Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 27, 1889, Image 1

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    c J
JUKE 27, im.
NO. 327.
KJ J.-.'' - - . Illlll III HUM I
M $2.00 per venr. fur ix months, fO.IS
or mm ie advance. If paid for at the
nd of si mo iths. a IRf will &"
1 insh, einirle colum per month,.
1 1.50
.. 2 SO
. .15.W
3 Inches
4 " -.
H -
I .1 .W.nitmr tOe I.e,- linK
. .1.(10
,. 8.S
Knch ute-
queut inwtriioi) Ht half rates. Speoial ratee will
fee dura-ed tor personal ".tilts and oolit.oal slush.
cW of Stale
Itapt. instruction
J-lidg" beventu District
8. Pennoyer.
...0. W. MoHride.
.. . 0. W. Webb.
. .E. B. McKlroy.
J. H. Bird.
W. U. Iilli.
l?t.triet Attorney..
J. P. Waiter.
T. K. tell.
Wro. Mitchell.
...J. B.lily.J.A.
0. L. Andrews.
T. It. Howard.
Oeo. Noble.
J. .1. MeUee.
Julius Ke thley.
J. II. Stanley.
Joint Senator
gleprerteutat ive
' .ounir Judge....
' Commissioners.
" Hheriff
' ciurveyor
' dchnoi Sup't. . . .
, .A..l.wunue.
ftlayoi Henry Rliickmar.
l oimciimei Nelson J ei J., o
Morrow. E. L. Mullock, (iooreff ohl. J. It.
Nan. t an. Yi J, McAlee.
Hecor.ll : fi-W R".
'Treasulel . . v- L'"'
Marshal Omw
D.irn Lodge No. SO K. of P imn'tf" ev
en 'tun-day eve; ii gal i.ntio'eioi-k ui 1.
0.(1 I- Hall. Sojou iiiug broihnra ,-or-.i:.
.11..; .,;...! . . ..I , ... .1
S&j p o. HoKo.t .r.
It, t .-WINBUUNE, tt.. ol 11. &
The W . C. T. U. of Heppner, meets every two
weeks on Hiiluiday u.teruoon nl 3 o'clock, in ttie
Jtantirt cunrrh. Ws. W. II. H.IJa,
Maa. Otw Patteiihox Preideut.
; . aecretary.
Agent for Jarvis-Coiiklinj Mortgage Trrst Co,
Office in First National Bank,
Heppner, Oregon,
a. W. REA,
Q- Notary Public and
Justice of the Peace.
: o ;
. W WMGHT. J- N. filKOWN,
Albany. Or. Notnry Public, Uuupner,
Attorneys At Law,
Will practico in all courts of the State. Lnana
icade ou patented lai d. Insurance and collec
(tiona promptly attended to.
Opposite Gazette Offtce, Heppner.
A 1 1 o iitiv-at- Law
Notary - - - Public,
.Fiotevutina Attorney for Seventh Jw
"mCimITlm,.,v ,
Will give prompt attention to an and
all buaiiieax entrusted to him.
FFK'K on Main rjtreet.
over Liberty Mar.
K. A, C0HN1SH.
Cornish &: Jayne,
Crl x . 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 Defeiioes J
CHA8. M. JONliS'
ilepiJiiei1 Hiii'ber Shoo!
In the
City Hotel,
West .Vain St.,
The Tonsona! Artist,
Is located next door to
' 9,
HeDDiier. Oregon.
- LIB E ii T Y
McATEB BROS., Projmeton.
Jl tantiy on hand at rttotHiiUible prices; also
tfculfttfua and pork sausate, head ohewe, etc.
Maw mad trout. Main street, Heppner, 178
OrMagaztne YouWant
By U.tunK your Paintiuit and Pauurinf Uoue by
A Speoialtr Shop. Firat Do .r South at Urewery
Prmidrat. Cashier.
Made ou Favorable Terms.
Opposite Minor's Hotel,
First National Bank
Preaident. VicPre.i.len.
George W. Conser, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business
On alj partt of the world
Bought and Sold,
CoifecfioM mau'r at aU pointn.on Bea
tunable Term.
$150,000 to loan on iuiprovptl
farms ut 8 jjer ceut
r t ROYAL f55". J
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vtiries. A mnrvel of purity
utret uH) ai d wluleomei:en. More econoniicHl
than the ordumry kirdH. and emirot be sold iit
competition with tht multitude of low teat, nhort
weight, alum or ihnnphnte powdirB, 801.D ONLY
IWI-aa'i ll Wnll Street. N; Y.
I a (1 0ffl( ( ;.t Li;rim- tU . "r.. Mh '5, ;8 fl.
N'otrP.1 is In'iti'iy ivn ti f'.ito-.vi. tr-
Dummi "i-ti lr h;iJ iil d km r: of f,r iiitcin km. to
mtki tin: 1 (ir-'Mt' in sitpjinri (f h. aim. and
that ivd i-roof will l :u:id" i'-'"rv tlie Oiinty
clerk f Mitrrt' roi:rTj- ut Mi'ptyiO. O ., on
July 2. 1? 9, vix:
F.mDia Kikvp
No. K y.t, for tin' N A' Hi Svv. 14, Tp. "2 8.. I!
Sii, vsimwr liie f. dluwi' vitnpot.ii provoher
ooiitt ij!;ni -tiii-iu,t ut.'Oit mid cuitiVit.on of,
m ii l u.ii. viz:
Clviii Knji'tain of Heppner, Or., Jol.n Wad
deli IVti-r HmittuKiiT II iyM, of Lena. Or.
