Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 20, 1889, Image 2

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The Bioohemie. Mptnediea that have
made suoh wonderful cures, are now for
Bale at our drug stores. Any oue de
sirous of learning about these medicines
Land Office at Th Dalloa Or.. Jdtia . 'W.
Nrtiew ia hornby iriTMt that the fnlinwinaiiamMi
ettlar ha hied notice of hie intention to aiak !
final proof in uniiport of hie claim, and that aatd 1
proof will be made before tlia county juii,; of ;
Arlington, Or.
On of Our Boys Wan Thera and Saw for
Himarlf the Great ConHaitratlon-ThleTlM
Shet by the Militia.
Ii. Lu Inland returned rrom pestt.e ou i gQ c(,lni,nolll.druKKiatR nnJ Sfnrro, Coont,at Heppr-r, Oreroi.. on July
Inst Friday evening. Mr. Leland had ac-; u;n ,, pimlI,blet on "New Treatment of T1I: ,,, ,
..1 :: .!, ati, nani n ! Hi..u " Hinnl.onM,. n,..,lini. uxte in. LHnM . Al'i,
"i" " 1""'""" - V.r: H.I. 1101. furthaH". SK'S. Hm. . and W
wholesale' and retail faucy dry gooas es-; narmuuv u - - "" w, rp. 4 N.. K. 25 K. W. M
1.. 1 J , 1 pit'h Itl inMlllua niM-'J unci," an
cases, on the same principle that
is noiiriHiiud ana simtauieu m order to
tablishment of Seattle, and had only on the same principle that tree ! eontinwioa nmdww upon, and cultivation of
hours when the ,.llriHill(d and stmtaiiied in orJer to , Mfn,i.v"! :., n...
Th hot, scorching north winda
of the past three weeks have led
mivnv to'aBBUino r doleful cast of
,.nniitnnpa and assert that "the been in the place two
orain ii all mined great conflagration began, neater t proiinee a new twig or orani n mat may
On last Sunday ihe editor of this ! Cl.ary was burned out osm 81,5,000; I JJ$Z
paper naa n opponumij w ; uturoiic u-v,v., ....v. ---
the section between Rhea and Wil-j future prospects in Seattle were dissi
low oreeks. The spring sowing is i pated in a twinkling,
badly scorched, but fall grain on j Mr. Leland gave our reporter a uraphic
summer-fallowed soil is but little : account of that great catastrophe. Men
damaged, end will yield well, j seeing their possessions wiped out of ex-
Knrlnv wi also maKO a eoou crop, i lstenoe, ruiueu nere ana inert 111 uij
Do you need a Mowing Machine, Reaper,
Combined Reaper and Mower ?
If so, Go to
David finwDiHri. nil of He nnnm. I ir.
Any perwon wiio dft.ire to protwwt aiminit the
allownm- of audi proof, or who know of any
lii'rbeumtrv supplies that i lutiima i.f the tnierior Oopartment, why such
i prof should not lie allnwi-d, will be Kiven an
! opportunity at the above nn?ntioned time and
Is hereby given that
; will be received ut
sealti.1 bids
the county
Dmi-e to crorvxamiue tlio wltnsaPS of atud
claimant, nnd to oilnr evidence in rebuttal of
thet Hubmitled by clatni'Liit.
3iV3U t . A. .McDox VLP. HeuittrT.
Children were crying for their parents
who were lost ia the mob of people, and
thieve, thugs and bumn took advantage
of this opportunity to load themselves
down with the chattels of unfortunates.
One ladv. in hereffoits to save her ef-
Raloh Bense. who lives in the
sarae locality, informs hs that he
will have an excellent yield of fall
sown grain. The land was summer-fallowed
and put in properly.
Since the people have gotten over
their fricht and come down to cold
facts we find that the fall sowing , fects, rushod madly into the flames and
in every locality is noi nijuieu
much, particularly on the summer
fallowed soil, and will give good
.turns for the liard work cou
th ranching.
gram will make nay
fl likely that there
"KM for teed this
f J" k,.a,1
. .Taa very warm
; Waainted with
clerk's office on Weduesdnv, the
in their efforts to save their property, j 3,. (l,ly 0f Juy jgs (ur building
' hi
Land Office at Latirande.Or.. Juno . V9.
Notice ih hortoiy (tivn thHtthi' rollowiiiK-namttd 1
aettierhuH tilwi notice of hm intention to com
iituto and initko filial nroof in nupport of hie '
claim, and that anid nrrKf will be made ht'fore
the couuty clerk of Morrow county, el llepp
ner. Or., on July 20. I8KV. viz:
Frank K. McVnrkle,
was dragged out by bystanders, who did
so at the imminent peril of their lives.
