atraa aa4 tkara b a baen na ritvn f salA. U. I. BUOWM. AT DROOQbTS AND THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltlmort, MC ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNER, : : OREGON. Watches, A.. Optical Clocks, j) Goods . Wiitchfi Clonned, - - $1.50. MainspringB Pitted - . $1.50. All work guaranteed fur one year. THIS PIONEER Jewell g Esiafiiisipeut Still Continues to Sell watches, zrzr:s. JEW KIjIIY, ETC, At the Lowest Possible 1'rioes. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings. Go.rl and Silver Watches Always VZ on Handi:-HHHE A Full Line of MUBiOAIj IKTSTHTJ flu been ndilod to his Inre find well itnleoted stook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Work Gurtrantood. 8TOUK oppooile Minor, Dodnon A Co' Mny Ht. leiipilOr. m m m I'fc" California. Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. B. keeney, 8upt. Monument rltnKa lnnrea llepimsr Mondays, WpilnnHdays find Kridnya nt ft:R0 K. M. Monnmnut Htaito nrnvs TueHdnys ThnrHdnys mill Hutnnlnjrs al 5.-00 H. M. Hnnilay Htiwi? to and from Arlinfftou. Fur., t.VIH! each way PnniHoton RtiiK tenyos lloppnitr 5:80 A. M. nrrivoa " 4SUI P. M. Kiicp to Monument, l''ar to I'cnilleton, $5 1X1. $4.00. F.. J S' VVil & CO., A : . MN'TS. l' niinlil '2 cents per miiiiic1. Ileiipner, Ocn Arlington Meat Market. KKI'.l'H C i .Hl'ANTl.Y UN llNO S A II S O n yARNY& PUTNUM Arlington, Oregon. a. P. rLOHBNOE. B rLOBINCff FLORENCE BROTHERS, STOCKRAISKltS ! HFITNKK . . - OHKOON. Ottip ttmuilotlHfKlriHr umikml am shown Above. Hiintfii K tin riirtit nlmulttpr. t'tir mttl raniir- in Mutmw. GilUnm, CmntilU uul WaiHOit runiitifs. W will lmiv SKK.(Ht rt. Hnl f.r din arrr.t Hint mnvH'timi f miy person illllK utir iltH'K. m i Commission Merchants. Liberal Advances Made CONSIQNM KNTS. SA FRAXCISCO: Warehouie and Office, Corner Fifth and Tnicntend Streeti. PORTI.AXD: id Wushinyton Street ItKPPXER AQKXT: Coffin Si. McFarland. HE WISE ML ABOUT BTSCTOWN. A Place Which Craves to B Rlanr On the Panes of Hiatorr-- hroanlo-tiral Beeapitalatlna of Nota-worthjr tiappenlnea. Thia town ia not ao well known aa it will be after more people bare heard of it. Thia statement ia made without fear of auoeeasful contradiction, and is prompted by the fact that I am a great deal better acquainted about the country than I waa before t knew af many people u I do now. Bnngtown is not ao much an out-of-tbe-honseholi word aa ia the name of the place when cowae pestlea are fashioned out of tin mnlton oohhle-atoneg. But then it bn not a tropical olimute in it Favor, an beaidee, the town Iota never done in y thinif nor hua anything ever been dom to it that would cause ita name to kick the top burr off the pine tree of fame The moat uotulile thirg it haa evci produced waa a liand-corvedcaee of mur der in the aecond degree. The idea l creating inia nimonoal ract waa oon cived and carried out by the one of n party of two who were out exploring lor me norm poie patcu. The survivor of thia expedition was found by the rea otiitiB p.nty where he had been caHt away in a cave in Boot-jack basio. A salute of several ttnna and three piatolf were fired, after wbioh the man oaim out and told tbe party that he bad beet there ever siuce day before yerterdaj with nothing but four pair of blankets to protect him from the chilly night air lie had eaten nothing but bread and meat for aeverl days, and hunger made him ao desperate and reckless that Ik dreamed one night tuat be was a straw berry shortcake and his hat was a large chunk of oomb houey on top of it, and he was afraid to cut the ahort-cak foi fear tbe honey would fall to the floor and get soiled. Boiltude had also preyed on hia miud until onoe he thought tbt aighing of the piue trees was tin voices of men of a strange race wilt might do him harm. He then retreated lo the furthermost corner of the cavt-, here he re n lined until the wind dice away. When he thought the marau ders had passed he came out to get some water. On this errand he also got a good deal of sun-burn, as he had to use bis hat for a water bucket. How ever, he was rewarded by the state, wbioh gave him a striped spring suit and free board and lodging for several years. Looality, perhaps, has some, thing tn do with the lack of assistance lent from out-sidcrs toward helping the town into prominence, as it is too fat from water for a Ho 'J and the surround ing ooiiatry would discourage an ordi nary earthquake; it is also off the cy clone circuit and isn't