. 1 IM - . Livery and Feed Stable, Hunsaker & Long, P ro ori e t or s, Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. ettooit nonrded l' tle Jr, WeeU, itiontt Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Hay and grain k i ale at readable prices. BUS to & FJtOM all TRAINS. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders at our office, in stable. AH Stock U 't in Their Cat e Will Receive the Beet of Attention. 1 by bisyi---cyjur Shoe? cf '.he Manufacturer. :f- i GNL Y 2.50 c - (' .it usually ri'iati r-t W-i.OU ami $".). VI- it : S"J , a lilfTTOIT. LACE. CONGRESS. .r nnr - 1 1 1 v . n . . . ..... . - ..J.wm We Use only selected stock ana yip an wprenuuMssuy. ur.ntl. Trv our Shoos onco and you will ouy no ouiura. tVMentkw Si-" nnrt Width wasted. Send postal note or N. Y. draft. Writ your tddren plainly, Town, County and Btute. CUSTOM BOOT & SHOE CO., j-AHT AVEVMOTJTIIi MASS. HAMILTOi rs IfllM ft S va v Mil a i .. '.i HAMIL'I'OIT, GLJ.O, Manufacturer;; of Ilamlltou Grades of VeMcloa J fv.v; ... o 00 w o EDITOHI&l Bl'ECIAL BUGGY OF ANY BTSXI3 VEiTICTE. SPECIAL M'ATI'Rl'S t Proportion, ririi1iJ.Uj-, I'.'ffV-e.loii of l:MnJV5;t. This " Mirror " Mii',1 work Is llie best rue Jium-priccd work In the T"ulu-(! Si'n'cs. WRITE FOR OflAUKiLUC. IIAMIL.TOX 1VJ4V .'. I Wsifff aP fa 5ti Vis; rft- S3 caw b'r'ah "1 TO MAKE A Delicious Biscuit i your (inn.Tr tir mu tlRlltlD $l onni OBI CniTlIP tf. twin!, i'tit. 'i i 't. V r v The Clark Cycle 2: 340 N. Charles St., - - BALTIMORE, MD. Branch Storo, NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, oil kinds, siies and prices. Iticy cles. Safeties and Tricy- i cles f,ir Hoys and Girls. I Send fur Catalogue and 1 Vrice Lists. Mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. 008 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. O. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Htl bmn tnTTinRTniTES latablees Milk. At rn be taken. id by the com- ni nFliupiiat nr. lima. I .r. K-tta by tlie iuosi l ,! n Ike plain oil it 1 - ',! ((.'ilrodtttfr. ' j j Vti'.vulle taking it. & in acknowledged by -ie Finest and Bee,t propa- STirld for Uie relief and oure ot -wxjnSUMPTION. scrofula. CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, OOLDS and CMROKIO COUGHS. Th great rrmrdy for tkinmmplian, and rFtulin.; in CltHdnn. Sold by all Drugjiit -THE- MacoDsOil J THE VETERAN'S FRIEND. Cures Wounds. Bruises, Strains. Aches and Pains Rheumatic, Neuralgic Sciatic, PROMPTLY And PERMANENTLY. w AT DRfO;ISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. V0CELER CO., Balllaor.. M. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER 1 Next to First National Bank, lEPPNEI!, : : OREGOS A FOIiUEIt RF.S1DKNT OF JOHNSTOWN, NOW LIVING IS 10RKOW COl'NTX. SKVENTV-TWO kll.l.EK. Watches, Clocks, A iN D Ojtica Goods WiiteboH CUiauBtl, - $1.50. Matnsurtngs Fitted - . $1.50. All work u nar an teed for one year. THIS 1MOXKKW Jewelry Esi Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, J" 33 XV HMjZI-V, ETC., At the Lowest Possible Prions. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings. Gold and Silver Watches Always "r7"--:0n Hand iz-zz:. - A Full Line of MUSIOAJj IKrSTCXl.XT MEMTS Has beeu added to his lnrgo and well selected stuck. Eight Mai, Or., June 10. Editor Gazette : - I thought perhaps it would be inter esting to you to know that one of your readers u us at one lime a resident of Johnstown, Pa. I was only three months old wheu my parents moved there from Pittsburg, Pa., and I lired there nearly twenty eight jcars. Johnstown is situated in a vale. You ean not drive to tho f inns that tire situa-1 ted around the place, without goiug up i hills, and high hills un three sides of the oity. After reaching the lower part of I the city, the valley widens, and the conn-1 try is more opeu. Coueniauh flows on the east and Stony creek on the west of I II,. ,.iv UTl, It,..,, ........ I.' i 1 j V. 7. ' T r r survived euu ui luwn, iiuuy oreea nows into uon- emauah. it is then called Coueraaui-h river. The valley below where the to streams meet is where the i;reat rolliui mill stands. Cambria City is also situ ated there. The bridge where the great ouufliicra tion occurred, is also iu that valley, tlie railroad crossing the river there. Tlie valley is quite low, and has often been under water in the spring of Ike year vhen freshets came, caused by snow uelticiK from the sunuimdinjj country, specially if it left with ruin uambria City is about three miles from Johnstown proper, and the 'oil, nx mills Is between tlie two. Kennvilie lies ju a ii.it, aud a portion of it is uudrr ,vater whenever stony creek rises out of its banks. I have seen the valley a mile u widtli covered with water, and at ither times have seen th stream so low uey could be stepped ucrons. The lulls surrotitidiiJi' the couiitry ibound with coal and iruu ore. l:i uir uioiintaius are larae charcoal yards, aud coke is burned extensively ou tha hills around the furuact-s. The tire can easi ly be seeu from the city. Tha c.niai I'oriueiiy extended from Johustowu to i'lttsburg, Tuere was no railroad when cue canal was made, it w s built ou ihe cast side of the town between Coue- aiiuigli rivar and town. A portion of the town was an island. Couemaugh river ou one side, a lare basin of water, aud the canal ou twodjjs, making the iaud a V shape aud surrounding it with water. W hen the packets came to Johnstown from Pittsburg they were run iuto what was called a slip, a channel tilled with water large enough to hold one packet. There a passenger train waited to take the passengers that wished to cross tlie Alleghany moun tains. When the train was ready to sturt three horses were al tuuhed to the cars, aud driven to the incline, where they were takou oil and the traiu hauled to the summit by menus of ropes attached band, the workmen boarded the trains, on which their picks BDd carts were loaded, and left John.town without any expressed regrets. The work upon the ruius has beer, nearly at a standstill all day, but to morrow morning General Hastings ex pects to have 2,50) meu at work. The new plan of canvassing the city and systemiziug me unuri.mn.rn o. s.ip.u.e, i t)je WI.eck uaJ an ju tu(J is meeting with general favor. Pro- j dubnsl Over 100 were injured. visions and supplies continue to come m . The Ml Uii(j uumiuu ia freely. . . tt- tr.iins. 't'lu. iir!i,liit iitirorrri'it lit .1 point where the two trains had to ascend tue grade on a bank lilty feet hi'h. The i Awfal Eudins; of an excursion la Ireland. I Draws, June 12. An excursion train ; from Armagh was wiecked near that place io-day. Tlie traiu ooutaiued over 1 ,20 J persons, composing a Methodist I Suuday school, including scholars, teach ; ers and relatives. j rieveuly bodies have been taken from There is but little change in the health situation. Ten bodies were recovered to-day by the small force of men norkiug. A meeting was held in Alma hall bv the citizens of Johustowu to-day, at which the le.idiug business men who the flood were present. Ko- inarks were made by several ot those present touching the great work before them and the necessity of united and individual action to rebuild the town and the cultivation ot fortitude to bear up under the burdens so suddenly thrust up in them. Resolutions were adopted thanking Jaines Sontt for his untiring efforts to bring order out of chaos, aud of the people of Pittsburg in particular and the citizens of the United States generally for their prompt and generous assistance. The bureau of registration reported to day that lo.07H survivors had registered. Many registered twice, and some half a dozen times, which caused the list to run up 21,000. To-day scarcely twenty names wire registered, showing th.it tho work U ap proaching completion. Tiie number of bodies reoover-ed here is 1,10:!, of which (521 have b en ileitis'!.' 1. THE bTAT'E AT U'ditK ' first train aseouded the grade without j any trouble, and the seco.,d section ..t I leuipted the ascem, but li.e wcigut of the traiu proved too great fur the engine' j beveral oars were detaclie.i and wi re al lowed to run back toward the level truck, j but before t ey rescued it they came iu j collision with tlie ordinary train from Armagh, whioli was proceeding at-agooil rate of speed. Toe excursion cars were completely wrecked. Hosts of volunteers were soon at hand aud tlie dead aud woiiudod were tnkeu trom Ihe wreck aud curried down tue bank. Medical aid was callej, and u special train from iielfast brought te the scene twenty surgeons irom that oily and a uu.uiji-r of miMiCi men ir.