Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 27, 1889, Image 3

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Trains on the Willow Or ek Brai ch arrive at
and leave the ditfrreut B atioMi daily, except
HundujH, ua folluwti:
SoHk (Mii.'dr
Nn. 17 (Mixed)
;ai r. M. Ar.
S HI '
4:411 - " "
8:S0" " "
2:50" " b.
11:40 " PM Ar
lleitprer. I.t. 7:S A H.
LfXitiKtun. " H:.fl"
lime. " 8 5(1"
DiHlKlites. " 9:2(1" '
t'ecil'". ' :I0" "
Willows junction " 1(1:30" '
Arlington. Ar, 2:3)"
Lt 7:45
Northern Pacifir trains east leave Arlington
daily 2:20 P. M.; ftfii' a wert. 10:15 A. M. Union
Parittc traititi enHt, 4.10 A. M.;Kuit.g wjst, 12.30
a. L. THOMPSON. Agent.
Stnire leaves fur Cunvnn City Moo
dily , Wednesdays mid Fridays.
Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and
There is a saving of 16 liotirs in limp
nnd 810 in c isb by taking this mute to
C. W. Lontlnr & Co., 429, Fifth St..
Portland, Or., nre nntlinrized to make
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
They will also make collections fur this
Here and There.
Campbell, the dentist, is still here.
J. W. Gilmore waa in town last week.
J. N. Briwn returned from Salem
last Friday.
Camas prairie people boast of fine
crops this year and well-meritsd pros
perity. Cntnh on to Whitlier Bros, stray local
in this issue.
Morrow county forip is worth 95 oents
and sosreo at that.
C". E have reo ived their new guns,
bells anil scabbards.
D. A. Vance, the Arlington hardware
merchant, is iu town.
Lnm Mintoii returner! last week from
a jnunl up through V. T.
Geo. W. Hun bass old Ms Lexington
drug Hore to Dr. Lewis.
A. E. Fiei oh, n Butter creek stock
man, wis in Heppner last week.
Dr Aoers, H irdin iu's fireino-t lhsi
ciau, was in town last S.ituitlay.
A fire at Vunoouver last Saturday
morning destroyed considerable prop
erty. Campbell, the dentist, will visit Lex
ington 1'nes lay iui Wednesday of
next week.
Lafe Peiiland and family left last
week for the Colfax oomitry their fu
ture home.
J. D, Hamil'on, of California, a school
mate of attorney J. N. Urowu, is iu
Orville T. Porter, of Oregon, has been
appointed United Suites marshal uf the
district of Alaska,
Mr. Stanley, of Hardman, passed
through town last Saturday on his way
home from California.
Arthur Smith, our local observer of
"the signal service, reports a fall of one
half inch of rain lust night.
E. Minor took in the Monument
country last week. Hunting and fishing
iB very good in that section.
Twenty-five teams hauled Long Creek
wool into Heppuer lust week and took
out 75,000 pouudsot supplies.
Misses Lydia Kenyon and Emma
Platts left lat Monday morning for
their homes iu Mariou onuuty.
The Gazette acknnn Indues the ex
ceipt of au invitation to attend the 4th
of July celebration at Albany, Or.
J. W. Vaniihan was up from Lexing
ton last Saturday. He Had just return
ed from a visit to the valley section.
"-Kini Clark strayed away from Camas'
fruitful valleys this week to the aeeuea
of former years the Heppuer hills.
Mr. J. W.Risinns has j'ist completed
a power awing, which will 'ie in opera
tion at Jones' tjr-'ve on the fourth.
The E. O. is working on a scheme to
G'ertiae Ihe Inland Empire by iiu i'M
of au whibit cur and advertising matter.
Justice B. Stanton, a representative
tizen of IheEinlit Mile section, dropped
the Heppner colony lust Saturday.
(jjBlackmati, wife and Mrs. Chan
attmtil Hmte 1,1 r oriiauu
The new front
J. B Keeney gives the Gazbttb some
facta aud tigureN relative to the IVndle-t-m
and Louif Cre, k rad; divide on
Meadow oteel!, 3725 feet above sea level;
divide iietween CauiJW prairie anil Pen
dh ton. 4.900 ft.; Upper Canute. 3.750 ft.;
Lower C.inia-, 8,200 ft.; ilivnle between
Cam and Jolm l)a, 3.9:K ft; ton of
John D.iv hi I. 3,55J It.; North Fork
bridge, 2..50 ft.
