Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 20, 1889, Image 1

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i y f
y-y :
NO. 326.
'.t f.(ltmr ymr, ftir nix inontli. $WS
or months: in lulvnnuM.- If imiil for nt the
tiJ of ix-uiii!tli8, $2..V a year will be clmrtfiti.
t iirjli, ini,'l(. citiamn, per month $ l.W
:U " " " " i JiOU
S " 8..-y
X 15.UO
Lwnl advertising Ute pr line. Kch wuW
tti unut i:!rtioii at hnlf rules. tSpociut raltt will
be clmrKwd for personal 'Mk hh1 tiolit.cul hIunIi.
i inches.. .
"4 column
t ovornnr
rSec. uf Htitc
1 rwimer ".
'niA. li.tn ruction. .
.u1k'' beveiitli District
i"?itf rict Attorney
fl. tVitiioyer.
..... W. McHride.
. W. Webb.
..K. B. McKlroy.
J. H. Hird.
W. U.EIlio.
JoiiilSmif-tor J. P. Wiiicr.
i";)rt'Hentntive T. K. tell.
oniyJuiiure Wm. Mitchell.
i 'oinniirtftioiiciH J. K. ftly. J. A.
Clf'rk .- 1j. Andrews.
; - fclwriff T. K. Howard.
" TiviiBin-pr Noble.
Aefaor J. J. Mc'inn.
fjui'voyor JuljuB Ke thlny.
ch(Hi) Hup't -..J. H. Ktiil-y.
dimmer A . .1 . ttbobtf.
Mvot v ...Henry Hlaokuiar.
t tMHU'limfK . ..Nl-Iiwii ti.WAH, J. W.
Morrow. K. L. Mot look, (itforpe Noble, J. B.
- Mattel unit W.J. AlcAlet.
ItwordH ....ft. W R?a.
I rw,ui.M SV.J.IrfWZei.
Mnrslmi Ueorjro Bitters
Doric Lodgr No. 20 K. of P. meet ot-eryTiiP'-diiyeveiiiiiKHt
7.S0o'click in 1.
O. l. K Hull. Sojourning brother cor
dially invited to attend.
P. O. Robo, C. C.
K. K. dWlXBUHNE, K. of U. & S.
The W. C T. U. of Heppner, meetB every two
woekti on Haturduy afternoon al 3 o'clock, in the
Baptist church. Mus. W. It. Kllis,
Mrs. Otis Pattkrroh Prenident.
Absolutely Pure.
Thin iiowlcr nover vnries. A marvel of purit'
rtti-Hnt'tn urd wholftHomt.itess. More HCunomiOHl
than the ordinary kindn. and ennnnt be sold in
competition witli tho multitude of low test, nhort
weiKlit, olutrl or I'lioHplmtH powdnrn. Sold ONLY
limn, KUKAL UAKINH POWDlil! t'O..
gU-XXl ll Wall Htrpat. N. Y.
I and Office at LaGrande. Or., May 15. ias9.
NoticH ia hereby Kvvn that the following
named rtetllpr ha tiU'd notice of her iaten tion U
makenni.1 proif in support of her e aim, and
that Haid proof will bn iiiade before the county
clerk i f Morrow county at HMppner, Op., on
July 2, 18-9, vi:
Emma Kikup
D. No. 8:99. fortheNWK 8eo. 14, Tp. 2 H., H
i- E.
Bhe liames the followint: witnesseM to prove her
contit uouh residence upon and cultivtiou of,
ead land, viz:
t'alvin Fountain, of Heppner, Or., John Wad
dell. Peter Smith, Kitt Hayes, of Lena. Or.
Any person who desires to tprotor-t SKairst thi
allowance of tuch proof, or uho knows of any
snba antial reeson, urder the law and the regula
tions of the Interior Department, why such,
proof should not be allowed, will he given an op.
portunity at live above mentioned time and plaee
to cross-examine the witnesses of said cla mailt,
and to offer evidence in rebutta of tiiai submit
ted by eluiinaat.
HENtlY Kinkiiaiit. Ke?i.",,,;i
Tears, imd are well miS favurnbly known
many residents of Heripner. Mr. ud
Mrs. McOiulcy never fail to please the
oxxxo people, and will no donlit sho-v to a
Agent for Jarris Conkling Mortgage Trrst Co.iro u"use "ext Monday night.
b t o j 'p. v. Marslmll and E. Miuur wero
Office in First National Bank, Arrested last Monday naomii); nt the
Heppner, Oregon. instigation of A. H. I'vuon, (or violating
; the Sunday law. Mr, Marshall stood
vt. W. ItiljA, trial by jury find whs olnred. Mr.
Attomey-a t-Law,
- Notary
Minor's ease was diamifsed, he paying
.half the costs ami Mr. Ty?iou the re
al) ( mainder
Justice of the Peace. The well known dentist, Dr. Campbell,
HEI'I'NliE OGN. may be found in Dr. Vangbn sorhoefor a
' hort time, where he will he pleased to
Berve all in need of artinoial teeth, gold
or silver fillings for preserving the
natural teeth, or teeth extracted. The
Jootor oomes well reoommended as one
f the best dentists m the country.