Any perw d wIjo denirfh to .protect .ifHirst the
allowaiiv of ni.li prmif, or wlm kunws of any
chIib antial rennOf ,in der the law ai ii the rt-Kida-tions
of the Interior Ih pitrttnent, why hucIi.
ptoof whouid not he allowed, will he friveium op
portunity at the above mentioned time and plaee
to nroHH-pxaniinp the witi eni-e of waid cla mat.
end to offer evidence in rebut ta of tha; hiibmit
t d by t'iai na t.
ITf.n'iiy Hinfhaht, Hegister.
Land Office at The Dilles, Or., "ay IS. 189.
Notice ih hereby triven that tlie followinjr
named settler haa tiled ntniee of his intention to
make final proof in HUpport of his claim, and
hat aaid proof will be made before the county
oleik n Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
July 'lLltfca, viz:
James I. Webster
0. mi for the HK1 HEW Pee. 3 Tp. 8 H K,
28 K., and HL4 anxi Lot 1, Sec.
. A Tp.
. 4 S., II.
He namea the folUiwinR witiipjwes to prove nm
contiimouH residence upon and cultivation of,
said land viz: . ' .
James lolbert, A. H. dnmaKe, John llendnx,
W. U ltiiHh,all of H,pp ier. Or.
Any person who desirea to protest ncainst th
allowai ceif sueh proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, urdei the law ard the regula
tions of the interior Depart meitt. why su hiproof
should ? ot be allowet. will be (riven an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned time and place to
ciosw-examine ihe witnesses of said clai nant,
ai d to offer evidence in relmtt d of that submit
ted by claimant.
F. A. McDosald, Register.
La!)d OIRcentLa Ornnde. Or,, Aprii lO. 'H .
Notiee is hereby eiven that the followinH-nained
settler has filed notice of his intention mki
final proof m support of Iiib claim, and that said
proof will be nnule before the coir ty iodgn,
or in hi absence before the com ty clerk of Mor
row county, at Heppner. Oregon, on July 8,
Ifm, viz: ,
Ritf.ard Mo(ylaron,
Hd. No. 22sr, for the NH SF.U SVV1 8KH Stic.
. and N WH NKH Sec. 2. Tp. 3 S., ft; 27 K.
He names the following witneH-ies to prove
hia continnons rosidence upon, anil cultivation
of, said hit d. vi?,! 4
Any person whodeHir(.o nmlest Hjrainst the
allowance of Hiich proof, or v;lio knows of any
auliHtantjal retwon, u-mIhi- the law and (lie ret'ula
tions of the interior dei'itrlnieht, why yucli prof
ehonld not be aHowtl. will betriven n opportti
rlty at (lie above mentioneil time and place to
cross-examine (he witi esses of kaid claimant,
and to offer evidence in rebuttal of (hat Kubmit
ted by claimant.
aa:i-V!S Henry HivEirAitr. Uetostef.
mryt BWIilwat Health can
not be enjoyed.
health rzswRni
It is the bun helper lo ll-altli and t
sure on Earth. Use it in time k r all disi as s ol
the' Ktonach, I. iv. r, Kuln. ys and Sk.n. H
cures Rh.uivuilisin, Malaria, Coated 1 ;uue
and Headache, rclievcis Cejisl patiou, lli.ious
ikw and Dyspepsia, drives all imperious out ol
the Wood and dries up old Sorts. I he Liisincss
men buy It, Hie Workinsmcti use it, the Ladies
take it, the Children cry for it and the Farmer
say it is their best health preserver.
Sold tvarywhere, $l.co a bottle; si lor JJ.fi
Drug, Grocery
-OF-' "
Morrow County
XOtfIS, Oregon. . I
'0. 955 1-2, HOWAUD STREET,
. CUnn Pranolsoo, Cm.
Is tho
Cheapest, Safest and Best !
Cure for Scab.
This celebrated Dip has been in constant
and iucreHSing use for over half
a centnry, during which time
It bas been applied to more sheep than
exist on the earth at the present
Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient
to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep.
It is cheaper thnn lime and sul
phur, and is not one tithe of
the trouble. Lime and
sulphur injure the wool, but the
Cooper Dip improves its qual
ity and increases its growth.
Uerwral Agents : - ' -:
Wholesale drnugist". Porlland. Oregon.
The Dalles, Oregop.
Ice' Ice! H. McFarland. of Leiiog- - A eekly Oregon ia.i' and t.,e H-vpier irrri
. ';u ,llie ,r.o il ,ilv iii Heiiimer 1 will only cost yarn 3 io tor a year . antii:ript..n.
ton, mil deliver ice iiaiiy in "PP""' Xb j, ci(rfter I abiw. cord-wood
donng the summer months, lAin'raoi j uuj ruuiua,,, paiw-i t w.ll n be sec-pied u. -for
the nmonnt VOU desire, by wiling , , hy .peeiW arrang- llie. t. Old aubw r.lier.
, . . -j', J.i, The i.riee will ujnt renew in oiuV to teke ada tMre of Una
to hnn a an -arl) date. Jhe prici will 1,plna, j,, f ris ,b,..iei f nmUnn ma.-
' i e i.t per B). delivered. iw.un aoua onpe,
Thf Supreme Court so-tdna Secretary nf
.state McHrlile
Salbm, Cr.. June 20. Tle supreme
C'Hirt litis KtiHtiii'd SecrHt-iry of St1'
MiiBridc in liis icfus-il to ;hj the iver
no. 's appointee for rtLlrotitt commis
st iner. ouowiiik is the tleoiion:
VV, H Biuitx. rnilrnml ootntuisni'iiier of
ihe Stfite of Oregon, nppellant, vs. Geo.