Two ont"ide horses have arrived in
Loot' Creek this week to enter in the
races next month Little Dick and
Fanny (Itetler known as he Pack Horse),
la longi' g to Hon Swaggart.or I lie Hepp
ner country Dave MeAtee and bis joceey
ti ought the racers over and are now en
gaged in training. Eagle.
When offici 1 honors begin to rest
very heavy on the oinpoit ahonldera
of an cfficial dimiilary, his sig. to let
ters and documents appears as a combi
nation teseiublitig a map of the Missis
sippi's delta. The average citizen finds
time too precious to figure out these
complicated puzzles.
Denizens of Morrow co. who are visiting
in "Prison, slate that the town is full of
people wauting work. In times past
the harvest season was a bauaiiza, but
now that the combination header and
thresher has taken Ihe place of the old
method, thousands of men fail to get em
Ben Hunsaker made a trip to Union
this week in quest of a vehicle which
he had hired to the "celebrated Moore
troupe." He found the outfit, and loaded
it ou the cars for shipment to Heppner,
they whacking up SfaJ for hire and
Died- Near South Springs on tho2otb
inst, Ida, wife of Wm. Saling, B-ed 31
years. The remains were interred iu the
Lexington oenieterry yesterday.
A Choice Secmo. Every resident
of Heppner knows that over the moun
tains noit he ist of town, in Umatilla
county, is ttw beati'iful vale of Camas
prairie. It is. settled nu witti prosper
ous and euUrprisitut people, who are
ever alert to their best interests. It is
the ueiK-ral sentiment over ihere to make
Heppner their future trading aiint; in
fact, they are already beginning to drop
in one by one. The only thintl in the
way of this becoming a treoernl supply
isiiut for tliein, is ihe had condition of
the Camas and Heppner rod. The best
and nearest r-itte. If improved, is tbe
Engle sawmill, Bur Pots and R-cky trail
route, liter twing but few heavy graded
on this road. If the Cam s people are
anxious to come to Heppuer t trade aud
will nuke a good ma I to the county Hue,
there is no doubt lint our people are
sufficiently alive to their nu interests
to complete it to Heppner.
Slowlt But Subi-ly Only a little
over a year ago there appeared to ha a
mammoth doubt iu the min is of the
boss cranks at bead of the p ist-office
department whetlisr or not there was
any need of a mail service between
Heppuer and Cany on City. Iu course
of tune, however, a tri-weekly as es
tablished -under protest. The actual
deniauds of tli-t country could no longer
be over-looked. Bailroad facilities to
to Heppner have made other changes,
and tor some time past there has beeu
a general clamor uuioug tbe natives for
a daily mail. Last week J. B. Keeney,
our stage man, was officially notified that
the daily mail service bad been allowed,
and would go iuto effect July 1st. Mr.
Keeney thinks of making connection
with trains here, which will put the dai
ly Oregonian iu o Canyou City thirty
six hours after publication.
1. O. llewistou is up from Portlund.
It. K. (Vichran is hauling in hia clip from
Koad the mammoth program for the 4ih, and
coma in to help ua otieortite..
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Ihiaer returned Thursday
from a Vibil to the upper country.
W. P H , 11. representing J. M. RiiBBell & Co.,
P rtland, wool cojimiutiioii aitrciiai.ts, is in
Horse are inradiniz the Masonic remetery. we
are inform. -it. d".-uroyiu ; yi'UHK trees tool otner
properly, t'liu Kates saoil d. be kept locked.
C N. flriircs. fatiierof Leon Hriff..B, was burned
out a: Yri ico.iver, susuiini g u .os of $3,u00; iu
surniice, 9l.liU.I.
Juvlje K'iins!-y is over fr nn Pendleton looking
after i he inteivs b of the devisetu under tne will
of Joseph Joues.
Messrs. Khea and Rtackwell have bought I5.K1
head of cattle for tne P ji-tliind luir c. ts. T.tey
will del ver UO.I jier uioiith till iuo couirucl la
B.shop .Morris, of the M. E. clinrh. held Ber
vices in tiepp er lat evening. Kd. i'. Aden,
pcoirtiet rut Oie i,oug Creek Eag.e, is in Hepp
ner this wek.
Thos. Bhea returned recently from a trip
thruugh Kaslerd Wasliingtoti. Crops are gen
erally good but grass is short, and i here are
many poor cattle iinj horses in consequence.
Aronuu lYilzvme gram is uuuiy ourneu.