T nit fi. W. Tiurrahum 4
Albnny, Or. Notary Public, ileopner,
Attorneys At
m mm
Will practico in all courts of the State. Loans
made on patented land. Insurance and collec
tions promptly attended to.
Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner.
A.tto nev-at - Law
TNotary - - - Public,
, Project fin; Attorney for Seventh Ju
dicial District.
Will give prompt attention to an untl
all bushiem entrusted to him.
wFFlCF. on Main Street, over Liberty Mar
Cornish & Jayne,
Criminal Detenoe A
Sjieolr ilt,v.
Cifj Hotel,
PofViflf fthnn !
In Die
West Main St., Heppner.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Vay 18. 1889.
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named settler has tiled notice of his intention ti
make final proof in support of his claim, an
hat said proot will lie made belore the count:
clerk n Morrow county, at Heppner, dr., oi
July 11, Mfc9, viz:
James I. Webster
Ds. tOtl for the 8EU 8BH Fee. 85, Tp. 9 8., B
31 K., and B', NE', and Lot 1, tjec. 2. Tp. 4 H., K.
aen. w m.
He iiiones the following witnesses to prove hn
continuous resideuce upon and cultivation oi.
said land viz:
James lolbert, A. ti. faamnge. John
W. H lth.ull of lljpp.ier. Or. , .
Any person who denres to protest against tin
allowance of such proof, or who knows of an)
substantial reason, tindei the Jaw and the regula
tions of the Interior Iiepartment, why euih prooi
should not bo allowed, will be given an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned time and place ti
oioss-ejiunine the witnesses of said ehii-iinnt,
and to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by claimant.
822-37 V. A. McDonald, Register.
he Cost of the 'riv.ii ; ire
Swept -Vi.:r t tie.
n Average Insurance of Acout sPe' Cer t
The Peopie Decide That They Cannot
Spare the National Guard.
The Withdrawal of the Militia Followl hy
Lawltss SitD'S.
So'tiec' the Sa'es Stood tlu T-.-st and Ot!.ers
failed---Resumption of Business.
Skattlr, June 11. A careful canvass
reveals the situation in this oily us fol
lows: Tho business men are almost en
tirely without store-rooms, but are pnt
tiut,' up tenls iu which they will be able
to dispose of their wares until moie
suitable quaiters cau be erected. This
element of our oitizens are abundantly
able to take care of themselves.
There are it largo number of people in
the city including dorks, etc., with and
without families, who have lost their nil,
und n large number of persons also who
are destitute and without f iod or shelter,
except what is given tliem. These people
are being cured for the best way possible,
but as it will be some months before
they can be supplied with houses, any
contribution in the shape of bedding,
food and household goods of all kinds
will be most acceptable.
A labor bureau is being organized, and
it is only a question of a few days until
all who want can hud work. Those who
have uo visible means of support, and
wlio will not work, will be ordered to
leave the city, aud if they don't, will be
arretted and summarily dealt with.
Restaurants are starting up all over
6 the city, aud those who have money cau
rciiudlYwd, plain though it may be. The
1 city will be rebuilt at once, on it grander
J old better scale tliau ever. Contracts
uave abeady been let for numbers of
Alctrge brick buildings, and inside of one
Vyc.ir Seattle will doubtless be a better
,tud greater city than before.
The relief committee has fuil charge
of nil contributions, which will be used
in the best manner possible.
Quite uu amount of funds will be re
quired to tide us over, but liberal dona
tions of money, liich are ueiug grate
ullv received, will enable us to relieve
k the most needy.
Ilia weather is good, and will preveut
much suffering to those who are without
The gratitude of Scuttle to those fel
low countrymen who have been so
liberal to her iu her suffering, is un
bounded, und will never be forgotten.
J. R. Lewis,
Chairman Relief Committe.
The Tonsonal Artist,
Is located next door to
THE atlocks
Heouner, Oregon.
Land Office at I .aO ramie, Or., May 7, '89.
Noticu in heryhy given that the fullowinK
named nottler has tiled notice of hin intention ti
commuto and make final proof iu enppor of hit
claim, ami that paid proof will marie hefur
the county clerk of Morrow county. Or., ui
Heppner, Or., on June 3, lHxy, viz:
Joseph B. Kelson,
Hd. No. 4218, for the N WJ (tec 23, Tp. 5 S, li
K. W. M.
HanamestlmfoHowiDR witnofww to prove hi
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of.
Haid land, viz: n
Waylai d K. ( tiriey Rylvotiter W. Horoon. Fred
Buckhart and um. warren, an oi neppner, ur
Ai y person wh j desireft U protest aaiiist th
allowance of such proof, or who knows of anj
BubHtaiitial reason, under the law and the reu
latioiis of the interior Dopartuwnt, why sucl
proof should not b allowed, will be iven at
opportunity at tli alxve-nintioned time an
place to cross-examine thu witi of sai-.
claimant and toofter evidence in rebuttal of ttitr.
submitted by claimant,
821-01. IIknry IUnehaiit. Kemetnr.