On the Thursday night following the !
destruction of the city, thousands of j
people siept on the hills back of Seattle
without covering. Bed nnd bedding
were out of question, and but for the j
kinduess of the people of the Northwest j
there would be much suffering in Sattle j
to-day. Tacoma aud Portland forgot j
a county bridge on the Jitmes t
Walker ranch, Little Rutter creek,
now owned by Ed Day. Each
hihW lint tlin nrivilecn to make
his own plans and specifications for j Hiv'i?rj'K32HMl'U''TpVm,1ri9 E."1 SW and
said bridge and price for building , kSliSI'XliliES
in ft workmanlike in annnr. and all . of. midUui. viz:
w 1 i 1 n filrt 1 ;n, iu .......ly I C. H. lat, F. R. Sliermun, f Ijeni. Or.; J.
um iu uo nirit nmi mj 1 (Turtiitne. u. t;. (iuitiiuie. nf uniiie. ur.
81)OVe I Any person wlnnlomrH tn j.rottst RR)nff the
1 allowuDce of sucli pnurf , or who knows of any
1 Militant inl niason, wuinr tlin law nnd llif rt'Kiila
: tin of the Interior Depart irtent, why such proof
; hliould not be allowed, will be aivru an ocoortu-
nity at the ahove mentiouefl time and pli.ee to
j crown-examine the witru'ssoti ti mid ..'Inimant, and
to offer evidence in rebuttal of tlmt submitted
! by claimant.
I 325-3U HKNRV Rj NEW AWT. UceiHiffT'.
clerk by 4 o
named dny.
.Tune 12, 1889.
(Signed) War. Mitchell,
County Judge,
Cf in I Wakfo hi ii Hsppasr ! !
And Buy a
--:Gilliam & Coffey,:-
With a large and well selected line of
Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements
Queensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Pipe nnd numbers' Material,
Glassware, and Stoves of the latest aud moat approved pattern.
Bird Cages and Grmiite Iron Ware. .
The Newton "Wagons and I lacks.
"Wthat next
4: attended
jttfvhicii will
1 horseB and
.fa was quite
I hot spell, and
Xii iu grain-rawing
kfntv proves that fall-
suinmr-fallowod soil is
T7bedepnded ou, and will bring
good results, it sliount ue uruieci
in. and not too thick. The Eastern
rule of a bushel and a peek to the
acre, is not applicable here. 1 he I
Gazette candidly believes that
every ranchtr who has profited by
past experience will have plenty of
wheat for the market. It is en
tirely to early to jump at a con
clusion and assert that the ranch
ing interests of Morrow county
have gone to ruin.
Up in the Blues, not over 2,900
feet above the sea level are thou
sands of acres of fine prairie land
which it forming for settlers beau
tiful homes and profitable ranches.
There is yet room for many
more. It was thought some years
ago that all this mountain country
was good enough for summer
sheep range, but in order to live
there the year round, it would be
necessary to wade snow waist deep
half the season. The snow possi
bly falls some deeper in the moun
tains man on ine neppuor uiu,
but the welcome chinooli wind vis
its tho mountain section as well
other places.
Tho Peuland and Hale prairies
anil Ditch creok have an abund
ance of good farming land. Wild
hay can be secured for the cutting,
and timothy grows rank in tho
damp soil. Near at hand is plen
ty of good range, water and wood,
person should want.
The prairies above-mentioned
are only a few of those to be found
in Morrow's mountain region. In
tending settlors will do well to ex
urmno this section.
To Consumptive. -The uruldraigned
bnving boeu restored to health by sim
ple mcHim, after Buffering for several
vearn with a sevore lunir affections and
business rivalry and come to the reMiie that dread diaeime, consumption, is nnx
in a manner which characterize them as ; ioim to mnke known t his fellow sntfer
,, , . - 1. i i : ers the means of care. So those who
principle which causes loon to lay ueide
petty jeloui8 to help others, their
rivals, ia tlia hour of trouble', is one that
deserves tli highest commendation.
Mr. Leland lout his viiMse, but when lie
saw so many ia much greater detUlutinn
than himself, his losses appeared as
It was tdoKmuliMi that s v,.t.;! Si.teV' s
were banged for beepoiling llitbifrilree
of properly whieli had becti si'.vm' from
the Ore. It was not literally true. They
were nhot by thn Nu'i-iu,! Dii.srds vxhile
attempting to st-jal ainxi wn were
left in the street. The pac it) under
murtial law nud uo uiic cau leave t he city
without a puss from Col. Haines.
tho county judt) of Marrow roun.lv
cbiirKel a copy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure cure for con- j
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, !
and all throat and lung maladies. He j
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, I
as it is invaluable. those aesirin me B;j iami
prescriptiou, which will cost them noth-1 Albnrt Wrilt,
Lund ODUw at The Dnliw.. Or., J nne 10, 'W). !
Notice ii li(.'rfby iiiveti that t!it following named i
BiMtler lias IiU'U nolu'f) il iif-r oii'miion 10
make uiiul proof in '.t;j;rt of hr . . .
claim, anil that aaiil pnaif will 'm niaile before-L lie (Jltampion CTlll
The "CHAM1T0N" has been sold during the past 25 years on the Pacific Coast,
and holds the lead. THE NEW CHAMPION STEEL MOWEK is tba
Strongest nud Lightest Running Mower iu the world. Being mad
of Solid Steel, it will not break to pieces like ordinary cast
iron machines, and is sold at a price within the
reach of all.
lo Reaper, itf.just the machine lor
Uachel llaskins, ti'.iAw of Dillon Hop
kins, lii'nevwcl.
