Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 20, 1889, Image 3

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4EPPNER. THURSDAY. June 20, '89.
Trains on the Willow Ci-k Branch arrive at
and leave the different e'ationa daily, exiwpt
Hucdnys, at follows:
6 3 r. M. Ar.
5-m ' " '
4:40 ' " "
'So.VI (Miv-d)
Hpiner. Lv. 7:45 A. M.
Lrintfton. " H:'J1" "
luue. " fe:S0 " "
Pouplmts. 9:'u" "
I'ecilV, ' :40" "
Willow" Junction" 10:30 "
Arlington. Ar, 2:20" "
Portland l.v 7:45 " "
3:S0 "
' t,v.
' PM Ar
Northern Pacific trains enst leave Arlington
daily 2:'2U P. M.; RTiinff west, 10:15 A. M. I'nion
Paciflc trains enHt, 4:lo A. M.; going wjrt, 12:30
P. M.
U. L.TFiOMPHON. Agent.
Stage leaves for Cunynn City Mon
day", Wednesdays and i ridays.
Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and
There is a saving of 16 hours in time
and $10 iu cash by taking this route to
C. W. Lomlar & Co., 429, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., are authorized to make
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
They will also make oolleotious for thii
Here and There.
Wool is slowly advancing iu price.
Hon. J. B. Sperry is in Portland this
C. M. Mallory received his new hearse
last Friday.
Mayor H. Blackuinn left for Portland
this morning.
T.C Campbell, dentist, in the teozer
building a lew fl.ij
W. M. Radio and wife were over from
Monument this week.
Mrs. B. B. Bishop, of Pendleton, is
visiting relatives here.
Dr. F. C. C impbell, of Pendleton, is
in town to remain a few days.
John Cirran, th- retariri k ii.'lit of the
gripsack, ,s iu Hfppner this we.ik.
The country is ripe for a daily mail
between Heppner and Canyon City.
Bob Curran was over from his horse
ranch, opposite C'-.Htle R ics, lait w.?ek.
The people of Hardinan are prepirtng
for a grand celebration on the 4th of July.
II. Blackmail & Co. sold a flaw-mill
ontlit last week to Mr. Stench, of Long
Mrs. Knib. !j niiii W'is callel to The
Dalles this vcnk !iv t .e death of her
Mrs. Lewis Keblcr, of Peudleton,
niece of Mr. W. J. Leezer. is visiting in
Mr. nud Mrs. W. K Ellis leave this
wook for a visit to relatives in Indiana
and Iowa.
Theodore Danuer has lately purchased
the Heppner photograph gallery of Mr.
Goo. W. Foor.
Mrs. Hate aud Mrs. Waterman, of
Sand Hollow, are visiting in the Walla
Walla country.
Seven hundred sacks of wool found
sale iu Heppner yesterday at prices aver
aging 14 cents.
Calviu S. Brice was elected ohairnian
of the National Democratic Central
Committee en the 12th inst.
The dedication of the Jewish temple
will take place at Portland on Friday,
June 28, at 4:30 o'clock p. m.
Cool weather this week is doing won
ders for the wheat crop. The fall grain
is almost ready for the header.
Andy Tillard, a Butter creek sheepman,
was iu town last week. His total dip
this season was 3!l,0fl0 pounds.
John Fisher, representing Louil S.
Fiske & Co., commission wool merchants
of Philadelphia, is in Heppuer.
H. Paul, of Monument, sold his olip to
Koshlnnd Bros., this week, for 15 oeuts.
Wool is looking up right along.
Chns. Caie, road supervisor for the
Upper Butter creek district, is doing
some needed ork for that section.
Uniontown, Kinsas, was visited on
the loth inst. by a cyol n. A large
reservoir burst, drowning in my people.
Miss May Soott arrived home last S lt
urdiy from Salem, where she has b,-en
attending school for the past eight mouths.
Pianos and otguus tuned and repaired
by Prof. I'earn, with the L;Oinlays.