L I B E li T Y
McATEE BROS., Proprietors.
Lr stautly on hand at reasonable prices; also
1 bologna and pork sausage, head oiieese, etc.
New Ked t rout. Main street, Heppner. 178
OrMaifozlne You Want
Land OMico at La Cfrande, Or.. April in, 'H .
Notice is hereby niven that tlie fnllowmfE-name':
settler haw fileu notice of his intention to mak
tinal proof iu sti import of his claim, and that anit
proof will be nuide before the county jude
or in hiKfthtnurA hcfarR the county clerk of Mor
row county, at Heppner, Oregon , on July b.
18y, viz:
ba Nn 9Qftt. forth. N4 SKU KWi 8R?4 Sec.
2tl. and NW4 NK4 Hec. Vi, Tp. 8., it. 27 K.
He names tne totiowum witnesMOB 10 pruvr
hiH continuous residence upon, and cultivation
Will WainriU(?e, n. limiUKH, r.. r . v nuip-
bell. W. M. Ituh, all of Heppner. Oreifon.
Anyperaim who desireM to proiesi aainsi me
Inwance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under the law and the regula
tions of the interior depart ment. why such proo!
should mt be allowed, will teiven an oppnu.
n.fv at ihn iitmvn inMii HifiM ii me ana uiuce IT
cros-exa:nine the witnesses of aid claimant.
and to ottiT evnlt-i.ee in remittal or mat suomu
ted hy claimant. .
By Uettiou your Painting and Papering Done by
. R. A. FORD.
A Specialty Shop. First Do ir South of Brewery
President. CasUie
Made ou Favorable Terms.
Opposite Minor's H.'tel,
it . A. UHEA.
IVhen the Militia Vfre Withili-uun t M..h
look tosNeshlon. (
Seattie, June 11. It wus deided this
morning by M iyor Morau thut the militia
could be withdrawn, lis they lire entirely
worn out by their arduous duties, and
many militia meu are becomiug anxious
to return home and care for their busi
ness iutereets. The city was placed in
charge of the police, and the militia was,
tor the time, released from duty.
The error of such a oouise was qiiiokly
demonstrated. As soon as it was fouud
ii.it the militia was off duty, hundreds
f people began to Hock into the burnt
iistrict and dig into the ruins. The
police tried tocomb.it the movemeut ani
ve the crowd out, but were utterly
nable to accomplish anything. Some
toughs found some whisky in the vicinity
f A. P. Hotnling & Co.'s late wholesale
liquor house, and they broke open the
iii rels aud begau to un'uba freely. Ihe
.lice tried to drive them away, but
mill do nothing.
Then Mayor Mornn saw the mistake
if withdrawing the gunrd, and he ap
pealed to Colonel Haines to drive ou
'lie mob and restore protection over the
ourut district. Two details of troops
were promptly made, and oue entered
the district from the north and the other
from the south. They fixed bayonets,
aud throwing out skirmishers, advanced
toward each other on quick time.
The crowd paid no attention to the
skirmishers, but when the military ad
vanced with fixed bayonets great con
sternation prevailed amougst the toughs
aud they fairly flew for safety.
The National Guard is again in charge
of the oity. How loug their services
will be needed can not be guessed.
Without Health can
not be enjoyed.
' . , e- a i -rri n c c Tn or n
It ii the b.st helper to llahli ana .,u.t..i.-.
cure on Earlh. Lse it in t.me lor al taw of
the Stomach, L'v, kidne- and faL.n. II
cures Rh umalism. Malaria. Coated Tongue
and Headache, relieve, Const pation, Bi..ous
nes and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out d
Oie Blood ancf dr.es up old Sores. The Lus.nr.s
mil. buy it, the Work.Kn,en use ?M"f L'e.
take it the Children cry font and thv l arroert
say it is trior best health preserver.
4old vwlu!lc, Jl.ce bottle; u for J co
lli 0 wharf where the steamboats land.
The bill is S) steep at th it piint tliat it
is impos ilile to get a team to the lop,
and passongers wade through dust a half
foot deep.
The Saloon-keepers Ura.ntlun Vkclr En
torcril lillrness.
Skattlb. June 12. Two hundred me:
wore put to work by the city to-tlny
upon reoommendation of the general re
lief committee. They were placed ii
charge of Col. Haines, of the First regi
ment, und will be engaged on the strict
in cleaning brick, etc. They will b. pnii
i per day end will lie ohiTgcd 15 err.'
for every m! tnki n nt the armory.
Two bundled Ilnlian l.iborrrs.broiii-'i
here for work on Ihe Seattle, Luke Shot.
& Eastern by Contractor Ehman to-iln; ,
ttentoiitou u strike because the cos
tractor refused to pay two boys fn!
wages. Then they went to the nrmor
where they expected they would be fe
during the strike, but the relief com
mittee issued orders that they were, to
have nothing to eat there, and the prob
ability is that they w ill have to go i
work again. '
It is noteworthy that during the past
week there have been but thirty arrests
by the police alone, about one-half the
usual number. Of these twenty fivt
were drunk nnd vagrants and five lar
oenists. The decreased number is due
to the absence of saloons and the pres
ence of the militia.