IU. !, forth.. E", HK4 . !. HW ' j SW'-i Hcc
11, anil NWH NWS lyx U.Tp. H.. K
She nanti'i thf foilowiiiir witi!i3wsf' to
oontiimoitK rewiilunc. iipnn, h:-1 cultivui
t Hoin-v- u..,,nc:tir,o' M-iicmn, limviftrand larirer on
is not wanted.
We call Special attention to the
They are peennd to none and t!ie wide cut is withotapeer.
! !
k.l ii 1 1 I ill
i ii
j A Tin Shop in cutinectiou.
1 J I I I ll
Tlia Winner in all Contestx.
Repairing aim' ;.:--,uiiig neatly Uou?.
tiuno 0i
n.,.1 rrtov txrnva a lilcuiiwr will nlpimA I Or.; Ulita Muilduwlf, ll. H. Oiusnfofl, of ilurd
v' " ' , ... r i , or.
liumubur, Kiu'u ouuutv. New York.
SIStock of Horse Hay Rakes
f Hoppncr, j J
I'luposala for tlie Ui-ailhiK and l'oiuilctlon of
tlie John Day Wniroii Hoad fmiu llriiiinci',
Morrow County, to Moiiumt'til, (Jriiitt
HtrrNKB, Or., Juno 15, 1 HSU. j
Healed proposals will lie recoived by
the undersigned until 2 p. in. ou July d,
at which time they will be opened.
Eaoh proposal uuist be Koconipaniud
by a chouk or bond or other good uud
iiffioieut KunruDten in the sum of one
thousand dollars (1,000) that the bidder
will, within ten days after boiux notitled
of the aineptanoe of his proposal, enter
into a contract with the commissioucra-
of the John Day Waon Hoad with the
necessary bond sureties fur tlia faithful
performance uf the work therein named.
Forms, specifications and other infor
mation can be obtained ul the office of
the etiperinti'Ddent.
Bids will be received for tli whole
work, or for nny portion not less than
live miles.
Cu. Y'dd.
Holid Kock lit i
Loose Rock I,:t0(l
Cement Gravel 1,,'hUI
Lsrtb Si,lJ0
Hawed timber iu itruutures nomlele,
2,1)00 feet, B. M.; Ijk in struotnro, 4,000
lineal feet; olearinff and crubliiiig, 10
Tlie ri.'ht is reserved to reject toy or
nil bids and waive defects.
E. O. Si'UHitr,
'airman Board of Com.
Yade nt Wiiphinff
4 ooormIou of tha
i fVatrlotio Onler
A IMuuk.ll lil.lioil Carves Ilia lll'iitlirr-iu-Law
With ii '.uU-t K n i r- With l'oillr
Futul KeMllttH.
True it is that the ''noble red man,"
whatever his natural uttributes, becomes
uenr unto a (hid when excited aud in
fluenced by liquor. I'il-i-yeu's horrible
deed - for there is every reason to be
lieve that ho nouuuilted tho recent mur
der on the reservation is directly trace
able to tho cause. Now another ease--almost,
if not quite a rounder has arisen.
Ya-tcn e-ou-ites is under arrest for carv
in up his brothei-iu-law at a reservation
uiausiun iu the most recherche style.
This Indian, a powerful, wiry, uctive
fellow, is naturally a bully, nud wheu
under tho inllueuue of liquor is a holy
terror to the peaceful element ou the
reservation. Saturday he oaine to town
aud commenced to till up ou lire-water.
Ho was omumicd to the brim with the
liquid courage of the pale-face ou leav
ing town, and was spoiling for u row.
Ou arriving at tho Indue of another In
dian, some two or three miles above the
ayeuoy, he entered, probably iub ndiiiK
t'.i spend the uilit. About uiidiiitfht, II
is thought, he K"t into u row with its
occupant. JbiniiK tho lively liht which
followed, iinntlicr Indian who was pres
ent, a sou of llowlish Wampoo and a
brother-in-law of Ya ten-o-ou-ites, rushed
iu to separate the combatutits. The lat
ter could not brook tins interference,
uud, quickly .."teujiijf .lya&W;riWrHt
bis lixst, lilneilinj! Imm wounds in his
head uud side.
The weapon was au ordinary pocket
knife, but the blade was longer than
usual, and had a wire edise. It entered
ou the left side, between ine seventh and
eighth ribs, the wound hoiiu; five niches
Iouk ana penetrating the plural cavity.
Dr. Ein visited the wounded Indian
ou Sunday, and pronoiinoes it u very
serious case, death buintf probable.
Va ton e ou-ites was arrested ami
brought to ton n Sunday by Deputy U.
8. Marshal Furnish, and is now in jail.
He will have his examination before
Commissioner Tiistin in a lew duys. He
is one of tho richest Indians on ;i reser
vation, has a line house and ruuou i.t tho
head of Sprin lloilcvv, ion! plenty of
ponioH uud niuncy.