large enough to make a disastrous conflagration. However, as the world rolls onward without looking baok to sue it the drawhead hux pulled out and left Bung town behind, Buugtown is keeping a oloso watoh to see which way the world goes, and is dragging its traokn out as fust as possible. Internal improvements are rife here, of which fact the streets ooutain many silent witnesses in the shape of empty oyster cans nJ cracker boxes, while in municipal matters the oitlzena are ar riving at their destination with a full compliment of pedal extremities. A mass mee ing was held one evening recently and an efficient fire department organ ized. A little later Qeorge Swan.iou and Halfbreed Jaoksnn were fired J of town for ntteniping .o evade paying for board by sucking nil the eggs in Widow Vtuflloton s hennery. T ere was also a hook and ladder company here, but some fellow rendered that part of the coast defences inoperative by stealing the ladder, which was left Btatiding agaiust a fence where it w is used last The rest of the outfit is still here. There is a newspaper here called tin Bazoo, a Very creditable sheet 'that ia ttying haid to help along its town and pay offa mortgage tliut it incurred Ihe (itncil hor owed $'2( with wlnuli to bu .i cook-stove. I vv.itori-id tu editor hi de sotting tyic and from ihe motions he made I would ju-U'e that tho next i.-isue of the Bazoo will contain the fol lowing items: Bill Buulfor.l was in Ibis week from Skunk Cabbage creek, and us usual he got roning drunk, lie then blew in the six d 'II irs lie had b irroived to buy grub with. ATter this he ran aurosg oue of his neighbors vh i is nil h nailer than himself in.d thumped him because he refused to go bis security for a peak of ooriiineal and a plug of tohaoo i. We are afraid Bill won't do lo tie to u iless it would be to tie a rock to and then drop him into the river. Tue quicker the people of Skunk Cabbage do this the better. The post office waa moved last week into the office of Jonas Johnson'a livery stable. The reason it was moved from its old stand in the oorner of ihe black smith shop, wag that tbe blacksmith didn't have aa much time to attend to it aa the hostler will have. Thia is a good ohanga, for, while San waa a good post master in moat respects, he had a habit of dropping letters iuto the shake trough, instead of the letter-box. The Bungtowu people engaged iu a dance last Friday evening. It waa one of those enjoyable nfl'aiis whicti our goo ! people so well know how to con duct, and the editor is aotry uo that he wasn't there. Every other man iu town was there and every other man in towu now has a black eye, and we would rath er be out or debt than out of fashiou. We are pleased to note the interest that our farmors are takiug iu the mat ter of improving their breeds of stock. .Shop, horses aud oattle have tor the past two or three years been improving through the introduction of better stains of blood, and last aud all, while at Ihe fair, ike Marl in wou enough ou a horse race to pay his exp uses Hnd buy a pair of thorough-bred red Jersey Liliie hogs. He brought them home, aud aa he waa returning from church rau across oue ot them with four pair of twina following her. This ia a good start aud ike will anon be oue of our leading bog raisers of this aeotiou. Just then the editor weut out to re ceive aome egga aud tallow for whioh he bad bargained, and 1 went away wnue ha waa'savinir tuat one of tbe eggs look ed like it might be a whole poultry yard. tl. i. UiatLiw. UflTftlirO IT flftOTI' WAIulito Al UUol J ; i-isMi.b.-a' jMM wsm B.a ana j. ii', .iiTam,Miii,ifcai!u.a t m.rl'no i-d jm w asl rA'itli,. (Hll, sSMlwWl B.II.M Tlw I hs-M, uid lu i'm UiM (mrr, U Ur tl, ir UAU.i'Vot.irvr. n.11 ilu.nta.. Cut il. MimuiMirai. .asiwTva ia, ia. atus afM, csiw , liiao.. HAHSEY VALLEY. Loeatloa, 1iajitade. Latltade, Natural sources sad Needed Developments. r. Special Correapondonee. Harney valley ia a beautiful vale in Eastern Oregon, in Harney county, be tween 118" and 120 west longitude from Greenwich, and between 13 deg. aud 44 deg. north latitude, about 3,500 feet above the level of the sea, with an area if about 2,5j0 square miles and 1,600,000 icres of land. This valley is nestled in a broken chain of mountains on the northeast, south and west, witb the highest peaks if the Blue mountains on the north aud the Stein's mountains on the south tow ering up into the realms of perpetual mow. This va'ley has an abundance of water, supplied by the Silvies and the Blitzeu rivers and their tribntarios and other smaller streams, all of which have their mtlct in the Harney and M.ilhenr lakes. The H irney and Malheur lakes have no outlets, ihege two lakes are con" nected by an artificial ohaunel and are m a level with each other, to the con trary, notwithstanding, as you will ob serve on the maps giving tho geography f this oountry. Those two lakes oover an area of 150 square miles and are near the centre of the valley. Their shores are low. but rhey have never been kuown to overflow. 