Leave orders at E. J. Sloouui's drug
E. Minor has leased the City Hotel to
W. H. Cotiar 1. Mr. C mard assumed
the responsibilities of Ian dord on the
10th inst.
Albert Ayors' band of 1,800 sheep are
now up in the Blues near Desolation
lake, Iiange is good, but somewhat
Press Looney was down to Covnte
last week to look after bis band of
borses. He reports excellent range iu
that vicinity.
Senator J.H. Hamilton passed through
Heppner this week on his way home
from Walla Walla, where he has been to
look after his race stock.
S. S. Denning, the attorney of the
Lnug Creek Republic, aud wife arrived
in Heppner last Sunday evening. They
returned home early this week.
Long Creek Eagle: Dan Morrow,
Wm. Townsend, C. B. Dustin, Chas.
Ivy and Lafe Waterbury started to
Heppner Wednesday with wool.
Frank Gilliam, Geo. Noble and Will
Kirk represented Heppner Lodge No. 69,
A F. & A. M., in the Grand Lodge ses
sion held at Portland last week.
Mr. I. Jacob, of the Oregon City
Manufacturing company, visited Hepp
ner this week and purchased some clips
lit prices ranging from 13' to 14) cents.
Ashland has decided to bond the town
for $50,000 with which to put in water
works. Ashland is favored with a fine
stream of water flowing- through the
Bob and Eva McGinley's New Musi
cal Comedy Company at the Opera
House next Mondav nieht. Reserved
seats for sale at E". J. HU cuin'i drug
Bille, Jesse and May Griffith, grand
children of Mrs. Ris'i, ai-e with their
father at Bellevtn, Idaho, this summer.
Mis Belle will return this fall to attend
the Heppner school.
E. B Gorman, train-master f the O
R. & N., was in Heppner last Friday.
He is well p'eased with, th place, and
will return again in a fe days with
other O. R. 4 N. officials.
Mayor Blackman, Heppy and Mrs
Chas. Goldstoue returned frin Boise on
last Friday. Mr. Blackman did not en
joy his visit very much owing to a tire
days illness while absent.
The Oregniiian, Detroit Free Press
and Heppner Gazette one year for ?4.10.
This oiler stands good ti'lJnlyl. Old
subscribers to the Gazette must renew
to take advatitage of this offor.
The fall sowing is in good condition
no nee of being frightened yet The
spring grain is mined and will not fill,
yet it will all make bay, which will like
ly be in good demand this winter.
' Col. J. W. Redington left for his Puy
allup borne, via Walla Walla, last Sat
urday. The Heppner hills have done
wond'era for the Coi. and he goes back
to hie newspaper duties with renewed
health and vigor.
W. H. Fearn, the great cornet soloist,
now with Bob and Eva McGinley's New
Comedv Company, will play difficult
selection and execute wonderful triple
tongueing at Garngues A Roger's Opera
House next Monday night.
Pullman, W. T., has within the past
few days sunk an artesian well. Water
was struck at a depth of 65 feet, and
the well throws water at the rate of 50
gallons per minute, or 730,000 gallons
per day.
I The uew firm of Johnston & Sloan
I have a new ad in this issue.
C. S. VanDuvn, the May street grocer, '
I lallu to the public through h uew ail . j
ti1I9 wpfk. !
Married In Heppner, on Jtiuel!tb,
Mr. John Glascock to Miss Flora H'et.
iov. Rea lied the nuptial kuot.
. n. Lonaru, maee or. me i ity Hotel,
places his bolstery betoie the pul.lio in I
this issue by means of a neat ad
Mrs. Johnny Hager lias been quite
ill for the past two weeks at her home
in Heppner, but is now convalescing.
A party consisting of Gazette em-!
pioyes aim euiror, accompanied uy
ladies, visited the hospitn le home of C.
A. Rhea on Rhea creek, lost Sunday.
Tom Hinton came in yesterday from
Long Creek with 5n70 pounds of wool
for Jim Presswell. ,Tas. Mail also
brought in live four horse load of
An ounce of prevention is better than
a pound of ourc. Frontier Oregon
Blood Purifier expels all impurities of
the blood nud should he used in all dis
eases of the stomach, liver and kidneys.