-m otUet places. Tlie disaster is inij ar.ilieled in therai. roitd history of irolaini. All ot me shop iu Arm.tgu were ol ise J this a t r.io hi, unit tha people nre in general mo uuing. Itie eugoiet-r, hremau and gu.ir.l nt the ir.dn uni tire irallie manager's eleii, j were summoned tiei ire a magistrate and j were reuiandi'd o t acnaigo of b,'iug re I .spousiule for the accident. t'ne shrieks of ilu ciiialreu were hoi rible. iUa.iy were beyond recognition. THE B1TDAT10X AT HEATTLE It is Thought That the Pollre Will ttei.nme Colitml. Seattle. June 17. At a meeting ol TJmon veterans held to-night, resolution. were passed strongly Oommendatory ol the etticient servioe's rendered by tht mill ia since the fire, and thanking them heartilv for their self-denml and valu able aid. It was then resolved that a committee he appointed to wait upon tho inavor and .ominon council ami offer the services of the Veternti clnl to relieve the luilitia "T tucir unues u the authorities do not think the p .hce alone can care for the city, but it, it probable that Hie police will iilo.ie b delegated t lake cine of Ihe cvty, to) they are all ready mid they fei 1 Ihey are ainply competent to pri serve put'lii peace. OUKGON POS.TMASTKHS. List of the Mont Ui'icnt Cliiinje ill J'liis stole. Washington, Juno 16. The following have beeu appointed p' stniasters for tin Northwest: Oregon -- Meadow, Lnn' county, David Smith, vice Levi P. Tall man, removed. Bust oi, Wnshinutoi county, C. A. Peterson, vie H T. Box ton, resigned; Ne Bridge, Union count, Eli Chandler, vice D. J. Saunders, re moved; Yamhill, Yamhill county, F L Saiuinigtoii. vice l.nniel Bawbee, r-- moved: Woodlmrn, Marion county, '1 . A. Lord, vice Oliver Bourett, removed, Money to Loan. Persons desiring loans on im proved fur ins or town lots, cin secure titicli on reasonable terraa '..y ofillin on Oris L. Patterson, it Gazette nfiice, MKrPXER, OREGON. ICURE FDTSS j There is Miarosly a family iu Armagh Colonel Egnn. nf the Militin. lois t'luii'se of the ill JUUHMUVVll. ...u u ,...v .,,,. 13. The first real j 1U'"IV cases whole lamiiies were kiiieil. the emljaiikmei.it on wiuuli the aeci- REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Work Gunrantood. STOHK, oiU'Oaite Minor. lJiiilann k Co's Miiy Ht. lieiiie", - - - Oregon California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY, J. 15. Keeney, Supt. Monument HUiku loiiven lleppner Mon.lsy", Wiilnohilayw fiu.1 Kriihiys at ft:IiO K. M. Monumont Kll.itn arrivi-s Tuesdr.js Thumduyi, uml Hiiturihiysi nt ."irti I'. M. SuuilHy Blnue to anil from ArlinRton. Fare. $!UKi eiuih wny Piinilli'toli Hliutu lr-im'n llnpimer A. M. nirives " 4Sl P. M. n 00. 94.00. .ulnirei' Johnstown, Juue work under the supervision of the state began this morning, and ,!iu0 men re sponded to the whistle. Tue weather is I warm and cloudv. The itenoh from Ihe decaying bodies is almost unbearable. Some worthless fellows gained tin en trance and began stirring up dissatisfac tion with the laborers with the result that 100 quit, and the militia drove all the idlers out. Ail order was issued to admit no one without a pass. The general opinion among well posted people here is that Ihe loss of life is be tween 3,00(1 and 4,000. Colonel Egau, who has charge of the registration, states that, from all he can leuru, the population amounted to about 25,000. This accounts for 10.000 people supposed to be hint. The earlier reports, which said that from 12,000 lo 15,000 deut occurred is soveuty fe.'t high. Before starting on the fatal excursion the children paraded through Ihe streeis of Armagh with flags and bauners, ami the town folks turned aut almost en masse to wish them a happy holiday. The traiu consisted of fifteen carriages. The bulk of tlie childreu were in the front portion of the train, and only about a dozea children