W. MoBiide. Recn tary of stHle of the
Slate of Oregi.n, tesMiuient, appeal
from Marion eonntj ; jndmettt of thv
lower court ufBrme.d; opinion by
Sir .han, J. J .
Svllabus Statute When the same
takes eff. et EmerKenry An not which
passes both li'iiiiti'B of the iegi-lalure,
and whioh contains an emergency oI.iubb
followed bv the woids that the same
"ahull take effct and be u lorce from
and after its apt roval by the governor,"
which the governor does uot approve, but
vetoes, and the same is then duly pusted
by both !) m -les by the necessary m i
joiities uot v itlisiandiiiu the veto, t ikes
effect and is in fotee from and after its
Statute Emei geiicy elaiiae Veto
Wtiiakes t ffuct. ijttoli aoj ta ef
fcot wheu 1 1- law-aiaktnK power has
done ever m t or thin ne!oHH'-y nmier
tlie c.iMtjtllli '0 lo it romnlft' I'Uact
mmt :;s a law.
Coosiitution .1 Uur-Einerijoiioy-l'o er
of it, i' le,-is! .;iin Thi e- ns:itn'ioii bus
vi'Rtnl in the leu''"''""'' 'he poer to tie
clap' in tlie b"dy or pre 'inblt' of ') uot
the euuVKeooV' by whiuli i' tnav be put
in torce in U'-s than ninety days after
the adjournment of th,' session, ami
he., the emergency is spoeirtcd in the
act, the samo is couolusive upon the
conrts, and is not reviewable.
Executive Office Powit t fill va
cancies. By article five, sention one, of
the constitution, the chief executive
power of the state is vested in it tfover
nor, but thin d iea not include the power
to fill vacanoies in office. Wheu ami
uuder what eir umstauces tha' power
may be exercised by the governor is pre
scribed and defined by section 16 of the
same article.
C ut it utiotiul law Ci intern poraneons
Construction. When apo er has been
exercised by one department of the gov
ernment eve-since the adoption i f the
Constitution, and that exercise had been
constantly itaqtiiesued in by tho other
departments, as well as by the people,
such praoticul construction is of great
weight in doubtful cases, and eould uot
be lightly disregarded in any case.
Office --Removal for cause Is the
power judicial or executive? The ques
tion stated but not deoMed Oppor
tune)' to be heard Whether the power
to remove an officer ''for cause" may be
conferred upon the governor or belongs
exclusively to t()e judicial department
of Ihe government, under the uplistjtu-
tion U not decided, but by whomsoever
the power of removal for cause may be
exercised it must be done up u notice o
the delinquent of the particular charges
against liiui.ainl an opportunity lie given
niur to be iinnrtHti liis defense
Trial of title lo offioe- Mandamus.
A DJaiiuamiis is not the pMi( proceed
lug by wmcli io try to
title to an office.
Prohiuitiou Defealeil by Nearly 190,000 Ma
jority. Philadelphia, June 19 - Official and
estimated returns from nearly every
comity in the state show that the pro
hibition timendmtnt was defeated hy
188,449 majority. Ihe reports from all
hut twelve eon mies show a inaj -rity of
Hrj,9u6 against the amendment providing
for the repeal of the poll-tax qualifica
The Itaiu'liors Laying Claim to I)aniii:eM From
the southern Paeirie.
Fresno, Cal., June 20. The Southern
P cifio R tilroad Company will pay out
sever J iliottsaud dollars, providing it
allows the c)aiujs for tha losses of grain
by fire ajong its tniiip (ins mt branches,
The rtt'iobers claim that sparks frpui
engines set Ihe grain fields on fi e. due
rran has put in a bill for 149 nores of
whei.t at tweuty bushels to the acre,
which at 81 per cental wi.l make quite
a claim in itself. It is estimated that
there have been over a thousand acres
of grain along the rai ro.id tracke in this
pouutv destroyed by fi:e
Repeated Shoeka Exprrleueil at Susnnvllle
, and KmewlieiT,
Susanvtllk. June 29. -About thirty
!h'K;ke of earthquako -ere felt last
night. There was one very heavy shock.
No damage resulted, itie earth Las
been shaking all day from all direct
ions. The flow of water from the
springs was increased, thr water being
tu net to a nuilay color,
A Chirago Expressman Picks Him Out of a
Line of rtiiy-l'w" M.
Chicago, J line 2!.- M-irtin Uitrke, the
Winnipeg suspect, has been positively
identified asoneof the ilbams brothels.
who are credited with heiugDr. Cronin's
slayers. The ieron who thug identities
Burke is thrxprrsuiu, Hakim Martin
son, ho was employed y oiw uf the
Williatuses to convey the furniture to
the fatal cottage
The news of Martinson's identification
of Burke, nd of theoiroumstauces under
welch Burk was seen by the rxprrssmau
at Wiuuipeg, was received to night in a
meisage to Chief of Police Hubbard
from a Wiuuipeg officer, as follows:
Uinnipxo, June 20.
Martinson instantly and fully identified
Burke, picking him out uf uftv.two men
drawn up in a hue in the jail yard, in
the presence of the orowo attorney and
Burke's lawyer. Wire instructions,
Chief Hubbard replied that extradition
papers fitr Burke were noweu route, aud
would be pushed forward with all speed
Loox At This.
-Kvanr resident of the immenae
territory urroondina' aett
i Heppner ahoald have ttia
lleppner txAZETTB. It I. a papar that Later Inr
av ui to look after toe beat iuUirmUof the people.