Ah hoot uud Mathilla, two oilier
braves, were p.ho arrested Kuuday for
ftirnislnuK Va-tet, t -on -iles with liquor,
and willd'iuhtlt'.s by .np:ct'eil to sutler
the aonseqiKnccs.
All ilium mmsidcicd, i.li.j ttaiion's
wards noli t have such a picnic us for
merly, when all it cost wan a fe v Indian
ponies to murder a troublesome ueiirh
bor, inula warrior could convert himself
into u tire-water receptacle and raise gen
eral Ned without for of attest, ft'. U.
Butter, gilt-e-iued, 20 to 2f cents.
Egu am very scarce. Wanted at 20c.
New potatoes, 2 to 8 cents per tb. Old
Potatoes, I cent pur lb and search.
Chickens, S3 to $4 per dozen, acoordmn
to size.
Several (jood sales have lieeu made
during the past week at 10 cuts per
pound. This is the price for uverago
fleeces of Eastern Oregon. Wool prom
ises to be a better price in a few weeks.
There has been quite a decline in the
flour market within the oust five
Sperry's best grade of Heppuer Hour,
5 bbl, jfHTo per bbl ; retail, 84.00.
tt'siUhurg Peerless flour, t.25 in any
(food beef cattle, 2 to 2,',' cents per
pound; mutton, $2 per bead.
Loin steak, retail, V cents per pound;
round steak, 12' cents; roasts, 10 oents;
boiling, 5 to 8 cents. Mutton, 12f
cents, best quality.
Laud OIHuo al The Ixillea. Or. June lr.. 18RH.
Coinpluint hiiviuK liHen imlcrml at this nllii'ii by
TliHoduro 'I'ex aKaiiiHt t.ilwiii'it Uiinklo for aLmn
ilotiiuK bis homeateiid entry No 'is.'U, ilatosl No
reuiher lr,. 1SS7, uikiii tliu H1, Nl'l1! niul IS!, NW1,
Hw l.'i, Tp 4 ti. It !!." K, iu Morrow county. Or,
with a vitw to the cutii'Hllution o: Baid entry, Iho
Hfiiil paitieHnni herehy aiioiiiioiied lo upimiir nt
IhiHolHet on the lth day of AiisuHl. i. at 1
o'clock p ni. to t'l'Ntiond and furiiinh lemiminiy
'joncHrnum wuidHllesedaliHi.iloiiiBciit. Tho county
olnrk of Morrow cnunty, Or ii itullioii'i-d lo
tuke teMtiinony in thii mm ut llcppucr. Or, on
July '1, IOTJ, nt ID o'clock n ni.
F A McntiNAl.lt, RugiiitBr.
T VV SLtlstlilB. Itoccivcr. 3as-0
Any pcrMoii who ilciarf. to jnorest. tiffainst. tho
allowance of Hitch proof, or who known of any
tuibsUui ial renmit) nncter ttin Inland tin I .utllit-
tions of the liitfi'tor Di'piiniiietit, wny huuIi i
proof ehnnid not h alloweu, will he i:hcn alt opf;
porttinity at tlie Hoove mnt oned time and plnet
to croBH-etiiiniiiR the wilufftHiiH of hhmI cluimun-(
and to ollor evideneo in rebuttal of ihac iiibra't- .
ted by cluiiuuut. i
a-ifi-lo V. A. MoT)o:;.M.n. lietfihior.
Land OIliccntTho l):iiles. Or.. Muy 81, 'Ml.
Notice in hereby (tiviui that the following named !
settler hue tiled notice ol his ittieution to make
final proof in Hnpport of his chiitu, and that aidd I
proof will be made before the county ,iuilt(e of 1
Morrow county, at Ibijipccr, Or., on -hdy
1KN, viz:
)Viltiani Gi uliani,
lid. 2J12. for the HKU NK. B.-c. IS. and Hii NW'i
N WU HW l See 4, I'll. I ., Ii. 2", K.
Ho Humes the followiiia' wtt.nel.r-ea to prove
hi continuous residence npoti.ticd cultivation
of, aaiil laud, viz:
11. V. Case, of Il'.'eniii'r, Or.; John Jenkins,
Wiley Mcllee. J. L. Ilcymer. of Kijrlit Mile.
Anv oerson wild desires lo protest tiuaiust the
weeks. I allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
HUllstaill ntl reason, unili-r tile luw eua me regu
lations of the Inlerier Tlepnrtment, why such
proof hIiouUI not be allowed, will be riven an
opportunity at the above mentioned tune and
plnco to cross-examine tho witnesses of said
claimant, and to oiler eviile:t"e in rebu;ta!of that
submitted by claimant.
84-U F . A. MolloWAl.D, Kejrister.
Is complete with the latest improvements. We keep all sizes of the
a vwt AT.folioll Wnfrons.1
Hacks and Buckboanls.
Camp outtlt-j n specialty. Our prices as low as tho lowest for
the class of goods we carry.
Full line of Pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing,
Saddles and Harness.
Portland Kurdish Cement, Lime, Sulphur, Salt, etc., in lots to suit.