Take it.
Rev. Dennis and daughter Bee, left on
yesterday morning's train for Grande
Konde valley to attend camp meeting
held at that place. Miss Bee will
remain the greater part of the summer
visiting relatives.
Rasmus Larsen, who was a source
of trouble to the O. R. & N. at the
mouth of the creek last spring, has
pleaded guilty before Judge Deady to
the ohorge of obstructing the U. S. mail
and was fined $75.
Jan. C. Podson, of the Wallowa coun
ty, arrived iu Heppner ou last Tuesday.
He will visit Arlington and Loug Creek
before be returns home. Mr. Dodson
is running cattle on Wallowa's range,
and reports a small loss last winter.
Bob and Eva McGinley's Company
are coming and will appear .here iu a re
fined, now and interesting progrnm. We
hope to see a full house, as the company
is highly spoken of in all our exchanges.
They will appear at the Opera House
next Monday evening.
A paper must have news. When your
folks oome to see you, or yourself and
wife go visiting in olhor p arts, tell us
aht nt it. If you are arrested for horse
stealing or arson we want to know it.
There is no iutenti ui on the part of the
Gazette to slight anyone.
Rev. Heury Rasmus preached the
funeral sermon of Heury Roiningcr, at
Hardman, last Snuday. We are informed
that it was a very able discourse, befit
ting the occasion, and very much appre
ciated by Father Reiuinger as well us the
large audienoe who heard him.
Bob and Eva McGinley have visited
Heppner twice during the past nine
years, and are well and favorably known
to many residents of Heppner. Mr. aud
Mrs. McGinley never fail to please the
people, and will no doubt shov to a
lnr a bouse next Monday night.
T. V. Marshall and E. Minor were
arrested last Monday morning nt the
instigation of A. H. I'vaon, for violating
the Sunday law. Mr. Marshall stood
trial by jury and was cleared. Mr.
Minor's case was dismissed, he paying
half the costs and Mr. Tyson the re
mainder. The well known dentist. Dr. Campbell,
may be found in Dr. Vangbn'soHicefor a
short time, where he will be p loaned to
serve all in need of artificial teeth, gold
or silver fillings for preserving the
natural teeth, or teeth extracted. The
doctor oomes well reoommended as one
of the best dentists iu the country.
C. W. Iugraham and A. W. Saling
were over from the Eight Mile oountry
last Monday, and imparted to the shop
the information that orops in Eight Mile
are all right yet. The output of wheat
for that Heotion will bo thousands of
bushels this year, notwithstanding the
tact that there has been moon not, dry
weather during the past three weeks.
Canyon City News: We get Portland
mail now one dav earlier by way of
Baker. Thanks to the O. 11. & N. Co.
for changing their schedule time so sb
to caton the outgoing stage from Baker
Heretofore the railroad bas bid no ao-
oommodation about it, just coming with
the mail into Baiter about half an hour
after the stage left, and our mail had to
lav over 24 hours.
for Week Ending Wednesday, June IU, 1889,
June 13, mean temperature, 67.12;
maximum thermometer, 84; minimum
thermometer, 50.50; prevailing winds,
south; force of wind. 3; rainfall, 0; mean
barometer, 29.93; character of day, cloud
le4. Juue 14, mean temperature, 72.12;
maximum thermometer, 88; minimum
thermometer, 51.5J; prevailing winds,
8. W.; foroe of wind, 2; rainfall m inches,
0; mean barometer, 29.92; oharaoter of
day, cloudless.
June 15, mean temperature, 71.87;
maximum thermometer, 58,25; prevailing
winds, S; force of wind, 3; rainfall in
inches, 0; mean barometer, 29.92, char
acter of dav, cloudless.
June 1(1, mean temperature, 65.12;
maximum thermometer, 79; minimum
thermometer, 54.50; prevailing winds, N.