1'be low shores of these lakes account ,'or the shallowness of the wells in the valley, which are from 8 to 20 feet deep. Irrigation is not necessary to raise cropa and gardens. The soil here con tains all the properties necessary for a successful grain producing oountry. Small fruits and shrubbery and berries if nearly all kiuds can be successfully raised hero. VACANT TjAX'O, as level as your floor, in bodies of thousands of acres, is here to be taken. tnd is just as good as any now occupied. iiome-seeKers in ure'nn can nut lo better elsewhere. This H lea will not r naiu lung in an nn-ieuled slate, ho.v ever, and in a few ehort years this vacant land will all be taken. The climate of this valley is sulubri ous, and will compare favorably with other portions of the inland empire. Burns and Harney cities are t le prin cipal towns, and. iu fact, all the towns in this valley. They are both small vil lages at present, about lo miles apart, in the northern part of the vuliey Both towns have an immense territory ad jacent adapted to farming and stock raising. The town ot Bums his two very creditable newspapers, viz: The Hast Oregon Herald and the H irney Items. The former is edited i y his honor, Mr. 1). L. Grace, and the latter by .1. N. Vaughn, Esq. The principal stockmen of this valley are Mi sirs. Peter French, John Devine oid the L. F. Co. These parties are nil said to be millionairies and their wealth is variously estimated from one to fifty millions. The L. P. Co. and John Devine have lately consolidated their interests here, and the partners ara M won, Miller, Lux and Devine, known on this coast as he PiioiHc Livestock association. l'ho Pacific Livestock association are conceded to be the riohest on this coast, if not the strongest iu the world. Their dominions extend from Grant ootinty to the southern oonfiues of California. They oan travel hundreds of miles frci here in a southerly direction and Camp ewery uight on thefr own freeholo. Peter French is administrator for the landed estate of Dr. Glenn, the deceased millionaire of California. Mr. Frenob's wife inherits this estate. Two established railroad purveys have been made through the Harney vulh y by the O. P. and tbe N. V. K. B Cos. With the advent of railroad facilities and telcg'-aph liiit-s this year to Harney valley we will not nek for more, fur theaei are the uecess-.ry requirements for mod ern nivinz.tion, aud the evolution theory of development iil naturally follow. In tune the good people "f rl:nn--y v ,l.i will reap n golden harvest. Oi.l ilarnui will bl as Ihe rose; waving fields1 of grain will siippluut rye-grusg and j sagebrush tine oreh irds ami meadows, ' beautiful thoroughfares lini-d with shade I 'rees. in igmficout toivus, with their church spire-, homes mid line buildings : are some of the on igin itive iMiprivnueiits ih it will be ru d.z.'d in Uuruey vdiey if I "f Will only -'ail for the plasuc li em of time to put iheui into execution IS irua, Or., June lo. ti. 1J. 11. HKl.ll 0 ALL V tt AI.L.V. itillaai i.iiii'liuul KilieU By a Circular iVouil aaw Walla Walla. W. i, June 20. This uioimiig William Copclaud, while run niug a steam machine at (Jupelaud, a place eight miles east of the city, w..s instantly killed. The oircular saw breakiug iu two pieces, tho larger piece struck him ou the left side of the nose, cutting through the left eye and splitting the skull opeu ao the brains pmtruded. Deceased was a young inau ot 25, uumarried aud a tine mechanic OPINION IN MAN I'KANl'ISCO. Considerable Quiet Jubilation Over the Re tirement or eJijull Muitli. SiN Fbancisco, June 0. -There ia considerable local aud press ooiuuieut hers ou the result ot the railioad meet ing in Portland, Monday. To-days Bulletin says: Iu the railroad offices around toivu which are engaged iu carrying trade iu Oregon or the adja cent states and territories, the opinion is divided as to whether or not