All our goods at prices to meet competition with
any town in Oregon.
w. o.
Successor to Minor, Podson & Co.
fjiuuJ OHiiMi nl lifi UriimlH. Or., Juii1 12, 'Mi.
Not inj in hereby k' vn (hut tho t'otNtwiiiff.
nniiiwl HHiilcr huh lik'tt notive uf Iiih inJoution (o
mukti linul proof in Biiitort of limekiln, anil
ttmt Hiiii 1 proof will bo ihmi.h buforn the ottunty
clerk of Morrow comitv, nt Huppiif-r. Or.,
on July 27, lbMH. viz:
John .olHnqvr,
U NoSieTi.fur thn VV". NW, NKL NIV'., VWli
lit1 n hi huh tin following witiU'HHt'M to provehin
uoiitinuuuH ri'sitlciicc upon uud culriviftiou of.
rtui'l IutiiI, vi.:
1) It Juno, llarrio?i Hitle, Pun Staltor, John
Mill, till tt lloppiutr, Oru'nn .
Auy pornon vho ((t.irtiH lo protect HKuitiMt the
ullowuiifK uf hiicIi proof, or who knows of uny
niihntnntii.1 rwiMon, untlffi' thf Inw ami tho muld
riouHofrlin Interior Dupitrrinttut, why hik;Ii proof
Hhoiilti not bii ullowinl, will by Kivea un opportn
nily ut tho HbovtMii.'ntiont'd tiuiH mul pliuv Ut
oruNH-iaitniiiiw tin wil iiomhhh of aut cluinuuit- mui
toolb-rttvidMrn'o in rebuttal "f thut HnbinitUil
by claimant.
H'aiti-31 JfENttY HlNKHAftT, Hl'lfir-tor
Coffin &
nd Arlington.
will t'l'fivt
G e 1 1 ei a I 131ack
well when shot! l)y
i W.int
!1 lillJLS Goods,
Boots, 2 Shoes,
Horsesnoemg Ul w lW alter iq 1st, 13.
TVI ftt looli Com or, Mnlu Street, Heppner,
... f
I 4
n J iii: vv inn',
I'ENDl.KTOW.OrOlfOII. Juno 1, lS8!.
We, tilt uiuiorHiifiietl have employed
Dr. F. 0. Ciiinpbi'll as our family den
tint a uiunber of yrat s mul ohoerfiilly re
coimmMid him iin n firut rlaaH dfiitint.
Wm. Marfiii, noiinty juiltft.
.Inline II. Itnloy. Htulti HiuiUor.
. llOMH'T, ttllt'lifl.
W. F. Mul lo k. uia.vor.
io. A. Ihivtiimn, ronnty rlork
H. I Htuigis, cuihiur, I ni Nutioaul Bunk.
J II. UnbbiiiB, county irwiiiturur.
K. W Vincmit, M. J.
(ioo. W. KinR, M. I.
.1 II. I IV I l)H, M o.
'm. Hi'iijiIh, niorchant.
Iol l.iviMinore, merchant.
lt Moyrtinn, aiHichaiit.
I. . Itotbi-hild, liit-rchunt,
J. M. I-Hit,Mr, lucrcltHiit.
Ki'inl futfH Timtiu, atlornoy yt luw
VV. 1. t'kU-lior. n m muter t-pora luutH.-,
J. I K.Mnoy, O, A 1 fitam Co
H. H Hun.iittln(. oi-wbior I'tMuUctou Tribmio.
Mr. N. K. iJi'Mpunt. cupiUilint.
I amd OIKceat The DulUw, Or.. June U, 'Mt.
No(un) in hert-by i von that the ftllowin-nanM.l
tjeltlor Iihh tiled iiotioe of his intention to (mm
unite iu.il make final proof in ttupport of bin
fluim, anil that Haul proof will bit mnil" bforu
thu ounnty judk'ii of Morrow county, at Hpppner,
Or., on AuiriiHt 3, Ihkii viz:
iiennf Ii. Lefevve,
H.I2IVJ0, fortheS", HW'-i KVVi l. 8fi 17.4
NV m Hoc i, Tp ti 8, It 1!5 K.
H naini'n tli following witneHtiiM to provo liia
ooiiiimioiiH reniiltnit!H upon, atul cultivation of,
mini I mul, viz:
t'rnnk A ttwwnt'y, t'alvin b Kwceney, of Ar
IniKtoii. lr, ('httrh VV Miller, of Fonnil, Ur,
K tif( h ne K Smith, of Louo Koek.
Any perHon who ile.-iirHrt to protent aKuinnt the
allowaiieouf mu'b proof, or who known of any
riubudtiitiiil reanon. undor the law anil the regula
tions of tho Intonor Itepartment, why Buuh proof
uhouUI not bn allowtl, will bit kV'ii au opportu
nity at thu auovB tneiitionrtd time atul place to
eroMH oxamine thewitnerisesof nm(l eluinvitit, and
tootlcr evitl.mce in rebnttul of that submitted
by claimant.