The snloon-keepers of the city thought
they would hold a mass meeting to day
to protest against the aclion of the au
thorities in shutting np the saloons.
They would have held a meeting, but
only five or six were present, and so
they decided to postpone it till evening:
but only seven could be found who oonld
be persuaded to assemble.so the evening
meeting was postponed until to-morrow
To-night about 10 o'clook a sentry
back of the old Safe Deposit building
saw a man npproaoliing him on his hands
and knees. When a halt was ordered
the man heeded not, but crawled stealth
ily on, and go the guard fired. Then the
man, with a cry, jumped to his feet and
rushed down to the water and jumped
into the buy. The authorities were
aroused and n vigorous search was made
for the marauder, but he could not be
found. The guard, however, declares
positively that he shot the fellow, and
thut he must have drowued when he
jumped iu to the water.
The promptness with which 'he fire
insurance companies who suffered losses
in the fire are making adjustments and ,
issuing checks is meeting with ti e com
mendation of the local press. The fol
lowiug, from the Post-Intelligencer,
oonoerniug one of the Portland local
companies, is sufficiently explanatory:
'"Two represutatives sf the Paoific
Fire Insurance Company, of Portland,
Or., arrived on Saturday morning, and
at once proceeded to adjust the compa
ny's losses. Mr. J. T. Armstrong re
ceived a check iu full payment of hi
IUM UUHfp;V;-, ; ; jd
thn esrliost DS vment made by rtuu,."ii
companies. This prompt action on the
part of the Portland local is an example
that should be followed by the other
companies rfitereBUd."
All the restaurants are doing a rush
ing business and the few hotels are em
barrassed by applications for rooms.
An unknown man was this morning
found in an unconscious condition on
Union street. He was brought to the
Armory, where it was found that he had
taken a dose of laudanum. He died
there. An inquest will be held to-mor-
p.iA.nt. Vics-Prasiilent.
George II'. Corner, Cashier.
Transact S General Banking Easiness
On all parts of the world
Bought and Sold,
ColleiUons H1e at all print on P.ea
ionoble Terms.
1150,000 to loan on improved
farms at 8 ptr ceut
Druir, Grocery
Morrow County
11. G WILLS,
IONR, Oregon.
PranolBoo, Calm
Glimpses of the Ilurnt District and Scenes In
the Keller Tents.
Seattle. June ll.A German named
Arth went insane at the relief head
quarters this morning, while eating. He
was a laborer, aud had seen his effects
burned up in the fire.
It is probable that the Tacoma guard
will be relieved to-morrow, aud return
home ou Thursday. It was thought
their services could be dispell ed with
to-day, but the moment tlie guards ware
taken off, the crowds rushed iuto the
burned district aud they were again put
on duty.
Tue opening of tiie a ifes :.i-di showed
that so oe were wortuleis and. others
first class in every respect. The large
ifeof tne Fri'Ou Bnm. was opened. It
waa full of gold ami silver watohes, jew
elry and dia.n nidi. Everything was ail
right except hav.ng been somewhat
sweated. Tue if m i i a b it tire, as
it had bern warped aud burned badiy on
th outsi If). T.ia imj k ud of Male wss
in Tjklas 4 Sio ,'enn.io's San Frunoisco
store. Everything in tb.9 site was do
tniye 1, but the a-tant says the safe was
not locked wueu the lire struck the build
ings. The only street cir line running is the
Electric M id, and tha cars are packed
with people going to and from Lake
TJn'on 4n I Q leea Anne town.
WorkniUHM b iv trying to get the
t'rout strset and Ihe Mill and Jackson
tireet lines iu running order.
Great lucouvtmeuse ia experienced, at
A st'itemeut of the losses in the fiie
can probably be furnished to-uiorrow.
Many workman have been engaged to
night in blowing down the w ills of ruins
that were yet st nding.
To-day the skeleton of a human hand
f,.oml in the ashes at the San Fran
cisco store. It is doubtless a part o( the
remains of Firemau Derby, who lost Ins
life during Ihe fire.
Part of Ihe queue of a Chinaman, with
oue of the vertebra?, was louua ui-u.ij,
at Wah Chung's store ou Third street.
The bone of a skeleton wasting up back
of the Eureka house. It ia thought to
bave beeu a Chinese oook employed there.
attle Merchants Proctected liy Less than
25 Per (flit. Insurance.
Skattlb. June 13. The loss by the
fire of one week ago to-day was aoout
810,000,000. Oue thousand business es
tablishments of various kinds were
burned out. A compilation has been
made of all who lost over $rOV)0. The
Oregoniaa publishes the following list:
J. A. Hatfield, commission merchant.
Like Union Furniture company.
Harms 4 Dickman, liquors.
Seattle Lumber & Coal company.
Puget Sound Tea company.
W. A. Hasbrouok k Co.
J. H. Meyer, liquors.
O. Davies h Co., books, etc.
H. Rosenthal, clothing.
O. Marks 4 Co , furuishiug goods.
Beede 4 Co., Palace restaurant.
Beede & Sinclair, saloou.