Villard baa helped the Northern Pauiho railroad by ihe Course pursued by him at the meeting iu Portland Mouduy last. It ia ol.umod that by permitting the Union Pacific to lease tlie Navigation Oompa uy's hue and lo 0 ouplete ita iiutiuisbed hues, he has giveu the Uuiou Pacfic a better fojtheld ot Waahiugtou tbau it baa ever held before, aud has enabled it to oouite more strongly uot ouly for local traffic, but tor through business, to whiol the Northern Pacific has hereto fore strongly objected. The effect nt these eouce-saoDs is awaited with inter est, particularly a been considerable there haa ot late ; ot bad teelimr be-! taeeu the Nuriheru PaciQo and the , Uuiou Paeiflc. At present the former I oompuuy haa K'vea uotiee that it ateuda ', to break aay from tbe trauaeoutiueutal i aaa,mihti,ili. f-hi.ri7iiiiv tlmft tl.u TT..1..M I lib baa been eu!a,!eJ iu breaking it; fcKreeioeiiia. ai iuc recent meeting in IVrtl .ii J, VMlarJ has aqaareil hia ac- voiillia 111 one WHY, anu lUai IS Oy jeet i inn f,ujan omitii in.iui the presidency of tbe Oresou Railway & Naviuation j Compatty, aud it ia e, aimed tuat aver; employe and minor ofHijial of that mm- pauy is nuiani tne ennnge. omitt) waa a very onns.rv I'ivj m in and inonr red the dislike of the employes by reduc ing their numbee and alao eateries of those be retained after Villnrd went into hia temporary retirement. It ia said that wbeu he assumed Ihe preidency of the Oregon Railway Nivigntinn Company he visited this city and visited every office, d wk and other places where men were employed, to whom the company wa paying salaries After timiliurizine himself wit Ii th labor that th- various olfioials and their underlings were per forming, he made several notes, and then revisi'ed the same places at a latei time in o mipany with oue of the local g.-nts. On the second visit every of flee and dock presented a scene of bus tle and activity, strangely at variance ith Ma f rat exp' ri inoeaud oonsequeiit ly several iRiieal heads ere severed, labdrera and nth rs discharged and tin wo k lounled up on those remaining, u i.;n . n t?i:...k q...:.u - , ..ok ,iii. nno uu, ail. ujau kjiuitu "Till apfn for wholesale retrenchment, and he therefore reduced the salaries of those retained, hs well as increasing their la bors. A nong the employe.) of tbe road in this city th' refore congratulations are the order of the day over Smith's depositon, although openly they have nothing to say regarding the matter. AT THE GAZETTE Is Ihe. Best Weekly Paper in Eastern Oregon, yet many residents of our county ami the immense coun try tributary to it, do not take THE GAZETTE Or any other Live. Newspaper. THEY MU.ST HAVE THE GAZETTE At least, and in order to benefit our friends who secure new subscriptions, we hare pre pared a Mammoth List of Premiums. HE KE ARE A FEW OF THEM. Fur 233 iio.v subscribers to the Hi'iipuer Gazette, nt $2.00 apiece, we will give- iv good two-borse farm wtigoii (3J iueli axle), worth $100. The getter-tip of a club hns the choie of any nmke iu the market. 190 subscribers secures a good lot in the Loony additou. Will sell for $250 iu one year. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth $90. 170 subscribers, $85 worth of provisions from Heppner's store?. 160 subscribers, an $80 orgau-r plniii finish. A good instrument. 150 subscribers, a gaug plow best make. 140 subscribers, a good road cart, harness and genuine whale bone whip, worth $S0. 130 subscribers, one fine San Jose saddle, silver mhtid haud made Mexican spurs and a pair ot chaps , worth at the lowest mar ket price $65. 120 subscribers, $60 worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, seven urn wins. Attacnments go with machines. Worta ao. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachment. A fine high-arm ma chine iii.ido by the New Home Co. It is worth $50. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" c mking range and outfit. Price $50. 93 .subset ib T.-i, a good $15 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy Inn miss, or a Indies gold wtitch. 75 subscribers, a silk divss pat tern, worth $37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, worth $35.00. 65 subscribers, a Nev M idel Winchester 40 -60 cal., and fullre l.mding outfit, w rth $32.50. 