WJ'iU K. A. McDonald, Kttintur,
Tho Celebrated French Cure,
Wnmuital "ApURnnlTINP" or mo," !r
rftv to look iitbir th btiil interHlHof the people,
t i iut?nitetl in the t-uei'it. of ivery inhitbilunt.
It t Itiitt be eupittiliMt ur laborer, ntuck-uwuer or
nbip-herdtir. It ( only notlceH thu tftmeritl
ImplKtiutitrH of the eiiii)iuuuit aud Kantem Ort.
Kou, bt:t devotee much ttpHCtt to llu crvinii of tele
Kmpluc Hewn. While you mini Imvt? thtMlA.KTtK,
yet it doe not nor could nut till tho ulac of tb
uietropniitHii "Wtn-kly rt'Konmn." 1'hm
IMper nt complete in teU tcniphic report editorial
nd ayru'iiltuial iinwH, market report, etc. Tlie
w eetuy m-tjuomHii, with it imitl of jteneral
neww, and the lb opner tiAnrrK, a live, looal
i mi ner. vver alert reuaniinu tho wolfurM l mir
iHH-lion, will keep you well informed. 'i be wtill
tun nmiiey m your
jBiot Kin) Croiiin
ized bodied of for-
prmitted to b-Mnniii ci!i-
arit a, and who have chowu
iv HAnililisv iri fiuitAii ir.iru liuil.f
Mitii dynamite back to their native coan'.r) for
the purpose of uVtttroyiug iunooout pwiplp. fend
who bftTo foully munlerad tlioir mouthem n
they hare fail id to carry ont (heir hollinh plautt,
nnd them will not be in our country lamp pott
and terraph aad tb phone piilen phoukIi to
han tlia mUoretuitt. I auk you. in thr rnm
in tbi. county for soci.lio. Ilk. tl,. Ckn-o.- i lZlZ 1
owi, iuv on uui iu iiMiiiiunjr n mi. nnu arc in
Jurioua to, Ameriaau lntitutionn; ttuit are dan -(ferou
to Amfrican order, deatruoth to Ameri
can principle, repugnant to American ideas and
ihnguatlux to all Aniericann who have any wonse
of juMtic, any regard lor oonsiiUmcy, auy re
apact f or the flftoctity of humau life? Or hava
we room for oetetiea whoaa oflicen contract
with men to commit wholeomla murder, and than
betray their tool, that thej tbemeelrtra may have
mom money too ipend for their own iwraonal
benefit? One-tnlrd of our entire population ie
of foreign birth or parentage, Alien tiaaii and
foreign emblemn float from our public buildiiiK,
mblaeon our etreete and head prooewiionaof the
people. We are cursed with all kinds of for
eign end non-Amcricaa ieeuea, raat un-American
organiiation are held together by the iHsuea of
foreign birth, for the purpoee of pern tua ting
foreign eentimeuU and corrupting the ideai of
or fathere. Anarrhy and the det ruction of ell
Jaw are openly advocated. The riyLt o reform
tfce diaoipline and principle of Home of thane
order i claimed br the aecret oonclnvoR, i vn
to the extent of taking human livee "
The above expreasione era quit onnniKU'nt in
tome reapect and very much the opowi(e m
landOtrice at Tho Dalles (r.. June 10. '89.
Notice in hereby .riven that tlie fullnwinir
liaised eotllur huti ttlod notice of hi.- intent ion to
make hnal nroof in Hinmort of his e uii.i un.l
that eaid pniof will be made before the eotintv
jiuin of Morrow countv. at Heppner, Or., on
July 80, 18S1). vi.
John S. 1 Htfttthum,
Md.ftW. fer the SIC' Sec. a, Tp. 3 B., it. 24 K.
He namea the following witnetiBei to Drove hin
Kverv resident of tlie immenae . 'Mive me of Stlmulanti, Tobacco or Opium, p"""""""". rtwuienee upon, ami cultivation of,
tr tiemmer houlil )ia tim or through vmnl.tnl (...u...!.... i.. . I ".Ml
HeppnerliA.vri'K. II m b aper that never for-
Is Sold on a
to euro auy
form of nervout
disease, or any
disorder of the
Loo At Thin
territory Htirrotimhiiit Heppner
ii ns of uitber mcx whether ariaine from the
I,iindOlHcoitThel.ialler.(r., May 81, IRNfl.
Notiee ih hereby tjiven tnut tii') following- j
named settler luw fih'd notico f bin intention
ttt maktj fuml pi'oof in tuppnn of bin elniiu, anil
that Hiiitl proof will be mail'? before, the county
judo of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on j
.tuly lo, l mi. vi,:
Jtinien J, McCr?'!,
Ihl. 12ti, for the N'i N E Ken, 9, nud VV(i
N VV J-4, Sec. It), I p. 5 H It. 'ti K.
He nainoM the following witneweM fo iirove 'ih
continuous re.-iidoiicii upon, and cultivation of
miid liintl, viz:
Kreil Foppen, J. A. Ai1;iuip, K. H. Dic'rens,
Jainea JIiiiiih, all of llardmati. Or.