It is intrealed in the aucreMof .,ery inhabiuuit.
lt turn be capilaiitt or laborer, atock-owner or
aheep-ticrder. it not wilr notioaa tha general
happanitiaaof the community and Kaebfrn Ore
irou, bet devote much .pace to tha cream of u,la
graphic oewa. While yon maathafettiettAZErrE.
yet it doe. not nor could nai till tha place of the
great metropuiiua "Weekly Orfsroman." Thia
pper ia complete in telegraphic reooru editorial
ana1 aiiricultorai oenra, markt report., etc. 'I he
-'Weekly Oretfonian.'' wilb H. fund f general
new., a; d (he Heppner eAZEiTl,a live, local
paper, ever alert regarding the welfare ol oar
eection. will keep you well informed. To be well
i . - ' .nil t. n't. BMM n. in ,1111 r
,Hket. For tlie next li data, or tiU July let, the
A. Statement f v lit? Pr -of
the United states.
run PRirtii,K ok tub ouir
('ureiKUers of the Prnper Class Mlutilil !
Wrlii.mi'il to This Country
M asiiinoton, June 29. At the after
uoo'i session of the Patriotic Sons of
Anier cu Ihe following w s prepared for
he ress:
To the press of America: In view of
the fact that the principles of this order
and the objects of its existence have
been innorrect'y presented, and inas
niioh ax an incident eonnoo:ed with the
presidential reception has been misrepre
sented, this national camp requests a
fair an I impartial consider ,tiou of our
declaration uf principles.
A tide 1. Next to love for the Creator,
we believe tb it patriotism is the highest
and noblest affection of the hum tu soul.
Webeli. vc that Ihe institutions of no
country are safe without patriotic citi
zens, and that none will so jeAiofiblv
guard and protect them as those who ae
horn and reared nailer their "'tlae',
We believe that we have ihe best -1 oral
of government for thenjasses on the f..ce
of the earth.
Vrtit'le 2. For the welfare pr isperily
and liberty of all Ann rioan citizens and
tbeii d scend ants, we desiio to pr .t.ot
ur firm of government and preseive it
iutaol fro n the innueiic.i of any foreign
power bv disseminating a sentiment of
ovalty mid patriotism, aud by publish
ing a fraternal feeling of devotion to the
country. We hope to make it impossible
for any one to live under the protection
of the stars and stripes who does not
honor and revere it, and who would not
be willing to give up his life in defense
f the principles of freedom and just oe
which it represents.
Article 3. We desire to sustain the
purity of the ballot and to have it in
telligently aud legitimately nsed.
Article 4. We b lieve that our system
of free publ c so'.ools is a bulwark f
our liberlies, and we insist that they be
kept absolutely free from all ecclesiasti
cal and seotarian influences and under
the influence of local secular' officers
elected by the people.
Article 5. We cordially welcome all
those foreigner wh i come to this coun
try with the honest desire of becoming
loyal Anvrlcau ci'izons and who sinpere
ly disavow any and all allegianoe to for
eign potentates ami governments, mid
ho honor aud revere our national flag.
Article U. We are opp ised to the occu
pancy of any part of our Ian I by foreign
specul itors or ailventmers, ho do not
wish to bee meoi iz ns, and we believe
that all tho resources and pi ivil ge-of
the country should be reserved f ir the
exclosive use of the cili.ens, either
p .tiveor naturalized.
Article 7. We are in favor of crushing
out that which is already here and of
taking measures which will prohibi
from entrance iuto our porlsin the future
that foreign element which oomes here
to advocate communism and nihilism,
and which does not identify itself ffiiir
our country, and does not respect ortr
Article 8. We invite a 1 native born
citizens who believe in their count' y and
its iiis itutions aud who desire tu per
petuate free government and who wish
to t ncouragu n brotherly feeling mining
Americans, to the enl that we may exalt
our conn i y, to j -in with us in this, our
work of fellowship mid love. We call
ihe especial atleiilioa of th reporters
who have styled us as "know nothings"
and "iinU Oat .ulicg" to article 6 and
quote from out official declaration as fol
lows: ''We have no quarrel with any
man on account of nationality and re.
hgion, but we wish lo accord equal jus
tice to all American citizens."
Article 9. The for nal address of our
president, so ext naively quoted, requires
no apology, and tis, Qrijer, in national
convention assembled, unhesitatingly de
clares that there is no room in this re
publiean government for any organiza
tion, under whatsoever name, which ad
vocates aud praotices murder and assas
sination, and we believe that every in
telligent oitizen, native or foreign born,
who has rend the evidence presented to
the coronal's jury of CJiioago relative to
the Crouin murder has te.t ibis to be
true, and thxt their existence is a con
stant menace to our government.
The badge ii oident, go sensationally
characterized as a "Biichardism,'' is a
misrepresentation. The reception In Hie
president was cordial and grutifymo to
the members of this order.
AN OKOKrl Bv' WAN A HAKt.lt.
All Clerkg fn the Potofflee Depai tirii-iii HIimi
Send In Their War hernial.
Washington, June 19. The poslmait
general hu issued (he follotyiuj order
"That, in compliance will) the r qiotii
expressed in a resolution submitted bv
Philip Sheridan Command No. 3 of!
Union Veterans, of the pep; rtmi ut of
the Potomac, all of the male t uiptoyr
of this dep utmeiit shall lie ke a full
statement of all services perf rtued by
them in the army, navy or marine oorps
of the United States, aud all male em
ployes who have not served iu the army,
navy or marine corps of the United
States shall state that fact, and in either
case such statement shall be filed a tii
offioe within ten days from tb" date of
this order. It ia further ordeted that in
the roeteis of this department till honor
ably discharged soldiers, sailors or
marines of the Uuited Stales who have
been wounded or disabled in action,
hall have that fact indicated by the let
ters H. D. VV. (signifying honorably dis
charged, wounded), or H. D. D. (honor
ably discharged, di-Hbled). as the case
may be, prefixed to their names in such
rosters. It furthered ordered that the
employes in thi" department, widows,
song or danghters of soldiers, sailors or
mstinesof the United States, who, dur
ing the war for the suppression of the
rebellion, died in the service, or were
honorably discharged thetefro , shall
have tbal f.t sbo n in the roet'-rs of
this department by the initial W. S. or
D., as the case may be, pi, fixed to their
names on such o sttis."