Cattle are not as fat in die Big Bend section aB
we tind them here. There was plenty of grass
last winter but hue rains left it thoroughly
blenched, and the water was frozen up forty
days. Kven this, the stockman s para J is , is not
always to be depeiiueu ou.
Si Goff 1b renewing farmer nssoeiationB in the
Heppner country this week. Mr. Hoff is now a
r eiclentof Wallowa, but has no good word for
that country, having lost many sheep there last
winte. Grass burned up early in the season, tall
rains took out what sust. 'nance win left, and the
sheep had to lire on shadows. Every stockman
sunered mure or less.
Tom and Jas. Matlock, brothers of Mayor Mat
lock, of Pendleton, passed through town this
morning for their Heppner home, after attending
the spring meeting at Walla Wslla.- The Matlock
stables acquitted themselves creditably at Walla
Walla, Kepetta winning the race, and Lady Duffy
securing second money on one occasion. The
brothers were ncQompanied by Si Goff , of Wal
lowa county. K. O.
Elkvatobs on the Heppxeb, Bbakch The
Pacirio Coast Elevator company will put in an
elevator at lone, aud probably ou at Lexington.
It was the intention of Mr. Michner, the general
manager, to erect one at Arlington and one at
lone this season, but th' crop prospects do not
iustifv force work, so that Ihese buildings will
probably not go up until after the rush of other
work is througli witu in tneupper country, wnere
crops are assured.
Sheep Poisonud. W. H. McGouigal
& Sou lost a number of she 'p last S itur
day uear Mel. Hump irey's ranch f uey
were on tbe w.iy to sii UiUjr ruug ami
it is supposed that some enterprising
rancher ''dopad" tne griss inside of the
Mud fence to catoh tlie tin w iry trespass
er. Our inoim nit states that about
twenty head were dead when he passe"
tne hand, an 1 in in v ill ire siok Sheep
men tire having a tough tiuie of it
sheep poisoned on tue trail and camps
burned on the rat.ge If it uere liol
fi r the he p interests, a good y porliou
of K .su ru Oiek'on would haidly be us
prosperous as it present.
Nki;dud BitiiAiB 1 uib K. About ten
hits ago some covetiUs person got away
with 26.) feet of bridge ttmtier belonging
to dis.riot N . 2i, Geo B.eakmtn, su
pervisor. ,ir. tile. ikm in h id ouly a lew
days before hauled tne lumbor to put in
a culvert on Miller grade of Kouk creek
aud thought it best to wait till fall to
oomplele the job. Petly pilfering is on
the rampage in Morro sand tne uex'
circuit court will make a so. 'tiering
among the population who appropriate
other people's property. Tuat bridge
timber had better be rcturued.
Rich in Gold. W. G. Ssott, one of
the owners of the "Little Laura" mine,
up on Willow creek, has received a re
port from the assuyer's ullice at Port
land wh eh proves that their find is a
rich one. It assays 7.71 oz. iu gold per
ton; value $159 36; silver value, $4.25;
total, 8163.(11. Mr. Sontt, is well satisfied
with the returns. Tbe sample of ore
was takeu from the surface, and as tbe
shaft descends it will likely grow richer
aud richer a fortune to the lucky finders
Consumption Sukely Cored. To the
editor: Please inforiU'.vour readers that
I have a positive remedy for tbe above
named disease. By its timely use thou
sands of hopeless oases have been per
manently cured. 1 shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy fueb to any
of your readers who have consumption
if ttiey will send their express and post
office address, T. A. S LOCUM, M. 0.
181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y.
Get cash prices of feed at Spray's
Heppner feed yard.
Job printing at Pendleton prices at
tbe Gazette oilioe.
A fine line of a il I pens, pencils.
at . J, Hloctini's drug store
A II kinds of jolt work done in the
zettk office at Pendleton pnoes.
Coffin 4 MoFarland will deliver gods
to any part of Heppner, froe of charge.
Blanks for assessing school districts
can be had at Gazette olfice.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientitlo mauuer.
J. B. Sperry has second hand grain
sacks for sale good as new. Call at
The S tling, Morgan and Russell but
ter at W. O. Minor's. None better iu
the n.arket.
The Heppner gallery is tbe place to
have vottr photo taken. D.iu't forget it.
Theodore Danner. proprietor.
Gutin & Kuiirk, horse shoers;
horses shod with new shoes all rouud
after date for $1.50 per head.
