ZETTE. BEFPNER, THURSDAY, June 27, '8 EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. t. c. acbriy, kditob. W Shoala Um Comajon Sim in Judging Oar T ncbrn and Schools. We demand of onr teaehera and com mon sobooli that tbey ahall do certain proscribed things. W demand that they teach ewy child in the Innd to read intelligently, and pleasantly the printed matter oontained in books, paper and magazines; that every child be taught to write a good, plain, neat, legible band; that erery child be taught the essentials of arithmetic, i. e., to add, ubtraot, multiply and divide simple, compound and fractional numbers, to calculate interest wilh absolute accura cy and a commendable degree of rapidi ty; that every child be taught the prin cipal fsots in regard to the geography of the earth; that every child betanght to express its thoughts in a clear, forcihle, grammatical language; that he be taught the story of our country's histo ry, so that hs may be able to gain a plain straight-forward, conneoted ac count of that story from the time of Columbus to ithe present ; that every child be taught something of the struct ure and functions of his bodily organs, and something of the laws of health. In short we demand that our schools shall give ta every boy in land a good, sound, praotioal education, suoh as will fit its posiesor for usefulness and happiness. We find that not every boy and girl obtains this demanded education, and we artfWadT to cry out "failure," or to aoquisce when others so cry out. The critics of our common schools take the examination papers or the gen eral scholarship ascertained in some way of a hundred pupils and then form their estimate of the efficiency of the schools by the scholarship of the blun derers of the class. Nothing else is judged in this way. A horse trainer is not counted a failure in his business beoause he can not make a Dejter or a Maude S of every cult that is placed in his hands. He is not ei peoted to do it. It is not in the colt therefore it can not bs got out. Nei ther is it in every child to become a fin ished scholar. The schools can only give the acboolar the opportunity to become educated. Whether or not they do this can Dot be ascertained by bus ing our judgment upon the failures of their dull pupils. When a goodly number of bright pu pils in a school have learned well the suli jeot required it is fair to presume that the opportunity has been presented to al pupils to learn the same. Were the same common sense used in judging schools and teachers that is used in judging everything else, there would be less adverse oritioism, and a higher and more just appreciation of their real mission and of their true worth. HEPPNER AND MONUMENT ROAD. FiopoHsts far the Grading and Completion of the Jobn Day Wcirim Itosil from Hepnpr, Morrow Comity, to Monument, (irant Connty. Office of SuPKiiiMTKNnmrr, I Hkpinkb, Oh., June 15, 1889. ) Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 2 p. m. on July 0, at whioh time tbey will be opened. Eaob proposul must be aocompanied bv a chock or bond or other good and sufficient guarantee in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) that the bidder will, within ten days after being notified of the Bcoeptanoe of his proposal, onter into a contract with the commissioners of tbe John Day Wagon Komi with the necessary dodo sureties or tuo laitlirul performance of the work therein named. Forms, specifications and other infor mation ran be otitained at the office of the superintendent. Bids will be received for the whole work, or for any portion not less than five miles. APPOXIUATK ESTIMATE OP QUANTITIES. CU. Y'ds. Solid Rook 6(K Loose Kock l.flHI Cement Gravel l,5j() Earth 33,110 J Snwed timber in structures complete, 2.000 feet, a. M.; Logs iu structure, 4,(M0 lineal feet; olearing aud grubbing, lj acres. The right is reserved to rejpot any or all bids unil waive defects E. G. SPKimv. Chairman Board of Com. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS, Of Morrow County, Oreyon, June 12, JHS9. In matter of eiponso to county school superintendent ; J.H.Stanley, conuty superintendent, to be allowed $2.00 per day for every day occupied or eiuloyed iu visiting the schools of Morrow oouuty. In matter of miscellaneous bills against the oouuty: C. M. Mullory, furniture, 88 75. T. R. Howard, sheriffs foes, 12 83. JUMJS 13, BILLS CONTINUED. John B. Ely, ootnniisiouer 17 40. John A. Tuonipsou, , 17 40. C. L. Andrews, clerks tees 159 79. In matter of report on road from Heppnsr to Monument of which E. Q. Sperry, Frank Oilliara ami Prior Wil son are commissioners, and D. V. Kin nard, surveyor, report presented by said commissioners was deolared and reoorded. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. rBee to Thorn ns W. Ttullnv a loi in Lexington, 8300. Homer McKarland aud Emma McFar land of Lexington to E. B. McFarlaud of Tbe Dalles, two lots in Lexington, 100. David A. Herren and Addie D. Herren to Ellis Minor, a lot iu Heppner, 820JO. Theodore Tel to Anson E. Wright, W. of 8. f.)4 of section 10, and Ra of 8. E.4 of section 9 of township 4 south, raugi 25 E. W. M.,87oO. Lafayette Penlaud and Rebeoooa A Peuland to Wm. Peuland, the 8. E.' of N. E., and N. E.Jf of 8. E..y, of sec tion 28 and 8.' of N. W.Jtf of seotion 27, of township 4 south, range 27 E. W. M. 8500. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned has been appointed administrator of tbe estate of Mooes Cantwell. All claims against the Cant well estate must be made out in bill form, sworo to before an officer qualified to administer the same, and banded in by December 27, 1889. All accounts and notes due said estate must also lie settled by that time. J. 8. YOUNG, Administrator. HPper, Or., June 27, lbU9. 6t 1776. 1889. FOURTH OF JULY CelebratioN ! -:at:- Heppner, Oregon. MAGNIFICENT Biggest in the History of the County. The Day Will Be Ushered In by the Firing of Cannons. Officers of tine noyi - - - Hod. Henry Blackmail Marshals, L L Matlock and Otis Patterson Orator, Hon. J. N. Brown Reader, .... Hon. Frank Kellogg Chaplain, .... Rev. G. I Frank ORDER OF EXERCISES: Procession will form at 10 o'clock A. M., sharp, resting in front of Odd Fellows' Temple, Headed bif Heppner Comet Band, 6. JY. G., Liberty Car, Citizens in, Car riages, Citizens on Horseback. AT THE GROVE: 1. Music by Heppner Cornet Band; 2. Prayer by Chaplain ; 8. Singiug by Glee Club; 4. Readiugof Declaration of Inde pendence by Hon. Frniik Kellogg; 5 Musio by Band; 6. Oration by Hon. J N. Brown; Song bv GleeClub; Music by Band. DINNER! Programme of Sports: 1. Shooting Tournament between Com panies O. N.G.; Prize, 810.00. 2. Slow MuleRiioe; Prize, $..00. 3. Suck race; Prize, 85.00. 4 Fat Mud's nice; Prize, $5.00. 5. Catching the Oroased Pig; Prize, 85 00. 0. Wheelbarrow rnoe; Prize, 85 00. 7. Match Uiimeof Base Bull between Arlington aud Heppner Nines. Jiahy Show; the best dressed baby under 1 year, prize, 810.00; the best looking baby under 1 yenr, prize. $10.00. All prizes to be awarded by competent judges chosen for the occa sion. D and E Cos., 3nl Reg. 0. N. G.,havc invited A B and C Cos., same 'Reg. to partici pate in the Celebration. GRAND DISPLAY OF Fire Works! Tiie ILippiinr Hills will bo nbluzf with Fire work.