W.; force of wind, 6; rainfall iu inches,
0; mean barometer, 30.07; oharaoter of
dav, part cloudy.
June 17, mean temperature, 66.25;
maximum thermometer, 78,53; minimum
theremometer, 47; prevailing winds, W;
force of winds, 4; rainfall in inches, 0;
meau barometer, 30.05; oharaoter of day,
part oloudy.
June 18, mean temperature, 64.50;
maximum thermometer, 72; minimum
thermometer, 44; prevailing winds, W;
force of wind, 4; rainfall in inches, 0;
meau barometer, 30.04; character of day,
part cloudy.
June 19, mean temperature. 66.75;
maximum thermometer, 81.50; minimum
thermometer, 48.50; prevailing winds,
N. W.; force of wind, 0; mean barometer,
30.10; character of day, cloudless.
A. Smith, Observer.
Produced from the laxative and nutri
tious juice of California tigs, combined
with the medical virtnea of plauts
known to be most beneficial to the hu
man system, acts gently, on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, effectually cleansing
the system, dispelling colds and head
aches, and unring habitual constipation.
OREGO.H rtAt'io.AL.ulJAHD.
HEADQUAHTERS third regiment
Ths Dau.xs, Oregon. Jnne 14. le9.
General Ordehs t
N.. 13. t
I. The citv of Tlie Dallea haf decided not to
( celebrate the Fourth of July. 18S9.
II. Fan4frapHs -Von. 4. ft. , 7, a, or u u. ao.
11, l". are hereby mnde void.
lit. CouipAnin B, 11 and may celebrate ae
tlv nee bt. in tl.eirown townF.
I V. The new kuiis have iwten received and :
ehioled to the different comeaniee, and their I
receipt maet be retiorted to tlieeu Heedquarten
by company coiniaodera.
Ry order of
( has. E, Moeoak,
0yicrL: Colonel.
Irt Lieot and Adjt.
Impaired Cireolation.
DR. FLINTS REMEDY, by exerois
ing a regulative iutiuenee over the
action of the heart and t e general cir
culation, will check at once bleeding
from the lungB, and will onre drcpey of
those organs. Descriptive treatise with
each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co.,
N. Y.
Foe Sale I have a lot of farm ma-
obinery, for sale cheap, consisting of
horse oower and separator, fanning mill,
gang plows aud other things too numer -
limn too nnmer-
whin to nnr-
wiiuing IO P"r
e in Heppner.
(i W Kka
it. . kka.
ous to mention, loose
chase will call at my off!
I have ODfcued a well-appointed tailor-
ing establishment in my new build -
ing on May etreet, and am now regularly
reooiving new good and will mane eus -
tom made pants from Wl to Via
good in the market
An Old Offender Cacoht. Jt is no
trouble for Heppner people to recall to
mind JauiesCallaban, who rap the Main
B,reet restaurant here. Mr. Callahan gut
largely in debt to Heppuer merchants
and jumped the town, leaving bis wife
to bear the bluut of the trouble. He
afterward allowed up in Walla Walla
where he bad chuge of the Stiue bouse
restanraut for a time. A lady writing
fr,u Astoria last week to a friend here.
sends the following clipping from an
Astoria paper: "Sheriff Smith returned
yesterday from Baker City, bringing
Jame.4 Callahan, who was indicted for
larceny over four jears aco. He was
married in Raker city about a month
a.o and his bride came with bim to this
city. She is much affected over her
husband's disgrace, but sticks to bim
faithfully." While Callahan was a resi
dent of Heppner, it was noised around
that be was an old "crook," but no at
teution was paid to it, nlthongh it seems
! to have been. true. In regard to his
receut marriage, there is evidently some
mistake. He married a Baker City lady,
but that was nearly two years ago.