THKsmwriox .r jouv-Tottx.
ri-iv.d of (inventor Heaver and the Fine
Johnstoan, June 19. The visit of
oivernor lieav r and the flitod Ooiumis
ooii in this pi ice to day has borne prac-
e d fruit. The visitors met the finance
committee of the citizens' relief oom
nittee and discussed the situation in all
its details. The commission pledged it
self to render the citizens all the aid in
its power. The local committee pre
sented a list of their want.-, and after
oanvassing the demands, the commission
authorized the immediate purchase of
390 Chicago ready made houses on ac
count, and also the ert otion of all the
store buildings that may be asked for by
local merchants.
.Morgue reports to-day show twelve
bodies recovered. They were unidentfied.
A strike is imminent among the labor
ers eniploved upon the pnblio works.
Trouble has been brewing' for several
days, in consequence uot only of a
scarcity of food supply, but of the poor
iLritinlity of the rations furnished, as well
as dissi isfaotion with the pay. This
t vibe culminated to-night at a meeting
G? S-Jlie B sith-Flinu men, who are
especially dissatisfied. They appointed
a coii.niittet , which wailed upon (Jeueral
II iStias and requests his good offices
in th ir behalf. Ueneral Listings prem
ised to bring the matt T to the atteuti n
of the ooutnet rs, but told them that
was all he colli I do. It is generally be
lieved that ihe action taken pr.s.iges a
general strike.
Labor Pritetictilly Su pended on Arenuut of
a (tciifral strike.
Johnstown, June 20. Sixteen bodies
were found to-day and mauy of them
e:e mmidiuiely burned, after lieing
completely t'oveit d ith oil. The stench
is growiiig dully more sickening aud un
bearable. The first clear day here since the a fill
oalaiuily (muni the work among the
ruins practically suspended, and ou the
same ground where liavoo was so re
cently wrought capital aud labor me
wrestling in bitter and threatening dis
trust, and the quiet, subdued feeling
which has prevailed since the flood is
giving way to oue of unrest, disooutent
aud danger. As yet, there has beeu no
open outbreak, but repeated breaches of
the peace occurred during the day, and
to night a free liglit occurred, All of
the idle men win. can get intoxicated are
drinking lo-night.
It has been am ounced to night that
the strike which began this morning was
declared off to-night, and a thonsaud or
more men have been p iid off and dis
charged, but the discharged as yet refuse
to Kb union th place, and the antho i
ties have announced that all idlers must
leave early in the morning or else Ihe
militia wi.l be called ou to drive them
away. In such an event serious trmble
is feared.
The workmen complain of overbearing
bosses and short rations for which they
are made to pay liberally. A largely at
tended meeting of the strikers was held
this morning.' A coron.he ot twenty
was appointed to confer with Ihe men at
work and find the exact number in
sympathy with the strike.
Tliicc carlo ids of Italinus afriyeil this
morning. A o 'iiiinittee, of striking Itali
ans persuaded them not to leave tho
tram until the trouble is Buttled. They
were side racked audb 'set with strikers.
The committee appointed at ihe morn
ing meeting reported Hit hqiir later. AH
the foreign workmen have quit work,
Among the bodies taken out to-day
were a mothtr and t o children, The
children weie locked iu the mother's
San Fbanuisou, July 20.-Editorially
the Examiner says to day: "The gon
erosity of San Fn nciseo bus lioen
abundantly shown to Johnstown. The
pi( has forwarded 8511,000 for the relief
ot ti e sufferers by the terrible flood that
swept through the valley of the Cone
njautih, while only $15,0t,0 has been sent
to Health', It is now advisable that the
resi of the relief fund raised here should
go to the northirn sufferers.".
riuediterallie Inihiiation Over an Attempt
tu f iiHt-iit liixi-a,
Johns i own .lu ie 23 Tweniy-four of
tip- portable houses from Chicago have
been it-signed to the same numberof the
most dcHtitute families here.
Tie- coui.lt treasure! Iihb poated a
notice staling that h. will be here July
for l bo purpose, of collecting tax. -a
j (ittt iii i In of the property assessed ctiu
' be found, and the taxpayers left here
, b cl onlraged at the post.ng of the
! notices, ninny of uhich have been torn
ll.o it alei il- s' lot e-l
I Ii. L. Johnsi
: Coiinlv has i,b'l'
n. judge ot Caii.buai""l-V "" "iutci plea or wuer Hull
I an oider clositi-' all i haul and Slates Attorney I.ongiiecker,
tin) saloons mid Inpior places in Johns
iloHii nnd suriiitiinling liurrouirhs anil
townships, until otherwise ordeted. Un
less Hii,s urdtr is stiieily obeyed, Ihe
Cotut says Ihe lieimse of toe vi. i it- r nil!
be revoked. Tooiniimh are dtstiluie,
1'wenty-Kive Houses lild In Aahea and
r ire niiii iiatcing,
Johnstows, June 24. A sweeping
fire broke out iu the first .vard at Vi:'6t
this afternoon. The fltimea gptead rap
idly and ju luijf an hour twenty bouse
were burning. All the engines in the
place were called on and the most iu
tense exoitemeut prevails. Nearly all
the bouses are burning. 'Ihe fire ig
spreading rapidly toward Kernville and
hua gotten beyond control of the depart
ment. The tire imw coverg five aoreg,
Conaiderabltf If iatery Hlill Hnshninda the Crime.