- from 7 to 9 i. M. The committee on Ki rework will display th. following m.igninctMit Hfwtrtnieht of Fhuc Culuml Itoraet- and Kxhilnlion riwcM, whic. Hlintild oc worth a tilp o & nuleo lo witi eMh: The i lb. Ittickutt v. ill aHdci d over l.mo fe- t giviigdilftru,it bviliiiiittcKhiljitioiiHof ti.o hilm liovi'ltiutt. (.lur I'.zhibition i'iacen - HattenuH VV heeiM, etc , arm all of large Hiee and will b tixod in regular order, the wuuW display IkhIii ahout two tioiirn. t'uine to Heppner on tho 4th or you will mitu 0 rund Celehration. li Antd. "lleailing" Hock eta, 1 and 9 Ibtt. oaeh. 6 LkhI. ''Itonib ' ltocktlH.'i!ll)(t, each, 8 " C'olored ' l'arachuie" Kockctu, 4 lbi each. 'i " t'olorcd "Kihibltion" HocketN, 4 lbn. each. " Colored "Twin Aneroid" KockvtH, 4 lb. vach. 2 " Colored "Willow TiW UocketH, 4 tlw. each. t M Colored "Cornicopia" Hucketi, 4 lbn. oach. 1 " Colored "lUrteqmtmdo" Hocketc, 4 Ibit. each. 1! Uxtra latge "Pteiailes" Hock!, ft 11m. each " " "Telehcope" Itepuatmg Hock etH, U ItiM each. li obi. Kit, lge, 14-Ball Koiuan CuudlcH, fincm colom. 2i Dbl Kit. lge. 6-Ha 11 Roman Caudle, naesi cotom. 14 Lgit. lixe llengal I.ighta. a Colored Hunelte Whecll. X " Cliiua Flyers t " Vertical Whwds. 3 " 1'ouble Tnaiigl W'htteU. tt " "UMer 'tevolvem." 8 " "Floral" Fountain. 8 " "l'riHmatiij" Fountain. 2 ' "MitucifHou Uatteriea." t " "lltiiterie of t'olvi-pil Blum." 2 " "Floral Itaud Mheli." " "Flying 1'igeoii." I " "t'haplol of Kohhv." 1 " "('liineH Fan." 1 ' "I'yric Cacada." 1 ' "M -ncan Jet." 1 Hnarklingt a price. i Monitor itntteri. t Mmmt of MerpentH. 1 Hdvir (ihr. 1 Polka lottery. 1 Uatlmii Uatutry, Pliid Udi Xli iot Octjiou. Ctflt of WM. RUARK, Grand Plug Ugly. Grand Ball ! In the Evening, Come Everybody and Celebrate Our Natal Day. All are invited to bring Baskets well filled. By order of Com. A GREAT REMEDY. The Bioohemio Remedies that have made snob wonderful cures, are now for sale at our drug stores. Any one de sirous of learning about these medicines can do so by cnllingonourdrnggists and getting pamphlet on "New Treatment of Disease." Biochemio medicine acts in harmony with nature's laws and heals the sii k or rebuilds wasted tissue in chronic cases, on the same principle that a tree is nourished and sustained in order to produce a new twig or branch that may have been broken. Disease means a lank of a certain principle at the place affected. Bijchemistry supplies that lack. 325-28 NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received nt the county clerk's office on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, 1889, for building b comity bridge on the Jumps & Wnlker ranch, Little ISutter creek, now owned by Kd Day. Each bidder has the privilege to make his own iluna and specifications for said bridge and price for building in a workmanlike manner, and all bids to be tiled with the county clerk by 4 o'clock on the above named day. June 12, 1889. (Signed) Wm. Mitchell, County Judge. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple moans, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affections nnd that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known t his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for con sumption, asthma, ontarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes ull sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the proscription, which will oost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rkv. Edwakd A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, King's county. New York. MARKET REPORT. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter, gill-edged, 20 to 25 cents, EOOS. Eggs are very scarce. Wanted at 20c. VEGETABLES. New potatoes, 2 to H cents per lb. Old Potatoes, 1 cent per lb and scarce. POULTRY. Chickens, 83 to 84 per dozen, according to size. WOOIj. Several good sales have been made during the past week at 15 cents per pound. This is the price for average iieeces of K istern Oregon. Wool prom ises to be u better price in a few weeks. FI.OUH. There has been quite a decline in the flo'.ir market within the past five weeks. Sperry's best grade of Heppner Hour, 5 bill, $:i7o per libl ; retail, $400 Waitsburg Peerless flour, $1.25 in any quantity. LIVE STOCK. Good beef oattle, 2 to '1 cents per pound; mutton, $2 per head. FI1EHII MEATS. Loin steak, retail, 10 oeuts per pound; round steak, 12' cents; roasts, 10 cents; boiling, 5 to 8 cents. Mutton, i cents, best quality. NOTICE OF INTENTION Lund OfTirp, Tiiidrnnde, Or.. J mm 24, 'R9. NotiPf ih liiTcbv tri von 1 hat ttie followinir-nam(?(i nattier hriM tiled imlicp of hifl inttiilion to mnk tin ril poof in Niipport (if hin claim, Hiul tlidt Htvd jtroiif will In nitulo hf ire tho enmity olork of Morrow county, at HeppnHr, UniKon, on Au. KflHt 10, lHhU, viz: John S. Chitty, Dh. Nn.fiJM. for Um lotn 2. 3 it 4 .t KWW NEV aw. a, ip. n., u. tu. v . ai, llti niiinoH Llid foilowinif witnCrtHfi In nrnvs hiHcoiitimmuH rtiHidencH uoou. and cultivation of. un id land, viz: i. W. Me)lHrKU. Wefl. Uridith, J. 8. Elliott, un itapitiu, un or ifippner, or. Any niirwiu wiio dwirnH to oroti'Ht niminnt tho Rllowanoe of Much proof, or who known of any HuhmantiaJ raHon. nndir the law and t,h reuula- tioiiBof the lntnrior Depart innnt, why mieh proof Hhoutd not hp allowed, will beiven an opportu nity al tho iilovt-nnnt.ioiHHl tiino and place to oroKH-examiiie tho wjtneHHOMor Haul claimant and to otlnr evHUMico tu rmmttul of that Huhmittftd hy clainiunt, 1W7-92 IlKNnv Itl.VKHABT, IiflfflHter. NOTICK OF CONTFST. Land Ollice at The Iiallew, Or. June 15. 188ft. Cotnolainf havinur been eulered a( thiN otHce hv Theodnre Tex again it Fdward lleukle for aban- noiuiig hi8 fioiiicHtead entry Nf dte I No vember I r. imm;, upon the H' NF1 and iS'i NN'V Hecl.'i. Tp4 H, It K, iu Morrow county, Or, wil ti a view to the cancellation h eaid entry, the said parttuttarn hereby aummoned to appear at thi ollice on the 12th day of AugiiHt. lti, at 1 o'clock j in, to rcHpond und furtiiHli testimony concern if ik Hiiid allegi d abandonment. The county clerk of Morrow county, Or i authorized to iake timtituony in tliia nw.pi nt Heppner, tr, on July V IBHIi, al LOo'dock a m. F A McDonald, Register. T W Hlitsukb. lieceiver. S'o-SO NOTICE OF INTENTION. (jind Ollice nt La (Irani In. Or., June 12, '89. NmictiiH hereby givan that the fol. owing named etller haw tiled notice of hi. liitentiou to 'iiake tiitai proof in Hupport of IiLh cltdm. and dial hitid prool will be umde before the county ierk of Morrow oouuty, at Heppner, Or., iu July 21, 1H.HW. viz: John Zollinacr, lsNol6',for the YV 4 NW1 NK' NW A NWV N VM Mec t, Tp 3 H, It 21 K W A. He nauiea the following witueHttea to prove hia sontiuiiouH reHideucu upon and cultivation of. iHid land, vie; i It Jane, Hnrriflon Hate, Dan Btalter, John Hill, all of Heppner, Orvgoti, Any perHon who decree to protect Again nt the tllowance of Much proof, or who kimwH of any mbntantiai reanon, under the law ami tho regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof diould not be allowed, will be given an opportu nty at the ubove-ment ioitetl tuuo and place to roMH-exiiniino the wittHWMea of taid claimant and o oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted .y clHimaut. 