were killed. The majority of the viotirus were about 20 years of age. They were in the last carriage, which was completely smashed. All the bodies have now been taken from the wreck Tho total number of the killed is seventy-two, of which sixty four have been identified. The number injured is about one-third of the eutire number of tho passengers. Many of those are certain to suconmb.to the ef- iieonle were missing, were based upon the supposition (hat there were 85,000 1 of their injuries. to the cars and drawn up by muchiuery. I people iu these boroughs. Reports as it was let dowu the other side in the i to the number of bodies recovered at same manner. When they reach- j different poiiils along thefiooded dislrict. ed liollidaysburgh, the passengers took are very conflicting. The supposed of the packet and wore taken ou the canal fijiul reports sent in were also conflicting, to Hiirrisburg. This railroad was ku iwu and put the number of bodies recovered as tiie old portage road. Woeu freight j miy where irom 1,100 to 1,800. Conse- ooats Oiiuiu up til. canal, Ihey uulereu , ouently, there is no lelling how many I the weigh lucks, were weighed, tlieu bodies have been recovered. or MARVELOUS HORY DISCOVERY. Only nennin. Svittin of Memory Training. Four lSoolt. Learned in one reading. . IVltuil wandering cured. Evrrr child and nila't arently benefitted. Gra.it inttaoemnnt. to Ojrrespundenoe Classes. Prvmectna. wttn onintons ot Dr. Vi. A.Ham. mon t, tn. wind-faro -A Snoclalmt in Mind Diseases. Daniel ! recilenf Thompson, t!i groat Psrohiil. wrist. J. ill. ll'icklry, D. DyOditoroilhe CAnnhon Allocate. .1. Y., lliciinrd.Proetor, Uie Scientls-, JIon. W. Aitor, Jndootiihson, Judohl. BuTiJxlllin.andotri-ri, seat pot fre! by Prof. A. XOISUXTli. 2al PiftU Ave., N. Y. TH E GE E AT Transcontinental Route i ii n ' i When I niy Cote I do not menn merely tg top tluim ii,r a time, and then hnvo them ra. turn again. 1 HlOAN A HAtHCAi, Cb'iUS. i have made tlie disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or TALLIUG SICKNESS, A life-loop; stndy. I ytahtiast my remedy to Cnita the worst ensos. liteuuso others have, lulled is no roason lor not now receiving; a euro. 6enil at once fur a treatise ami a Hiee HorrLD ol my Infallible Hehkdv. (jtvo Exprosa and I'oit Ollice. It costs yon nothms tor a trial, and it will euro you. Address H. 0. ROOT. WI.C, IS3 Pearl St., HewYow Elv9siv.--,?mBalm j R rtiiern racnic VILROAD! VIA TUB Fare to Moniimeut, Fare to Pendleton, E. J. 81.O0UM CO., Aoknts. Freight 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ogn Arlington Meat Market, KKKl'S CONSTANTLY on hand OB.EGrON' Railway & Kavigaton Co. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." fcJJ:ni.tlt- att''T 111' risMJtt'l ).tlpt', ifDri iLWpCr " " . r . . 1 1 r u-V I IlLLi r ISIL.Iair, No tid(t rrowtrntl I'ltla, 45. Ii4t.) i. ftin in tlif Winn. Ne til(t rfoutf4 .(ii whouriin 10 .i i rtnr. run nil. aitt itii H'lfH lit t;f a-ti-h if I'.frh rU it if Ji--n ' I" ' i'i 'I U1 1. I U., ilbk Hit, AiitiUkitt. Maim-. ism mm I tt-M l-i m 1 UU, tiKtil Uigly bngt kal tki. it In tit wtirld fwMf tiutrkm-iwr. raulod. Ilravt ud ct.ei of tiiual ta. One 1'erwtu in each vitliiy taa tatun- one fretv tncihrr wi!li our I iff and ' until liti il lloum'liui J H:impU. lti..g mhiijIc. Will an II." wand, fxd f'i-ft?, ami fur jrim ha kryt UflttlV, ILUrO lit Witt Cl TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United ytaten, Canada and Europe. h-HEWXT ITLLMAX I'ALAfE CARfe CMIGHANT SLtlPINQ CARS Run Through on all Express Trains to - - OMAHA, - Ootmoil liliiff! HT. r"AUIj, i'lVt'oCirti-fju'OHtf It't'fAoiif OAiiiye. Close Connei'tioii at Portland for San Francisco mid Puget .Sound Points. A L I j 1 1 O N ST KAMKKS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in CO ' hours. Ctifii fiO. Stevnigt $1.00 itoiimf Trip f 'lid'mifc.f, $:l0,0O. SAU8 V O I3 . VARNEY&PUTNUM Arlington, Oregon. 