C. Goldstein, hatter.
Stuart 4 Holmes Drug compauy.
Alhert Hansen, jewelry.
fj. Baiter 4 Co., commission.
Nerthwestern Cracker company.
Z. C. Miles, stoves, etc
The A. P. Hotiilmg company, liquors,
M. A. Kelly, drugs.
G O. G.iv. drug".
U. Hershberg 4 Co., furnishing goods.
E. Lobe 4 Co., bazaar.
8t.iver 4 Walker, agricultural imple
L. Harris, clothing.
John Collins, Occidental hotel.
Harrington 4 Smith, groceries.
F C. Young & Co.. fur goods.
Raymonl, Egge.t 4 Co.. wholesale
boot 8 ,
H E. Levy, bazaar.
P. H. Gallagher, drugs.
Seattle Electric Light company.
S. E. D.ivis, clothing.
Adam Orth, boots.
W. P. Boyd 4 Co., dry goods-
Lowrn ..n 4 Uanf ,rd eriniit company.
Stetson Post, sawmill.
A. Laviii 4 Co.. cigats.
Charles Fr isch, grocer.
Doxler, Uortoa 4 Cj., bit. bid
Fisch r 4 McDonald, grocers.
W. U. Humphrey A Co.. lawks.
Kline 4 R8eub(-rg, clothing.
Seattle Steam Candy works.
Si'hoeniield & Hayman, furniture.
J. U. Smith, boots.
N. A. S inborn 4 Co., oomuiibsion,
J. Schram, shoes.
Hall 4 Paulson, furniture.
D.itiiol Lang, clothing.
The Kosenfeld Smith company, cigars.
Post-Intelligencer Publishing com
pany. Chrstor Cleary.
Seattle Upholstery 4 Manufacturing
limes Publishing company.
Seattle Hotel company,
f. M. Column, buildings.
Geo. F. Frye. opera house.
Watson C. Squire, buildiugs.
Manning & Buck, furniture.
0. li. White & Co., jewellers
J. Sullivan.
Hillory Butler, building.
Strnve, Haines 4 McMicktu.lawoffiee.
Scuttle Co-operative store.
Smith 4 Wndleigh. Bijou theatre.
-L. S. A E. R. R. depot and wharf.
Lauren Ingels, real estate.
Front Street Cable.
Oregon Improvement company, ooaJ
hunkers and wharves.
City of Seattle.
Charles Hopkins, buildings.
Levy Bros., cigars.
M. Kohn. building.
F. E. Sander, buildings,
M. M. Keating, paints.
Kellogg & Co., drugs.
John Look, iron works.
Kuelshiner Bros, liquors.
II. L. Lewis, fancy goods.
Avery, Kirk & Lansing.
Zan Bros., woodenware.
Smith Bros. 4 Butler.
Haines & Sihweder, salonu.
M. 4 K. Gottstein, liquors.
Seattle Hardware company.
Seattle Safe Deposit company.
Hardy 4 Hall, guns, etc.
Gordon Hardware oompnny.
Swnbacher Bros. 4 Co., groceries.
Fredericks & Maud, commission.
Toklas, Singennnn 4 Co., dry goods.
N. Cliilberg & Son, groceries.
L. A. Green.
J. A. Bnllnrgoon 4 Co., dry goods.
O W. Lynohdc Co., furniture.
Feccard 4 Isaacs.
H. L. Yeelcr, buildings.
Seattle Steam Candy Works.
James Campbell, hardware.
Doheny & Marum, dry goods.
Kred Mnroo blacksmith, etc
Simison Bros., bonis and shoes.
Gordon Bros, tailors.
H. L, Yesler, wood, ooal and lumber.
Franeulhal Broa
Washington Iron Works.
Mornn Bros, founders.
11. Rengstotf, boots, etc
II. C. McLaughlin.
A. Fortlotus 4 Co., liquors.
S. Kenny, dry goods.
Mechanics' mill.
Tony 4 Tate.
" Seattle Improvement company, bunk
ers and office.
Seattle Coal A Iron eompnny, bunkers
und office.
Cedar Mountnin Coal company, bunk
ers and office.
Snntlln Construction omnnanv.
Knapp, Burrell 4 Co., agricultural im
New England hotel.
Arlington hotel.
Brunswick hotel.
Los Angeles hotel.
Minnesota house.
Miss Foster.
Methodist Protestant church.
Trinily church.
Union block.
Kcnnv block.
Safe Deposit building.
Starr block.
Post building.
Harms 4 Diekmnn.
Seattle Hardware building.
Ponoin block.
Isaac Parker.
Marshal Brick.
Total loss. 80.65. 1()4.
Total insurance, $1,7B7,100.
mm in jail
Ihe Irish Leader Charffud With
Complicity in the Murd.t
of Iron in.
The Crime the Ooutcome of the C!an-na-Gael
They Are Finally I'lelcasfd-Many Startling
His Friends Tryinx tn Obtain Ills Release
Front Jail.