0-31 Hknbv Rjnkhakt, Hogmter NOTICK OF INTENTION. I.niul OIHrart The Dulles, Or., Juno 1, '89. Nclii'O in ht'i'elty gi veil t hal the following-named settlor ban liled notice of hi intention to com niite and niHke linal proof in t up port of hia dann, and thut ftaid proof will be made before he county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, i)r on AugtiNt 3. IhXV vu: licnn; H. Lefrvre, rid fortheH'sW1- HW1 8FV4 Bee 17, A NV N KSi Hec , TpttS, He nauieM the following witnoete to prove hi lontinuouN retideuoo upop, and cultivation of, aid land, viz: Frank A Mweeney, Calvin L Mweettey, of Ar lintfton. Or. I'harleH VV Miller, of Fowdl. Or. Kugene F. Smith, of Lone Hock. Any peraon whit dewires to protewt ngalimt the dluwancfl of (tuch untof. or who known of nnv ubittantial r canon . under the law and the regula- 10m or the interior Department, why such proof hould not be allowed, wilt be biv"H an opportti uty at the above metitioiud time ttnd place to TiwiN examine thewituenotmof hhuI claimant, and o oiler evideuew in rebuttal of that mibmilted ty claimant. WUtl F. A. MfDoNAi.n, Ugier, Tho Celebrated French Cure, APHRODITINra lo cur Is Sold os a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disensc, or any ill son ic r of the BtFOflt Kvnrrativ or- AFTER Knus o( cillier K'x whether iiing troin the ezceuhc tlc o Stlmulnutt, Tvbaeeo or 0!um. orthmiigh youthful luitlm-ivtlon, over imlulg. etuc, Ai'., mirli as l,vs of llmiu Tower, Wakeful, new, lloninn' iloivu l'nim Iu tho Bi'k, Semiuul WenkiieMt, )!vterla. Nervous I'rtwtmtlou Not'tum al Emiulons, lucorrha'a. Dlziluenn, Weak Mem ory, of Power and IinHteney. which If ne ;lecte.t often leal to premattireoMaKeatid tnsau Hv. rrhe I1.C0 a boi. 6 ooiei for 5.00 Beut br mall on receipt of price. A WHITTEN Or AKANTBK for every-5M oitler, to refitml the money If a I'eruiauewt flire 1. not elTeetetl. ThouxauJi of testimonials from oUI ami young, of both seal's, iiermaneutly eureJ by ArimoniTiKt. Circular free. AJdre;s THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKRTBKN BRANCH, 108 STKVI.NSOM BT. SAN FBANC1S.0.C4L Solil b) A. U, JuliUKou A: (Jo., Drug giutai, Uipijuor, Uroyoa. 1 money 1 undt?4. I NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Office at The Dalln Or.. Jans . 'SB. Notion nt htreror id ven that the following-named settler nan tiled notice of his intention to make hnal proof in support of hia nlaim. and that aaid proof will bo made before the connty judiee of Morrow connty, at Heppner, Oregon, un July a. 1809, vis: Charlen E. Kirk, H1. 1101 for the S'4 NK' Hoc. 0. and WV4 N W) Beo. 10, tp.4H. K .25 K. W. M. He nameethe followmx witneanes to prors his continuous reeidence upon, and cultivation of mill mini, viz: J. Hhan.tr, Frank (lillintn Theodore Tel, David Bowman, all of Hpiner, Or. Any p'THon whodeeires to protiwt aeainit ttie allowance of Hueh proof, or who known of any anliMtantial reaaon, uniW the law and the rettu latioiiH of the Interior Department, why snub, proof Hhould not be allowed, will be (liven an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to croa'wxamine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Hiibmitted by claimant, as-i") V. A. McDonald. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at Ijtlirnr'de.Or. June 6. 'HA. Notice ia hereby iriven that the following-named settler has liled notice of his intention to cum uiute and make hnl roof in mipimrt of his olaim. and that Ra;.d proof will be made before the connly clerk of Morrow eoui'ty. at Hepp ner, Or., on July 20. IMSII. vi7: Frank E. McCorLle, 11:1. No. as.il, forth" NWt HWH K'i SWVi and 8W-4 HK tfec. IS. Tp. s .. R. K. He name the following willies. to prove Iob fiontinuoiiM reaidence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: ('. It. ('ale, K. H. Rhnrmnn, of Lena, Or.; J. g. Girdane, I). '. Ourilane, of Kidue, Or. Any person who .l.,iru.s to pr.iteet against tho allowance of auch proof, or who knowa of any uhtantia! roaeori, u I'ier the law and the regula tions of the Interior Deimri merit, why such proof ihould not be allowed, will ha given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to croHH-exiimine the witnesses of anirl claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant, S'AVJU Hexry Rinehart. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. tawl Office at The Dnlh. Or., J uHe 10, '89. Notice in hv?rhy given tliut thn followingnamed settler ban notice of iwr intention to inn lie hrinl pnx.f in support of her claim, mid that -mid nroof will he made hnforn the county judge of Morrow county, at Hapi imr, ir., on .iuty .nt. irw, viz: Rachel Hoakinn, widow of Dillon Ho ffeceased. II... 98fl. for the VM HKM Her,. 10. SW SWTS II. and NVV1-.. NWi, KeeU.Tii. fi N.. H .2fi K. W m Bhe named the following witnesseH to prove his oontinuous residence upon, ar.ii cultivation of, said land, viz: Albert Wright, James Denny, of Heppner, Or.; Ham Meadows, H, H. (ilaMntord, of Hard man, Or. Any person who desire, to protest against the allowtn:e of such proof, or who knows of any suhwtari iat reason under the la and he regula tions of the Interior Department, why tmch proof should not he allowed, will he given an ope pnrtunity at the above merit oned time and plact lo cross-examine the witnesses of said clniman and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by (thiiinum. aafi-80 P. A. McDonald. Keglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. liiind OfTlceatThe DnUon, Or.. May 31, '89. Notice, ia hereby ffiven that the followniR named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will he made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Hoppner, Or., on July 13, 1KM), viz: William Graham, lid. 21r.2. for the SKU WM Hrc. 6. and Sl4 NWH NWVi HW Sec. 4, To. 4 H.t It. 25 IS. lie uamen the following witiieHses to prov hi coirtiniiour residence upon, and cultivation of. ftaid land, viz: li. V. ( nrio, of Heppner, Or,; John Jenkins, Wiley Mcliee, J. L. Ileymer, of JCight Mile. Any perwui who demreii to protest aftainftt the allowance of such proof, or who known of any siilmiuntial reason, under the law and the regu lalionH of the Inferior Dnpartinont. why such proof should not. bo allowed, will he given on opportunity at the abovo mentioned time and p. ace iO croH8-Fxainim the witn-HHea of eaid claimant, and to niter evideaoe in rubUvtal of titut an h 'ii it ted by claimant. F . A. McDonald, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., May 31, 1889. Notice iH heroby given thut the following named Hettler ban filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Ihh claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on July 13, viu James J. McGee, Hd. I12t, for th NH NK , Sec. 9. and WVi S W , Sec. ID, J p. A H., K. W K. He naiui'H the following witncBReBto prove hia continuoitH rewidence upon, and cultivation of. tiaid laud, vi; Fred Foppen, J. A. AdamH, E. II. Dickena, Jamea Ilamn, all of IIardinan,Or. Any perHon who deairea to protest Agninat the allowance of such proof, or who knowa of any Hiibatantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why mich proof nhould not lo allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to oroHe-exumine the witneum of said claimant, and to otfor evidence in rebuttal of that Hiibmitted by claimant. 8-V!U K. A. MoDokald. Register. NOTICE OP INTENTION. I-and OTice at LaUrando Or., May 15, 1P89. Notice ia hereby given that the following, named ant 1 lor hied notice of )hh intention to iiuike hnat proof in suppoi-t of his claim, and that aaid procf will bo made before the oouuty judge, or in hi i.ouoiioe hafore tjie county clerk of Alorrow county, at Heppner, Ore , ou July t), IHH'J, viz: P. C, CresmreU HH. No. 24KH for the HWH Sec. 26, and WH NW'i Sec. SS.'J'p. 8 8., H.SM K. He namcH thefnllowmg witnewes to prove Iun coutiiiuouH renideuce upon, and cultivation of naid land, viz: 8 T. Tipped, of Lena, Or., Oliver P. M. 8im coke. John Kitmej,!'