Any perrinn who ilemres to pro tout iiainwt
tho nllovvancH of mum proof, or who known of
any Hubntaiilial retiHon, under the law and the
reiulntioi!n of thn Int'Mior D'-pnrtmotit, why
Huob proof hli.Hiul not be hIIowi.-iI, will be kivhh
an opportunity at tlie uhovo nnMifi(iud timeaiid
plnco to croHH-t-xamine the witnet-HeH ot biiid
elaimant, and to olh r cviilenr.n in rctiullul of
that Hubmilted by claimant.
a'4-iU n u.rw..- -o -'--.'"--
fjind (KKroat LatJrnnde. Or., Mav If), 1K89.
NoMeo in hereby iven that tbu fol'owinB
noinHd tiettlnrhaH filod notice of his intention to
make final proof in tmppoit of hit) claim, and
thut said proof will be made "before the county
cloik of Morrow county, at i ("poiior, Or., on
July 8, INN, viz:
John If. Johnson
Dh. No. 775il, for the KWH Hto. 3, Tp. 4 It, 27
K. W. M.
He natnes the fellowinf witneflsoi' to prove bin
oontinuouH roiidcuca upon and iMiltivution of,
aid land, viz:
Ii. J. Hill, of Hop pner. Or.,. Terry Phillips, of
l.exiiiffton. Or , J, VV. Jepu, liobeit JJexter, of
Heppner, ( r.
Any pertton who deniron to protest against thu
auowaiuyoi kiicIi primi, or who know of any
Biiiiiuiiiimi reteeni. iiii(nr i n inw.t ana (lie V
inbiviia uV uia imciiUI I fHO i,ti1ll, Wliy HU4M1
proof ahould not bo allowed, will bo given an !
opportunity ut tho above mentioned time and
claimant, nnd .to otler ovidence iu rebuttal of OS NlOSV U J I'll !! 2'toil, CSS Cft-lift
. .'oniitteaiiycaiuint. , A,,;,;, Iltl liit ltl -A. ir..
owti tiKMtv Iunkhaht, Keifietor. ' ""((. '( n fin it fr a u: uuhli .
, implkmknts,
, (.ilasswark, Guns,
kry, Station kry,
in h tirat-cliins stra, null on
E. R. BISHOP, Treas.
Moiow 'annir unrj trust co.
. (Incorporated.)
Gen era I Warehouse and Forwarding-
The Conmanu has veci'iiihi mnxt.riif.tcA a. iinn-stnvii
11 warehouse 80 . J0Q feet, with, wool press and all con
veniences for hanillinJ i cool.
Ine If a rehouse Charges at Hen oner will he the same
vv rrrrl
Tnke ynnr Prescriptions t.n
Nxt door to Insezer A Thompson's hiiiilwiirs sture, Heppuer, Oregon
Who keeps ou hand b Freah Stock of
His Lilc nl
Are the Best.
Bargains in Pnlnta, Oils, Ivto.
1 .and Ofl.cn nt liiiHrnnde Or., May 15, lHtt.
Notice in hereby kivou tlmt tho fdlowinK
namod Hetiler ban tiled notice of Inn intention to
make final proof in mipport of bin claim, and
that uid procf will be made before tho comitv
judKe, or in his aottonco bfora the county clerk
of Morrow county, at llenimer. Ore , ou iliilytt.
m, vi:
. C. Cressu-ell
Hd. No. for the WH SW1 Sc 29, end V
N W'i Beo. :t5,Tp. S 8., It. 'n K
H iiameH tifefDllowinn witnehtiea to prove
bin continuous rewidwico upon, nud cultivation
of anid land, vi:
8 T. TipptMt, of Liih, Or.. Oliver 1. M. 8im
coko, John Kinney,!'. ('.. IhoinpKou.alt of Hepp.
ur. Or.
Any poreon wliodt-.irot? to proUt aaint tlia
allowuiiou of such proof, or who know of any
ubtmitiat rcniton, umler 1 he law and the regula
tiona of the Interior Department, why hucIi proof
should not ba allnwwl, will be iv-en au oppor
tunity at the above mentiontHi tune and olnce tn
oroB-dianjiiiH tha witneMseM of aaiil claimant,
and to otter evidence iu rbuttnl of that submit
ted by claimant.
llENHY illNEH vbt, Kfttiftter.
train 'C-lrlin&hm
Cash adrancetl upon consignments of wool or
front sr.
same as
wool in
La Flor de Heyneman
AN lUI'llliTER
Street, Nearly Oppotite Minor, Dndmn fr Co.'s Store,
Mnnnfiiotnrer of nd Dealar in
Bedding, Brackets,
Picture Frames, Etc.
Also For Siile
Cheap For Cueli.