Cuicaoo, June VI. Alexander Sulli
van declined to see callers this morning
xcept his law partner, aud none of the
hord of curious persons nhogaiued ad
uiittnnce to the cage were able to get a
glimpse of him. To a friend who sent
him a uote from the jail office, express
ing unshaken confidence in him and a
firm belief in his innocence, the ex-presi-dei.t
of the Irish National League re
turned the following reply:
"I am very grateful for your kind
words. Time and the truth will justify
you in their use. Sinoerely.
Alexander Sullivan."
This morning A.,S. Trude and others,
Sullivan's friends, held a consultation
with Judge Tulley, but the nature of t
none would reveal. Mr. Trilde, however,
said that a writ of habeas corpus 'vould
be npplied for.
This afternoon Sullivan made an ap
plication by his attorney, returnable at
4 o'clock, for a writ of habeas corpus. It
asserts that the verdict of the coroner's
jury is insufficient for his commitment
ithont bail, and that though a large
amount of extra legal evidence waa
taken by the ooroner, no testimony eufrl
cient to justify his incarceration was
produced, and his imprisonment is the
result of passion and prejudice. Ho de
clared that he is entirely innocent of
any connection with Cronin's death.
After listening to the petition, Judge
Tulley issued the writ its prayed for, re
turnable at i P. M.
Judge Tulley this afternoon annuuoed
that he would read the testimony taken
before the coroner's jury in the Croiun
murder oase, and decide whether or not
there was enough evidence to hold Alex
ander Sullivan without bail. He will
nnnounoe his decision Friday forenoon at
10 o'clock.
It will pay all those wanting anything in the line of
To call upon or correspond with
New Market Block, Portland, Oregon.
We carry the largest stock on the Pacific Coast. We guarantee
our goods the best.
Quality Considered.
n addition to our already well-known Ifues oi Vlow ,
Implements of all descriptions, We onll bpeciai Att
impire Mowers, Reapers and Binders,
I. Case "Agitator" Separators and Woodbury Horse
Specialties we mav mention our Dutton Mower Knife Grinder.
ing Machine. Sherwood Steel Harness, Farm, Church and School 1
eve Uiun and atumo Maonine, r run ,vaioraiors. iiuer Alius, w e Have
kind of mnohiuery needed by the Farmer, the Stuokmau, the Orcbardist and the
Saw Mill Man.
Send For Our
Illustrated Catalogue,
Don't Fail to Cull Upon our Agent,
J.M.HAGER, Heppner, Oreg.
The Enforced Snhrlely at Seattle Continues-
Seattle. June 16. One thousand la
borers were paid off at the Armory t'
day by Captain Carr, as head of tlie
labor bureau, for work done in behalf of
the city. Tho men were given sums
from Stl each down for work done during
tho t.uut three davs. Some had worked
Appearances book Durk Agninst Maroney and
CHiciAao. June 12. A etrong chain of
circumstantial evidenoe has been wound
round John J. Maroney, under arrest
n New York on suspicion of being ceu-
nected with the murder of Dr. Cmniii.
The story as given by the authorities, is
as follows: Photographs were produced
n New York, and these were mixed with
a number of others, and shown first to
Snlesiran Hatfield, of Reveil & Co., who
sold furniture subsequently found in the
cottage where Cronin was murdered.
Hatfield, without hesitation, picked out
Maronev's uhotograph as that of the
man to whom ho sold the furniture
The piotures were then shown to
rurookmorlon, the real estate agent who
rented the room opp site Cronin's office
Throckmorton picked up the picture of
Maroney as the man lo whom he rented
the Mom. Once more the pictures
were shuHled, and this time sho n to
Martison, ho caned tho furniture to
the Carlson cottage, with tho same re
sults. In each oaso tho man had given
his name as J. li. Simpson.
Chief Hubbard says he understands
that Marouey's picture has been shown
to Mrs, Coukliu, aud that she recogniz
ed it as that man who drove Dr. Crouiu
a vay.
Requisition papers were secured from
Governor Fifer, and this morning
Piukerton detective started to New York
with them
A SI'EITAI. liltAND JlltY.
Force Will lie Rrointlit to Hear on Witnesses
liefuslnit to Testiry.
Cuicaoo, Jpu 12. A special grand
jury to deal with the Cronin oase wi
impaneled this morning in Judge Nhcp
since Thursday and others less time ard's court. In addressing the jury,
down to half a day. Each was paid at Judge Shepard said he expected a full
the rate of 92 per day, and the total
amount disbursed was 84,000. From
each man's wages was deduoted fifteen
cents lor everv mcai ranu u oiiu
Armory or relief tent, but nevertheless
the balanoe was satisfactory to all.
The saloons are dosed yet, and these
men will doubtless be able to plaoe to
good advantage the money obtained by
toil. There have been many abstainers
in Seattle during the piwt ten days and
a consequent absent of drunkenness.