. (,'. TluuiiptHin.ali of Hepp ner.Or. Any person whodeairea to protest against the allowance of mich proof, or wko known of any siibHtantial reaHon, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such prof Hhoiild not be allowtnl, will be given an oppor tunity at the alove memioned timn and place to cr" s-cmuuiiie tha wltntiHrtes of wild ulaunant, and to oiler evidence iu rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. Hknhy Hineitart, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice nt LaGnoide, Or., Mnv IS, 1889. Notice is hereby iriven that, the foliowinir- named net tier has filed notice of hin intention to make html proof 111 support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the county cie k of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., July 6, mi, viz: John If. Johnson Db. No. 775(1, for the SW 80c. 3, Tp. 4 8., R. 27 . VV. M. He nameH the fellowmg witnenseB to prove hia continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land, viz: K. J. Hi 1. of Hennner. Or.. Jam Phi tns. of Lexington. Or , J. V. Depuy, Robert Dexter, of tieppner, ur. Any neraon who desires to protest acainst the aiiowmiceof such proi'f, or who knows of any aulmtaiitiQl retHn, under the lawn and the regu lations 01 the interior Department, why eucn proof should not be Allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to crows-examine tho witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. o?i-i hknhy KiNicn bt, Megister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Office at The DhIIm Or.. June 10, '89. Notiw i hrwby aivtm that tho fotlowinff inittl m'ttlitr Iihh Ulwl notii'H ofhiH intention to umkotitiiil prmf iu mtpport nf tun claim, and that Wild proof will be nitule Iwfore the county iiulo of Mormw couutv, fit Htppner( Or., m July 0. lSSti, vis. John S, Intfraham, Hd.tWfl, fcrtheSKSeo.'.Tp. 8 8., H. 24 K. Ht immtn the followinir witiiOHHoo to rnTA hi eontuniiMiH rwidtuo uikhi, aud cultivation of, iltl 1HIH1. vit: W. W. Mninnon, J. C. May on. Hichanl Kobiu- 011. IcftHO K inch ton. all of Kinht Mile. Or. Any imrsoii wIk(Iisiiih tn imtnr RirHinut thn allowiiiuvof such pnxf or who k'lowuof Any snb tttntial rwidon. und.tr I he law ami t e rotiulaticna f tin' Interior LWiartmont. whv suih nrnof itliould not b ailowtni, wilt ho tfivnu an opportu nity at tho abovo raontUmmt titno and place to onwK-i'xaiuiiio tho wltnofHtm of naid ciuimant, ami to ollur ovidenctt iu rohuttal of that mibtmu tttl hy cluiiUHiit. 3:t) Al F. A. McDonai-d. Kmibtkr Si-kip Wastkd. C. M. Mullory will fay the biyliont cash prices for m-rip. hu p of business, corner Mnv iml Oluvse stit'cts. Wo have the Exclusiva Control of 50 Um. eVt taH to oftr aWrt fa It tut ttU,!MluUtttJIIAOt. fwyCaKW ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. H. BLAGKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. ARTHUR COFFIN, Arlington, Or. Coffin & I T T I HpfinrtPr x Dealsrsin tieneral Msr.hsbndiss Agricultural IMPLEMENTS. We cdll Special Attention to our Elegant Assortment of dents' Fine flnthina o Nil is the tiinn to buy yonr 4th of July Suit! OLR FINE CLOTHH IS TAILOR MADE In tbe Largest Eastern factories and you o.in get a Perfect Fit at a Fair Price. LADIES' AND GENTS' FINE SHOES OF ALL KINDS For Dancing T adiesSilkand Lisle Hose Fittest Styles, in the Newest Shaded, also a nice assortment nf Liflfht Weight Uudertrer, in Silk, Liule Tbread aud Cotton. Full Assortment of Colored Satins forTiimii. Our Store is filled with a Lnrge and Varied Stock. We aim to keep on hond nearly everything Unit is used on a Ranch and all sold nt the lowest possible prices. Blacksmiths' Stone Coal. Enclish Comont. Sulphur, Limn, eto. Freight rates are very low to Heppuer, therefore goods can he nold iu competition with any town in Eiistern Oregon. Call ojolcI See T7s COFFIN & McFARLAND. I Heppner and Arlington. A HORSE ; will travel well when shod by ROBERTS SIMONS, General Blacksmiths & Fariers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. 