The Osbnrn mower is considered to be
the best mower in use for light draft and
durability. C. 8. VanDuyn, agent.
Leezer & Thompson have recently
added to their lurne stock of hardware
tinware, etc., a full line of groceries nnd
Gilliam 4 Coffee have nu hand a com
plete stook of harvesting maohinery,
consisting of mowers, rakes, combined
and single reapers, hay rakes, etc.
Plenty of mill feed and Hour on hand
at Sperrv's Roller Mills. Floor in five
barrel lots, $3.75; single barrel, $4 f)j.
Sprny will feed horses, cows an 1 doit
kesforthe following prioes: Hay per
dav, 8 bits; single feed, hay or grain,
124 cents per head.
During the harvesting season, every
rancher must have inn-hiite oil for his
mower or leader. Tn p i m to get the
best is at Johnston & Sloan's.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken aoric'ili oral muci intry,sh"(
your horse, and in fn;t there is nothnu
in tne blncksniiiliing line that thMy are
not able to to.
Go to A. D. ,J dittson & Co 's City Drug
Store for yur in K'iline oils. They have
-ill kinds at the very lowest prices. Special
oriies to saw-mills and thresheisfor large
tlnns.iker and Long Having enlarged
their livery stable, opposite Natter's
Brewery, are now better prepared to ac
commodate the public than ever. All
slock left iu their o.tre will receive the
best of attention.
Agricultural machinery should be the
best. A break-down in a busy time is
often the result experienced by those
who fail to use good judgment in pur
chasing. The "Champion" mowers
and reapers are made of the best ma
terial, light-running and do the best of
work. These features should not be
overlooked by the raucber. For sale by
Coffin & McFurlnnd, Heppner and Arlington.
To ull whom it mav conoern :
Yon nre hereby notified that if yon
purchase bird cages, without first inspect
ing the complete line of oages just re
ceived by Leezer & Thompson, you are
liable to get left. They have also a new
lot of spring perches, bird cage springs,
seed enps and bird baths. Don't fail to
call aud see them when wanting any
thing in that line.
IlEif tlware, Iron, M ana Farn Mm.
SGLE ACEilTS FOR VAXiCiCTOII Ai.fl l!5;,Tim CA.H3 r:n T::E
These Machines are too well known to need commsni. Thousaadi of farmers havo
used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting
Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser.
The most Effective and Successful Combination for ThroBhiag and Cleaning
Grain eve constructed.
Deero Plows, Dooro Sulky Plows,
I Carriages, Phxtoas, Top Buggies,
lThe Feature tint distinguhhes this Twine- Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with U
Extraordinary Strvnirtli and Durability. The D:tvlcr is of the A-iplcbv pattern, the only really succe-sful
one yet known. We have two Btvles, the Elovator Binder and liio Platform Dinder boih excellent both
rvcomnicndtd by hundreds of patrons.
'SKND Fon cincuLAno.ti
W. U. iViilNUK, Aeent,
Heppner, Oregon.
tins week tn
licittinn of the Jewish tera-
rr,r,orv b,i nnrler.S.
In all will make hie y& '"1Kf. ,t!0
on(J an attractive
T. W. Marshall's new ai.,
placed iu pimition this week, at. ","8
general nppearat.ee of the place .
improved thereby.
The leading republican organ of the
outhern 8tats, The South, advocates
that the negro mint occupy a rear pew
iu the political amphitheater hereafter.
Some twenty or more dead eheep are
creating au intolerable stenoh up on the
Hardninn and Toll Rock mud. They were
dropped nut of the MuO'iuigiil baud last
week, aud should be looked after.
The Oregonian, Detroit Free Press
and Heppner Gazette one year for 9i 10.
This offer stands good ti'l July I. Old
subscribers to the Gazette must renew
to take adrautage of this oiler.
If yon are iu need of the services of a
first clase denliet, go to the office of Dr.
Vanirbn where Dr. Campbell has decid
ed to remain a fe m ire days. The i
dootor makes a specialty of djlhcult op
erations. An ounoe of prevention is better than
a pound of cure. Pfunder's Orecn
Blood Purifier expels nil impurities of
the blood and should be lined in all dis
eases of the stoin ich, liver and kiduey.
Take it.