Helena, Mont., June 23. -The suicide
of Wilber, the murderer of five people in
the Judiih tragedy clearly proves bis
guilt. The details as to how the tour
der occurred, and the motive of ihe
det d, however, may never be revealed.
It was not for the purpose of securing
the valuable jewels from the bodies of
the women, for they were left untouch
ed. The only feasible supposition is
thatWilher was after the wag-m sud the
hora-si He hope that by trading tbein
io parti a fur other ii..rsc and a wagon
he could concpi I his idei tiiy. Put
this cotitse leil to bis capture,' lor he
Wi easily tiaced.
I'ti '. UVUlioF.V l ltsNII.
. T.vo Wome I a Lil:le
IIkI.ESa, J line 21. -Nm 8 ofu n holes il
murder on th Jmli'h river has jn
been lirotulit i". Lust Siturduy the
ilea I tiodv if a woman was found about
twenty miles fromLewistoti. Since then
the ho lies ot four others have been
found near where the first woman was.
All had been sho in the back, except
that of a little girl, evidently strangled.
There were cuts on the heads of the
men, apparently done wilb an ax.
From the condition of the bodies, it is
supposed that they were killed a week
or ten days ago.
A sheep iierder named Houston saw a
niau driving three horses to a wagon.
s he npp: ached, the driver left the
team, and nd he was looking for place
to c .mp. He was in a place where there
was no wagon road, and the country
as very rough. It is supposed that this
man was the murderer, and had the
bodies in the wiiC' ii to cast iu the river
Tho murderer isoaptured, according to
later reports. His name is Wilber. Af
ter l,e was locked up he succeeded in
At 9 O'clock Last Niiiht she Was I'neou
Kefonn. Cleveland, June 21 - Mrs. Hayes,
wife of ex Pit-side it Hayes, was stricken
with app-'plexy this afternoon at her
home in Fremont, and at 9 o'clock this
evening she was unconscious. The at
tack came on about 4 'clock while Mrs.
fi ves was silting in her room sewing.
Paralysis of tho ritiht ai.le resulted, ren
dering her speechless. Medical help
was immediately summoned, but all ef
forts to restore the lady to o insoionsni ss
have thus fur failed General Hayes
was on his way home from Columbus at
the time and it w 5o'olock when he ar-riv-d
in Fremont.
Thrre Is No Hope of Her Recovery. .
Fhicmont, O. .lane 23. Ex President
Hayes and family and still anxiously
an i prayerfully w niching for a ray of
hope for the recovery of th'-ir wife and
mother. It is now ovi r for y eight hours
since the attack, and there is no manifest
change for the better iu the condition of
Mrs. Hayes.
At noon to-day Buichnrd Hayes went
to the depot to meet friends, nnd he ex
pressed himself as not hopeful.
At 2 o'clock the doctors said there was
no appreciable oluinge, and yet if there
wns, her condition was not regarded
as favorably bs 12 hours before. Dr.
Kice said he had known cases where they
remained in the same condii ion for ten
days, then grew worse and remained so
for a period of ten days more, and then
Telegrams of sympathy continue to
pour in from all pans ot the United
At 8 o'olock to -uivlit a member of the
fain ly announced thai Mrs. Hayes was
not so well.
Cllvijland, Juiii 21.- Adisiiate.il from
Fremont ut 11 o'clock to liiubt r-porti
.Mrs. II .yes' condition 'fl practically tin
chanted. She ih -hill Hinniog slowly.
flll.l, AL1YK.
Physicians Say He May
Several Days.
Lancaster. Fa, June 23. General
Cameron is still alive, and his conditio
unchanged since yesterday. The doctor
now say he muv mrvive for several day
yet, although bis condition is va-rv weaK,
consequent upon lack of iioin ishment
OE.V. fAliWIOVd Ct'jomON.
He la Hourly (,'riiwlni; Wrnker, Hut
SI til
Itetaliut I iiiiiiiiiotiiieH. i
Laniiastkh, Pa., June 24. -A report
f'om i)oiiegnl Siruik's sets that Gen.
Cameron still lives, but is believed to
be growing weaker.
This evening's report Iroiu Genera
Cameiou states Mini heiH growing wenkei
hourly, itestill rt-taiiiscohsoiousuess.
Foatur HuppoMed to Have Heen
Astray by,u Yarloty Actress.
Taooma, W. T June ai. William II.
FosWr. bookkeeper and olerk for E. Ii.
Sawyer & Co,, real estate agents of tin
city, who was arrested at Victoria yes
terday, left town liiHt Saturday. His
accounts with the firm were all wrou ,
his defalcation amounting to neurit
81000, a part of which was secured, Mr
Sawyer says, by indorsing Mr. Hawyer'e
name on a hank cheok.
Chief of Police Chesney was notified
and he wired the authorities in Victorii.
and Vanoonver. Foster has waived ex
tradition, and a special officer wih
bring him here by to-morrow's boat.
A variety actress is the causa of hit
downfall. HIIRKK IN THK TulLS.
Has Hern lileiitltled lis Our nf the Prill
ripiiis ui HI" i Tiutiii Allan-.
('tuovao, June 19. An indictment was
returned by the grand jury this nmri
j ing ng.iiunt .M r in liurbe, alias Delauey,
now under nrrest ut Winnipeg, ou two
counts: First, for Ihe murder of Dr.