8. P. fLOllKNOK. K FLoaKNCr FLOltEXCE BHOTllERS, 1 TWt""5!i,Si passed out iuto .lie basin and fastened ou trucks. They were thou drawn out by moans of rupes and machinery, anil takeu over the mountains the same as the passenger cars. I havj kuowu in stances tvticre the rope broko witu tue cars aud they tan back to the bottom orashiug the train; but I knew unver of I suchan uccideut to befall the passenger train, .. - - - Is the town still behind the times in that manner? No indeed. Trains run almost constantly aud the largest rolling mill iu the world is located there, besides numerous furnaces, a woolen factory, (louring mills, saw mills, cement mills, etc. At the iron works, alone, several huudred men were employed daily aud wheu they left iu the evening the same u umber look their places fur the night turn, as the works never stop night or day. The canal aud basiu is tilled up and houses built there. The islaud is a thing of the past, it is all built u, and now a part of the city. The canal crossed the Couemaugu by ineuus of an ao,uo- duot. Now a bridge spans the place. A utile below ton u was the first looks. When the boats ueared it they would blow the horu to wuru the look tender to open the gates to let them through. Johnstow u was n very healthy place, although almost surrounded with wuter, but the water was not stagnant. There were a great many tine buildings there, , "8 ago. Many limes 1 have played on the bunks of Stony creek, and Coiieinaugh, also. My grand-father ami uncles used to take us with them to catch fish when we were children. The creeks had plen ty of llsh iu them then, such us suckers, suu-tisu and buss. I have au aunt, uncle, cousins and dis tant relatives living tliere now. It is with a sad heart and mauy tears that I read the aaoouut ot the destruction of my old home. I look for u letter very soon from there and then I may write you ngaiu. Mks. Andubw Ashhauoh. MlSHdHANl'S resuming: husis'ess. To-day was tho second day since the Hood that Johnstown was not deluged with rain, and under the intliieuoe of the bright sun the sandy soil was soon dry ing, and things in gem nil brightened up. A number of stores, with Iheii wares inside and out, started in anew, and large sales of -flooded goods were -effected," being bought chiefly as relics. The first decisive step toward putting the Johnstown business meu ou their feet again was made to-day, when about 200 merchants who had 'survived the Hood, many ot them without u dollar, met Adjutant-General Hastings this afternoon and were assured that they would be established in business on long credit. Roth Pittsburg and Philadel plm wholesalers have offered the Johns town merchants their business courtesy. tVUNlUY AT JOHNSTOWN. Six Mure ltoilii's tU-eovered ami bald to Itt-st L'hhlf-ntifif d. THE WSASTKOl's ( AVK-IN. tii'ent Lu8 uf Property hy the Collapse Coal Mines. WiLKicsBAKKE. Pa., June 12. A dis astrous cave-in took place here late this afternoon. The Hollenbeck aud Hell man mines are situated under a thickly settled portion of the city. They are u thousand feet deep, , ud for years past no coal was supposed to be mined ill that portion underlying the city, for tear the earth would sink. At 4 o'ulock a crash came and one of the principal thoroughfares of the city is filled with crevices, from which gas eseapos in large volumes. The owners of the houses . are jjreiitly alarined. The meu in the mines had all thjy could do to escape with their Uvea. Some of the mules were caught iu the workings and killed. Eight hundred men and boys are throwu out of work. The mine owners' losses will be over $100,000, aud the losses to the property owners on the surface will be double this amount. Cole Younger is Not Head. Stillwatkb, Minn., June 12. Cole Younger, ths notorious outlaw, who is in the penitentiary here with his two brothers, was somewhat amused to hear of Ins death out in Wyoming. The false report of his death is ouly one of many unreliable reports sent out by an irre sponsible correspondent at Cheyenne. rn.