Many worshippers at Baoohns' ahrine,
however, have fonnd a paradise of gin
near the race-trnok outside of the city
limits, Bnd weary pilgrimages that are
daily made thither have rendered the
read leading over the Grant street
bridge a drnuk and dusty monument to
their thirsty devotion. There are three
saloons there and they do a smashing
business. One man from eaoh ia kept
busy continually hauling beer on i
wheelbarrow from the adjoiuing brewery
and still they have a hard time filling
the demand. The race-track ia also the
rendezvous of a great many prostitntea,
who were rendered homeless by the fire,
and the houses are crowded to aooom
modate them. A community of vice and
sin bus sprung np and flonrishea there,
and the inhabitants do not alwaya dwsll
in harmony. Rows are frequent and oue
of them onoe gave ocoasion to a report
that a eerioits riot had ooourred and
several had been killed. Officers were
dispatched to the scene, but they found
everything reasonably quiet aud that the
renort of a fatal turbulence had been
grontlv exagger teu
H:il'Hns arosull forced to annum vi
the proclamation of the mayor suspend
ing tin ir licences, 'and they are growing
natlive uudur the restraint.
r rFsTsR'i - r
mi w '
haiistive nnd impartial investigation
of the murder. The entire resourses
the county, he said, would be at tlie din
posal of the jury, and witnesses wh
would not testify should be made i
do so; the grand jury bad in ita power
to make them do so.
There are two Irishmen on the punel.
W.J. Quan, a well-known wholesale
grocer, aud O'Ncil, ex-couuty commis
sioner. After being charged by the
judge as to their duties they repaired fo
the grand jury room nnd entered upon
the consideration of the oase.
The special venire for the jury was
returned into court by Sheriff Matison
iu person. Hn said that he chose the
jurors by turning to the business part
of the directory and selecting the names
of men well known in particular branches
of business, with special care that uo
one should bo drawn who entertained n
prejudice, for or against the Clan-uu-Oaol.
Judge Shepard appointed John II.
Clotigh forctuini of the jury. The great
est precaution were taken to keep the
proceedings secret, although the jury
aent over tho old ground, and heard
wiluessea who bad already told whut
till-) knew at tin; coroner's inquost.
death, state as our verdict fiom the evidences:
First - That the body is that of Patrick
Cronin, kuonn as Dr. Cronin.
Second That his death was not from
natural onuses, but. from violent moans-
ThirdThat said P. H. Cronin was de
coyed from his home on North Clark
treot on the evening of May 4. 1889, bj
one person or persons to a cottage
nown as the Carlson cottage, situated al
1872 North Ashlnnd avenue, in Lake-
view, Cook oounly, Illinois.
Fourth That at the said oottage aaid
rotiiti was murdered by being beaten
u the head with with some blunt instru
ment or instruments, ill the hands of
inie person, or persona, unknown to lis,
on the night of said May 4, or between
May 4 and May 5, 1889.
Fifth That the body, after said mur
der was committed, was placed in a
trunk and carried to the edge of ihe
ater on a wagon by several persons and
by them placed in a catoh basin, at the
corner of Evanston nvenno and Fifty-
liiuth street, Lakoview, where it was dis
covered May 27, 1889.
Sixth That the evidenoe shows oon
uaively to all minds that a plot or con
Isunv van f.iemoil liu a niimher of oer.
Cronin and concealing his body, said
plot o- conspiracy being deliberately con
trived and deliberately executed.
Seventh We have carefully inquired
iuto the relations sustained oy sum
Cronin to othar persons while alive, to
uscertain if ho hud any quarrels or had
ado enemies of nny peisoim Buflioient
to oause his murder.
EighthIt is our judgment that no
other pi rsou, or porsous, except some oi
hose who are, or who had been members
if a oei taiu secret society known as the
United Brotherhood, or Clan-Na-Gaol,
had oansed to be the instigators or ex
xccutorsof such plot or coiiirucy to
murder suid Crouiu.
Ninth Muny of the wituesscs teali-
fyiug in said oase have dona so w ith
much evident unwillitiguces, nnd, we be
lieve, .vithmuch mautnl reservation. We
find from the evidtnoe that a unmber oi
persons were parties to the plot und con
spiracy to murder said Crcuin and con
ceal his body, and should be held to
answer to the grand jury. We nlso be
lieve that other persous were engaged in
this plot, or had gnilty kuowledge of it,
and should be apprehended aud held to
the grand jury.
We further state that this plot or con
spiracy in its conception or execution is
one uf the moat foul und brutal that
ever oame to our knowledge, and we
recommend the proper authorities to
offer a large reward lor thediooveryaiid
apprehension of all those engaged m it
in uny way. We further state that iu
our judgment nil secret societies whose
objects are such as the evidcuoe shows
that of the Clan-Na Gael, or United
Brotherhood, to be. are not in harmony
with, and are injurious to America. We
hope that the future vigor and vigilance
by the police force will more than com
pensate for the past neglect by a portion
of the foroe in this case.
k S Crtnhll. Rudolf Seifert. H. A.
Hangau, Victor T. Sutter, John H. Vau-
uousen, Justice miiiau.
render of Maroney nnd McDonald,
charged with the murder of Dr. Cronin.
The governor denied the implication,
without prejudice aud without a renewal
of the same, simply on the grounds that
the application was not accompanied by
an indictment, and that no proof what
ever was presented showing that the ao
oused were guilty of the crime charged
ngaiust them, as required by the laws of
this and all other states.