'Ci. iiin; secoii , for conspiracy iu con
; mctioii wilb P. O. Siiilivan, Coughlin
I ami W-io'lruir
i If was announced this afternoon that
no more iialivl inciita would be found
j tinlj! to'
jury was prepared to make its
U'co report, and that uiirke was Indicted
who rcpM'Seitnl that an indictment
Would save time in securing his exlra
ditioii. Chiif iliilibaiil p us his laitli
implicil'v to l!n- liiirlie theor , uhich i.t
nonfideiii ly Iclien-s will lead to Ihe de
tection au l e iiivictioi of every one con
nected with the case.
Expressman Marl insert's identification
of Burke's photograph gives color to the
belief that the police are at 'ust on the
right track,
Justice Mahoney was before the grand ' satchel which ho had at his feet. Ruger
jury this aftermwn and test ill -d that P.' suspected that the satchel oontained
O. Sullivan and Crouin were acquainted ! opium, and questioned theScundiuavian,
when tbey met in his office to make a who was green enough to tell a straight
coutract for medical attendance to Sui- forward story. The satchel was found
livan'g employes, and that no introdiio- to o -utaiu twenty pounds of opium
lion on bia part was needed, as averred . Jamieson spent the uight iu tho custody
by Sullivan, ,,f Ihe custom officers, and was takeu
A number ot other witnesses were ex- before Commissioner Enstenlny after
amined, going over a d. ul of the game
ground covered lietore
Chicago, June 19 Thenieu then sent.
to New York f. r the pmpose of idinti-!
tying, if possible, Ihe snspK-ts, Maroin-y
and McDonald, returned today r x-
pressman Mi.riiuseii wag at once taken
before the grand jury, where he identi -
fled the photograph of Burke, the man
now uudor arrest iu Winnipeg, as that of
the man h" hired him to haul the fnr -
uiluiM fiom 117 Clark slreet to the C rl-
guu cottage. -
It will pav all those wanting nnvthing in the line of
To call upon or correspond with
Naw Market Block,
We onrry the largest stock on the
our goods the best.
Quality Considered.
In addition to iitiralreaav woll-fcnnwn Im,
' implement of ail ilenenplions, we e ut
T.iiwi 1 1 1 .a ti ov.it nm
'Urt-.t.Lifc. si.Lr-uuiwe hay hakes,
J. I. Case "Agitator" Separators and Woodbury Horse Powers. Among onr
Specialties we may meaUou our Datum Mower Knife Grinder, "Americac" Wash
ing Maolime. Sherwood Steel Harness, Farm, (JUuroh aud School Hells, "Hawk
eye" Giub aud Stump Maotinie, Fruit .Evaporators, (Jider Mills. We have every
kind of machinery ueeded by the Farmer, the Stockman, the Orchardist aud the
S.n Mill Man.
Don't Fail to Call Upon onr Agent,
fhe Police Take the Place of ths Militia
At Seattle.
Verdict of Nat Guilty In a Murder Trial
Opium Seizures at Tiicoutu.
Seattle, W. I'., June -20. The vari
ous mi Ii tiu Cos. lelt Seattle lor inoit
homes to-day, and the town is unreserv
edly iu the hands of the police. The
ass system was still iu vogue to-duy,
hut will be abandoned to-morrow by the
police, and no one will be denied ad
mittance to the burnt district.
The front ntreet cable cam are running
ind ourrying many passengers. Work
-u the Yesler avenue Cable is going
right ahead.
Tiieie is nothing new in the situation
Building is if iim ahead uc ivclv, ami
the till tut digirict has illivti'lv uinleigoie
u great metanrpiiosis sln-.-e a tew d. v-
after the tire,
T-iwClear,v,Te(l.lie Guthrie an 1 Frank
Glover, who were engaged in the prize
fighting wv of last April, have left then
bondsmen in ths lurou, an I this morn
ing the bonds were declined forfeited in
the district court. AUnu K. Chase and
V illiuui btott aro tw others who weie
mulcted with the three levauti.ig fighl
ers. but they have stayed to fnci tin
music;, (lit use lias already pleaded not
guilty, and Scott will plead' to-tuorrow.
RE TURN" OF 1'ilK t AUO il.t UI1ARDS.
The Buys Ii;iiiiiicti'(l by tho citizens of t e
Taooma, June 2.). The Tacoma guards
returned from Soul tie to-duy, aocuui-
panied by Compuny H, of Vancouver.
uf er uu absence in the Queen city ol
two weeks, doing guard duty. They
were met at the boat by Mayor Wheel
right and a large delegation uf citizens,
and escorted to their armory. This
evening a grand banquet was tendered
to the company by tlie oitiznus of Ta
coma, at the Hotel Fife.
Kliur, Who Killed Raster Near Seattle,
Again at Liberty.
Sbattlb, June 20. The jury iu the
case of T. C. Kline, tried for the murder
of G. A. liusler, at a laundry near Lake
Union, last September, brought in a
verdict of uot guiltv at an early hour
this morning, after one hour's delibor
atiou. Kline was Immediately released
I rum oustody, and is now enjoy ing free
dom utter eight mouths' ohwe confine
ment in jail, Kliue is a G. A, H. man
and an Odd Fellow. He is from Indian
spoils, lad., where be ia said to have
beeu prosperous until the failure of a
bank in Torre. Ilauie, Ind , by which he
lost his all. He cuiiie here lust year and
Went to work for Hosier for $10 per
mouth. It was in a quarrel over a bal
ance due him that he killed Hnsler.
Kliue is said lo have been at one time
u,..,.,, l..r ii..,.,.., v ...i
.- ,., j,,,, Jut) l i.,uruaii:.tic
adveli urea.
Arrest of a Shipwrecked Sui nt- Who Wat.
spi t nlaloor. In tu.- Prii.