-uitmoq ftfl V"na' snnsros. Al loys inflammation. jj.uals the Soros. Hastorea tiie Senses of Tasto, Smell . and Hearing. ? A particle ie applied into eneh no.trll and to arrecablc. Price 60c. lit Hrueg.nl. or hy snail. ELY BrOTnER3,50 Yfarren &t,New York. , THE SAJIOAN I'KOTOI'Oli. Johnstown, June 10. Iu the few churches remaining, services were held to-day, but the largest meetings of the dav took place in the open air. The weather was fair and the men seemed j A Statement That tlie Cnuer-ssions Arc Not glad to have an opportunity to turn from 1 Satisfactory to lilaine. hard work to religion. To-day the; Bem.in, June 13. The American oom wreoked engine of the limited express ; missioners to the Samoan conference was hoisted to the trucks nt Conemaugh. ! have received instructions from Seore Dotihlo tracks will be down as far as i tary Blaine in relatiuu to the protoool Altoona bv theiiiiddleof the week. There i drawn up by the conferenoe. Blaine dis- are 3.000 men at work on the Peunsyl vnnin road tracks between Johns'own an 1 South Fork. Six bodies were recovered to-day. T. ey were buried without identification. To-; States, uight 150 barrels of oil were emptied ou . to-day the diifts snd ignited. The wreckage is burning fiercely for 2,i0 yards. The debris was searched previous tu being Bred, but no bodies found. A CHll'l'EIYA UPUIMINU. Severul Inoffensive Swedes Murderi'd by 'Ihriu Near Slille l,aes Lake. Sr. Paul, Juue 13 A telegram wasie ceived at Governor Merriain'g office this evening, which euiitaius the startling in agrees witli sevtral provisions of the protocol. He is also of the opinion that England and Germany have uot gone far in respecting the rights of the United Toe conference had a sitting to rcoeive Blaine's reply. The English and German commissioners will afterwards consider Blaine's objections and decide upon what policy they shall pursue, and upon what attitude they hs qiime iIptipiiiIh the further eoiitinnanne ! rtf Hoi r-onfurenoA THE CONCESSIONS Oil ANTED. London, Juue 13. The Rerlin corres pondents of the Times, Daily A'eics, Morning Post, Standard, all Hgree that several of the lnodilioatmns ol the Sa- Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Dent and inielent. The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est, Rates to Chicago and all points East. Ticots sold to nil Promk, nont Points throughout the East, and Southeast. TI1.O14I1 Pullman Dra. in.; Pusom Sleeping furs, Reservations ean be secured iu advance. To East Bound Pasei.i:ers Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket rends via this line. St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. 'Through Emigrant- Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length of line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of ihe Company, No. Ill First St., Cor. Washington St., Portland, Oregon , A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent S I --y X -t 1, H ,1 T " Sim BlDDiQS la tha Cheapest, Safest and Rest I Cure for Scab. This oolobnited Dip has been iu constant nnd iuoroasin use fur over half h century, riuriug which time It has been applied to more sheep than exist on the earth nt the present moment. Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is cheaper thau lime and sul phur, nml is not one tit'ie of the trouble. Lime and sulphur injure the wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its qual ity and increases its growth. General Agent : SHELL, HE IT iBTJ & WOODAKD, WlmipHHle rtnitiiriatH. Porilunf., Oregon. THE WASCO WAREHOUSE CO., The Dalles, Oroou. U17I?, -A WEEK p-v Club System W- while asconvenient ir. to the buyer as any instalment tiysteni, Li & i svstent to us The f V co-oncraticn rf the AN&?ic,5- club members sella us fc iV-z.-.--.-!li watches in cat.li rmui. S3SW.itc'iCUi!3,anawecsic3sii 110111 the dull 1-r c:tt;.i which uciorc n. y;uv out, tho-.li cell iricmKr only fay:: gi a wccli. This U why we give you more for your money than ..ny uik- c Uc and why vc nrc doing ihe lart watch business in the wcilJ, V cel. only first quality Ccod3. 