Sheep Camp Burned. Oa last Satur"
day, Ed. Day's sheep camp on Indian
creek, a tributary of Middle Fork, was
destroyed by tire grub, herder's outfit
and all. It was undoubtedly the work of
an incendiary. Wheu the packer took
the band iu on that range, he was in
formed that he oould not stay there, and
furthermore that no sheep should re
main Aa that locality, even if they had
to kill the herdera to accomplish that
result. The packer intended to take the
sheep on in a few days to undisputed
r.inge. While he was absent lookiug
after Mr. Day's other band, which was
not yet in the mountains, the burning
of the camp occurred. It is known who
made the threats, but it would he very
hard to prove anytbiug. This animosity
between oattle owners aud sheepmen
will, very likely, result in bloodshed.
It was worth a mau's life to keep sheep
there last summer, and it is decidedly
more dangerous this season, from nil
Reqclau Council Meeting. Council
met in regular session at oouucil cham
ber on last Monday eveniug, Mayor
151 ickman presiding. All couucilmeu
present. Minutes of the previous meet
ing read and approved. Petition of
Hornur et nl, asking for the opening of a
street to the depot, referred t commit
tee on pubiio streets aud property. Pe
tition of Horuor et ul asking that the
council plat the Looney addition, referred
to committee on public streets and prop
erty. Bills allowed : J. H. Warm ith,
842 50 ; A. G. Bitter, S3 ; Heppner
Gazkttu, 825; F. J. Hallecr, $5. A
motion was made au I carried that the
recorder assess all property within the
incorporate limits of the towu and none
without. A motion uas made and car
ried that the council act as a b uird of
equalization ou assessments made by the
ThkCoiuso ArrKAcnos. Oaoe more
we are favored with a visit by the re
nowu Boh and Eva McGinley's New
Musical Comady Company. This com
pany, it will be remembered, made a
decided sueoess on their tour through
hero about two years ago. They now
return with a new company the best of
taleut that could be obtained, and their
programme is far superior to any that
has been presented by them during the
past nine years. This present season
can not fail to add thousands of friends
and fresh laurels to those already gain
ed. We advise all those wishing to
enjoy an evening of refined music and
comedy to atteud their entertainment at
tbs Opera House next Monday evening.
Indians in Bear Valley. The Can
yon City ' iVetcs complains that the In
dians have already invaded Bear valley,
and are killing deer, when if a white man
-was to shoot a venison to feed bis family
be would be prosecuted. The worthless
lousy, dirty Siwashes are permitted by
the agent to come off the reservation and
hunt in season and out of season, and
nothing is said about them violating the
law. It remains now for the entire oom
munitv of settlers to go to them and
demand that they quit the oountry. The
Indians are very insolent, and if few
men talk to them they are laughed at,
which experience has demonstrated.
Not Disooukaqkd with Morrow.
Frauk Benee oarae dowu from Ccvello,
Columbia C i., W. T., last week to look
after his interests in Morrow county.
The crop prospect in Columbia oounty,
ou au avorage, is better than ours. An
immense amount of fruit will be raised
in that seotion this year. G. T. Crouch,
a brother-in-law of Mr. Benge, is look
ing over this section with a view of lo
cating a stock ration, and is well pleased
with the country. Mr Ben'e is not in
the least discouraged with Morrow, und
looks for a big harveit.
Minus a Fingeh. About two weeks
ago, William Wade, aged 16 years, met
with an acoideut at his father's ranch, at
the head of Hand Hollow, which cost him
the middle finger of his left baud. The
young man and his brother were splitting
wood, and by somo means got his finger
in the way of the ax, almost severing
it. An effort was made to save the
member but the wound refused to heal,
and to-day oomplete amputation was
effected by Dr. E. R. Swinburne.
Consumption Surely Cured. To the
editor: Please inform your renders that
I have a positive remedy for the above
nnmed disease. By its timely use thou
sands of hopeless oases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy free to any
of your readers who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C.
181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y.
Grand Lodge Election. At Port
laud last week tbe following Grand
Lodge officers, A. F. & A. M., were
elected to serve the ensuing term of one
vear: Christopher Taylor, G. M.; Jus.