Mr . R. B. Hayes died nt her home, iu
Fremont, O , "u last Tuesdnv morning
.irt .. .i. .. ............ ,.r I.-. W.if
illness ill be found elwwhere in tbit
issue. The funeral will take phio ; on
Last e k Ed. Whtttior came oyr
from his new location at Drewny. He
bas 8' 'Id hi ranch in Jl jrrov, and it
ie supposed that he will uo.v be wh illy
identified ith the interests of Har
ney county.
Capt. H. McFarland, Chas. Lewis and
Willie Leeswell, of Portland, came up
from Lexiniitiin last Sunday. Mr. Lev
in i eniploved id 'he First National
Bank, and will remain iu Heppuer this
Let every inhabitant visit Heppuer n
tbe 41 h of July aud take part in tbe
grand civil and military parade. See
the many attractive features in ad.
There will be fun for all both old and
yung on that nccaiun.
W. P. Dtitton'x sheep cmp, on Indian
cre:k, was burned last week by ranchers
R;fnrrinir to n communication from Mr. Hani.
inn in the K. U. laotweek, in whioh he offers tn
out up a wool scouring mill st Pendleton for a
hoiuenf $5,000 and a mill-sit", a representative
of nn Hasten) wool ho se sulhorizes us to rhj-
liiit Inasuiach as the tVua:ptou peonle won'U lie
puttinit tip the money stssnist some one s ez
pjrience. thitt he will give bunds U put in u
st-ourintr mill of 3,000.0X1 pounUs capneity ou
Mr. II irdioit's proposition, and allow the snb
scrihers to own one-half inmrrst in the plaut as
it stand on completion, fully raortnatte l
He otters to mov-, a $L).0J0 tia;:t which has
beeo operated at Denver at a loss one year, as
the Denver people don't care tt repeat Inst
season's fnilure feudist id seems to want to tryit
A lot in Pendleton suitable for a scouri g mill
should be worth $1,MM at least, which, with the
bonus, would be $tl5lt). For $2,510 a building
can be erectfd. for $.l,r00 mai'lnuery csn be sup
piied. $.r0(l would pay incidenlals a mortKajte ou
the pi-nt m ght be placed in Pn dlt-u,n wliors
the property would be coDsidertd valunb e until
its wnrihlessiiess waB demoustrated. This would
be the oriirinator's proul it is ptmsiblethal some
growers might have their wmls seolired-i.o
dialer would. As tn freights, o particular sav
ing would ne effected as the rate is much higher
oo scoured wjols than upon wools iu the grease.
Pnf. J. H. Stanley hands the Gazrtte the fol
lowing: PoT.-pprn niEPinTMRVT. I
Office or tub 8koond Ass. sr. P. M. Gfn.,
, Wasuikotox, 1). I'., June 10. IsMI. )
and'frlteferring to the petition by you endorsed
fl, rvif-e itSO to V))" 0)))re ummiik 101 u.w
mumeiit e-l'Uies No. 4l.il, Heppner to Mono
Sent Oregon No. W.S9J, I'anyon I'ity Mottu
Sat orde?" hav""P h Ijnnor.to "i10,
effct July 1. uwi)1" dw bBen 1K8u,"i' to JV
ronto8tos.xtim.-sa w,ra8lr ""'vice on both
- T?A Vft11?' OR-
Hott. BiNOEa HEBMACU''J' ''Fi- Cen
House of Kenresentatives,
Washington, D. C.
A Post-off OB NuaonaFar up in
the iilues, twenty-rive miles from Hepp.
m-r, ure the ptosperous seltietnents of
Prnliind praitie, Duch creek and II, lie
trniiD-H. At present the no pelied
to come ad the way to lie, p ier fur
thi'irin.ii). Tuey are snllioient in num
bers to consistently ask tbe Dosses for a
posi-utiiue neuter liotue. A semi-weekly,
or even a weekly lu tii, up to tnnt
fruitful section would be a boon to them.
Bring. It In. Persons holding sonp
can secure the highest market price for
it al the Gazette shop.
Land ContesiS Dboioisd. Tlie names
of the success ul p rtie are printed in
cupitul letters. The Dnlb-s district:
W in. G. Welch vs. NOB 1 II 1CKN PAC.
B. li. GO ; Alonzo M. iVInrklium vs. N
P. K. B. OO ; H. 8. Toln y vs. N P. K
K. CO. La Uraude district : GEOKUK
BAKER vs. AndrewS. Lttch; HENKY
UEBBEUvs. The Keira of Francis G
Williams; Heury Guber vs. F. G. WILLIAMS.
One dollar per ton pays for weiirhine,
storage and forwitrdintf wool from the
warehouse nt Hegipner, within thirty days
from date of delivery.