TaCoMA, W. T., June 2 I. -Juoies
Jamieson Kike I s o'i nvfal cs lie -ad in
the United States coiii'uitisiiiijei's court
this morni'ig Jaiuiesou was ai rested by
Customs Inspector E O. Rugor late yes
terday afternoon, mi the Seattle passon
ger train. Inspector Ifttger had hoarded
the train at Seattle. He noticed that
Jamieson carefully watched a large black
breakfast. Jumiesou Html that he had
belonged to the crew of a sealing vessel
whiob wig wrecked off ihe ooast ot
Alaska not long ago. He niBile his way
to Viotoria and purchased the opium and
a ticket to Poi Hand with the money he
bad left $7 per pound, or $140 for the
opium, and 812 for the ticket. He had
j rx ected to make a lilt le stakeout of the
opium, having lost considerable by tin
j T..e i p um smuggler made a sweepini.
statemt ut ag to the rx'i nt f the smug
' ,liug opiratiuna bviu, cumd uu iu V;o-
Portland, Oregon.
Pacific Coast.
We guarantee
ih. iiarrow. Un',
At- t.lion to our h
- Farm
I 11'
5- ' -
Send For Our
Illustrated Catalogue,
TJeppner, Oreg.
tori.i. He said that there were men tbere
who devoted their whole time to tl'e
smuggling busiuess, importing the drug
by the wholesale. They hired men to
carry it aoross the border to Portland or
San Francisco.
Jamieson complained that it was a
great hardship that the rogues who car
ried on the business on a large scale
should escape punishment, and poor men
like himself, trying to smuggle but a few
pounds should be caught and punished.
Iuspeotor Rugger told Jamieson that
he would furnish him bail and assist him
to get free if ho would give him the name
if the wholesale opium smugglers, or
give him any information that onld
lead to their detection and arrest. This
Jamieson could not do. He said he had
h night hisopium on his own responsi
bility of opium dealers at Victoria.
He could not furnish the necessary
ji.ouO bail on I was tiiineil over toSherilF
Pace, who s the deputy United States
marshal fur Fieri! - o nmly. Jamieson
will he conl'ii.e.l iu th" county jail for
trial at tho coming sessioii uf the district
con 1 1.
Coloi.el BeoljB Adept .'in Invitation, (hut .luti.
ny is in Ilia Air.)
Vanoocvbii, W. T June 21. Compa
ny H, First regiment, N G. W., return
ed huro this morning from Seattle.
They rcpor. having had pretty still' dutr
while there, and ure glad to get to be
back again.
Col Beebe has aoceptd, for the First
regiment of O. N. G., the invitation to
come over here on the Fourth and take
a 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 iu the sham battle. The prep
arations for the celebration are now
uearly completed.
Visit Tneiiina and Talk to the Reporters
Iteuardiug Their Plans for Future
Taooma, W. T.. June 19. A special
train arrived in Taooma early this room
ing from Portland, bearing Elijah Smith,
General Manager llolcoml), of the Union
Pacific company, nnd General Dodge,
the president of the Denver, Texas A
Forth Worth railroad. Mr. Smith came
up iu hie private oar, of the Union
Pacific road. Mr. Holcomb traveled in
his railway borne, near of the O. B. k N.
liue, while general Dodge rode in a D.
T. & Ft. W. coach.
One of the Elijah Smith party said to
your correspondent before going on the
steamer, "we shall, ou onr return from
Viotoria, go over the Northern Pacifio to
Eastern Washington, taking the Falonse
brilieh to Spokane Falls. We shall also
visit Walla Walla, Umatilla and Baker
City, and return east via tho Union
V oilic. Our visit may hear fruit iu the
consHuclioti of a line to Ihe Sound,
probably from Umnliila by way of North
Vakima ami the Natchiz pass. Tiicntna
will not be ignored, and it is possible the
line in-iy be extended to Port Townsend,
although thai is a matter of lurthe! con
sideration, and willl depend upon the
result of nil investigation of the re
sources if the uoiintiy along the pro
posed line, the cont of construction,
maintenance and operation it is the
purpose ol the L'uion Pticifld to find a
tvmiiil terminus. If T .email can i Il'ohl
ll-e facilities, it will be sumo years at
least befino the line uill lie extended
any further liul little reliance is pieced
in ' tlo. pi uc- ctabliHlieil at Portland
.Vloiiila. , unit-us tho Union Puc.fio can
plac io U in an le(!ea-!i.lei t posiiiou
road with i" l-rminu.; in Poitiati I c tu
not compete 'ailh one having its termi
nus on the Mnind. I do '. know
whether the Union Pacific "W
posed to accept the fourth clause of the
agreement offered nt Portland. This
clause was the only one not accepted,
and relates to a t initio arraugemeut by
which the Northern Pacific is to double-
track the line to Portland and permit
the Union Pacifio to enter Tacoma on
equal basis."
William Reid Makes a Proposition
half or the Southern Pacific.
AsTonu, June 19. William Beid's
visit here to-day brings out the fact that
he has made a proposition to the Astoria
k South Coast Railway company to
build the road to Seaside and beyond, if
all rights of way, franchises, contrsots,
stock, etc., are turned over to him, he
guaranteeing to complete the road iu a
specified time to a transooutinent.il con
nection. The proposition will be sub
mitted to the board of directors this
Kr. Keid says he is baoked by the
Southern Pacific Railroad company,
whose tinnricial agent he is in the mutter.
Tins has mude considerable stir here.
Several transfers of real estate at stiff
figures were made this afternoon, and
more are propose i.
The Astoria Gas Light company ha
off rs to htty their entire plant, from
t'ortlaud parties. The directors will
in et to-nighi to d-cide if the figures
oikreu, wOO.OdJ, will b accepted.