T. Robinson, D. G. M.; J. C. Moreland,
Q. S. W.; N. P. Bunnell, G. J. W. ; D.
McKereher, O. T.; 8. F. Chadwick, G.
S. ; R, P. Earbart, trustee of educations)
New Management.- Lee Sam has pur
chased the May street laiiDdry, and de
sires to inform the pnolic that bo pro
poses to do good work at very low prices.
He is not responsible for any of Quong
Gee's debts, nnil those to wlium he is in
debted must expect Cash from the old
management 4t
Found. Below Heppner on last Sun
day, a lot of wall paper. The owner of
the same will find the package at the
Gazette shop. Prove pmpery, pay for
this local and the same "ill be returned.
Every inhabitant of Lard valley uses
ei her "88," "H. & B.'s Private stook," or
"X. T. C. brands of celebrated ohao
oos. H. Blackman A Co. always have
ou hand a large stock of those goods for
wholesale and retail trade.
It is a novel i lea to have bare floors
wheu carpets can be purchased at H.
Blackman 4 Co.'s at such a low figure.
"A gentleman should have a neat,
stylish bat to complete his costume,"
said Mrs. Gallagher to her husband the
other day, "and I want you to go right
down to H. Blackman & Co.'s and get
one. ibey always nave too neatest,
i eboapest and best."
Pr k;n powder is iu the market,
! and it makes the good housewife talk
I foreign lingo She should always boy
1 n celebrated "Condell Big Can bak
he celeorated "lyonilell B lan naK -
P Blackman Co.'., 24
flllrL, t ,h low Drioi. at SOiwnt. a can
ounces, ai tue low prioe ui ouoeni a oan.
Be mire to try it, and ae mental worry
,i ',..
Stockmen", eappliet in any quantity
?d t price a low as the lowest at H.
1 Blackman slot
J "The Pride of Heppner" reffm to the
, epnng-Dottom, tailor-made tlie only
; stylish denim pant in tbe market. Tbey
I are made expressly for H. blackman
Get ca:h pri'-es of feed at Spray's
Heppner feed yard.
The most popular plioe in Heppner
"The Gem" sample room.
Job printing at Pendleton prices at
tbe Gazette olfice.
A fine line of g il 1 psns, p:i.ula, :.,
at E. J, Slocum's drug store
All kinds of job wnrk done lntlm U
zettk office at Pendleton prioes
Coffiii & MoFarland will deliver go .,!
to any part of Heppner, free of ebaign.
Blanks for assessing school districts
can be had at Gazette office.
The only place in town for a cock-tail
aud all fanoymixoddriuksis"TheGem."
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
Ah, there ! yon Loug Creek friend, foi
Gainbrinns beer and lunch of all kinds
go to "The Gem."
Guun & Ruark, horse shoers;
horses shod with new shoes all round
after date for 1.50 per bead.
The Osbnrn mower is considered to be
tbe best mower in use for light draft and
durability. C. S. VanDuyn, agent.
Leezer & Thompson have reoently
added to their large stock of hardware
tinware, etc., a full line of groceries and
"The Gem" is n j bog. Itdoesnotwaut
the earth, but wants instead to see its
friends enjoy themselves drinking Oani
bri mis beer at 25c. a quart.
Gilliam & Coffee have on band a com
plete stock of harvesting machinery,
consisting of mowers, rakes, combined
and single reapers, hay rakes, etc.
Plenty of mill feed and Hour on hand
at Sperry's Roller Mills. Flour in five
barrel lots, $3.75; single barrel, $4.00.
Spray will feed horses, cows and don
keys for the following prioes: Hay per.
dav, o bits; single teed, nay or gram,
12,! oents per head.
Come one and all to the Heppner
photo, gallery and have your pictures
taken. Salisf ictiou guaranteed. Theo
dore Danuer, proprietor.
During the harvesting season, every
rancher must have machine oil for his
mower or Deader, In pla"0 to get the
best is at Johnston & Sloan's.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blncksmithitig lino that they are
not able to do.