The application was based solely upon
the alHJavit made upon information and
Tom Desmond Suspected of Being Impll
cated ill the Cronlu Murder.
San Francisco, June 13. Tom Des
mond, an Irish Nationalist from San
Francisco, is wanted by tho police for
supposed complicity iu the butchery of
Dr. Cronin. He escaped from the sur
veillance of the polioe in New York Mon
day and the Pinkertons are after him.
Woodruff, the liorsetlilef, Is the Boss Liar.
Chicago, June 16. Woodruff makes
two mote ceufeBsions. He has proven
himself to be the king of liars. Every.
father, has left San Frnuoisooand is sup
posed to be on his way to Chicago. Mrs.
Black is very much worried over the con
duct of her son.
A Fugitive From Chicago Captared at Wiiinl
WiNNisriia, Jnne 17.- Lust night the
chief of police arrested Martin Burke,
alius Delnucy, w anted for oomphcity in
the Cronin murder. Ho was bo irding
the Eastern express nnd had a ticket
for Liveniool.
Men Sent Front flilriigo Failed to Identify
them Annum Other Prisoners.
New Yokk, June 17 The three meu
who enmo from Chicago for the purpose
of identifying Maroney or McDonald as
principals or accomplices in the murder
of Dr. Cronin, viBited the tombs this
morning. Tlie suspeots wore placed iu
line with a score of other prisoners, and
the Chicago men failed to identify them.
The Police Consider the Arrest the Most Im
portant Yet Made.
Chicago, June )7. The police con
sider the capture of Martin Burke, in
Winnipeg, the most important yet made.
He has beeu identified as the man who
hired the furniture which was moved
from Clarke street, opposite Dr. Cronin's
office, to the Curison cottage, where
Cronin was killed. .Burke is a hot head
ed Clan-ua Gael man, aud comes from
Hatioock, Mich , where DeteotiveCougu-
lin used to live. He has been under
surveillance since the murder, but gave
the detectives the slip last lliursd y.
The arrest was mado ou a telegraphiu
description sent out at onoe. Chief
Hubbard snys tuis capture oomes nearer
to the actual murderer than any yet
ade. "It is a very important am
he added, "aud will be foM f'JJ
III uio .t m
.Sullivan's Friends do Not Think Dels Unilty
Chicauo, Juuo )3.-Rev. Futher Dor
ney expressed himself to-day in believing
that Alexander Sullivan waa not guilty
of any part in the Crouiu murder. H
is of the opinion that tue the ccroners
jury was prejudiced against Sullivan,
and that there will soon be a reaction in
the public mind regarding his guilt
Father Dorney denounces the murder,
but feels certain that much at the news
paper talk originated aud is kept upb)
his personal enemies,
Before Sullivan's arrest many of his
friends did uot care to express them
selves iu bis favor for fear that it would
lie uiisooustrued iuto an attempt to avoid
ullowiug justice to take the propet
course in ferreting out and punishing the
murderers of Dr. Ciouiu. Now that
Sullivan has been arrested they feel free
to express themselves in bis favor.
tiovernor Hill itrfiises to Surrender Maroney
and )1cIIoiiaIiI.
Albany, June 111. -A requisition was
ed, "aud will be foUrTjtf
zf hi
l.f . .17 . ,
ALL O.I-J ..' ' ! ' f
day afterroon l"kf. ' tISf r
teutiary, named Jf li jj 'i '
(Irani Wilson made their i- i '
SU i
tune W-5.
I'he Heath of lir, Crouiu Is Laid at tbe
Hours of the t 'lull-Na-tiael Society.
Cnu'Auo, June 12. At 10:15 p. in.,
after being out five hours and it half, tlie
jury came iuto curt and eonimenced
rending their verdict. The document
ni lmg, hot whs listened 1 1 with marked
. .ii. '1 t.r lolloping is tb full text:
', the umleruighsd jury, appointed
Ii i.afcc inquiries according tola ns to j presented lo Uovernor uiti lo-uay nuui
how tho body viewed by uu ouujo to UU Governor Fifer, of Illinois, for the tur
moil bud Due a siignt
W'heu last heard from last Sunday night,
thev were going toward Portland.
Company A. N. G. W., ordered to
Seattle by tho governor, marched to the
depot this afternoon, headed by the
Second cavalry baud, and with an esoort
of honor from the Walla Walla xouares.
A the depot the onptain read a telegram
countermanding the order to go to Seattle.
The citizens are exercised over Vil
Inrd's attitude toward this seotion,
whiuh has bad the effect of strengthen
ing the frieudli.is toward the Hunt
system. Tlie petition to have a bonua
for SiWkiO authorized by the next
legislature, has now been signed by 1,700
resident cnx payers, of whioh the whole
number is but 1.8J0.
He Will Have s Conference With Van Horne,
of the Northern Pacific.
Taooua, June 17. Henry Villurd, T.
V. Oakes, president of the Northern
Paeittn. and Pan I Schnlae arrived here
tnis evening ou a special train from
Portland. President W. C. Van Home,
of the Cauailinn Pacific, will arrive to
morrow night, for a conference with. VU
lard and Oaken.