1 SST. Mai-lxoLll
-For Bnrgnins in
mots, Glassware, Crockery tats'
iH'kH. rur tim njti w tiii)i, ,r till Juij it, tli. cured by ArimomTiNK.
wmj wii'K'iiiiftii aim nil Mcpiuier IMX.TIK
will unly ctwl ym W Nl fur yi.nr' ttulmoripunii.
i'ln m Htnolly k ctisti ottpr. 1 ttbluiin. ounl-wiMiri
mul ruUttiiiKH pnm!H:l mil not U a,-ci'iimI iiii- I
U-iMi lif .ikh-ihI mruliirmni nt. tlld vuliHt'rihi-r j
inunt riuiw in onlii ti take Hitva-ititip. of tim, 108 Btsvsnium bT
opiHirtumiy ol iMH-urliiit h UuhIibI of rMidius mnl
tor ur a vinsll pnoe.
ortlmiugli joutlifiil InillH'ralluu, over liuiulg.
etHT, it:, mi ll u l oss o! llraiii Towet, Wskrful.
new, Hearing duwu 1'aUn 111 tlie Ilaek, Semillnl
Wenkuesi, llrsleria, Nervous l'roitratlou Noeturn.
al Kniluiona, l eueunluru, bluiueM, Weak Mem
ory, Lorn of l'ower and Imputenoy, wlileli II ne
glected olten lead to premature old age aud inan
tiy. 1'iiee 11.00 n box, 6 boxes lor I.V00 Sent by
mail on receipt ol price.
A Wit ITT EN til'All.VNTKK lor ever) 15.00
order, to reluud tlie money II a l'erniaiiriit
eure li not eReeted. Tliousaudi ol (eitimoulali
Imm old and youug, ol bth aexet, permanently
Circular free. Addrwa
Hulil liy A. 1). JuliuBim
Kists, Ui'Pnor, Ori'nou.
Co., l)ni(-
l here ll 1101111110; wroi in veleotninir
loreintri to our eborae who are good material
for patriotic ciliaeua.
laadi hi saolbet.
Una exuwtne sburall
The Heppnpr Qakettk hits arrnt;eil
t.,r u. .,i..i.i,:,... ....... ...in. .i. .11 ....
"I"' i""t'in mifn w nil IUP ltili- 1
inc piiK'rs ami pi'riuilii'iilN:
The miTiciiH Farmer Hud Gazutth ,
pr ) pnr. sa.2a; (hhty t l.ady t .Vni;n
tine, S3 0(1; Detroit Free Press, J'.'.UO;
Weekly Oregonian, 3 SO till July 1.
iw urn vi!
W. W. llraunon. J. V. Ib.v.M Kiebi.nl K.,).in. 1
on, Iwwtc Kuiithteii, all of Kiht Mild. Or. t
Any iNtraon who dewn-ento protest atimmt the
allowance of such proof or w lm known f any tuib
l initial reason, under the law ami t :ie nulatiiinii
of the Interior Lenartimnt, why sueh prmf ;
itbou'd not l ailowtnl, will tn given an opportii- '
nny at the above mentiontHi time and place to'
croHs-exHtniue (he witne-we of eaid elaimant, 1
and to onr evidence iu rebuttal of thnt cubmit- !
Ih1 by elaimant,
fiia-ti si F. A. Mo Don ld, Kkoibtkr !
Itirrilssililiifjsss., Etc.
Bis prices are low aa the lowest. 8e fur yourself. Next door to Furniture Store,
Pcmr Wantkd. C. M. Mallnry will
pity tho highest cush prices for scrip.
1'lHce of businoKS, coruor Mbv nml Chase
Wo hav th$ Exclusive Confrofof
luiturc Capitol of the State
of Washington.
Tho very ljitei Siyli junt nveiiied from
1'ortland and San Francisco
Mrs. Warren's
Knsliionulilo Millinery and Ludits
Fiiniinliiiii? Store.
Iok! Icb! II. McFarlrmd. ol I.eiiiiK
ton, will deliver I0 dally in Heppuer
during tho summer months. Cuntrnet
lor the amount you ili-wie, by writing
to Imu at an early date. The price w ill !
be 2 ontB per 111. delivered. I
Thankful (or the Keiieroua lilnMalitv
Henry Gay started this week for the ; and nod will of the people of Heppner
Chicago market with 24 head of horses, j and vicinity in the past, we cordially
Mrs. Gnu. Harriugtou is visitiug relu- j solicit tlieir patronage in the future.
tivm in foi vlloy. I jps. JUARY WARREN".
Lapointe's First Addition to the
City of Ellensburgh.
i m r-m m i n 1 j i i
Mean Plain Business Fair Dealing and
You will find iu their large store the freshest in
all lines of
Staple ami Fancy Groceries. Fruits, Catties, Etc.
Store in Odd Fsllows' Hall, formerly oooupied by First Kati jnal Bank.
t . :.. o. i u f
Mm, tfoa't Nm to ofvr fittt to till tsls
atH.ftrlUtM8ttlllA0e. lutr Cam tout
Parties wishino' in purchase choice lots at reasonable i
prices, ana prowrit riur win increase greatly in
short time, will please call on
A. SNOW, Agent,
contracts and oive full infor-
! F-
! Who will
mat on
! mir wbidiissiod
heppner, Oregon. I Heppner, J une o, lbbU.
Gash Advanced Upon Consignments !
' Addvoea 117 Fodevul Street. Boston. Maes-