6iJ sii i.sci ibors, takes a fine coin i (diver hunting cusf watch, worth, j $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle nn I bridle full outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 48 subscribers, 20 vards of j black c.issimere two dress pa1" terns, worth $24 45 subscribers takes a Nev Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. - 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts rerolver, 45 cal.. blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, haud-uiade, Spanish bits, aud a pair of California "chaps," worth $21. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester rifle or a solid coiu silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 36 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rilie, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts' re volver, 4.V inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks aud tea gpoous. 28 subscribers, a naat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 26 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand pt emiums, either worth 916. 24 aubscriWa takes away $11 worth of merchandise, 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 16 subscribers, Wautiful plash 1 .:i-L t.. .4 SM uuies sen. v uonp bi tii 16 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson 8 make, anil two pounds ot the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's bat. Stetson a. l'i Riilisfi-ilwara talna fi tuteka of Heppuer llour or S pair of boots, either worth $6. 10 subscribers is goxl for $.r worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" fluur; worth $4.50. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp uer flour, a nice plush photograph album or a pair of men's or Indies' shoes. 6 subscribers, a set of Bilver pliited tea spoons or a gentleiiianV hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled gnld-plnte sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscrib rs, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take any arti cle in the market worth $1.50. 2 subscribers, $1 worth of C sugar or a pocket knife, autograph album, etc., etc. An old subscriber who brings in a cash subscriber will get a pre mium worth 50 cents. There is no end to the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HEPPNER GAZETTE You represent a Live Paper one that is well established and which never fails to Give News in fact, it is what it purports to be a A' A' WS PAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort, lf you do not want those offered, you have the privilege of taking something else. If you have Cash Subscrite'8 enough, you will have no. trouble to load yourselj down wiih wares from Heppner's xt res. this is no "fake." we musi have more sulschib- ERS FOR THE GAZETTE, MOKE HEADERS OF NE WS. Write to the, GAZETTE OFFICE Jor Sample Copies and go to work at once. This Proposition Remains in Full Force Till Jan. I, 1890. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only facnnln Srttein fMemnry Trtalaf Vomr B4k Iiairaed la mm r4iaf Mintl wander In cared. Xrry child d aria)! frranttr benefitted. iinn tnduoemvDt to uorrMprtid0no UImm. 1. 1 Hicbnrtl PFartnt. th flcienti A (. Jnilavn 2 i htiCiti. Judnk Innlntnin. an other, mtmt ntwt frsv hv on, tv. w. FroX A. XoiUJtTT U, Sit 7 Vitlh Are.. N. T. THE GKEAT Transcontinental Route 7 ji n '0 l.VlUllIU III RALLEOAD! Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best a nd Quickest. The Dmini? Car Line. The Direct Routi No Delays. Fnsteat Trains. Low est Hatea to Chicago and all pointa East. Tioela sol.l to all Promi nont Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Dra in Room Sleeping Can. lteservationa can be secured iu adv To East Hound inrer Tt ,.,.f,.i ,i .1.. uiakea mistake but be sure to take ... . . ... ....... .... 1 NORTIIEnNCIFIC BAILBOAI And l...f v.x,,r Itlrdl Manila via lltl. waiil or Minneapolis to avoii 0j,Vii;ts and serinua delays ocoaaionei) j oi utrr I i.u.rc iuronitn JimiKiant nieeping uara nil. on regular express traina full length nt line. Bertha tree. Lowest rates. Quick est time. Genera Oice of the Company, No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington St., Portland,Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paaaenger Agent ner City Brewery! SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It ia manufactured with the lateat brewing apparatus and cau't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And the best brands of Cigars. Empty kega must be returned or $6 apiece will be charged. J. X3. Natter, Fx-op. THf St.ebunq Gh Manufacturers of 7 tl L , j. I. K ki tit . .rHksjsis.'i; I THE STEELING- PMOS, a an a ros Quality of Tone, Ceauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing In Tuno have no equal. Etsry Piani WLTsotsi for Rw Years AaA nail faction fruarar.: toewry poreaawf. MACuiacturs lx Wcatis Ksmovmko STEROXG ORGAN Factortes. Derby, Conn. UORY I IK I S fl s Money to Loan. v . 