0 ing per :3TA FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS Matloolx. Oornor. 3VXa.ixx Street, Heppner, Or. NkLSON JONES, Pres't. H MORROW COUN (lucorpoi'ated.) General Warehouse and For Avar ding Agents. The Compa.ft y has recently constructed a two-story warehouse SO x 100 feet, it-it h wool press and all con veniences for handling wool. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington,, less cartages. Freight unon haled wool from Ilemmer. same as from Arlington. L asli. advanced upoti consignments of wool or wool in mora sc TIIERON E. SMOKE! La Flor de K 1 w -FOR SALE BY- Ar. Wr. MarsliaU NEW BANK BLOCK Heppner, The Futuie Capitol of the State of Washington. Lapointe's First City of Lllensburgh. Parties wishing to purchase choice lots at reasonable prices, and property that will increase greatly in a short time, will please call on F. A. SNOW, Agent, Who will make contracts and give full infor mation concerning the same. Heppner, June 0, 1889. FRANK McFARLAND, Heppner.Or. McFarland, Oregon. and Street Wear Span after liiag 1st, 1889. E. R. BISHOP, Treas. LAND S TRUST CO, FELL, MANAGER. Heyneman IMPORTED. Oregon. Addition to the HTBE CMS ME BERE H- ALSO THE FIRM OF --.Gilliam & Coffey,:- With a large ami well selected line of Hardware, Tinware,Agricultural Implements And Hnrvostln; Mficlitxxox-y, Queensivare, Wood and Willow Ware, Pipe and Plumbers' Material, Glasswara, and Stoves of the latest nnd most approved pattern. Bird Cages and Granite iron Ware. The Newton Wagons andHncks. We call Special attention to the STANDARD :' MOWERS ! ! They are second to none and the wide cut is withot a peer. J 7 A Tin Shop in connection. Repairing and plumbing neatly done. Camp outfits a specialty. Our prices as low as the lowest for the class of goods we carry. GILLIAM & COFFEY, HEPPNER, OREGON. -Suoccsaor to Minor, Dotlsou & Co.- CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You Want DRY GOODS,::x, . CLOTHING, Gents' Ttmlslilng; Goods, Hats, s Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD ad WIlvLOW WARE?, BARB-WIRE agricultural i mplem ents, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, ' Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usually kept in n fiist-cliiBa store, cull on O. MINOR. Take your Prescriptions to E. J. SLOCUM, Next rloir to Leeaer & Thompson's hardware store, Heppner, Oregon Who keeps on hnnd n Fresh Stock of DRUGS AND MMDTCTISrKS His Lino nf XOlvj:"lci a mi iMi-oni a i uittAKH, Are the Best. 15 f ii-:f litis In Pants, Oils, Eto. HEPPNER, OREGON C. M. MALLORY, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodmn & Co.'s Store, HEPPNER, OREGON Manufacturer ot muI Dealer iu . Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For Sale 18RG MOIJEL, WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap Fur Cash. :o: UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. For C. S. VAN DUYN'S MAY STREET STORE -For Bargains in- Groceries, Fruits, Glassware, Crockery Gents Fttriilslilngs, Xto. " His prices are low as the lowest. See for yourself. Next door to Furniture Store. MAY STREET, HEPFNER, OREGON. THE 1 ST NATIONAL Mean Plain Business; Fair Dealing" and Low Prices. You will find in their large store the freshest in all lines of Staple m FancLi H, Fruits, Canis. Etc. Store in Odd Fellows' Hall, formerly occupied by First National Bank. JOHNSTON Main Sl reel, Heppner, Oregon. Cash Advanced UroN Consignments ! Address 117 Federal Street. Boston, Ma the- aker'TERFECT" The Winner in all Contests. & SLOAN, Preps. FEIO IS. & en, WOOL Rarn GROCERY Commission Mentals !