For eaoh month, or part of a month,
after the first thirty days, one dollar per
ton additional will beoh-irjed.
Wool is uninsured unless specially or
dered in wr.tin1! by the owner.
Uiadinu and b.ilniK forty oents per
. . T. R. Full, Mauaor.
To Paint A House
Neiitlv Kequires an Artist with the Brush.
Can do that kind of a job. They also make a specialty of
Sign Painliiif, Paper Hanging and Decorating.
Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's A Co.'s drug store, cor. May nnd Main sts.
Satis diction guaranteed or no pay required.
Shop Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner, Oregon
776. 1889.
It Is An
Have Tlie B.'st Arniiirpd Stock Of
III Heppner.
Yon Come In To Celn hrnte Tlie Fourth,
WM. IWcFAbb,
Vice President.
Cfirti stock, $soo,ooo,
L. Patte
son, Agsnt, Heppner Oregon.
They Please The People Bob and
Evt MoUinley viaited Heppner thiu
week fr the third timw within the pnnt
niiio years, showing on Monday and
TneHday uigbta. Cutiaitlerin the num
ber of people in'the company, thev ave
an entertaitiment far tihead uf nny show
that has visited Heppuer this Heason.
Tliy show M Loug Creek the 3rd and
4th, prox.
The Daller. Orbgon. June 19, lt89.
Gkniral Okdbhs l
N 13. f
1. Warrants hare been issuui to the following
nnii-coiDtnissiuned officern in this ieimeot, sab
joct tu the report of the board uf exiraiuert;
Sergt. P, M. Mo( 'ally to be first HerKeant; Private
J. H. Baals, J. A. French and C. E. Vest to be
sergeant, aud Geo. W. Bran scorn to be cor
poral in J company. They will be respected and
obeyed accordingly.
. Ph fulinwi men hnv Imo. ra td hon
or S il srarg. from the Or-Ron Natio a:
Goard: (. L. Andrews, of E company: 8ert.
Thos. Uurftt", of G compa iy; 8r ant M. E.
Iegore and I 'orporat J. B. 01in-t ftd. of 1 com
pai . ad r J. QTovm a d I. B. UilUr of K
com pa' y
8 Thfl fullowinjt me liar buen dishonorably
dis.-hagud from Orton Nati mal (i'mrd for
c totinuoos tfCRlect of duty at d (fenertiun: Jus.
Bordin, of A company ; Cha. G. Bury, of II
eompa'iy, a'td John Sutherland and V. J. Ueith,
of X oompaiiy.
By order of
( UAH. E. Moboan,
Official: Colonel.
1st Lieut a d Aljt.
J. Feani Uawortu. Sowant-Major.
For Week Ending Wrdnefiday, Jnoe J, 1H8B.
Jane 20: mean temDeratnre. 7S.5S: max. ther..
! 91.; min. ther.. 48.: winds direction, 8. W.; force,
2; rainfall, 0; meati bamm., 21t.8H; part cloudy.
Jtuip XI: mean tern.. &i.U2: dihi. then-.. fM: min.
ther., 54: winds. 8, W.; forse, 4; raiufail, 0; mfl
; barom. '29.6; part cloudy,
I Jnne2S; mmn temperatnre. 62.4; max. ther.,
: 73: min. ttir.. &6: winds, 8. W.; force, 7; mean
: iwriim UJ2: mrt rlnnHv.
or SKm-a W1H'., " T " th,jr i Jon-W; mi. ttn.. !.!: m,x. th.r.. ..
croHOhnieiils -f ilc.rrow 8 Bht-ep on their ( lh8r . wmiU w . forM niuHU 0
Tl.. uill lui fun nvMr thfrA Vel An 1. .Urfluu
rnnvn. iiiriw wit. w , . , u,.au . .... ...
between tbe t0 (uctiou.
J. C. Sprny Jure-i u while in Hrpp
oer last Mondav that bfl liadu't much
reatnu to complain regarding hi crops,
yet be baa not wholly escaped the ra
se of the not scorch ag wiuds. His
beal is waist biU aud promises a good
Conger Bros. A Crowly, Chas. Con
ger, aud James A. Wallace, representa
tive hp.'fimen of Lona creek, udd their
Their clips aggregated 148sacksor W,UW brand. Fonr oolts, in color two bayi
ponnds. , a brown and a buckskin. X will give $5
Manv of our mercliaots are making a ! rewsrd pr head for their delivery at i.
loud kick ..n account of the irregularity M. Shelton's ranoh, near Alpine, a
of the Portland mail. One sins be has reasonable reward for information left at
lost fullv one tl.oasaud dolli.rs bv m a-, the Oazbtti! offioe. or at J. M. ribeltoi.'s
pl-edo;.nfideDce in Ihe mail. Wbf . r.nch, leading ".)S.
the matter with tbe Heppner office?-; HITTILK BBOS.