1 Persons desiring lonns on im-J proved f nntis or ttwn lots, c:.n spcure tticli on if '(it-cm. Me It ins v calling on L. I'a'i teuton. at Gazette office, IIEPPXER, OIIEGOX. ; TVTien I ray Crmn I do not metm merely t , top tht;m fur a limn, ami then have them ra -turn again. I liv.xs A IIAIMCAL I have uiado the diauase ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLIHO SICKNESS, A life-lfttiff ftn!7. I Wat ttavt my remedy to Conn tho worm cnBOfl. lurimsc others bav4 f .tiled is 116 reason tiv not now mcoiving a cure, EeuJ at once for atwat.ria and a I-'hbe BottlB of my Infallible I.t-melt. Oivo Expret-a nd jr0"t OUlcn. Jt co.Htu yon notliiiitf tor 1 tiwl, aud it will euro you. AJJnisa K.C. ROOT, M .C, I S3 Pearl St., New YOBIC Ely's C; ;?nlBalm lays Iniiiimmation. jj.eal3theSorof5. Rostores the Senses of Taate, iSmell and Hearing. A particle is applied IntoenchntMtrll and Is agreeable. Price at UruHclst or tiy ELY BKOTHKRS.66 Warren St, New Yor) OUB L I .A WEEK 1 4 wCiub$ystem while inconvenient to the buyer as anv Instalment system, is system to ns. The Q co-operation nf the A club members sell:) us JV 38 watches in each PHI LA. 83S Watch Cluh, and wepet cash from the Cluh fur each watch before it goes out, though ench member only pays Si a week. Thia Is why we give you more for your money than any one else and why we are doing the largest watcn Business in tne worm. e sen lonly first quality goods, but ourl prices arc about wlu.t others pet f.r sec ond Quality. OurlSlO MlvcrWutch is a substantial Silver (not imitation oj any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever Watch either hunting case or open. I Our S Watch is a Stem-wind , j Openl-'ace, first quality, stiffened Gold i AmericanLeverWatt:h)j7(7"'t7(?rfd'i,t tatar so years. It is fully equal toany watch sold for $ 18 by others. We find a first-class SiilK-ned Gold Case much more satisfactory and serviceable than any Solid Gold Case that can besoldat less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are in variably thin. weak. ol low quality, and worthless after short uie. Our 9" Wat ell contains numerous Important oalcntcd im provements, of vital importance to accur-i ate timing Patent Dustproof, Patent Stem Wind,&c, which we control exclusively. It is fully eqirtl for accuracy, appearance, dura bility ana service, to anv ft-?? Watch, either Open Pace or Hunting. Our 13.CU Rail road watcliis especially constructed for the mostexactini use. and is ibelirs Rail road Watch made, Open Face or Hunting. All ti:ese prices are either all cash or in clubs,. 91.UU a Wtl'K, in Ajnx Talt TheKeystoneVVatch CiubCo MalnOfflctft Co'i Own TrnM tta 004 WALNUT ST. PliiLASA. PA. Agents Wanted. Ajax Watch Insulator, $1.00 A perfect protection .gMr,fli mac-nctltm, FilanuWnte.h. Sent hvmallnn i--lnr 6 Of rrlnti. Wa rrtr,- in -,y fotxan.rinl Ajencf-B '14 THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OP ORDER. .. JM-nn m.-Uncn r. naawln.. n.iuiViInn aelt our ayent at your Uve for terms anti prices. If you cannot find our Htrent, write dlject tp Dearest UQurtwa tu you wmw unme'i, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE B.ORIMQE,MASS. CMiCAtso - flf UNION oUUMKE,N.Y.- UMLLAS, ILL. ST LOUIS. MO. ATLANTA, OA 'SANFPAWCISCO.CAL Heppner, Oregon Pacific department, ppnerHl ncucy, 725Mftrktt street, history bniidiiiK. Kun I'rancieco, Cal Branch. rt Morrison St., Portland. Or., II . onth Hecond Ht. Han Jose, t'al., .ril iNorth Spring SU, Lus Angeles, t aJ TO S FXM CI S CO, CAL., BY WAY OF THE Southern Pacific Coin Danv's TEE E SHHSTfl BQUTL Quicker iu Time than Any Other Route Between Portland-: ' San Francisco. Leare Portland at i P. If., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. . TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Clan Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from 1-ortland to Sacramento arid Saa Fran cisco : rallmiten Limited First -I' I ass. " Secml-Claws, Ii5 21) Throueh Tickets to nil Points South and Efljt, VIA CALII'OH.MA. TICKET OFIiCES: Citj Office. Xo. 1SI First V AlJr Sirwta Depot Otfiof. Conw r and Fnmt Su-eeta POKTLAND. OKECON. . B. KOEHLEB. E. P Hnr.s'po HEAD.& Am atuiji -vv ii TrythoCure Aas. . t. nd Pasa, ft,