Go to A. D. Johnson & Co.'s City Drug
Store for your machine oils. They have
all kinds at the very lowest prioes. Speoial
prices to saw-mil Is and threshers for large
Huusaker and Long having enlarged
their livery stable, opposite Natter's
Brewery, are now better prepared to ac
commodate the pubiio than ever. All
stock left in their care will receive the
best of attention.
Agricultural machinery should be tbe
best. A break down in a busy time is
often the result experienced by those
who fail to use good judgment iu pur
chasing. 1 he 'Champion" mowers
and reapers are made of the best ma
terial, light-running and do the best of
work. These features should not be
overlooked by the rnucber. For sale by
Coflin & McFiirland, Heppner and Ar
lington. To all whom it mav oonoern :
You are hereby notified that if yon
purchase bird cages, without first inspect
ing the complete line of cages just re
ceived by Leezer & Thompson, you are
liable to get left. They have also a new
lot of spring perches, bird cage springs,
seed cups and bird baths. Don't fail to
call and see them when wanting any
thing in that Iiue.
Bkimi It In. l'ersous holding scrip
can secure the highest market price for
it at tbe Gazktte shop.
That brands horses with a circle L on
left shoulder? The owner of this brand
will oonfer a favor by making himself
known at Gazette office, or to Mr. L. O.
Ralston, Rockville, Gilliam Co., Or.
The Saling, Morgan and Russell but
ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in
the market.
A gentleman should wear one of those
neat fitting, stylish custom made suits
to be had at W. O. Minor's. Ho gets
them direct from Chicago.
iewnui;ent taxpayers
Will take notice that there will be n
deputy sheriff out to collect delinquent
taxes after the first of June, together
with costs added. T. R. Howard,
23-2t Sheriff.
The progrnm as arranged by oomniit
tee for the coining celebration, will ap
pear next weok. The grand military and
civic parade will be an attractive feature
of the celebration. Don't forget the
sports the best shot of D and E com
panies will reoeive as a prize $10, etc.
Several hutidred dollars will be dis
tributed iu prizes.
The whole of Eastern Oretron are in
vited to oome to Heppner and turn loose
their fund of patriotism.
One dollar per ton pays for weighing,
storage aud forwarding wool from the
warehouse at Heppuer, within thirty days
from date of delivery.
For eaoh month, or part of a month,
after the first thirty days, one dollar per
ton additional will be charged,
Wool is uuiusured uuless specially or
dered in writing by the owner.
Grading and baling forty cents per
hundred pounds.
T. E. Fell, Manager.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the Board of Directors of school district
No. 12, Lexington precinct, Morrow
county, Oregon, until two o'clock P. M.
July 1 1889, for the erection of a two
story Rchnul building. Plans and spec
ifications oan be (seen at the olfl-i of
Wm. Blair, Dist. clerk, Loxinirt 1,1, (I .
The material and labir siilisuribe.l
in said prupoviN. 1 c
Board reserves the right to r J.-ct
and all bids. Bv order of ih ico.a.n i !-.!.
Wm. Ula'B,
Dil Clera.
It is an undisputed fact that the hand
somest vestibule trains that are now
run id the American continent are those
on tho "Burlington Koutk," leaving
the Union Depot iu Denver, also St.
Paul, immediately on arrival of all
through trains from the west. The first
aud second class couches are raugniti
oent, the Reclining chair curs snperb,
the Pullman slee.pt rs extremely luxuri
ant, and as fur the meals that are served
in those Palace Burlington dining cars
ynm-ynm. The next time yon go cast
to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, if
yon mention to the ticket agent that
you want yenr tioket to read from Den
ver or St. Paul over the Burlington
Route, you will get it, and you will al
ways be glad of it.
If you go via the Northern or Canadi
an Pacific, the elegant vestibule train
of "The Burlington Ronle," between 8t.
Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry
1 r r I i , . . w ;
on '.". eHrfem shore of the M a-
PP' nvat '' distance of A0 milee,
: niat nunnt M anman-
l?"t enery tnat cannot lie nn"
! : or, if you go via the Oregon Short
I rBRdl Tilt The Burlinitto'n Route," from
' Cheyenne or Llenver. you Kill pans
: through all the thriving citie and town
located in what is popularly known u
: tue "Heart of the Continent, for iur-
- ther information apply to A. C. Hheldon,
ft; (Jeneral Agent, 80 First Street, Portland,
l Oreeon.
Dartoe,Iroii, StoclaM Fora Mm.
These Machines are too well known to need commsnt. Taouiandj of farmers have
used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting
Machines that will lve ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser.
The moat Effective ana Successful Combination for Threshing ana Cleaning
Grain eve- constructed.
r JJ" Foture ,n,t dUtlngulihoe this Twinc-Bindcr Is the LlahtiKts ot Draft, combined witli iti
rAlraorclinary Strenirlli and Durability. The Binder Is ol the Applehv pattern, the only really succenslul
one yet known. W e have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tlio l'latloriu Binder-both exoelleiit-botu
recommended by hundreds ol patrons.
W. O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon,
To Paint 3& A House
Neatly Bequires an Artist with the Brush.
Can do that kind of a job. They also make a specialty of
Sip Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorating.
Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's A Co.'s drug store, cor. May and Main sts.
Satisfaction uaranteed or no pay required.
Shop Opposite Gazette Office,
Vice President.
Portland, : :
Cnpltnl Stook, $"5O0,0OO.
O. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon,
Clean, well kept rooms and the Table sup
plied with the best in-the market
Main street, opposite National Hank of
Heppner Feed Yard!
The above is all for sale at the
rates. Lower Main Street.
Willow Creek Saw-Mill !
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds ol UN1JKKSSK1J LUMBER; also
ZiT Mill Looatd at the Head of Willow Creek. V) miles ubore Heppner.(jfcJ
:IYE gTOGIf EX6pi(?E
- A N ..' -
Boarding Stables.
This Company have leased the ground on A and between Fourth nod Fifth streets
Portland, Oregon, for the purpose of carryinif on the business of boarding,
shipping and sale of
Driving, Riding and Team I Iorscs, Full blood
ed Draught and Hackney Stallions,
Commodious barn are in the ronrne of ennto motion, and the Company is fully
expecting to have everything in rcadiiiHHn for opening their pruniiat- the
first week in May. The Strictost Attention will he paid to stook
nnder their charge, and coiiNignora may rely on highest
A Weekly Public Sale will he held every Sat
urday and from the central position of
the sale yard ouht to he largely at
tended by the public
The Company liavo
.Three Imported Clydesdale and Percheron
i Stallions fnr sale or trarifi fnr stnrik.
rrnf fircl curl Vi n Sir-'tt
li.u: llltl lUk II II UK.Ill
poti Air n-i r-o,-i
Heppner, Oregon
: : Oretron.
W. H. CONAltl), Prop.
Heppner Feed Yunl at reasonable
.1. . SPRAY, Prop.
on bain! at prosunt-
1 f
t t rT ". t r i
I I If! If I ll
I I III hA I l 11
CITY $jfpj
Keep the Largest and UeBt Selected Stock of Goods in Their Line in
Morrow County.
Pure Drugs aud Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Toilet Goods of
Every Description. Also, Puintri, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Ac.
Dew SioGR of Wall Paper Just Received from He East.
Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Key
West and Imported Cigars.
Call aud boo us when you are wanting anything in our line.
Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and spMo)
attention given to orders from the country.
A Specialty!!
And I'ininor nlu'nvs'l si. inn?
on Hand.
mat. i v i o i
Custom Work and Repairing Neatly Done.
Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon.
Heppner Saddles!
r t 1
I , l I
A-l i v i
Tin WW
I ft .1 M I
Wood and Willo
Bird Cnges, NEW HO"'
chines and n cot
- .., .-. ..
rr I S IV T 1 1 Y Iv ,
on band.
III. 1