1 :;t ourl prices arc about what (-.ihtrsfctf rtt- -oud quality. Oi:r&lOf,ilvci.A. (vtil. an r..ib-.ffinti ili'jilvcr (act i)iu:(iii:no -tnyhind) St cm-Wind American Lever Watch cither hunting ca:;c or open. Our 23. CO W atfli is a tcm-wind, OpenFace, f'rpt qii;.!ity,f tiflVncd Ciold morlrmtcvcrVa.u..p-tiarattee(ft0 wear jo years. H is fully equal to anyE, watch sold for by others. Wc find W a first-class SUiicncd Ot Id taRc much 1 more sitisfartory and serviceable than any Solid Cold Car;c that can be Fold at j lens than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invarially ihin, wtule, ol low quality, and worthless after short use. Our 058 Watch contains numerous important pattntcd im-, provement3,of vital importance to accur- ate liming PaL-tit Dnsiprocf, FateniSdem (r(f,6-j(r.,wiiicn we controicxciusivciy. 11 Ufully equ il for accuracy, appearance, dura bility and service, to ar.y $75 v atch. either Open Face or Ilimtbtj. Our 43X0 Knll- ronu vaiciiis especially coiir.irui.n;u mi the most exacting use, and is thclie-1 Rail road Watch niadi;, Open Face cr Huniing. U ti.ese oriels are e:Jicr au casa cr hiciuuh. I.11U.U r ifiveii fsc ir' A t-i- h I! ,,-fr.i. nQ 0V3 0 !2WaiCiltluil!.0M Pals Offin to Te't tvtl folMlM CUT C34 WAl'iUT ST. fUKACA. PA.X. Agents Wanted. AJax Watch Insohiter, $1.00 'A Powaer, ----m WW CsSfti ' 2V STOCK RAISERS ! HKl'I'NKH - OKKdON. rt(K hrmulodHnd our umi kpfl hhhIiowii Hhova. MorHi'H V ou nuhl HhnultltT. Our outth' niiitjH in Mmrnw, Oillinni, t'niRtillH hu1 WiHt'Oi'tniiilit'H. Wtt will piiy H1H).(M r wiirtl fin- tiif arroHt nd poiiYioiiim tf hh) ,'run utt'itlit'tu our too It. I CHRISTY i El telligence that the Chippe wa Indians iu i moan protocols, which were sujigested the vicinity ot Mille Laos lake are once hy the Uniteil States (rverumeut had moro at their hlooily work of tintcheruin been uureeil to by the conference, but tuoffeusive settlers. The 7'n'uii lie's special from Mora Rajs: "Evuu Nicholson arrived here from the Mille Lacs reservation to-day, aud re ported that the Maquison"; were shot and killed by the Indians lust niuht, aud that three families who had located there were missing. The settlers ure Kelt in j that the minor details, which are still unsettled, w ill tiecos.-itate another sitting of the conference, which will probably he held on Saturday next, A KEPOlir DKMKD. Washington, June 13 There is the highest authority for the statement that there is no foundation whatever for the For further particulars inquire of any sent of the company. A. I. MAXWELL, C. J. SMITH, G.P.JtT.A. General Manager. WHEN YOU WANT r- l'l rtCI . Tllti IIKVASIAIKIl CITY. To-iiay Ihe State Will Assume Control at Jiihustowu. Johnstown, l'n., June 11. This is the lust day for clearing nway the effeots of the flood by the civil authorities. To morrow the state takes hold of the stu pendous work. The horror of Ihe situation is not di minished, hut rather wows. Tiie search for the dead continues, and iu nil sec tions nnd directions dead ure beiiiK found. A number of bodi.s are now coining to the surface of the waters, aud competent indues say that us uianv more bodies us have been found are lvi,. ! "d m'u the woods rinrf somewhere. In many uueipeeted places bodies are hourly biti foiitid. Where this will end, no human mind can guess. The ilnv nnened rainv. hut n. it n.t. ... . . f any further deDredatiou. is received.'' ; H liys His Head ou theTrsrk and Is Ran ?iinced the eun came out. mid the mom. 01 BU' 1111 " u 1 ' . . . inS Inuirs were hot and muy. General Rugcr, the eommau.liug uf- Mm., workmen are leuvinc w. J ficer ut Fort Hornui, has made arrue- n..,v ...in ..k. ci i .. i.... u: 1. 1 munts leave at once several companies ot regulars, upon very anxious aud are eipec iuu uu attack j story published iu Sew York this after at any miuute. The ludians have been noon that Secretary Blaine had ordered having a dauce aud have come from all j the Ann-ricnn oommissiouers to with- parts ot the reservation, aud ure diiuk-1 draw from the Saiuoan coufereuoe, unless witu tu .re eoucessious are made. These ue- their hideous howla. j goiiatious at lierlin, it is said, ure pro- "Tbe people ot Mora are making ar-1 coediug in perfect harmouy. raugemeuts to raise a company of home rangers to send out to their relief if news A lETKlt.UlNEU SIIC1UE. 1 the state proposes to pay. It is believed 1 'of work ou thiaaccouut. Liberal Allvanee.S Mudej that there will be temporary stoppage ! fMe'V'ng intelligence of any COXSIONMKXTS. THK DAY AT JOHNsrott S. pas r