June U: mmo tern. te.'iS; max. ther.,M: min.
ther.. 45; winds, 8. W.; force, I; raiufail, 0;
iiiwd harom. BU.l; part rhody.
Jant mean tern., 71.75; max. ther., W; min.
thor., M; winds. 8. W.; force, 4; rainfall, trace;
mean barom.. 2 98; cloudy.
June 2; mean turn., &4.7S; aaax. ther.. 83; min.
thor.. ft); wh ds. h. W.; foroe, ram full, trace;
mean barom., itijfJ; cJoody.
One roan, Tmr-y ear-old mare, branded
W R ,.nnmntA nn th tuft ah.inUiur
uiip oere iat week fur 15 oenU per -ft. one hruwn, three-yeur old (reUliiifr, snnw
n... ., a 1 I I J .rtrtLjiiv n'l lilt . . n . t
New Management. Lee Sam has pur
chased the May street laundry, and de
sires to inform the puolic that he pro
poses to do good work at very low prices.
He is not responsible for any of Quong
Qee's debts, aud those to whom be is in
debted must expect oush from tbe old
management 4t
Pf'-luoed from the laxative and nutri
"""s iice uf California figs, combined
with t,o mcilic.il virtues of plants
snuwn to tc, most benehoial to the hu
man syntem, ,cts gently, on the kidneys,
liver and bow.H, elleotually cleansinu
the system, disne liin o ihU and head
aches, nndoiiriug habitual constipation.
Iropanttd i'ii-ruiaititu.
DR FLINTS REH;)Y. by e;.roi8
inu a rnuula ivo iiclnenuj over the
aotion .if tin heart m l t e nem-nl oir
I'til ition, will oueck at once hleeliiiat
from the hint's, and wi!l o ire ilrcpsy of
Ihoan oriMim. D'4Criitivd Ire iIism ivi1 11
eaoh bottle; or, .ul.iii-sn M .ck U.-u,- C .,
N. Y,
tahikimT .-
I have oeued a well-.ippointed tailor
ing entH'ilishpient in my new build
ing on .May street, and am now regularly
reoeiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pants from il to $15 -best
goods in the market.
A. AniiAHAMSicK.
It is an undisputed f;u't that the Imih!
omest veritibnle fi-niii that, are imiu
run "n the American conlinent hi- ;i-.t.-
on the "BUBMNOTON KoOTK," lt ;nil'
the Cuion Depot in Denver, nW St.
Paul, immediati'ly ou arrivnl of nil
throiiuh trains from Ihe west. Tho tlrni
and seeoiid chiHS coaches lire nnicniti
ceut, the Reclining chair cjith superb.
the Pullman sleep, rs extremely luxuri
ant, and as for the meals I Imt aie served
iu those Palace llurliuittoii timing cars
- yum-ynrn. The next lime on yo east
to Kansas City,Ohicugo or fit. L uis, if
yon mention to the ticket agent that
ou wautyrur ticket to reail from Uen
ver or St. Paul over the Burlington
Route, you will get il, and you will nl
uy be clad of it..
If you go via the Northern or Canadi
an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains
of '"The Burlington Route." betweeu St.
PhuI, Chicago and HI. Louis will carry
you alon. , the easlurn shore of the Miss
issippi rirer for a distance of 35U miles,
amidst scenery that cannot be surpass
ed; or, if yon go via the Oregon 8bort
Line or Southern Pacific, ni'd your tioket
reads via "The Burlington Route," from
Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass
through all the thriving cities and towns
located in what is popularly known as
the "Heart of the Continent." For fur
ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon,
General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland,
Clean, well kept rooms and the Table sup
cILdvvi.h tho besrin the ma ket
Main street, opposite N iti-mnl B ulk of Ili'ppm-r W. H CONAUD, Frop.
Heppner Feed Yard!
The above is all for sa'e at tlie Heppnor Feed Yard nt reasonable
rates. Lower Main Street. J. . Kl'RAY, Prop.