a ii xoi;s. I'lid Yirtora Arv tlfttitis; the Spoils Uil.t at Uver by a Train. EnLK.NSBCBn, Juue 16. As a Northern with 1 aciuo passeuger traiu was rounding tue . curve between Eilensburg and Yakima jjesierd.iy. a m.iu o.une out from the j br.i-h and laid his head ou the rail. The engineer reversed, but too late, the en gine ntrikin the m iu ou the head, crush ing the skull, lie was taken tu Yakima, wueie he liugeml till this morning. Heppner fity Brewery! IIAS A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It is manufactured wilh the latest brewing apparatus and oau't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And the best brands of Cigars. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT Or OKUi-K. If yeudesirotopurelmsnnsewinn machine, nsk our orrcnt at your place for terms and I... ? vrtu mnnnt fliwl our ntreut. wrile Empty ees must be returned or S6 npiece will he charged. T. 33. 3M"ttox-, Prop. The Steeling Oo. Manufacturers ot tsJ? CM furiher B PulaTlaS H .S.t.Y EP.AWISCO: DON'T FORGET i j That the heaf t!noo tn jjet l' i nt tht1 t ) In four htn fn A w.io unt ti oallgit, iln v boronic your vmh irofitrtv Trt.u wnn it oucc tin in tun oi reotiviui ! '"""'' Offlee.Corner Fifth and ' t , oh.HW HUll lhe wlyaTy (ii.ipiIie r.ifi'.igi'nif Strevt. has shown its effect at the end of the POHTLAXD: ;1 Witsliinuton Street first day HEPi'XEli AGEST: ' ue "rand exodus of workmen lias j been going on all day. As fas', as the Coffin & McFarland. woue; wu iiujaejoutot thevowattir'. A Small Army of Workmen uvrs the I llwuie. tVmki'il t'lty. I VAsuiNUToN, June 11. The following Johnstown, June rJ. Order is ooaiug hnve beeu appointed iKistmasters: Ore- gnu -L'-xinut.ni, Mnir i cuuiitv, W. H. UcAlister, Vice tie .. M. llama minned. WHshingmu Teiruorv Tuxeil i, W n.ii com enutitv. J. S. Ausiiu, v.ce, 11. A. ,1 in Ison, remove I. Idaho - Nampn, Ala ounmV. lHiuiel Uicon, vice Ueo. 1'. TliouiV301 fes'i1"- UI KI.KII IN THK HUJ.T DECKKE. Th. Criiue ol V h it-tl Cliutou tViinintou. uf llnk.-r t il v. i. CiMivicp-d. Iiakkr Cirv, Juue lti -The jury in t.:t C;:se of tlie .l-ite nf OiCk'OU Vs. Clint, if. I'eiiiiiiiuO'ii for tho murder of Cti.irit B. t! ilc ui on M.ij 2S, br uight in a verdict of murder it. the lirst degroe, Ui'tct htlog out (our lioUlo. THE STEBLIKG FIANOST Qurjity cf Tors, Eo.ruty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing In Tune havo no equal. Every Piano V'arrantsi forFivs Years And satisfaction fraarantwd to crcry parcoaarr. Also Manufacture the Wo2U Rbkowkeo STERLING ORG.IN Factories, D2rby, Conn, j WATCHES AT COST! CM- out Utile, v ft LVt Siwk f tUtt, tot V aUtbus H"uc0i ta ant qtiJir Govd-&u4 Cfc-. i irVMai MutafWcunn Ptk. ooi tyriisfsnmutT trrr oAtml Ton ta Ut T ort LL rUOSlTii. br'ntruwl l vivinj mi It AhMhuly gUOaM Ttegx trrpr, fttxt is Cam UxU ttir Tt4 ifcra ibtr MuatV;nrn full UuavrtujM. Cut tki nt bow ta-1 nffri v 0. I. iKUSCTOS CO., I.W Smm Hint, ftj-fi lliHilli i NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.ORAWGE.MASS. CHICAGO - UNIUN CiUUftHL.N.r.- unu.. ILL. ATLANTA GA. TEX ST LOUIS, M0. lUjMLjgwT WHFRftWC3CB.Cl LEKZKR & THOMPSON, Au rs Heppner, Oregon ' pHfiili dt-portmprit, pprprnl Hgnticr. 75 Market st rwt , h i t ory bi i di r e, IShu mi ci e c . Cal BriiiichtH. 4H Morrif;tn. St., Pori iand. Or.. 18 otith Second St. Sun Jose. (ftl.. 55 Nurth pririu hi., Ijos Adceies, LuJ TO SAN FRANCISCO. CAE., -BV WAV OF TBK- Southeni Pacific Company's Line THE PIT. 3HHST0 EQDTE. Quicker in Tinethan Any Other Route , Between Pottlaacl -San Francisco. ' Leave Portland at 4 P. f., Dairy. , THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. 1 ITLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Clan Pnsseugers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland toR-icrameiit.a;KiSan Fran ciweo: f'niimiril ti'iilitfit 1'ir.i-.' ie. " " S,.,.i..i:l-lUv, ........ Through Tickets to all and Ea.it, a5 .. -Hi Points South. VIA. CALU-'OWMA. if TICKET OITICES: J Galee. "i '51 C rpurFir"' k WX'-T !:c(-taj. tl--; ,.r O,::.-, C.i-,:,;r P ai t Fr:::l iru, pnt;ri.AV'. nHEiidN. B. KUEBLEB, t. P. ROGF-tS. UaiMfec. Aan. U. P. aod Fsu. Atl.