Sealed proiosals will be received by
the Board of Directors of school district
No. 12, Lexington precinct, Morrow
county, Oregon, until two o'clock P. M.
July 1 1889, for tbe erection of a two
story school building. Plans and spec
ifications oan be seen nt tho office of
Wm. Blair, Dial, clerk, Lexinuton, Or.
The material and labor subscribed to
he considered in saut proposals. The
Board rewrves the right to reject any
and all bids. By order of thecommittee.
Wm. Blaib,
Dial. Clerk.
Every inhabitant of Lard valley uses
ei her "88, H. A B. s Private stock, or
"X. T. C. brands of celebrated oibao
oos. H Blackmail & Co always have
ou hand a In r ire stock of these goods for
wholesale and retail tr ide
Il is h novel i lea to have hare Hoors
when carpets Oiiu be purchased at II.
Bi okin m & Co.V at audi a low Buro.
"A gentleman should have a neat,
Bt lish h:it to complete his costume,"
H .i-I Mr-. O illagher to her hush ind the
other day, "and want you lo go right
down to H. Blackumn A C i.'n ihi.I f -t
one. Th"y alwiiys have tbe iiuatmr,
cheapest and best."
Poor baking po der ie in the mhrki t,
and it mak s the good housewife tali
foreign lingo. She should always buy
the oelehrated 'Cond.-ll Bi Cm"" b i
ing po,der at II. Bl.ickni in k Co.'s, i!t
ounces, at the low prioe of 5l)nenisa con.
Be sure to try i', and save mental worry
and family rupture-i.
8 ockiuen's supplies in any quantity
and at piices a low as the l.iwest at II
Blackm-iu & Co'.
"The Prde of Heppner" refers to the
spring-bottom, tailor-made the only
stylish dentin pants in the market. They
Bre made expressly for H. Blackmail 4
W i How Creek Saw-Mill1
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of UNDRESSED LUMBER; nlsn
C1T Mill Located at the Head of Willow Crnek, Ifi miles above Heppner.
Keep the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods iu Their Line in
Morrow County.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Toilet Goods of
Hvery Description. Also, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Jrc.
Hew Stock of wall Paper Just eecelvemrom i rie East.
Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Key
West and Imported Cigars.
Call and see us when yon are wanting anything in our line.
Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and special
attention given to orders from the country.
For Sam I have a lot of farm ma
ohinery, for sale aheap, consisting of
horse power and separator, fanning mill,
gang plows and other Ibinus too numer
ous to mention. Those wishing to pur
chase will call at my office in Heppner.
O. W. Rba.
Th Heppner Gizrrri bus arranged
for special clubbing rates with the folio i -ing
papers and riodicals:
The American Farmer and Gazhtth
per year, 2ij; litrlyt Lwly Magit
tine, i 50; uelruit Fret i rent. $i.U);
Weekly Oeoontan, WU Julj
Biam) of All Kinds oan lie procured
at 85 each by ordering through the
Heppner Gazette. This is n saving of
li to S3 on prices usually uharired. tf.
Tit Tni7 Latent B'yl'.t Jutit receiqed from
Portland and and Francisco
a r
Mrs. Warren's
Fashionable Millinery and Ladies
Furninhing Store.
Thankful for the genrrons liWatity
and good will of the people of lli i'pti'T
and vicinity in the pu.-n, e eorli il'y
solicit their patronage in the future.
Boarding Stables.
This Company have loused the ground on A and between Fourth and Fifth streets
Portland, Oregon, for the purpose of e.irrying on tho buniuess of boarding,
; shipping mill salo of
Driving, Riding and Team Morses, Full blood
ed Draught and Hackney Stallions,
Commodious barns are in the course of construction, and the Company is fully
expecting to have everything in readiness for opening their premises the
first week in Mav. The ritrioteat Attention will be paid to stook
nnder their charge, and oonsiguors may rely on highest
A Weekly Public Sale will be held every Sat
urday and from the central position of
the sale yard ought to be largely at
tended by the public.
The Company have on hand at present
Three Imported Clydesdale and Percheron
llions for Sub or trud ; fo. uozk.
A Specially!!
Tilling always
nv n i
mi l niware, uranitewar?
Wood unci Willow Ware,
Bird Cages, NEW HOME Sewiuj; Ma
cbiueu and a complete line of
aiat. i v i c i i t i s ivti iyi,
Custom Work and llepairii Neatly Done.
Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon.
Heppner Saddles!